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Chapter 375

Chapter 375
After Ye Jingtang closed the door, he was still thinking about Minglongtu in his mind. While walking, he found that the room was starting to 'squeak'. It should be Bing Tuo Tuo wearing underwear. To avoid suspicion, he naturally didn't go in the aisle Stay, quickly down the stairs.

It was early morning, and there was no sound inside and outside the inn, only the sound of rain could be heard.

Niao Niao is in charge of the night watch. In the stable next to the inn, he walks around on the back of a charcoal red horse. dislike.

Ye Jingtang came to the backyard, fed night grass to the two horses, and then came to the well, fetched a bucket of water, ready to wash his sweaty body, lest his wife would not let him go to the kang.

As soon as he unbuttoned his outer robe, there was movement on the second floor of the inn. A figure wearing a bamboo hat flew out of the room. He was found in the middle of the air taking a bath in the backyard. He tapped the wall to turn around and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Ye Jingtang was a little puzzled, because he was only wearing thin trousers, and it was not easy to catch up and ask questions. He watched Bing Tuo Tuo go away before starting to wash and wash.

In the battle at Wanghai Tower yesterday, I suffered trauma to my chest, and it is still wrapped in bandages, so it is troublesome to take a shower.

Ye Jingtang untied the bandages, looked down at his chest, and saw that more than a dozen scars had scabbed over. The recovery speed was amazing, but it would take some time to fully recover. At first, he just wet the towel and wiped away the uninjured place.

While working alone, there was another soft rustling sound on the second floor of the inn.

Ye Jingtang looked up and saw that a window on the second floor was open, and the sleepy-eyed Vatican girl poked her head out of it, looked down and found that he was taking a bath, she was slightly taken aback, and quickly shrank back.


Ye Jingtang was wearing thin trousers and did not light up his weapon, it was a bit funny to see this appearance.

Soon, Fan Qinghe poked his head out cautiously, and after confirming that Ye Jingtang was not completely naked, he jumped down from the second floor and landed beside Ye Jingtang, and said seriously:
"You have a wound on your chest, and you can't see the water easily. Just take a shower and say hello to me. I'll ask the witch to help you. Why are you messing around?"

As he spoke, he tilted his head to check the scar on his chest.

Ye Jingtang said: "I know how to measure, and I have been paying attention. Are Ning'er and the others asleep?"

"That Jiumengzi drank until midnight in the afternoon and even downed Miss Ning'er. He just lay down not long ago."

Although Fan Qinghe has been drinking with him all the time, after suffering two losses, he vowed to quit drinking. He didn't drink much today, but he was a little drifting.

After Fan Qinghe said a few words, he took the towel from Ye Jingtang's hand and helped him wipe his back.

No matter how amazing Ye Jingtang's wingspan was, it would be inconvenient to wipe his back by himself, so he didn't refuse, and stood with his arms spread out. He wanted to chat a few gossips, but he realized right away...

clap clap-

Fan Qinghe helped wipe his back, but he didn't touch and flirt like Shui'er. He stood by his side with one hand wrapped in a towel, as if he was a teacher in a bathhouse...

Ye Jingtang's golden scale jade bone is rough and fleshy, but it doesn't grin its teeth, it's quite comfortable. After a little experience, I think it's much more professional than Shui'er.Curious inquiry:
"Miss Fan can still rub her back?"

"No, this is not the same as brushing horses."

Brush the horse...?
Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, pondered for a while, and felt that Miss Fan should be praising him as strong as a horse...

Fan Qinghe rubbed his back with a towel, probably feeling that the atmosphere of silence was a bit ambiguous, and said again:

"What were you chatting about in other people's house just now? Talking until midnight, you were still 'Wait a minute'... You Pingtian leader, don't you know?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "It was just discussing martial arts. I made a joke and threatened me in the middle, but I almost got beaten up."

Seeing Ye Jingtang's lingering fear, Fan Qinghe couldn't help humming softly:
"You just bully the weak and fear the strong. I treat you in every possible way, but you are reckless in revenge. When you meet No. 1 under the mountain, why don't you dare to be presumptuous?"

Why don't I dare?

Wasn't this almost being pressed and beaten...

Ye Jingtang thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it, but turned around to face Fan Qinghe:
"Except that I did it on purpose last time, it was all a misunderstanding..."

When Fan Qinghe saw Ye Jingtang turn around, he couldn't help but panic, and said with force:
"Stand still and don't speak!"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang had no choice but to stop, and stood obediently with his arms outstretched, looking at the wind and rain outside the eaves in a blink of an eye.

clap clap...

