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Chapter 395 Hunter

Chapter 395 Hunter
Jingle bell~~
The crisp sound of horse bells echoed in the cold wind, and the large carriage with the wooden sign of "Hua" slowly moved forward on the endless ice field, surrounded by more than [-] warriors dressed as guards, carefully observing the surroundings.

There is a heater in the large carriage, and next to it is a small picture table. Hua Qingzhi, who is wearing a winter skirt, sits at the window, and the text quietly draws the beautiful scenery of the galaxy.

There is a chess table on the opposite side of the carriage, and Lu Zhu is sitting on one side, holding black pieces in her hand, frowning and thinking carefully.

And an elegant middle-aged man dressed as a scribe stroked his beard and said softly:

"Recently, Western Xinjiang is not very peaceful. If it wasn't for the doctor Wang's prescription, your mother would never let my father come and take risks. If things work out, you will have to calm down after going back this time, even if you think His Royal Highness is fat. I don't like it, the sons of the kings should also think about it, the son of the Zuoxian king is a dragon and a phoenix, he is only in his early twenties, he has already been ranked as a master, and he will definitely be the overlord of the western border in the future..."

Luzhu raised her eyes and glanced at Ms. Miao, and wanted to interject: "What is a master? Master Ye from the Southern Dynasty, he is only eighteen or nineteen and he is about to become a saint..."

But as a servant girl, if she said this, she would definitely be kicked out of the carriage by the master and walk away, so she still kept her mouth shut, pretending she didn't hear anything.

After entering the customs from Yashan, Hua Qingzhi and Lu Zhu left the envoys and returned to Chengtian Mansion on Hudong Road.

After visiting Miracle Doctor Wang in Yun'an, Hua Qingzhi had written with her family, but before she arrived at Hudong Road, her father, Hua Junchen, led a team to meet him and headed directly to Xihai Dufu Mansion.

The purpose of this trip is to find the rhizomes of Xuehu flowers to use as medicine according to what Divine Doctor Wang said.

Snow Lake Flower is a magical medicine for protecting the meridians, while the rhizome is extremely poisonous. 'Prison Dragon Miasma' is refined from the rhizome of Snow Lake Flower.

Hua Qingzhi's disability is due to the fact that her young father wanted her to learn martial arts as a foundation, so she begged for the 'Tianlangzhu' secretly imitated by the imperial court from the Yanjing National Teacher's Mansion.

Because it is an imitation, the properties of the medicine are not stable. If you are lucky, you will have a smooth journey, and you will become the Eight Chief of the Southern Dynasty at a young age.

And the one who was unlucky was her, probably because her body was too weak, and the medicine was too powerful, so she developed problems not long after taking it.

The cure method of Imperial Physician Wang is to slowly recuperate with the method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and using the precious medicinal materials available in the market, it will be able to restore normal people's level in about three to five years.

Hua Qingzhi didn't mind waiting three to five years, but she was already sixteen or seventeen, and when she was about to marry, her family was anxious.

It is difficult to find a good husband with a physical disability. After three to five years, when you get older, the range of choices will definitely be much smaller. For this reason, after Grandpa learned about it, he still chose another big prescription given by Dr. Wang. The rhizome of Huhua is used as medicine, and it can be restored to its original state in three months or a year.

To use the roots of Xuehu flowers as medicine, you have to dig them up. It is equivalent to killing a chicken to extract the eggs, and digging up the roots of Emperor Liang. King Zuoxian had to ask Emperor Liang for permission to use them. No matter how high the status of the Hua family is, it is impossible to get them on weekdays. .

But it's different recently, snow lake flowers are blooming, and there are some wild flowers that haven't been found on weekdays in the wilderness of the western border.

These flower plants have not been recorded by the court, how to deal with them is a matter of King Zuo Xian's words.

Moreover, people from the Jianghu had collected them, and the Hua family could quietly spend a lot of money to buy them. For this reason, after hearing the news, my father ran over non-stop, wanting to rely on his grandfather's identity to ask for a few plants.

And taking her with him, he also went to see the young heroes in Xijiang by the way, to see if she caught his eye.

