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Chapter 393 Pingyi City

Chapter 393 Pingyi City

In the middle of the night, on the top of the wall of Pingyi City, there are still large groups of soldiers and horses patrolling back and forth; In the city, waiting for the end of this turmoil.

Pingyi City is an important military town under King Zuoxian's command. It is mainly used to guard against the rebellion of the Gouchen tribe and King Liang's northward march. At the same time, it can also rush to the Tianmenxia Pass of Yazhou on the middle line. The intelligence department of King Zuoxian's mansion facing the south is also set up here. , but the ostensible identity is the anti-theft department of the Baixiao camp, from the outside, it is just an ordinary yamen.

In the dead of night, in a classroom on the side of the yamen, two spies responsible for collecting information outside were reporting the situation:

"There are many thieves from Liaoyuan, but they are relatively peaceful, and there is no sign of a large number of people moving to the royal city..."

"How is Tian Wuliang's situation?"

"The weather is calm, it seems that I just want that snow lake flower, and I will leave if I take it..."

"Hmph! Anyone who dared to kill my Baixiao camp, if the current situation was not severe enough to escape, this old man would have to lead someone to kill that old man..."


Jia Shengzi sat at the front of the desk, recording various news with a pen.

And in the several rooms in the front yard of the yamen, there are the elites of the Baixiao camp who are on standby at any time, and they are also chatting with each other about the situation outside.

As Lu Jieyun's direct heir, although Xu Tianying is a bit unworthy of inheriting the 'running leader', his martial arts attainments are indeed top-notch in the Baixiao Camp, so the residence is also more luxurious, and he specially arranged a private courtyard for him to live in. , I usually don't have to go out to run errands, and I will only come forward to do things when necessary.

Because Jia Shengzi and others are still in the review stage of returning to the country, they cannot go back to the Xihai Duhu Mansion, and there is nothing to do. Xu Tianying has nothing to do, and has already started to maintain his health. He is sitting in front of the sea of ​​tea in the study, taking it easy. with kung fu tea.

Cao Aning was also in the study, and his expression was obviously a little more sad than before.

Cao Aning has been in the Imperial City as long as he can remember, and was adopted by Eunuch Cao as his adopted son. Although Eunuch Cao is meticulous in character and has almost no personal feelings, he is not considered a loving father, but the kindness of martial arts is here.

Cao Aning has never denied that he is a villain who is greedy for power. He has no definite position on whoever is forced to mess with whom. Last year, he robbed the Heiya dungeon, and even used his adoptive father to test the depth of the empress.

But at that time, knowing that her adoptive father was still useful, even if she wanted to die, the Empress would not kill her.

But now it is not the case, the Empress has Ye Da Yan Wang, and the foster father has lost the meaning of existence. Now, letting the foster father out is to let the foster father have a beginning and an end, and die well. One last thing.

Cao Aning is a eunuch without father, mother, wife, and children. When his adoptive father is alive, he still has a way of life.

And once the adoptive father died, he became a vagrant completely. No one knew when he was alive, and no one cared about him when he died.
Cao Aning doesn't necessarily regard Eunuch Cao as his father, but Eunuch Cao is indeed the only person in the world who has an emotional bond with him.

Eunuch Cao took a few people and ran to the Xihai Governor's Mansion to grab the snow lake flowers, and he was destined to never return.

Cao Aning could not dissuade him, nor was he able to reverse the situation. At this moment, he was pacing back and forth in the teahouse, looking north from time to time and sighing softly. He had not spoken for a long time.

Xu Tianying was implicated by his master, from being the arrogance of the great Wei Dynasty to being a hidden stake in lurking in the enemy's country alone. In fact, he was aggrieved deep in his heart. Seeing Cao Aning sighing, he began to persuade:
"Cao Qiansui guarded the imperial city for a period of six years. He never made a mistake in his life. He was able to finish the last game vigorously in the enemy's northwestern border. It can be regarded as a good start and a good end. If this kind of hero really dies in silence It's a pity that I fell into bed..."

Cao Aning turned around at the window, frowned and said:

"What you said is light. If it can really start to work, and I can exchange one death for Jiazi's achievements, I'm too happy; but Mr. Cao has been imprisoned in the dungeon for ten years, and he is only good at defending but not attacking. He ran to trouble King Zuo Xian, and What's the difference between dying?"