Fan Qinghe began to wipe his chest, and when he wiped near the wound, his movements became much lighter. He found that Ye Jingtang was very calm, and he felt a little more relaxed, but as he wiped, suddenly something was wrong.

In the middle of the night, the light under the eaves was very dim, even though it was so close, I could only see the outline, and it was difficult to see the details clearly.

Fan Qinghe wiped his chest with a towel, and found that there seemed to be a 'little bump' on Ye Jingtang's chest muscles. He didn't realize it for a while, and thought it was a new injury, so he touched it with his fingers...

? !
Ye Jingtang was afraid of offending the gentle and considerate girl Fan, but before he could think about it, the more sensitive part of his chest was gently teased, half of his body was so tender, he lowered his head and looked at the cheek that was close at hand in disbelief:

Fan Qinghe reacted to the problem, his body stiffened slightly, and he retracted his fingers calmly, thinking that nothing happened.

Feeling Ye Jingtang's astonished eyes, her cheeks turned into red clouds, and she forced herself to calm down and said:

"What are you looking at? Wiping your body, some touching is inevitable... If you mind, then you can do it yourself."

After speaking, he threw the towel to Ye Jingtang, turned around and wanted to run.

How could Ye Jingtang mind, he quickly raised his hand to block the way:
"How could it be? I still know the truth that illness should not be avoided. Miss Fan just wipe it boldly."

Fan Qinghe doesn't mind continuing to help, but no matter how sick she is, she should untie her pants and wipe down. She is not a witch, and she can't even wipe a villain together?

Fan Qinghe still acted angry at the moment, hummed softly, slipped under Ye Jingtang's arm, and ran into the inn.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, and he didn't embarrass the embarrassing girl Fan anymore, and wiped his body clean.

Because the robe was soaked with sweat, Ye Jingtang didn't wear any coat, and went back to the second floor with his upper body bare, and came to Ning'er's room.

It was late at night, the lights in the room had already been turned off, and there were several empty wine jugs on the table.

Ye Jingtang entered the room and saw no movement, so he went to the bed to look around.

Between the curtains, Ning'er's cheeks were flushed, lying on the outside with her eyes closed and sleeping soundly, wearing light blue pajamas tightly, her sleeping appearance was very soft and elegant, her eyeballs moving slightly should be dreaming.

Xuanji, on the other hand, has always had a good capacity for alcohol and was not drunk. She was lying on her side with her arms around Ning'er. When she saw Ye Jingtang coming in, she opened her eyes and looked up and down:

"You don't go back to your room to sleep at night, what are you doing here?"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang frowned and smiled, opened the curtain and sat in, bent over and tapped his red lips.

Xuanji's eyes were slightly cold, she leaned back slightly, and raised her hand to cover Ye Jingtang's lips:

"I've only been considerate of you a few times as a teacher because I saw your injuries. How can you become more and more presumptuous? If I give you, you can take it. If I don't give it to you, you can't use force, understand?"

Luo Ning was not so drunk that she was unconscious. When she heard voices in her ears, she opened her eyes slightly with eyelashes. Seeing Ye Jingtang close at hand, she was slightly stunned. She wanted to ask if she was done with her work when she heard the water My son's words came back again:
"What is a teacher? Are you ashamed?"

Ye Jingtang turned over from Ning'er, and squeezed cheekily between the two, one in each hand:
"It's almost dawn, go to bed early, if you have something to say, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Luo Ning didn't hide, she just frowned and said:

"Little thief, don't mess around. Bai Jin is still in the inn..."

"Master Xue went out to relax."


Luo Ning was slightly taken aback, and wanted to ask a few more questions, but her mouth was blocked. She twisted a little dissatisfied, but finally closed her eyes, pretending not to take the initiative or refuse.

Master Xuanji suffered a lot in the past few days, but it didn't stop her from loving to play. Seeing that Ning'er started to put on a show again, she put on the appearance of a confidant sister, put her hand between the two, and forced Ye Jingtang's cheek :

"It's fine if she doesn't like it, why bother her, let her sleep well."

As he spoke, he took the initiative to lean forward, Bobo.

? ?
Luo Ning opened her eyes, looking at the meat she took from her bowl, her eyes suddenly became mixed.

She wanted to say a few words at first, but it was obviously not in line with her usual style to be jealous. After hesitating for a while, she turned around silently, turned her back to the two of them without saying a word:


Ye Jingtang's mouth was gagged, he couldn't speak at all, he was afraid that he would lose sight of the other, and he hugged Ning'er again...

The next day, Jiangzhou Chengguo Mansion.

At dusk, between a water pavilion by the East Lake, there is an empty qin music:


The Empress Dowager was sitting sideways on the large terrace, with the piano platform in front of her, and the "Qin Xiangru Banana Leaf" sent by Wu Guogong. .

