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Chapter 388 Practice

Chapter 388 Practice
dong dong——

The sound of evening drums sounded from the Bell and Drum Tower, and Yun'an, which had not yet appeared in the first month, slowly turned into a sea of ​​lights.

In Mingyu Building, Dongfang Liren, who is on vacation, set up a painting table on the terrace, looking at the various things on the street, looking for inspiration for the painting.

But no matter how it was brewed, the scene of a man and a bird passing by the black Yamen, putting a knife on Wang Chihu's neck was always in his mind.

Dongfang Liren doesn't believe in love at first sight, but even now she still doesn't understand why she asked her cousin Wang Chihu to stop a young swindler on the street.

You said it was to choose a queen for your sister, but why did you secretly hide it in the end...

Is it possible that the first time I saw that color embryo, my heart would sprout...

Thinking wildly like this, I don't know how long it took. Just halfway through the painting, I suddenly saw Wang Chihu trotting from the street on a horse. I don't know who I learned from. It's not that she's short and fat, it's really confusing.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren's eyes were slightly cold, and he was about to ask the maid to call Wang Chihu over to give him a lesson, when he saw Wang Chihu stop his horse directly outside the black yamen, and then quickly ran towards the Mingyu Tower behind him with his robe in hand, Yaoyao began to shout :
"Your Highness, come down quickly, Brother Ye is back..."


When Dongfang Liren heard this, his majestic and cold expression disappeared, turned into a surprise for his daughter's family, turned over, tapped twice on the cornice, and landed on the back wall of the Heiya.

Perhaps because he noticed that he was in a hurry and panic, it was easy to make people laugh. After landing, Dongfang Liren assumed the aura that a prince should have, and said coldly after holding one hand:

"Come back, come back, why are you yelling? And what's the matter with this robe?"

Wang Chihu ran quickly to the wall, with an innocent expression on his face:
"Your sister-in-law made this. Now the black robes of Shuiyun brocade are popular in the capital. I can hold them up and I'm considered a dragon and phoenix. Why don't you go to Wutong Street to see your highness? It's just a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates..."

Dongfang Liren knew that after Ye Jingtang became famous, there were many people who imitated their appearances, but there were not many people who were qualified to walk in front of her. She was thinking about Ye Jingtang's appearance when she suddenly saw the tall and fat man. Wang Chihu dressed like this is not pleasing to the eye no matter what.

Hearing that his cousin made it up, Dongfang Liren didn't want to say more, he just frowned and said:
"The yamen is an important place, what's the proper way to pretend to come and go in a hurry? It's not an example. Where is Ye Jingtang?"

Wang Chihu raised his hand to signal outside: "I just entered the city, I should be there soon, I... eh? Your Highness?"

Before Wang Chihu finished speaking, he saw Prince Jing on the fence, flying up and heading directly to the Hei Yamen, highlighting an impatient...

Earlier, outside the city.

Hoof hoof hoof...

The long-distance charcoal red horse, after arriving at the familiar Qingjiang River, gradually slowed down.

Ye Jingtang was riding on a horse with an extra cloak on his body, Yu Hu was resting in his arms, and Niao Niao was poking his head out of the side bag of the horse, looking at the setting sun in the sky. Next, the heartbroken bird is at the end of the world...

Returning from Jiangzhou to Yun'an, you have to go through Wuzhou and Zezhou, and the general direction is to go northwest. For this reason, it must be getting colder and colder. When you leave, Jiangzhou City has already had a bit of spring, and when you arrive in Yun'an City, you can still see it in the fields. To the unmelted white snow.

Because of the rush of time, Ye Jingtang has been on the road day and night for the past few days. When he was tired, he stopped at the post station to rest for a few hours, had a light meal and washed, and then set off again. Nothing worth mentioning happened along the way.

Although the journey is far away, Rouge Tiger is indeed a god horse. He has been running for three or four days in a row. At this time, the slow trot is still relaxed and comfortable, and it seems that he has not been pushed to the limit. Can come back sooner.

Seeing the outline of Yun'an City close in front of his eyes, Ye Jingtang lowered his head and looked into his arms, calling out softly:


The empress, who was leaning on her chest, moved her eyelashes slightly, and then opened her eyes to look at the gate tower. Her eyes were slightly sleepy, obviously she was still a little tired after traveling a long distance.