Xu Tianying had seen Zuo Xianwang's dominance before, if Xue Baijin hadn't made a surprise attack, he would not necessarily lose in a [-]v[-].No matter how tough Cao Qiansui is physically, he can only be beaten passively when he meets him. The difference is that he lasts longer than ordinary Wukui, and he has no winning point at all.

Xu Tianying thought for a while: "Cao Qiansui probably won't be reckless, as long as he manages to sneak into the Xihai Governor's Mansion, steal the Snow Lake Flower, let his subordinates desperately break through, and Cao Qiansui risk his life to stop Zuo Xianwang, there should still be a chance."

"King Zuo Xian is not alone, and there are many masters under him, so what if Cao Gong supports Zuo Xian Wang alone?"

After Cao Aning put his hands down, he said angrily:
"It's the same with Hades this night. When I didn't want to see him the most, I just turned my head and he would stand behind me and scare people to death. It's good now, the news has been sent for half a month. I look forward to the stars and the moon and look forward to him." Come, but the neck was broken and no one was seen."

Xu Tianying wanted to answer the conversation, but when he looked out of the window from the corner of his eye, he suddenly sat up a little straighter, with a strange expression on his face:
"Then you come in the opposite direction, try not to see each other?"

"Why do I do it the other way around? I can't always say behind my back that Ye Dayan Wang dawdles like girls, and when he turns around, he... hiss!"

While Cao Aning was speaking, he looked back instinctively, wanting to try his great summoning technique to see if it worked.

The result was good. Looking back, I found a stern man in a black robe standing outside the window behind him. He was wearing a bamboo hat with his hands behind his back, and those eyes were looking at him like Yama.

? !
Cao A Ning and his face turned pale as if he had hit a ghost, his legs went limp, and after he realized it, he looked at Xu Tianying again:

"You fucking..."

Ye Jingtang had just come from Liaoyuan, because he was in the branch of Baixiaoying, he couldn't be too public, so he raised his hand slightly to signal to be safe and calm, and then entered the tea hall:
"I just rushed over from Jiangzhou thousands of miles away. It's really a bit slow, and I kept you waiting for a long time."

Just as Cao Aning was still talking ill of Lord Yan behind his back, King Yan came to the door directly, not to mention how embarrassing he was, he quickly cupped his hands and said:

"It's not too slow, it's coming soon, the humble job just now was just a joke, please don't blame Ye Guogong..."

How could Ye Jingtang take this kind of joke to heart, came to sit down beside the tea table, and said straight to the point:

"Can you find out where Duke Cao is now?"

Although Cao Aning couldn't go back to Xihai Protectorate's Mansion, he must have been paying close attention recently, so he quickly picked up the teapot and poured tea for Ye Jingtang:

"Cao Gong's location is not clear, but according to my private inquiries, there should be a batch of dried snow lake flowers from Tianlang Lake to Hudong Road at noon tomorrow. The Zuoxian Prince's Mansion asked me to pay close attention to the activities of the people in the surrounding areas of Pingyi City. Move in order to avoid mistakes on the road.

"Duke Cao's combat power is not as strong as Duke Ye's, and he doesn't have many subordinates. It's impossible to force his way to the prison. I guess he will do it on the way..."

Ye Jingtang signaled Cao Aning to sit down too:
"How many snow lake flowers are in this batch? Who are the accompanying people?"

Cao Aning sat across from the tea table and thought about it carefully:

"As far as I know, the box enclosing Xuehu flowers was originally made by the Liang Dynasty. The material is Yashan jade, and a box contains half a catty, which is used to reward the princes; Flowers were given to the Northern and Southern Dynasties as national gifts.

"Snow Lake Flower is a medicinal material, and it will be stored for decades, so I dare not make any mistakes. This method of packaging has been used for several times without any problems, and Beiliang must not dare to change the specifications randomly. If you want to send it for this reason, It should be one or two boxes, and then two or three teams should leave separately to confuse the public..."

Xuehu flowers are used as medicine, and two or three dollars is considered a generous prescription. Half a catty of dried Xuehu flowers is enough to practice a Tianlang bead, and the amount is definitely not a lot.

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, and asked again:

"Do you know the exact route and the identity of the escort?"

