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Chapter 391 Dawn

Chapter 391 Dawn
The sky was bright, and the fog shrouded the snow-capped town, and there were noisy sounds on the streets:
"Water basin mutton, kill and sell now..."


"Old rules, two taels of fresh-cut mutton to keep accounts?"



Inside the Binghe Escort Bureau, there was still no sound. The young boss of the Escort Bureau, who would get up before dawn in previous years, was rarely absent today, and was still lying under the covers at this time.

In the east wing of the backyard, the red candles were burned out, leaving a puddle of candle tears in the lampstand.

The plank bed has no curtains, but a thick bedding, wrapping a man and a woman embracing each other.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the outside, with his arms around Big Benben, and after a night of tenderness, he also began to think about the future.

Ning'er, Sanniang, and Shui'er, like him, are pure sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes. They only care about love and don't take the worldly etiquette so seriously. regret.

But Benben is different. Although he longs for the world, he has always been a princess of the imperial court and has nothing to do with the world. The most beautiful moment should be the bridal chamber after the world is peaceful.

But the road to the rivers and lakes is very long, he wants to finish everything as soon as possible, and then honestly go back to the black office to be a freelance commander, or something like a princess, to accompany Benben forever, but he doesn't know how long that day will take.

It is said to be one year, but there are also the Four Sages of Beiliang, Monk Shenchen, Fengguancheng, Green Bandits, and even the Beiliang court behind them. It can be said that they have reached the sky step by step.

He knew that Benben would wait, but he couldn't bear to wait for Benben to stay alone in the capital for ten years. All he can do now is to finally grow up with Benben in the home where he grew up. Family members, and then settle all right and wrong as soon as possible, and make up a perfect wedding for Benben in the capital.

Well, it can be regarded as doing it once at the in-law's house. After he gets married, he will do it again at the stupid mother's house...

Ye Jingtang was thinking wildly, and after an unknown amount of time, the beauty in his arms finally moved.


Dongfang Liren turned his back to Ye Jingtang, lying on his side under the quilt, half of his face was covered by the quilt, only his closed eyes were exposed.

Dongfang Liren has been very well-conditioned and martial since he was a child. He can be regarded as a master of both internal and external training. He does not have much combat experience and martial arts accomplishments, but his body does have the foundation of a master.

Coupled with the majestic figure, even without martial arts, it is a good physique. Although it is the first time to accept rain and dew, it has not been tossed and cried. In addition, Ye Jingtang is extremely gentle. Forget about me, and then I somehow got here.

At this moment, his consciousness gradually came to life, Dongfang Liren moved his eyelashes, then opened his eyes, looked at the wall in front of him in a daze, and then turned his head to look at the beam.

where am i...

By the way, Yejingtang's hometown...


! !
As the mind gradually cleared up, the scenes of last night quickly flooded into the mind, and Dongfang Liren's eyes began to change ever-changing.

Yesterday, I took a bath first, and that woman insisted on using her bath water...

She was worried that it would be cold outside, so she let the bastard sleep in the room, and then she was carried to the bed, and she hugged and kissed her if she said yes, and did nothing else...

Talk about the tears of a chivalrous woman, show her a demonstration, put your palms on the shameful place and touch it...

Then she became confused, was confused like a deer, was kissed on the neck, and buried in the fat-headed dragon to inhale...

It seemed that she was not allowed to kiss indiscriminately, and she was still blocking it, but the woman grabbed her wrist and pulled it away, stared at her, and praised her for being so white...

Then there's the feeling of being out of breath...


Dongfang Liren's cheeks turned red quickly, and he didn't dare to think about the details of last night. He looked down and saw that his clothes were gone, and the fat-headed dragon had an arm around it, and his back was leaning on his warm embrace .

She was startled, she wanted to pretend to be asleep, but she felt that she couldn't bear it, so she turned over suddenly.

Ye Jingtang was tilting his head to look at the clumsy side face, when he was suddenly pushed away, the quilt was thrown up, and he said hastily:
"Don't worry, it's cold outside..."

Dongfang Liren jumped up suddenly, only to realize that her body was a little sore, but she didn't care too much at this time, she put on a majestic and cold look, holding the quilt with one hand, and stretched out her right hand to grab the Chilong knife.


Ye Jingtang didn't expect Benben to come, and quickly grabbed his wrist:
"Don't, don't, you didn't do well last night, why..."

"Who is nice to you?"

Dongfang Liren's eyes were ashamed and angry, he broke free from his wrist, pulled out the Chilong Saber, and put it on Ye Jingtang's neck:
"You pervert, dare to defile this king, do you know what crime you should have?"


