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Chapter 392

Chapter 392
In the afternoon, in the Escort compound.

Ye Jingtang dressed up as a rivers and lakes ranger, striding on horseback beside the two small pits in the corner of the courtyard to reminisce about the past, while Niao Niao, who had not yet woken up, lay on the wooden stake for boxing and kicking, teasing the charcoal red parked next to him. Ritual:



The fierce horse can be called fully armed, with a short board hanging on the right side, and two long soldiers hanging up and down side by side on the left side.

The Minglong Gun is a rifle used in infantry combat, and it can be swung on a tall horse, so the distance is a bit short; while the Chasing Sun is a horse lance, which is just over four meters long, and it is just right for fighting on horseback.

With Ye Jingtang's skill, there is actually not much difference between holding two long soldiers. After all, no matter how good a horse is, it can't hold him back when he goes all out. If he encounters a fierce battle, he still has to go to the ground; To defend himself with daggers, one of them was prepared for Benben.

Ye Jingtang closed his fists at his waist and strode forward, looking up at the sunset in the sky, he felt that the red sun hanging between the colorful clouds was big and round...

tata tao~
While thinking wildly, footsteps came from the backyard.

Dongfang Liren put on a black suit again, with a weapon hanging from his waist, held his head high and kept his chest up, walked straight to the side of the horse after going out, and got on the horse:
"Let's go."


Ye Jingtang calmed down, picked up the bird and put it in the horse's side bag, then turned on the horse and sat on the back, caught the reins and lightly clamped the horse's belly:

hooves, hoofs...

The horses trotted out of the Escort, then headed towards the entrance of the town, heading north in the setting sun.

Dongfang Liren was still sitting with her back straight, but the two of them rode together again, which was very different from when they came here. Surrounded by Ye Jingtang, with her buttocks between her legs, she always had A few scenes emerge.

For example, last night, the pervert turned her on her stomach, and then...

Recalling that feeling, Dongfang Liren blushed unknowingly, and gently slapped Ye Jingtang with his elbow.


Ye Jingtang sat obediently, did not move his hands or feet, and was suddenly beaten by a stupid, naturally a little innocent, tilted his head and said:
"What happened to me?"

Dongfang Liren tilted his head slightly: "If you dare to think wildly again, this king will kick you out."


Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Benben was so powerful and could read minds, he put away his messy thoughts and said with a smile:

"How did your highness see it?"

Dongfang Liren was blind, seeing that Ye Jingtang actually admitted it, he raised his elbow again.

Ye Jingtang quickly grabbed his hand and accelerated his horse:
"Okay, okay, I don't want to think about it. How about I play a tune for His Highness? I learned a lot when I was a dart player, um..."

While speaking, Ye Jingtang put his hands to his lips and began to play the Liangzhou ditty:


Dongfang Liren looked at the snowy field under the setting sun and listened carefully for a moment, feeling that there was indeed an artistic conception of the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, but the more he was like this, the more puzzled he was in his heart—how could such a perfect Erlang be a pervert...

I went to bed before I got married, and if I get married in the future, I have to greet her all the various punishments written on the "Xia Nv Lai"...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Liren was overwhelmed with anger, and lightly yelled at Ye Jingtang again.

Ye Jingtang was rough and fleshy, but he didn't hide, he just played the tune and galloped towards Heishiguan...
A hundred miles to the north of Honghe Town, there is a desolate wilderness, until you reach Heishi Pass, you can see the city wall pass built against the mountain.

Heishi Pass is one of the main passes of the Great Wei Dynasty. Although there are wastelands inside and outside, but because the commercial roads are relatively safe, there are still many caravans going back and forth from the West Sea and even Beiliang. Especially recently, the snow lake has bloomed, and the pass can be said to be full of people from all corners of the country. , There is even a queue to go out.

In the past, the imperial court had very strict control over people in the rivers and lakes. They would strictly check their identities and check their goods at the entry and exit gates, but recently they have relaxed a bit. let go.

Although these Jiangyang thieves do not work for the imperial court, they must make a profit; snow lake flowers, such treasures, will not be ruined no matter if they are taken by the underworld, and they themselves will not use much. There are always ways to get it back.

Not to mention anything else, just handing over three coins to Xuehuhua to save him from death penalty can wipe out the stock of Xuehuhua in the Jianghu in a few years.

