wait a minute

Chapter 374 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 374 Lost the wife and lost the army

It's getting dark.

A man and a woman walked hand in hand through the dark bamboo forest, and the space close to each other supported by the green oil-paper umbrella became the warmest two-person world in the world.

When Luo Ning came back from paying respects to her parents, her expression was much more relaxed, as if she had brought her lover home to meet her parents and got her parents' permission, she didn't say anything when she was held by Ye Jingtang, and even clasped her five fingers behind her back.

Ye Jingtang held hands and shook them. Seeing that Ning'er was in a good mood, he thought about it and whispered in his ear:
"The heavens and the earth have all worshiped, so should we enter the bridal chamber next?"

Luo Ning's footsteps paused slightly, her eyes blinked, and then she let go of her interlocking hands, making a displeased look:
"Just now you talked nonsense during the worship, and I was afraid of offending you, so I cooperated with you in front of my parents..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Ning'er would go back on his word, so he assumed the posture of his fiancé and walked back with his arms around her waist:

"How can you say what you mean when you tell your father-in-law and mother-in-law? Let's go back and make it clear."


How could Luo Ning dare to lie in front of her parents' tomb, seeing this, she naturally refused to go back, and pulled Ye Jingtang back:
"Since I've already said it, how can I go back on my word... But just now it was just an engagement, not worshiping heaven and earth, what kind of bridal chamber did you enter?"

Only then did Ye Jingtang stop, turned around and faced each other, put his arms around his waist and let Ning'er stick to his bosom, lowered his head and looked at each other:

"There is always a sense of ritual in getting married, and you can't just do nothing, don't you think?"

Luo Ning is obviously not used to being intimate outside, her buttocks were pinched, and she twisted her body, trying to push the thief away:

"You have done it now, what will you do in the future when you officially get married?"

Ye Jingtang felt that there were many things that could be done after paying homage, but Ning'er was so young that she refused to look in the mirror, not to mention all kinds of moves that Chivalrous Woman Tear.

But after saying these words, Ning'er would definitely hit him, so she still made a show of giving in, and said softly:
"Then it's okay to kiss, right?"


Luo Ning didn't refuse this anymore, she looked away, and put on a small appearance that she had no choice but to bear the humiliation and obey.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, he raised his hand to draw up his glamorous cheeks, lowered his head to cover his red lips, and slid his hands along his shoulders to the little watermelon, and then he helped his waist and wrapped it around the back of his waist.

Luo Ning gently opened her red lips on tiptoe, because she hadn't been intimate for a few days, she was comforted a few times, a little overwhelmed, she slowly softened in her arms, and wrapped her arms around Ye Jingtang's waist, closing her eyes and enjoying it The warmth and tranquility under the rain.

But it's been so long, the little thief in front of him still hasn't changed his old habit of condensing on the slope.

When Luo Ning was intoxicated like a deer, she found that her clothes were a little loose...


Luo Ning suddenly came back to her senses, looked down at the unraveled collar, quickly covered her chest, and said shyly:

"Little thief! You have to push your limits again, don't you?"

Ye Jingtang coughed lightly, helped smooth the skirt of his clothes, and said with a smile:

"I can't help it, I don't mean to mess around here, let's go, go back quickly."

Luo Ning's eyes were filled with embarrassment. After all, if she hadn't reacted quickly, she would probably be hugged and humiliated in this bamboo forest later.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang seemed to be okay, Luo Ning raised her hand and twisted her waist:

"Why are you so lawless? How can you be so lawless in broad daylight and barren mountains..."

"I know I was wrong, let's go back to the inn."

"You don't even think about going back to the inn..."

Luo Ning's words were very repulsive, but she still let the man hug her shoulders as she walked, and turned into a cold and beautiful daughter-in-law who scolded her husband. A little uncomfortable, want to go back quickly.

The two of them were so tired and crooked, and soon walked out of Dongling Mountain, and came to the vicinity of the port, and the sky gradually darkened.

There were a lot of people passing by at the pier market, and Ye Jingtang let go of his hand, just helping to hold the umbrella like a caring husband.

When they arrived at the inn where they were staying, they saw Shui'er and Fan Qinghe in a blink of an eye, and ran to the tavern opposite the inn. There were several appetizers and hip flasks in front of them, and their cheeks were flushed after drinking.