Ye Jingtang was riding on his waist like a tiger being beaten by stupid Wu Song, with the soft and greasy place on his abdomen, he could clearly feel the contour texture, his brain was a little short-circuited under distraction, and he couldn't sort out the words:


Seeing that Ye Jingtang was powerless to refute, Dongfang Liren's eyes became more ashamed and angry, but he really couldn't cut Ye Jingtang down, so he pressed his knife and continued to question:

"You said it yourself and hugged and kissed, but what did you do to this king? This king trusts you so much, but you keep making progress time and time again..."

Ye Jingtang was afraid of being stupid and cold, so he pulled up the quilt and put it on his white shoulders:
"I know I was wrong, Your Highness calm down..."

Dongfang Liren was covering the quilt with one hand, but she pulled it away, and Tuan'er appeared tremblingly in front of her. She quickly blocked it with her slender arms, her eyes were slightly cold:
"You don't want oil and salt, right? Do you really think that the king dare not touch you?"

"Why, I'm afraid His Highness will freeze."

Ye Jingtang closed the quilt, wrapped the stupid who was riding on his waist into rice dumplings, and said softly:
"Lie down again, I'll make breakfast for His Highness..."

Dongfang Liren was wrapped up, and it was inconvenient to hold a knife, so he was afraid of cutting Ye Jingtang, so he put the knife aside, got up and wanted to get out of bed:

"I came out with you because I believed in you, but you actually did such a rebellious act... I will go back to the capital right now..."

Seeing Benben clamoring to go back to her mother's house, Ye Jingtang was naturally anxious, sat up and supported Benben:

"Yun'an is thousands of miles away from here, how can His Highness go back alone? I apologize, it's my fault, I couldn't help myself yesterday, so..."

Dongfang Liren was originally sitting on his waist, but when Ye Jingtang stood up, he slid down a little along his abdominal muscles, and was held up by the villain...

? !
Dongfang Liren straightened his back instinctively, his eyes were a little flustered, and it was inconvenient to hide, so he said aggressively:
"You...you get away from me!"


Ye Jingtang felt trapped in the full moon, with a strong sense of envelopment, and his face changed a little, he hugged her up a little:

"I know I was wrong. If Your Highness tells me what to do, I will do it. It is really impossible to send His Highness back. The matter of Xuehuhua is very important, and I really can't leave..."

Although Dongfang Liren was separated by a quilt in front of him, he was actually riding on Ye Jingtang's body. He dawdled back and forth twice, his eyelashes trembling slightly and he was a little unsteady, but his eyes were still firm:
"If it wasn't for something important, I would have put you in a dungeon to make you understand the price..."

"Okay, when we return to Beijing safely, I will go to the dungeon and face the wall to think about it. When will His Highness calm down and when will I come out..."


Dongfang Liren had nothing to do with Ye Jingtang who said what he said and didn't talk back at all. He calmed down a little and said again:
"Don't think that if you take this opportunity to belittle this king, this king will become yours. This king is the prince of the court. Since you favored you last night, you will be the side wife of the palace from now on. If you dare to contradict me, this king will kill you." You are expelled from the palace..."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes and said doubtfully:

"Isn't it the princess?"

"You think beautiful."

Dongfang Liren hugged the quilt, showing his head held high:

"Do you think the concubine is so easy to be? Show off first when you enter the door, and when the king is satisfied one day, I will make you a concubine. If you dare to talk back and make mistakes..."

Ye Jingtang felt that there was no difference, since they were all subordinates anyway, so he hugged him together with the bedding, and patted his back:
"Okay, what is your highness saying? What should I do now? Help your highness get dressed?"


Dongfang Liren felt that Ye Jingtang wanted to do it again. She dared to coax her to sleep last night. She must not be too conniving. She still acted like a superior:

"The king rests for a while, you step back."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, seeing Benben's expression turned cold, he quickly restrained himself, pretending to be obedient, and then helped him to lie down.

Dongfang Li has no body at all. When he fell to the side, the quilt naturally slid a little, revealing the upside-down jade ball like a sea bowl. The waist is slender but not weak. You can see the beautiful waistcoat line, and the legs are close together to fit perfectly. , the buttocks slide out a perfect half-arc, the body is like a gourd, and it looks extremely majestic.

As soon as Ye Jingtang glanced at it, Dongfang Liren quickly covered the quilt. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the menacing villain. Feeling ashamed and angry, he wanted to change his hand and turn his gun.