"Well, it's back."


The Empress was not very happy to return to the place where she grew up since she was a child. After all, after returning, she was going to the court to approve papers day after day, dealing with political and political situations. It seemed that her busy life was very empty, and there was no end in sight.

However, as a generation of emperors, the empress is not a weak woman who complains about herself, and does not need Ye Jingtang to comfort her. After a light sigh, she resumed her usual laziness, and joked back:
"You are really honest. You ran for a few days with the beauty in your arms, and you just sat still in your arms. You didn't do anything beastly..."


Niao Niao, who was sad for the spring and autumn, caught the key word, turned around and looked at Yu Hu, probably meaning--the beast recruited you?

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu meant that he was inferior to a beast, so he responded jokingly after thinking about it:

"If you touch me, you will hit me. What else can I do?"

"Don't you think I'm not as cute as other girls?"

"how come……"

After chatting for a while, Ye Jingtang jumped off his horse and led the rein and walked on foot because he had reached the gate of the city. By the way, he talked to the city gate guard and asked them to report to Heiya.

The empress also jumped down and walked in front of her. They walked into the city gate with each other. After a little silence, she turned her head to look at Ye Jingtang's profile:

"When you get back to the capital, you have to set off right away. When we meet next time, we will be in Jingjie City. Tell me, if you come back after finishing your errand this time, what reward do you want?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "Holding the imperial salary, these are all part of the job, so there is no need for extra rewards. Besides, there are some things that I really want and you won't give them."

The empress understood that Ye Jingtang was saying that she was just like the master, she was very burned, but she refused when she really came, so she asked:
"I really give it, do you dare to ask for it?"

Ye Jingtang did not respond directly, but said:
"Whether you give it or not is your business, and whether you want it or not is my business, and it cannot be confused."


After thinking about it, the empress was right, she wasn't talking, when she walked into a deserted alley, she suddenly stopped and pulled up her skirt.

Ye Jingtang was walking on the street, and suddenly saw the big white legs beside him, he was startled, he quickly raised his cloak to block Yuhu, looked around to see if anyone was there:

"what are you doing?"

The empress raised her eyes to look at Ye Jingtang's cheeks, so as not to let him look around. After groping a little, she took out a small piece of red cloth from under her skirt, held it in her hand and handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"Didn't you want it before, here?"


Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yuhu to be so fierce, he looked at the jade hand so close at hand, and after a little thought prepared to pick it up.

As expected, the Empress put the small cloth into her sleeve as soon as she took her hand away:

"The previous credits have been written off because of Master's affairs, and you will not be rewarded for any merit. We will talk about it when you come back after making meritorious service."

Ye Jingtang knew that he would play like this, and turned to the serious business:
"I have to leave right away, I can't protect you with me. When you go to Jingjie City, you should be careful on the way, don't be so reckless. Last time I secretly fought with Xue Baijin, luckily I arrived in time, otherwise you two would be naked in the mud Rolling around, how disrespectful..."

The empress walked beside her, and said flatly:
"I'm not a reckless man, so I naturally know how to advance and retreat. By the way, you still have to pay attention to Xue Baijin's Changqingtu. I occasionally feel chest tightness and shortness of breath. I don't know if it's the fault of Changqingtu..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his eyes became serious:

"Is it all right?"

"It will be fine in a short time, but if things go on like this, there will be a hurdle in your heart after all. You don't have to worry, just do the current things first..."

The two walked like this, and soon came to the vicinity of Mingyu Tower in the east of the city. Before reaching Hei Ya, the bird squatting on the horse raised its head, looked at the roof in the distance, and then flapped its wings and flew away. past:


Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and saw that he hadn't seen him for a long time, running up and down directly from the top of the building complex, followed by Meng Jiao and other guards.

Seeing this scene, the Empress stepped a little briskly, obviously she was separated from her sister for more than a month, and she also missed her very much.

Ye Jingtang showed a smile on his face, raised his hand and beckoned:
"His Royal Highness Prince Jing!"

Dongfang Li was very anxious from the bottom of his heart, but when he saw Ye Jingtang, he pressed down again and landed firmly on the ground. He put on a calm and unhurried air of a prince, and first caught the bird and looked at him a few times:
"Why did you gain weight after going out for a trip?"


