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Chapter 379 Yuxu Mountain

Chapter 379 Yuxu Mountain

Time flies and the twelfth lunar month arrives, and the atmosphere of the year becomes stronger in the countryside, and there are no old farmers farming in the fields, and wanderers returning home can be seen everywhere on the official roads and rivers.

creak creak...

On the north side of Jiangzhou, under the majestic mountains that separated the two states, a carriage walked through the loess road and gradually came to the peaks of Yuxu Mountain.

Ye Jingtang was sitting on the carriage, looking up at the snowy top of the mountain, while Niao Niao was squatting beside him, watching the passing mules and horses, whispering softly, probably asking—why there are no camels here...

Ye Jingtang knew that Niao Niao remembered the time when he used to walk the darts, when he went to Shazhou and passed the Daxue Mountain. At that time, as long as he passed the Yakou Snow Mountain, he would arrive at the Shazhou.

Yuxu Mountain is a place of Taoist cultivation, and it does not produce camels, so it must be impossible to eat them. After Ye Jingtang raised his hand and rubbed the birds for comfort, he turned back to look at the carriage.

Departing from Jiangzhou City, because I was traveling in no hurry, I naturally walked slowly. Basically, I would find a place to rest as soon as it got dark. Occasionally, I would go to Jiangzhou's famous scenic spots, and I had to walk hundreds of miles for several days.

Although we had seen enough scenery on the road, as the saying goes, the three girls had no milk to eat, and there was not much to talk about in detail, except that there was nothing to eat.

At this moment in the carriage, the empress dowager was sitting bored in the carriage, and had already fallen asleep on the red jade lap.

Shui'er was sitting on the other side, flipping through "The Secret History of Cleopatra", reading it quite engrossed.

Looking at Shui'er's expression, Ye Jingtang knew that he was looking at something shameful, and joked:

"What are you looking at? Your face is red."


Immortal Xuanji quickly closed the book upon hearing the sound, first glanced at Huai Yan who was sleeping opposite, and then put the book aside casually:
"Adults, children don't ask nonsense."


Ye Jingtang felt that the water was a little floating and needed to be educated with sticks, but the road was not very easy to use family methods, so he didn't say much, smiled and continued driving.

Master Xuanji lifted the curtain of the car and looked at the mountains in winter. After seeing the familiar scenery, he said:

"Go two miles further, go up from the fork, and you will be Qingping Peak, which is the master's cave. If you go to the main peak, there are still ten miles to go..."


Ye Jingtang arrived for the first time, listened to Shui'er's narration, and looked at the various landscapes around Yuxu Mountain.

Yuxu Mountain is not a mountain, but a mountainous area with a radius of more than a hundred miles. The Yuxu Temple is on the main peak in the center, and the Taoists who practice here are distributed among the mountains and fields. There are more than a dozen Taoist temples of all sizes.

Shui'er is Yuxu Mountain's junior martial uncle, who was recruited by Lu Taiqing's acting master, his seniority is regarded as the highest in Yuxu Mountain, even some old Taoist priests who are five or sixty years old have to be honored as "martial uncle".And the practice place is also very grand, directly occupying the entire Qingping Peak, and she lives alone in it. The mountain is full of bamboo forests, and the Taoist temple is hidden among the bamboo forests. From a distance, it looks like a place where gods live.

Although Shui'er said to the outside world that he has been practicing on the mountain all year round, in fact he has been traveling all over the world in private, looking for the picture of singing dragons for the empress, and has spent very little time going back and forth to Yuxu Mountain in the past ten years.

As the carriage passed Qingping Peak, the Taoist temple among the bamboo forests in the middle of the mountain came into view. Shui'er's face was obviously a little bit more separated from the world, and even the expression of the demon in the past had subsided. It looked like a fairy who went down the mountain and returned to the mountain again.

The empress dowager was on a lunch break, but because the road back into the mountain was not very good, she was shaken awake under the bumps, got up and lay sleepily at the window, looking at the bamboo forest halfway up the mountain:
"Huh? Are you there?"


Master Xuanji got up and leaned in front of him, pointing to a tree with a crooked neck on the top of Qingping Peak:
"I remember that when you first came to Yuxu Mountain, you insisted on climbing to the top of that tree and refused to come down. It scared Mrs. Zhao and Senior Brother to the point where you almost called your aunt..."