Cao Aning shook his head: "I'm afraid the route will not be determined until the time of departure, and no one knows at the moment. As for the escorts, Daoyu, the Poison Saint Master of Beiliang, must be among them, as well as the leaders of the Baixiao Camp and the recent recruits. Jianghu masters, as well as elite cavalry..."

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled: "King Zuo Xian has recently recruited masters of the world?"

Cao Aning nodded: "The Jianghu people who come to Tianlang Lake have the biggest appetite and only ask for two sets of medicine Xuehuhua. Zuo Xianwang can afford it. Recently, they have attracted many fierce people from the Jianghu, and the most powerful one should be Xie Jianlan."

"Xie Jianlan?"

Ye Jingtang frowned and thought about it, but he had never heard of this person.

Seeing this, Xu Tianying interjected: "It used to be the young master of Xie's family in Langzhou Prefecture of Beiliang. When will the wind follow the prodigal son, and when will the gladiolus blossom?'.

"Xie Jianlan was very famous back then, but it's a pity that she retired from the arena at the age of 20 because of emotional injuries. She hasn't shown up in the past ten years, and she suddenly came to Zuo Xianwang's mansion a few days ago. According to the people in Baixiaoying, Zuo Xianwang is I came out to treat guests in person, and there was no conflict with each other. I guess I came to ask for medicine, and the two sides reached an agreement..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he couldn't help but secretly frowned, thinking that this character was a bit tricky.

There is an old saying in the Jianghu, "It is better to step on the old fairy than to bully the young", which means that when walking in the Jianghu, it is better to offend the old heroes who have achieved fame than easily offend the good seedlings who have just emerged.

Because the old heroes who have achieved success and fame, such as Xuanyuan Chao and Lu Jieyun, their talents have already exploded when they were young, and it is difficult to improve their martial arts. Even if they are offended, they still know how far to hide.

Young people are different, their potential is immeasurable, such as Jiang Zhahu and Liu Qiansheng, who had a feud back then, but did not kill the grass, so what if he is the eight leader?When Jiang Zhahu came back ten years later, Liu Qiansheng still beat him without losing his temper.

And the most obvious example is Ye Jingtang himself, Shuiyun Jiantan's not long eyes provoked him, now that Zhou Huaili's tomb has been moved out of the ancestral mausoleum, the Zhou family is worried all day long, for fear that Ye Jingtang will suddenly come to the door.

Xie Jianlan was able to be compared with Hua Ling ten years ago, her talent must not be bad, because she was emotionally injured and retired without being secretly hurt. If she has been practicing martial arts with great concentration for the past ten years, it is impossible to predict how far she will grow now.

In fact, there are people like this in Wei, such as Xuanyuan Tiangang, who was ranked first among the three masters of Yunze 30 years ago and was not injured. The thing is, Xuanyuan Tiangang has become disheartened towards Jianghu, and he doesn't want to come out again.

Ye Jingtang pondered for a moment, then asked:

"Since Xie Jianlan washes her hands in a golden basin, why did she leave the mountain again?"

Xu Tianying shook his head and said: "That's not clear. This person should be more difficult to deal with than Shi Daoyu, Master Ye should be more careful; besides, there are many deep-water old bastards in the rivers and lakes. underestimate..."

When Cao Aning heard this, he also nodded and said: "That's right. When I came back, I met Tian Wuliang, the former overlord of the Tianmu Dao in Liaoyuan. His thunder stick is superb, and I am afraid that he has reached the level of Wukui..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly: "I just got convinced, and went to Tianlang Lake to help me snatch the caravan."


Cao Aning opened his mouth, held back for a long time without saying a word, then nodded:
"That's good, it's a lowly position that worries too much..."

There are indeed quite a few deep-water bastards in the Jianghu, but most of the people who can come to grab the flowers in the snow lake are Liu Qiansheng and Tian Wuliang, who have lost their way in the Jianghu with dark illnesses.

Master Sun, a master of the outside world who retired voluntarily after becoming famous, would never come to participate in such Jianghu affairs, and he is actually not afraid of coming to Yejingtang now.

And people like Xuanyuan Tiangang and Xie Jianlan are very few after all, and there are not many people in the north and south combined. If you really encounter them, you just need to pay more attention not to underestimate the enemy. No matter how powerful they are, it is impossible to really hold him down.