Before I knew it, it had been several days since I returned to my natal home.

On this trip back to Jiangzhou, the empress dowager thought that she could experience another unforgettable journey with the bold guards, but the result was good. Ever since a certain empress came in, everything has changed.

Not to mention sneaking around with the guards, she couldn't do it anymore if she wanted to have fun everywhere as she did when she was a child. She had to pay attention to her speech and behavior every day, so as not to lose the demeanor that the mother of a country should have.

And Ye Jingtang obviously didn't dare to act recklessly anymore, except for a few days ago, they had been wantonly sucking for a long time, and they didn't even see each other face to face.

Even though he was going to stay in Jiangzhou for years to come, there were so many things going on in the world, and Ye Jingtang was at the forefront of the storm, who knew if something big would happen tomorrow, Ye Jingtang was ordered to leave again in danger?

The empress dowager hooked the strings of the qin and thought for a long time, and felt that there were some things that she had to take the initiative to fight for, so she held down the strings of the qin, got up and went to the water pavilion.

Inside the water pavilion is the studio, where the Empress Dowager learned piano, chess, calligraphy and painting when she was a child, and there are many "books" hanging on the wall, such as - a swan that looks like a duck but not a duck, a fat-headed koi...

Because the Empress Dowager was originally the jewel in the palm of her hand, and now she is the queen of a country, these calligraphy treasures have naturally become national treasures. Mrs. Zhao has not lost any of them, and they are all beautifully framed and hung in the most conspicuous position.

In front of the painting table near the lake, the empress is wearing a fiery red dress and holding a paintbrush to outline the beautiful scenery of the sunset; although the painting is ordinary, but supported by the graffiti of the queen mother when she was a child, she still shows a bit of her style.

The empress dowager folded her hands on her waist, came to the empress's side to observe carefully for a moment, then nodded slightly:

"The painter of the Holy Majesty has improved again."

When the empress praises her martial arts skills to others, she won't feel any disturbance in her heart. After all, there are not many people in the world who can clearly see her background, so how can she boast to the point?

It's different to praise the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. This is what the empress lacks most. Even if she knows it's flattering, it's better than no one's exaggeration.

Hearing the sound, the empress raised the brush and looked at the scroll with a smile on her face:

"Really? Where did you improve?"

The painter of the Empress Dowager's three-legged cat, I can't tell where she has improved, but she has been accompanying the empress duo in the deep palace all the year round, and the response is natural, pointing to the water wave in the scroll:
"These few places can be called divine strokes, and they are much more attainable than what I saw in the palace in the past..."

The reason why she dared to talk nonsense like that was because the empress was definitely not sure if what she said was right or wrong.

As expected by the Empress Dowager, the empress looked at the water waves on the scroll, nodded thoughtfully, then stopped pecking at each other, and asked:
"Why doesn't the Empress Dowager continue to play the piano? Are you tired?"

The empress dowager, with a dignified and stable demeanor, sighed faintly, looking at the lake at sunset:
"As the empress dowager, although I don't care about government affairs, I still have to do my duty to say something that should be said..."

Although the empress had average artistic talent, she was obviously not stupid. Just by listening to the words, she understood that the empress dowager wanted to persuade her not to be obsessed with pleasure, and to forget her status as the king of a country.

The empress was silent for a while, and responded calmly:
"The Queen Mother doesn't need to worry, I have my own measure."

The empress dowager came here to urge the empress to return to the capital as soon as possible, but seeing the rare moment of hesitation in the empress' eyes, she couldn't bear to speak again.

After all, she has stayed in the palace for so many years and often served her bed in the dragon bed. She is already considered the person who knows the empresses and sisters best in the world.

The Empress is just a woman. Ten years ago, she was the eldest princess of the Great Wei Dynasty. She hated the ruthless ways of the Emperor's House. All she wanted was to live happily with her younger sister. Then one day, she fell in love with a beautiful and talented girl. Son-in-law, this life is over.

But some people are destined to be on the cusp of the tide, even if they want to follow the trend and become ordinary, God will not give this opportunity.

Ten years ago, the late emperor passed away, and the eldest son of the emperor ascended the throne. Because of the old grievances in the palace and the position of his relatives, he mercilessly forced the empress and sisters to a dead end.

The concubine Wang Guifei has passed away, and she is fine with everything, but she can't bear the burden. The only one who can save the fate of their sisters is the empress herself.

Since the day when the empress sat on the dragon chair and received worship from thousands of people, the queen mother found that the empress had changed. She had nothing to do with the unruly princess who was close to others in the past, and became a loner sitting on the dragon chair.

