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Chapter 384

Chapter 384


In the twinkling of an eye, it was New Year's Eve, and the sound of firecrackers in Jiangzhou City was one after another. The laughter of men, women, and children floated into the Chen family's mansion along with the fireworks.

Red lanterns were hung between the white walls and blue tiles. As the housewife, Sanniang was already preparing the New Year’s Eve dinner in the back kitchen. Fan Qinghe couldn’t go back to his hometown. Those who celebrated the New Year couldn’t stay in the Duke’s Mansion, so they ran over today , helping each other skillfully in front of them, and chatting with each other:

"Can Ye Jingtang come back today?"

"I'm sure. New Year's Eve is only once a year. If you don't come back for a meal, wouldn't it be a waste of hard work all year long..."


And to say that the happiest people in the New Year are children.

Although Zhe Yunli is already sixteen, she is not that old, and her temper is rather wild. At this moment, seeing that the teacher's wife hadn't come yet, she and Ping'er ran into the compound of the Escort Bureau. There was a large box of fireworks next to her. Hands and feet lined up neatly.

As Ping Tian's little maid, she is not low in martial arts, but she has a timid temper. At this time, she stood far away, hid behind a carriage and poked her head, and said fearfully:

"Miss, be careful about your skirt, the new dress Madam just made for you, if you accidentally burn a hole, Madam will definitely spank your ass..."

Zheyunli was tossing about the firecrackers, feeling somewhat arrogant that her mother was not at home, and said to this:

"My lady has golden scales and bones, is she afraid of spanking? Doesn't Mr. Storyteller often say that one must enjoy oneself in time in one's life..."


As soon as he said a few words, there was a cold reprimand from behind the courtyard wall, and then Luo Ning, who was carrying two jars of wine, came out from the gate.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ping'er hurried to the backyard, Zheyunli stood up abruptly, hid the two cannon sticks behind her back, and put on a gentle and well-behaved appearance:
"Master? Why are you here? Where's Master?"

Luo Ning looked at the firecrackers all over the floor arranged in a nine-palace formation, and wanted to reprimand her, but it was not appropriate to be too strict during the Chinese New Year. After thinking about it, she decided to forget it. After entering the gate of the escort agency, she handed the wine jar to Pinger:

"It's Chinese New Year, can I not come? Master Ni is thin-skinned, I'm too embarrassed to come over for dinner, you go to the pier to persuade me."

After all, Master Pingtian has nothing to do with Ye Jingtang, and he is not familiar with Sanniang Qinghe and others, so it is reasonable not to want to come over.

Zhe Yunli saw that the master who celebrated the Chinese New Year did not come to eat, he definitely felt that it was impossible, so he ran to the street:

"I'll go now……"

"You put down the cannonball first."


Zheyunli stopped, handed the firecracker in her hand to the mistress, and then quickly ran out with her skirt in hand.

stomping on...

After Luo Ning watched Yun Li go out, she shook her head secretly, and then looked at the firecracker in her hand. It reminded her of when she was a child during the Chinese New Year. After a little thought, she leaned on the lantern to light it, and then quickly threw it into the yard.

The flying monkey, braving sparks, soon sprang out a string of sparks, the villain's thick cannonball, whirled soaring into the sky, flew to the top of the back house, and made a deafening noise:

The whole mansion was illuminated for a moment, and then the exclamation of Miss Sanniang Fan Xiuhe and others sounded:

"Who let it go?"

"Scared me to death..."

Luo Ning shrank her neck slightly, pretending that she had nothing to do with me, and walked towards the back house unhurriedly.

Outside the mansion, Zhe Yunli also looked back, thinking that the hawker selling firecrackers was quite conscientious, and he had to buy some more later.

Thinking like this, as soon as he ran out of the street, he found a carriage coming towards him on the crowded street.

The driver was a beautiful maid, and a fat white-haired Niao Niao stood on the horseback, staring straight at the various snacks on the street.

Zhe Yunli's eyes lit up when she saw this, and hurried over with her skirt in hand:
"Yaoji, come here!"


When Niao Niao heard the call, she immediately turned her head, and then flew to Zhe Yunli's shoulder, raising her wings and slapping her.


