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Chapter 386 New Year's Eve

Chapter 386 New Year's Eve
thump thump——

The dragon and lion dance team passed Tianshui Bridge, Mrs. Zhang, Pei Luo, and even Yang Chao, Chen Biao and others all stood on the side of the street in new clothes to watch the fun.

The Yeguo Mansion, not far from the Pei family’s mansion, is also full of red lanterns. The corners along the river are brightly lit, but the interior is a little deserted. There are only a few maids who are in charge of cleaning up and talking together. gossip:

"Why hasn't Young Master Ye come back..."

"With such a big house, let us live in it all year round, oh..."


In the Plum Blossom Courtyard of the West House, lanterns illuminated the cross walkway, Sanniang and Yejingtang were not there, the doors and windows were closed, and there was no movement in silence.

Dongfang Liren quietly crossed the wall and landed among the plum blossoms in the courtyard, with a blush on his cheeks, and the fat-headed dragon on his chest was shining brightly in the candlelight.

Bai Fa listened to Meng Jiao's steadfastness and followed behind him every step of the way. Seeing that Prince Jing had taken a walk after the banquet, and they all came here, he understood the meaning in his heart, bowed slightly and said:
"Humble position is waiting outside, His Highness can summon you at any time."

After the words fell, he quietly retreated outside the courtyard.

Today's New Year's Eve, Dongfang Liren replaced her sister and presided over the banquet of the Dongfang Clan. Although there were many county kings and princesses from the Dongfang Clan, the banquet was lively, but Dongfang Liren's closest people were not around, so it was inevitable. Still a little lonely and lost.

Dongfang Liren stood alone in the courtyard admiring the plum blossoms for a while, then pushed open the door of the main house and came to the study on the right.

There are quite a lot of objects in the study, the queen mother, the master, her paintings, small ornaments from other girls, etc., and there is a pen hanging beside the pen mountain. Judging from the poems on it, it was given by Hua Qingzhi.

This color embryo is actually hung on the table, and I have some thoughts in my heart...

Dongfang Liren pondered silently for a moment, then wandered to the bedroom on the left.

The bedroom is very tidy, and there are not many items in it, so that the eight-step bed that sleeps four girls without crowding looks very eye-catching.

After taking a few glances at Dongfang Liren, she came to the bed and sat down, looking at the light of the lantern on the window paper, and the faint sound of fireworks and firecrackers outside, which gave her a strange feeling, um...

Candle night in the bridal chamber?
Dongfang Liren didn't know why he thought of this word, but sitting on the bed in Yejingtang, listening to the festive atmosphere of fireworks outside, it really felt like waiting for the groom to enter the house.

It's a pity that the groom doesn't know where he is having fun, and he won't come here no matter how nervous he is...

After sitting upright for a while, Dongfang Liren felt a little bored, and lay down on the pillow again, crossing his arms and looking at the window paper. He wondered if he was imagining the situation of being alone in the empty boudoir after marriage. There is a small drawer at the head.

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and opened the drawer smoothly. It can be seen that there are quite a lot of things in it, a few idle books to pass the time, a booklet drawn by her own hand, hairpins, red handkerchiefs, etc., all seem to be gifts from the girl .

Dongfang Liren originally wanted to take out the booklet to read, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was wrong, so he took out the red handkerchief inside and looked at it.

The fabric is Jiangzhou tribute material, the whole is pure red, without any embroidery patterns, it seems to be the style that my sister usually uses...


Dongfang Liren was a little puzzled, she didn't understand why her sister's handkerchief was in Ye Jing Tang's room, she thought about it, sat up, and carefully checked whether it was red or not by the light.

But the handkerchief was clean and nothing special.

Dongfang Liren studied for a while, but did not find out why, so he kept this matter in his heart first, and picked up the booklet again.

Beautifully framed booklet, although the paper is as clean as new, but you can still find the creases in the subtleties that you often read and observe. It seems that you have not missed it.

Dongfang Liren leaned on the pillow, glanced left and right, and thought to himself—this girl, wouldn't use the painting given by the king to add to the fun when she was having sex with the girl...

Probably, otherwise, why would it hide here...

I have to ask him...

I don't know when he will come back and what he is doing now...

Thinking wildly like this, sleepiness gradually hit, Dongfang Liren slowly closed his eyes...
At the same time, Yazhou Jingjie City.

Jingjie City is the capital of Yazhou. Outside the city is a canyon that stretches for more than ten miles. The terrain is like a sword between heaven and man cutting across the mountains. .

