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Chapter 383 Letter

Chapter 383 Letter
There is no competition with the world on the mountain, and the leisurely and peaceful pace of life makes it easy for people to forget the passage of time.

Ye Jingtang lived outside for nearly a year, and suddenly he was free, and returned to the days of sleeping and practicing. After living there for a few days, he gradually fell in love with this monotonous and pure life.

Every morning at dawn, I get up and go to the bamboo forest in the back mountain of Yuxuguan to practice kung fu with Huayang's little nephew. When he gets tired from dancing plum blossom piles, he comes down to practice boxing and kicking, and occasionally he and Huayang use wooden sticks to learn from each other.

Looking at Huayang's hopping, he felt the pleasure of his adoptive father when he abused vegetables.

The empress dowager lived on the mountain, and forgot about the troubles outside. Every day, she just wandered around with Shui'er, and when it was time for meals, she would cook for him herself, and ran over a dozen miles of mountain roads to bring him meals; People were suspicious, so I decided to come here to offer incense, so I stopped by to have a look.

But at night, it's more monotonous. Shui'er's combat power is too low, and he dare not burn it for several days after being tossed once, and he is afraid of interfering with his martial arts training during the day. Therefore, every day when he comes back, he has already entered the queen mother's room. Fortunately, Hand Warmer loves others, so he throws water into his room every day, so every two or three days, he can still relax.

During the rest of the time, Ye Jingtang would meditate all night, pondering his martial arts insights from the day. Although the exam questions on the Nine Plum Blossom Pillars were difficult, he calmed down and practiced hard day after day. You can experience growth every day.

Ye Jingtang is not easy to describe that state. When the energy channels, muscles, instincts, etc. have been adjusted to a certain level, he will feel a sense of familiarity. Then you can capture the opportunity and display it under the most reasonable conditions.

Being able to adapt to local conditions and find the most suitable method in any situation, no longer following a fixed line of luck, is already a return to the original Mahayana atmosphere.

But Ye Jingtang felt that he was still a bit short of becoming a saint. Whether compared with Zuo Xianwang or Bingtuotuo, his explosive power was somewhat weaker.

Ye Jingtang understands that this has something to do with 'skill', inner strength and outer strength, his dragon and elephant strength, the external strength naturally doesn't need to be practiced, and the inner strength can only be accumulated over time, or Tianlangzhu, essence Qishen Santu and other gods that protect the meridians and expand the meridians can be used to improve.

After all, he is too young, and the Nei family's three pictures are short of one soon, and only relying on the rising skills of two Tianlang beads, he can fight until now. His talent is unprecedented. It is indeed a bit difficult to wrench the wrist.

After all, those who can make it to the Martial Saint are all a generation of arrogance, who doesn't have a big chance to be close to him?

The martial sages of the northern and southern dynasties were either Taoist and Buddhist masters of the first dynasty, or the successor of the Mohist school, the overlord of the Northern Wilderness. Even King Zuoxian, who was at the bottom, held the best resources of various ministries in the West Sea, and regarded Xuehu Forest as his back garden.

Bingtuotuo's outrageous talent was suppressed for many years because he was just a little Tiannan leader and didn't have much resources.

He has more resources available than Bingtuotuo, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the power of the whole country is supporting him, but the time is too short, and if he wants to crush these old monsters, he still has to continue to practice.

After realizing this, Ye Jingtang no longer wanted to pass the plum blossom pile quickly, and began to set aside time to meditate and practice, so that his inner strength could also keep up, so as not to be seriously biased in the end, and it appeared that his martial arts attainments were enough, but his background could not hold up , The situation of high-sightedness and low-handedness.

Half of the day is spent practicing kung fu, and half of the time is spent studying plum blossom piles, and the speed of passing the test will definitely be much slower.

Ye Jingtang originally estimated that it would take ten days and a half months, but found that it was actually not that difficult. If you don't distract yourself and use your brain, you can basically pass it in six or seven days, but in the end it took half a month of practice to see the initial results.

In a flash of time, it came to the end of the twelfth lunar month, the sky was overcast, and it seemed that it was going to snow on the mountain.

After Yuxu looked at the mangosteen forest, Huayang was holding a bowl of rice, squatting next to the big bird's nest that was built half a person's height, staring at the water pool intently.