Zhe Yunli held the naughty Niao Niao down, went outside the carriage, and looked in with her probe:
"Eh? Aunt Lu, Empress Dowager, where's Cousin Jing?"

Inside the carriage, the empress dowager was still dressed as a wealthy wife, with a dignified and demure demeanor, just smiling and nodding to say hello.

Master Xuanji restrained her idle temper, put on the calmness that female elders should have, and got off the carriage:
"I'm going to the Duke's Mansion first, and I'll be here later. Can't you go out and play? Why are you alone?"

"I'll go to the pier and help my wife with some things. My wife and the others are cooking, and they can eat later."

"Oh...then go and come back early."


Seeing that Ye Jingtang was not there, Zhe Yunli didn't stay for long, and quickly ran to the street with Niao Niao.

Immortal Xuanji stood in place and watched them off. After the backs of one person and one bird disappeared, she walked outside the carriage and turned back on foot.

The Empress Dowager has just entered the city, and she should have returned directly to the Duke's Mansion for a new year, but after returning, she has no reason to come here to eat at Yejingtang, so she came here first, and it is a bit embarrassing at this time:
"Shui'er, is it inappropriate for Ye Jingtang to have dinner with his family?"

"Did you visit to care for your subordinates during the Chinese New Year? It's not appropriate. The Holy Majesty will come later. What are you worried about..."

On the other side, the Duke's Mansion.

Yejingtang rose and fell among the buildings in East Lake Bay, and within a short time, it came to the brightly lit Qin family mansion.

Although the Qin family's yang is prosperous and yin is declining, the population is still prosperous. All the children and grandchildren who have been officials or joined the army have returned, and there are also two and three families. , The female officials who came with them also gathered together to celebrate the New Year in this foreign place.

In order to avoid polite greetings, Ye Jingtang did not disturb the Qin family and fell into the guest courtyard without a sound, and came outside the room where Yuhu lived.

Lanterns were lit in the room, and there were two maids waiting in front of the door, and the sound of water splashing could be heard inside.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't approach, fell outside the wall, and coughed softly:

There was a sound of water splashing in the room, and then the soft and charming Yu Jie's voice sounded from it:

"You step back."


The two maids immediately nodded and left the corridor.

Only then did Ye Jingtang enter the courtyard, and slowly came to the door:

"Miss Yuhu is taking a bath?"

"Is it Chinese New Year, take a bath and change into new clothes. Go out for a while, your martial arts have improved, and I found out when I walked outside the fence..."

Yejingtang was able to be instructed by Lu Taiqing, relying solely on Hu Niuniu saying hello behind her back, and said with a smile:
"Thanks to Ms. Yuhu's help, I did have some new insights when I went to Yuxu Mountain. Hmm... where will Ms. Yuhu have the New Year's Eve dinner later?"

"I'll talk about this later, come in first."

"Oh... huh?"

As soon as Ye Jingtang moved his feet, he paused again, looked at the room with the doors and windows tightly closed, and after a little deliberation, he came to the door, opened the door and entered.

The room is a compartment covered by bead curtains, and behind the bead curtains is a beauty screen. Under the bright yellow light, a woman can be vaguely seen leaning against the wooden barrel.

Ye Jingtang didn't look around, closed the door, and looked at the calligraphy and paintings on the wall:
"But there is news from the capital?"

The empress was soaking in the bathtub with petals floating in it, gently picked up the water and sprinkled it on her chest, her slender legs were on the other side, her posture was leisurely yet domineering:
"There's a lot of news. Cao Aning, the hidden stake in your development, sent a secret letter, saying that snow lake flowers are suspected to be found in the Liaoyuan area, and there are many villains in the rivers and lakes showing up. King Zuoxian has stayed in the Xihai Governor's Mansion in recent months.

"The spies sent by the imperial court to various parts of the West Sea also found a wild snow lake flower a few days ago, and sent the leaves back to the capital. It can be confirmed that the snow lake flower blooms this year, and the time is probably these few days. The father-in-law has already taken the big internal experts and set off for the outside of the pass..."

Upon hearing this, Ye Jingtang realized the urgency of the situation, turned around and said:
"Then I'm afraid I have to leave after dinner, if I go late..."

