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Chapter 387 Road 1 heading north

Chapter 387

On the first day of the first lunar month, the sky was twilight.

Ye Jingtang stood in front of the closet, faced the mirror, put on a plain black robe, tied his long hair with a headband, hung the fat-headed bird jade pendant Yun Li gave him on his belt, and hung a black cloth-wrapped necklace on the back of his waist. Chilong Saber and Saber.

After tidying up, he turned around and opened the curtain to take a look.

Sanniang slept on the innermost side. As the main force yesterday, the horse-riding cat stretched and fed several times. She was very tired, and her cheeks were still blush at this time.

Shui'er was sleeping soundly with Ning'er in his arms. Although the two were less bullied, the combined combat power of the two of them was no match for Sanniang. It hasn't slowed down yet.

On this trip to the northwest, he has to ride a BMW to rush there. Sanniang may go outside the pass in the name of opening the hall, and Fan Qinghe has to go back to the Dongming Department, but no matter how fast the horse can keep up with the Yanzhihu, the arrival time I'm afraid it will be a few days later.

Counting another ten and a half months without being able to see each other, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but feel sad in his heart, but the new year has passed, and the new year has begun again, and there are messy things in front of him, and only by finishing them as soon as possible can we be truly free.

For this reason, after watching Ye Jingtang for a long time, he finally suppressed his nostalgia for Ruanxiang, quietly smacked Ning'er and Shuishui on the forehead, leaned forward and lightly tapped Sanniang's lips, and pinched her big one again Watermelon, then closed the curtain and went out quietly.

It was bright outside, and although the scenery remained the same as yesterday, when it came to the first lunar month, I always felt that spring had arrived, as if even the willow branches outside the wall had a touch of greenery.

Ye Jingtang returned to the room, took the Dragon Shot Spear, wrapped it in a black cloth and carried it on his shoulder, looked around, felt that something was missing...

By the way, what about the bird...

Ye Jingtang patted his forehead lightly, feeling that Ruanrou Township is indeed the Tomb of Heroes, and he himself has become a person who forgets the bird when he sees sex. Thinking this way, before he walked out of the side door, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the veranda.

Looking back, Fan Qinghe, dressed as an exotic beauty, trotted out of the backyard with a bag on his shoulders, rubbing his brows with sleepy eyes, it seems that he drank too much yesterday, and he is not fully awake yet
Fan Qinghe came to the front quickly and said:

"You're going to Tianlang Lake, right? Why didn't you call me?"

Ye Jingtang turned around and said helplessly:
"The snow lake flowers seem to be blooming, so we have to go there as soon as possible. I want to send Yuhu back to the capital. There is only one Yanzhihu. With two people, I can still guarantee the speed. It is really difficult to go with three people. You rest in the escort office first, and three Niang will prepare to leave as soon as possible, and then you and San Niang will go outside the customs together..."

Fan Qinghe is the patriarch of the Dongming tribe. The snow lake flower is such a big thing, how can I stay there, but the one who can kill from the southeast to the northwest in a short time is the horse king of the empress. She is really not easy to get together. Stack Arhats on horseback.

Fan Qinghe thought for a while, then stretched out his hand:
"Give me your waist card. I will go to the post station and change horses along the way. It will not take many days from here to Heishiguan."

Ye Jingtang understood that Fan Qinghe wanted to go back through the fast-track passage of the post station. This method is quick, but with Fan Qinghe's temperament, he must eat and drink on the horse.

"You can go with Sanniang, and it won't be a few days later. I still have to collect information in the past, so don't be so anxious."

"It's fine for me to walk the post road with Sanniang, Sanniang must be anxious too. Don't worry, we are all veterans, we have our own sense of proportion."

While Fan Qinghe was speaking, he fumbled for the badge on Ye Jingtang's waist.

Ye Jingtang Qinghe and Sanniang walked the post road together, and there was a caretaker on the way, so she felt relieved, and after a little deliberation, she took out the badge of the commander of Heiya and put it in Fan Qinghe's hand:

"By the way, Miss Fan was drunk yesterday. I carried you into the house, but you had to ask me for a kiss before you let me go..."