The insurmountable natural and dangerous terrain made Tianmen Gorge the common national gate of the northern and southern dynasties. The south side of the canyon is the Great Wei, and the north side is the North Liang. And the southern kings of the dynasties made their northern expeditions, and their base camps were all in Jingjie City. For this reason, Jingjie City It is also known as the "accompanying capital".

The envoys who came to the Great Wei Dynasty to meet the empress headed north and went up against the current. The speed was slower than when they came, and there were too many entourages. After walking for more than half a month, they finally reached the gate of the two dynasties.

Li Si, the servant, lost his wife and lost his army in Yun'an, apparently he had no intention of celebrating the New Year in Wei Dynasty, Rao was the Lord of the Town, Wang Yin, who was sitting in Jingjie City, personally persuaded him to keep him, and he did not settle down here. Before midnight, he led the fleet through the long waterway between the canyons.

Accompanying more than ten boats, because there are no more students, it is much more empty than when we came.

Hua Qingzhi, who had put on new clothes, sat in a wheelchair and was pushed to the back of the deck by the maid, Luzhu. She looked at the lights that were fading away in the south, with a bit of reluctance in her eyes.

Reluctance is not about caring about someone, but about her background, which destined her not to be as free and easy as the girls in the rivers and lakes. Looking back now, it may be the last time in this life to look at the southern land.

Although she stayed in the Southern Dynasties for a short time, there are many people who left her a good influence:
Gentle and generous, Mrs. Wang who secretly talked about her daughter's family with her.

The doctor is benevolent, and she is not treated differently just because she is from Beiliang.

The arrogant, but full of real talents, the Queen.

And that unparalleled handsome, talented, civil and military master Ye Gongzi, who has countless advantages...

Now when they go back, these people have become enemies with no enmity and no grudge against each other. Even if both sides don't want to, under the pressure of the general situation, it may develop into a situation of fighting each other, or even a life-and-death situation.

Hua Qingzhi is from Beiliang, and his grandfather is a grand master, so he definitely has his heart towards the Northern Dynasty; but if one day, Beiliang breaks through and breaks through to the south, what will Master Ye do?What about the Queen?What about the people in Yunzhou who treated her well?
And if she wanted everything to be safe in the Southern Dynasties, what would she do if a world-shattering talent like Mr. Ye led an army to the city of Yanjing?
To be a shameful woman who doesn't know the hatred of subjugation, to curry favor with Mr. Ye to protect the whole family?

Or is it chaste and strong to the end, the heroine will not let the men die for the country?
The cold wind was blowing in the canyon, and Hua Qingzhi hadn't regained consciousness for a long time.

Lv Zhu stood behind her back with the cold wind blowing. Seeing that the young lady was holding a dagger in her hand and Qing He had been in a trance for a long time, she couldn't help but said:

"Miss, let's go back. At the end of life, you are only in your teens, and you have a long way to go. After two years, your legs are completely healed. At worst, you can take over the family business and run to the Southern Dynasty to do business. See you soon. It's time for Young Master Ye..."

Hua Qingzhi stared at the gradually disappearing city in the distance, shook her head and smiled:
"Goodbye Ye Gongzi, either Da Wei hit Yanjing, or he was captured and taken to Yanjing. Rather than that, it's better to never see him again."

After seeing Ye Jingtang, Luzhu felt that there were basically no men in the world who could compete with her. If there was a real war between the two dynasties, it would be Ye Jingtang who would fight.

But if I say these thoughts, I am afraid that the lady will knock my head again, Lu Zhu secretly sighed, and pushed Hua Qingzhi back:

"For those who celebrate Chinese New Year, don't mention these unlucky things. By the way, Mr. Ye has been to Jiangzhou for so long, and now I don't know if he has returned to Yun'an City. If he goes back and finds that Miss is not there, he should stand under the eaves and miss Miss..."

"He should miss Prince Jing. I have nothing to worry about."

"It's hard to tell. Miss is so beautiful and extremely smart. There is no man in the world who doesn't fall in love..."


Hua Qingzhi shook her head and smiled, turned her head and glanced at the south again, finally suppressed all kinds of distracting thoughts, and followed the boat into the majestic closed gate at the end of the canyon.

goo goo goo...
Jiangzhou City.

As the night deepened, Jiangzhou City, which had calmed down, became lively again. After the New Year's Eve dinner, men and women took to the streets again, admiring the dragon, lion, and lantern dances.

In the mansion behind the bodyguard bureau, the wine bureau has not yet ended, but the atmosphere has changed from being a little reserved at the beginning to being hard to describe.