Ye Jingtang didn't dare to accept this move, he quickly turned over, pulled up his clothes in the air, and landed smoothly:

"I'll go out to get some food and boil some hot water, and I'll call you when I'm done."

Dongfang Liren was very confused, and he was embarrassed to watch Ye Jingtang, so he turned around and faced the inside, without saying a word.

tata tao~

The door opened and closed, and the room fell silent.

Dongfang Liren opened his eyes, looked back, and confirmed that after Ye Jingtang went out, his face turned red again, he sat up quietly, lifted the quilt to look at it, quickly covered it up, and found his little clothes from left and right. :
"This color embryo..."
"Boss, here are two bowls of mutton."



In the early morning, the sun has not yet jumped out of the mountain, and there are already early risers walking around on the street.

On the mutton stall diagonally across from the Escort, Niao Niao was squatting at the table, with a plate in front of him, which contained fresh-cut mutton, and was feasting on it.

On a nearby table, there was a middle-aged man dressed as a Jianghu man, who was sipping mutton soup, and when he saw Ye Jingtang approaching, he quickly put down his chopsticks.

Ye Jingtang didn't know this person, and thought it was the gang brought by Uncle Song. After ordering two bowls of mutton, he was about to sit down and say hello, when the middle-aged man got up and bowed:
"Humble Wang Ning, pay homage to Duke Ye."

Ye Jingtang was slightly taken aback when he heard this, since he came to Liangzhou, he naturally knew the court's arrangements here.

Before winter, the imperial court had sent many spies around Tianlang Lake, and the main person in charge was Wang Ning, the military supervisor of Heishiguan, who had some connection with the royal family of Yazhou, and could be regarded as one of the eyes and ears of the empress.

He asked Uncle Song to go to Heishi Pass yesterday, just to call Hei Ya's contact person, but he didn't expect Wang Ning to come over in person overnight, and immediately bowed his hands:
"It turned out to be Mr. Wang, Jiu Yang. Sit down and talk, there is no need to engage in such ostentation outside."

Seeing this, Wang Ning sat down again, took out a booklet from his sleeve, handed it to Ye Jingtang, and got straight to the point:
"This is the news sent by the court's secret stake from the Xihai Protectorate in recent days. Please read it, Mr. Ye."

Ye Jingtang took the booklet and looked at it in the dim light of the early morning. It could be seen that the booklet was densely written in great detail, including military transfers, personnel arrangements, and even business dealings.

Xihai Duhu Mansion is the newly established Northwest capital after Beiliang annexed the Northwest Royal Court. It is connected with Zhenbei City in the north and Pingyi City in the south, forming the western defense line of Beiliang. They are all under the rule of King Zuoxian.

After the winter, the Xihai Protectorate Mansion performed routine military exercises, and most of the troops were transferred to the surrounding areas of the West Sea Protectorate Mansion. Those who were able to recruit and fight well in the northern and southern cities were also transferred there, and the city was sealed off to prohibit entry and exit.

Although the defense is tight, the army can only guard against the enemy's army or civilians. Like the people of the rivers and lakes who come and go, it is still a bit difficult to completely block them.

Recently, the number of wanderers in the Jianghu in the Xihai Protectorate's Mansion has doubled, and the Bai Xiaoying has arrested a lot of them, but the real masters are hidden in the city, and it is difficult to find out as long as they don't show their faces.

Ye Jingtang browsed back and found the records about Xuehu flowers. It can be seen that the report of the hidden pile is "no water leaks". Xuehu forest is completely under martial law. The pile doesn't penetrate at all.

As for the place where Xuehu flowers are stored and dried, according to hidden piles, it is speculated that it is in the prison in the east of the city. Let it go, obviously to make room.

The criminal prison has city walls that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. The cells are as solid as gold, and the interior is cool and ventilated, which is very suitable for storing snow lake flowers and drying them in the shade.

The jailers inside the criminal prison have been replaced by the elite of the Baixiao camp. Zuo Xianwang seems to be sitting in it himself. Recently, many Beiliang masters tried to sneak in, but they were all caught and shown to the public.

In addition, the intelligence also mentioned that the people from Jianghu who sneaked into the Xihai Governor's Mansion did not dare to break into the prison by force. They all robbed the convoy transporting snow lake flowers. It will be half a step away from the prison, and the probability of success is higher...

After reading the information carefully, Ye Jingtang put the booklet in his arms, pondered for a while, and asked:

"Master Wang, do you know the news about Eunuch Cao and others?"

Wang Ning, with the title of supervising the army, is actually the empress' eyeliner, responsible for the entire intelligence work outside the pass, and said:

"Duke Cao left the customs ten days ago, and he should have arrived at the Xihai Protectorate's Mansion by now, and he might be waiting for the snowy lake flowers to dry in the shade.