Hua Qingzhi became disabled because Hua Junchen spent all her time thinking about martial arts when she was young, and the negligence she committed when she was young. It is because of this reason that when the audience is surprised, the words are written more than martial arts.

For this reason, in front of Hua Junchen, Hua Qingzhi, who has always been gentle and elegant, still showed a bit of girlish rebellion. Seeing her father urging her to marry again, Hua Qingzhi responded tepidly:
"The son of King Zuo Xian is notoriously fierce. He has only reached the age of the crown, and he has no less than a dozen lives in his hands. Dad asked me to marry him. Is it really for the sake of my daughter, or is it to cling to King Zuo Xian?"


Hua Junchen was a little annoyed when he heard this, and said:

"Look at what you said. Dad just asked you to go and have a look. If you don't like it, you can look for it again. You can't stay married in this life, can you? You don't like princes, heroes, you are not interested, and champions. Stupid, who else in this world can you fall in love with?

"Father also wants to find you a Ruyi Langjun who is unparalleled in beauty, literary talents, martial arts, and high in power, but there is no such person in this world. When the northern and southern dynasties are combined, the national teachers of the two dynasties barely get involved." Point aside, sixty-seventy-year-old old man, are you going to marry or not?"


Hua Qingzhi felt a little weird when he heard this, and suddenly thought of someone.

However, she immediately swept away these distracting thoughts and responded:

"Marriage depends on God's will. My daughter didn't pick and choose. It's just that she didn't meet someone she likes."

"That's why I took you out to have a look this time. To be honest, even if you really fell in love with a poor and white ranger, your grandfather wouldn't say much, but don't be fooled by those glib men..."

"I know, Dad!"


The father and daughter chatted like this, and walked along the ice field to the Xihai Dufu Mansion. When they reached a certain place in the ice field, the guard outside suddenly made a movement.

The more than [-] warriors outside the carriage are the guards raised by Washington, plus the masters temporarily hired from Hudong Road.

The guard Hua Ning was walking on the side of the carriage, and suddenly raised his hand while walking forward to stop the procession, then got off his horse and put his ears on the ice to listen.

Although Hua Junchen came from a powerful family, he has been a martial artist since he was a child, and his skills are not low. Seeing this, he regained the demeanor that a prince should have. He opened the window and asked with a frown:
"There is movement?"

Hua Ning leaned against the ice and listened carefully, then raised his eyes to the west:
"There is a large group of people coming this way, the speed is very fast, it is difficult to distinguish the enemy from us."

Today's Tianlang Lake is full of gods and gods, and meeting people is not a good thing. Hua Junchen frowned slightly, took a brass telescope from the carriage, and searched towards the west.

The ice field stretches as far as the eye can see. Although it is night, but there is moonlight, the visibility is not low.

Hua Junchen searched carefully for a while, and just seven or eight miles away on the west side, he saw a group of small black dots, speeding towards them, and seemed to find a convoy on the way, so the route was slightly shifted. When I got up, I wanted to pass by from a few miles away.

"It's all white robes and white horses. It should be the team escorting Xuehuhua from the White Owl Battalion. Go left and stagger to avoid misunderstanding."


Hua Ning knew the details of the Baixiao Camp. It was full of mercenaries recruited by King Zuoxian from Jianghu. They usually had cases on their backs. They were wanted by the northern and southern courts and couldn't get along, so they fled to King Zuoxian's tent to seek protection. He often asked Zuo Xianwang for important people, but was suppressed by Zuo Xianwang.

These people worked for their lives with money, and they didn't have any court orders in their eyes. As long as the money was enough, Zuo Xianwang asked them to assassinate Emperor Liang without frowning.

Since he was ordered to send Xuehu flowers, whoever gets in the way will die on the road. If they run into each other and cause a misunderstanding, and one or two of them are hacked to death by these desperadoes, King Zuo Xian will not be able to pay the money, and they will be counted as dead If you don't have eyes, you think you are unlucky.

The surrounding guards saw that it was the evil star of the White Owl Battalion, and immediately took orders to shift to the left.