Under the eaves, Ye Jingtang looked slightly drunk, standing outside the restaurant door sober, Xiao Yunli was also drunk, with Niao Niao in his right hand, and his left hand holding his sleeve, dangling by his side:

"Cousin Jing, let's go, let's... um... let's set off a firecracker..."

Ye Jingtang supported Yun Li's shoulders to prevent her from falling, and kept his eyes on the room, wanting to call the show to end, but he didn't dare to intervene.

In the restaurant, the eight well-educated girls were basically dizzy from drinking.

The Empress Dowager, who has a moderate capacity for alcohol, has already left the table and leaned on the tea table for a rest.

Fan Qinghe and Master Xuanji were sitting at the same table, and they were inevitably poured. They were already lying on the table, and from the side of the table, they could see the plump balls hanging and undulating slightly.

Sanniang was quite good at drinking, but no matter how good she was, she couldn't hold back Lie Nvchou, so she leaned on Ning'er's shoulder in a daze.

Ning'er usually doesn't drink at all, and she didn't drink much today, but she wasn't drunk, she kept tugging on Xue Baijin's sleeve.

As for Xue Baijin and the Empress, both martial arts and alcohol tolerance are not low, so far it is hard to tell the winner.

Shui'er, who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, even ran to sit between the two of them, helping to pour wine for them to warm up the scene.

Although the empress had a good capacity for alcohol, after drinking so much, her cheeks showed a voluptuous blush, she propped her face with one hand, seeing that Xue Baijin didn't admit to being cowardly, she kept drinking.

Xue Baijin's expression didn't change from the beginning to the end. She dared to accept the cup if the empress dared to hold it. She had a posture that divided the victory and defeat as well as life and death.

Ye Jingtang was supposed to sit next to him and drink with him, but after a few rounds, he realized that something was wrong—according to this way of drinking, it is very likely that when he wakes up tomorrow morning, he will have eight daughters-in-law.

Ning'er was also afraid that Bai Jin and the empress would get into a fight, and the two would get drunk and cause trouble, so she asked him to come out to sober up first, lest there would be no one to fight.

Ye Jingtang blew the cold wind outside for a while, and his mind was indeed cleared up a little bit. Seeing that Yuhu and Bingtuotuo refused to accept each other, he stepped forward and said:

"Okay, okay, the empress dowager has to go back to the Duke's mansion for dinner, and it will be next year after a while. How about I accompany you to have a drink and save the rest of the wine for next time?"

Master Xuanji might also be a little drunk, Ye Jingtang stood behind him, leaned back on Ye Jingtang, and handed the wine glass to Ye Jingtang:

Fortunately, everyone in the room was dumbfounded, but no one noticed.

The empress didn't want to admit her weakness first, so she looked at Xue Baijin:

"It depends on Miss Xue's intention."

Xue Baijin didn't want to admit it, but there was still a daughter-in-law sitting next to her, so Luo Ning quickly smoothed things over and said:

"Okay, there's not much wine left, as long as it's in place, Bai Jin has something to do tomorrow, so I'll take her back first, we're sorry."

Xue Baijin was pulled up by Luo Ning, so naturally he didn't say much, but after getting up, he remembered something, and said:

"Yunli just send me off, you help clean up, don't let Sanniang work alone."

Luo Ning could tell that Bai Jin was giving her a chance to stay and sleep or something, her eyes were a little weird, but she didn't say no, she just sent Xue Baijin to the door and let Yunli support her.

Yun Li was still young, and didn't have a lot of alcohol, so she hugged Xue Baijin's waist in a daze, and buried her face in her arms:
"Wuuuu... Master's waist is so thin..."

Ye Jingtang didn't know what to say, stepped forward and said:

"Why don't you just rest here? There are quite a lot of rooms here..."

Xue Baijin Wusheng's strength, how could he be overwhelmed by a few glasses of wine, and walked out with his mischievous apprentice in his arms:
"It's okay, just go about your business and see you someday."

Ye Jingtang was really worried, so he sent them out, and asked Niao Niao to accompany them to the inn, and then returned to the courtyard.

The empress dowager has already been woken up, because she has to catch the second round, she is quite clear-headed. Seeing Ye Jingtang come back, she stepped forward and said:
"I'm going back to the Duke's mansion first. According to Yuhu, you have to go back to Yun'an tomorrow, right?"

Ye Jingtang nodded and said, "There's news from the northwest side, we have to rush there as soon as possible, and we shouldn't be busy for long, and we'll be back in February at the most."

