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Chapter 373 ancestor worship

Chapter 373 ancestor worship
The next day.

The light rain on the river bank was like crisp, and two fast horses galloped on the muddy official road, heading for Lin'an County City.

Ye Jingtang rode a charcoal red horse in front, wearing a cloak and a bamboo hat, because he was so tall and mighty, he looked like an iron tower running in the rain from a distance.

Fan Qinghe rode a black horse and followed closely behind, surrounded by the slender real Xuanji, wrapped the two together in a rainproof cloak, and did not forget to whisper in a low voice when they were on the way:

"You are also a monk after all, why are you so thick-skinned? Let you help wipe your body..."

"I wiped it."

"Are you wiping your body?"

"Why not? Why don't you ask Ye Jingtang if it's clean?"

"You... spit..."


As the whispers came into his ears, Ye Jingtang smiled in his eyes, and felt that Miss Fan had indeed made a mistake in blaming Shui'er.

In the inn last night, Shui'er looked very conscientious on the whole, but the way he wiped his body was a bit burnt.

For example, when wiping his legs, he rode a towel and rubbed it with a white jade tiger; when wiping his back, he asked him to sit up, put the towel on his chest, and wipe it slowly; , pushed the watermelon for him.

Although it was quite slow to wipe time like this, there was no problem judging from the result, and it also allowed him to experience the unparalleled family status.

It's a pity that Shui'er's starting posture is relatively fierce, and it can be said that he has no strength to restrain a chicken when he moves really. If he loses in two or three moves, don't let it go. If his body is stronger, he may really be able to transform into a succubus and handle him damn...

hooves, hoofs...

Ye Jingtang recalled the experience of last night, and unknowingly crossed the mountain and water road for more than seventy miles, and returned to the vicinity of Lin'an City.

The affairs of Wanghai Building in Xiaoshan Fort are all over, and the next thing is to wait for the New Year, and there is nothing else to do. The three of them originally intended to go back to Jiangzhou City directly, and did not intend to stay in Lin'an County.

But when passing the Dongling Wharf on the official road, Ye Jingtang found a figure standing in a stone pavilion by the river.

The figure was dressed in a green robe and a veiled hat, and the skirt and curtains fluttered with the wind in the river, looking eastward at the distant Dongling Mountain.

Ye Jingtang and Ning'er have been together for so long, and they are too familiar with this cold figure. They recognized his daughter-in-law when they were more than a mile away, and his eyes were full of surprise. The lawn, calling from afar:

In the stone pavilion by the river, Luo Ning looked at the mountain villa where she grew up since she was a child.

Hearing the call from behind, Luo Ning turned her head. She wanted to run quickly, but she didn't want to show Si Lang's eagerness in her heart, so she turned around and faced Ye Jingtang, watching without saying a word.

Ye Jingtang was already used to this appearance, he stopped his horse and landed a few feet away, walked quickly into the stone pavilion, raised the curtain and looked at his cheek:
"Ning'er, why are you here?"

Luo Ning pressed down the hand that raised the curtain, frowned slightly and said:

"There are acquaintances around here, don't move... I heard that Long Zhengqing was going to fight, so I came here to see if you are seriously injured."

Ye Jingtang spread his arms and said with a smile, "It's just a skin injury, there's nothing wrong with it."

Luo Ning took a careful look, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the two people coming from behind.

Master Xuanji also saw Luo Ning, and when Ye Jingtang ran past, he didn't come forward to disturb him immediately, but just stayed on the horse with Qinghe and watched from a distance.

Realizing that Ning'er was looking over, Master Xuanji raised her eyebrows, and signaled to Ye Jingtang, her eyes were ambiguous, as if she had initiated a team battle invitation.

? ?
Luo Ning's face turned cold when she saw this angry look, she didn't answer her directly, and asked instead:
"Where are the birds?"

"Ji~" A murmur came from the luggage on the side of the horse.

Ye Jingtang glanced back, seeing that Shui'er and the others hadn't come over, he withdrew his gaze:
"You came here alone?"

"Bai Jin is here too, practicing at the inn."

When Luo Ning said this, she thought of something, and calmly twisted Ye Jingtang's waist and eyes, her eyes were slightly cold:
"Two days ago, what did you give Bai Jin and Yun Li? Huh?"

