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Chapter 376

Chapter 376

As the setting sun slanted to the west, three fast horses galloped across the river, and the outline of Jiangzhou City gradually appeared at the end of the field of vision.

Yejingtang rode a fierce horse at the forefront, and Niao Niao squatted on his shoulders, letting the setting sun and evening wind blow his fur, "Googoog..." along the way, as if he was muttering—the spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease , see all the birds in Jiangzhou in one day...

Compared with the high-spirited one man and one bird, the latter two horses are much duller.

Master Xuanji leaned against Qinghe's arms, looking a little sluggish, with his eyes on the back of the bull in front of him, he didn't even want to lift his arms, and sometimes closed his eyes to doze off while running around.

Fan Qinghe lived in the next room last night. Although she pretended to be drunk and fell asleep, her mind was clear. She listened to the movement all night and understood why the demon girl had such a reaction.

Not long after she returned to her room yesterday, Ye Jingtang quietly ran to the next room, and then there was a mess of movements.

At first it was the demon girl who remained aggressive and aggressive, deliberately provoking and teasing Ning'er, but Ning'er later also acted like a big woman, trying to deal with the demon girl.

In the two-on-one situation, Fan Qinghe originally thought that Ye Jingtang would be at a disadvantage, but it didn't take long to find out that Sanniang was not there, and the two little squishies were completely humiliating themselves, and within two rounds, they never convinced each other , became a poor heroine who sympathized with each other.

Although Fan Qinghe was so ashamed, but he was relieved to hear the demon girl's misery, so he didn't run out to get wet in the rain.

But what she didn't expect was that the witch was soft everywhere, but her mouth was really hard.

Seeing that Miss Ning'er couldn't take it anymore and begged for mercy with tears in her eyes, the enchantress mustered up her momentum and started teasing again, and finally Ye Jingtang felt sorry for her and wanted to stop, and said without fear of death:

"Huh? Is this not enough?"

One can imagine how aggressive this sentence is.

Ye Jingtang was afraid of waking her up, so he was very careful in his actions. He probably exploded when he was ridiculed by the witch.

Fan Qinghe didn't know what happened in the end, anyway, he only heard the sizzling sound of water, and the witch's mouth was covered, so she could only let out a muffled short hum, which lasted for a quarter of an hour. It completely died down, and I haven't said much until now.

Although Fan Qinghe was having a hard time at night, he felt very comfortable when he found that the witch was asking for trouble and stumbled. Seeing that the witch hadn't recovered in the afternoon, she taunted:

"Aren't you very good before, why are you so weak today? Did you not sleep well last night?"

Master Xuanji didn't want to speak, and closed his eyes, as if he didn't hear anything.

At the back, Xue Baijin was galloping on a white horse, while Luo Ning was sitting behind with her arms around her waist. Because of the unfathomably hot water blocking the gun, her complexion improved a lot. Seeing that Jiangzhou City was approaching, she asked:
"Bai Jin, do you want to live in the Escort? Yun Li is also there, so it's more convenient to live together."

Xue Baijin was forced to go out in the middle of the night yesterday, and spent half the night fishing in the rain by the river, but he didn't catch any crabs, so he didn't think it was convenient to live together.She slowed down and said:

"You can go there if you want, I like to be clean."

After all, Luo Ning is still the leader's wife, it's a bit too scumbag to live outside blatantly, so she still said:
"What's the point of me going there alone? Let's go back to the inn first. I'll go shopping with you on the street at night. The new year will be over soon, and Jiangzhou City should be very lively..."

Seeing this, Xue Baijin naturally wouldn't push Ning'er towards Ye Jingtang. After arriving at the pier by the river, he greeted Ye Jingtang and left the team to go to the inn in the market.

Ye Jingtang watched them off outside the pier, and then continued to set off. Following the crowds of people, they entered the bustling Jiangzhou City.

It's the twelfth lunar month soon, and the people in Jiangzhou have nothing to do during the slack season. They basically hang out in the city during the day. There are dragon and lion dance teams rehearsing on the street, and occasionally some fireworks are set off.

Ye Jingtang carried Niao Niao to the bodyguard bureau in the west of the city, and found a big pharmacy on the way, with a booth set up outside, a lot of small bottles were placed, and a steward yelled loudly:

"Don't miss it when you pass by. The 'Baoqiang Pill', which is uniquely prepared by various ministries in the West Sea, can be used for three days.