Fan Qinghe was a little depressed at first, but when he heard this, he suddenly became sober, and looked up at Ye Jingtang, to see if he was joking or not.

Ye Jingtang pretended to be innocent, and said with a smile:
"I'm just telling you, lest you think of something and misunderstand me again."


Fan Qinghe felt that Ye Jingtang was telling the truth, and naturally panicked in his heart, his face flushed, but he pretended to be calm and asked:

"Then you...have you kissed?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, the meaning was self-explanatory.


Fan Qinghe's lips moved slightly. Feeling ashamed, she wanted to turn her head and run away, but she was overwhelmed with anger, so she turned around and pushed Ye Jingtang out:

"How can you do this? I'm talking nonsense after drinking. Should you be a gentleman? I will kiss you if I ask you to? Go away..."

Ye Jingtang was pushed out the back door, with smiles in his eyes, and he wanted to turn around and wave goodbye, but Fan Qinghe, who was full of embarrassment, directly closed the back door and put the latch on it.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang secretly shook his head, and said through the wall:

"I'm leaving, be careful on the road."

"I know, you should also be careful... Demon girl! Are you dead, come out for me..."

The sound faded away.

Ye Jingtang guessed that Miss Fan wanted to settle accounts with Shui'er, and then quit drinking.

After listening outside the wall for a while, Ye Jingtang sighed softly, shouldered the dragon gun, and walked towards the east of the city against the dawn of the first month.


East Lake Bay, Duke's Mansion.

It was not long after dawn, and it was late at the New Year's Eve, and the house was still quiet, with few people in sight.

Outside the side door of the Duke's Mansion, there was a fiery horse with a body like burning coals, its breath was as heavy as a dragon's python, but it was very docile, and stood motionless.

The empress was wearing a gorgeous red dress, with a knife and a sword hanging from her waist. Because of her tall stature, she had a bit of sharpness overall, and her temperament was not like a heroine, but like a peerless female master who had been on the top of the mountain all year round.

The empress dowager sleeps late and wakes up late all the year round. Normally she should still be in bed at this point, but she woke up early today, with her hands folded on her waist, she stood upright in front of the door, and softly ordered:

"Go out, be careful on the road..."

Although the empress felt that the daughter-like words were very warm, she really didn't know how to nod her head. After all, the only thing she had to worry about when she walked with Ye Jingtang was to accidentally beat someone to death.

"I have my own measure. The queen mother should go back first. I will board the ship and return to Beijing in a few days. Don't think about it on the way. When I get to the capital, I will go to Jingjie City to patrol the border and take the queen mother over."


The empress dowager was worrying about how to bring up this matter, when she saw the empress herself speaking, she was naturally happy in her heart, she pursed her lips and said:

"Bengong and my father and elder brother give an order to tell them not to leave their bodies in the next few months and step up their battle preparations. If the Holy Majesty needs it, just give an order, and the southeast navy can immediately break out of camp and go north..."

The empress would personally communicate with Qin Guogong about these things, so there was no need for the queen mother to remind her, but the queen mother had this heart, so she nodded slightly.

The two chatted for a few words before a figure appeared on the street.

Ye Jingtang, carrying a big gun, went up and down among the buildings, and landed on the street outside the Duke's Mansion. Yaoyao greeted him:
"The Empress Dowager."

The Empress Dowager went out early in the morning to see Ye Jingtang off, and now that she saw someone, it was hard for her to say anything in front of the Empress, so she just nodded slightly:
"Ye Jingtang, you must pay attention to your safety on the way. If something goes wrong, I will only ask you."

Ye Jingtang hung the Dragon Singing Spear on the side of the horse, cupped his hands and said:

"Understood, Niang Niang, go back and rest, and leave the rest to me."

The empress dowager didn't want to say much, after glancing at the two of them, she took Hongyu into the porch.

Ye Jingtang watched the empress dowager go away before turning around:
"Let's go."

There was a knife and a sword hanging from the queen's waist, which was the same equipment as Ye Jingtang. Standing in front of her, she really felt like a natural match. She glanced at the saddle:

"Are you sitting in the front or the back?"

