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Chapter 382

Chapter 382
The east is brightly lit, and the bamboo forest outside the Taoist temple is filled with birdsong in the sky.

In the room in the backyard, Hongyu was still sound asleep, while the sleepless Empress Dowager, who had been tossed in the early morning, was still lying on the pillow with her breasts on her side, listening to the wind and grass outside.

Why haven't you come back...

Didn't the book say that it would be over in two quarters of an hour, and Ye Jingtang took so long...

Still, Shui'er has no face to see Ben Gong, and is embarrassed to go back to the house...

After thinking so wildly, I don't know how long it took, and finally there was a movement in the yard:
stomping on...


The sound of entering and closing the door.

The Empress Dowager's eyes moved slightly, she looked out, then got up lightly, put on her embroidered shoes and went out, came to the main house in the backyard, and listened carefully.

There was no sound or movement in the room.

The Empress Dowager was slightly puzzled, trying to act like a dignified mother of a country, pushed the door open and glanced inside.

The main house is the boudoir where Xuanji lived since childhood. There are many calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, as well as collections of wine gourds, weapons and other decorations. Inside is a canopy bed.

The Empress Dowager looked towards the bed, but she saw Shui'er lying down on the bed, her legs resting on the edge of the bed, her cheek buried in the quilt, motionless.

Seeing this, the empress dowager thought that Shui'er didn't want to talk to her, so she came to her with a little displeasure, sat down on the edge of the bed, and patted the curved moon with her hands:
"What are you doing? Still don't want to talk to me?"


Master Xuanji breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his head weakly, showing a sleepy face:
"I'll sleep for a while, and I'll talk about it when I wake up."

The empress dowager looked at it carefully, seeing that Shui'er looked like he had worked outside for a whole night of coolies, and he didn't even bother to move his fingers, so he couldn't help but wondered:
"What did you do?"


Xuanji's red lips moved slightly, and she buried her face in the quilt again, saying in a muffled voice:
"Don't you know, why don't you ask me...don't make fun of me, sooner or later, you won't be able to get away..."


The empress dowager knew she couldn't escape, but she read the secret history of the empress dowager, after a woman's house is moistened, her face should be full of spring, and she should know the taste of the marrow...

Why does Shui'er look like she has been tortured?

The Empress Dowager pondered for a while, leaned over to her, and whispered:
"Can you move yourself?"


Master Xuanji was really self-sufficient in the back, and when she heard such a direct question, she didn't know how to answer it, so she buried her head and said nothing.

The empress dowager was very curious, seeing that Shui'er had suffered a great crime, she was not too embarrassed, she helped take off her shoes, then pulled up the quilt, and the two of them got into it together, quietly asking:

"That kind of thing, um... how does it feel?"

"If you want to know, I'll call Yejingtang over tonight, so you can experience it for yourself."

"Pfft~ You think I'm like you?...By the way, where is Ye Jingtang?"

"Go to practice?"

"He went to practice without sleeping?"

Master Xuanji was still in a daze, and said nonsense:

"Staying up late hurts the body, practicing martial arts strengthens the body, staying up late to practice martial arts will naturally balance..."

"Huh? What kind of nonsense is this... Shui'er?"

The empress dowager still wanted to say a few words, but found that Shui'er fell silent while talking, and fell asleep directly. She couldn't help but secretly clicked her tongue, and didn't wake up again at the moment. She just carefully observed the damage of Shui'er...
At the same time, Yuxu Guan.

In the early morning, when the sky was bright, Ye Jingtang flew over the high mountains and came to the main peak. Although Shui'er worked hard all night, Shui'er was tossing and tossing behind him, so he was not tired, and even felt a little refreshed.

It was still early, and Ye Jingtang thought that the Yuxu Temple located on the high mountain should be sparsely populated and quiet, but when he walked near the Yuxu Temple, he found that the gate of the Taoist temple was full of pilgrims who got up early to burn incense. Visually, there were no less than two or three hundred people.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to go to Yuxu Temple to enjoy a stick of incense, but seeing this scene, it was naturally difficult to squeeze in, so he directly bypassed the Taoist temple and came to the bamboo forest in the back mountain.

The mountain is far away from the mundane world. The Taoist priests who practice here rest at sunset and naturally get up early. You can see some Taoists doing Tai Chi slowly near the bamboo forest.

Ye Jingtang followed the old road to the water pool, and saw the little Taoist boy he met yesterday, striding on the edge of the water pool. Although he was young, his movements were very standard.