"Don't rush."

The empress turned around in the tub, lay on the edge of the tub, and looked at the handsome young man in black robe outside the screen:
"It's not so easy for Beiliang to get a rare thing like Xuehu flower safely, and if I want to get a piece of it, it's not just one or two people who can get it.

"Tomorrow I will go back to Beijing with you. You take people to Tianlang Lake to handle the matter. I will personally lead the troops to Yazhou. Chen Bing will give you [-] troops to hold the line in the rear.

"It's best to get the snow lake flower under the counter. If you can't get it, send troops to attack the Tianmenxia pass and put pressure on Beiliang..."

Ye Jingtang knew that the two dynasties were in a period of peace, they had only traded for a few years, and their national strengths were still evenly matched. This fight would easily turn into a tug-of-war that lasted for more than ten years, and the impact would be too great. He thought for a while and asked:

"If you can't get the Snow Lake Flower, do you really fight?"

"Don't dare to fight, how can Beiliang spit out the things that reach his mouth? But the price of a real war is too high. As long as he can't fight into Hudong Road, Beiliang Furuan won't give many snow lake flowers, and he can get things under the counter. It's best to come back."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, stroked his fingers and paced for a while, then sat down beside the tea table:
"How many people went to Beiliang? Is there any news?"

clap la la...

As soon as the words came out, I saw the big beauty behind the screen, standing up with her back facing her. Through the screen, she could faintly see her shoulders and waist with perfect lines, and the arc of a half moon gradually appeared...

? !
Ye Jingtang sensed something was wrong, and quickly turned his eyes away:

"Uh... what are you doing?"

"Just get up, what can I do?"

The Empress lifted her legs and stepped out of the bathtub, wrapped her body in a red towel, and then walked out from behind the screen. The towel was only wrapped up to her armpits, and under the candlelight, she could clearly see her shoulders and collarbone, and the bottom was only three feet above her knees. inch, revealing the smooth calf.

Seeing this posture, Ye Jingtang subconsciously sat up a little bit, and couldn't look right or wrong, feeling a little bit out of place for his hands and feet.

The empress walked across the carpet barefoot, and sat down on a chair next to the Hall of Nightmare, with her left leg resting on her right, and held up the teacup:

"Snow Lake flowers are too scarce. People in the rivers and lakes of the northern and southern dynasties will soon receive the news. There are countless people who have tried their luck in the past. With your current strength, you don't need to pay attention to the martial arts under Wu Kui. You only need to beware of those at the top. A group of people..."

The faint scent of a daughter wafted through her nostrils, and her snow-white thighs and fair neck were close at hand. It was not so easy for Ye Jingtang to calm down and talk about serious matters, so he could only look away as much as possible:
"Who are there at the top?"

The empress might like to see Ye Jingtang's stiff look, she stood up holding a teacup, and deliberately paced back and forth in front of Ye Jingtang, expressing a contemplative attitude:
"Among the ten great masters of Beiliang, Shi Daoyu will definitely be there. I don't know if the Yin Shicheng of Juntian Mansion will pass. These two people are good at strange and obscene skills. As long as you are careful and don't plot against them, it is difficult to pose a threat to you. .

"Qi Qingfeng in the drum ring is the spearhead of Beiliang, a friend of King Youxian of Beiliang, and is responsible for the safety of King Youxian all the year round. He should not go to Tianlang Lake to take risks."

"As for the Four Saints of Beiliang, Beiyunbian is the overlord of the snowfield, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and he has always been in harmony with the court. In order to prevent mistakes, Beiliang must have promised a share and told Beiyunbian not to make trouble, so he will definitely not come.

"Northern Liang Guoshi recently showed his head outside the Yazhou Pass, patrolling the frontier army everywhere, it seems that he wants to hold Lu Taiqing back, and Lu Taiqing will naturally have to accompany him, the two sides confront each other across the pass, no one can intervene.