Ye Jingtang talked for a while, and after roughly understanding the information, he got up and said:
"I'll take my leave first. Since Zuo Xianwang didn't let you go back to Xihai Duhu Mansion, you don't want to participate in this matter. When Zuo Xianwang is short of manpower, he should call you back for emergency."

Xu Tianying got up to send it off respectfully, but Cao Aning was a little hesitant, after thinking about it, he said:
"I hope Duke Ye can pay attention to Duke Cao..."

"I have my own measure."

After Ye Jingtang finished speaking, he jumped lightly and disappeared into the room...
The yamen is located in the southwest corner of Pingyi City. Because of the fierce reputation of Baixiaoying, there are very few idlers who dare to walk around, and merchants who want to be safe often like to settle nearby. For this reason, many inns have been opened in the surrounding area. Restaurant.

Ye Jingtang and Benben entered the city overnight, and the place where they live is actually diagonally opposite the yamen.

Ye Jingtang came out of the yamen after chatting about business affairs, and soon came to the inn. As soon as he entered the room, he saw a big stupid dressed as a heroine in black, standing at the window with his arms crossed, looking through the gap opened by the window Li looked downstairs.

Niao Niao also huddled on the window sill, looking out with one eye.

Ye Jingtang closed the door, came to the window, and looked outside:
"what happened?"

Dongfang Liren signaled to a dozen or so carriages full of goods in the backyard of the inn:
"That is the brand name of Yanjing Wanbao Building, the property of Hua Qingzhi's family."

Ye Jingtang had seen the brand name of Wanbao Building in Yazhou before, and after hearing this, he looked it up carefully, and found that there was a signboard of Wanbao Building hanging on the carriage, so he looked around.

Dongfang Liren closed the window and looked back at Ye Jingtang:
"What are you looking for? Do you miss Miss Hua?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said, "It's just to have a look. Hua Qingzhi returned to the capital. He probably just arrived home now, so how could he come here?"


Dongfang Liren went back to the tea table and sat down, picked up the teacup, and wanted to inquire about business as usual.

But when he looked up, he saw that the dignified lord came to the hanger and began to take off his clothes...


Dongfang Liren's sitting posture straightened up a bit, his eyes were a little bewildered:

"Yejingtang, what are you doing?"

Ye Jingtang paused, turned his head to look at the bed:
"Sleep, why not?"


Dongfang Liren's face turned red for some reason, he stood up with a serious look, and picked up the saber from the table:

"Then you go to sleep, the king sits here to watch the night, call me when you wake up."

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, took off his robe, and lay down on the bed in thin trousers, closing his eyes:
"Tomorrow, I have to go to Tianlang Lake to squat. I don't know how many days I will squat. I have to rest and recharge my batteries. It's okay for His Highness to watch the night. I will get up in the middle of the night and change shifts with His Highness."


Seeing that Master Tangtang didn't let her sleep, Dongfang Liren secretly breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the chair, put the long knife across his lap, and pretended to be on vigil seriously, and after thinking about it, he put the bird outside the window again, Let it go to the roof to watch.


There was no sound in the room, and once the two of them sat together, about half an hour passed without knowing it.

Dongfang Liren closed his eyes and pretended to be meditating. Before his heart calmed down, he suddenly saw Ye Jingtang opened his eyes again, and sighed softly.

"what happened to you?"

"I can't seem to sleep. Tomorrow, half a catty of snow lake flowers will be transported back from Tianlang Lake. It's really important. Why don't you try to make me faint?"


People from Dongfangli were stunned when they heard this—if they were in Yun'an City, she would definitely help to knock the embryo unconscious. The guard knocked out, what should she do?
Seeing this, Dongfang Liren's eyes were slightly cold:

"If your heart is not calm, you can't fall asleep naturally. Are you thinking wildly again?"

Ye Jingtang smiled lightly, but did not deny it:

Dongfang Liren saw that this color embryo was not wearing any pretense, and his eyes were annoyed:

"Then it's fine if you don't think about it? What can I do? Who will protect me if I knock you out?"

Ye Jingtang thought about it, and closed his eyes again:
"Okay, I'll try not to think about it."


The room became quiet again, with two breathing sounds one after another.

Dongfang Liren was sitting upright, his expression as motionless as a mountain, but his heart was full of waves, and he began to recall the scene of last night...