Ye Jingtang subconsciously stood up straight, raised his hand slightly:
"I just paid Miss Fan for the clothes, and I didn't go in. The clothes were chosen by them themselves, and it has nothing to do with me."


For the sake of broad daylight, Luo Ning didn't hold on to it. She straightened her clothes and gestured to Dongling Villa in the distance:
"Little thief, come back with me to have a look."

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to take Ning'er home to have a look, so naturally he didn't say much after seeing this, and went back to the horse and took out the oil-paper umbrella:
"Do you want Master Xue and Shui'er together?"


Faced with this question, Luo Ning's red lips moved slightly, but she was a little hesitant.

Both Bai Jin and Shui'er have a good relationship with her, so it stands to reason that they should go to the grave together when they get to the place.

But she and Bai Jin haven't divorced yet, and her ex, Shui'er, slept with Ye Jingtang again, and went to pay homage to her parents, it might be a bit messy...

Luo Ning hesitated, and said softly: "Let them rest first, you can go with me."

Ye Jingtang nodded, turned his head and waved to Miss Fan who was waiting in the distance, and then, together with Ning'er, walked towards the distant Dongling Villa...
The riverside path is surrounded by bamboo forests, and the sound of the fine rain cuts off all the outside world.

Ye Jingtang held the oil-paper umbrella with his left hand, unfolded his cloak with his right hand, put his arms around Ning'er's shoulders, hugged each other and hid under the umbrella, walked along the trail, his eyes fell on the surrounding scenery.

The entire Dongling Mountain used to be the property of the Luo family. The bamboo forest where it is located can be regarded as the back mountain, and further inside is the ancestral grave. For this reason, Zhuangzi sold this place and kept it; I took care of it, but the bamboo forest has basically become a barren forest, and only the middle trail can walk around.

Luo Ning took off the veiled hat, and leaned against Ye Jingtang's side, with a touch of sadness on her cold and beautiful cheeks, she said softly as she walked:

"This bamboo forest is where my father and mother used to practice. Have you seen the stone pier? It was originally an open space, and my mother taught me to play the pipa there. It has been neglected for so many years. ..."

Seeing Ning'er's downcast expression, Ye Jingtang thought for a while and said:
"It's not been a few years. I didn't have the opportunity to take care of it before. I bought Zhuangzi back in the past two days. Every winter in the future, we will come to Jiangzhou to spend the winter. Uncle Chen can take care of it on weekdays."

Luo Ning's eyes moved slightly, but after a little consideration, she still shook her head and said:

"The place where there are family members is called my mother's house. If there is no one, it's just a house, and it's meaningless to buy it back. If you really want to, you should build a house in Nanxiao Mountain and find a way to accompany me to live there for a period of time every year."

Ye Jingtang knew what this meant, that Bing Tuotuo was in Nanxiao Mountain, and even though Ning'er was with him, she still couldn't let go of Bai Jin, and wanted to go back to visit it from time to time.

He is the leader of the Pingtian sect of the Great Wei Kingdom and the leader of the anti-thieves. It is obviously very difficult to visit during the holidays. The only solution is for the Pingtian sect to be recruited and the two families to become one.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, hugged his shoulders tighter, lowered his head and patted his forehead:
"Don't worry, I promised Lady Luo back then that I would either let the Pingtian Sect accept recruitment, or let Dawei surrender to the Pingtian Sect, and I will do what I say."

Luo Ning didn't dislike the little thief Bobo, but immediately walked to the ancestral grave, the ancestors and ancestors were all watching, when suddenly he was poked, his heart suddenly became anxious, his eyes pinched his waist in embarrassment:

"Why are you neither light nor heavy? Here, how can you mess around..."

"My fault my fault."

Ye Jingtang quickly let go of his hand, and stood upright, with a solemn expression.

Luo Ning lightly bit her lower lip, thought about it and helped Ye Jingtang tidy up her clothes and hair. After her clothes were meticulous, she took Ye Jingtang into the ancestral mausoleum and came to the small hill beside the river.

The mausoleum where the husband and wife are buried together is just above the hill, and you can overlook the mountains and rivers along the river. Ning'er came here last time to clean up the weeds and fallen leaves. The surrounding area looks clean, and there are paper money and ashes of incense in front of the tombstone.