When the Empress Dowager came to Yuxu Mountain, she was at the age of lawlessness, and she did do a lot of embarrassing things.At this time when Shui'er mentioned it, her slightly sleepy expression froze obviously, probably because she was afraid of Ye Jingtang's joke, she frowned and said:

"It's just that I was ignorant when I was young. What are you talking about now? You used to go to the pool behind the mountain to take a wild bath..."

Xuanji has a wild personality since she was a child, so she naturally doesn't blush for this kind of thing, and she sent an invitation with great interest;
"It's called being close to the world, and it's a way of practicing. I didn't wash up well all the way, do you want to go bubble again later?"

"What am I soaking in? I'm going to do it myself. I'll go to the main peak to offer incense."

"Then go wash after applying the incense?"

"Oh, let's talk about it later..."


Ye Jingtang sat outside the carriage and listened. Although he wanted to take a wild bath to relax after a tiring ride, the two inside obviously wouldn't agree to take a bath with him, so they didn't interrupt.

As the carriage passed Qingping Peak, the towering Yuxu Peak appeared at the end of the field of vision, and the jagged and scattered buildings above were looming. You could see the golden top of the mountain, and there were tourists going back and forth on the winding stone road.

It has already entered the twelfth lunar month, so there are naturally many people who come to offer incense and pray for a famous Taoist mountain like Yuxu Mountain.

After walking out of the mountain road and merging into the avenue leading to the main peak, there are gradually more pedestrians on the road, including wives and ladies from rich families, and ordinary people in plain clothes.

The Empress Dowager came here as an ordinary person, so naturally she did not declare her family background, so she asked the Taoist priest of Yuxu Mountain to come and greet her. After the carriage arrived at the small town at the foot of Yuxu Mountain, the four of them stopped the carriage and walked up the mountain on foot.

Although the Empress Dowager looked weak, she was born in the general family and had a good foundation in kung fu. In recent months, she was afraid of being stunned by the night, and she was also studying hard in private. It was easy to climb a mountain. On the way, she bought some souvenirs such as peace cards and peace charms from the vendors who set up stalls.

Ye Jingtang seldom went to Taoist temples to burn incense and worship Buddha. He carried birds on his shoulders while walking, and his attention was mainly on the people in the past.

Yuxu Mountain is the most famous Taoist temple among the people, but in the hearts of Jianghu people, it is the three holy places of the Wei Dynasty, which are as famous as the Thousand Buddha Temple and the official city.

Ordinarily, the powers of the rivers and lakes are still kicking the gym, but places like Yuxu Mountain must not be able to kick them anymore. Most of the people from the rivers and lakes come here to seek advice from experts.

Of course, there are also scattered people from the rivers and lakes who come here for further studies. When you go up the mountain, you can sometimes see cottages among the barren mountains and wild ridges, as well as people from the rivers and lakes meditating on cliffs and lonely rocks.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang curiously said:
"Yuxu Mountain also teaches martial arts?"

Shui'er returned to the mountain, probably because she was afraid of being recognized, she made a veil and put it on her head, walked behind the empress dowager, and explained:
"Cultivation is one way, the cultivation of the heart is the top, and the cultivation of strength is the bottom. Ordinary warriors have to go through too many ups and downs in their lives, and they are not controlled by the law. If they are not careful, they will fall into the devil's way. Only a warrior with a strong mind can go to the end.

"Yuxu Mountain does not teach martial arts, but the senior brothers on the mountain still have the ability to persuade people to be good and give advice, so naturally there are many people who come to visit, but not everyone understands it.

"I remember that in the previous dynasty, there was a scholar named Wu Shengxie who failed the imperial examinations every year. He came to Yuxu Mountain to live for a while. He asked a Taoist priest at that time to enlighten him. The Taoist priest told him that 'all evils and adultery are the first'. Only by restraining desires and purifying one's heart can one's thoughts pass the imperial examination high school. Guess what he said?"

Wu Shengxie, Master Wu, is the author of "Tears of a Chivalrous Woman", the lighthouse in Ye Jingtang's life.

Faced with this question, Ye Jingtang naturally opened his mouth and said:
"If you want to reboot, what am I going to do if I study hard to get a good grade?"

Master Xuanji nodded slightly, his eyes approving:
"You kid finally confessed your true heart?"


Ye Jingtang stood up straight for a few minutes, his eyes helpless:

"I just repeated what Master Wu said, and didn't talk about myself. Master Wu wrote this paragraph in the book, and in the end, it seemed that he was so experienced that he blew his beard and stared at him, and kicked him out of Yuxu Mountain. He was unhappy, so he entered the rivers and lakes, and even hooked up a Taoist nun..."