Master Xuanji propped his face sideways with his hands, held a small wine glass, and clinked glasses with Qing He, still gossiping:

"As the saying goes, if the fat water doesn't flow into other people's fields, you will be too big..."

Seeing that Shui Shui was abducting a good family, Ning'er suddenly became colder, walked quickly into the tavern, and straightened Shui'er who was drunk:

"You drank so much again? Are you not on your way tomorrow? Are you going back to the inn to sleep?"

Master Xuanji sighed faintly: "Oh~ I can't sleep anymore, the one in the inn asked Ye Jingtang to go to her room tonight, and warned us not to disturb. Come and sit down, the three of us drink away our worries together."


Luo Ning was stunned for a moment, thinking about it for a while, and felt that Bai Jin called Ye Jingtang over to talk about business, but she didn't think about it.

Being interrupted by Bai Jin from casting a spell, Luo Ning couldn't be sweet with the little thief, and Luo Ning was inevitably a little bit resentful, but it wasn't easy to show it, so she took advantage of the opportunity and sat down at the table to drink away her sorrows.

Ye Jingtang put away the umbrella outside the door, and originally wanted to go in to have dinner with the two and a half daughters-in-law, but when he heard the conversation, he naturally stopped in his tracks and looked back at the inn, feeling a little guilty.

After all, after Yunli delivered the little clothes last time, he ran away non-stop. If Bingtuotuo came to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes, it would be very difficult to pass this test tonight...
The light rain outside the window is like crisp, and the inn is very quiet, and you can even hear the "beep~" sound from the kettle in the backyard after it is boiled.

Ye Jingtang walked into the inn lightly, and after arranging his clothes, he went up the stairs to the second floor.

As soon as he turned the corner, he saw a big bird standing at the door of the room, peeking in through the half-covered door.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang slowed down his pace, came to the door unhurriedly, and looked in through the crack of the door.

The room was very tidy, but it was dark and the lights were not on. We could only see the packages, weapons, bamboo hats, etc. on the table through the light and shadow of the lanterns on the street.

There is a pair of shoes next to the bed. The leader of Pingtian is wearing a loose white robe, sitting cross-legged on the bed, his chest should be wrapped around his chest. It doesn't look grand, but because of his strong capital, he can still feel it when he looks closely. Clothes fluctuate...

And the very three-dimensional facial features are not covered by jade armor, and the hair is naturally scattered on the back. When the eyes are closed, only the slender eyelashes can be seen. Overall, she looks like a majestic and cold strong woman, with a temperament that is similar to that of a big clumsy It's a bit close, but Big Clumsy is vain, and Bing Tuotuo is real, so this iceberg's temperament is much more solid.

Niao Niao hid at the door and took a peek, but didn't dare to run in to show off her cuteness, probably because she thought that the new sister Bing Liuzi was a bit fierce.

Ye Jingtang glanced at the door, seeing that the Pingtian leader did not respond, he raised his hand and knocked on the door:
dong dong~

Xue Baijin sat cross-legged on the bed. In fact, he already knew that Ye Jingtang was coming. When he heard Ye Jingtang knock on the door, he opened his eyes and motioned to the chairs in the room:

"Come in and sit."

Ye Jingtang felt that Master Xue was quite serious, so he immediately entered the room, shut the bird outside, and sat down beside the chair:
"The leader asked me to come, but because of what happened last time?"

The reason Xue Baijin called Ye Jingtang was purely because he wanted to get rid of the bottom line, lest Ning'er mess around at night and make her unable to sleep, there was no other reason.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang spoke first, Xue Baijin followed the words:

"As a warrior, you have to be upright when you have an upright heart. When you are young, you are addicted to those objects that are not on the table. If you are playing with things and lose your mind, if you are serious, you will fall into evil ways. You must pay attention to it in the future."

Ye Jingtang saw that Bingtuotuo didn't intend to ask the teacher to blame, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:
"I'm not obsessed, it's just that the last time I paid Miss Fan new clothes, she went to buy them, and I sat outside to pay the money, and I didn't expect Yunli to buy one for the leader..."