"As for Qianjimen's patriarch Zhongsun Jin, he is close to the Beiliang court, but Yanjing must leave people behind, otherwise you or the monk Shenchen will not go to grab the snow lake flowers, but take a detour What should I do if I go to Yanjing to assassinate Emperor Liang?
"So around Tianlang Lake, I'm afraid only Zuo Xianwang himself will participate. As long as you can pass Zuo Xianwang's test, you have a great chance of succeeding."


Ye Jingtang's eyes were almost dizzy from the shaking of the two big white legs. After hearing the situation, he nodded, thinking that it was not too troublesome, but after a little thought, he asked again:

"Eunuch Cao and I have left, and Yun'an will become an empty city. If Zhongsun Jin does the opposite and sneaks into the pass to make trouble..."

The empress slightly shrugged her white and fragrant shoulders: "He just came, and the current emperor is not Emperor Liang, he is only good at scheming and mediocre martial arts."


Ye Jingtang thought about it too, and after a little deliberation, after making sure he had no doubts, he looked up at the sky outside:

"Then it's settled. It's not early, why don't you go to my place for New Year's Eve dinner first?"

The empress waited here specially for Ye Jingtang to pick her up, so naturally she didn't refuse at this time, she turned to open the closet, picked up the clothes, and asked:

"By the way, today seems to be your birthday, and you will be 19 tomorrow?"

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yuhu to remember these things, and said with a smile:

"That's right, Miss Yuhu also prepared a gift?"

Seeing that Ye Jingtang dared to ask for a reward, the empress' eyes became meaningful, and she turned to look at Ye Jingtang:
"Huh? What do you want?"


Ye Jingtang couldn't subdue Yuhu at all, in order not to play himself as Ye Guifei, he blinked his eyes and said:
"Actually, I don't want anything. Miss Yuhu can ask Lu Taiqing for advice, which is already the best gift."

The empress unfolded her red skirt and gestured on her chest:
"That's right, but it's your 19th birthday, and you don't have to say anything. Otherwise, you compose an impromptu poem, and if I am satisfied, I will reward you with a big gift?"

Ye Jingtang didn't mean to ask for a big gift, but the New Year's Eve also wanted to make Yuhu happy, so he did what he liked and joked casually:
"Hmm... Erbajia's body looks like a crisp, and she cuts down ordinary people with a sword at her waist. Although the head is not seen, the bone marrow is dry in the dark."


The empress blinked her beautiful eyes, aftertaste a little, her eyes showed a strange color:
"I didn't see it, do you still know the truth?"

"Hehe, I just listened casually before, you can change your clothes quickly, I will... I will go!"

While Ye Jingtang was talking, he saw Yu Hu, who was savoring secretly, shaking his skirt twice casually, looking like he wanted to shake his shape.

As a result, the bath towel wrapped around her body was not that strong. With a big movement, the plump body made waves, and the red bath towel slipped down the white and greasy skin and fell to the ground.

In the brightly lit room, there seemed to be a touch of white moonlight in an instant.

Ye Jingtang was sitting on the side tea table, the curve of Wuxia's back was completely reflected in his eyes, the full white moon brought a tension that made it difficult to look away, his legs were as straight as round jade pillars.

And Yuhu is holding the skirt in both hands, and the scenery in front of him is naturally infinite. Under the action of gravity, the astonishingly large white tuan'er only falls slightly, with red cherry blossoms on the side, and a flat waist and abdomen, and a white jade tiger that is slightly visible head……

Ye Jingtang only had a glimpse, and before he could take a closer look, Yu Hu quickly hugged the skirt and turned around, only showing the left and right white curves, his face also turned red, and stared at him with a little embarrassment:
"What are you looking at?"


Ye Jingtang didn't know if this was a birthday present from Yu Hu, or if he was really careless, so he coughed lightly and stood up:

"I'm going out first, so what... Be careful in the future, in fact, these words are the same when you say them through the door."

The empress narrowed her eyes slightly, watched Ye Jingtang slip out of the door, and then secretly "huh~" and continued to put on her clothes...


The update time is pushed forward by ten to twelve hours, which is the time to get up, and it is getting later and later because the work and rest are back.

Aguan is usually updated at 0 o'clock in the evening, and it will be posted in advance after writing, so as to avoid book friends staying up late and waiting, the time cannot be fixed or2
(End of this chapter)

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