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Chapter 390

Chapter 390
In the Bianguan town under the night, only dots of lights can be seen, there are still a few people from the rivers and lakes on the street, but the bodyguard bureau is silent.

In the east wing room where Ye Jingtang lived as a child, a candle lamp was lit, several weapons were leaning against the wall, and the salutes were placed on the wardrobe.

Dongfang Li was sitting in front of the small desk, with a bowl of mutton in front of her, and she was eating in small bites. Although she was not a delicate person, since she was young, she had never even put on her own clothes. She stayed at the border where there was nothing It's a small escort agency, but I really don't know what to do.

Niao Niao squatted on the table, and there was also a small plate in front of him, which contained freshly cut mutton. His big eyes were narrowed into a line, and he looked quite comfortable. He occasionally shook his head a few times, obviously recalling the past New Year's Eve happy hour.

Behind the main room on the side of the East Wing is the kitchen, but it was not often used in the past. The cooks hired by the bodyguard bureau used to eat big pot meals outside with the bodyguards. The small kitchen was mostly used for boiling hot water.

At this time, the small kitchen at the back of the main house left, and there was steaming white mist, and the sound of boiling water could be heard.

Dongfang Liren hesitated for a while, and was about to get up and go in to have a look, but just as he walked out, he saw Ye Jingtang jumping down from the wall and landed in the small courtyard, holding a big tripod in his hand. Big wooden barrel.

Dongfang Liren stopped in his tracks and said in doubt:

"Where did you get it?"

"This is the tub I used to take medicinal baths in. I sold the Escort Bureau last year. No one wanted it, so I left it at Lao Yang's house. I just pried open the door and moved it here..."

Dongfang Liren knew that Lao Yang was the old bodyguard Yang Chao, and she came to him to help, but the door was not big, and the two of them couldn't use their skills, so they could only stand behind:
"Why did you pry the door? No one in Yang Chao's house?"

Ye Jingtang put the barrel into the vacant west wing room, shook his head and sighed:
"Yang Chao used to be a prodigal son at the border. He wandered around without a fixed place. He got to know each other only after being hired by his adoptive father as a guide. After that, he followed his adoptive father to make a living. His mother-in-law took her to the capital, and there were no family members in the town. Back then, I was picked up by my adoptive father, and Lao Yang wanted to recognize me as a godson, but the adoptive father refused. Otherwise, my surname should be Yang..."

"Yang Jingtang?"

"Yang Big Bird."


The corner of Dongfang Liren's mouth twitched, and he quickly suppressed his smile, his eyes full of inexplicable:

"How can there be someone with this name? No wonder Senior Pei didn't agree, it just sounds like a low-class fish in the rivers and lakes..."

Ye Jingtang was only joking. After setting up the barrel, he went out to the kitchen:
"I'm going to get hot water. I should be exhausted these days. I'll take a good hot bath later."

Dongfang Liren and Ye Jingtang came together, and Ye Jingtang was obviously more tired. Seeing that Ye Jingtang bought food and boiled water for her as soon as he arrived at the place, and he didn't do anything himself. The prince became arrogant, followed behind and said:

"You can rest for a while, it's fine for the king to come by himself."

"I'm a guard. There's no reason for His Highness to do it himself when you're away from home. If you boil the water or it gets hot, I won't be the one who feels bad in the end..."

"This king is not a weak lady like Hua Qingzhi, who can't even beat water."

Dongfang Liren squeezed Ye Jingtang away, scooped up boiling water with a ladle, and poured it into a wooden barrel, but was blinded by the rising mist.

Ye Jingtang stood behind, looking at Dabenben's virtuous appearance, he really had the feeling of a poor boy marrying a young lady. After Benben filled up the water, he carried the big tub that was poured into the house, and I took two buckets of cold water from the well and tested the water temperature:

"Okay, let's wash it, it's cold, if the water gets cold, let me know."

Dongfang Liren walked into the room, looked left and right, and then looked at Ye Jingtang who was waiting and watching, his eyes narrowed slightly.


Ye Jingtang slapped his forehead, and seemed to have just realized it, turned around and went out, closing the door:
"I'll make the bed, you can wash it at ease, call me anytime if you need anything."