"According to the records, it takes half a month from picking Snow Lake flowers to drying in the shade to make medicine. According to the time calculation, it should not be more than a few days, and the dried Snow Lake flowers will be shipped in sealed boxes one after another. As for when and where Mr. Cao will do it Do it, it's not clear."

Ye Jingtang nodded lightly: "Then I have to rush to Xihai Governor's Mansion as soon as possible. How difficult is it to break into the prison?"

Wang Ning directly shook his head at this and said: "This method is not advisable. Even if Duke Ye rushed in forcefully, King Zuo Xian did not stop him. If the snow lake flowers were not completely dry, then Duke Ye would at most carry two or three dustpans. Counting it down, it might be just a few dollars, and Zuo Xianwang didn't even want to chase after him.

"King Zuo Xian is not stupid, it is impossible to wait for everything to dry before pretending to send it away together, they are all picked in batches, take a little and give a little, lest there are experts who do it all.

"According to Wang's estimation, after Ye Guogong waits for the snow lake flowers to dry in the shade, Jie's escort team will benefit the most. After drying in the shade, it is easy to carry, and the amount is relatively large..."

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, nodded and said:
"The quantity is large. King Zuo Xian will definitely send top experts to escort him. I just need to grab a few more times to get rid of all the top experts who can be escorted. King Zuo Xian can only transport to Yanjing himself, or take a large number of snow lake flowers after drying in the shade. , hoarding it in the Xihai Dufu Mansion, and then try to get it all together..."

? ?
What Wang Ning thought was just to rob a few more times, more pay for more work, he didn't expect Ye Guogong to be so dark-hearted, and he was always thinking about how to get rid of the blame.He admired:
"Ye Guogong's high opinion is that the humble official is too petty. Ye Guogong blocked the outside of the Xihai Duhu Mansion and came out to kill a batch. Zuo Xianwang dared to go out of the city, and the humble official tried to encourage the people of the rivers and lakes to rob the prison. It's difficult to take care of your head...but if other martial saints from Beiliang come here to run errands..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "Others can't move, Beiyunbian and Hepingtian are almost the same, they are all local emperors who occupy the mountain as king, but if they come to grab it, it is to give Beiliang face, it is impossible to run errands for Beiliang; as long as Xiang Han dares to If Zhongsun Jin dares to come, I will go directly to Yanjing to grab the dragon-crying map, and I will come back after training, and Master Xiang Han will clean it up..."

"Duke Ye is so courageous..."


Ye Jingtang sat at the table, discussed with Wang Ning for a while, and after deciding on the countermeasure of "fishing in the thirsty lake", Wang Ning had a job and didn't stay long, so he got up and left and rushed back to Heishi Pass.

After Ye Jingtang watched Wang Ning leave, he put his satiated Niao Niao on his shoulders, returned to the Escort Bureau with a tray of sheep's head soup, and reviewed the robbery plan along the way to see if there were any omissions.

The escort agency was not far from the mutton stall, and as soon as Ye Jingtang entered the compound, he heard the sound of "哗啦啦~".

Ye Jingtang turned around, thinking that he was licking him so badly that he was secretly taking a bath, but as soon as he entered the small courtyard, he saw a big stupid dressed as a home beauty, squatting by the well, with a A wooden basin, washing the clothes changed yesterday.

brush brush...


Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang hurried into the house to put down the mutton soup, and then went to the well, and grabbed the clumsy red hand:
"Why are you up? How can I ask His Highness to help you wash clothes..."

Dongfangli has always wanted to be strong since he was a child, and he was quite upset when he was treated like a young daughter-in-law who just passed the family. He pushed Ye Jingtang away:

"Who will help you wash your clothes? This king washes his own, and yours will be soaked for you, and you will wash your own later."

Ye Jingtang felt that if he didn't come back, Benben would just wash him up, how could he be so clear.He knelt down beside him and grabbed the clothes:

"It's fine for me to come. Your Highness doesn't know how to wash. If you rub it like this, even the best clothes will fade away..."


It is true that Dongfang Liren has never washed his clothes, but how could he not do such a simple thing?

Seeing that Ye Jingtang moved the basin away, she couldn't get her hands in, so she stood up:

"Don't be courteous, this king is not that easy to coax..."

"I know, the mutton soup is hot when you eat it first, and it won't taste good when it gets cold."

Dongfang Liren's lips moved, and he looked back:
"Then eat together and wash after eating."