Before Luo Ning brought the man to the mausoleum for the first time, shyness and nervousness could be seen on her face. After staring at the tombstone, she knelt down and said softly:
"Father, mother. This is Yejingtang. I... um... The confidant I met in Jianghu is a few years younger than me, but he is very nice and capable..."

The people in the tomb may not be able to hear it at all, but in Luo Ning's heart, the parents must be able to hear it.

Ye Jingtang propped the oil-paper umbrella on top of Ning'er's head, lifted his robe and knelt beside him, listening to Ning'er's whisper.

Luo Ningduan was kneeling upright, and after talking about homework for a while, she looked at Ye Jingtang in a blink of an eye:

"Xiao... Jingtang, do you want to say a few words?"

Holding an oil-paper umbrella, Ye Jingtang looked at the tombstone in front of him, his mind moved slightly, and he also brewed some words, but in the end, he turned his eyes to the cold and beautiful cheek that was close at hand:
"Why don't we get engaged."


Luo Ning was taken aback for a moment, and then the little watermelon swelled a little with the naked eye, and said in a low voice anxiously and angrily:

"I asked you to say hello, what are you talking about?"

Ye Jingtang put down the umbrella, grabbed Ning'er's right hand, and smiled brightly:

"Be engaged. From now on, you will be my fiancée, and I will be your fiancé. We have a serious marriage contract, so the father-in-law and mother-in-law will have a certainty in mind, right?"

The drizzle fell from the sky without any cover, and soon wet Luo Ning's cold and charming cheeks.

Luo Ning and Ye Jingtang are considered old couples, they have done everything, but they didn't hold a wedding, the engagement seems superfluous.

But thinking about it carefully, she did not establish a marriage contract with the little thief, and even now, she insisted that she was helping the little thief to recuperate his body, so what...

At this time, kneeling in front of the parents' grave, holding the man's hand and making a marriage contract, that is the fate of the parents.

In the future, the little thief will ask again, she is a righteous fiancee, I'm afraid it's not easy to pretend to be an insulted chivalrous woman...

Luo Ning didn't know what messed up she was thinking anymore, she was obviously a little confused, after looking at each other for a while, she finally made a cold look, turned her head away and said nothing, presumably to express to the parents of Youzhi under the spring——I I didn't agree, I can't hold him back...

Ye Jingtang already understood Ning'er's temperament, on the surface he was reluctant, so that's okay, facing the tombstone, he raised his right hand:
"I was shocked at night. Today, in front of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, I made a marriage contract with Luo Ning under the witness of heaven and earth. From now on, even if I kill you ten thousand times, I will not let Ning'er feel wronged..."


Luo Ning had been listening silently, but when she realized that Ye Jingtang's mouth could not speak and made such an unlucky oath, she quickly patted her on the shoulder:
"What do you mean by adding thousands of swords? How can you say such words nonsense."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, turned his head and said:

"Then you say, I will learn?"


Luo Ning pursed her lips, but there was nothing she could do. After deliberating for a while, she still raised her left hand, facing the tombstone and said softly:

"I, Luo Ning, made a marriage contract with Ye Jingtang in front of my parents today. From now on, we will share the sweetness and the bitterness together. We will grow old together and depend on each other, and we will never regret it..."

The soft words spread across the mountains, rain and fog, and there was only a man and a woman left in the sky and the earth at this moment.

Two figures from the back, kneeling side by side in front of the tomb where the husband and wife were buried together, let the drizzle sprinkle on their bodies.

After saying the oath of hand in hand in this life, they bowed their heads together and worshiped together.

Waiting for her companion to get up, and when she was about to leave, Luo Ning looked back again.

Those eyes that were as pale as autumn waves, also at this moment, changed from a wandering and helpless daughter in the past to a young daughter-in-law who returned to her natal family to visit relatives with a heart.

Although the person has been promised and the distance is a bit far, if the person in the tomb knows the real spring, he will only be relieved by it...
It was inconvenient to travel in light rain, and it was not too early. Since we stopped at Tanglin Port, we naturally had to rest here for the night.

Outside a small inn at the pier, Fan Qinghe sat in the lobby, ordered two small dishes, and ate a light meal with Niao Niao, waiting for Ye Jing Tang, who had gone to visit the grave, to return.

Master Xuanji, on the other hand, regained the aura of an expert outside the world, walked up the stairs slowly, passed by the doors of several rooms, listened to the movement inside, and then stopped outside a room door.