Hua Qingzhi had been studying in the capital in the past years, and it was the first time she came to Xijiang. At this time, she also took out a binoculars and looked at the famous White Owl Camp in Xijiang.

But the mirror mouth swept across the ice field, then turned back suddenly, and looked at the front of the Baixiao Battalion three miles away:
"Father, is there someone else over there?"


Following the guidance of his daughter, Hua Junchen looked between the two teams, and sure enough, he found a figure on the mirror-like ice field.

The figure was dressed in a black robe, holding a spear in his right hand and pointing at the ice.

Because it is completely motionless, it is not easy to spot at night, but after seeing it clearly, you can feel the imposing aura that is as still as stagnant water and as motionless as a mountain, just like a hunter quietly waiting for the prey to approach.

"No, someone robbed Snow Lake Flower."

When Hua Junchen saw this scene, he immediately picked up his sword from his side and ordered the guards outside:
"Turn back quickly, I'll go and have a look."

Hua Junchen's martial arts skills are not low. He was a martial artist since he was a child and he came from a wealthy family. He also learned from many famous teachers. The reason for running in Tianlang Lake.

But Hua Qingzhi, who was next to him, immediately raised his hand to stop his father when he saw this:

"Father, don't go. This group of people are working for their lives with money. If something goes wrong, they should be responsible for it. You run to help. If the Xuehu flower is still lost, the responsibility must be pushed to my Hua family by Zuo Xianwang , saying that we are not helping..."

Hua Junchen naturally understood this truth, he frowned and said:
"The Snow Lake flower is lost, and Zuo Xianwang is not good at explaining it to the court. If father can help to settle the matter, Zuo Xianwang will definitely remember it as a father's favor. When the time comes to ask for the root of Xuehu flower for you, Zuo Xianwang will definitely Not good, not convenient..."

When Hua Qingzhi saw that her father was thinking of her, she was naturally moved, but she still insisted:
"Swords have no eyes, this group of people are not good-for-nothings, and those who dare to rob are certainly not ordinary people..."

Hua Junchen raised his hand in displeasure and said, "You still don't know the ability of being a father? The great master's subordinates can hold up three or five moves. I stand thirty feet away and just jump left and right a few times to make sense. Where will it be affected... ..."

boom -

While speaking, there was an earth-shattering explosion on the ice field.

Under the shock, even the ice surface where the convoy was on shook, so that a few horses caught off guard raised their premise and neighed in shock, and the team suddenly became chaotic.

Hua Junchen was startled, his words stopped suddenly, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a spray of water blasting into the sky on the ice field a few miles away.

The water mist is like a white dragon raging on the glacier, tearing a huge gap on the frozen lake, right in front of the White Owl Battalion, like a white city wall rising suddenly, with spider web-like cracks covering the front almost instantly ice sheet.


Hua Junchen was probably three miles away from the crack, but the appalling impact seemed to explode in front of him, and even the candles in the carriage were blown away by the aftermath. He gasped and waved his hands quickly:

"Run, run, run..."

"Eh? Wait, don't go yet..."

"You damn girl, you are still fighting against Weifu at this time!? Go, go, go..."


Hoof hoof hoof...

31 fierce horses are galloping on the ice field, and under the moonlight, it looks like white feathered arrows shot out from the West Sea Protectorate, straight to the lake east road.

Shi Daoyu, who was over seventy years old, walked in the front in a white robe, with a jade box wrapped in brocade hanging on his waist, and behind him were the elite of the White Owl Battalion.

Shi Daoyu is revered as the "Poison Sage of Beiliang". Although he is the youngest among the great masters, but in Beiliang, where Wude is not very particular, his unavoidable methods make him more dangerous than Wu Kui who takes the normal way. Much higher.

As an old man in the rivers and lakes who has experienced the last snow lake flower dispute, Shi Daoyu knows how deep the current water in Tianlang Lake is. How much higher.

But to be honest, this time the flowers in the snow lake are blooming, compared with Jiazi's previous battle, the battle is still weaker.