Master Xuanji sees Ye Jingtang like a treasure, and even has a bit of admiration for Wu Shengxie between the lines, and his eyes show a three-point chill:
"He is a sour scholar, how could he have the ability to hook up with my girl from Yuxu Mountain, but he was kicked out, and he had no choice but to write a book to slander Yuxu Mountain. Chivalrous Women's Tears are banned books in Yuxu Mountain. You'd better restrain yourself. If your brothers find you carrying this thing, they will break your legs."

When Ye Jingtang came to Yuxu Mountain, it really meant to visit the various scenic spots written on the "Xia Nv Lei", just like the Empress Dowager's visit to Hongfeng Lake.

But he didn't bring the book with him. After all, he knew everything by heart, so he didn't need to bring it.

Hearing what Shui'er said, Ye Jingtang opened his arms calmly:

"It's all good when I'm free, how could I carry that forbidden book with me all day long..."



The empress dowager was supported by Hongyu and walked in front. When she heard Shui'er screaming at the training night, she was a little bit protective, she turned her head and said:
"You still say him, don't you hold those messy books all day long to read?"

Master Xuanji responded to this: "In the original way, the color of wine passed through the intestines, and the Taoist ancestor kept it in his heart. He passed the color of wine through the intestines, and he also ate from the bowl and looked into the pot. It is different."


After running all the way, Niao Niao was almost starving. Hearing this, he raised his head and looked around, which should mean——what to eat?where is the pot

The four of them talked and laughed like this, they went up the mountain in the afternoon, and when the sun set in the west, they arrived at the Yuxu Temple on the top of the mountain.

At this time, the clouds have reached the feet, and when you look up, you can see the sea of ​​clouds against the backdrop of the setting sun. The scene is quite magnificent.

Master Xuanji is the uncle of Yuxu Mountain after all, no matter how tightly he covered himself, when he showed up outside the Taoist temple, he was recognized by the Taoist priests of Yuxu Temple, and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello:
"Uncle Lu, why do you..."

"Come back and have a look. You don't have to disturb the senior brothers, just do your own thing."


After Zhenji Xuanji told the juniors in the temple not to make a big show, he took the empress dowager into the Taoist temple, and walked through the corridors and buildings to the outside of the Golden Palace.

Although Master Xuanji has always been cynical and has violated all the precepts, he still dare not be too presumptuous in front of the patriarch. He stopped outside the golden palace, turned around and said:
"I'll take the Empress Dowager inside to burn incense. You get some food for Niao Niao first, and come back later."

Ye Jingtang and Shui Shui were both on the bed, and ran to burn incense in front of the patriarch of the Taoist sect together. He was indeed a bit arrogant, and he didn't have the habit of burning incense and worshiping Buddha.
The setting sun is slanting to the west, and the mountain breeze is gentle.

At dusk, the people who came to the main peak to offer incense gradually dispersed. Outside the hall, only two little Taoist boys could be seen sweeping the floor on the side steps. There was also a large incense burner on the stone lawn in front of the door, with little smoke inside.

Ye Jingtang walked around outside the Golden Palace, but found no special scenery. Seeing that Shui'er and the Queen Mother couldn't finish burning incense in a short time, he walked back along the path, looking for various scenic spots that he had seen in the book.

Wu Shengxie had indeed stayed in Yuxu Mountain back then, so he described the scenery of Yuxu Temple very accurately, even the fork in the trail, the wellhead on the side of the road, etc., are the same as the real place, but a hundred years have passed, and some flowers, plants and trees have changed.

Niao Niao is very psychic. Seeing that the passers-by are very quiet, she knows that this place is not allowed to fight and fight. She stands on her shoulder and looks around, and whispers. According to Ye Jingtang's thinking, it should be muttering:
Don't dare to chirp loudly, for fear of frightening the birds in the sky...

One person and one bird just wandered around for a while, and gradually came to the back mountain of Yuxu Temple, in front of which is the place where Taoist priests usually live.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang wanted to stop and turn back, but when he looked at the back mountain with lush vegetation, he could faintly hear some voices coming from the depths of the forest:
tread... tread...

Although the distance is extremely far and the voice is subtle, Ye Jingtang can still hear the nine palace steps walking through the rhythm of the steps, and the strength is uneven, it sounds like a child who weighs less than a hundred.