Dongfang Liren felt that this scoundrel wanted to wash with her, although she had washed with her in Canyang Pond before, but it was an accident, she now promised that Ye Jingtang would become Princess Jing tomorrow...

After Dongfang Li was sure that Ye Jingtang was going out, he lightly undid his belt and wrist guards, and took off his skirt and trousers.

Although the outside is very quack-style, but the innermost part is a normal silver fat-headed dragon bellyband, and the bottom is white underpants. Looking at it by candlelight, the curve of the willow waist and hips is full of tension, and the majestic fat-headed dragon is even more eye-catching. You can see two perfect half-arcs with the apron on.

Dongfang Liren hugged his chest, looked back, and saw that Ye Jingtang hadn't peeked, so he took off his apron and thin pants, raised his long legs and stepped into the hot tub.


As the body was completely immersed in the hot water, the fatigue all the way began to dissipate quickly, Dongfang Liren couldn't help exhaling softly:
"Huh~~ In fact, living in the border, I don't feel anything, it's quite leisurely."

Ye Jingtang made a bed in the opposite wing, and shook his head when he heard the sound:

"I just ran here from the capital to experience life. I must feel free. After living here for a long time, I know that this place is not easy. The food is always the same, the wine is also rough wine, not to mention the clothes, it is considered to be able to keep out the cold Sorry, you can't buy pretty ones at all.

"Besides, I don't see many outsiders in the town all year round. Most of the people I meet when I go out are horse bandits. If there is a war, this place will directly become a battlefield. If it is not impossible to get out, few people really want to stay here... ..."

Dongfang Liren knew that Liang Zhou was suffering, but she just felt that living a two-person world with Ye Jingtang was quite leisurely. Hearing what Ye Jingtang said, she rubbed her hands and continued:
"That's true. With such a perverted temperament, you can see that this place is not suitable for living after staying here for more than ten years..."

Ye Jingtang wanted to deny a few words, but in the end he nodded frankly:
"Even if I'm not lewd, I can't help but choose. There are not many households in the town, and there are basically no girls of the same age. In other towns, there are people of the same age, but they are bigger than me..."

Dongfang Liren joked after hearing the words:
"It means that if you met Miss Yunli in Honghe Town, who is just right in age and looks like a man, you wouldn't run to the capital?"

If Ye Jingtang really met Xiao Yunli, who was five or six years old, from the next town when he was seven or eight years old, then he would probably marry back. After all, Honghe Town is hundreds of miles away, and there is no other choice at all. .

But the reality is that there is no if, Ye Jingtang faced this question, and just responded:

"Before my adoptive father died, he would definitely let me go to the capital to seek refuge, so no matter what the situation, I will go there."

Dongfang Liren, as King Jing of the current dynasty, even if he didn't meet a young man like Yejingtang who came to the capital that day, he would still notice in a few days.

The two chatted across the yard for a while, after Dongfang Liren washed his clothes, he got up and dried himself with a towel, put on the thin trousers in the apron, and asked:
"You want to wash too? Ben Wang will fetch water for you, we don't owe anyone..."

Ye Jingtang came to the door and waited for Benben to put on the skirt before pushing open the door:

"It's troublesome to boil and change the water in winter. I don't pay that much attention as an old man. Just wash here."


Dongfang Liren felt that the water after washing was not clean, so he moved to block the tub:
"How can this be done? My king..."

Ye Jingtang walked up to him, kissed Benben's watery red lips, blocked the words, then put his arms around his waist, picked her up and put her outside the door:
"Okay, let's rest early."

Before Dongfang Liren could react, the door in front of him was closed. Just after taking a hot bath, a cold wind suddenly blew, and he shrunk his neck slightly.

Seeing Ye Jingtang being so domineering, Dongfang Liren's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand and pushed the door open again:

"Yejingtang, you are getting more and more... Huh~"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Ye Jingtang standing by the bathtub, and he had already taken off his robe nimbly, revealing his muscular back, and when he heard the door open, he turned his head slightly, showing the silhouette of his chest and abdominal muscles. The impact is pretty amazing.

? !
Dongfang Liren's pupils narrowed slightly, and after subconsciously scanning his eyes, he quickly closed the door, his face flushed red:
"You pervert, did you do it on purpose?"

