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Chapter 380 Lu Taiqing

Chapter 380 Lu Taiqing

The Golden Hall is solemn and solemn, and the statue of the Patriarch of the Three Qing Dynasty stands in the middle of the hall.

Xuanji took off his cap and came to the statue of the patriarch with the empress dowager. Even though he had a laid-back personality, he was still very upright in front of the patriarch. He even put the wine gourd outside, took the incense and put a stick of incense on it.

The empress dowager stood beside her holding incense, silently thanking God for his blessings in recent years, and wishing Ye Jingtang a safe and sound future.

After burning the incense, the three of them did not go out immediately.

Hongyu glanced around and found a table at the door with a lottery tube on it, you can ask for a lottery, so she said:

"Ma'am, should we ask for a signature?"

Immortal Xuanji didn't wait for the Queen Mother to speak, she walked to the small table and sat down, and put on the appearance of Lu Banxian, and hooked her hands:

"Huaiyan is here, I will give you a fortune teller."

To be honest, the empress dowager didn't believe in Shui'er's morality at all, but fortune-telling is a kind of spying on the secrets of heaven, so it's still uncertain when Lu Taiqing came, so she still came to sit down in front of the small case in the meaning of coming:

"What kind of?"

The real Xuanji sat behind the table in a white dress, with a bit of fairy air, took the stick and handed it to the empress dowager:

"It depends on you, what do you want to be?"

The Empress Dowager actually wanted to figure out when she and Ye Jingtang would be able to get married, but it was obviously not easy to talk to Shui'er, so she thought about it:

"When will Hongyu be able to marry?"


Hongyu, who was standing behind and eating melons, was shocked when she heard this. She thought that the Queen Mother was going to marry her off, and felt aggrieved:
"Empress Dowager, don't forget about it? I've been destined for the rest of my life. Where are you and where am I..."

This is what the empress dowager counted on, and she would definitely marry Hongyu if she married someone, so she insisted:

"That's all, anyway, she's not sure."

After speaking, he picked up the stick and shook it, and dropped a bamboo stick.

Immortal Xuanji picked up the bamboo stick and looked it over a little, and it can be seen that there is a sentence written on it - being in the mountains is fate.

Hongyu raised her head to wait and see, and whispered: "What do you mean?"

"Well... the signature, according to the signature, the person you like is right in front of you but you don't know it, you can get married at any time..."


Hongyu was still thinking wildly, the Empress Dowager's eyes were startled, she didn't expect Shui'er, a half fairy, to be quite accurate in her calculations, she was afraid of something, she got up and said:

"Forget it, it's nothing, let's go out."

The real person Xuanji's divination level is not as good as Qinghe's, so she just said something casually, and didn't say much, put the bamboo stick back, and walked out of the golden palace together.

After working in the hall for a long time, the sun had already set and the sky was completely dark.

Immortal Xuanji looked around in the blink of an eye after leaving the house, wondering about the traces of Ye Jingtang, when she suddenly found two figures standing on the leading stone facing the outside of the mountain.

The figure in the back is a seven or eight-year-old Taoist boy, holding a bowl of rice in his hand, eating happily.

And on the dragon head stone protruding from the cliff, there stood a Taoist with a fairy-like demeanor.

The appearance of the Taoist is different from that of Taoist priests commonly seen in Taoist temples. He is dressed in black and white Tai Chi robes, with a purple gold hibiscus crown on his head, and a sword with a yin and yang fish hanging on his side. His hair and clothing are all meticulous.

At this time, the Taoist stands facing the wind with one hand behind his back, looking at the vast galaxy. His robe moves with the wind, but his body is as stable as a pine tree. Because of his broad shoulders and broad back, he gives people a feeling of "entrenched like a dragon".


When Master Xuanji saw this figure from behind, his expression froze obviously, and he wanted to sneak away with the empress dowager at the first moment.

But as one of the three immortals, Lu Taiqing, the national teacher, since he can stand here, how could he not know that Junior Sister Xuanji is in the palace.

As soon as the three of them walked out of the golden palace, Lu Taiqing turned around and bowed his hands together:
"Old Daoist Lu Taiqing, pay my respects to the Empress Dowager."

The empress dowager didn't notice it at first, but when she heard the voice, the smile on her face instantly subsided, turning into the dignified and demure look of the mother of a country.

No matter whether Lu Taiqing is in the arena or in the imperial court, his status is difficult to compare with others, but the queen mother is the queen mother after all, and there is no pressure to face the courtiers, so she just nodded at the moment:
"Master Guoshi is here too? I didn't know about it beforehand."

