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Chapter 381

Chapter 381
In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the bamboo forest on the mountain is as quiet as death, which makes it difficult for people to fall asleep.

In the West Wing Room in the backyard of the Taoist temple, the Empress Dowager was lying on her side with her eyes closed, holding a safe card that she bought on the road in her hand. After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, she slowly opened her eyes.

In the afternoon, Shui'er said that Ye Jingtang was practicing in the back mountain, and the empress dowager didn't want to disturb her, so she came back first, and she didn't see Ye Jingtang return when she fell asleep.

The empress dowager blinked her eyes, and when she woke up a little, she propped up her upper body and looked around.

The Taoist temple is not big, only three rooms, Hongyu is the same as when she was a child, sleeping on the same bed with her, now lying on the inside, in order to give her more space to sleep more comfortably, her back is almost against the wall, her cheeks are slightly red, and she looks like she is still having a shameful dream.

It was quiet outside the window, only the soft sound of the recliner slowly shaking.

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager quietly got up and put on her skirt, and then went to look outside the wing room, and saw that the yard was empty, only the bird was squatting on the chair and dangling, with a leisurely posture of "the bird is leisurely, the osmanthus flowers fall, the night is quiet and the spring mountains are empty".

"What about people..."

The empress dowager looked around and saw no one, so she came to the reclining chair and asked:

"Where did Shui'er and Ye Jingtang go?"


Niao Niao tilted her head to signal the back mountain.

The empress dowager turned her head to look, because she came here when she was a child, she knew that there was a place for wild bathing, so she couldn't help feeling a little suspicious, so she lifted her skirt and walked quietly towards the back mountain.

The stars and the moon were in the sky, and the visibility on the mountain path was quite high. The bamboo forests and plants swayed in the wind, making soft rustling sounds.

The Empress Dowager looked around in the forest, and before she had gone too far, she heard a few faint voices in the night:

Like a woman's cry.

In the middle of the night, in the barren mountains and wild mountains, hearing this movement suddenly, it was obviously a bit eerie.

The empress dowager shrank her neck slightly, and was about to listen carefully, when she found that there was no sound at all, and the depths of the bamboo forest seemed to turn into a place where no one died in an instant.


The empress dowager looks cute, but her brain is not stupid at all, it's just that she doesn't like to use her brain at ordinary times.

In the middle of the night, in the woods, this sound...

The empress dowager thought about it for a while, and then she thought of what was written in "The Secret History of the Empress Dowager", when the court ladies heard the woman crying in the middle of the night, they thought it was a ghost, but in fact it was the sound of the empress dowager and the prince having an affair in the garden...

Thinking of this, the empress dowager's eyes showed disbelief.

Could it be that Shui'er and Ye Jingtang were together...

She is Li Ren's master, how could she...

No, I seem to be more outrageous...

The queen mother thought of her relationship with Liren, and felt that Shui'er was not out of line, even if it was spread, it would be laughed at by the world, but if her story was spread, it would go directly into the history books and be talked about by future generations for thousands of years.

The empress dowager didn't know what she was thinking, and she even hoped that Shui'er was messing around, so that if something happened in the future, she would also have a companion...

In order to confirm the conjecture in her heart, the empress dowager carried her skirt and walked lightly to the pool that she had visited in previous years.

In the dense forest, the lights are dark and the lights are blind, and it is extremely quiet.

As the empress dowager was walking, she could clearly hear her heart beating faster and faster. She kept her eyes fixed on the direction of the pool. While she was being cautious, she suddenly noticed something scratching her ribs on both sides.


an exclamation.

The Empress Dowager was caught off guard, and she jumped a few steps away, her arms folded in front of her chest, her round cheeks were full of panic, and when she looked back, she realized that there was a figure behind her at some point.

The figure was dressed in a black robe, with a friendly smile on his handsome face. When he realized that it had frightened her, he quickly comforted her:

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's me."


The empress dowager walked the night walk in fear, she was almost scared to cry, she was relieved when she saw that it was Ye Jing, and then she became angry, rushed up and hammered the man's chest twice with her small fist:
dong dong~
"You bastard, you...you scared me to death..."

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't dare to hide, and walked back with his hands on his shoulders:

"Just kidding, my fault, why are you here? Can't sleep at night?"