As a martial artist, Ye Jingtang was naturally curious about the scene of martial arts training. He looked around and saw that there was no sign of 'Tourists not allowed', so he pretended to be wandering, walked into the mountain path, and came to the bamboo sea in the back mountain.

The Bamboo Sea is very large, even in the cold winter months, the mountains are still green and green from the outside.

Ye Jingtang hung the bamboo hat on his back, carried the bird into the bamboo forest, and within a short while came to a pool deep in the bamboo forest.The sound of Jiugongbu came from beside the water pool.

Looking from a distance from Yejingtang, one can see a pool of several zhang square, with eighteen plum blossom stakes inserted in it, and a bamboo frame built on top of it.

There are more than a hundred pieces of bamboo leaves hanging on the bamboo frame with thin wires. Because there is no mountain wind, hanging vertically seems to be still.

And an eight or nine-year-old Taoist boy in a Taoist robe, sweating profusely, jumped up and down on the plum blossom pile. Although Jiugongbu was not stable, he was already considered talented at this age, and Ye Jingtang was surprised to see it.

Although he danced very well, every time Xiaodaotong landed on the edge of the pool and looked back after the dance, he didn't look happy or proud, but a little depressed.

Ye Jingtang stood in the distance and looked at it for a while, but didn't quite understand the meaning, so he walked up to him slowly, and said hello:
"The Taoist priest is practicing Jiugongbu?"

Although Xiao Daotong was only eight or nine years old, he seemed to be well-bred. When he saw an outsider coming, he stopped and saluted:

"Yeah, the hero has good eyesight. I just learned it not long ago, so the hero laughed."

"I'm not a hero, I'm just an ordinary martial artist, as long as I don't mind calling out Brother Ye."

Ye Jingtang came to the side of the pool, looked at the plum blossom piles and bamboo leaves, and said doubtfully:
"I've also learned the steps of Jiugongbu Xiaodaochang just now, which is considered solid among adults. Why are you still not satisfied every time you dance? How far are you going to practice?"

The Taoist leader looked around and saw that the master was not there. He was also a little curious about the big white bird, and walked up to him to look at it:

"Master said that you have to practice walking back and forth without moving the bamboo leaves hanging above. I can barely walk once, but yesterday the master suddenly added [-] bamboo leaves to [-]. I feel that it is impossible to walk in this life..."

Ye Jingtang just watched from the sidelines, and knew that these bamboo leaves were for correcting body skills.

Jiugongbu can be regarded as one of the top body techniques. When it is practiced to a great extent, it can make the steps match the virtual and the real, and be unpredictable.

But as long as the body moves, it will interfere with the outside world and generate fluctuations. Putting it above the master, no matter how ghostly the steps are, the details are not enough, and it is difficult to hide the intention.

And if you can practice to pass through the body on the plum blossom pile, and the hanging leaves are as quiet as stagnant water, then the body technique will naturally be like a ghost.

When Ye Jingtang saw this little boy, his heart was broken by the difficulty, and he encouraged him:

"Don't say such depressing words. Your master makes it difficult for you because he thinks you have improved. From my point of view, if you don't move [-] bamboo leaves, you can at most be considered a master of body skills; but if you don't move [-] bamboo leaves, you can go out of the mountain directly. You have practiced to this level at a young age. If you practice for another ten years, you will definitely be fine in the past."

When Xiao Daotong heard this, he quickly shook his head and said:
"How can it be possible to practice it for ten years? I feel that Master can't get past this thing by himself."

"What the master teaches is only the way to become a talent. It's normal that you can't do it yourself. If the master must be better than the apprentice, isn't this world getting weaker with each generation?"

Ye Jingtang said this, and wanted to show Xiao Daotong a demonstration, so he handed him the bird, then tapped his toes, and jumped into the plum blossom pile in the pool.

Xiao Daotong obviously often saw masters, and when he saw Ye Jingtang's silent movement between leaps, his eyes lit up. He stood by the pool with the bird in his arms, and focused his attention on it.

Ye Jingtang has practiced martial arts so far, and his body skills are still up to the mark. The basic teaching of stepping on the plum blossom stakes does not need to be seen with the eyes. With the number of nine palace steps, he jumped over five wooden stakes neatly.

stomping on...

But when he got to the middle, his figure suddenly stopped, and his expression froze.