Since Ning'er is here, Master Xuanji knows that the Pingtian leader is also there.

She had dated with Pingtian leader before, but at that time it was to grab Ning'er's right to belong to him. Ning'er chose Pingtian leader. She was defeated and had to leave sadly. The relationship must not be good.

Later, when Ning'er suddenly had an affair, Master Xuanji was quite worried about what would happen, but after learning that Pingtian's leader was a woman disguised as a man, these doubts were naturally dispelled.

At this time, Xuanji came to the door and raised his hand to tap twice.

dong dong~
In the room, Xue Baijin was wearing a white robe and sitting cross-legged on the bed. He didn't respond much to the knock on the door, but said in a hoarse voice:
"Xue is very grateful to Daoist Lu for taking care of Ning'er, but we don't agree with each other, so contact with each other is avoided."

Master Xuanji leaned against the door, took the wine gourd from his waist, and said casually:

"I came here to find Hierarch Xue. It has nothing to do with Ning'er, but to discuss something with you."

"Persuade to surrender?"

"No. Master Xue seems to have an Evergreen Picture. It is useless to learn the Dragon Calling Picture. You can't improve your strength even if you hold it. If you are willing to hand it over to the court, I can talk good things to the Holy One and let you learn from the palace. The Dragon Crying Picture hidden in the book. What is Xue Jiao's idea?"

Xue Baijin replied quite straightforwardly: "If the Empress wants it, let her exchange it with the Dragon Calling Picture, three for one."

Master Xuanji knew that Yuhu and Xue Baijin had fought a few days ago, but he didn't know that the two had stripped their clothes and let Ye Jingtang watch enough.

Seeing that Xue Baijin's words were full of anger, Master Xuanji was not surprised, and continued:
"For the sake of Ning'er and Ye Jingtang, I didn't let Ye Jingtang talk about it, so as not to ruin your friendship. As long as you are willing to give me the picture of Changqing, I can learn the three pictures of Minglong , but it’s not okay to change the Dragon Crying Picture, this thing can only be kept by the imperial court, and if it is passed on, it will be ruined for a hundred years.”

Xue Baijin knew that the empress needed Changqingtu, but as a remnant of the previous dynasty, even if she did not rebel, Changqingtu was also one of the capitals she would surrender in the future. How could she give it for nothing before she reached a dead end? He just said:

"I don't care about a few pictures of singing dragons. If you are willing to exchange three for one, it is to save face for the court. If you can't make up your mind, go back and discuss it with the empress. She promised to come and talk to me about it."

Master Xuanji frowned slightly, because there was nothing he could do to take Xue Baijin, seeing the other party's tone was so tough, he didn't waste any more words:

"Okay, I'll go back and discuss it. When the time comes, Yejingtang will tell you. So you're staying here tonight? Ning'er is a newlywed, I'm afraid it will be busy at night..."


Xue Baijin opened his eyes, his eyes were puzzled.

She wanted to say a few words, but after thinking about it carefully--the daughter-in-law is such a scumbag, she took the man back to the room to spend the night in the open, and she stayed in the next door to listen to the room, so she might be a bit bitter.

But going out consciously so as not to disturb the two of them having an affair, wouldn't that be more painful?

The more Xue Baijin thinks about it, the more she is wrong. As No.1 in the world, she is obviously not an indecisive woman. Since the embarrassing situation cannot be avoided, let's start from the source and say directly:

"Let Ye Jingtang come to me at night, and I'll talk to him about something. You and Ning'er haven't seen each other for a long time, let's talk more tonight."


Master Xuanji was just teasing on purpose, trying to force Xue Baijin to leave. Good evening, she and Ning'er will join the little thief. She really didn't expect that Xue Baijin would come to the bottom of the pot, so that neither of them could eat.

"Master Xue is a daughter, so it's not good to call a man into the room at night?"

"I, Xue Baijin, have been acting all my life, so why should I care what other people think? Besides, I just asked you to pass the message on my behalf, and I didn't ask whether you would agree or not."


Master Xuanji's eyes naturally showed dissatisfaction when he heard the arrogant words, but after a moment of silence, he didn't argue for the benefit of the tongue, just nodded slightly, and made the appearance of "you are amazing, it is not too late for the witch to take revenge for ten years", dangling the wine gourd down the stairs...
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(End of this chapter)

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