When taking a bath yesterday, Shui'er had already said something about the situation. Ye Jingtang knew that the plum blossom pile was specially prepared for him, and also knew that the name of this Xiaodao Tongdao was Huayang, so he came to greet him:
"Huayang Trail Leader."

Hua Yang was only eight or nine years old, and was born in the countryside of Yazhou. He had never been down the mountain since he was brought up by Lu Taiqing at the age of six. Although he had heard the name of Ye Jingtang, he had too little experience. At present, he didn't understand how exaggerated the status of a martial artist who was only weaker than his master was.

Therefore, Huayang knew who Ye Jingtang was, and didn't react too much, but turned around and said:

"Hero Ye came so early."

"The plan for a day lies in the morning, it will be sooner if you don't come."

"Oh, I want to sleep a little longer. Master is standing at the door with a ruler in his hand. I can't get up..."

Ye Jingtang passed by Huayang's side, and when he heard this, he paused slightly, turned his head to look, and thought of ten years ago.

Ten years ago, he was also eight or nine years old, about the same size as Hua Yang, because practicing martial arts was really hard, and he was basically pushed by his adoptive father to practice martial arts with a stick every day.

At that time, he didn't quite understand it, but now he realizes how lucky it is to meet a responsible master at the most suitable age for laying the foundation.

"You don't have to suffer a little when you are young, but when you grow up, how can you be happy? You are not bad. When I was young, if I dared to shake when I was walking, I would be chased by my father for several streets with a stick."

Hua Yang steadied his horse gait: "I am the same. Master is always elusive, and he practiced so well that no one was seen. If he did not practice well, he would immediately appear from behind and pat his shoulder... By the way, how many years will it take for me to practice to be like Ye Daxia?"

Ye Jingtang felt that this little Taoist priest was very talented. As long as nothing happened halfway, it would not be a big problem to become the future Taoist head teacher. After thinking about it, he said:

"I have practiced to the point where I am now, at least ten years. Martial arts should not be eager for quick success. Before the age of 20, the body is still developing. Normally, I should not enter the rivers and lakes. I am forced by the situation. If it wasn't for my father who came early, I would still be dawdling at the border..."

"Oh... I heard yesterday that Aunt Xuanji and Ye Daxia are engaged. After that, don't I have to call you aunt?"


Ye Jingtang figured it out and it was true. It felt weird. He shook his head and said:

"Monks don't pay attention to these things, let's talk about them later."

Hua Yang nodded, originally wanted to continue to stride seriously, but immediately realized that Ye Jingtang leaped onto the plum blossom pile, not very stable, and said in doubt:

"Hero Ye, why are your legs so weak? It wasn't like this yesterday..."


Ye Jingtang was ravaged by the succubus all night, it's strange if his legs are not soft, and then he stopped his hands and stepped on the horse, running the bathing fire map to adjust his muscles:

"Just woke up and haven't warmed up yet. Practice hard and don't get distracted."


Hua Yang didn't ask any more questions, facing the twilight of the morning, one big and one small began to breathe seriously...
Yun'an City.

As the New Year approached, the silver-clad capital city became more and more lively. Red lanterns were hung on thousands of streets and hundreds of squares, and the same was true in the imperial city. However, because the empress dowager was not there, the depths of the palace city were still a little deserted.

In the Taihua Hall, all the civil and military officials who had finished discussing the trifles of the previous year walked out of the hall and out of the imperial city one after another.

Wearing a silver python robe, Dongfang Liren came out of the hall with the maids, took a chariot and turned to Prince Jing's Mansion, opened the car window and looked southeast along the way, with a faint yearning on his brows.

Before my sister left, she said she would ride the Rouge Tiger for a few days, and rushed back to change shifts with her. The result was good, she didn't move without urging her sister, and it looked like she was going to delay her return until the end of the New Year.

Dongfang Liren knew that it was not easy for her sister to take a vacation for a period of time, so she never said anything to remind her, but the longing in her heart became more and more intense as time went by.


The chariot driven by four horses drove through Wangfu Street under the guard of the forbidden army, and came to the gate.

Dongfang Liren was in a daze and was reminded by the maid before he came back to his senses. He got up and got off the carriage, but when he looked up, he saw Shang Jianli standing at the door waiting.

Shang Jianli and She Long were almost beaten to death by Duan Shengji, and their injuries have not recovered until now. At this time, Shang Jianli was standing in front of the door in ordinary clothes. When he saw King Jing coming down, he stepped forward and said:
"Your Highness, Eunuch Cao has something to ask to see."


