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Chapter 389

Chapter 389

The resounding cry of the eagle pierced the night sky, and a unparalleled horse rushed out from under the towering city wall and galloped towards the northwest land.

Hoof hoof hoof...

Yejingtang horse hangs Minglong and chasing the sun on the side, Chilong knife across the waist, black cloak fluttering in the night wind, tall horse with a strong body, just makes the big and stupid, who is not small in size, look a bit small The feeling that a bird depends on a person.

Dongfang Liren was still mourning the spring and autumn at dusk, but he was suddenly pulled out and embarked on a long journey. He was still a little unresponsive, but he was well prepared.

Dongfang Liren will definitely not be like her sister when she travels far away. She only wears a single skirt and does not wear small pants. The clothes are made of the same water-cloud brocade, even the pattern is the same, and the skirt has slits on both sides to facilitate riding.

The original bun of the jade crown was only tied with a black hairband. It was clean and simple, showing a heroic appearance. There was a short-bladed flying knife hanging on the belt, a dagger in the boot, and there should be a weapon in the wristband. Bring two of the famous soldiers in my collection and hang them on the side of the horse...

Although it's a bit poor and has a lot of stationery, but just looking at her appearance, she really looks like a peerless female master who hides her secrets.

At this time, Dongfang Liren was sitting in front of the saddle, his back was straight and he didn't lean on Ye Jingtang's body, he just held the sword engraved with the Five Thunder Talisman, looked it over carefully in his hand, and said thoughtfully:

"The talisman engraved on the scabbard is the Taoist Five Thunder Talisman, which has the effect of slaying demons and exorcising evil spirits. If this king is not mistaken, this sword should have a connection with Taoism..."

"This scabbard was made by Fairy Lu, and it was originally a bare sword."


Dongfang Liren blinked, and lightly nudged Ye Jingtang with his elbow, probably meaning——didn't you say it earlier?The bad king has been researching for a long time...

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, with a big stupid, naturally he didn't have to be as cautious as Dai Yuhu, seeing that he had already left the city and there were no pedestrians on the official road, he leaned forward, put his arms around Liu's waist, Chin rests on shoulder.


Dongfang Liren raised his chest slightly, his face suddenly changed a bit, he held the hilt of his sword and said:
"Yejingtang, you're being presumptuous again, aren't you?"

Ye Jingtang listened to the cold Yujie's voice, and he was not afraid in the bottom of his heart, coaxing:

"It's a long way, rely on me to be more comfortable."


Dongfang Liren naturally knew that relying on it would be more comfortable, but she could get started without relying on this color embryo, and relying on it can't touch Longlong?

She wanted to warn a few more words, but suddenly remembered something, and tilted her head slightly:

"Ye Jingtang, when you and Yu Hu came back, did you hug her like this?"

Ye Jingtang had a clear conscience about this, and said seriously:

"How is it possible? I sat in the back and didn't dare to move. If you don't believe me, you can ask Niao Niao."

Dongfang Liren knew his sister's temperament, wanted to take advantage of her, and she was also frivolous to her brother-in-law. Where did Ye Jingtang bully her sister, so he didn't say more now, and asked:
"During the Chinese New Year, I went to Tianshuiqiao's new house to look around and helped clean up the house. I found a red handkerchief in the drawer beside your bed..."

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while before he remembered, and explained:

"Last summer, when I visited the palace for the first time, I happened to meet Yuhu. She asked me to help find a Pisces pendant, so I went to Canyang Pond, and then..."


Dongfang Liren naturally knew what happened after that—she was tricked into Canyang Pond, stripped naked and plunged into the water, giving Ye Jingtang a meatball impact, and finally she was naked on Ye Jingtang's face ...

It has been a long time since the incident, but in retrospect, Dongfang Liren still felt blushing, and lightly bumped his shoulder, signaling Ye Jingtang not to continue, and went straight to the point:
"What have these to do with handkerchiefs?"

"When I came out of the bath, I was like a drowned rat. Yuhu gave me a handkerchief to wipe my face, and then she left. I thought I couldn't find anyone, so I put it at home and forgot..."

Dongfang Liren thought about it for a while, but he couldn't find anything wrong with it. He was about to continue chatting, when he suddenly found that Niao Niao, who had been thrown into the air to exercise and lose weight, fell from the night sky and landed on Ye Jingtang's shoulder. — What chicken soup?How can there be chicken soup...

Dongfang Liren could understand the meaning, raised his hand and rubbed his head:
"It's a drowned chicken. Besides eating, what else do you know?"


Niao Niao tilted her head to look at the water bag, indicating that she still knows how to drink.