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled when he heard this, so he slowed down and came to Miss Fan's side, and asked:

"What is this treasure gun pill? It sounds like..."

Fan Qinghe's expression was a bit weird, and he walked quickly from outside the big pharmacy before saying:

"Didn't I give Sanniang a few prescriptions last time? In the medicinal material business, the most profitable thing is not the scarce and secret medicine, such as Xuehu Powder. Although it can replace Xuehuhua, the medicinal effect is unique, but the martial arts in the world have been severely injured. No matter how much it is, there are not many in the same place, so we can only increase the price to spread the cost; if you want to make money, you still have to sell medicines suitable for all ages..."

All ages……

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he realized that the Baoqiang Pill was indeed what he thought, and asked again:

"Medicine is related to people's lives, it's not a child's play, is this medicine not harmful?"

Fan Qinghe knew that Ye Jingtang was worried about selling medicine for profit and harming people, so he said to himself:

"This is an old prescription that Dong Ming has used for many years. It is beneficial and harmless to strengthen the body and promote vitality. You can also take some at ordinary times."

Before Ye Jingtang could respond, Shui'er, who was leaning against his arms, suddenly opened his eyes:
"Don't prescribe medicines indiscriminately before you enter the door, and prescribe you to clean up the mess yourself."

"I'm a doctor. I know what I can eat and what I can't. Why are you talking?"


Ye Jingtang knew that Shui'er must have been frightened, so he interrupted in such a hurry, shook his head secretly and didn't interrupt, and went straight back to the Yuanqing Escort.

Before the New Year's Escort, the Escort Bureau was quite busy, the courtyard was full of carriages, and many escorts were walking among them, while Chen Yuanqing was counting the goods with the ledger.

The Chen family's mansion in the rear is much quieter, except for the chatting of a few maids, basically no other movement can be heard.

Ye Jingtang saw that Uncle Chen was busy, so he didn't go in to disturb him. He returned to the Chen family's mansion from the side alley, and before he entered the back door, he found smoke from cooking in the back kitchen, filled with...


Niao Niao sensed that something was wrong, immediately flew up, and ran to the Duke's Mansion in the east of the city to seek refuge.

Master Xuanji was listless at first, but when he smelled a very unique smell, his whole body became sober, and he sat up a little bit and looked towards the house:
"What does it taste like?"

Fanqinghe originally thought that Sanniang was brewing medicine, but it didn't look like it when she asked, and she didn't dare to go over when she stopped the horse.

After Ye Jingtang ate the powder once, he felt that the taste was actually quite good, but it was a bit uncomfortable to touch it suddenly, so he got off his horse and entered the house from the back to have a look.

Entering the back door is the kitchen yard. The doors and windows of the kitchen are open, and there are firewood piles of chicken coops and other things beside the wall.

Xiuhe and Pinger helped wash and cut vegetables in the kitchen, while the charming Sanniang dressed up as the wife of a wealthy family, standing at the corner of the aisle and watching, her red lips twitched slightly, seeming to be afraid of the neighbors He came to the door, wanting to stop Yunli, but he was afraid of dispelling Yunli's enthusiasm.

In the kitchen, Xiao Yunli was dressed as Miss Jiaojiao, dressed quite elegantly, with an apron hanging on her chest, standing in front of the stove, lifting the lid of the pot with one hand, and checking the heat, her slender and slender figure was quite similar to Ning'er has a certain resemblance.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang's mouth curled up into a smile, and he quietly came behind Sanniang who was watching secretly, and raised his hand to help support his chest and carry the weight.


Pei Xiangjun looked at Yunli who was cooking, but he didn't notice that Ye Jingtang touched behind him, the watermelon was lifted up, he trembled all over in shock, he looked back to see the broad shoulders, and raised his eyes to see the familiar handsome cheeks, then he patted his chest and said :

"I was scared to death... When did you come back? Where are Ning'er and the others?"

"Just came back. Ning'er went to the pier, and Shuishui is outside."

Ye Jingtang quietly nodded on Sanniang's lips, then looked towards the kitchen:

"Yunli doesn't go out for a walk, why is she cooking in the house?"