When Dongfang Liren heard this, he immediately cleared away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Although Eunuch Cao was imprisoned on the third floor of the dungeon, the empress retained her official position and rewards, and she is still the general manager of the Great Wei at present.

The reason for this is that Eunuch Cao is a veteran of the three dynasties, and his loyalty to the Dongfang Clan is obvious to all. Even if he does not recognize the imperial lineage of the Empress, if some traitors from the Northern Liang Dynasty kill the imperial city and release Eunuch Cao, Eunuch Cao will still guard the last palace gate for the Dongfang Clan.

Although Eunuch Cao may not be able to surrender to the current Wukui, but the four dragon-mingling pictures have been practiced for a period of six years, and they are as immovable as a mountain guarding the imperial city, and no one can step over Eunuch Cao's corpse in a short time.

If Eunuch Cao could change his mind and return to the palace to be the head of the palace, the effect would be better.

Eunuch Cao always maintained his prosperity. As long as he squatted in the imperial city, Lu Taiqing would rebel and assassinate him. He would have to consider whether he could smash the hardest stone in Wei with three slaps, so the empress could sit back and relax.

But it is a pity that after ten years, Eunuch Cao never changed his mind. He just wanted to die in Miyagi, fulfill the mission of this life, and fulfill the promise he made to Taizu back then.

Dongfang has been away for so many years, and has never seen Eunuch Cao take the initiative to speak. Hearing Eunuch Cao begging to see her, he naturally became solemn in his heart, turned around and walked towards the black office, asking along the way:

"Do you know why Eunuch Cao asked to see the king?"

Shang Jianli shook his head: "I don't know about the humble position."

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren didn't ask any further questions, and quickly led a large group of followers into the Heiya dungeon.

Knowing that Prince Jing was going to visit this place, the dungeon was cleaned in advance. Candle lamps were lit in the originally sinister hallway, which looked bright and bright, and there was no sense of oppression anymore.

Dongfang Liren walked quickly into several cells, thinking about what Eunuch Cao wanted her for, when he suddenly heard a few words from a cell:

"Brother, is Master Ye back?"

"There are so many footsteps, I guess it is, hurry up and cry..."

bang bang bang --

It's a pity that before the grievance could be uttered, the terrified Hei Ya chief arrester knocked twice on the iron fence with the handle of his knife, and the dungeon silenced immediately.

Dongfang Liren recalled for a while, and then remembered who was in the No. [-] room of Dizi, because he was detained by Mr. Tangtang himself, and she didn't dare to release it on her own, so she ignored it, and soon came to the third floor of the dungeon.

The iron door on the third floor of the dungeon has been opened, revealing the elegant study room. Meng Jiao and She Long are standing beside them, their expressions are quite respectful. After all, when Eunuch Cao was the head of the palace, he was more or less kind to those who worked in the yamen.

There is no way to stop Eunuch Cao from returning to his prime. The supplies he got for this can only be enough to continue his life. At this time, he has no combat power at all, and the defense is naturally not very strict.

Dongfang Liren walked through the tunnel and came to the underground study. When he raised his eyes, he saw Eunuch Cao dressed in a red robe. His clothes and hat were neatly arranged. There was not much expression on his pale cheeks. He just bowed and stood quietly, and said:

"Old slave Cao Qianqiu, pay homage to His Highness the Second Princess."

When Dongfangli heard that Eunuch Cao still called her a princess instead of King Jing, he knew that Eunuch Cao was still trying to make ends meet, and his heart sank.

Dongfang Liren sat down on the chair brought by the maid, thought for a while and slightly raised his hand:
"Excuse me, Mr. Cao, what do you want to see me? But it's uncomfortable to live here?"

Eunuch Cao was as slow as ever, with a calm voice:

"The old slave recently looked through the old history of the previous dynasty and remembered an important thing. This year is the year of Guimao, the year of Guimao before Jiazi, at the end of the war of the Three Kingdoms. Emperor Yan Gong fled to Nanxiao Mountain, Taizu conquered Tuzhou, and Beiliang attacked the Northwest King's Court, causing the Northwest King's Court to fall...

"After the Northwest Royal Court was attacked, King Tianlang asked Wei for help, intending to destroy Liang. But Beiliang then returned the land of the four counties of Yanzhou, and also sent Taizu six catties of snow lake flowers to treat the martyrs who were injured in the war. In addition, Wei had a lot of waste to do and needed to recuperate. Taizu finally negotiated peace with Beiliang and did not send troops..."

As a child of the royal family, Dongfang Liren naturally understood the history of the founding of the country, nodded and said:
"Indeed, what does Manager Cao mean?"