Ye Jingtang is a man, what's the matter if he sits in front and is hugged by a girl?Immediately turned over and sat on the saddle, patted the front of the body:

The empress didn't hesitate, she took off the weapon at the back of her waist, hung it on the side of the fierce horse, then jumped up slightly, and sat sideways on the horse's back, naturally using Ye Jingtang as a backrest:

hoof da hoof da ~
The charcoal red fierce horse trotted down the street immediately.

Ye Jingtang's warm, fragrant and soft jade was in his arms, the girl was not restrained, but he was restrained, and he didn't know where to put his hands.Seeing that Yuhu was still wearing a long skirt that was not convenient for riding a horse when he was traveling far away, he asked:

"It's inconvenient to wear this skirt. It's tiring to sit sideways all the time on the road. Do you want to go back and change?"

"No, I'm used to it, it's cooler to wear a skirt."


Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, and turned his head to look at Yuhu's white ankle under the skirt:

"You're not wearing pants again, are you?"

The Empress blinked her eyes and turned around:

"you guess?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu could do the vacuum and him running around, so in order to dispel suspicion, he pressed his hand on the buttocks—hmm, there was a bow, and he was still wearing panties...

The empress patted Ye Jingtang on the back of her hand, narrowing her eyes slightly:
"Where do you put your hands?"

Ye Jingtang didn't fumble around but just pressed down on the side. He quickly stopped his hands, pulled the hem of the skirt tight and clamped it with his legs, so as not to run too fast and disappear:
"Okay, let's go."


Rouge Tiger is the imperial horse of the Empress, the only one in the world, regardless of its endurance and speed, the two of them chatted for only a moment, and they had already galloped out of the city gate and arrived near Dongling Port.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, basically no one will travel far, and it is not enough time to visit relatives, so naturally there are no people at the ferry.

Ye Jingtang slowed down his horse outside the ferry, looked up and saw two horses parked outside the market inn door, Xue Baijin put a weapon on the side of the horses, sleepy Xiao Yunli was hugging the same sleepy bird Bird, standing by and talking about something.

The sound of horseshoes came to the market, and Xue Baijin outside the inn turned around. When he saw the Empress on the horse, he turned around and entered the inn without saying a word.

Xiao Yunli saw that Ye Jingtang was about to go out, her eyes were slightly surprised, but the empress was on horseback, so she couldn't get close, so she just raised her hand to beckon:

"Cousin Jing~ Where are you going?"

Ye Jingtang hooked his hand to signal Niao Niao to come over, and at the same time responded:
"I'll go to the northwest, you go back early, and then you will be with Sanniang and the others."

"Oh, cousin Jing, slow down."


Niaoniao doesn't sleep at night, and it's the time when it's sleepy in the morning. When it flies up to it, it doesn't even chitter, and then it just burrows into the horse's side bag without making a sound, showing its self-discipline.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, waved Yun Li back to the inn, and then drove his horse along the vast land of Jiangzhou to the Central Plains.

Hoof hoof hoof...

The sound of horseshoes galloping like thunder, galloping across the straight official road in the field.

The empress leaned in her arms, and the cold wind blew her black hair, soothing Ye Jingtang's cheeks.

It may be that she was in a high position since she was a child, and it was the first time she experienced the freedom of the people of the rivers and lakes to roam the world.

Ye Jingtang sat at the back, because Yu Hu was taller, his chin was basically resting on his shoulder, and he was enjoying the scenery at first.

But after walking for a while, he found that Yu Hu's collar was not very close-fitting.

Looking down from the top, you can see a small slit in the neckline, which is full of whiteness and tenderness.

The horses were running, and the plump skirts were shaking rhythmically...


Ye Jingtang didn't want to take advantage of it secretly, but in the wilderness, Nephrite was in his arms, what could he pay attention to?After walking for a while, he felt that it was not suitable, so he took the cloak from the side of the horse and covered it in front of Yuhu:

"It's cold, don't catch a cold."

The empress came back to her senses, gathered her cloak a bit, and praised:
"You are quite considerate, no wonder you have cheated so many girls."