Ye Jingtang must have done it on purpose, but it's hard to say it clearly. With a smile on his face, he took off his robe and threw it on the chair:
"I'm just taking a shower normally, whether it's intentional or not."


Dongfang Liren couldn't rush in to clean up the mess, so he lightly kicked the door with the toe of his shoe, and then quickly returned to the east wing opposite.

In order to make Dongfang Liren sleep more comfortably, Yejingtang specially laid two layers of thick quilts on the plank bed. Niao Niao had nothing to do at night, and was lying on the bed rolling back and forth. When Dongfang Liren came in, he flapped his wings. clapped:

The meaning is obviously to let Dongfang Liren lie on it and try.

Dongfang Liren came to him, picked up the bird and put it on the table:

"Lie down just after eating? Are you afraid of choking? If you have nothing to do, go outside to Feifei and find some snow lake flowers. When you find one, I will reward you with a whole roasted camel."


When Niao Niao heard that the whole camel was roasted, her eyes lit up a little, and she ran out without saying a word.

Dongfang Liren was afraid of the bird's head, so he flew thousands of miles away, and quickly held it down:

"Don't fly too far. I'll be back later. Even if you don't find it, I will reward you with a roast leg of lamb."


Niao Niao shook her head to indicate that she understood, and after breaking free from her palm, she flew out of the window and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After Dongfang Liren watched him off at the door, he went back to the bed and sat down. After looking around for a while, he wanted to lie down and rest, but immediately felt that something was wrong—Niao Niao had left, and Ye Jingtang was the only ones left in the room. Alone and widowed...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Liren panicked a bit, got up and wanted to close the door quietly, but at this moment the door opposite opened.

Ye Jingtang, with his upper body bare and only wearing black pants, came out of the house with a big wooden bucket in his arms, walked to the ditch outside the kitchen to pour water, and asked along the way:
"Why don't you sleep? Is the bed uncomfortable?"

Although Dongfang Liren was uneasy in his heart, on the surface he recovered the calm demeanor that a queen should have, and calmly said:
"Not very sleepy, where do you sleep at night?"

Ye Jingtang put down the barrel and looked around:

"The main room belongs to the adoptive father. Things have been cleaned up long ago, and there is no bed. There is a bodyguard's dormitory outside. I can sleep outside later. Call me anytime if you need something, and I can hear you."


Seeing that Ye Jingtang had finished speaking, Dongfang Liren turned around and walked outside to the escort compound, feeling a little bit unbearable in the end.

After all, Ye Jingtang hugged her all the way over, and she could still doze off, but Ye Jingtang didn't close his eyes all the way.

Dongfang Liren hesitated for a while, but said:

Ye Jingtang paused slightly, then turned around:

"what happened?"


Dongfang Liren's lips moved, and he looked back at the bed:

"Well...you can sleep here, the room is more comfortable. I will keep watch first, and when you wake up, we will change shifts."

Seeing Benben's considerate look, Ye Jingtang smiled, turned around and walked to the door of the West Wing:

"Hmm... the bed is quite big, why don't we get it together? After so many days of running, we are actually tired, so there is no need to give way to each other..."

Together? !

Dongfang Liren saw his lover approaching naked, and his breath stopped. Just as he was about to startle the night, he turned around and said:

"His Royal Highness felt that it was inappropriate and left. I just said it casually, and I went out first."


Dongfang Liren didn't know why he asked to stay, and he regretted it as soon as he said it.

But when Ye Jingtang looked back, she still suppressed her thoughts and put on a majestic look:
"When you're away from home, you don't care about the details. It's not like you didn't lie down together in the carriage before, but you...you..."

Ye Jingtang understood, pulled his clumsy wrist into the room, and closed the door:

"I'll hug and kiss at most. If you don't agree, I will definitely not mess around."


When Dongfangli heard this, he turned around and wanted to go out, but Ye Jingtang hugged him before he even touched the door latch.


Dongfang Liren shrank slightly, his face blushed instantly, and his legs dangled in the air a few times:

"Yejingtang, let go!"

Ye Jingtang came to the bed, loosened his hands, and Benben fell on the quilt. He lay down in front of him and spread the winter quilt over the two of them:

"Okay, go to bed."