And the fluffy bird poked its head out of the round hole of the bird's nest, looking at the bamboo leaves hanging on the bamboo frame, it seemed that it was ready to laugh at Tangtang.

At the edge of the pool, Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black outfit, looking at the one hundred and eight bamboo leaves hanging in front of him, his gaze was as calm as stagnant water, after brewing for a while, he raised his breath slightly, tapped his toes, and his body became calm without wind. rise.

Although the movement of jumping on the wooden stake looks huge, but between the start and stop, the figure is like a flowing cloud, and it seems that even the fluttering of the clothes and hair follow the rhythm of the movement.

Hua Yang was holding his rice bowl, his eyes lit up slightly when he saw this, and he carefully watched Ye Jingtang jumping back and forth on the plum blossom pile.

Although it is said to be a jump, the muscles and even the breath of the whole body are under control, and the control is just right. In the eyes of others, it seems to be sliding at a constant speed.

Ye Jingtang leaped over the plum blossom pile continuously, whether in the air or standing on the wooden pile, the speed did not fluctuate at all, and did not make any sound. Ye Zhong floated past.

Hua Yang didn't know how much effort was put into it, but just by looking at the outside, he could feel the airy mood of lifting weights lightly, and knew that this time would definitely pass.

After all, Ye Jingtang’s current gaseous state looks the same as when he first met Master, when Master poured the water from the teapot into the cup—the water column seemed to be still, without making any sound. At that time, he still thought it was ordinary , no difficulty.

But when he tried to learn how to pour water, he discovered how many things were hidden in this ordinary place, not to mention ordinary people, even the most respected uncle on the mountain, he may practice hard all his life, but he will not be able to touch this kind of magic The realm of no work.

The so-called "returning to the basics" is like this. Although ordinary people don't have any edge, they seem to be "just right" than ordinary warriors, but the difference is that there is a whole river and lake behind them!

Call ~
Ye Jingtang floated to the ground, stood on the other side of the pool, looked back at the still bamboo leaves and the water surface, his eyes showed a little complacency, turned his head to look at the staring nephew Huayang, and said:

"Look, I said it's easy to jump over."


Hua Yang was still amazed at first, but when he heard a mouthful of rice sprayed out, he looked at Ye Jingtang in disbelief:
"Ye Daxia, you danced day and night for half a month before passing, to put it simply?"

Ye Jingtang also felt that half a month is a bit long, but it should be very fast for ordinary people. He returned to the other side of the pool and said with a smile:

"Half a month is not slow. When you jump over in the future, you will understand what I mean by simple. This practice is not about jumping plum blossom piles, but a state."

Huayang knew that he was practicing something that is difficult for ordinary people to touch in his life, but he didn't know exactly what it was, so he asked curiously:

"What realm?"

Ye Jingtang pulled out the Chilong Saber and hung it on his waist, after a little deliberation, he didn't speak, but held the handle of the saber with his left hand.


A cold light flashed among the gloomy bamboo forest.

Huayang didn't feel any energy rushing towards his face, the beautiful ring-shouldered knife returned to the scabbard, and it felt like it was just pulled out at will to light it up.


He was about to ask in doubt, but suddenly heard the sound of "Ka Ka Ka ~" branches and leaves breaking.

Looking at it in a blink of an eye, I found a green bamboo three feet away from Ye Jingtang. A slanted incision appeared at the shoulder-length position at some point. The bamboo fell to the side, bending countless bamboo crowns, and fell in the middle of the wild forest .

? !
Hua Yang opened his mouth wide, his eyes were full of surprise:

Ye Jingtang slowly retracted his knife and put it back into its sheath, explaining:

"Practice is the realm of 'practice makes perfect'. It is not difficult to gather energy at one point, but it is difficult to learn and apply it flexibly. When you know when to use what countermeasures, and you can perfectly show your body and mind, you don't need to pay attention to it anymore. The rules of moves; if you don’t have a fixed move, your opponent won’t be able to break it, and you can always find a countermeasure for all the unique skills in the world, so naturally you will be invincible..."

Huayang is still laying the groundwork, how could he understand this, thought for a while and said:

"What if two people who practice makes perfect come together?"