After all, there are far fewer people who were qualified to snatch Xuehu flowers.

The ten great masters of the Northern Dynasty, Sima Yue, Xi Tianshang, and Hua Ling all died at the hands of Ye Jingtang, and the remaining seven had their own reasons for not robbing them by force.

On the other side of the Southern Dynasty, Long Zhengqing, Duan Shengji, and Lu Jieyun also died at the hands of Ye Jingtang, and Xuanyuan Chao was maimed by Ye Jingtang, so there were four less.

In total, seven of them have already been dealt with by Ye Jingtang!
According to reliable sources, Ye Jingtang and Master Xuanji went to Jiangzhou, and they are thousands of miles away from Tianlang Lake. They should not be able to make it in a short time.

That is to say, the northern and southern dynasties are full of players, and only Pingtian leader and Jiang Zhahu are likely to end. In addition, there are some immortals, and the number is indeed much smaller than last time.

Now the three teams are going separately, and Xie Jianlan is at the front as a target. Even if Jiang Zhahu and Pingtian Cult Master all come, they can only find and block two of them. Jiang Zhahu is here, and it is not easy for him to bring so many people. Fear, the only one to be afraid of is the Pingtian leader.

The Pingtian Sect mainly came to grab the Snow Lake flowers, and they don’t know how to fight for their lives. King Zuo Xian gave them a share of "breaking money and eliminating disasters". It's a real risk.

Thinking of this, Shi Daoyu felt a little more at ease, sat up straight, and even the horse's footsteps showed three points of lightness, and began to think about what recipes should be used to get Xuehuhua after the incident was completed, so as to improve his martial arts A little more refined.

But Shi Daoyu hadn't figured out why yet, the follower who was in charge of surveying the route suddenly raised his binoculars and looked towards the far east:
"Senior, there is a caravan ahead."

Shi Daoyu frowned, narrowed his eyes and looked carefully, and found that there were dozens of people in the convoy at the end of the ice field, with a carriage, so he said:

"It's a caravan coming from Hudong Road, bypass it."


The horse team of more than thirty riders immediately shifted to the left.

Although Shi Daoyu relaxed a little, his vigilance was not low, and he kept his eyes on the convoy during the speeding, so as not to react in a hurry.

But when he was observing carefully, Shi Daoyu suddenly noticed something was wrong from the corner of his eye, looked to the front left in a blink of an eye, and raised his hand:


Thirty riders behind him immediately slowed down their horses, took out their personal weapons, and looked forward to the left.

On the ice two miles ahead, a figure appeared at some unknown time.

The figure was dressed in a black robe, with a nine-foot spear pointing slantly at the ground. The cloak fluttered slightly, and the bamboo hat covered half of his face. Under the moonlight, he could see a blurred reflection from the ice surface. From a distance, he seemed to be standing in the void.

The figure is as stable as a mountain, like a dummy standing on the ice, as quiet as a dead thing, so that it is difficult to attract the attention of others.

When Shi Daoyu saw this immobile scene, his heart skipped a beat, knowing that he had met a ruthless man, he raised his hand slightly, and the attendants beside him unfurled the two flags hanging on the side of the horse when they saw this.

One of the flags is written with the word "Cang", which is the emblem of Canglongdong, a wealthy family in Beiliang; the other is the king's flag of King Zuoxian's palace.

The two flags showed the identity of the cavalry, and the purpose was to let the thieves who tried their own danger retreat in the face of difficulties.

And the entire cavalry became silent, even the fierce horses under their crotches stopped making a sound, galloping like thunder like a white dragon python attacking wildly on the ice field, exuding a terrifying aura of death for anyone blocking the way.

Hoof, hoof, hoof, hoof...

The ice field was almost dead silent, only the sound of galloping horseshoes was left.

But that figure never responded to their actions at all. It just remained motionless and nailed to the ice, like a stake without breath or emotion.

This situation made many people in the cavalry start to suspect that this figure was a dummy deliberately stuck on the ice to scare people.

But just as one of them was about to leave the team and ran to check nearby, the figure suddenly moved!
There was an imperceptible sound on the ice field.