The same is true for Beiliang. Although Zuo Xianwang does not allow people from Jianghu to rob prisons, but the news cannot be blocked, he can only divert them. The reason is to give rewards such as immunity from crime and even promotion to the ranks, so as to prevent the thieves from the rivers and lakes from selling Wei.

Under the secret game between the northern and southern dynasties, the chaos around Tianlang Lake can be imagined. As long as one or two bags of snow lake flowers flow out, the scene may be similar to Dayan robbing the imperial palace in the last year. Run with bare buttocks like a madman, otherwise he will definitely be chased and killed all the way.

However, the current situation is still in its early stages. Most of the people who leave the customs are looking for wild plants. Even the roots are not easy to carry, and there are few flowers. No one will work hard for this, so there are relatively few conflicts.

Ye Jingtang rode a horse out of the pass, and it can be seen that the wilderness outside the pass is calm and calm, and occasionally you can meet Jianghu people wandering on horseback, most of them are wandering within tens of miles outside the pass, the deeper you go, the sooner you meet the Jianghu people. The more powerful you are, when you arrive at the Liaoyuan Ancient Battlefield, you will basically not meet ordinary people. As long as you meet people, someone will divert you two or three miles away to avoid conflicts.

The wilderness is covered with snow. Although the moonlight illuminates the wilderness, the deadly atmosphere without even howling wolves still gives people a gloomy and depressing feeling.

After arriving at a snow hill, Ye Jingtang got off his horse, stood knee-deep in the snow, and scanned the boundless snow field.

The last time I came to the various parts of the West Sea, I went northwest to the ancient city of Langxuan; this time I went northeast, so it was my first time to Liaoyuan.

Dongfangli pressed the handle of the knife with his hand, and his demeanor was like that of a goddess of ice, walking in front, looking left and right:
"This place is still two hundred miles away from Pingyi City. Was it near here that you were picked up?"

Ye Jingtang recalled a little: "20 years ago, Qin Chi's tribe was chased here by Zuo Xianwang's army, and the whole army was wiped out in a bloody battle. At that time, the adoptive father was looking for Xuehuhua outside the pass. If I was also brought into the army, then It should have been picked up here."

Dongfang Liren swept away the snow with his shoes, and looked at the wasteland below:
"Whether in history, whether it was a war with the Northwest Royal Court or a confrontation between the North and the South, most of the battlefields were here, and I don't know how many bones were buried under the snow..."

Ye Jingtang knew that under the snow field, there must be layers of corpses and horse bones, including his biological parents and relatives, so he couldn't help but have mixed feelings in his heart.

But no matter how much these things are talked about, it will only increase worries, Ye Jingtang brushed aside distracting thoughts, and turned to look at Niao Niao:
"Where is the snow lake flower you found?"

As a snow eagle, Niao Niao is already at home on the snowy field. At this time, he is quite lively, rolling around in the snow and skiing.Seeing Ye Jingtang ask, Niao Niao slid towards the south, looking a bit like a fat penguin from a distance.

Ye Jingtang smiled secretly, led the horse to follow, saw Benben's serious expression and walked with the knife, jokingly said:

"Don't be so nervous. There is no one around, and there are people who are not my opponents. Your Highness can just go out and relax."

When Dongfang Liren and Ye Jingtang are together, they naturally feel a sense of security, but she is the boss, so she has to show a bit of shrewdness in front of her subordinates, and she can't just follow behind like a nympho confidante. "Wow~ Master Tangtang is really amazing".

Dongfang Liren still maintained a serious look when he heard the words, scanning the bare snow field:

"Being in a high position, you can't take it lightly at any time, especially if you are brave and slack off. Well... this king will test you. If you bring a hundred elite cavalry, you will meet a hundred cavalry from Beiliang here. , how to deal with it?"

Ye Jingtang didn't know anything about military affairs, so he followed behind and thought about it:
"Hmm... Let the subordinates rest where they are, and I'll go over and finish off the Beiliang cavalry before continuing?"


The corner of Dongfang Liren's eyes twitched, if he didn't have a ruler in his hand, he would have given Ye Jingtang a shot.She frowned and said:
"You are a dignified commander. If you leave your soldiers and horses to deal with the enemy by yourself, then what are you doing with a hundred burdens? To cheer you up and cheer behind you?"