Dongfangli is not a stone man, and Ye Jingtang is lying in front of him with his upper body naked, and the two of them are still side by side on a relatively small bed, so the hell they can fall asleep.

Dongfang Liren couldn't get out, and wanted to move to the side, but there was really no room, so he gritted his teeth and squeezed outside:
"Sleep outside."

Ye Jingtang saw that the two of them were a little crowded shoulder to shoulder, so he hugged Benben in his arms as usual, and tapped his forehead lightly.


Dongfang Liren curled his hands on his chest, his breathing obviously fluctuated, and he said forcefully:

"Ye Jingtang, are you planning to plot against this king?"

Ye Jingtang smiled, and wrapped the two of them up with a quilt:
"I definitely want to, but if His Highness refuses to agree, how can I force it? In the past, if I didn't respect Your Highness in the capital, or Liangzhou, or went to various ministries in the West Sea, I could succeed at any time. I have always listened to His Highness, just to make His Highness No regrets.

"Hmm... Your Highness's golden branches and jade leaves are very important. For such a big matter as marriage, you must first get engaged, and then announce the imperial edict, and then hold a big wedding, so that everyone in the world can come to congratulate you. Only then can you be worthy of the status of His Highness..."

Dongfang Liren actually didn't think so. What he was thinking in his heart was just like an ordinary woman, taking a bridal sedan across the door to marry into a new house at Tianshui Bridge, and then sitting on the bed waiting for the groom to lift his hijab.

But these words, Dongfang Liren is not easy to say in person, but said displeased:

"Whoever wants to marry you, you are my subordinate..."

Ye Jingtang gently stroked his back along his back:

"There is no saying in this world that a subordinate cannot marry a boss. Even if we are married, His Highness is still the boss. As a son-in-law, I can't be placed on His Highness..."

Dongfang Liren felt that Ye Jingtang was quite sensible, so he stopped hiding and just closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Ye Jingtang hugged for a moment, then sighed softly:
"However, there are a lot of trifles. I played for a whole year last year. Although I was in the top three of the eight top rankings, my opponents in the future are stronger than before. I don't know how long it will take.

"I thought about getting everyone settled this year, and then returning to the capital to give His Royal Highness and Sanniang a complete wedding, but it would take three, five, or ten years. I have no choice but to get together less and leave more. Get the chores out of the way.

"Going to Tianlang Lake this time, at least the frontier army and the various ministries of the West Sea can borrow their strength. The risk is not too great. And in the future, I may have to go to Yanjing to grab the map of the gods. I can only walk alone, making His Highness wait in the capital, alas..."

Dongfang Liren huddled in his arms, feeling Ye Jingtang's heartbeat, and could hear his helplessness and nostalgia.She snorted softly:
"This king can't run away. If you run around for ten years, this king will wait for you for ten years."

Ye Jingtang lowered his head to look at the slightly arrogant bright cheeks:

"I know His Highness can wait for me forever, but I can't let His Highness wait forever. Even if this year is not fair, next year I will try my best to get back the signboard of 'No. ornaments."

Dongfang Liren knew the potential of Ye Jing Tang, as long as he made a promise, he would definitely be able to achieve it, so he didn't hide at the moment, hugged Ye Jing Tang with his back hand, put it on his chest, and scanned his empty house:

"You lived here as a child?"

Ye Jingtang stuck to his ear, and said softly: "Yeah, I've lived here for 18 years, and I've been dreaming every day, but I never dared to dream that one day I could lie here with His Highness in my arms."


Dongfang Liren listened to the love words, half of his body became numb, and hummed softly:

"You have a bad mind. You started reading bad books when you were eleven or twelve years old. When you were lying here before, you must have been thinking about some shameful things..."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes and said with a smile:

"What can I think?"

"Reading that kind of book, what else can you think about besides bullying women?"

"Then when His Highness confiscated my book and read it secretly, did you ever think about something similar?"


Dongfang Liren must have thought about it, otherwise, how would she draw a picture album for Ye Jingtang, but she would definitely not admit it to her face:

"Do you think this king is as perverted as you? What this king sees is chivalry, love and hatred..."