Ye Jingtang was going to do some serious business, the empress dowager couldn't follow her this time, she felt very sad, after looking back, she pretended to give orders, and brought Ye Jingtang to the corner outside the courtyard hidden.

Ye Jingtang was about to say a few words of comfort, but saw the empress dowager turned around and stood on tiptoe, kissed him on the lips, and stared at him intently with her apricot eyes:
"It's not easy for me to accompany you this time. You should pay more attention in the past. Don't care about your body like last time. If you come back safely, Bengong... um... when the time comes..."

Seeing the Empress Dowager's expression, Ye Jingtang understood the meaning, and lowered his head to his ear:

"As written in the book, you are resting in Fushou Palace, and I suddenly barged in. If you want to call someone, I'm afraid you will let the news out, so I will cook the rice..."


The empress dowager thought so, but she didn't say it after all. Seeing that Ye Jingtang dared to mention it, she was immediately annoyed, and raised her hand to lightly hammer on her chest.

Because there were still people in the yard, the empress dowager didn't dare to be too presumptuous. After hammering, she wrapped her neck around her neck and slapped hard, then straightened her clothes, turned her head and walked out:
"I'm waiting for you to come back, if you dare to make trouble..."

"Don't worry, I can't wait to stay in the capital every day, and come back as soon as I finish my work."

When Ye Jingtang said this, he remembered something:
"Yu Hu said that he would lead troops to Jingjie City. If you are anxious to return to the capital, you can go there together. Jingjie City is not far from Tianlang Lake. It is convenient for me to visit when I come to recover my life."

The empress dowager didn't know how Yuhu would arrange it, so she said:

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. Well..."

Thinking of not being able to see each other for a month, the queen mother really couldn't bear it, so she walked back, hugged Ye Jingtang, raised her eyes to look carefully, those eyes seemed to want to engrave Ye Jingtang's appearance into her bones.

Ye Jingtang's heart almost melted in the face of the reluctant hand warmer. Seeing that there was no one around, he put his hands around his waist, hugged him and turned around:

"I promised to take you all over the place Shui'er walked, and I will definitely do it. After I finish this work, I will take you to Shazhou to see Crescent Moon Lake, the place where Prince Liang and the Queen Mother stayed together for the last time. ,How about it?"

When the Empress Dowager heard this promise, the reluctance in her heart disappeared, and her eyes were delighted:
"Just the two of us?"


"Okay, I know you can't say for sure now, and I'm not greedy. You can go to as many people as you want, as long as you take me with you."

The empress dowager hugged Ye Jingtang's neck, although it looked a little weird with her feet dangling in the air, but Ye Jingtang held her tightly, and there was nothing uncomfortable about it.

After lingering for a long time, seeing that the time was too long, the courtyard was about to become suspicious, so the empress dowager came down reluctantly, regained her dignified and quiet look, and turned her head and said:

"Hongyu, I'm back home."

"Good lady."

Ye Jingtang sent the Empress Dowager out of the gate, and saw Yu Hu in a red dress, already sitting in the carriage, raised the curtain and waved to him:

"Okay, don't waste time, go back and rest early, you have to return to Beijing tomorrow, don't get up late."

Ye Jingtang must be riding Yanzhihu, and he and Yuhu turned back at a fast speed. Naturally, there was no need to say goodbye, but he said with concern:
"You didn't drink too much, did you? Are you sure you don't want me to send it?"

The empress put down the curtain and said casually: "Miss Xue is safe and sound, so there will be no problems with this girl. Let's go."

creak creak...

The carriage slowly drove away to the Duke's Mansion in Dongcheng.

After all, Ye Jingtang was not at ease. Although he didn't follow, he still came to a high place and watched the carriage drive through the bustling street.

It wasn't until people from Duke Qin's mansion came to greet him that Ye Jingtang looked away, looked in the direction of Yun'an, and sighed softly.

I don't know what Benben is doing, I must be unhappy during the New Year alone...

But don't worry, I'll be back in two days...

When Ye Jingtang thought of the big stupid who was guarding the empty boudoir alone, he felt a little bit like an arrow, and seeing that it was almost time for the child, he flew back to the yard without delay.
After the banquet, the restaurant was inevitably a bit chaotic. Ping'er and Xiuhe were cleaning up, while Ning'er helped Sanniang back to the house. Shui'er seemed to follow, but for some reason Fan Qinghe was left in the living room.

Ye Jingtang returned to the dining room and saw the girl Fan, who had been poured with water, resting on the tea bed, she couldn't help but wonder:
"Why don't you send Miss Vatican back to your room?"