The nine-foot long spear in the black-robed gunman's hand naturally slid out of his palm until the end of the gun in his hand hit the ice.

Because the movements were so smooth that they didn't feel any murderous intent or abruptness, everyone just frowned, and then saw the jet-black long spear slipping along the ice in a perfect arc, and circled behind the black-robed gunman.

clap clap-


Shi Daoyu felt that this move seemed familiar, and secretly thought something was wrong in his heart, so he roared: "Get out of the way.".

And on the ice field in front of the right, there was an earth-shattering explosion:

boom -

The black-robed gunslinger held the gun with one hand, and slid his footsteps away. Almost without any warning, the nine-foot spear behind him collapsed into a semicircle.

As soon as the gun was launched, the ice surface several meters around the body was completely cracked, and countless pieces of ice were engulfed by the gun wind and bombarded on the mirror reflecting the starry sky.

The Dead Ice Lake seemed to be smashed into by a powerful dragon, and a half-foot-wide crack appeared, extending forward rapidly, bringing up water mist along the way.

The cracks on the ice surface spread to all directions, almost instantly turning the ice sheet in front of it into fragmented ice floes.

boom -

clack clack...

Shi Daoyu and the others were less than half a mile away. Looking up, it seemed that a white water wall appeared in front of the right, instantly cutting off the road ahead!
At the foot of the crack spread road, dozens of horses appeared in chaos, and the people on the horses were even more horrified. Several people flew up and got away from the horses, and retreated towards the rear.

clap la la...

Water splashes down!

After sweeping over with vigor, the original silent ice lake has turned into a shattered mirror, and the black-robed figure is still standing at the beginning of the crack.

Shi Daoyu was not in a mess, but a cold sweat rolled down his forehead. He raised his hand to press the box behind his waist, and gritted his teeth and said:
"Huanglong lying on the road... Ye Jingtang..."


Step, step, step...

After a moment of silence, footsteps sounded from the ice field.

Ye Jingtang held the dragon-firing gun and walked towards the cavalry of more than [-] horsemen without any haste. Every time he took a step forward, some of the horsemen in the cavalry retreated a few minutes, but within a few steps, only the grey-haired Shi Daoyu stood in front of him. First.

Ye Jingtang's expression was calm, and there were still tens of feet away, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Put the box down, tell the others where they are, and there is still a way to survive; if not, the two countries will fight each other, and each will be its master. If you want to do justice to Bei Liang, as a Wei minister, I can only bear the pain to do it to you."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the Baixiao camp became confused. After all, as long as they were not blind, they would all know who they had met.

Nowadays, there are indeed very few Wu Kui who can end in Jianghu, but the reason is that those who could have ended were all wiped out by one person in just one year.

And this living Hades stood in front of him.

If they met the leader of Pingtian, everyone could still think of the way to live, but if they met this living Hades, they could already start to recall the road of this life.

After all, Ye Jingtang was a courtier of the Southern Dynasty and an orphan of King Tianlang. Bai Xiaoying had made great efforts when King Zuoxian destroyed the Northwest Royal Court 20 years ago.

Hearing that Lord Yan, who had shaken the rivers and lakes all over the world, spoke to give him a chance, the morale of the people in the Baixiao camp, who were ready to fight to the death, was obviously shaken. They looked sideways, and at Shi Daoyu, obviously asking whether they should be obedient or not. arrange.

But Shi Daoyu is an old Jianghu, who has spent so many years in Beiliang, who doesn't talk about martial arts, and doesn't believe this kind of nonsense to coax children. He said coldly:

"Ye Jingtang and the prince are blood feuds. They will never let me go and let me abolish my martial arts. I just want to preserve my strength to deal with other people. If I am bewitched by his words, I will be fooled."

Everyone thinks about it. There are more than 30 of them, and there are great masters in the battle. It is not impossible to win in a desperate fight. If they really abolish their martial arts, they will not even have a chance to resist.

The masters of the Baixiao Battalion present are all old elites, and it has nothing to do with the destruction of the Northwest Royal Court. They knew that they could not survive, but the current cavalry has stabilized a bit, and began to spread out from left to right. .