Ye Jingtang was amused, he took out a piece of jerky, let the bird eat it by himself, and then hugged Benben, feeling the warmth of the night breeze blowing on his face.

Dongfang Liren was forced to lean in his arms, and after flying out for a while, his body gradually relaxed, because the night was already dark, and regular work and rest had become a habit for many years, so he slowly closed his eyes again.

Seeing that Benben was asleep, Ye Jingtang didn't move his hands or feet anymore, just supported the weight with his hands, and put his cheek against the bun, letting her lean on it more comfortably.

hooves, hoofs...

The two of them galloped towards the northwest, and soon disappeared in the night outside Yun'an City...
It was quite a distance from Yun'an back to Honghe Town. The last time I brought the bodyguards to escort the convoy, I walked for more than 20 days.

And the fierce horse under the crotch is indeed worthy of the name of a god horse. It travels thousands of miles a day and eight hundred nights.

Ye Jingtang galloped with his stupid Pegasus, and it took only a few days to pass through Sanhe Town, Pass, the wasteland and the deserted bone beach in Liangzhou.

At first, Dongfang Liren still maintained the calmness that a queen should have, but after all, she did not have Yuhu's exaggerated physique. After being jolted on the horse for a long time, she gradually became tired. He ran to the back and rested on Ye Jingtang's back, stopped to eat and wash at the post station, and sometimes even fell asleep on the table.

Seeing Benben working so hard, Ye Jingtang felt very distressed, but that's how it is when walking in the rivers and lakes. There are very few occasions for happy and enmity, and most of the time he eats dirt on the road.

Fortunately, Benben is not a charming princess who can't bear hardships. She didn't feel wronged or complained on the road, and she even seemed to enjoy it a little bit.

Every time I stay in the wild, Benben volunteers to set up a bonfire to cook, etc. Although the occasional roasted rabbit and grilled fish look like they have just crawled out of the burning hell, birds dare not open their mouths, but night terrors Tang is still very happy to eat.

When the two passed through the Desolate Bone Beach, they arrived at the Liangzhou frontier fortress, and it was the tenth day of the first lunar month.

Seeing that he had returned to the familiar barren land of the border, Ye Jingtang also heaved a sigh of relief. He looked down and saw that Benben fell asleep in his arms again, so he raised his hand and shook the fat-headed dragon:
"Your Highness?"


Dongfang Liren came down from the long distance, and was indeed a little sleepy. After being shaken awake, he first grabbed Ye Jingtang's hand and pinched it, and then looked around sleepily.

At this time, we have arrived at the banks of the Red River. In the first lunar month, the ice and snow in the north have not yet melted, and the surrounding area is still surrounded by snow fields. Even the original Red River is buried under the ice and snow, and only the outline of the ancient river can be seen.

At dusk, the setting sun shines on the snow-white land, and at the end of the field of vision, a little smoke can be seen rising from a small town, and it seems that there are still figures walking in the town.

The road under the feet is full of tracks of wheels and horseshoes, and it seems that there are quite a few people going back and forth.

Dongfang Liren wrapped his clothes tightly, looked left and right, frowned and said:

"The last time I came here, the caravans always went to Heishiguan from the official road, and rarely turned to the town. In winter, the road is blocked by heavy snow, so there should not be many people walking around. Why are there so many people coming and going?"

Ye Jingtang grew up in Honghe Town since he was a child. He knew that there were no people coming and going in Honghe Town after winter. Seeing this scene, he felt a little suspicious. When he got near the town, he helped Benben get off his horse and put the thick cloak on her. shoulders, walking back to town together:
"Go ahead and have a look."

Niao Niao was visibly excited when she returned to her hometown. She flew ahead, and as soon as she entered the entrance of the town, she landed on a bare tree branch and greeted people. A loud voice also sounded from the town:
"Yo huh?! Why did you fly back? Is the young master here?"


Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice, and then his eyes lit up with joy, he dragged Benben to the entrance of the town quickly, and Yaoyao called out:

"Uncle Song!"

In previous years, Honghe Town didn't have too many people even during Chinese New Year. After Ye Jingtang left with dozens of people, it basically became a ghost town.

But now it is different. There are many shops on the streets in the center of the town, people from the rivers and lakes can be seen walking around, and some shops can even be seen under the eaves.

Song Chi, the second head of Honghualou, sat outside the original school, with a brazier and a sign beside it, which said 'recruiting talents', and behind him were two handsome apprentices, standing with their hands behind their backs. Support the scene.