Xue Baijin is not a stupid girl, she doesn't believe this at all, it is often said that women are the ones who please themselves, if Ye Jingtang doesn't like it, the girl will spend a lot of money to buy flirty clothes that can neither keep out the cold nor hide her shame?
However, these topics are a bit out of bounds, Xue Baijin did not continue to chat, but instead asked:

"What's the matter with the sword you found in Xiaoshan Castle? I heard it's very powerful?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Bingtuotuo would be curious, so he immediately took off the 'Dharma Sword' from his waist and handed it over:
"The quality of this sword is indestructible, but it seems to have flaws. It will fade when exposed to blood or water. I haven't studied it thoroughly yet."

The Pingtian Sect is a sect created by the Taoist Priest Qin Tianjian in the former dynasty. Speaking of it, it is still a branch of the Taoist sect. The Pingtian Sect Master is naturally familiar with the Five Thunder Talisman on the scabbard.

"This sword is really mysterious. The texture is a bit like the picture of the dragon, but the color is not as bright as the picture of the dragon."

Ye Jingtang also held the same opinion, and analyzed:

"Fairy Lu said that this sword seems to be a Taoist magic sword. It should be used to slay demons and exorcise evil spirits, and to help the world and cross people. If you kill at will, it will be contaminated with filth, so it will lose its luster. I think this statement makes sense, but it has strange power and chaos. The suspicion of God..."

Xue Baijin pulled out the dark gold sword, stroked the blade with his fingers, and said thoughtfully:

"Fairies and demons are the myths of ordinary people who don't understand things. You and I don't believe it, so I know that there are no gods and demons in the world, but if it is in the eyes of those who believe..."

When Xue Baijin said this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he flicked the blade with his right hand.

There was a clear buzzing sound from the three-foot sword, and the invisible energy erupted from the fingertips, making Ye Jingtang sitting nearby feel the breeze blowing on his face.

Then the unlit candlestick placed on the table made a light 'pop~' sound and was broken from it.

Ye Jingtang has come to the current state, and he can understand that this is caused by the concentration of energy at one point, and he can occasionally play it out, but neither he nor the old sword master Sun can easily master it, let alone use it. With such delicate control of Jin, surprise can't help but appear in his eyes:
"Good work."

After Xue Baijin showed off his mastery of martial arts, he continued:
"In the eyes of believers, this is fairy art and demon art. Although you and I know that we are ordinary people, in the eyes of ordinary people, what is the difference between us and gods and demons?"

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was a bit stunned—yes, he is basically invulnerable, he can fly into the sky and ride waves, he can also destroy cities and mountains, he can even be invulnerable to all diseases and heal wounds on his own, except that he cannot prolong his life for thousands of years. It is really not much different from the legendary gods.

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, nodded and said:
"This statement makes sense. Does that mean that this sword is specially used to kill people on the mountain?"

Xue Baijin put the sword back into its sheath, thought for a while and said: "In my opinion, following the martial arts to the end is the realm represented by the nine pictures of Minglong - infinite combat power, invulnerability, flawless internal and external, and immortality.

"It's okay to talk about the first few, but in the end, if you can live forever, you will break the law of the law of life and vitality; there is no eternal fire in the world, and there is no inexhaustible water. As long as it exists, nothing can do it. There is life and death.

"If martial arts come to the end, if they can really live forever, then this sword with a sharp edge that overflows the world may be used to kill such living gods. Of course, it may also be for those who have come to the end of martial arts to open up the world and go to the world. higher ground."

Ye Jingtang felt that this statement was quite logical and self-consistent, after thinking about it, he said:

"In history, the only person who can reach this level seems to be Wu Taizu. It is said that Wu Taizu finally died on a dragon. Where can he go?"

Xue Baijin was living in seclusion in Nanxiao Mountain, and he had been thinking about this all the time, so he said:
"It's been a long time since the beginning, and the end can't be seen. Who knows if this world is just a universe in the sleeve of an immortal. Where did Wu Taizu go? You have to go to that realm to know..."

"Ha ha……"

The two discussed the metaphysics of the Dao of Heaven in this way, and they chatted for a quarter of an hour without knowing it.

As a martial artist who is still walking on the road, talking about these things may just be guessing "whether the emperor dug the ground with a golden hoe", and he just laughed it off after talking.

After chatting for a while, Xue Baijin ran out of topics and started playing with the sword back and forth.

Ye Jingtang drank a cup of tea and felt that nothing was wrong, so he wanted to leave:
"It's getting late, and the leader is going to rest early, I..."