"Normally speaking, it's a one-strength reduction of ten skills, which is more powerful than anyone else. But this kind of situation is rare. Even if they are all familiar with a hundred schools of thought, there is always one who has a higher understanding, deeper experience, and faster reaction. There are no two in the world. They are exactly the same person, so there is no second Wu."

Ye Jingtang practiced hard for half a month, and indeed gained a lot of insights. He immediately sat down beside the bird's nest, and told Hua Yang that he would not use it for the time being, but would definitely use it for life in the future. For his kindness.

And Hua Yang may think that Ye Jingtang is more handsome than his master, has higher martial arts skills, and is also bigger. He regards Ye Jingtang as a role model and listens very seriously.

After talking like this for a while, one big and one small, there was a sudden commotion outside the bamboo forest.

Niao Niao had been starving for a long time, and as a bird of prey, he could not follow the monks to eat vegetarian meals, so he ran out of the nest when he heard the sound:


Outside the bamboo grove, the empress dowager came slowly with Hongyu, and Hongyu was still carrying a lunch box. As for Shui'er, because he had no face to meet the elders of Yuxu Mountain, he didn't dare to run this way these days.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang stood up and went outside the bamboo forest:
"I'm going to go back later, why don't you bring food here in the afternoon, the road is so difficult."

"It's not too far, anyway."

The Empress Dowager took out a letter from her sleeve and handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"A letter came from the capital just now, take a look."

Because it was a confidential document of the yamen, the empress dowager didn't stand by to look at it, and after handing it to Ye Jingtang, she turned around and teased the bird.

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled, and took a look at the yellow envelope. He could see that there was wax paint and the seal of Hei Ya on it. He opened the envelope, and there was a letter paper and a smaller letter inside, which said 'Here from Ye Jingtang'.

When Ye Jingtang saw the stupid handwriting, the corners of his mouth naturally curled up, as if he had received a letter from his wife, he first looked around, then leaned against a bamboo, and checked the contents of the letter.

Hei Ya's documents were full of serious business, mainly Eunuch Cao's guesses and the news reported by the spies outside the pass. Except for the routine military exercises of the Xihai Governor's Mansion and the absence of King Zuo Xian, there was no definite news.

Yejingtang currently uses Tianlangzhu, the improvement is not too big, but obviously there are, and sons, daughters and apprentices will definitely use it in the future, so there are only a group of fetishes like Xuehuhua, so they must be concerned.

After reading the document, Ye Jingtang frowned and thought for a while, and took this matter to heart, and then opened the big stupid envelope, wondering if the beginning would be "Jingtang, see the words like face" Such warm words.

As a result, the letter paper was unfolded, and the fluent pen came into view. The first sentence was:
Secu, you agreed to pick me up, where is he?

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while, and felt that this is what it means to see words clearly, and even the image of Benben staring at him with his head up and his chest was vivid on the paper.

When he left the capital, he did say that he was going to pick up Benben, but the premise was that Yuhu would go back, and if Yuhu didn't leave, he wouldn't be able to drive him back.

Ye Jingtang felt ashamed in his eyes and continued to look down:
This king knew it would be like this, and I will take care of you when I come back. The new year will be over soon, and there is no need to rush back when I receive the letter. I will spend the new year with the queen mother at her mother's house first...

This king knows that you miss me. During this period of time in the capital, my king is very leisurely without anyone caring about you. I almost forgot about you. If Eunuch Cao hadn’t asked to see you, I wouldn’t have remembered you...

I went to Tianshui Bridge a few days ago. The six sons of your old subordinates got married. They married the daughter of the shopkeeper of the grain shop. I am afraid of trouble, so I have the nerve to tell you. I will give you a gift...

That Hua Qingzhi from Beiliang left, and before leaving, he even gave me a painting, including you in it, she seemed to have some ideas, but unfortunately this is going to be a farewell, so I gave her a dagger Qinghe , let her think about it...

How is my sister?Are you going to poetry fairs all day long, making yourself a fool of yourself?Master is drunk all day long, can't control his sister, you are a guard by your side, you must take care of yourself...

Has Concubine Xue gained a few pounds from eating again?It's too fat to fly...