Master Xuanji saw his senior brother show up, and knew that he was definitely not here to visit the queen mother, and he couldn't escape immediately, so he said to Hongyu:
"Send the Empress Dowager to the tea room to rest first, and I'll go talk about something."

Seeing this, the empress dowager didn't ask any questions, and went to the side hall with Hongyu.

Master Xuanji found a young lover outside, went back to the mountain and bumped into his senior brother. The pressure was really not ordinary, but his expression was as calm as ever. He walked slowly to the Broken Dragon Stone and looked at Xiaodaotong who was buried in his meal:

"This is?"

Seeing this, Xiao Daotong quickly introduced himself:

"Junior Huayang, pay homage to Aunt Xuanji."

"It turned out to be nephew Huayang, but it's the first time I've seen him. This is the apprentice brother just accepted? Didn't the brother not want to accept apprentices?"

Lu Taiqing turned around and led his disciples towards the back mountain:

"Brother Wei originally wanted to hand over Yuxu Mountain to you, but now that you have the heart to return to the secular world and marry someone else, what else can you do besides finding another heir?"


Master Xuanji's eyes froze slightly. Just hearing this, she understood that the senior brother knew everything. She pretended to be calm and asked:
"How did the senior brother know this?"

"Your Majesty Feige sent a message the other day, and asked Brother Wei to guide Ye Jingtang, and mentioned your marriage by the way. Since the Holy Spirit has made a decision, Brother Wei naturally has nothing to say."


Master Xuanji really didn't expect that his apprentice betrothed her, the master, to Ye Jingtang, and he could do so well that even his mother's house had been taken care of, so he didn't know how to answer the conversation right now.

Lu Taiqing looked up at the starry sky, and continued:
"However, you are very talented, and you have a chance to find the way of longevity. It's a pity to go down the mountain here."

Master Xuanji heard the regret in the brother's words, thought for a while and responded:

"The way is in the heart. If you want to ask, you can ask no matter where you are. If you don't want to ask, even if you stay on the mountain every day, it's just a waste of time."

Lu Taiqing shook his head: "Practitioners who want to seek the way of longevity are doomed to pass by everyone they meet. The patriarch set many precepts, just not wanting disciples and grandchildren to leave too many demons on the way of pursuing the way. Now that you have gone down the mountain, you should not think about the way of longevity."

Master Xuanji knew that what the senior brother said made sense, so he nodded and said:

"I understand that since I have made my choice, I will not regret it."

Lu Taiqing had no intention of persuading Master Xuanji to turn around, after all, he had to walk on his own, without this heart, it would be futile to say more, so he changed the subject and said:
"My brother is a monk, so I should devote myself to Taoism, but immortality is precious, so I can ignore the affairs of the world, but I can't ignore the rise and fall of the world.

"At the beginning of the founding of the country, Taizu respected Taoism and despised Buddhism, and burned countless temples that merged with fields, fish and meat, so that Buddhists could only linger outside the Shazhou Pass, and the imperial court could not invite the monk Shenchen anymore.

"Fengguancheng is an old minister of the Great Yan. When the country was founded, he did not block the way of the rebels. He has already exhausted his benevolence and righteousness. It is impossible to get involved in the disputes between the Northern and Southern Dynasties. This Great Wei, speaking of it, is just a big beam for his brother.

"Your talent is outstanding, and as a brother, I hoped that one day you would be able to take on this burden. Now it seems that this matter can only fall on Ye Jingtang..."

Master Xuanji naturally hopes that Ye Jingtang can one day take over the burden of his senior brother and become the new guardian god of the Great Wei, shocking the world, but it seems that Ye Jingtang still has to work hard for a while.

The two brothers and sisters chatted and came to the back mountain without knowing it.

Master Xuanji looked from afar, and in the depths of the bamboo forest, there was a figure in a black robe jumping plum blossom piles in the pool.

At the edge of the pool, there was a bird that kept chirping, chirping, chirping. Although he couldn't understand it, but Xuanji had been in touch for so long, he could still understand that he was joking about Ye Jingtang.

Master Xuanji frowned and looked carefully, and saw that Ye Jingtang's face was serious, he jumped to the edge and wiped the sweat off his face, then put his hands on his hips, very depressed, as if he had encountered an unsolvable problem.

It was the first time Master Xuanji saw Ye Jingtang showing such an expression, and he couldn't help but wonder:

"What is he doing?"

Xiao Daotong, who followed behind, held a bowl and said:

"The plum blossom pile that master gave me, I said this person couldn't jump over it, but this brother insisted that he could, so he jumped to the present."