Niao Niao just wanted to rub it twice to show its cuteness, when it heard this, it raised its wings and flapped it a few times, it seemed that it wanted to wake up the fat-headed dragon to see clearly.


Ye Jingtang wanted to go up to say hello, but Yu Hu was there, and it was not easy to get ahead, so he made a gesture and led the horse to stop in Heiya, letting the two sisters chat first.

However, the empress seems to be addicted to role-playing, and she doesn't want to break the tacit understanding that has been maintained for a long time. When she came to the front and back, she went directly to Mingyu Tower:

"I'll go and put the things down, and you and King Jing will report the situation."

Dongfang Liren was a little speechless when he saw that his sister was still pretending to be a court lady, but he didn't say anything at this time. After watching his sister enter the black yamen, he turned his head with displeased eyes:
"I agreed to escort the king to Jiangzhou in a few days. Why did you come back?"

These days, Yejingtang is so stupid that he wants to die. When he sees his followers, he retreats on his own initiative. When he comes to him, he hugs him like a bear:
"My fault for keeping His Highness waiting..."

Dongfang Liren originally wanted to say something presumptuous, but this time it was indeed too long since she had been away for too long. She still stayed alone in the capital for the New Year. She wanted to maintain a majestic look, but she couldn't suppress the love in her heart. In the end, she still didn't hide, but said a little annoyed:
"Yejingtang! After going out for a few days, you forgot your identity, right... Woo!"

Ye Jingtang's hug was not enough, and he sucked hard on the red lips, and leaned back stupidly, he still supported his lower back, and gave a waist-down kiss.


Dongfang Liren is not a submissive character, he couldn't escape being kissed in the street, so he twisted his waist and eyes when he raised his hand.


Ye Jingtang quickly stood up straight and let go of his embrace, raising his hand slightly:

"My fault, my fault, I offended, please calm down, Your Highness."


Dongfang Liren wiped his lips, and held down the bird who was still beating her. The fat-headed dragon heaved slightly, but in the end he didn't tell Ye Jingtang, turned and walked back:

"Are you going to the northwest?"

"That's right, the Snow Lake is blooming, and no one can stop the scene if I don't go."

"When are you going to leave?"

"Immediately, go to Mingyu Tower to pick up something and leave."


Dongfang Liren's footsteps stopped abruptly, and his face, which was originally indifferent to emotions, also changed in an instant. Looking back at Ye Jingtang, his eyes even showed a bit of grievance.

After all, she waited hard in the capital for a month, and finally waited for spring, but Ye Jingtang left after seeing her, what is all this?
Husband fighting against the young daughter-in-law who is a widow in the capital?

Dongfang Liren pursed his lips, trying to say something, but in the end he suppressed it, turned his head and walked back:

"It's better to have a meal before leaving. No matter how big the state affairs are, the soldiers can't let the soldiers go on the road hungry..."

Ye Jingtang followed into Hei Ya, and said with a smile:
"Just eat on the way, so as not to delay time."


Dongfang Liren shook the hands in his sleeves, and his steps became a little heavier. He didn't want to show his emotions at first, but he couldn't restrain himself in the end:
"Then you just go! What do you want to take? My king asked someone to take it out for you."

Ye Jingtang naturally could see the stupid thoughts, he laughed and didn't say much, he went to Mingyu Tower first, took the inheritance of Qin Chibu's "Zhu Ri" from the weapon rack, and then went upstairs :
"Where do you put your clothes?"

Dongfang Liren has been in a high position for a long time and has a tough temper. Standing behind and watching his lover hurriedly preparing to leave, his eye circles are still a little red, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"What do you want my clothes for?"

"Take it with you, so you can change and wash on the way, otherwise what are you wearing?"


Ye Jingtang leaned Ma Li against the door, then went up the stairs to Benben's bedroom.

Dongfang Liren was obviously stunned for a moment, and he didn't realize it until Ye Jingtang went upstairs, and quickly ran up:
"Yejingtang, wait for me, you... what do you mean?"

Ye Jingtang kept walking to the bedroom on the fourth floor, and rummaged through the closet for his little clothes and pants:

"Go to Tianlang Lake, Your Highness has something important to do and can't get away?"