Eunuch Cao continued: "The snow lake flowers in Beiliang were snatched from Qin Chibu, because they were only picked the year before, and there is a huge stock, so the harvest is quite good.

"According to the previous dynasty's experience in competing for Snow Lake Flowers, when the Snow Lake Flowers bloomed, sometimes it was one or two years earlier, sometimes one or two years later, but there was never an exception. The last time the Snow Lake Flowers bloomed, it has been 61 years..."

As soon as the snow lake flowers bloomed, the imperial court naturally paid close attention to them in recent years, but the snow lake forest was in Queen Zuoxian's garden, and the guards were all confidantes. It was almost impossible to see the situation of the snow lake forest, so they could only search for wild flowers and plants by the Tianlang Lake to judge the situation.

Dongfang Liren heard this, thought for a while and said:
"The Holy Majesty has already sent spies to search the shores of Tianlang Lake before winter, but Tianlang Lake is too big and the inspections are tight. No news has come back yet..."

Eunuch Cao nodded slightly, and continued unhurriedly:
"The old slave is a servant of the Dongfang clan. Although he does not obey the orders of the eldest princess, the snow lake flower has benefited the descendants of the Dongfang clan for 60 years. No matter who is on the throne, this thing must not be missing. The old slave cannot just sit back and watch this matter go wrong.

"I asked to see the second princess today. I wanted to ask for orders to go outside the customs to handle the matter. If it doesn't open this year, I will bring Xuehu flowers back to Yun'an next year."

People from Dongfang Li were not surprised when they heard that Eunuch Cao asked for orders to serve the imperial court. After all, the snow lake flowers were not brought back by the two sisters, but went into the treasury of the Great Wei Dynasty and belonged to the next generations of emperors of the Dongfang Clan.

Eunuch Cao has been the general manager all his life, and he has never made a mistake, so Dongfang Liren can rest assured when doing things, but she knows that Eunuch Cao doesn't want to live at all, he just wants to sacrifice his life for righteousness.

Dongfang Liren is not an emperor after all, he doesn't have such a decisive emperor's heart. He was taught martial arts by Eunuch Cao since he was a child.

"This matter will be cleared up by the king and the sage, and I will give an answer to Manager Cao in a few days."

Eunuch Cao bowed and said: "Time cannot wait. The old slave knows the temperament of the eldest princess, and he is hesitant, but as an emperor, for the sake of the overall situation, he will still agree.

"Since His Royal Highness is the Regent, he should share the worries of the Eldest Princess. Your Highness is in charge of these matters, or let Li Xiang decide. Afterwards, the Eldest Princess may blame you, but there is no other way, and I will feel much better.

"And His Highness lets the Eldest Princess make decisions, so what can the Eldest Princess do?"

Dongfang Liren was stunned by this question, and he understood what Eunuch Cao meant—the villain wants his ministers to act consciously, and the monarch cannot personally order such things that use loyal ministers and good generals as consumables.

Dongfang Liren understood the truth, but still did not reply immediately, stood up and said:

"My lord and Prime Minister Li will discuss it first, so Director Cao doesn't need to be impatient. Now there are many great Wei Yingjies, unlike in the past, only Director Cao and the national teacher are guarding the capital, and they have to make a choice when necessary. Even if Beiliang has already collected the snow lake flowers, Ye Jingtang can make them spit it out."

The last time Eunuch Cao saw Ye Jingtang, Qiu Tianhe had just been released from prison, and he didn't know the situation outside, so he really didn't know how Ye Jingtang had grown.

Seeing what Dongfang Liren said, Eunuch Cao no longer insisted, but bowed down and sent him off respectfully.

Dongfang Liren turned around and walked out of the dungeon. After reaching the Mingyu Tower, he turned his head and said:

"Meng Jiao, you write a book and send it to Ye Jingtang, explaining what happened just now, and tell him not to be impatient. First, spend the New Year with the Queen Mother and the Holy Majesty, and let the king find out the situation before you deal with this matter. Hu Jianli, go and invite Prime Minister Li to come over."

"As ordered."

Meng Jiao gradually separated from her wound, and after taking orders, they left separately...


The following words are added later, not counting coins:

Insomnia last night, didn't sleep well and wrote slowly, made everyone wait for or2!

By the way, let's call the name again to learn luck:
Recommended book: "After Rebirth, I Got a Perfect Life Simulator"

Recommended words: My name is Chu Xiaodong When you read this sentence, I am already surrounded by my girlfriends.

(End of this chapter)

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