Niao Niao's eyes are very sharp. Seeing this, he looked at a bamboo leaf hanging on the water pool, and mocked:

Xiao Daotong also showed a look of "it's true", and said:

"Look, I said that it is impossible to walk through. This thing is comparable to the Zhuxian Formation, and it is not something that ordinary people can walk through."

Ye Jingtang really sensed something was wrong, his originally calm eyes became more serious.

He looked back at the slightly swaying bamboo leaves, thought about it and returned to the shore, took off the saber and sword at his waist, took off the slightly obstructive hat and outer robe, and only wore close-fitting black clothes, then flew up again and landed on the plum blossom pile.

stomping on...

This time it was stronger than last time, but not by much, and it stopped after reaching seven steps.

Seeing this, the little Taoist praised and said: "Brother Ye is already very powerful, and the senior brothers in the gymnasium can't even take a step out."

Ye Jingtang naturally knew that the apprentices in the gymnasium would not be able to take a single step. After all, he, the eighth-ranked second child, had only gone seven steps with [-] points of energy, and he still had eleven wooden stakes.

Standing in the three-zhang pool, Ye Jingtang looked at the bamboo leaves hanging around. Although it was only two attempts, he realized that this thing was made by an expert, and it was definitely not used to test children. It seemed that it was a bit superficial to test him.

The eighteen plum blossom piles on the bottom and the eighteen bamboo leaves on the top can only be regarded as difficult for entry, as long as you pay attention to your body position, breath and foot strength, you can easily pass through.

But adding one hundred and eight bamboo leaves, the effect is different.

The number has doubled by six times. The position and height of each bamboo leaf obviously have a great knowledge. They are closely related to each other. From small to breathing, to large to leaking energy, it will drive a certain bamboo leaf.

Ye Jingtang originally thought that he had reached the pinnacle of Qi Jin control, but after walking twice, he found that there were problems in body skills, breath, and steps.

In his opinion, this thing can only pass through without waves if it reaches the level of a martial sage who lifts weight lightly, inside and outside as one, and has perfect control over his body and energy.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang's eyes became serious, he fell back to the pool again, and asked;
"Dare to ask Master?"

Xiao Daotong shook his head and said: "My teacher travels around all the year round, so it's inconvenient to disclose the Taoist name, so please forgive me."

Although the little Taoist didn't say it clearly, Ye Jingtang could still roughly guess the identity of his master.

After all, the Jianghu is so big, Xuanji is already very powerful, if Yuxu Mountain hides a Taoist priest who can embarrass him, then there is no one else except Lu Taiqing, one of the three immortals, the national teacher.

Ye Jingtang grew up, and basically came here by hearing the names of the three immortals on the mountain. Even now that he has reached the top three of the eight chiefs, he still has respect for this Taoist head teacher, especially now that Shui'er and him are finally married, and after Lu Taiqing has become his cheap brother-in-law...

Ye Jingtang sensed that the situation was not right, looked left and right, and asked:

"Is your master here?"

"Master always sees the beginning and the end, drinking tea in the temple in the morning, and may have reached the border in the afternoon. I don't know exactly where it is."

The little Taoist danced for a whole day and was about to lose his strength. Seeing that Ye Jingtang was very interested in plum blossom piles, he said boldly:
"I have to go back to eat, brother Ye is interested in practicing here, but don't knock down the bamboo stand, or Master will definitely hit me when he comes back."

Ye Jingtang saw that the little Taoist priest didn't know where he was going, and it was hard to get to the bottom of it, so he said with a smile:
"I'll try to practice again. If your master comes back, I hope you can let me know and I'll pay a visit."


Xiao Daotong seemed to be hungry, so he didn't stay long, turned around and walked towards Yuxu Temple, and raised his hand to say hello:

"Heck, let's go eat."


When Niao Niao heard the meal, she originally wanted to go over to rub her head in suspense, but when she heard the tone of calling the chicken, she suddenly regained her strength, and Xiao Tiao came back, standing in front of Ye Jing Tang and ignoring him.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, indicating that you are welcome. After watching Xiao Daotong leave, he calmly concentrated and jumped onto the plum blossom pile again...
Thank you [Magic Eye] for the 2987 rewards, and thank you [Betta Fish [-]] for the [-] rewards!

Thank you guys for your monthly ticket support!

This chapter was rewritten, resulting in the disappearance of the 2-word manuscript. I'm afraid it won't be so early tomorrow or[-].

(End of this chapter)

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