If Ye Jingtang really took a hundred cavalry out, it is estimated that this wave of people really can only be shocked and applauded, and smiled at this:

"Otherwise? I can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy with one shot. What should I do if I kill my teammates?"


Dongfang Liren inhaled slightly, making the fat head puff up, but he really had no words to refute, so he changed his words:
"What if you bring 100 people and meet a thousand cavalry?"

Ye Jingtang led the horse through the snow and pondered for a while:
"Then lead the team to break through the siege. I will lead the way and kill a bloody road. The subordinates will follow. Thousands of people can't stop me."

Dongfang Liren said solemnly: "The Beiliang army is not stupid, with this kind of attack, you can only break out of the encirclement in the end, and all the people behind will die.

"If you encounter an enemy army several times your own in such an open area, you should quickly dismount and form a circle; no matter how many soldiers and horses there are in Beiliang, those who can rush to the front will only be outside the circle, and it will take only a few quarters of an hour. Bei Liang is afraid that the reinforcements will arrive, so he will leave. Not chaotic in times of danger, and adapting to local conditions, is the demeanor that a coach should have..."

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, then nodded slightly:

"His Royal Highness, if you encounter such a situation, I will let my subordinates form a circle, I will go out to kill a wave, and then jump back to rest, and so on..."


Dongfang Liren was completely speechless, and felt that the idea of ​​this sex embryo was outrageous, but Ye Jingtang really had this ability, so he stopped talking nonsense with Ye Jingtang, and followed Niao Niao forward for a few miles, and finally arrived at Near a snow hill.

Xueqiu is in a desolate area, and there are few people coming and going, but now you can still see some horseshoe marks.

Dongfang Liren walked around and found that something was wrong, so he slowed down and slightly raised his hand to block Ye Jingtang behind him:
"Watch out."

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't need to be stupid to remind him. From a long distance, he saw a few grooves on the snow, which seemed to be swept out by a tyrannical warrior.

Under the snow surface, there were still some broken limbs half buried. Judging from the depth, the conflict had not happened for many days.

Ye Jingtang took a closer look, first at the back of the snow hill, and then at an exposed rock wall half a mile away, where there was a touch of greenery.


Niao Niao squatted on the horseback, gestured to the greenness in the distance, and began to claim credit.

Dongfang Liren frowned, and did not run towards Xuehuhua, but first pressed the handle of the knife and came near the broken limb, and looked at the scar slightly:

"This trace... looks like it was smashed directly by a long soldier with a stick, and the martial arts of the person who did it is far superior to this king..."

Ye Jingtang wanted to laugh and say "this is not nonsense", but he would definitely be beaten by Clumsy when he said it, so he still nodded thoughtfully with him and looked at the greenness in the distance.

After the two got closer, they could see the greenness clearly. It was a snow lake flower growing from the bottom of the rock wall. It was bigger than the one Uncle Song took back, with six buds hanging on it. It can barely be used as medicine after being picked, and it is considered the best when placed among wild flowers.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Liren put his arms around his chest and was a little puzzled:
"Since there is a conflict here, why is Xuehuhua still there?"

"Snow Lake flowers are blooming one after another this month. This plant looks like it's not ready for the season. Maybe it's because it's afraid that it will lose its medicinal properties if it's picked in advance, so it's waiting for the flowers to bloom."

Dongfang Liren maintained the demeanor of a queen and nodded slightly, but immediately realized that something was wrong. After looking at the deserted snow field for a few times, he quietly retreated to hide behind his boyfriend, and whispered:

"Is there anyone here?"

Ye Jingtang is a bit funny, he is half a martial artist, in such an open place, even the wind and grass in a radius of two miles cannot be hidden from his eyes and ears, he already knew that there were people around, but he didn't startle the snake, he just acted dazed, left and right look up.

clap clap...

At this moment, footsteps sounded from behind the snow hill.

Ye Jingtang looked around in a blink of an eye, and saw a tall and thin figure wearing a bamboo hat and a cloak, appearing on the snow hill, carrying a long stick with two iron hoops on his shoulders, looking down at the two of them, due to the light, Only the chin illuminated by the moonlight can be seen.

Ye Jingtang turned his head to look at him slightly, and felt that this person had a good aura, and seemed to have signs of the unity of nature and man, so he couldn't help but be surprised, so he spoke first:
"Where is Your Excellency sacred?"