Although what the empress did was flawless, she could even go after the 'one emperor through the ages'.But the empress dowager has been with her all year round, and she has never smiled from the bottom of her heart. Her eyes are always deep and wise, and she can no longer see the agility and liveliness in Li Ren's eyes.

The queen mother knew that the empress had hidden these emotions, and she might not like this kind of life in the bottom of her heart, but she had to go on due to the situation.

She is the canary in the deep palace and why not the Empress?

The empress dowager has been widowed in the palace for ten years, and she knows how hard it is to be alone and helpless. Thinking of this, she couldn't bear to urge the empress to go back quickly for personal reasons, and then said:

"No matter how tough the emperor is, he can't resist everything alone. If he can have a trustworthy pillow when he is free, he can gossip and talk about the family's troubles, and the pressure on his heart will be much less. The emperor is not young, although he is hindered Clan, it’s not easy to get married on the surface, but in private... um..."

The empress turned her eyes and said with a smile:
"Raise a face?"


The empress dowager meant this, but it was too direct to say so, so she said tactfully:
"It's not face-to-face, it's a person with a close heart. I look at the Empress Dowager... According to the records in ancient books, it seems that there are widowed empress dowagers and concubines who let Xinyi men enter the palace as eunuchs and serve them day and night. As long as they don't spread the word, Neither the government nor the opposition can fault it..."

The empress walked up to the painting table, leaned on the painting table with her arms around her chest, and responded quite domineeringly:
"I like a man, why should he be so secretive? Even if he publicly invites a beautiful man to serve in Cheng'an Hall, as long as he doesn't give birth to a prince and heir, it won't cause turmoil."

The empress dowager also wanted to imitate the empress, she leaned on the painting table with her buttocks on her head.

But she was not high enough, she jumped up and sat on the table with her legs dangling in the air, and she was too childish, so she could only stand up straight dignifiedly:
"Since that's the case, why doesn't Your Majesty choose an attractive lover?"

Because I hid Hideo privately...

The Empress was not very good at responding to this topic, so she asked back with frowning eyebrows:
"Did the empress dowager have such thoughts?"

? !
When the Empress Dowager heard this, Zhu Yuanyurun's face turned pale, and she quickly said seriously:
"As the empress dowager, how can I..."

The empress raised her finger slightly, signaling not to be so nervous, and sighed softly:

"Sitting in the world as a daughter, I overthrew the ancient etiquette, how can I stick to the dogma like the emperors of the past. The Queen Mother is the link between the imperial court and the southeast gentry. I can't let you go home, but I won't be too private in private." If you are too mean, as long as you don’t make a storm all over the city, and there is someone you know in secret, Zhenhe Liren, you don’t have to worry about the empress dowager being unhappy all day long.”


The empress dowager was so moved when she heard this outrageous and outrageous remark, her lips moved and she didn't dare to answer.

The empress sighed softly, and continued:
"After the trip to the northwest, the Empress Dowager seems to have changed. She is much more lively and cheerful than before."


The empress dowager's heart tightened, and she felt that the empress seemed to have something in her words, implying something.

Just now I was talking about knowing each other, but now I suddenly mentioned the Northwest trip...

The empress dowager's cheeks turned crimson unconsciously, and she quickly pressed down again, clasping her hands tightly around her waist, pretending to be relaxed and saying:
"Going out for a walk, I am in a better mood. Well... Your Majesty does not need to worry too much about the situation in the world. As long as I am here, the Jiangzhou navy and even the southeast gentry must be the most powerful backing of the Majesty. If my father If the old fool is disobedient, I will let the elder brother replace him, if the elder brother can't do it, I will do it by myself, and the others are the same."

Seeing the empress dowager's great loyalty, the empress didn't say any more, turned around in a leisurely stroll, and continued to sketch the landscape painting.

The empress dowager was not sure if the empress had noticed the clue, she was so panicked that she was about to die, and just when she didn't know what to do, the dead girl Hongyu suddenly ran from the lake, and Yaoyao yelled:

"The Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, Young Master Ye is back!"

The empress dowager's heart tightened, and she quickly assumed the steady appearance of her mother, frowned and said:
"Come back, come back, why are you yelling? Didn't see the Holy Majesty... eh?"

The empress dowager didn't finish her sentence, she realized something was wrong from the corner of her eye, and turned her head to look—there was nothing behind the painting table, except for a paintbrush rolling towards the edge of the table.

"Hey? Where's the person?"

The empress dowager's eyes were blank, she turned around in a circle, looked under the table, and then scanned the empty lakeshore...
There is no follow-up plot, it is indeed slow or2!

(End of this chapter)

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