Master Xuanji didn't think the plum blossom pile could stop Ye Jingtang, she frowned and said:

"Brother, this shouldn't be an ordinary plum blossom pile, right?"

Lu Taiqing stood by the cliff with his hands behind his back, looking at Ye Jingtang's figure from afar, he said calmly:

"The Holy Majesty mentioned the situation of Ye Jingtang in the letter. He has more than enough understanding, but not enough martial arts accumulation, resulting in rough rules and regulations, so I asked Brother Wei to guide him.

"This is the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams formation that master created for my brother back then. To jump over it, one has to move with one's heart, lift weights lightly, and have the same internal and external balance.

"Brother worked hard for more than a month before I found that chance. Ye Jingtang's talent is also good. At present, it seems that he can get out of this battle in as little as one month, as long as three months. The rest is the accumulation of internal strength. As long as the background is sufficient, becoming a saint is just a matter of course."

When Master Xuanji heard this, she understood what it meant—it was equivalent to the head teacher of the previous generation of Taoism, that is, the master she had never met. According to the martial arts attainments that a martial sage should have, she asked her brother a big problem. If you want to solve the problem, you need to have accumulated knowledge.

Ye Jingtang dances in it, and when encountering problems, he will naturally think about the reasons as his senior brother did back then, and then adjust his body, energy, etc., and when all the problems are avoided, the state of universal understanding will naturally exist.

This method sounds quite simple and efficient, and Master Xuanji thought about it and asked:

"I've been stuck on the way to become a universal home for many years, why didn't senior brother get me one?"

After Mrs. Lu took the list, she was silent for a while, and then said tactfully:
"Back when I was a brother, similar to Ye Jingtang, they both came out of the mountains at a young age, and they were ranked as the top martial arts for only a year or two. Although they had more than enough talent, they didn't have enough martial arts experience accumulated over time.

"In martial arts in the world, as long as you know what it is, you will be able to know why, but the momentum is too fast, and there is no chance to know what it is. That's why the master taught this method, so that brother can understand it by himself. As for you, sister..."

Master Xuanji raised her hand slightly, signaling to her senior brother that there is no need to talk, she understood the meaning - if she goes in by herself, her brain may be overloaded, it is better to learn slowly and slowly.

Master Xuanji watched for a while, and it can be seen that Ye Jingtang has a problem in front of him, and his progress can be described as extremely fast. Almost every time he jumps over the plum blossom pile, his body shape will change very slightly.

But as one of the two sages, his brother danced for more than a month back then, no matter how outrageous Ye Jingtang was, it would have been impossible for him to pass the test in a few quarters of an hour.

For this reason, Xuanji watched on for a while, and quietly left the back mountain without disturbing her...
Before I knew it, it was late at night.

There is no sound in the bamboo forest in Houshan, only the moonlight shines through the bamboo crown, leaving mottled reflections in the pool.

Niao Niao may be a little bored, so he built a small nest by the edge of the pool with a bamboo branch in his mouth, and then squatted in it, eating dried meat when he was hungry, and drinking mountain spring when he was thirsty.

Ye Jingtang moved back and forth on the [-] plum blossom stakes. Although his physique was different from ordinary people, after nearly two hours, he also began to pant like a cow, and his muscles felt sore.

Jumping up and down on plum blossom piles seems to be effortless, but when practicing martial arts, it is far more difficult to seek stability than to seek speed.

Seeking speed is nothing more than jumping with the strength of eating grandma. How fast you can be depends on the explosive power of your limbs. If you practice the power posture well, there will be no other difficulties.

But seeking stability is different. It will affect your breath and your steps. The difficulty is no less than taking an hour to slowly do a push-up.

Practicing martial arts is hard work that drips water through rocks. Jumping on plum blossom piles over and over again, adjusting all aspects of the body is polishing the edges and corners of the limbs, which is equivalent to practicing basic skills.

It is useless to practice the basic skills alone. It must be practiced until it is integrated into the instinct and can be easily mastered without using the brain.

And practice makes perfect must depend on time, no matter how good the talent is, it is impossible to omit the steps of hard work and hard work.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang didn't overdo it and thought of a quick success even after practicing until he was drenched in sweat. He landed by the pool and washed his face before turning back outside the mountain.

After jumping on the plum blossom pile for two hours, Ye Jingtang has finally figured out the way. After thinking about it, basically every muscle and every energy channel in the body must be polished to be round and flawless. Otherwise, even if he knows how to do it, his body will be delayed and flaws will appear.

