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Chapter 394 Tianlang Lake

Chapter 394 Tianlang Lake

The next day.

In the early morning, the sky was still dark, and there was only a faint light on the window paper.

On the bed, Ye Jingtang opened his eyes silently, and looked into his arms in a blink of an eye. It can be seen that the stupid queen, whose expression is still calm and majestic, is still sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, and there is still some faint blush on her face. .

Ye Jingtang felt a little amused when he saw that he never forgot to look like a queen while sleeping, and felt that the contrast between clumsiness and stupidity was quite big.

Although Benben and Ning'er were almost the same when they first lay down on the bed, they both looked like they were forced to sacrifice themselves, but Ning'er followed through, even if she felt very comfortable in her heart, she still bit her lower lip lightly, acting as if she was a bit disgusted by the burden of humiliation. She has the appearance of a humiliated heroine, who can close her eyes but never open them.

But Benben is not the case, he doesn't resist when he enters the state, he is just a little bit ashamed.

When he leaned over and looked at each other, Benben turned his head to look to the left for a while, and looked to the right for a while. He couldn't bear to be looked at and said in embarrassment: "Why are you staring at me?"

He deliberately messed up halfway, stopped still, Benben waited for a while to find out that something was wrong, and would secretly glance at him with three points of doubt, which was quite different from his usual arrogant appearance.

Ye Jingtang stared carefully at his cheeks for a moment, although he was nostalgic for the warm quilt, but the business was in front of him, he had to go if he had to go.

Seeing that the sky outside the window was gradually getting brighter, and Benben didn't intend to wake up, he lightly lifted the quilt a little bit, and shook the jade ball with a good size in one hand:
"Your Highness?"


Dongfang Liren frowned lightly, then woke up leisurely, looked at the handsome cheek directly above, and then looked down...


The daze in Dongfang Liren's eyes instantly turned into embarrassment, and he sat up abruptly, covering his body with the quilt:
"You... you're still here?!"

Ye Jingtang hurriedly shook his head, his eyes were full of smiles, he turned over and landed outside the bed:

"It's dawn, get up early and go, I'll fetch water."

Dongfang Liren had just woken up, but her mind was still in a daze. She didn't fully wake up until Ye Jingtang quickly put on her clothes and went out. She looked around and said coldly:
"Yesterday, my king was afraid that you would not sleep well and delay your business, so I accommodated you. If you continue to be ungrateful and make more progress..."

"Got it, hurry up and get dressed."


Dongfang Liren saw that Ye Jingtang left the door while talking, and didn't emphasize it any more. Thinking of last night's more intense experience than last time, he felt strange in his heart. After rubbing his forehead with his hand, he got up and quickly put on his clothes. He hung the pile of weapons on the dressing table back on his body...
At the same time, the Protectorate of the West Sea.

Xihai Duhufu used to be the royal capital of the Northwest Royal Court. It was built a hundred years ago by the Qinchi tribe who unified the tribes. It is located on the shore of Tianlang Lake. It is considered the largest city in the West Sea tribes. At its peak, the permanent population was 80. Ten thousand.

However, the tribes of the West Sea are sparsely populated. Although they are rich in medicinal materials and minerals, the food production is insufficient. To maintain such a large city, it must be supported by strong national power.

Before Jiazi, Beiliang tore up the covenant and made a surprise attack on the rear of the royal court, causing the northwest royal court to collapse. This overly large royal capital was gradually abandoned, and most of the residents moved back to their hometowns in various ministries.

It was not until 20 years ago that Beiliang invaded the various ministries of the West Sea and brought Tianlang Lake under its jurisdiction that the city was refurbished and put into use. At present, there are more than [-] permanent residents in it, and [-]% of them are from Beiliang. Other living materials are mainly transported here from Hudong Road by the Beiliang court.

Although it has been idle for decades, the Xihai Duhufu was only built for more than a hundred years. It is still a very new city in the world. The internal blocks and roads are all built with reference to the ancient city of Langxuan. The density of pedestrians is low; the former Northwest Royal Palace is in the north of the city.

Because the specifications of the palace were obviously overstepped, King Zuo Xian had a special status, so he didn't dare to ostentatiously live in it to provoke criticism.