She gritted her teeth secretly and warned herself not to think about it, but the more she didn't think about it, the more those pictures appeared, and she blushed unknowingly.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, Dongfang Liren sighed softly when he saw Ye Jingtang, and opened his eyes:

"You are a majestic eighth chief, and you can't even suppress your thoughts?"

Ye Jingtang shrugged slightly, sat up and wiped his face:
"People are not sages, and His Highness can't hold back his thoughts. Why don't His Highness go to bed first, and I'll watch the night."


Dongfang Liren didn't feel sleepy either, feeling that being so exhausted was a complete waste of rest time.

She knew the risks of this trip, and she didn't dare to let Ye Jingtang go out to fight and kill before he had a good rest. After hesitating for a while, she put down the knife, got up and walked to the bed:

"Lie down."


Seeing that Benben didn't let him go down, Ye Jingtang was quite surprised, and immediately lay down again.

Dongfang Liren secretly gritted his silver teeth, took off his shoes and lay down beside him, with his hands folded on his waist:
"Are you satisfied now?"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang felt that Benben was so considerate, immediately pulled up the quilt, covered Benben's body, then hugged her into his arms, lowered his head and bit his red lips.


Dongfang Liren clenched his fists tightly, but there was nothing he could do with a thick-skinned one, so he closed his eyes and did not respond.

Ye Jingtang untied the black dress slowly, took off the wrist guard, dagger, throwing knife, soul-leaving needle, etc., and put them on the dressing table...

After putting it on for a while, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but let go of his lips, and looked at a pile of weapons:
"Your Highness, you have too many weapons, and you don't need them..."


Dongfang Liren was a little dizzy after being kissed just now, he was immediately annoyed when he heard this, opened his eyes and stared at Ye Jingtang, and wanted to get up and walk away.

"Hey! I didn't say that His Highness is wrong. Although I don't usually use it, I just have few weapons with me. I can only find weapons everywhere..."

Ye Jingtang apologized with a smile, knocked down Stupid, unbuttoned the black skirt, pulled it out and threw it aside, and the shiny fat-headed dragon bellyband immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Lying flat on the pillow at this time, because the fat-headed dragon is indeed magnificent, you can still see a half-curved white from the side of the apron, and under the beautiful vest line, there are white underwear, which is very slim, and you can see the silhouette that fits perfectly...

But Benben is tall and has a superb figure. His waist is thin but his upper and lower circumferences are full and majestic. The proportions are just right, with a strong visual impact, like a piece of carefully carved jade.

Dongfang Liren's face turned red and he closed his eyes. Seeing Ye Jingtang not moving, he just stared at him, then put his arms around his chest again:
"If you dawdle any longer, go out to watch the night. If you don't sleep well, blame yourself. Don't say that this king doesn't know the general idea."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang nodded with a smile, pulled his wrists away, and flicked the cloth lightly, the upside-down jade bowl slid out, he still couldn't hold it with one hand.

Nourishing ~
Dongfang Liren's insteps arched slightly, and after holding back for a while, he found that Ye Jingtang was eloquent and deliberately torturing people, and his heart was in a state of confusion, so he simply raised his hand to support Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and pushed to the side:
"A big man, whistling..."


Ye Jingtang still wanted to speak, but he found that Benben approached him with a murderous look, blocking his words, and then his body sank, being pressed firmly by the heavy heat.

Benben is only two fingers shorter than him, and his figure is also majestic. He must not be lighter, but it is so comfortable to press down...

Ye Jingtang saw that Benben was going to use what he had learned from Heroine Tears, so he didn't take the initiative anymore. He just wrapped his arms around his waist, stroking his hands along his back, and gradually slid to the moon, feeling really grand in his heart...

Dongfang Liren thought that long-term pain would be better than short-term pain, and taught Ye Jingtang how to do things, but it turned out that he was a bit unfamiliar with it, and he was dazed after a few kisses.

Fortunately, Ye Jingtang was very careful, guided slowly, and finally succeeded in accepting the villain...



Woke up at four o'clock in the afternoon, it's too late to finish writing or2!

By the way, roll your name and harvest luck:

Recommend a book "No, you call these witches the saviors?" ", there are many funny articles with female protagonists, you can read them if you are interested.

(End of this chapter)

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