The Empress Dowager patted her chest lightly, and was about to follow Ye Jingtang back, but after a little thought, she felt that something was wrong.

She turned her head to look at the deep mountains and dense forests, and then at the black-robed young man beside her, looking suspiciously up and down.

Ye Jingtang blinked: "What's the matter?"

The Empress Dowager frowned slightly, and did not ask, but turned Ye Jingtang to face the moonlight, tilted her head to look at the red lip marks on her neck, and her wet hair...

Seeing the carmine that Shui'er often ordered, the Empress Dowager naturally understood everything, her eyes were full of disbelief:

"What were you and Shui'er doing just now?"

Ye Jingtang saw that the hand warmer had been discovered, and he didn't hide it:

"I practiced kung fu in the afternoon behind the Yuxu Temple. I was covered in sweat. When I came back to wash, it happened that Fairy Lu was also there..."

Can this be just right?

I just met you and washed it together?

When the empress dowager heard this, she didn't know how to respond, so she took a deep breath:

"You guys... oh, forget it, I can't control it anyway, when the time comes, someone will deal with you... She actually kept it from me, it's really... I went back first..."

Head down and walk back.

Ye Jingtang held his wrists and walked together in the forest:
"Hehe... I'll take you back, the road is so dark, even if you don't call Hongyu next time you go out, let Niao Niao accompany you, so as not to be frightened..."

The empress dowager was afraid that Shui'er would see her, so she moved her hand slightly, but after thinking about it, she felt that Shui'er had secretly stolen her lover, so what if she was seen?
Still want to laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps?

For this reason, the empress dowager did not hide in the end, but urged:

"You can continue to take a bath. I'm not jealous. After washing, let Shui'er come to my room. I have a good chat with her."


Ye Jingtang escorted the Empress Dowager back to the back of the small Taoist temple, lowered her head and kissed her lips.

The empress dowager blushed slightly, pushed Ye Jingtang out of the door, and bolted the back door.

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, watched the empress dowager enter the house, and then returned to the pool in the mountains.

The bright moon is faint, and the forest is silent.

The chess table by the pool was clean and tidy, with a skirt and some small cloths on it, but the Hehuan sword that was originally placed on it was gone.

The fair-skinned and beautiful Xuanji real person, soaked in the water like an iceberg fairy, the water did not reach below the collarbone, and the light was too dim to see his expression clearly. At this time, he was carefully looking at the blade under the moonlight.


Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang squatted down by the water pool, trying to take the joy sword round, but Master Xuanji turned his palm slightly and leaned the sword on his shoulder.

Master Xuanji was dizzy from the toss just now, and suddenly clicked here to pretend to be a cold and beautiful fairy. His breathing was obviously not steady, but his expression was quite calm, holding the hilt of his sword and said coldly:

"Be honest, when did you harm Huaiyan?"

Ye Jingtang actually made it clear on purpose. After all, it's interesting that the two daughters-in-law don't know each other, but it's not a solution in the long run.He raised his finger and moved the blade away:

"How can you say it's a disaster. Last time, the Queen Mother protected me from being poisoned by a hidden weapon and took her to the northwest. She lived a miserable life in the palace and didn't want to go back. I promise that she will go out if she wants to go out..."

Master Xuanji and Huaiyan are best friends, seeing that Huaiyan looks very good in the past few months, and also likes to run around with Ye Jingtang, in fact, she feels that Huaiyan can't resist the temptation, and sooner or later something will happen.

But I didn't expect the relationship between the two to develop so quickly, and they have reached this point...

In fact, compared with her, it's not too fast...

Master Xuanji originally wanted to pose as a strict teacher and give a serious warning, but she had already taken a mandarin duck bath, and she seemed to have no confidence in saying anything, so she put the sword aside in the end:
"If you make a promise, you can't break your promise. Huaiyan is the most sentimental. If you dare to let her down..."

"how come."

Ye Jingtang turned around and brought Xiaoyi over:
"Is it almost done? Let's go back."

go back……

Master Xuanji was crying and crying just now, and he was indeed washed, but Ye Jingtang obviously held back halfway, and according to medical theory, it was uncomfortable and hurt his body.