The Zuoxian Prince's Mansion was built on the side of the palace. It doesn't look much different from Jing Wang's Mansion. Not far away is the barracks of Bai Xiaoying. They are strange people recruited from all over the rivers and lakes, and the prison in Wangcheng is guarded by the Baixiao Camp, which is located at the rear of the Baixiao Camp.

In the early morning, the east had just turned bright white, and there were already more than a hundred people lined up in the school grounds of the White Owl Camp.

King Zuo Xian was dressed in golden armor and still had a mask on his face. Only his white hair fluttered in the wind. Standing in front of everyone, even looking at him at the same level, he still felt condescending.

The guards around him picked up three boxes wrapped in brocade from the tray beside King Zuo Xian, and handed them to the three leaders.

The box is exactly the same from the packaging to the weight, and it was sealed by Zuo Xianwang himself. He is the only one in the world who knows the authenticity of it, so that all escorts will treat it as the real thing.

The fake box contains 'Prisoner Dragon's Miasma', which is used to ensure that the escort will not steal it by chance.

The three teams of escorts also had a luxurious lineup. They were Beiliang Poison Saint Master Daoyu, Xie Jianlan, and the three leaders of the Baixiao Battalion. Each team was accompanied by thirty elite Baixiao Battalion.

Such a tyrannical escort lineup, if you want to snatch it, you have to bet on three teams. The challenge is enough to make any gangsters who want to take risks retreat. This trip can be said to be foolproof.

But Zuo Xianwang Li Jiao couldn't let go of the stone in his heart right now.

After all, he also experienced the scene of flowers blooming in the snowy lake. Xie Jianlan came here without invitation. Who knows if Sun Wuji, Mu Yunsheng, Xuanyuan Tiangang and other ruthless people who usually don't show their heads will jump out on the road to rob the darts.

If the three teams go out and reach Yanjing successfully, it means that the strength of the people squatting on Tianlang Lake is within the controllable range, and it will be easy to send them back.

If one is lost, then they can only go out with all their strength and let the masters under their command go with them, and send one box at a time slowly.

And if these three teams went out of the city and were all wiped out on Tianlang Lake, then the matter would start to go out of line.

King Zuo Xian either took the risk of being caught in a pot and took all the snow lake flowers, and personally led a team to Yanjing to send them off; or he was trapped in the Xihai Governor's Mansion and tried every means to hold on, waiting for the court to send someone to rescue the siege.

The three teams started separately and at the same time, with different routes and strong strengths, so it was almost impossible for them to be completely wiped out.

However, the masters under Zuo Xianwang's command are not endless, and it is also painful to be wiped out by one or two teams. Therefore, before setting off, he still warned:
"This trip is dangerous, everyone must be extremely careful. If a strong enemy invades, if you can break through the siege, if you are not sure, try to return to the capital. The king will send people to help at any time..."

More than a hundred people present knew that this trip was extremely risky, but they came out to work hard and ate this food, and no one objected at the moment. They each took their boxes and went out of the city.

Crying, crowing...

On the streets of the city, soldiers and horses patrolled and checked their identities all the time. Recently, very few people dared to run around in the streets; but no one can say clearly how many thieves who sneaked into the city are hidden in the street.

Following the team of more than a hundred people galloping out of the Baixiao camp one after another, heading for the three city gates separately, there was obviously a little change in the market.

In an inn about two miles away from Prince Zuoxian's mansion, Eunuch Cao, who was dressed as an ordinary merchant, stood in front of the window with his hands wrapped around his sleeves.

The old commander of the dark guard who followed came to the back at this time, and asked respectfully:
"Cao Gong, what should we do now?"

After a moment of silence, Eunuch Cao responded calmly:
"Three teams, there must be someone who is false. Xie Jianlan returned to the Jianghu after ten years of silence, and her strength should be stronger than Shi Daoyu. The possibility of holding the real thing is the highest, but there must be the most people in the Jianghu who are eyeing him.

"Shi Daoyu has Xie Jianlan as the leader, the pressure will be much less, and it is not impossible to bring the real thing.

"Furthermore, if Zuo Xianwang does the opposite and puts the real thing in the hands of three commanders of average strength, he may get away with it.

