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Chapter 385 Cheers

Chapter 385 Cheers

Thousands of gorgeous fireworks rose from all parts of Jiangzhou City, and the smoke from the gunpowder made the sky look like a layer of mist.

Because everyone went home for the New Year's Eve dinner, the streets were packed with people in the afternoon, but at this time there was a sense of no one in the alleys.

Ye Jingtang walked towards the Yuanqing Escort along the brightly lit street, and didn't say a word on the way. After all, the impact of the picture just now was a bit strong, and it has been lingering in his mind, and nothing seems right.

The empress walked beside her in a red dress, admiring the fireworks in the city as usual, as if nothing had happened just now, but after walking a few steps, she would still glance at Ye Jingtang, not knowing what she was looking at.

The two were so silent, when they got near the Chen family's mansion, Ye Jingtang saw that the front yard was also setting off firecrackers, so he took Yuhu to the door of the escort agency in front, and was about to invite Yuhu to set off two firecrackers for fun , Before the words came out, I felt something was wrong.

The compound of the Escort Bureau is very spacious, and there are not many cars parked during the Chinese New Year. At this time, lanterns are hung all around, and two large wooden boxes are placed in the middle, which are full of colorful cannonballs.

Zhe Yunli was dressed as a scholarly lady, holding incense in one hand, covering her ears with the other, and was cautiously approaching Pao Zhan, while Ping'er and Niao Niao hid in the corner, quietly looking up.

And under the porch of the gate of the Escort Bureau, a tall figure in a white robe stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Yunli, his long black hair was tied up with a jade hairpin, he looked like a handsome young man, but his waist and even his limbs were relatively slender, The buttocks are also very full...

? !
Ye Jingtang really didn't expect Bing Tuo Tuo to be there, he stopped in his footsteps immediately, and his eyes froze slightly.

The Empress also didn't expect Xue Baijin to have the nerve to go to the Yejing Hall to celebrate the New Year. She stood at the door with her arms crossed and her chest filled with elusive emotions.

And Xue Baijin in the porch also turned his head at this time, and found that the empress had also come to eat the New Year's Eve dinner, frowned slightly, turned around and walked out without saying a word.


Yejingtang can be regarded as the host no matter what, seeing the guests want to leave, he naturally stepped forward to block the way:

"Ms. Xue, wait a minute. We'll be eating right away. Why are you leaving?"

Xue Baijin was blocked by his arm, and looked at Ye Jingtang with cold eyes, presumably meaning——won't it be difficult to get in if he doesn't leave?I am the leader of the anti-thief, you let me have dinner with the emperor, is it because you want to cook the matter of recruiting security?

Ye Jingtang also knew that it was inappropriate for two people to sit and eat together, but letting Bing Tuotuo leave, the situation between the two of them completely froze.

But after eating and drinking two glasses of wine together, no matter how they develop in the future, there will be friendship over a meal, and the handshake and reconciliation will always go smoothly, right?

For this reason, Ye Jingtang still apologized with a smile:

"Well... It's the New Year's Eve today, let's put aside the past and talk about it after the New Year's Eve. It's all here, let's have a meal first."

The empress was really unhappy when her skirt was torn off by this mad woman, but it was not an unacceptable loss to be seen by Ye Jingtang.For this reason, seeing Ye Jingtang blocking people, she didn't refute Ye Jingtang's face, she walked forward slowly and said:

"So afraid of me? Don't even dare to eat a meal?"

Xue Baijin is an old minister of Dayan, it is true that he is afraid of the court, but how can he be really afraid of the Empress?Hearing this, he hummed softly:
"I just don't want Ye Jingtang to worry about your safety. As the saying goes, 'A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall', are you sure you want to go in?"

The empress stood and asked Xue Baijin to beat her, but Xue Baijin didn't dare to do it rashly. She didn't respond, and went directly to the gate and walked towards the backyard.