The last time Song Chi came to Liangzhou, after seeing the limitless heroes of Liangzhou, he went back to Tiannan angrily, called a wave of apprentices over, and re-established a hall here, and the temporary base was naturally Shuiermai Back to Glacier Dart Board.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's voice, Song Chi got up quickly, walked quickly to the entrance of the town and waved:

"Isn't Shaodong's family in Jiangzhou? Why did he come here suddenly? Where's Yuan Qing?"

"Uncle Chen brought people over by boat, walking slowly, and is still on the way."

Ye Jingtang brought Benben into the town, seeing so many face-to-face Jianghu people on the street, his eyes were very surprised, first he and Song Chi sat down by the brazier outside the school, and then asked:
"Why are there so many people in the town?"

The last time Song Chi came to Honghe Town, he met King Jing, and recognized the woman in black who was following him, so he quickly asked his apprentice to bring a chair, asked King Jing to sit, and then brought the hot water bottle:
"Isn't the Snow Lake blooming? These are Jianghu people who go outside the pass to try their luck. The towns near Heishiguan are overcrowded. Jianghu people settle in these places, selling news and trading... Come, drink first A cup of hot water is warm..."

Dongfang Liren sat down on a chair, held a cup of hot water, and looked around the town a few times:
"Are they all going to grab Snow Lake flowers?"

Song Chi sat down on the bench, shook his head and said:

"As for this group of miscellaneous fish in the rivers and lakes, wherever they snatch the snow lake flowers, they all come to pan for gold. There are always a few wild snow lake flowers in the thousands of miles around Tianlang Lake. As long as you find one, you can sell it for a sky-high price , I even harvested a plant in the past few days, and it cost more than 1000 taels of silver... Biaozi, go get it."

When Ye Jingtang and Dongfang Liren heard this, they naturally became interested, looked up, but saw two apprentices running back quickly, and within a while, they brought a carriage over.

Song Chi lifted the curtain, and he could see a large vat in the empty carriage.

The tank was filled with turf, and in the center was a small shrub, only two feet high, with a few sparse leaves and a small peony-like flower hanging on the side.

Although the shrub is very inconspicuous, the flower looks like a peony, with more than ten petals quietly blooming, which looks extremely eye-catching.


Even as a prince, Dongfang Liren has only seen snow lake flowers that have been dried and stored for many years. This is the first time he saw a live one, and his eyes clearly flashed with surprise.
"How did you get it back?"

Song Chi didn't know how the group of gold diggers brought back such a big vat of mud from the snowy field intact. He just said:

"There are so many strange people in Jianghu, luckily I found it, and it's not uncommon to get one back.

"According to the old people in the past, this should be a snow lake flower that has just grown in the past sixty years. The rhizome is not very useful for medicine. Even one flower can't make up a medicine, so it is not expensive to sell.

"By the way, can this thing be brought back to the Central Plains to raise? If possible, it would be good to give it to the young master's house as a fortune tree..."

The emperor would think it was extravagant to be able to raise Xuehu flowers at home as a fortune tree, but this thing obviously doesn't work.

Dongfang Liren shook his head and said, "Snow Lake flowers have harsh growth conditions, which may be related to water and soil, and only grow around Tianlang Lake; it's a good thing they were dug back with the mud, otherwise they would have died, I guess they were placed in a flower pot , and won't live long."

Song Chi didn't know much about flowers and plants, so he frowned naturally when he heard this:

"Then what should I do? Send it back to Tianlang Lake to be planted? Three generations of Xuehu flowers have grown up, let me raise it to death, so as not to be struck by lightning, I am afraid that I will be stabbed in the back by future generations."

"When planted in the wilderness, sooner or later, it will be ruined by other Jianghu people. Let it be raised for a few days, and when Miss Fan arrives, let her find a way to raise it..."

Ye Jingtang carefully looked at the snow lake flowers for a few times, then asked Uncle Song to put them away, and sat down by the brazier again, asking:

"What's the situation outside the pass now, Uncle Song has inquired about it?"

Song Chi sat down again and responded:

"I heard the news that the snow lake flowers were blooming, so I knew you must come. I have been paying attention these days. Beiliang should be picking and transporting the snow lake flowers back. There have been several incidents of robbery at Tianlang Lake. It is said that someone got a car..."

Dongfang Liren frowned: "One car?"

Song Chi waved his hand and said, "A Snow Lake flower looks half the size of a palm, and when it dries, it is only as big as a fingernail. place. Beiliang doesn’t dare to put all eggs in one basket, it would be nice to have a hundred or so in a cart.”