Ye Jingtang didn't refute, and said with a smile:

"I guess His Highness didn't think about it. There are some things that can't be understood without personal experience. Although His Highness has superb painting skills, the reactions to some scenes in the picture book are still a bit unrealistic."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang dared to say something wrong with her painting, Dongfang Liren frowned and said:

"What's in and out?"

Ye Jingtang explained like a few treasures:

"For example, in the episode of Yu Lu's first inheritance, the heroine drawn by His Highness is sober from beginning to end, with eyes ashamed and angry as if she wants to eat people, but it is not like that in reality."

Dongfang Liren thought about it for a while, but didn't believe it:

"Being defiled by a thief, is it possible that you can still paint happily?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "Do you want me to demonstrate it to His Highness?"

"Huh? How to demonstrate? Don't... eh?"

Dongfang Liren hadn't finished speaking when he noticed that a hand pulled up the hem of the skirt, slid it up along the thin pants, and stuck it to...


Dongfang Liren trembled all over, his face turned red, he stared at Ye Jingtang and wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak, he could only twist his waist left and right.

Ye Jingtang was not very rude, but just massaged gently:
"His Royal Highness carefully understands what it should be like."


Dongfang Liren clenched his silver teeth, trying to look ashamed and indignant, but he couldn't hold on for a while before failing. He grabbed his shoulders with his hands, and after a few dodges he lost his strength. He tilted his head to avoid his eyes, and closed his eyes again When I close my eyes, I don't have the heart to experience the feeling.

Seeing Benben, Ye Jingtang was not very resistant, after all, he was moved, he lowered his head and slowly kissed the red lips, and slid his hand along the waistband of his trousers...


Dongfang Liren arched his insteps, opened his eyes again, his eyes were a little blurred, he pushed a few times, but seeing that he couldn't move, he slowly resigned to his fate and hugged his neck instead.

Unknowingly, the skirt slipped out of the bed and fell under the bed.

Ye Jingtang hugged Big Benben, who was only two fingers shorter than him, and comforted him for a long time, until Benben began to actively cooperate, then he just tasted it and raised his head slightly:
"Your Highness?"


Dongfang Liren was about to faint, and he opened his eyes in a daze after being called out, looked around, and found that he was only wearing a fat-headed dragon bellyband, and quickly covered it:
"What’s wrong with you?"

Yejingtang made a serious look:

"I'm done with the demonstration. Has Your Highness experienced that kind of artistic conception? It's just dizzy and ecstatic... Hiss—"

Dongfang Liren came to his senses a little, and grabbed his lover's waist, causing the fat-headed dragon to heave slightly.

After staring at Ye Jingtang for a while, she let go of her hand again, turned inside, closed her eyes and gave Ye Jingtang the back of her head:

"You go out for this king."

Ye Jingtang was just making a joke, seeing that he had offended his daughter-in-law, he turned Benben around:

"I was wrong, I disturbed His Highness, I will continue..."

"I don't want it, you go away... woo~..."

Lips together, the small room was completely quiet.

Dongfang Liren pushed a few times, and the originally shameful heroic eyes quickly turned into blurred eyes. Although he realized what was going to happen, he didn't resist anymore.

After all, the two have really known each other for a long time, and they have been with each other until today, and they have done everything that should be done. It is good to be envied by everyone, but how can it be more romantic than the world of two people in the ends of the world.

This is the last town in the northwest of Great Wei, and it is also the place where Ye Jingtang's life began, and from now on, it will be the place she will remember all her life.

Wouldn't it be more meaningful to be here than in the capital where she was born and raised but didn't bring her many good memories?
Because he often studies the tears of chivalrous women, although Dongfang Liren is dizzy and doesn't know where he is, he subconsciously knows how to respond, and even wants to suppress Ye Jingtang to swear sovereignty.

But after all, Ye Jingtang couldn't bear to be stupid and toss about by himself, so he just used a hundred times gentleness to care for everything in his arms.


"It hurts?"

"No...it's okay..."


With a slightly painful cry, it came from the east wing where Ye Jingtang had lived since he was a child. The empty old bodyguard office seemed to be full of fireworks again after a year.

The soft whispers and gentle whispers in the room also imbue the silver-clad frontier town and the snow-capped northwest wilderness with a strong sense of spring...

(End of this chapter)

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