Standing on top of the snow hill is naturally Tian Wuliang, the former leader of the Tianmu Daohai Gang.

Tian Wuliang was placed in Beiliang, he could be regarded as a hero of the land, he made a living by smuggling and collecting tolls overseas on Tianmu Road, at his peak he helped more than two thousand people, and he had a tendency to develop into a wealthy family.

But those people who walk the underworld are destined not to last long. There are many sects of Tianmu Dao. The imperial court expressed its loyalty, and directly used him as a certificate of honor.

Yin Shicheng has high martial arts skills and is good at heretics. He is known for his cruelty. He doesn't need to pay attention to the morals of the rivers and lakes to kill him. In just one night, more than [-] members of the Hai Gang were wiped out.

Tian Wuliang was hit by Yin Shicheng and fell into the sea. Although he was lucky enough to save a life, his energy channel was damaged, and his martial arts stopped before the unity of heaven and man. Like the official jade armor of the Southern Dynasty, although he had no shortage of talent and time, But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't overcome the natural barrier of physical defects.

The Snow Lake Flower is the only chance for Tian Wuliang to come back and take revenge, so he has been wandering in the wasteland in recent years. After the flower bloomed this year, he has been guarding this Snow Lake Flower.

A few days ago, people from the Baixiao camp passed by, Tian Wuliang was walked by the young man who looked like a moth, but they couldn't silence them all, and originally wanted to escape to find another plant.

But what surprised him was that King Zuo Xian ignored him at all, and even the spies from the Baixiao camp who were searching for Xuehuhua didn't go here, obviously meaning to let him take it and get out of here.

Tian Wuliang thinks about it, and thinks it is true. To clean him up, Zuo Xianwang has to send a great master to be [-]% sure. Now that Xuehu Forest is in dire straits, Zuo Xianwang can't even take care of his family. flower.

Thinking of this, Tian Wuliang naturally became more courageous, and has been patiently waiting for the flowers to bloom these days; although there were two groups of gold diggers who broke in, but when they saw the corpses on the ground, they knew how to leave.

Seeing that the buds would open in a few days, Tian Wuliang originally thought that this trip would be safe and sound, but he never thought that another group of men and women would break in tonight.

Tian Wuliang stood on top of the snow hill, and carefully looked at the men and women in black under the snow hill—wearing lovers' clothes, clean clothes, all around [-] years old, they looked like they didn't know the dangers of the world, and came to join in the fun green.

The horse is very good, and the color of the eagle's coat is also good. It is estimated that it belongs to a wealthy family, so it is best not to cause trouble easily...

For this kind of fledgling who doesn't know the heights of the world and seems to have some background, Tian Wuliang is not polite, pressing his bamboo hat and saying coldly:

The voice was hoarse and indifferent, with a chilling murderous look.

Dongfang Liren couldn't figure out the depth of this person, but he could tell that he was a top expert. Hearing this, he frowned slightly, and leaned a little behind Ye Jingtang.

Seeing that there were only six buds, Ye Jingtang actually didn't intend to grab the life-saving medicine from the Jiang Hu people. After all, many of the people who came to find Xuehu flowers were lost people like his adoptive father. Lord, it should be on a first-come, first-served basis.

But the tone of the other party didn't seem like a knight-errant. Ye Jingtang happened to have no suitable target to try his fists after finishing his retreat in Yuxu Mountain. Seeing this, he responded:

"What if I don't?"


Not much speculation.

Tian Wuliang spent half of his life on the sea, and it wasn't the first time he met such a stunned young man who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so he didn't say much at the moment, and walked down the snow hill with a long stick.

clap clap...

The sound of footsteps is like a mountain.

Although Dongfang Liren is not very skilled in martial arts, he has seen many masters. Just based on his aura, he feels that this person may be in the same rank as Qiu Tian, ​​and he is only half a step away from Wu Kui. He is now cautious and wants to move behind Ye Jingtang a little, but...

What about people?

Dongfang Liren's eyes were on the bamboo hat guest on the snow hill, and he didn't notice any changes. He wanted to move behind his boyfriend, but he was shocked to find that there was nothing in front of him, and there was no one there!
Tian Wuliang, who was striding forward, was directly opposite, but he could see the details clearly.

He had just walked down three steps, and the figure of the black-robed young man who was holding the rein moved with the wind, as if being blown up by the wind, without causing any waves.