Xiuhe replied: "Fairy Lu said, let the young master deliver it in person, so that Miss Fan will not feel left out."


Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, feeling that Shui'er was quite thoughtful, and immediately helped Xiuhe clean up the dishes, told them to go to bed early, and then came to the tea bed, and hugged Fan Qinghe.

Fan Qinghe agreed to quit drinking, but he couldn't stand it anymore. He was really drunk today. When he realized that he was being hugged, he opened his eyes and looked around in a daze, then closed them again, and murmured:

"You can not……"

I can not? !

Ye Jingtang didn't think about it at first, but he was unhappy when he heard this, he carried Miss Fan to the room where Shui'er stayed, frowned and said:

"Miss Fan, who do you say can't do it?"



Ye Jingtang actually understood the meaning, and didn't take advantage of his drunkenness to mess around. After putting Miss Fan on the bed, he helped take off his shoes and put the quilt back on.

Fan Qinghe could still perceive the situation subconsciously, and kept twisting and dodging slightly, until the quilt was covered and Ye Jingtang showed signs of leaving, then she calmed down.

But soon, Fan Qinghe's eyebrows showed a hint of doubt, which seemed to mean--what does he mean if he doesn't take advantage of it?
Seeing Fan Qinghe's blank expression, Ye Jingtang felt amused in his heart, thinking about it, he did what he wanted, bowed his head and kissed his red lips, then closed the curtain, and quietly left the room.

After a busy day, the house was completely quiet, except for the occasional sound of fireworks and firecrackers in the city.


Ye Jingtang stood in front of the door and breathed a sigh of relief, looked around, saw that Yun Li had also abducted his bird, so he didn't stay there, and after a little washing, he came to Sanniang's yard.

The main house where Sanniang lives is larger than the other rooms. At this time, the lights are on inside, but there is no movement.

Ye Jingtang came to the door and listened carefully. He could hear three breathing sounds. He thought his daughter-in-law had fallen asleep after being drunk, so he opened the door and looked into the inner room.

The interior partitioned by the bead curtain was brightly lit, and the curtain was lowered, so the shadow inside could not be seen from the light, but it was certain that all three people were lying inside.

Ye Jingtang was afraid of waking up his drunken daughter-in-law, so his footsteps were very soft, and he came to the outside of the curtain, intending to raise his hand to lift the curtain to take a look.

But to his surprise, as soon as he raised his hand, a slender hand poked out from between the curtains, like a fox capturing a scholar, directly grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the curtain.

Between the curtains, Sanniang was wearing a silky black nightdress, with her exquisite and graceful silhouette looming, she was looking at him sideways with her hands propped up.

Shui'er is dressed in white clothes like snow, with a three-point blush on her cheeks, she looks like an iceberg fairy who is greedy for drinking, with a playful smile in her eyes.

Ning'er was lying in the middle, and Sanniang and Shui'er held her hands down, apparently to prevent her from running away, so her cheeks were cold, and she looked like "I didn't do it voluntarily".

Ye Jingtang was pulled out of balance and fell on top of the three of them. Sanniang was very caring and raised her chest slightly to pick him up. The faint fragrance of her daughter hit her face, and she completely woke up from the alcohol.

Ye Jingtang propped himself up with his hands, but the bed was not big and there was no place to lie down, so he asked Shui'er to put his legs away to make room for him, and asked knowingly:
"What is this for? Chinese New Year for me?"

Master Xuanji raised his eyebrows: "Today is your birthday plus Chinese New Year, the promised gift will naturally be fulfilled..."

Luo Ning twisted her wrist: "If you want to give a gift, you can give it yourself, why are you dragging me?"

Seeing this, Sanniang let go of her hand:

"That's okay, you go to the side room to rest first?"


Luo Ning blinked her eyes, didn't say much, got up and was about to leave.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled, hugged Ning'er against his chest, and barely squeezed into the middle:
"Well, we just talked and talked during the Chinese New Year, and we didn't do anything else."

"When did you say such a thing seriously?"

"next time……"


"Ha ha……"

"You! Oh... I'll take it off myself..."

"Is that right..."


Whispering came from the room, turned into a whisper, and then a rhythmic beat.

As soon as Zi Shi arrived, Jiangzhou City, which had already calmed down, was suddenly filled with fireworks.

The first day of the first month of the new year is coming quietly at this moment. Although it is still winter, there seems to be a different kind of spring no matter inside or outside the house...

(End of this chapter)

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