Xue Baijin didn't plan to let Ye Jingtang go tonight, otherwise she would have to go out and hide. After thinking about it, she put down her sword and acted like a leader:

"You are the Dharma protector of the sect, and you have been working for the Pingtian sect for half a year. You have been running around all the time, and you have taught Yunli four pictures of the dragon call, but I have not given you anything. I am deeply ashamed. You can Want to learn Changqing Tu?"


Upon hearing this, Ye Jingtang sat back down again and said with a smile:

"What I do is my duty. I am naturally grateful that the leader can teach me. If it is inconvenient, I will not force it."

Xue Baijin was just teaching, not giving it for free, so naturally it was not inconvenient.

But in order to delay the time, so that Ye Jingtang would not run away after finishing her studies, she didn't take it out immediately, but said:
"It's a huge risk to deduce the dragon call map by yourself, but your understanding is extraordinary, and the road is in front of you but you can't touch it. After a long time, you will inevitably feel itchy.

"Why don't you try to deduce the Evergreen Map by yourself first? Afterwards, compare the real map to see how much you are wrong. This will not only ensure your safety, but also realize your own ignorance, so as not to be unable to bear it in the future and take reckless risks."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Deducing the dragon call map by yourself is equivalent to deducing the follow-up direction according to the existing template, and the principle is similar to deducing the method of luck.

However, the most serious way to deduce the moves is nothing more than being insane, and deducing the dragon call is tantamount to modifying the body structure without authorization. Any problem in any link may cause a chain collapse of body functions. The risk can be said to be sky-high.

The warriors who got the Dragon Calling Picture actually have similar thoughts, but they are well aware of the harm. In the end, the only ones who dare to take this dead end are the warriors like the Empress who are already in a desperate situation, or the warriors like Lu Jieyun who are impossible to break through .

After Xue Baijin finished speaking, he also realized that this thing was too risky, and added:

"I just want to mention that this matter is extremely risky. Even if there is a real plan to guarantee the bottom line, accidents may happen. You should not try it lightly."

Ye Jingtang rubbed his fingers, but did not answer immediately.

He knew that a little carelessness in this matter might lead to major events, but under the condition of guarantee, to overcome the unsolvable problems of martial arts, such an opportunity will never come across in a lifetime.

Yuhu didn't die suddenly, neither did Lu Jieyun, he couldn't die instantly when he touches it; the evil consequences of self-deduction of the Dragon Calling Picture are all slow, and it seems that there has never been a case of dying on the spot in history... …

After Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, his heart became interested, and he looked at Bing Tuo Tuo in front of him:
"The leader is sure to bring the Evergreen Picture with you?"

Seeing Ye Jingtang, Xue Baijin was moved, and wanted to persuade her, but in the end she couldn't restrain her thirst for knowledge, and reached into her lapel with her hand, rustling...


Seeing this, Ye Jingtang felt something was wrong, so he didn't dare to stare at his chest, but looked elsewhere, pretending he didn't notice anything.

Xue Baijin pulled out the golden paper from the chest-wrapping interlayer, did not show it to Ye Jingtang, and placed it upside down on the dressing table at Ye Jingtang's hand:

"Remember not to be careless. If there is anything you don't understand, just compare it with the original version. Don't be arrogant. If something really happens, I will be powerless to stand by."

Ye Jingtang naturally understood the severity, immediately got up and went to the bed, took off his shoes and sat cross-legged, and began to recall the textures of the four pictures of singing dragons in his mind.

The nine Minglong pictures are integrated, and they are of the same origin and complement each other. Self-deduction is equivalent to deducing the texture of the next piece through the gap in the current jigsaw puzzle.

Although the reasoning is simple, the veins of luck in Minglongtu are so vast that it cannot be described, and it can only be comprehended in form.

Ye Jingtang's comprehension is unparalleled in the world, and he can exhaustively deduce martial arts moves. So far, no one has been able to stop him.

But at this time, the situation of deducing the dragon-mingling map is the same as that of Qiongju chess. After trying it out, it is impossible, so I can only slowly figure out how to take the next step by feeling.

Seeing Ye Jingtang occupying the bed, Xue Baijin had already stood up, but when Ye Jingtang blinked and fell into a sedation, she didn't care about these details anymore, and sat in front of him again, carefully observing Ye Jingtang's aura.