The old commander of the dark guard frowned and said, "Shi Daoyu is less risky than Xie Jianlan, and he is strong enough to escort Xuehuhua. The subordinates feel that it is more likely that he has the real thing."

Eunuch Cao shook his head: "If it's just an ordinary treasure, it's true that we should snatch the teacher's Daoyu, but no matter how clever Zuo Xianwang is, he wouldn't take half a catty of snow lake flowers to gamble on whether people in the world think too much.

"For this reason, the real thing should be in the hands of the strongest person. If you can't take it away, you can't take it away. If you really take it away, no matter how many tricks you play, it will be in vain."

The old commander thought about it too, and after a little deliberation:

"Xie Jianlan hasn't been out of the Jianghu for ten years. No one can tell what his skills are now, but he is definitely easier to deal with than King Zuoxian. How should we fight then?"

"Our family rushed to the battle alone. As long as you snatch the snow lake flowers, you will flee at full speed and wait in Nanhu Bay. If our family does not return for half a day, it means that you died in Tianlang Lake. You return to the pass immediately; if you come back, try to Grab the next batch."


The old commander felt that this trip was just a wave. Eunuch Cao was alone and helpless in the away game, and he also met a strong man Xie Jianlan couldn't figure out the details. It was almost impossible for him to escape unscathed.

However, this trip was originally intended to die, and they could exchange half a catty of snow lake flowers for the court. Their old lives were enough, and the old commander had no objections. After calling his colleagues, he left with Eunuch Cao Inn……
Call ~
The cold wind swept across the endless frozen lake, and under the warm sunlight, the sky and the earth turned into an endless azure blue.

Ye Jingtang galloped on the ice on a horse, the horse's hooves were wrapped in non-slip cloth, because it was the first time he came to Tianlang Lake, facing the vast world that he had never seen before, his eyes were full of admiration.

Dongfang Liren was ruined last night, and he didn't want to talk to Ye Jingtang on the way, but after leaving Pingyi City and entering Tianlang Lake, his mind was occupied by the magnificence of heaven and earth.

Just looking along the way is still not satisfying, Dongfang Liren still holds a booklet in his hand, sitting in Ye Jingtang's arms and drawing line drafts while walking, recording the scenery he saw.

Tianlang Lake will only thaw in March and April. It is still in the cold winter in the first month. The lake is frozen for thousands of miles. The ice layer is two or three meters thick. fish.

On land, even the flattest plains will always be somewhat undulating, but the surface of a frozen lake is not the case. It is so flat that people lose the sense of distance, just like walking in the blue sea, without any reference, no matter how you walk All seem to be in place.

Tianlang Lake is the largest inland lake in the world, known as the West Sea. If there is no one to guide it, it is common for people to lose their way on the ice sheet and freeze to death.

Fortunately, Yejingtang has a good sense of direction, and the road didn't turn around in circles, and it went straight north along the lake.

Tianlang Lake has a long and narrow terrain, with Sunset Peak in the north and Yashan Mountain in the south. If King Zuoxian's team set out this morning, ordinary people would definitely not be able to catch up if they ran over from Pingyi City.

Fortunately, Yejingtang's horse was powerful, galloping on the unimpeded ice field, it only took one day to reach the middle of Tianlang Lake, which is the east of the West Sea Protectorate.

After arriving at a certain place in Tianlang Lake, Ye Jingtang took out a map, roughly judged the current location based on the distance traveled, and then got off his horse and landed on the ice.

Dongfang Liren dismounted, took out the binoculars from the side of the horse, looked around on the endless ice field, frowned and said:
"The ice is so vast and there is no place to hide. As long as there are people, they can be seen with binoculars from a distance of more than ten miles. How can they squat?"

Ye Jingtang came to the side of the horse, and took out the bird who was still sleeping late from the bag:
"Such a big place, it's impossible to just pass by and let Niao Niao go out to find it. King Zuo Xian wants to send things back to Hudong Road as soon as possible, so that he won't deviate too far from the center line."

Dongfang Liren nodded, put away his binoculars, and tried to say something with his knife on his waist, but in Tianlang Lake in the cold winter, it was difficult to see anything other than the magnificence of Yimapingchuan, and there was really nothing to talk about.