And girl Vatican, should you enter the door now?Seeing her clinging to you all day long, this king knows that you can't restrain yourself...


The whole article is full of petty words, talking about the family's gossip, although there are no sweet words to express the heart, but there is lovesickness everywhere between the lines.

Ye Jingtang looked at the paper, moved his lips several times and wanted to reply, but they were thousands of miles away from each other, and finally stopped. After reading the letter paper, he folded it carefully and put it in his arms, then looked towards the direction of Yunzhou, and gently Sighed lightly.

The empress dowager has been waiting at the back, seeing that Ye Jingtang had finished reading the letter but did not come back, so she went to the back and asked:

"What did the letter say? Is it urgent for you to go back?"

Ye Jingtang really wanted to go back to Beijing now, but the whole family is in Jiangzhou, and now they can only go on the road to celebrate the New Year, and it would be wrong for him to go alone, so he turned around and said with a smile:

"It's nothing. I just talked about some official business. I might go back to work for a while at the beginning of the new year. The end of the year is only a few days away. Let's get ready to go back. Don't miss the end of the year."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang did not leave years ago, the empress dowager secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled:

"Okay, there's nothing to do on the mountain. Shui'er is not obedient and refuses to serve you every day. Why don't you go back early...how is your martial arts practice?"

"It's almost done, and the rest is the hard work of dripping water and rocks, so don't rush."

After Ye Jingtang said a few words, he came to the water pool and looked at Huayang who was buried in the rice:
"There is always a banquet in the world. If you bother me for half a month, it's time to go back. I also ask Master Huayang Xiaodao to help to thank the venerable teacher. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come and visit from time to time."

Hua Yang knew that gathering and parting would end sometimes, so he was not surprised, he waved his hand and said:

"Hero Ye, go slowly, you have to inform me when Aunt Xuanji gets married, and I will go to dinner with Master at that time."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang reckoned that day would not be too far away, cupped his hands and said:
"Okay, see you in Jianghu."

Huayang seems to have a good master, not only teaching martial arts, but also liberal arts. Seeing this, he put down the bowl and performed a quack ceremony in a decent manner:
"When I was born for the first time in nine years, I still saw the person in the dream of Tiangong, but now... um... um..."

? ?
Ye Jingtang saw Chou Daxia in a similar posture, and the pressure came up on the spot. Seeing that Huayang's little nephew couldn't hold back, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:

"Now I'm outside Qingshan again, and we'll talk about the old relationship in the future. See you in Jianghu."

Hua Yang didn't hold back anymore, nodded and smiled:

"Hey, goodbye Jianghu."

Seeing this, Niao Niao also waved her wings to say goodbye.

Huayang liked Da Niao Niao very much, he waved his hand and said worriedly:

"Hero Ye, how many years can this bird live? Don't let it die when I grow up..."


Niao Niao felt that this little kid couldn't speak at all, so he turned his head and "chi chi" a few times, probably saying that - as long as he is well cared for, he can send Tang Tang away.

Ye Jingtang understood the meaning, felt that Niao Niao had to lose weight, and said with a smile:

"An eagle can live for 70 to [-] years. It is not a serious eagle. It is estimated to live longer. Don't worry,"

"That's good……"

In the afternoon, a light snow fell on the peaks surrounded by clouds and fog.

In the small Taoist temple on Qingping Peak, Ye Jingtang and Hongyu packed up the bedding, sheets and other items, and put the daily utensils into the cupboard.

The Empress Dowager didn't know what year and month it would be when she came back next time, so she took Niao Niao and carved a handwriting on a green bamboo in front of the door with a dagger and phoenix gall. remember.

On the day the real Xuanji was discovered by her senior brother, she felt that this place could not stay any longer, and she didn't dare to show her head, and she didn't dare to visit her senior brother and sister. Now that she finally made it to the return journey, she was finally relieved. On the edge of the cliff, holding the Acacia Sword in his hand, looking at Yuxu Temple, it seems that he is also saying goodbye.

After Ye Jingtang packed up his things, he moved to the carriage again, helped up the hand warmer, and turned his head and said:
"Fairy Lu, let's go."