Perhaps because he was afraid that his eyes would see something wrong, he put his right hand on Ye Jingtang's wrist to sense the qi and blood in his body.

As the two stopped talking, the room became completely dead silent, only the rustling and rain outside remained, and it was late at night without knowing it.

The market outside the window gradually became quiet, and even the three women who were drinking in the tavern returned to the room to rest.

Ning'er was suspicious, and ran to the door to take a look, and found that Bai Jin was teaching Ye Jingtang martial arts, so she didn't dare to disturb her, and ran back lightly.

And in the room, changes are slowly taking place.

The hot air moved the curtains of the bed.

Ye Jingtang sat cross-legged with his back straight, his cheeks were obviously flushed, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and he could even see the bulging of his veins, but his whole body was as motionless as a mountain, without any reaction.

Xue Baijin originally just waited quietly, but even though his mind is so strong and different from ordinary people, he slowly began to worry.

She put her fingers on Ye Jingtang's wrist, and she could feel the Qi and blood in Ye Jingtang's body getting more and more turbulent, as if it was boiling.

If this level of exercise is placed on ordinary people, let alone whether the deduction is correct, just a continuous high fever may burn the brain.

Xue Baijin wanted to speak to stop it, but he couldn't interrupt rashly. In the end, he could only use the picture of Minglong as a fan to cool down Ye Jingtang.

This situation lasted for a long time, and it was not until the middle of the night that there was a new movement in the room.

Ye Jingtang, who had been sitting cross-legged for several hours, was drenched in sweat, and his eyelashes moved slightly.

Xue Baijin's eyes narrowed slightly, he stopped his movements, moved closer, and called out in a very quiet voice:

"Night Terror? Are you alright?"

Although Ye Jingtang consumed too much brainpower, his body was fine.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Bing Tuotuo was very cautious and nervous. He might want to relieve the atmosphere. With a thought, he suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head and said intimidatingly:



Xue Baijin was afraid that something might happen to Ye Jingtang, even his breathing was almost stagnant, his heart was hanging in his throat, he was caught off guard by such a fright, his whole body almost bounced off the spot, and he sat back on the bed, his originally cold and majestic iceberg cheeks, It also changed in an instant. If it wasn't for his amazing restraint, he might have instinctively kicked Ye Jingtang through the wall and flew half a mile away.

Ye Jingtang was just joking, but when he saw that Bing Tuo Tuo's scarred face turned pale, he showed an expression similar to Xiao Yunli's. He secretly thought that something was wrong, so he quickly put on a serious look:

"Just kidding...hehehe, wait a minute, heroine..."

Xue Baijin has been in the Jianghu for so many years, No. 1 under the majestic mountain, was scared out of proportion by a brat, and the anger after reacting can be imagined.

Realizing that Ye Jingtang was scaring her on purpose, Xue Baijin instantly recovered his cold expression, the bulging skirt of his clothes probably stretched his chest a bit, got up and grabbed Ye Jingtang's collar, pressed him directly on the bed, and pulled out the dark gold sword with his backhand , shortness of breath, cold eyes:


Ye Jingtang knew that the problem was with him, so he quickly raised his hand to apologize:
"I'm taking the liberty, don't calm down... No, I don't seem to be feeling well..."

Xue Baijin pressed his chest, is this breath going?

But Changqingtu is about human spirit, Xue Baijin didn't dare to joke with his life, put down the sword and let go, and took Changqingtu:
"Look at the picture, can you hold it?"


Ye Jingtang was able to hold on completely, but it showed that he was afraid of being beaten by ice lumps, so he still pretended to be breathing unsteadily, sat up, and carefully compared with the evergreen map.


Xue Baijin was afraid that something might go wrong, so he didn't want to disturb him, so he just frowned and observed beside him, but after watching for a while, he found Ye Jingtang's expression was very strange.

First, he looked at the picture of Minglong seriously with serious eyes; then he frowned slightly, a little surprised; then he hid all emotions, rubbed his fingers and meditated secretly...

Seeing this, Xue Baijin was naturally puzzled. After waiting for a while, he asked:
"How? How much wrong?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the Evergreen Picture in his hand, considered it carefully for a long time, and after making sure that Bing Tuotuo's anger was gone, he opened his mouth and said:

"I don't think this picture is right."