Hoof hoof hoof...

Because the ice field was too big and difficult to find, Ye Jingtang really wanted to know where the other teams were. Seeing that these people would not talk nonsense, he stopped talking nonsense, pointed the dragon gun in his hand on the ice, and slowly moved forward.

clap clap...

The jet-black gunpoint slid out a straight line on the ice.

More than [-] people from the Baixiao Battalion all dismounted from their horses, took off their cloaks behind their backs with weapons in their hands, and dispersed into a crescent-like semicircle at an extremely fast speed.

Shi Daoyu, as an old martial arts leader, is quite intelligent. Even in the face of Ye Jingtang, he still didn't mess up. After dismounting, he slowly took off the cloak:


Shi Daoyu escorted Xuehuhua, not on a whim, it was decided a month ago, the group of people under him naturally practiced with him the countermeasures for encountering a strong enemy.

At this moment, thirty Baixiaoying warriors kept a distance of more than ten feet, holding white cloaks, spinning in front of them, and running to both sides at the same time, thick white mist gushed out from the cloaks immediately.

From a distance, it looks like two white dragons with Shi Daoyu at the center, gushing out from both sides until the back of Yejingtang closes to form a huge circle, covering all vision, and Shi Daoyu is also hidden in the clouds between,
tata tao~
Massive footsteps sounded on the ice field, but no words were spoken. Only the figure in black robe standing in the middle of the circle remained between the sky and the earth.

On the carriage a few miles away, Hua Qingzhi looked through the binoculars. Seeing that the Yejing Hall was surrounded, she was worried, but she didn't dare to ask her father to help, so she could only ask:
"What are they doing?"

Hua Junchen was stunned by the moment just now. He really didn't expect that the group of stunned youths in Baixiaoying would not only not run away, but dare to go up to encircle him. He urged the guards to run quickly while looking back:
"It's the Prisoner Dragon Formation in Canglong Cave. That gunman should be the one you saw in Yanjing, Lord Wu'an. He dared to make such a big deal when he was alone in danger, and let the other party set up the formation. Even if his martial arts are peerless, today I'm afraid... ...Afraid... Mommy!"

The words stopped abruptly.

In the center of the white mist ring, Ye Jingtang stood on the spot holding a gun with one hand, looking at the dozens of shadows running in the mist.

This kind of blindness can also interfere with the warriors under Wu Kui. For Wu Kui, who is one of heaven and man, No. 30 people are striding around, and they can distinguish all movements by hearing alone. significance.

But Shi Daoyu, a martial arts leader, is obviously not stupid enough to use this method to deceive people, there must be some hidden tricks.

Although Ye Jingtang is invulnerable to all poisons and invulnerable to swords and guns, but he has to see the world when he walks in the rivers and lakes. If he doesn't let the opponent make a move, he will be killed. If he has no experience, it is not a fight.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang was not in a hurry, but kept a close eye on everyone's movements to see what tricks Shi Daoyu was playing.

And the facts were not as Ye Jingtang expected, Shi Daoyu obviously thought about the situation where he would run into him, and was well prepared.

After the fog circle closed, a low voice came out of the fog:

call out--

Thirty wind-shattering screams sounded from the surrounding area at the same time, the mist was swept out of the vortex, and thirty white balls shot out, with white ropes behind them, all gathered in the center of the Hall of Nightmare.

Almost at the moment when the white ball came, Ye Jingtang was already holding guns in both hands, sweeping thousands of troops on the spot.

boom -

With the sound of the explosion, the ice surface under his feet was instantly flattened.

The air waves raged, and all the mist that was rushing more than ten feet away was blown away, revealing more than thirty figures running.

The white ball that came from the lasing was supposed to be swept away by the air wave, but unexpectedly, the ball exploded after being bombarded by the air wave, turning into white silk all over the sky.

clap clap clap-

The white silk was like a spider web, tangled together in the air, almost instantly forming a skynet dragging thirty ropes.