No matter how hard Xuanji's mouth is, somewhere it is still very soft. After a little hesitation, she tilted her head and looked at it:
"Are you sure you want to go back now?"

Seeing that Shui'er didn't want to leave, Ye Jingtang must have said nothing more, put the little clothes back, slipped into the water, and picked up Shui'er.

"Hey you..."

Master Xuanji just asked a question, but she didn't expect this kid to make inferences like this. Her legs were sore, and she hurriedly said:

"Be honest, sit down, I'll wash it for you, go back early after washing."

Ye Jingtang also obeyed the arrangement and sat down by the pool, looking down at the half-floating water.

Xuanji's body is really too much for him, but he has read a lot of books and Ning'er Sanniangjiao, and he knows quite a lot of moves. Now he is leaning against the pool, pushing the watermelon by himself, with a disgusted look on his face:
"Being a teacher is for the sake of your body, so I only help you once. If you don't obey me again in the future, don't blame me..."

"Ha ha……"

"You still dare to laugh?"

Master Xuanji's eyes turned cold, and he made a gesture of folding his sword.

Ye Jingtang's smile faded away, and he put on a serious look:
"Cough...Understood, let's not take this as an example..."


clap clap...

Ripples burst out in the pool, and the whispers lasted for an unknown amount of time...
The other side.

Hundreds of miles away from Heishiguan, a prairie fire.


The cold wind was like a knife, engulfing the boundless snow, sweeping across the snow-capped ancient battlefield.

The six horses were struggling forward in the snow, led by a lantern that swayed in the wind. Looking at the whole team under the night, it looked like a small boat facing a storm in the boundless deep sea, which might be swallowed by the wind and waves at any time.

Jia Shengzi carried the lantern and walked in the front, sitting on the horseback and groping for the road. Although he was skilled in martial arts, he also showed a bit of fatigue, and the same was true for the five people behind.

After the First World War at Xicheng Port, the dozens of Jianghu masters sent by Beiliang were almost wiped out. Only Cao Aning and others managed to escape from the sky by relying on their steady style of jumping left and right from the edge.

Although a few people were able to escape, it was Ye Jingtang who released the water secretly, but in order to prevent Beiliang from becoming suspicious and causing the hidden stake to be exposed, the hunt should not be too perfunctory.

After Cao Aning and others escaped from Xicheng Port, nearly a hundred black yamen and elites from the six sects chased them out from Yun'an. Ye Dayan even issued an order to wipe out the Jianghu, so that sects from all over the world could stop them on their behalf.

These people didn't know the identity of Cao Aning's hidden pile, and they were really chasing and killing them. For this reason, the six of them had to go all the way west, first fleeing to the wasteland in the southwest of Liangzhou, then fleeing into Hongshan Mountain, crossing mountains and ridges to the Shazhou Desert, and then turned over from Huangming Mountain before successfully returning to the tribes of the West Sea.

After trekking through the mountains and hiding in hiding for nearly a month, they returned to King Zuoxian's jurisdiction. The six of them were basically exhausted, but they were lucky to be able to come back alive.

The place where the six people were located was Liaoyuan, which was the place where the Qinchi tribe exterminated the clan in the last battle. After walking for more than 200 miles, they arrived near Pingyi City, and after that was Tianlang Lake.

Seeing that he was about to return to the station, Jia Shengzi's face became more and more sad. After walking to a certain snow hill, he got off his horse and turned around and said:

"After returning, how should I report to the prince?"

Cao Aning got off the horse and wiped the wind and frost on his face:

"Hua Ling is dead. We have tried our best to come back alive to preserve our strength. The prince should not blame too much."

Jia Shengzi panted heavily, and after a moment of silence, sat down on the snow and looked at the five intact men:
"The solitary army was ordered to go deep, sneak into the Great Wei capital, assassinate Ye Jingtang in the west port, even Hua Ling and other heroes died, but the six of us returned safely without even breaking our skins.

"If this trip wasn't led by the old man, the old man would have suspected that we were Dawei's hidden stakes, and that we were deliberately let back by Dawei.

"The way of an emperor is that he would rather kill the wrong than let him go. There are so many masters in the White Owl Battalion under the prince's command, they don't care about our six low lives at all. If the prince becomes suspicious..."