Niao Niao has slept all day, and must fill his stomach before going to work. He originally wanted to eat the jerky that Ye Jing Tang handed over, but he looked down at the ice surface and started again:

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, and didn't treat Niao Niao badly. He took the long spear from the side of the horse, pierced it directly into the ice, and then lightly shook his wrist:

After a muffled sound, several cracks appeared on the ice, and Dongfang Liren hurriedly backed away a few steps upon seeing this.

Ye Jingtang pulled Ma Qian out, and an ice hole with a radius of more than a foot had been shaken out on the ice.

He took out a silver needle from the back of Clumsy's waist, bent it, tied it to a filament, put it on the dried meat, and threw it into the ice cave.

Seeing this scene, the Dongfangli people wanted to say that the fishing method was too rough, but not long after the jerky was thrown down, there was the sound of water splashing in the ice cave.

Ye Jingtang lifted up the thin thread and pulled out a big fat fish that weighed about three catties. His eyes were quite satisfied, and he took out a small dagger from behind Benben's waist, and began to skillfully kill, scale, and cut raw fish piece.


Seeing this scene, Dongfang Liren was a little speechless, and said to himself: "Isn't it true that you bring all the kitchen utensils with you? You don't even know how to say hello when you use them?"

However, she was carrying a bunch of weapons, which were really useless, and if they could be used for cooking, it was not in vain to go with her.

Dongfang Liren came to him and looked into the ice cave:

"Are all the fish here so stupid?"

"It's stuffy under the ice, if the ice isn't too thick, you don't need to fish, you can jump out by yourself..."

After Ye Jingtang cut up the fresh fatty fish, he fed it to the bird's beak. The bird likes to eat fish very much, his eyes became a line, and he looked at the fat-headed dragon very politely:
"Guji Guji?"

Dongfang Liren naturally didn't have the habit of eating raw meat, so he declined Niao Niao's kindness, and looked up at the starry sky that seemed within reach.

After waiting for the bird to eat and drink enough to fly out, Ye Jingtang took a blanket from the horse's side, spread it on the ice, sat on the ground, raised his hand and patted his side:

"Come and sit. How does Your Highness feel about the scenery?"

Dongfang Liren looked back, then sat down in front of Ye Jingtang, folded his knees and looked at the starry sky:

"This place feels like a place where gods live. After staying in the capital for a long time, I suddenly came here. I feel... um..."


Ye Jingtang was afraid that her buttocks would be frozen, so he picked her up and sat in his arms:
"It's quiet here. In terms of freedom, it's actually not as good as Shazhou. There are thousands of miles of yellow sand in Shazhou, and the waves are particularly spectacular. There are some oases in the middle. There are teams of horses and horses around the small lake, and there are people who come to drink water. Birds and beasts..."

Dongfang Liren was squinting slightly at first, but after listening to a few words, he didn't bother to bother with this flirt anymore. His buttocks, as round as a full moon, were perfectly embedded in the heels of his legs, and he hummed softly:
"You have been to Shazhou. How many times have you told this experience over and over again? Master, that's called going south and north. I have been to the East China Sea before. I said that the big waves there are as high as the mountains, and the thunderstorm can illuminate the entire sea area into daylight." At that time, Master was holding a small boat and forcibly wading through the thunderstorm. He also saw a ten-foot-long fish with a mouth that was higher than a human being.

"There is also the Northern Wilderness Snowfield. Have you ever met a big bear that is two people tall? There is also a snow wolf that is bigger than a tiger. Master even brought back a wolf tooth for me, and it is still in Mingyu Tower..."

Ye Jingtang is definitely not as good as Shui'er when it comes to Jianghu's experience. Hearing these mysterious stories about exploring the world, his heart is a little more yearning, and he said stupidly:
"I'm only young. I started running when I was eight years old. It's impossible to run as far as Fairy Lu. Isn't this just the beginning? From now on, wherever Fairy Lu goes, I will take His Royal Highness down, and I will catch fish as big as ten feet for the bird. Birds for dinner..."

Dongfang Liren had heard a lot about the wonders of heaven and earth from his master, but he didn't take most of them seriously because his master was out of tune.

But when she came to Tianlang Lake and saw the starry sky reflected on the surface of the lake, it was like being in a fantasy scene in the void. Only then did she realize that the bullshit that Master had boasted about might be true.