If it was an ordinary silk thread, Ye Jingtang's shot would be enough to sweep it apart, but the large net formed in mid-air was collapsed into a circular arc by the energy bombardment, but it did not break at all. After the energy rushed past, it was pressed down from the air. .


Shi Daoyu shouted loudly, and a ball like a meteor hammer slipped out of his sleeve, ready to go.

And more than thirty people also started to alternately run back and forth, causing the rope net to quickly entangle and close.

Ye Jingtang swept his shot, and seeing the white net pressed down, he immediately raised his gun and stabbed into the net, shaking with one hand violently, trying to smash it into pieces.

But the white net is made of silver silk, which seems to be softened by the medicine liquid, has strong ductility, and is sticky like a spider web. When a spear is pierced, it sticks to the barrel of the spear. It can be stretched by force, but it cannot be pulled. broken.

Seeing this scene, the 30 people shook the rope with all their strength, so that all the white nets stuck to the barrel of the gun, and at the same time flew back, trying to tie the weapon of Night Terror to death.
If ordinary warriors encounter this kind of battle, they will definitely be trapped to death by special rope nets. When 30 people work together to tighten it, no matter how strong they are, they will be powerless.

But this time they obviously underestimated the strength of the target.

Ye Jingtang saw that the Dragon Spear kept cutting filaments, but was caught tightly instead, and immediately went the opposite way, no longer trying to split the white net, but spinning around quickly on the spot like rolling cotton candy.

Call ~
Almost instantly, the long spear wrapped the extremely sticky net on the spearhead.


The thirty ropes connected by the white net obviously have no ductility. At the moment when the ropes were tightened, the warriors of the Baixiao camp who were flying backwards stopped suddenly. Get up quickly.


Shi Daoyu saw that the weapon was completely trapped, his eyes were overjoyed, he shouted angrily and told his followers to spin around, wrapped the rope around Ye Jingtang, and he flew up, shooting the ball out of his hand.


Ye Jingtang's eyes showed surprise, and he felt that this thing was indeed interesting, but that was all.

Seeing the ball in Shi Daoyu's hand shooting towards him, Ye Jingtang's spear was like a green dragon offering its claws.

And the seven or eight warriors who pulled the rope with all their strength behind them felt a terrifying force coming from the rope. The ground flew out across the sky.


Amidst the muffled sound, the seven warriors were pulled towards Ye Jingtang by the ropes, and the other warriors tried to interfere with it, but they couldn't shake the dragon-firing spear that was thrust out with all their strength, just like a powerful dragon python tied to it.

Ye Jingtang stabbed out with a single shot. If he was normal, he would have died suddenly on the spot with his teacher's morality, Yushan heretics' level, and there was no chance to compete.

However, under the interference of thirty ropes, it was impossible to say that the shot had no effect. It exploded with full force, and the speed was much slower than usual, but it still accurately hit the lasing beads.


The bead exploded in the air, and turned into a white net again to press down in the air.

Seeing this, Shi Daoyu slid out a golden lotus with his left hand, stretched out a black line in his palm like a sharp arrow, and shot it directly at Ye Jingtang's body.

Ye Jingtang is carrying a picture of bathing in fire, and he is not afraid of strange poisons such as prisoner dragon miasma, but it is not immune, but detoxification is extremely fast. If he is really poisoned, he still has to suffer for a whole night.

Realizing that this gaudy formation was nothing more than that, Ye Jingtang didn't bother to waste time tug-of-war, let go of the dragon firing gun, and pulled out the dark gold sword with his right hand, sweeping across the circle with the momentum of the screen-opening sword.


Thirty ropes snapped in the blink of an eye, and the martial artist who tightened the ropes immediately fell backwards.

When Shi Daoyu saw this scene, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, but before he could react, Ye Jingtang had already let go of his sword and stabbed directly at his chest and abdomen.


The sword shot out, and Ye Jingtang pulled out the Chilong Saber with his left hand at the same time. Before the black poisonous arrow hit him, he dodged out on the spot, brought a gust of wind, and swung the knife back, killing the seven miscellaneous fishes that had been pulled over. When the sky is cut, then it is:


Hua Junchen, who was watching from a distance, saw that Ye Jingtang, who was trapped in the net, suddenly turned into a black lightning, so fast that he couldn't see his figure clearly, and drew a circle ten feet around his body with the momentum of running thunder. Ring, back to the original place!