"Oh, how can you say you're lying..."

"You usually ride horses with girls, what do you talk about? Or do you just use your hands and feet?"

"On the main road, how can I belittle women, just talk about Jianghu affairs."

"What about Jianghu, let's talk about it."

"Hmm... It's the experience of traveling around the rivers and lakes when I was a child. I remember once when I went to Shazhou, I met a female village owner in Hongshan. She was seven feet tall and had a hulking waist. She looked like a standard Northwest gentleman..."

Hoof hoof hoof...

The two of them walked together on the plain, and where the eye-catching red dress passed, it seemed that even the sun was a little more bright in spring...

Outside the black market pass, an unnamed town.

In the first month of the month, the cold wind was still blowing in the wilderness, the roads were blocked by heavy snow and the new year was over, the original business roads were banned from birds and animals, and there were few people even in the town.

Under the overwhelming snowstorm, Cao Aning was wrapped in a cloak and bamboo hat, and paced back and forth outside a tea shop in the town, taking a look at the snowstorm outside the town from time to time.

After Cao Aning was frightened by Ye Jingtang and surrendered, his connection with Guan Nei was Hu Yanjing, the leader of the Black Flag Gang under King Liang.

After returning last time, only three came back after going out out of six, and also found traces of Tian Wuliang, the leader of the sea gang. Zuo Xianwang did not hold them accountable, but Cao Aning and others were still in the review stage, and they were not allowed to go to the Northwest Capital. Instead, he stayed in Pingyi City and was responsible for the intelligence work of various ministries in the West Sea.

Unable to go to Xihai Duhu Mansion, naturally unable to investigate the situation of Xuehu Forest, Cao Aning is basically idle and anxious in Pingyi City these days, received news today that the caravan of the Black Flag Gang will pass by here, Cao Aning So I waited here, wanting to inquire about the court's movements and see what arrangements Yeda Hades had.

After stopping for a long time in the wind and snow, a caravan and horse bells appeared on the snow field outside the town.

jingle jingle-

The caravan consisted of more than ten large carts, and they were struggling to move forward in the snow. The leader was more than ten warriors carrying weapons. Hu Yanjing walked in the front, wrapped in a sheepskin jacket, and wrapped his face in a felt hat.

Seeing this scene, Cao Aning rubbed his hands and breathed out the cold, and hurried to the entrance of the town:

"Old Hu, why did you come here? Isn't there a small caravan? Why are there more than a dozen cars here..."

Hu Yanjing, who was sitting on the horse, looked at Cao Aning for a few times, but did not speak, but drove the horse back to the side.

At the same time, more than a dozen coachmen who followed behind escorted the cart turned over and got off the ground, and stood in the snow with their bows.

Seeing this scene, Cao Aning originally thought that King Ye Dayan had arrived, but when he saw several familiar old dark guard commanders standing in the silhouette of Jing Li, his face suddenly turned pale, and he looked like he wanted to run, but he didn't dare to move.

creak creak ~
A carriage rolled over the snow and slowly arrived in front of Cao Aning. The hidden guard stepped forward and raised the curtain of the carriage respectfully, and more than ten people who stopped outside all cupped their hands:
"Cao Gong!"

? !
When Cao Aning heard the sound like being struck by lightning, he didn't dare to look into the carriage. His knees softened and he knelt directly on the ground, touching his head to the bottom:
"My child pays homage to foster father!"

Eunuch Cao, who was wearing a red robe in the carriage and a gauze cap on his head, sat cross-legged in the carriage. His wrinkled face had regained its firmness. He looked like a slightly sinister middle-aged man in his early forties.

Although his demeanor was meticulous and he didn't show any ferocity, but as the "nine thousand years old" of the Great Wei Dynasty who served the emperor from the founding of the country to ten years ago, it still made those who saw it feel a little bit chilled.

"Aning, come here."

As the adoptive son, Cao Aning knew the character of his adoptive father very well. He betrayed Dongfang Clan. As long as the adoptive father came out, he would definitely clean up the house. At this time, everyone was already in a daze.