"It's okay, I finished washing in two strokes, Your Highness will eat first."


Seeing that Ye Jingtang is so warm, Dongfang Liren felt a little uncomfortable rejecting people for thousands of miles, but he smiled at each other. The villain might start to leave people on the slope again later. She hesitated again and again, but still didn't speak, and went back to the East Wing. , sat at the desk.

Niao Niao was a bit sleepy after staying up all night, but he definitely couldn't sleep until he finished his meal, so he honestly squatted at the corner of the table to act cute, waiting for the fat-headed dragon to feed.

Seeing Ye Jingtang busy outside the window, Dongfang Liren couldn't move his chopsticks first, and looked at Niao Niao with a majestic look:

"Are you back? I asked you to look for Xuehu flowers yesterday, how many did you find?"


The bird screamed, opening its beak as if to invite credit.

Dongfang Liren wanted to nod at first, but immediately felt something was wrong, and said unsurely:


Niao Niao nodded like a pounding garlic.

? ?
Ye Jingtang outside the window stopped his movements when he heard the words, turned his head and said:
"You won't find the snow lake flower hidden by Uncle Song, will you?"


The bird spread its wings, inexplicably.

Seeing this scene, Dongfangli put aside the frivolity of last night for the time being, and held the bird over:

"Did you really find the Snow Lake flower? Where did you find it?"

Niao Niao tilted her head to indicate the direction outside the pass, and then spread her wings to grumble.

Dongfang Liren has known Ye Jingtang for so long, so she can naturally understand all kinds of information that Niao Niao signaled, such as direction, how far away, etc. She turned to look outside the pass:
"Northeast, more than 200 miles... that should be the battlefield of Liaoyuan..."

Ye Jingtang looked up a few times: "In the wilderness, there are only one or two flowers at most, do you want to go and have a look?"

Dongfang Liren personally arranged for Niao Niao to investigate, and it turned out that Niao Niao was found on the snowy field.

Dongfang Liren thought for a while: "Anyway, it's on the way to Pingyi City. Let's take a look while passing by. It's better to find one more snow lake flower than nothing."

"Then let's set off in the afternoon, and we have to rush to Xihai Governor's Mansion as soon as possible."

After chatting for a while, Ye Jingtang quickly washed his clothes, hung them on the clothesline, wiped his hands, sat down at the small desk, and began to eat.

The desk was not big, so Dongfang Li moved a little to the side of the bench and picked up the chopsticks.

The owner of the mutton stall is very honest, because Yejingtang is a regular customer from snack to adult, and he gives a large bowl, which is bigger than Benbuntuan'er. It is estimated that there is half a bowl of mutton and two white flour buns.

Yejingtang is just right to eat such a big bowl, and Dongfang Liren is not a rough man in the northwest, so he can't finish eating. She looked at a big bowl full of mutton, picked up a chopstick and put it in Yejingtang's bowl :

"Eat more, don't be hungry again on the way, and you won't have the energy to beat people."

Ye Jingtang saw that Benben began to care about him, so he moved closer:
"By the way, did your Highness understand it yesterday?"

Dongfang Liren was holding a bowl to drink two mouthfuls of soup, when he heard this, he frowned and said:
"What do you feel?"

"It's how to draw the tears of a chivalrous woman...cough—"

Before Ye Jingtang finished speaking, the toes under the table were crushed by the embroidered shoes, and he quickly raised his hand slightly to signal himself not to speak.

Dongfang Liren remembered the feeling of being out of breath last night, his face turned red, and after glaring at Ye Jingtang, he lowered his head and sipped the soup silently, but he really felt something in his heart.

At that time, you really can't paint with eyes full of shame and anger, as if you want to eat people, no matter how humiliating you don't want to be, you should close your eyes and tilt your head, grit your teeth and endure the humiliation, so as not to make a sound...

It seems that I have to help him refine the painting in the future...

Bah, he thinks beautifully...

Dongfang Liren felt that his thoughts were repaying good for evil, so he withdrew his thoughts and added:
"When the king returns, he will burn the album."

"Huh? Isn't this very good? It took so long to draw..."

"It's useless to say anything, you have to pay the price for doing something wrong."

"Then when I perform well in the future, Your Highness will draw another book for me?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

"Hehe... hiss~ Impossible, impossible..."



Young men and women sat side by side in front of the window, eating hot mutton in a basin, talking and laughing, the first ray of dawn in the east also jumped over the roof and shone in the yard...


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I recommend a copy of "The Celebrity Wives Hate My Vest and Not Me". If you are interested, you can see how long you can read~
(End of this chapter)

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