One of the five people, a master of the Baixiao Battalion, was also afraid that he would be beheaded by Zuo Xianwang to show the public after going through all kinds of dangers, so he thought for a while and said:
"Why don't we vote for the Southern Dynasty?"


Cao Aning took so much effort to run back, and when he heard that he was going back to surrender, he was immediately annoyed:
"Nonsense. Regardless of whether I and Tianying are the ones who must be killed by the Great Wei, we are waiting to assassinate Ye Jingtang in Xicheng Port. If we don't hang our heads in the dark, what will be the face of Ye Jingtang? The Southern Dynasty didn't even keep Hua Ling. How many of our low lives will be valued?
"This is even more true for the tribes of the West Sea. To prevent them from being burned, the tribes of the West Sea will definitely send us to the northern and southern dynasties when they see us. Except for the prince, there is no force in the world that can accommodate us..."


Seeing this, everyone naturally fell silent.

The northern and southern dynasties and the tribes of the West Sea did not dare to go, then there would be no place in the world for them to stay, and the only way out was to break up and let each one settle down to his own destiny.

Jia Shengzi rubbed his fingers and was thinking about whether to go back to the mountains and forests. Xu Tianying, who was standing not far away, suddenly frowned and looked towards the snow field to the northeast.

At this time, the morning light had gradually brightened, and the ground was snowing thousands of miles away. Although the visibility was very low, with Jia Shengzi's eyesight, he could barely see something clearly.

I saw black rocks exposed at the leeward side of the snow hill half a mile away, and there was a little dry grass in the cracks between the rocks, and there was a touch of green in the middle.

Although the greenness is very inconspicuous, it is extremely abrupt on the northwestern land in the cold winter months. Jia Shengzi only saw it from the corner of his eye, and locked on to the green, frowning:
"This season, why are there flowers and plants on the snow field..."

The remaining five people were also full of doubts. After all, they ran here from Huangming Mountain. The road was not green, and even the grass was covered with snow. When they saw a touch of green, they even felt hallucinations.

Several people pondered for a while, then got up and led the horse, and walked towards the snow hill, wanting to see what it was.

But just halfway there, amidst the wind and snow, there was a soft sound:
The sound of a weapon being pulled out of the snow.

The six people immediately became alert when they heard the sound, holding down the handle of the knife and looking in all directions.

Xu Tianying had the highest martial arts skills among the six. At this time, his hands were drooping, and he looked at the snow slope on the left.

In the cold wind, a figure wearing a bamboo hat gradually appeared in the wind and snow, with a cloak fluttering behind him.

The figure was tall and thin, carrying a long stick on his shoulders, the stick was eight feet long, the whole body was pitch black, iron hoops could be seen at both ends, the bamboo hat was slightly lowered, only the chin could be seen, and he walked towards the six people unhurriedly.

Cao Aning's martial arts skills are mediocre, but his eyesight is not bad, otherwise he would not be able to live until now. When he found that something was wrong, he quietly protected the five people in front of him.

Jia Shengzi frowned, because in the territory under the jurisdiction of King Zuoxian, he couldn't figure out the opponent's friend or foe, so he spoke first:

"I am the White Owl Camp..."

boom -

It's okay if you don't report your family name, but once you report your family name, it seems to ignite the fuse.

The hat hater, who hadn't shown any murderous intent, suddenly disappeared in place when he heard the name of Zuo Xianwang's running dog 'Bai Xiaoying', and pulled out a white dragon on the snowfield, almost in the blink of an eye.


Xu Tianying's face changed suddenly, and he saw that this person was very powerful, and he did not disgrace the teachings of his teacher Lu Jieyun, so he immediately soared into the sky, almost jumping into the air; Cao Aning flew back without hesitation.

As for the remaining four, they obviously didn't realize how deep the Tianlang Lake was. Seeing the other party attacking rashly, they had drawn out their weapons and wanted to fight, but except for Jia Shengzi, the other three hardly survived a face-to-face meeting, and were beaten to pieces on the spot by the clever heavy stick like a thunderbolt.

bang bang bang-

Three balls of blood mist exploded instantly in the wind and snow!
Jia Shengzi was the white paper fan who came up with a plan, he didn't rush forward, so he escaped a catastrophe, his liver and gallbladder were torn apart when he saw this, he turned around and fled with Cao Aning.