Hearing the call, Cao Aning walked to the carriage on his knees, touched his head to the bottom and said:
"My son is convicted, my son has changed his past, and has been helping Lord Ye for the past few months..."

After Eunuch Cao came out, he had already learned about the situation from King Jing, and he didn't intend to ask the teacher for the crime, so he calmly asked:

"Xuehulin, how is the situation?"


Kneeling on the ground, Cao Aning was really afraid that his adoptive father would raise his hand at will and give him a brain hole, and he was a little incoherent nervously. After sorting out his thoughts, he responded:

"I retreated from Yun'an, Zuo Xianwang should have been suspicious, and didn't let me go back to the Xihai Governor's Mansion. However, I have been investigating around these days, and I have confirmed that the snow lake is blooming, and the people of Beiliang are removing the snow from the lake. The lake flowers are transported back to Lake East Road..."

"Can you find out how much harvest there is this year?"

"I don't know. Before the snow lake flowers are dried, they can't be squeezed and stacked. They can only be laid flat on the tray, so as not to be stuffy and lose their medicinal properties. It takes up a lot of space to transport. In addition, there are many Jianghu people staring at the convoy. I guess it is short We can't send all of them to Yanjing within the time limit..."

"Where are the snow lake flowers stored?"

"It should be within several large warehouses of the Xihai Protectorate's Mansion. The defense is very tight. In the past few days, Zuo Xianwang has caught several waves of snitches. He hangs his head on the city gate to show the public, secretly staring at the rivers and lakes who are waiting for the opportunity. many……"


After listening to the general situation, Eunuch Cao nodded slightly:

"Let's go to the Protectorate of the West Sea."


Cao Aning knew that the adoptive father came for Xuehuhua, but when he heard that the adoptive father wanted to go straight in, he was still shocked, got up and followed the carriage:
"Father, please think twice, you are more than capable of defending the city, but you have no chance of winning against King Zuoxian in the siege. You can definitely let Lord Ye come to this matter, and we will fight and delay, just fight and cooperate..."

"Mr. Ye Guo is very powerful. I waited to die to pave the way for him, but I tied him up. He went deep into the enemy's belly alone. If he wanted to leave, only Zuo Xianwang dared to chase him. The chance of success was much greater than if I waited for help."

Cao Aning knew that the martial arts practiced to the level of King Ye Dayan, the more people he led, the more burdensome he would be. If he was alone as a lone wolf, his combat effectiveness would be the strongest.But he still advised:
"Then we should wait for Ye Guogong to come over to handle this matter. Yifu is not an opponent of Zuo Xianwang. Let's run. What's the difference between sending him to death?"

Eunuch Cao closed the curtain, and said calmly in the carriage:

"Time can't wait, Ye Guogong alone can't take away much. Our family is not a rampant gangster, if we can't beat it, can't we sneak in and steal it?"

"The Western Sea Protectorate's Mansion is now Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, if it is discovered..."

"When it was discovered, our family dragged Zuo Xianwang back, and you brought Xuehuhua back to Yun'an, even if you sent back only one or two, the adoptive father died loyally for the Dongfang clan. This trip is close to death, and those who are hesitant , Immediately scattered into the snowfield to collect information for Ye Guogong, is also to be loyal to the court."

When Cao Aning heard this, he subconsciously stopped, and half of the dozen or so hidden guards who accompanied him stopped in place, cupped their hands and said:
"As ordered."

The remaining five old dark guards saluted and said goodbye, then drove their horses and followed the carriage towards Tianlang Lake.

Cao Aning was not punished by his adoptive father, and he was ashamed in his heart, and wanted to go with him, but this time, he would die in the line of duty with his adoptive father in all likelihood, and it was not easy to go to death calmly.

After gritting her teeth and struggling for a long time, Cao Aning finally knelt on the ground again, touching her head to the bottom:
"The child sent off the adoptive father respectfully, and wished the adoptive father a victory and a triumphant return without any surprises or dangers."

creak creak...

The heavy snow fell silently, and the frame and five fast horses drifted away in the wind and snow...

(End of this chapter)

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