From a distance, it looked like a big living person, and instantly turned into an intangible ghost, but the speed was extremely fast, almost the moment he realized something was wrong, he had already floated to the side of the snow hill and entered the blind spot of vision.

? !
It was the first time Tian Wuliang encountered such a horrifying scene in his whole life in the rivers and lakes. His heart sank and he thought something was wrong. He immediately stopped and held sticks in both hands, and swept to the back with all his strength:

boom -

With one stick, all the snow on the snow mound was lifted up, causing a big white wave.

Tian Wuliang didn't perceive the location of Ye Jingtang. This stick was purely based on years of experience in the world. After all, if he couldn't see the opponent, he must be behind him, and it couldn't disappear out of thin air.

And this time it was obviously wrong.

Relying on his extraordinary body skills, Ye Jingtang silently disappeared into the corner of his field of vision, then his body surged up the snow hill, and he came behind Tian Wuliang in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the other party had reacted and responded accurately, Ye Jingtang's eyes flashed with surprise, but that was all.


The heavy stick swept across the army, and there was a muffled thunderous explosion behind him.

Tian Wuliang instinctively drew something, originally there was some relief in his heart, but it immediately turned into ashes!
I saw the heavy stick that had been with him for half his life sweeping the black shadow behind him with all his strength, and stopped suddenly.

The long stick seemed to hit the iron stake pierced deep into the ground, Tian Wuliang's tiger's mouth was instantly shattered, and his lungs and lungs were suffocated for a moment under the backlash of energy.

As for the black figure in front of him, he raised his right hand and grasped the top of the long stick. His robe was fluttering, but his figure didn't shake at all. The cold Hell-like face even had a little surprise, which meant—— It can be seen that there is still some strength...

? !
Seeing this scene, Tian Wuliang was terrified.

After all, he has been in the world all his life, and he is confident that even if he meets a great master such as Yin Shicheng, if he pulls out with all his strength, the opponent should respect him and avoid him.

But the other party's reaction was as calm as catching a three-year-old child's wooden stick, which can no longer be described as physically tyrannical.

After all, it is not difficult to catch, but it is difficult to stand still. He can release the force without any trace, so that his body remains motionless.

Tian Wuliang froze in place, at first he thought he had bumped into Zuo Xianwang, but the other party was about twenty years old, so it didn't look like him at all.


After a muffled sound, the snow hill suddenly became dead silent.

Dongfang Liren couldn't see Ye Jingtang's movements clearly at all, he only felt that as soon as Ye Jingtang disappeared, there was a turbulent energy on the snow hill.

When she saw the situation clearly, the snow hill had already calmed down, only Ye Jingtang standing there with one hand behind her back, and the hat-hat guest who looked a little dazed from the back.

Ye Jingtang caught the weak stick, because the strength crushed it too much, it was really meaningless, seeing the opponent was stunned, he didn't make another move, and let go of the long stick instead:

"This stick technique is very powerful, and it seems to be interesting."

Tian Wuliang pretended to be a living fairy, and he lost all aura in the past. He didn't even dare to hold a stick, so he let go of his hand and saluted, his old face was full of fear:
"It's the little one who has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai. Dare I ask the hero?"

Yejingtang naturally didn't respond, but just looked at the snow lake flowers in the distance:
"You seem to have a hidden wound on your body, did you find Xuehuhua to heal the wound?"

Tian Wuliang couldn't figure out the identity of the other party, because he was not an opponent at all, so he responded honestly:

"In Shimoda Wuliang, he was originally the leader of the Tianmu Daohai Gang. Because he offended the Juntian Mansion, he was killed by the Yin Shicheng, and his body was also secretly injured, so he came to look for this thing..."

Seeing this person, Dongfang Liren realized that her subordinates are powerful, and regained her calm demeanor, and came to Yejingtang:
"Tian Wuliang... seems to be the leader of the pirates who ran rampant in the East China Sea more than 20 years ago..."

Tian Wuliang saw that this imposing woman with average strength had heard of him, his heart sank, and he quickly explained:

"Miss misunderstood, it's not right to smuggle goods and collect tribute money for a living, but I can't talk about pirates. I have also beaten many pirates. Otherwise, no merchant ship would dare to cross the sea. Where can I earn money to support two people?" A thousand mouths?
"The rumors outside are all slander. Yin Shicheng wanted to go ashore for nothing, and the eunuch of Tianmu Dao also wanted to show merit to the court, so they teamed up to kill me, then put all the shit on my head, and told Yanjing to kill me. Killed two thousand sea bandits, this is killing the good and taking the credit..."