Pei Xiangjun turned around, helped Ye Jingtang straighten his clothes, and at the same time checked whether there were any injuries on his body:

"I guessed that you were coming back soon, so I wanted to cook for you. I cooked it once yesterday. I didn't wait for anyone. I ate it all for Xiu Hepinger. I also ate some. It actually tastes good..."

The two exchanged only a few words, and Xiao Yunli, who was busy in the kitchen, noticed the movement outside the window, her eyes lit up, and she quickly waved:
"Cousin Jing, come here quickly."

Although Pei Xiangjun misses Jingtang very much, he doesn't want to compete with girl Yunli to be jealous, so he turns around and goes outside the back door to welcome Sister Shui'er.

When Ye Jingtang came to the kitchen, both Xiuhe and Ping'er moved a little more nimbly. After he said hello, he came to Yunli's side to look at it:
"what happened?"

"It's nothing, give me a taste."

Zhe Yunli picked up the soup with a spoon, brought it to her red lips and blew, then raised her hand to Ye Jingtang's mouth, watching with anticipation.

Ye Jingtang felt that this movement was seen by Bing Tuotuo, and he was afraid that he would have to beat him, but Yun Li didn't think about it, it was obviously wrong for him to think wrongly, so he lowered his head, caught it and tasted it, savoring it slightly:
"Well... not bad, not bad, I haven't seen my skills for a few days."


Zheyunli frowned and smiled, looking a little smug, and immediately began to use bowls and chopsticks to fill the powder:

"It's time to eat! Ping'er, go and clear the table."

"Okay lady."


In the small courtyard on Shuanggui Lane, Yejingtang or Ninger used to cook, and Yunli was in charge of lighting the fire and shopping for vegetables. Seeing Yunli's skillful appearance now, Yejingtang is really a little girly in our family. With a sense of success, he held hands next to him and chatted with him about homely gossip:
"Didn't go for a walk these days?"

"Then I must have taken a walk. The stories about Xiaoshan Fort and Wanghai Tower are spreading everywhere, and my heart is full of excitement. Alas, I didn't follow Long Zhengqing. It's a pity..."

"It's such a pity. In the future, we have to clean up the Four Saints of Beiliang and Shenchen Bald Donkey, and we have to go to the official city for a walk. That's a big scene. At that time, we can just go there together..."

"It's settled, Brother Jing, don't run away without saying hello..."

"Ha ha……"


Chatted with each other, and brought the powder to the living room of the house, and the family sat together and had a light meal.

Zhe Yunli didn't cook the meal for Ye Jingtang alone, and found that the master and wife didn't come, put down the chopsticks and cooked two more bowls of noodles, went out with Pinger, and ran to the pier to deliver the meal.

Yejingtang actually wanted to see Bingtuotuo's reaction when he saw the food delivered by his good apprentice, but he still had a lot of things to do when he came back, so it was not easy to follow. After eating and changing his clothes, he was ready to go to the Duke Go to the government and ask An to report on work or something.

Sanniang couldn't run to the Duke's mansion, so she went shopping with Miss Fan, buying New Year's goods in advance.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the Chen family's mansion, it was already night, Xuanji Daoist walked in front of him in white clothes like snow, holding the Hehuan sword in his hand, and his demeanor returned to the calm and calm appearance of the past.

Seeing that Shui'er didn't speak, Ye Jingtang spoke first:

"Are you all right? Do you want to take a break first to catch up on sleep?"

Xuanji Daoist launched an aggressive general yesterday, but was covered with red lips and four eyes facing each other, and was turned into a water curtain hole. It was indeed quite miserable, but with the picture of bathing fire next to him, he recovered very quickly. At this time, there was no What a big deal.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't show pity yesterday, and now he's coming to ask for warmth again, Master Xuanji said plainly:

"What's the matter with this way? To save your face yesterday, you pretended to be invincible, so that you won't be able to get down from the stage..."

ha? !

Ye Jingtang knew that Shuier's head was strong, and he was still shocked when he heard this, so he immediately grabbed his wrist and walked back:

"Warrior wins or loses with dignity, let's go, let's fight until dawn, Fairy Lu, don't worry about my feelings, if you should toss to death, just toss me to death..."