Master Xuanji has always been at ease with the situation, and has no mood of longing. Hearing this, he turned around, jumped into the carriage, entered the carriage and leaned against the empress dowager, thought for a while and said:

"It's only a few days before Chinese New Year, and you have to walk faster on the road. I remember your birthday is on New Year's Eve, right?"

When the Empress Dowager heard this, her eyes moved slightly:
"That's right, when I was in Honghe Town, I heard people say it. Didn't Ye Jingtang die soon?"

Ye Jingtang sat outside the carriage, drove towards the mountain path, and said to this:
"I don't know what year and month I was born. My adoptive father picked me up in winter and regarded New Year's Eve as my birthday. After a year, I will be one year older. The same is true for birds. Actually, I don't need to pay attention to these things."

Because of the cold weather, Hongyu was tossing the small brass heater, and interjected:
"Young Master Ye is now the Duke of Great Wei. Birthday is a major event. How can you not be particular about it? I have to tell Duke Qin when I go back. When the time comes..."

"No, it's great for the family to celebrate the new year and be happy. It's boring to make such a fuss."

Master Xuanji didn't want to make a fuss, after all, if he came that way, Ye Jingtang would have to deal with all the guests, so there would be no time to celebrate the New Year at home.

However, such a big matter as the birthday, even if it is not a big deal, it must be a big deal.

Master Xuanji thought for a while and said, "I'm celebrating my birthday at home. According to the rules, I have to give a gift and a red envelope. Huaiyan, what are you going to give when the time comes?"

The empress dowager just remembered this, and she didn't have time to prepare. How could she know that she asked:
"Well... what are you going to give?"

Master Xuanji blinked her eyes, raised her chest slightly, and her eyes were meaningful.


When the empress dowager saw that Shui'er was about to give it away, her face blushed immediately, and she shook her head quickly:
"Hey~ You really..."

Master Xuanji leaned closer: "Do you want to be together?"

That kind of thing can be together?
The empress dowager didn't come really, how could she be so flamboyant for the first time, she said:
"Don't talk nonsense, Bengong...um...we'll talk about it when we get back to the capital..."

Perhaps because the topic was too sensitive, the Empress Dowager didn't dare to talk about it in detail, so she changed the subject and said to the outside world:
"Yejingtang, it's cold outside, why don't you come in and sit and let Niao Niao drive."


Hongyu's head is not stupid, and seeing that the real Xuanji and the queen mother are not right, she winked at this time, stood up and said:
"Let me drive, Mr. Ye, take a break first, and we will change shifts later."

Driving was hardly tiring, Ye Jingtang didn't refuse, handed the reins to Hongyu, and took out the small brass heater and put it in Hongyu's padded jacket.

Seeing Hongyu running out spontaneously, the empress dowager became visibly nervous, and looked down at the seat by the window.

Ye Jingtang didn't mean to mess around in front of the maid, he wanted to sit down by the car window, but Shui'er was very considerate, moved to the side, leaving a place in the middle, pulled him over, and sat down. between the two.

? !
The empress dowager was afraid that Hongyu would find out, she was a little annoyed between her brows, and hurriedly moved to the side.

Master Xuanji was the same as before, when she saw Huaiyan twitching, she perked up, leaned against Ye Jingtang's arms, raised her eyebrows, and put Ye Jingtang's hands in the empress dowager's arms to warm her.

? !
Where did the empress dowager experience this kind of battle, her face turned red and she wanted to hide, but she was afraid that the movement would be too loud for the outsiders to notice, so after twisting a few times, she simply put Ye Jingtang's other hand in Shui'er's arms, retaliation .

Ye Jingtang didn't do anything, just took one in each hand, so naturally he couldn't pretend to refuse, so he just put on a serious look and started chatting about some irrelevant gossip:
"This snow is really heavy."

"Yeah, white and big, right?"

"Shui'er, you... the snow on your side is so small."


"Puff~haha...hiss! Then what..."


creak creak-

The carriage slowly drove down Qingping Peak and headed towards the vast land of Jiangzhou Plain.

Hongyu sat outside holding the small heater, listening quietly, frowning and wondering what the three of them were doing.

And Niao Niao squatted beside him, staring blankly at the same big snowflakes on both sides of the carriage...


Thank you [Chang Diao] [Golden Steel Fried Hair Beast] for your rewards!

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(End of this chapter)

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