Xue Baijin took a light breath, thought for a while, and ignored the Empress, and turned to Ye Jingtang:

"Ning'er and I are leaving tomorrow, today's meal is for you to save face."


Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, stopped Bingtuotuo into the yard, and asked:

"Leave tomorrow? Where?"

Xue Baijin stayed in Jiangzhou City, and hadn't heard the wind from thousands of miles away, but she wanted to go to Zuo Xianwang to beat her up, and she must go to the northwest.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang asked Xue Baijin and did not report truthfully, he just said casually:
"Walking in rivers and lakes, traveling in mountains and rivers."


Yejingtang might have to return to Beijing quickly tomorrow, so he didn't say anything to persuade him to stay. He entered the yard with Bingtuotuo, only to find that the house suddenly became quiet.

Zhe Yunli, who was squatting on the ground to light the firecrackers, saw the empress, whose master told her to keep a distance, and her master were walking towards the backyard, obviously a little dazed, quietly looking at Ye Jingtang behind him, his eyes signaled—Brother Jingtang , are you crazy?Nothing will happen, will it?

Ye Jingtang slightly raised his hand to signal to be safe and calm, and then came to the mansion behind.

Sanniang and Fan Qinghe were setting up dishes in the dining room. They had just met the leader of Pingtian and knew that Ning'er's family of three was celebrating the New Year at home today. When they found the empress walking in, they were obviously stunned. They stood in place with two dishes, not knowing what to do. What to do.

Luo Ning, who was making tea by the tea sea, stood up straight away, her eyes were a little bewildered, and she looked around for Bai Jin and the little thief.

Compared with the three of them, the Empress Dowager, who didn't know Xue Bai Jingang's identity, reacted most naturally, getting up and coming to the door:

"Yuhu, you're here too? Come in quickly, I originally wanted to go back to the Duke's mansion, but Shui'er insisted on letting me come and have a drink, um..."

The empress knew all the girls in the house, and was in a high position all the year round, so naturally she didn't show any shyness. She helped the queen mother back into the house, and took the plate from San Niang:

"It's fine in the Duke's Mansion, come and have a look. The dishes are made by Sanniang? The craftsmanship is really good..."

While talking, Xue Baijin came in from behind, didn't look at the Empress, but just came to sit down next to Ning'er in a leisurely manner, picked up a teacup and drank tea.


Sanniang and Fan Qinghe, seeing that they didn't seem to have any intention of conflict, were secretly relieved, chatted with them, and continued to set the plate.Luo Ning moved closer to Xue Baijin's ear and whispered something, probably asking about the situation.

Ye Jingtang came to the door and looked at the room full of Yingying and Yanyan. To be honest, he felt that he couldn't control the scene. After looking around, he asked:

"Where is Fairy Lu?"

The empress dowager followed behind Yuhu to help serve the dishes, and said:

"It's serving food in the kitchen. The meal is already ready, go and ask girl Yunli to come in."

Ye Jingtang nodded, and after confirming that the two had no intention of fighting, he turned around and came to the front yard again.

Zhe Yunli no longer had the intention of setting off firecrackers, so she stood outside the courtyard wall of the house and quietly looked around, and when she saw Ye Jingtang coming out, she hooked her hands.

Ye Jingtang came to him, beckoned and said:
"Let's go in and eat."

Zhe Yunli didn't want to eat, she pulled Ye Jingtang's sleeve to the corner of the wall, her eyes were very strange:
"Cousin Jing, our family celebrates the New Year, how do you..."


Ye Jingtang raised his finger to signal not to talk nonsense, and then said:
"It's all about sitting here for the sake of face. I have a sense of proportion, and nothing will happen."

Zhe Yunli wasn't worried about something happening to her master, but she was afraid that the atmosphere would be embarrassing. Seeing what Ye Jingtang said, she naturally stopped talking. She touched from her bosom, found a small purse, and handed it to Ye Jingtang:

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, then took the small purse and looked at it:
"what is this?"