According to his estimation, it will take ten and a half months to practice at least to that step.

Since practicing martial arts, it has been going smoothly for so long, and suddenly being trapped by a plum blossom pile, Ye Jingtang inevitably felt a little frustrated, and while walking, he was also looking around the bamboo forest, trying to find the master of the little boy, and see if he could ask for advice.

It's a pity that the night is dark, and the Taoist priests in Yuxu Mountain are all asleep, and there are no lights, let alone people.

Niao Niao watched from the side for half the night, and now it landed on Ye Jingtang's shoulder, using its wings to help fan the wind, "chi chi chi chi..." along the way, it should be saying—this is not enough?

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang remembered the time when he practiced kung fu in Honghe Town when he was a child. At that time, he stretched his horse and lifted the stone lock. Afterwards, he was so tired that he could not get up.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and rubbed Niao Niao, seeing that Yuxu was watching the black lights, he didn't want to go in and disturb him, so he went down the mountain quietly, and walked along the mountains to Yuxu Peak, which is more than ten miles away.

Yuxu Mountain is a place of Taoist cultivation. Although there are many people who live in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests, they are scattered among the mountains and wilds with a radius of hundreds of miles. In order not to interfere with each other, they are still far away. Walking in the mountains, there are basically no people.

Qingping Peak, where Shui'er lives, is on the outside of Yuxu Mountain, not close to the main road. It is quiet at best, but remote at worst. Plus, there is only one person living there, so it looks like a barren mountain at night.

Yejingtang went up and down in the mountains, and soon came to the foot of Qingping Peak, and saw a little light in the bamboo forest in the middle of the mountain; the birds fluttered their wings and flew towards the small Taoist temple in the bamboo forest.

Ye Jingtang followed into the bamboo forest, and after a short walk, a small Taoist temple with white walls and blue tiles appeared in front of his eyes. There was a lantern hanging in front of the door, and Shui'er's words could be faintly heard:

"What about Nightmare Hall?"



Ye Jingtang didn't even knock on the door, and flew up and fell into the Taoist temple. It can be seen that apart from the portraits of the ancestors of the Sanqing hanging in the main room, the backyard is the courtyard where ordinary people live.

There is a reclining chair in the backyard, and the real Xuanji leans on it, swaying, teasing the birds standing on the armrest, looking very leisurely.

When Ye Jingtang came to the courtyard, he heard two steady breathing sounds in the west wing, and asked softly:

"Is the empress dowager asleep?"


Xuanji's expression was quite cold, she sat up, put the bird on the recliner and let it shake by itself, then turned and walked to the back of the Taoist temple:

"Yejingtang, come with me, I'll tell you something."

Ye Jingtang felt that Shuishui seemed to be rewarding him, so naturally he didn't say a word, followed to the bamboo forest behind the Taoist temple, and said with a smile:

"In Yuxu Mountain just now, I met a little Taoist jumping plum blossom pile, so I went to try it, and found that the plum blossom pile has great knowledge..."

Master Xuanji already knew the ins and outs, so naturally there was no need for Ye Jingtang to repeat it, and walked in front of him and hummed softly:

"Your Majesty sent a letter to Senior Brother. Senior Brother knows everything. He talked to me just now. From now on, the relationship between you and me is over..."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he frowned, walked to his side and grabbed Shui'er's wrist:
"Master Guoshi won't allow you to be with me?"

Xuanji's glamorous face showed three points of sadness, and she didn't look at Ye Jingtang and turned her head to look elsewhere:

"Senior brother is over seventy years old, no matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to guard Wei Yijiazi again. I am the next generation head teacher of Yuxu Mountain. If I only care about my children's private interests and abandon my practice, who will be the teacher of the country in the future?"

"I'm here."

Ye Jingtang's response was quite straightforward, even a bit inexplicable:

"You can't even beat me, and you are still a national teacher. You get drunk half a month and become unconscious, and you can't find anyone for the remaining half a month. Even if you want to be a national teacher, can all the civil and military officials agree?"


Master Xuanji pretended that his family did not agree with the marriage, in order to provoke Ye Jingtang and make him promise to take up the responsibility of the future guardian of the Great Wei Dynasty.

At present, it seems that this goal has been achieved, but why are the words so unpleasant?
Master Xuanji originally pretended to be cold, but now his eyes are really cold:

"Can you say that again?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, thinking that it was a bit too straightforward, after all, Shui'er is not stupid, she is quite capable.He coughed lightly, pulled the water and continued walking:

"I'm not saying you're incapable, but I don't want you to have to work too hard to shoulder the burden. I'm a bit better now, so I'll take the lead in these things. If I'm exhausted in the future, you'll have to go out to help, right, um... Husband and wife are of the same heart, and their benefits cut through gold."