The remaining 23 desperadoes from the Baixiao Camp suddenly pulled Kong and fell backwards. Before they fell to the ground, they felt a cold wind whistling past, and then their vision began to roll in the air.

Ye Jingtang held the knife in one hand, and circled around at a frightening speed. When he returned to the original place, he had put the knife back into its sheath, and stomped heavily with both feet.

boom -

A crater suddenly appeared on the ice, and his figure slammed forward!
Shi Daoyu thought that staying overnight was very domineering, but he didn't understand why he was so domineering at all. Zuo Xianwang broke out with all his strength, and it was nothing more than that.

Facing the incoming sword, Shi Daoyu had no time to dodge in the air, so he could only forcibly lift his finger to clamp the sword.

I never thought that this dark golden sword was not a mortal thing at all, pinching the two fingers did not cause any restrictions, it slid directly into the chest and pierced the chest and abdomen.


Shi Daoyu's eyes changed suddenly, and he fell on the ground. Before the severe pain came, he wanted to draw out his sword to meet the enemy.

But Ye Jingtang circled around and killed the miscellaneous fish, and it broke out again and was already close.

As the youngest of the ten great masters, Shi Daoyu is proficient in side-door poison techniques, and his frontal combat power is about the same as Lu Jieyun's, and he is not as overbearing as Lu Jieyun's light kung fu and body skills.

Facing the invulnerable Ye Jingtang, Shi Daoyu was overwhelmed. If he could survive a face-to-face surprise attack, his ranking would not be so low.

Shi Daoyu's eyes were full of astonishment, just as he pulled out the sword that had pierced his chest, Ye Jingtang had already advanced forward, and raised his hand to patch the hilt of the sword.


As soon as the dark gold sword left the chest, it poured in again and came out directly through the body.

Before the hilt of the sword sank into the body, Ye Jingtang punched one inch and then held the hilt, while holding the waist wrap with his left hand.


Under the heavy blow, Shi Daoyu immediately flew back, fell on the ice, slid far away, and drew a line of blood in midair.

Ye Jingtang carried the package and sprinkled Jianfeng's blood with his hands, only then did the surrounding sounds:
dong dong dong-

More than a dozen heads that flew into the air, only then barely bounced off the ground, staining the surrounding ice surface red.

And the ice field full of swords, lights and swords suddenly fell silent at this moment.

"Cough-cough cough..."

Shi Daoyu fell to the ground, his chest was pierced by a sharp knife, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood, but he didn't die on the spot.

He was lying on the ground, staring at Ye Jingtang with his blood red eyes, there was only disbelief in his eyes and even no other emotions. Obviously, he had never expected that the gap between them could be so large.

Ye Jingtang tied the package around his waist and glanced at the blade, put the sword back into its sheath, picked up the Dragon Shot Spear and carried it on his shoulder, and looked back:
"Prisoner Dragon Miasma was created by Qin Chibu. Since you can match it, you should have a part in the credit for destroying the Northwest Royal Court."

"Cough cough..."

Shi Daoyu coughed twice, stared at Ye Jingtang, and did not deny it.

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a while, and wanted to ask about the situation back then, but in the end he forgot it, and walked towards the depths of the ice field with the package.

stomping on...

"Cough cough..."

Shi Daoyu was lying on the ice, blood gradually soaked into the surrounding area, his eyes kept staring at the receding figure until his vision began to blur, and he fell into eternal darkness...


I can’t stop in the middle of coding. I don’t eat or drink for ten hours when I code for ten hours. This is two chapters. I can actually post four to five thousand words after eight o’clock. The rest will be posted tomorrow, and I can rest tomorrow, but still together.

It will be afternoon when I get up tomorrow, the update is estimated to be relatively late, everyone forgive me or2
Thank you [Black Tongue Candy] boss for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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