What? ?

When Xue Baijin heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched, and Liu Mei said coldly:
"Can I still give you a fake picture? Even if I want to, where can I get you a fake picture with such texture?"

"I didn't mean that."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, signaling to be safe and calm, and explained:

"I deduced it by myself just now. I have rehearsed it many times in my mind, and I don't think there will be any problems. But compared with the real picture, I found two or three mistakes..."

"That's wrong."

Xue Baijin said solemnly: "You will feel that there is no problem in deducing the picture of Minglong by yourself. If you can realize the mistakes, can you still make mistakes?"

Ye Jingtang knows this truth, but he has an absolute sense of the sword, and the method of deducing luck is the same. Compared with a picture, he believes in his own judgment more. After thinking about it, he said:

"The picture of Minglong has never changed, but there are thousands of people, and everyone's conditions are different.

"Are you saying that there is such a possibility? When the Dragon Singing Picture was created, in order for everyone to learn it, the method constructed was relatively moderate. It was intended to be suitable for everyone, but it was not the optimal solution for everyone.

"What I deduced just now is the Evergreen map that suits my own conditions. It is slightly different from the real map, but both are right..."

Xue Baijin understands the meaning of Ye Jingtang - this is the same as martial arts, the kung fu left by the ancestor master may not be suitable for every apprentice, so the master has to 'teach students in accordance with their aptitude', based on the ancestral martial arts, according to the body of the apprentice , strengths, foundation, to fine-tune the moves.

Rote memorization of ancestral martial arts, no matter how much you practice, it is impossible to surpass the ancestors. Only by learning from each other's strengths and making up for each other's weaknesses, can the martial arts be completely suitable for yourself, that is, "the unity of man and nature", can you truly excel in the blue.

Xue Baijin frowned and thought for a while, and felt that it was reasonable, but he still picked up the sword from the side, his eyes were very stern:
"There are so many Tianjiao in the past and present, are you the only one who has this idea? What is the final result? Don't think that you are different, just practice according to the real picture. If something happens when you are arrogant and self-willed, what will Ning'er do?"

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to bet that his opinion is definitely right, if there is a real picture, he must practice the real picture and immediately raised his hand and said:
"I'm just expressing my opinion, and I didn't say I'm going to go my own way. As for whether my opinion is right or wrong, you and I will fully 'know it' in the future, and you will naturally understand whether I am right or wrong today."

Knowing Ye Jingtang's high talent, Xue Baijin might be worried that he would agree on the surface but insist on going his own way in private. He raised his sword and warned again:

"What people in Jianghu most taboo is not ignorance, but arrogance.

"It has nothing to do with me meeting you by chance, but Ning'er and Ning'er are sisters. If you touch the taboo privately and cause trouble, I'll dig you out even if you die."

Although the tone was fierce, Ye Jingtang could hear the concern in the words, and advised:

"Xue Xia's talent is unparalleled in the world, but the gap with me should not be too big. I have explored the way, and there will definitely be mistakes. You must not take risks in the future."

Xue Baijin saw that Ye Jingtang could deduce mistakes, no matter how arrogant he was, he had to weigh his understanding, nodded slightly, put away the sword and threw it to Ye Jingtang:

"Okay, you go back and take a bath and rest. If the Empress asks for the Evergreen Picture, let her change it herself. You'd better not think about asking for it for the court, or you and I will break the law."

Ye Jingtang actually wanted to intercede, but Bingtuotuo's tone was so harsh, he couldn't speak again, so he got up and put on his shoes:

"Then I will take my leave first, and the leader should rest early."

Xue Baijin stood straight in front of the bed without looking back, until the sound of footsteps came out and the door closed, then he picked up the picture of Minglong, trying to stuff it into the interlayer of underwear again.

But halfway through, Xue Baijin suddenly remembered something, and turned around:


There are no figures outside the room.

Running really fast...

Xue Baijin took a deep breath, feeling that he had lost his wife and lost his army tonight.

It seems that it is not a metaphor, I really lost my wife, and I also got on the evergreen picture...

Although there was no sound from the next door, Xue Baijin would wait here to listen to those ulterior sounds. After shaking his head secretly, he put on the mask and jumped out of the window...

(End of this chapter)

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