The bucket hat guest is quite domineering. After finishing off the three subordinates, he still came first and chased them behind like a thunderbolt.

Fortunately, Xu Tianying, who was flying all over the sky, couldn't go back to Prince Zuoxian's mansion by himself, so he didn't stand by and just jumped towards the green snow hill.

And the fact is not as Xu Tianying expected, as soon as he got close to Xueqiu, the bamboo hat guest he was chasing after turned back and killed him in mid-air.

Xu Tianying's combat power is not strong, and he is definitely not the opponent of this hat hater in a one-on-one match, but as Lu Jieyun's direct descendant, he has learned all his skills and flew up again upon seeing this.

The bamboo hat guest also saw that Xu Tianying's lightness kung fu was very demonic, so he didn't chase after him forcefully, and turned around to deal with Cao A'ning and the two, but Xu Tianying fell down again and approached Xueqiu.

"You fucking..."

The bamboo hat guest, who had been silent all this time, uttered a curse when he saw this, and he sounded like an old man.

But to learn from Yanshan Jieyunzong, the first key is to have a thick skin, if you can be provoked by the opponent, you will not be able to become a teacher.

As if Xu Tianying hadn't heard of it, he opened the distance again, the enemy advanced and retreated, and the enemy retreated and disturbed, scurrying up and down near the snow hill.

After going back and forth like this twice, Jia Shengzi and Cao Aning escaped from the dangerous situation and hid in the depths of the wind and snow.

clap clap-

Jia Shengzi ran wildly, seeing the menacing man in the hat chasing after Xu Tianying without turning back, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked:
"What should we do now?"

Half of Cao Aning's soul was frightened, and he ran wildly without stopping:

"Don't worry, Xu Tianying is Lu Jieyun's direct successor. If you can't catch up with him, you will never touch the hem of his clothes. If you become angry and chase after him, maybe he can catch the opportunity to fight back... Who is that? Can you see it?"

Jia Shengzi is one of Zuo Xianwang's aides, he has a good understanding of the North Liang rivers and lakes and thought for a while:

"The stick method seems to be the Yasha stick, the stick method of the Tianmudao Hai Gang. More than ten years ago, the Hai Gang was wiped out by the imperial court. Only the leader Tian Wuliang escaped from birth and disappeared without a trace. It looks very similar..."

No matter in the northern and southern dynasties, the sea gangs were basically pirates who robbed ships. It is not surprising that they were wiped out. Cao Aning frowned and said:

"The head of the Hai Gang in Beiliang is so powerful?"

"If Tianmu Dao hadn't been suppressed by the Juntian Mansion, Tian Wuliang would have been able to dominate. He is still alive, but even Xu Tianying can't catch up. I guess he was secretly injured back then...not good!"

When Jia Shengzi said this, he suddenly realized something, stopped and said:
"The snow lake flowers are blooming. He is guarding the snow lake flowers. We must silence him to prevent the news from spreading."

Jia Shengzi's mind is indeed flexible, and he can also be called loyal, but the decision-making at this time is obviously a bit serious.

Cao Aning ran in big strides without looking back:
"Go back now, who will kill whose mouth? Hurry up and report the news, let the prince send someone to deal with it..."

Jia Shengzi thought about it, so he didn't say much now, and followed Cao Aning towards Pingyi City...
The words added after the following words are not counted as dot coins.

Thank you [Junze] [Swordsman Left and Right] [Apple Little Crisp] [Jinghong] The leader of the boss for the reward!

Thank you [book friend 20210301106453975276] for the reward you gave Wu Qingwan!

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By the way, name it again:

Recommend a book: "Killing the Longevity"

Chang'an Heavy Industry, Luoyang Iron Armor, Zhenguo Machine God, Kyushu Saint Soldiers!
Steam and machinery, monks are evil!
The white bones cast the road to the sky, and the immortals are afraid of death?
The Queen of Heaven comes to court, the Taoist Mother helps the world, the fairies hang their heads, and the saints are dusted.

Who seized the good fortune, went retrograde for 9000 years!
I should obey the destiny and kill the Immortal Immortal!

(There are already two copies of Wanjun and one of great quality, guaranteed character, welcome to follow up!)
(End of this chapter)

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