Dongfang Liren's eyes were full of astonishment, but the grievance and displeasure just now disappeared, and the naked eye showed brilliance in his eyes.

She was about to speak, but felt that something was wrong, and hesitated:
"The matter of Xuehuhua is quite dangerous, this king... this king is a wise general who is behind the scenes and makes plans..."

"That's right, I'm a reckless and reckless man, and there must be someone who advises me to follow me."

Ye Jingtang opened the closet and took out the soft armor coat:
"Let's go to the border first, and I will go to inquire about the information. His Highness is responsible for processing the information. If necessary, His Highness can force the frontier army to be my backer. If I go alone, and I really want to mobilize the army, what will the King of Liang do if he doesn't listen to me... ..."

That's what Ye Jingtang said, but the more reason is that it is indeed a bad treatment for Benben to stay in the capital alone to handle government affairs during the New Year.

Dongfang Liren saw that Ye Jingtang was really going to take her with him, so he couldn't understand Ye Jingtang's intentions. He wanted to pretend to be calm and nodded, but in the end he didn't hold back. Rummaging around, he bumped Ye Jingtang with his shoulder at the same time:
"Even if you have a bit of a conscience, it's really..."

"Ha ha……"

"Don't touch it!"

Seeing Ye Jingtang holding her bellyband to look at her, Dongfang Liren hurried over and pushed Ye Jingtang away:

"Go and rest first, I will clean up by myself."

Ye Jingtang was very happy to see Benben, so he didn't help anymore, he tilted his head and poked his face, and after being pushed away by his shoulders, he turned around and went out the door.

It was already dark, Mingyu Tower was brightly lit, and some servant girls were walking up and down, waiting for Prince Jing and the Empress to dispatch them.

After Ye Jingtang walked out of the bedroom, he went upstairs to the study room. When he looked up, he could see Yuhu in a red dress, standing on the balcony outside the window, holding a brush in his hand to draw snakes on the clumsy scroll...


Ye Jingtang didn't know why the word 'superfluous' popped up in his head, he would definitely be beaten if he said it, so he quickly suppressed his thoughts, came to the back and said:
"I'll set off after King Jing has finished packing his things. You should rest well and go to Jingjie City when you're ready. Don't worry too much."

The empress was very dignified, with a brush in her hand, she seemed to be painting while looking at the lights of thousands of houses, but actually hesitated for a long time and did not dare to write, lest the dog's tail would continue.

Seeing Ye Jingtang approaching, the empress put down her paintbrush, turned around and came into the room:
"Sit down and have a cup of tea first. Prince Jing's safety should be the first priority when going out on this trip. If you think there is a risk, let her stay at Heishiguan, protected by the frontier army, and don't force her to go deep alone..."

"Of course I...cough—?!"

Ye Jingtang had just sat down at the tea table, but before he sat down firmly, he saw Yu Hu sitting on the clumsy Taishi chair, and then lightly lifted the hem of his skirt, putting his left leg on his right.

This action was nothing at all, but Yu Hu's skirt kicked just right. He was sitting at the tea table diagonally opposite, and he could just see under the skirt from under the desk...

The key point was on the road just now, Yuhu took off the small cloth, and the pink white tiger appeared in front of his eyes...

Ye Jingtang was caught off guard, almost sat crookedly and slipped from the chair, coughed twice and blushed, he sat down quickly and looked at Yuhu in astonishment.

After Yu Hu put on a lazy posture, his face turned red, but his demeanor remained as usual:

"what happened to you?"


Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu did it on purpose, but there was no proof, and wanted to say something, but he was a little confused, so he stood up:

"It's nothing...it's getting late, I'm going to pack up my weapons, and I'll take my leave first, see you in Jingjie City."

"Go, safe travels."

The Empress watched Ye Jingtang go out with her eyebrows rubbed, until the footsteps came downstairs, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth...


The words added after the following words are not counted as dot coins.

There are indeed a lot of things today, and the writing is relatively slow or2
Thank you [two or three sons and daughters] [Sage Immortals Equaling the Heaven] boss for the reward!

Thank you [The Light of Dawn Is Shining] for your rewards!

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Then call a name to learn luck:

Recommend a new book "My Family's Love Options Are Wrong", a new book with 26 words, if you are interested, you can read it~
(End of this chapter)

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