Dongfang Liren also thought about it: "A hundred or ten flowers is not a small amount, enough to make up a few medicines... Then, it's not easy to grab it now, and we have to wait for the snow lake flowers to dry and pack them in a box before we can start? "


Song Chi looked around, lowered his voice a little and said:

"There are quite a few gangsters who came this time. Most of them are looking for wild plants on the snowfield, and some of them are not showing their heads. I guess they are waiting for the flowers in the snow lake to dry so that they can be packed in sacks and grab enough money at once."

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while, and felt that the situation was not in a hurry, so he thought about it and asked:

"Where do the snow lake flowers dry?"

"Now the Xihai Protectorate's Mansion has sealed off the city. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter and leave, and there is no way to find out the news. But the young master doesn't need to worry. There are many powerful people in the Jianghu. As long as Xuehuhua can make a move, someone must be the first bird. Wait. Those ruthless people came out with sacks on their backs, and the young boss came forward to blackmail... No, it was confiscated according to law and handed over to the treasury!"

Dongfang Liren sat up straight for a few minutes, the corners of his mouth curled up, obviously thinking that Song Chi was quite upright.

Ye Jingtang knew this was a way, but it was too shameless to eat black and eat black, and Jiang Zhahu came, and it was impossible to grab a sack and take it away. It would be good if he could grab a handful, and eating black could only get some mosquito meat .

Ye Jingtang's goal this time is to rob Zuo Xianwang's storehouse, and take away the pot, so he must go there in person.

After chatting with Song Chi for a while and roughly confirming the situation outside the customs, Ye Jingtang felt that the situation was not urgent, so he was relieved, got up and said:
"I'll send Liren to rest at the Escort first, and burn some paper money for my adoptive father. Uncle Song, please arrange two people to help me contact the spies from Hei Ya..."

Song Chi stood up and said, "I came here a few years ago just to burn some paper for Yuanfeng on New Year's Eve, so that you won't be able to come back after traveling around on New Year's Eve, and you won't even have anyone to go to the grave. Go, go, these things I'll do it myself."

As a son, Ye Jingtang felt ashamed when he heard this, and bowed his hands again, before leading the horse and Benben back to the escort agency.

If the house is not occupied, it will lose its popularity and be abandoned in a few months. For this reason, after leaving last time, Sanniang left someone from the gang to take care of it.

After Uncle Song came over, he cleaned up specially for the Chinese New Year. It was completely new inside and out, and two red lanterns were hung at the door.

After Ye Jingtang put the horse in the stable of the Escort, he wanted Benben to rest for a while, and he and Niao Niao went to burn incense sticks.

But Dongfang Liren came here alone this time, and Ye Jingtang went to pay homage to her parents. Where could she sit in the house, she went out with her, bought some paper money and incense on the street, and then accompanied her to the small mound outside the town .

The isolated small graves have also been cleaned, the surrounding snow has been cleaned up, and there are still ashes of burned paper money in front of the tombstone.

Niao Niao followed all the time, and when she arrived at the grave, she looked very listless, obviously also a little sad.

After all, Ye Jingtang's adoptive father is Niao Niao's adoptive father, and he was raised like Ye Jingtang. Now that we are separated forever, how can there be no loss and concern.

Ye Jingtang came to the front and back of the grave, stuck the dragon knife by his side, and knelt down in front of the tombstone, with many words in his heart, wanting to report the harvest and growth experience of this year.

But looking at Senbai's tombstone, he couldn't utter a word. All he could think about was standing on the mound with his adoptive father and looking at the boundless wasteland.

After a little hesitation, Dongfang Liren knelt down by his side, and the two of them stood side by side, and then took out the torch and burned the paper.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang exhaled lightly, took the paper money and showed a smile:
"Father, this is my confidante named Dongfang Liren, the sister of the current Holy One..."

Dongfang Liren's face was obviously a little red, but he didn't deny it at this time, he just lowered his head and muttered softly:
"Little girl Dongfang Liren, I pay my respects to Senior Pei."



The night gradually enveloped the land, the faint light of the fire appeared and disappeared on the mound, and the green smoke slowly drifted into the sky with the wind.

The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, dressed in black, knelt side by side in front of the grave, and Niao Niao squatted beside him, with the old knife that the person in the tomb had been with for a lifetime inserted beside him.

Although there was no words to each other, and the scene was a little bleak, the knife was still the same knife, and the son had become a weapon, and he brought back a sensible daughter-in-law.

If anyone in the tomb sees this scene, I'm afraid they will only be pleased by it...


Thank you for the reward from the boss of [Floating in the World with Peace of Mind]!

(End of this chapter)

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