Master Xuanji is not without self-knowledge. Going back now, I am afraid that he will not be able to go to the ground for three days, so he twisted his wrist slightly and made a displeased look:

"Again and again, I gave you a lot of opportunities. You didn't know the severity and even became more and more presumptuous. Now you have no chance. From now on, you will never touch a finger of being a teacher again..."

Seeing that Shui'er was so aggressive and not playing with him, Ye Jingtang was definitely not happy, so he raised his hand to hold one of Shui'er's fingers.

Immortal Xuanji twitched her hand, but before taking time off, she lightly raised the Hehuan sword with her left hand:

"let go."

Three points out of the sword.

Ye Jingtang didn't oppose it, and turned to come to him, bent his knees and hugged his slender legs, carried Taoist Shui'er on his back, and said with a pleasant face:
"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I will be honest in the future, Fairy Lu wants it for me, if you don't give it to me, just talk softly..."

Real Xuanji lay on her back, there was nothing she could do about this thick-skinned lover, so she leaned her chin on her shoulder and whispered to her ear:
"I have a hundred ways to deal with you, but I'm just too lazy to use them. If you don't want the backyard to catch fire and burn out all day, then I will be your teacher... teacher..."

While the two were talking, they passed an intersection along the dark alley, and their words stopped abruptly.

Yejingtang just passed the corner of the wall, and from the corner of the eye, I could see a figure in a fiery red dress standing at the fork in the road, with his arms around his chest, silently, those eyes hidden in the night, looking at the two of them calmly...

? !
Master Xuanji's cynical expression froze slightly, his whole body remained motionless, as if he had turned into a wooden man in an instant.

Ye Jingtang stopped in his tracks, cold sweat rolled down his forehead, he wanted to let go but it was obviously too late.

Plop ~ plop...

The dark alley was so dead silent that two heartbeats could be heard.

However, the expected hysterical scolding or unbelievable questioning did not appear in the fork.

stomping on...

The Great Wei Empress was wearing a thin red dress, and stepped out of the dark alley with light steps, revealing her bright and charming cheeks.

She came to the side of the two, and instead of looking at Ye Jingtang, she looked at the master with a slightly stiff expression on her back, and her voice was quite soft and calm:
"Going out for a trip, is it okay to be injured? Why do you have to let the guards carry you when you walk?"


Master Xuanji had a strong mind, and his cold and beautiful cheeks turned red. He got off his back lightly, stood upright, and stroked his skirt a little:

"Hehe, um... just a little tired, just come out for a walk..."

The empress is quite familiar with Master's cynical character, and her temperament is obviously inherited from Xuanji, so it's not surprising to see this scene.

In the past ten years, the real Xuanji wandered outside day after day, helping the empress to find the picture of Minglong to continue her life. Although the matter failed, the hardworking empress saw it.

After Master Xuanji returned to Beijing this time, he suddenly stopped going back to Yuxu Mountain and followed Ye Jingtang all day long. The empress could actually guess something.

Seeing Xuanji's rare appearance of embarrassment, the empress gently waved her hand and said:
"It's been a long day of exhaustion, tiredness is inevitable, go back and rest early, I will talk to Ye Jingtang about something."


Master Xuanji would not say a word more when he saw this, coughed lightly, turned around silently and left, ignoring his lover's life and death.

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang stood at the same spot, his eyes were quite complicated, and when Shui'er flew over the wall, he smiled lightly and said:
"Why are you here? I was about to go to the Duke's Mansion to find you..."

The empress looked idle, and reached for the weapon at Ye Jingtang's waist.


Ye Jingtang raised his hand to hold it down, and said softly: "If you have something to say, talk it out, then what..."

The empress pulled out the dark gold sword casually, played with it in her hand, and asked:
"Is this the sword you found in Xiaoshan Castle?"


Seeing that Hu Niuniu didn't beat him, Ye Jingtang was really surprised in his heart, so he naturally didn't open any pot, nodded and said:
"Yes, the casting of Linghu Guanzhi has a very mysterious texture. The Pingtian leader likes it very much. I didn't give it to her, but I brought it back for you."

The Empress flicked the blade with her fingertips, causing Kong You to tremble:
"Then you have intentions. This sword seems to be made of dragon scale stones, but it's still a bit strange that Linghu Guanzhi and Long Zhengqing got so many long-lost dragon scale stones. Can you ask where they are?"