Dongfang Liren sits in the Black Yam and knows everything about the north and south rivers and lakes. Even if Tian Wuliang speaks the truth, he is similar to Jiang Zhahu. He is the king of the mountain who engages in smuggling and collects protection fees. If you are destroyed, it is also punished according to the law.

Because it was about Beiliang, Dongfang Liren didn't delve into it, and instead asked:
"According to records, you fell into the sea and disappeared. Because you were the leader of the bandit, Beiliang gave you a 'drowning death'. Why are you still alive?"

Tian Wuliang said about this: "I fell into the sea in a coma back then, and I was caught in a storm and a big wave. I was doomed, but for some reason, when I woke up, I floated to an overseas isolated island.

"There is a tree on that island that bears fruit. I wanted to eat it, but I didn't expect that there were still people living on that island. I was knocked out. When I woke up, I went back to the beach and the wound was almost healed.

"I was rescued, and I wanted to go back to thank you, but since then, I have never found that island again..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this legendary story, he felt that it was a bit of a lie to a child, and frowned slightly.

Dongfang Liren, on the other hand, thought about it day by day:

"Overseas isolated island... tree... Didn't you find Xianyu Island?"

Ye Jingtang turned his head and said doubtfully:
"Where is Xianyu Island?"

Dongfang Liren explained: "It is rumored that the first emperor wanted to live forever, so he sent people overseas to visit immortals, and found an island with a sacred tree on it. Eating the fruit can cure all diseases and make people live forever.

"However, this legend is even more mysterious than the picture of Minglong. At least there is a picture of Minglong. No one has ever found that fairy island. Master said that she has been overseas before, but returned in vain..."

Tian Wuliang nodded and said: "I've heard the rumors too, but I didn't think much about it at the time, and later I wanted to verify it, but the sea is so vast, I can't find it at all..."

Ye Jingtang guessed that Shui'er went to that fairy island to treat Yuhu's illness.He thought for a while and asked:
"Are you sure you've been to that island?"

Tian Wuliang nodded: "If I had never been there, how would I have escaped under the siege of the Yin Shicheng? I reckon that place should be within a thousand miles of Leigong Island..."

Ye Jingtang felt that the news was of no use for the time being, so after listening to it for a while, he didn't ask any more questions, and instead said:

"You are an old injury. Only by relying on these few snow lake flowers, at most it can be relieved slightly, but it cannot be completely cured. I really want it, I can give it to you, but you have to do something for me."

Although Tian Wuliang is skilled in martial arts, but he is alone with one life, and belongs to the gangsters wanted by Beiliang. He really dare not go to the Xihai Dufu Mansion, and can only look for wild flowers around the periphery. Hearing this, he cupped his hands and said:
"What's the plan for the hero?"

"You are good at martial arts, and ordinary masters should not be able to keep them. Going to Tianlang Lake these few days and robbing Zuo Xianwang's escort team is really too risky. You can just harass them. It is best to scare all the teams out of the city back. Wait until now. After the matter is over, you go to Heishiguan to find Wang Ning, the supervisor, and he will give it to you."

If he only harassed and didn't forcefully rob, Tian Wuliang would naturally be sure to get out, but he obviously doubted the authenticity of Ye Jingtang's words:

Ye Jingtang didn't explain too much: "If you don't believe me, you can go and snatch it yourself, whether you can walk out of the snowfield alive depends on your ability.

"To be honest, with your martial arts, in the current Tianlang Lake, you can't even rank second-rate."


Tian Wuliang has been in the rivers and lakes all his life, and he is still a little unconvinced when he hears this, but he also understands in his heart that it only takes one finger to kill the black-robed young man in front of him, and how many such dragons are there near Tianlang Lake, it is impossible to say. Sure, after a little hesitation, I still hand over:
"I will do my best, and I hope the hero will not break his promise."

Ye Jingtang didn't respond, and got on the horse.

Dongfangli was in front of outsiders, and his aura was crushed by the majestic adults. At this time, it was not easy to make a fuss, so he got on his horse and sat behind him silently, and continued to walk towards Pingyi City together...

(End of this chapter)

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