Master Xuanji nodded slightly after hearing this:

"It's good that you understand. I'm not doing business and drinking a lot of wine all day long, and I can make it into the top three of the eight top rankings. If I practice hard, I won't be half a point behind you..."

"That's natural."

Ye Jingtang nodded, raised his hand to hook Shui'er's shoulder:

"Then on your senior brother's side, shall I go and say something nice?"

Master Xuanji has already been allowed out by the apprentice, and the senior brother didn't mean to ask, there is no pressure at all.

But if Ye Jingtang knew about this situation, then this kid would definitely be lawless, treating her like a daughter-in-law, and she hadn't tried to reason.

For this reason, Master Xuanji shook his head and said: "No, when you are qualified for the position of the national teacher, you have to agree if you don't agree to the senior brother. Now go and talk, there is nothing you can do if the senior brother refuses to allow you, and it will hurt each other's feelings."

Ye Jingtang thought about it too: "That's fine, I will try to get this done next year."

Master Xuanji was quite confident about Ye Jingtang, so he didn't say much at the moment, and they strolled together in the courtyard, and came to a pool in the back mountain.

The creek flows down from the top of the mountain, forming a small pool in the middle of the mountain. There are many plum trees and bamboos planted around it, which is tightly shaded, like a tree house. There is also a chess table carved out of stone beside the pool, but no one cares about it all the year round, and some dead leaves have fallen.

Master Xuanji came to the chess table, put down the wine gourd and Hehuan sword, and then untied the tie of the white skirt:
"I'll take a shower, and you can help me watch the wind outside."


Ye Jingtang didn't say much, picked up the wine gourd and took a sip, standing at the entrance with a lookout posture.

Master Xuanji unbuttoned her outer skirt, and the white tulle gown and bowknot came into view. On her legs, she wore a pair of white stockings, the length of which was two inches below the steamed bun. Not to mention the seamlessness, it seemed to be elastic. It wrapped her legs tightly together, looking burnt and pure...

Ye Jingtang was slightly taken aback, put down the wine gourd, and took a few careful glances:

"Where did this sock come from?"

"Last time, Sanniang helped to choose."

Xuanji folded her arms around her chest, looking back slightly:
"Tell you to go outside to watch the wind, what are you doing here?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes: "We practiced just now, why don't we wash together." He turned around and unbuttoned his robe.

Master Xuanji knew it would be like this, and said a little displeased: "Forgot what I said before being a teacher? If I give it to you, you can... eh?"

Ye Jingtang moved quite nimbly, after taking off his robe, he hugged Shui'er horizontally and jumped into the pool.

Master Xuanji indeed asked Ye Jingtang to take a bath on purpose, but seeing Ye Jingtang being so domineering, he felt a little guilty, and frowned and said:
"No matter how light or heavy you are, I really won't go down the mountain."

"What are you thinking, just take a shower."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and laughed lightly. After falling into the water, he put down the water, brushed the horse with Hehe, and wrapped his handkerchief to help rub his back:

"The hands must be heavier in the shower. How do you feel? Are you comfortable?"


? ?
Master Xuanji's chest trembled after being rubbed, and his eyes were very inexplicable, but after thinking about it, he said along the lines:

"It's okay, move quickly and go back early after washing."

Yejingtang is like a teacher in a bathhouse, his movements are quite nimble, maybe he thinks it is unprofessional to scrub while standing, so he spread his robe on the bank of the water, let Shui'er lie on his stomach, patting and massaging.

clap clap-

Master Xuanji saw that Ye Jingtang was really helping her relax, and she gradually became less tense, and enjoyed a little bit.

However, as Ye Jingtang's fingers penetrated into the tiger's mouth, her face suddenly turned red, showing a little embarrassment:

"You call this a scrub?"

Yejingtang definitely didn't just take a bath, but just wanted to see when Shui'er could speak hard enough before taking the initiative, so he used Tingfengzhang's unique skills to carefully massage and recuperate:

"Don't move around, the wash will be over soon."


Master Xuanji bit her lower lip lightly, her feet arched and twisted for a moment, then she finally got a little annoyed, and raised her hand to lightly hit Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, and then he lowered his head and leaned towards his ruddy lips...


roll call:
I recommend a copy of "I Want to Cultivate Immortals and Longevity, but I'm Surrounded by Demon Girls". If you are interested, you can see how long it can last~
(End of this chapter)

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