"Long Zhengqing said that it was provided by the green bandit, but he didn't say anything specific. At that time, life and death were fighting, and he didn't have the opportunity to ask about it. However, Long Zhengqing said that the map of Mingshen is in the Beiliang Palace..."

Minglongtu is a matter of life, and the empress is really worried, so she flipped her wrist lightly and inserted the sword back behind Ye Jingtang's waist:

"It's not surprising that there is a picture of the Minglong in the Beiliang Imperial Palace. This matter needs to be planned again and again. Let's put it aside for now. If you really want to, help get back the picture of Changqing in Xue Baijin's hand first, and she should take it with her."

Ye Jingtang actually wanted to, but it was very difficult, so he said:
"Pingtianjiao doesn't have much capital. Last time you two got into a fight and broke your clothes, um... I mentioned this, and she said that you should go over and exchange three tickets in person. This is obviously not good. Most likely, I'll think of a way."

"Three for one..."

When the Empress heard this, she couldn't help shaking her head secretly:
"Don't even think about exchanging one, either take the initiative to hand it in, or I will take it myself, for your sake, you can allow her to think about it for a while, but the time is limited.

"It really pissed me off, so I'll catch her back, seal her Qi veins with a soul-leaving needle, throw her into your house as a maid, let her give birth to ten or eight big fat boys, and see if she can still be like this arrogant……"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to persuade: "Don't be so arrogant, if you really fight, what will you do if she catches you and bullies you? She is now supernatural, and you couldn't fight last time, so she is definitely not an opponent now."

The empress was a little displeased: "I'm just saving my life, if I really risk my life, how could she be my opponent."

Ye Jingtang felt that no matter how much we talked about this topic, there would be no results, so he sighed lightly:

"Okay, anyway, leave this matter to me, don't go your own way, if something happens again, I will send you back to the capital, and I will never take you out again."

The Empress had a fight with Xue Baijin last time, and she could see that Xue Baijin's background was not careless, so she stopped talking and turned to Ye Jingtang:

"In the past, you made outstanding achievements repeatedly, and you didn't want to be rewarded. If you don't blame the past for today's incident, it will be regarded as offsetting the merits and demerits. If you can get back the remaining two pictures, if you go too far, the court will not refuse.

"If the north can be pacified, then you can choose any girl in the palace. Anyone you like can be brought back to the mansion. If you want to live in directly, it's not impossible..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly and said: "These things are too far away, let's take a step at a time. Hmm... I heard rumors in the world that King Zuo Xian has been missing for two months. Is there any news from the court?"

The empress is not in the capital, and her understanding of the situation depends entirely on her sister's letters. After considering this for a while, she responded:

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I will send a letter to the capital and investigate it carefully. You can rest well during this period. If you want to help the court clear up internal and external troubles, you have to combine work and rest, right?"

Ye Jingtang chuckled, and didn't talk about business any more. He walked out of the alley beside him and looked at the brightly lit Jiangzhou City:

"What are you doing now? Going to a poetry fair?"


When the Empress heard this, Gu Jing Wubo's eyes lit up, her steps lightened up, and she walked towards Yan Street:

"Let's go, it's the end of the new year, and talents from all over Jiangzhou are gathering in Yan Street. It's hard for me to join in without you. By the way, I have experienced so much on a trip, have you thought of any good poems?"

"Let's think about it, um... Dongfeng night puts flowers and thousands of trees..."


After listening to a few words, the empress slowed down again, her eyes turned back from the bustling streetscape, and fell on the face of the handsome young man beside her who was talking eloquently, with little stars similar to those of Liren appearing in her eyes.

"Good words... any more?"

"Hey, it's not like carrying a sack and working hard, you can do it well and quickly, you need to use your brain..."

"Eh? What are you doing?"

"Give you some pressure, on the neck of the knife holder, you will definitely be able to squeeze it out..."

"You just chopped me up, I can't think of it or...well, well, I think, there are so many people on the street, it's a joke if people see it..."


In the midst of fighting and fighting, a man and a woman gradually drifted away and disappeared into the depths of the city where light and shadow intersect...

(End of this chapter)

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