"Didn't you celebrate your birthday today, you have to think about it."

Zhe Yunli lightly bumped Xia Ye Jingtang's arm:
"Open it and see if you like it."

Ye Jingtang really did not expect that the first gift was received from Yunli...

In fact, it's not the first one, Hu Niuniu's big gift is more frank...

Ye Jingtang quickly brushed aside distracting thoughts, and opened the small lotus-leaf green purse, revealing that there was a jade pendant inside; the jade pendant was warm white, warm to the touch, with a fat-headed bird engraved on the surface, although the carving skills could not be considered extraordinary, it was still considered Lifelike, very delicate.

Ye Jingtang stroked the jade pendant with his fingers, his eyes were rather surprised: "You carved it yourself?"

Zheyunli giggled, and wanted to nod at first, but after thinking about it, he put his expression away, folded his hands on his waist, and made a shy and timid look:

"Brother Jingtang is kind to me, my sister sees it in her eyes and remembers it in her heart. If my brother celebrates his birthday today, my sister will be perfunctory..."


Ye Jingtang was afraid of being broken by Bingtuotuo, so he hurriedly interrupted Yunli's spellcasting:
"Okay, okay, I like it very much, let's go in and eat, what should your master do if he hears..."

Zhe Yunli was also afraid that his master and wife would beat her up, so he resigned himself immediately, and went into the yard together contentedly...

The sound of firecrackers sounded from all over the city, and the courtyard of the deep house was brightly lit.

In the large dining room in the center of the house, there is a big round table with more than 20 dishes on it, including Yunzhou dishes made by Sanniang, Jiangzhou dishes made by Luo Ning, and the centerpiece is Fan Qinghe’s northwest dishes. Special roast lamb.

Originally, Yunli was going to show off her skills and cook a pot of rice noodles, but unfortunately she was persuaded by several aunts to go out and set off a firecracker, otherwise there would be more dishes.

Regardless of her status or seniority, the empress dowager was the tallest person present, so she naturally sat in the main seat at this time, maintaining a sweet smile of Guotai Min'an, but she was a little nervous in her heart, after all, half of the room was full of daughters-in-law of Ye Jing.

The empress was sitting on the right hand side of the empress dowager, probably because she didn't want to spoil the atmosphere by making noise, but the idleness in the past was a bit less, and she just chatted with the empress dowager about these innocuous gossips.

Master Xuanji, as the emperor's tutor, naturally sat on the left hand side of the empress dowager, her demeanor was a bit eclectic, with her hands resting on the side of her face, she kept sizing up Ning'er and Xue Baijin, not knowing what she was thinking.

Fan Qinghe felt that this was a confrontation between Wei Zheng and evil, so he didn't dare to approach the demon girl, so he sat alone in the middle, and put Niao Niao on the seat beside him as a shield.

San Niang still regarded herself as Ye Jingtang's daughter-in-law in front of everyone, she didn't sit down, she turned around and poured wine for the distinguished guests.

In fact, Luo Ning also wanted to act like a big lady, but her original partner was in front of her, and the empress was opposite, and her apprentice had to sit down later, so she didn't dare to move, she just kept her eyes on her nose, her nose and her heart, and said little The appearance of a silent and cold heroine.

Xue Baijin is the most special one. Looking at the wine glass in front of him with a serious expression and a smile, it seems that he is thinking about important matters concerning the common people in the world, but his mental journey is estimated to be:
why am i sitting here

What does this have to do with me?
Come to an end, I'm tired...

tata tao~
Soon, Ye Jingtang brought Xiao Yunli and walked in from the outside.

Ye Jingtang looked at the six women sitting on the table, and the pressure in his heart also came up, and he sat with Yun Li at the door very consciously, and greeted with a smile:

"San Niang, come and sit down."

Pei Xiangjun took a seat next to Ye Jingtang, and wanted to say a few auspicious words, but the trio from the imperial court and the Tianjiao trio faced each other across the table, and the situation seemed to be negotiating between the two countries.