Hearing that Ye Jingtang wanted to take her there, Dongfang Li was naturally happy from the bottom of his heart, but if she was full of gratitude before fulfilling the promise, she would definitely be taken advantage of by this pervert, so she still maintained a calm and pretentious appearance:

"You are my king's subordinate. If I want to go, you have to accompany me. What does it mean to bring me there?"

"Hehe, also..."

Ye Jingtang didn't refute, sitting in his arms with his warm buttocks, he was still a little distracted, after thinking about it, he turned his stupid cheeks, and leaned forward to give him a deep kiss.

Dongfang Liren frowned, as if he wanted to say a few words, but he couldn't hide from being hugged, so he stopped hiding after kissing him twice, and then slowly opened his teeth.

The surface of the lake is endless, with the bright moon and the Milky Way above your head.

A young man and a woman in black are hugging and sitting on the ice, quietly experiencing the world of two outside the world. Although they are speechless, the affection from the bottom of their hearts is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Dongfang Liren considers herself a big woman, and doesn't mind having extra chopsticks in her heart. Back then, Ning'er finally got married, and she was the one who pushed behind the scenes. After a moment of intimacy, she remembered something, let go of her red lips, and looked at Front cheeks:
"Have Ning'er and Sanniang never been here before? It's a pity that the situation is not right this time, otherwise they should have come here together."

Ye Jingtang raised the corners of his mouth and sighed softly:
"Don't worry, I'll level the rivers and lakes in the fastest time. At that time, I will be number one in the world and there will be no trivial matters in the world. Our family will just spend the whole day wandering around the mountains and rivers with nothing to do..."

Dongfang Li was looking forward to that day, but he still warned:

"Haste makes waste, you can't act too hastily, you still have to take your time."

"That's natural."

After Dongfang Liren finished speaking, he wanted to continue poking his lips, but felt that it was too cheap, so he looked at the moon in a blink of an eye, as if he was worried about the country and the people.

Ye Jingtang felt that Benben was so gentle now, he was not used to being beaten all day, because squatting on the ice was really boring, after a moment of silence, he looked at the heavy fat-headed dragon in his arms, suddenly lowered his head, and buried his face Inside, I took a deep breath between the extremely soft wrapping:



Dongfang Liren was caught off guard, shook in shock, looked down at Hu Lai's color embryo, raised his hand and hammered on the shoulder:

"Yejingtang, you are presumptuous!"

Ye Jingtang raised his head contentedly, and coughed lightly:
"I feel sleepy after sitting for a long time, wash your face and wake up, don't blame your Highness."

wash your face?

Dongfang Liren's eyes were slightly cold: "You can't fetch water to wash your face? Can this be washed clean?"


With a smile on his face, Ye Jingtang lifted the fat-headed dragon and rubbed it up:

"If you don't believe me, try it yourself, Your Highness."

? !
Dongfang Liren has a proud figure, and he lowered his head, so he can indeed hold him.

But how could she do such a shameful thing?
Seeing that Ye Jingtang became more and more unruly, Dongfang Liren's eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand to pull out the Chilong Saber.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ye Jingtang got up quickly:

"Don't stop, just kidding, eh..."

"Stop for me!"

Dongfang Liren's willow eyebrows stood on end, full of arrogance that angered the queen, and he chased and killed the son-in-law on the ice with a knife, and said cruel words:

"It's lawless, I have to give you a memory today..."

stomping on...

The two of them were running back and forth on the ice, and Dongfang Liren would definitely not be able to catch up.

Ye Jingtang was afraid that Benben would be really angry. After running for a while, he deliberately poured water and was knocked down on the ice:

"Okay, I know I was wrong..."

Dongfang Liren holds a knife with one hand, like Wu Song fighting a tiger:
"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't let Your Highness... Shhhh~someone is coming!"

"Are you foolish to be my lord? Don't change the subject... woo woo..."

Dongfang Liren was talking, when suddenly Ye Jingtang covered his mouth and flew to the side of the horse.


Dongfang Liren was stunned for a moment, thinking that Ye Jingtang was changing the topic to fool her, but immediately felt that his expression was not right, and quickly put away his majestic expression, put the knife back on Ye Jingtang's waist, and obediently followed behind...

(End of this chapter)

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