The people brought by Ye Jingtang himself, no matter how hard they are walking on thin ice at this time, they have to be hot, so they raised their wine glasses first:
"I came to Beijing in April, and before I knew it, it was the end of the year, and I was one year older. Thank you for your care and help these days. Without you, I would not be where I am today..."

Seeing Ye Jingtang talking to herself, the empress felt a little cold, but after thinking about it, she put the matter with Xue Baijin to the back of her mind, and teased with a smile:
"It's okay if you don't say it. It's really quick to say it. How long has it been? There are eight girls sitting here, and three of them have become your confidante..."

? !
As soon as this remark came out, except for Xue Baijin, almost everyone's heart tightened, and even Ye Jingtang choked.

Luo Ning was afraid that the Empress would not know what was going on, and she would slip up by accident, so she sat up straight.But before she had time to wink at the thief, she heard:
"No, no, I have nothing to do with Brother Jing..."

? ?
The restaurant suddenly became quiet, and the bird and bird turned their heads to look at the red-faced poached egg.

Zhe Yunli was originally an obedient lady, and she didn't want to speak at first, but the female emperor across from her suddenly said, "Three confidantes", which really shocked her.

After all, there are eight women sitting on the table. First of all, the Queen Mother cannot be a confidante, and Aunt Lu is an elder. Obviously it is impossible.

As for the remaining three people, there are only her, Aunt Pei, and Aunt Fan. She doesn't know whether Aunt Fan has a concubine with Jing Tang in private, but she obviously doesn't.

Zhe Yunli guessed that the Empress was because she was about the same age as Brother Jing, and that she was a good match, so she was misunderstood and blushed and explained:

"Cousin Jing and I are just ordinary friends, sister, don't get me wrong..."


The empress really didn't expect that a single word could blast out the youngest girl in the room.

Really not, shouldn't you be at a loss?

What is the meaning of this flustered and flushed face...

The female emperor was a little funny, and it was not easy to call names one by one. Seeing that the little girl Yunli answered, she followed the words:

"Oh? Is that right? Did I miss it?"

"My mediocre talent is not worthy of Brother Jing, hehe..."

Zhe Yunli didn't dare to talk about this in front of his master and his wife, so he smiled obediently, and then picked up his wine glass to change the topic:

"It's Cousin Jing's birthday today, let's toast Cousin Jing."

When Ye Jingtang heard that Yun Li was self-effacing, it was difficult to say that Yun Li was worthy, so he immediately raised his glass:

"I'm under [-], so why don't I celebrate the New Year? Come on, come and wish everyone a happy new year!"

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager, Fan Qinghe, Sanniang, Ning'er, and Shui'er all raised their wine glasses.

The empress didn't tease her anymore, she picked up the wine glass and looked at Xue Baijin opposite.

Xue Baijin didn't show off when he came here, just like a shy woman who doesn't talk much, he picked up his wine glass and stood up.

Under the light of the lantern candlestick, the nine wine glasses touched each other, and the skirts of various colors covered the raised wings.

Maids such as Ping'er, Xiuhe, Hongyu, who were eating next door, clinked glasses with each other, and besides the white walls and green tiles, gorgeous fireworks bloomed all over the sky.


After drinking a glass of wine, the blood surged, and the embarrassing atmosphere just now was obviously relieved, and words sounded in the room one after another:
"Hiss~ This wine is so strong! Aunt Lu, what kind of wine is this?"

"Fierce girls are worried, and the world is called immortals kneeling again."

"How do you drink this... Demon girl, you bought the wine?"

"Are you happy during the Chinese New Year? Drinking other things is boring."

"Heh~ It looks like it's still a matter of life and death today, I don't know how Miss Xue can drink..."


"Yunli, are you still drinking? Do you want to sleep until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month?"

"Jingtang, drink less too, don't... oh..."

"Ha ha……"




Came out at night.

(End of this chapter)

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