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Chapter 396 One wave is not flat, another wave rises

Chapter 396 One wave has not settled down, another wave has arisen


After a series of thunderous explosions, the ice field fell into dead silence.

The Washington convoy retreating to the rear also stopped at this time, and the thirty or so guards were all dumbfounded at the scarlet smear on the ice, their eyes filled with horror.

In the carriage, Hua Junchen didn't urge the guards to flee again. After all, with the opponent's skills, even if they were asked to run ten miles first, they would be damned or dead, and there was no point in running away.

In the past, the Jianghu people in the northern and southern dynasties called Yejingtang the King of Hell. Hua Junchen thought that he got it from his status as the commander of the black government, and it happened to match the bull's head and horse face, which was considered a scornful name.

Only at this moment did he understand that Heiya Liusha is a fake ghost messenger, while the black-robed man in the distance is the real King of Hades. Person number 31 was torn apart in a blink of an eye, and only Shi Daoyu was left with the whole body. Maybe the real King of Hades didn’t so cruel.

Hua Junchen touched his neck subconsciously, and now he was only lucky to have given birth to a good girl.

If it wasn't for the girl's pull, he would really run over and jump left and right, not to mention the distance of thirty feet, even if the distance is one mile, whether he should be dismembered or dismembered, maybe after the killing, Ye Yanwang would be puzzled in his heart—— Eh?Why is there an extra head...

And Hua Qingzhi was sitting by the car window, with her red lips slightly parted, full of surprise. Although she had seen the extraordinary martial arts of Mr. Ye Jing, she really did not expect Ye Jingtang to kill so decisively. She just lay down, the speed was so fast that she didn't feel the bloody horror.

The father and daughter stared blankly at the side of the carriage. Before they could recover their senses, the man in the black robe on the distant ice field turned his head to look this way.

? !

"Run, run, run..."

With just a glance back, the deadly convoy regained its vitality. The thirty or so guards were in disarray, and even the pace of the horses became chaotic, showing signs of crowding.

Hua Junchen's face turned pale in an instant. As a native of Beiliang, he bumped into the orphan of Tianlang King here. If the other party wants to silence him, dozens of them can start to think about their lives. Everything is futile and they commit suicide. Maybe there's still a whole body left.

But the daughter was in the car, and Hua Junchen, the father, was no longer able to resist, so he plucked up his courage and wanted to go out to negotiate a few words with his sword in hand.

But fortunately, the black-clothed Hades didn't intend to come over to roll his name.

Ye Jingtang hung the package on his waist, and turned his head to look at the convoy a few miles away.

Although they were far away, with the help of the lights in the carriage, they could still vaguely see the stunned scholarly lady.

In fact, Ye Jingtang discovered the Hua family's convoy before starting the attack, but Shi Daoyu and others came from the other side at almost the same time, so he didn't want to delay the business, so he ignored it.

Now that the matter has been settled, it stands to reason that we should go over to say hello, but we are in different countries and have different positions. He just killed dozens of people.

Ye Jingtang saw a look in the past, and the Huafu motorcade was already in disarray, and he gave up his previous intentions to scare people, but Yaoyao and Hua Qingzhi looked at each other.

The distance between each other was too far, Hua Qingzhi could only see the outline of Ye Jingtang's body clearly, but could feel Ye Jingtang looking at her, subconsciously aiming at his father beside him from the corner of his eye.

But Hua Junchen noticed the figure in black robe a few miles away, looked this way, his mind was already racing, and he didn't have the time to pay attention to the girl's expression, his heartstrings were tense as if he was facing an enemy, and he even held his breath.

Fortunately, after one glance, the black-clothed Hades in the distance turned his eyes away, and walked towards the distance with a gun on his shoulder.


Dozens of people inside and outside the carriage breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time. They didn't dare to say a word of nonsense at the moment, so they hurriedly detoured and walked around from the north side.

crowing crowing...

Hua Junchen wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, his legs were limp, and he sat down beside the chess couch, with lingering fear in his heart, he said:
"This night's shocking hall really lives up to its reputation... If it weren't for the fact that Daddy has a bit of reputation in the world, we would have suffered a catastrophe today..."

Sitting across from her, Luzhu didn't know how to complain when she heard the boastful words, so she couldn't help but whispered:

"When Miss was in Yun'an, she had contact with Ye Guogong a few times and even gave him a pen. Ye Guogong should be looking at Miss's face, so he opened the net..."

Hua Qingzhi also didn't feel that Ye Jingtang would be afraid of his father's three-legged cat kung fu, but he didn't think it was his own credit either. Looking at the direction Ye Jingtang was going away, he said softly:

"The two countries are fighting each other for their own masters. Fighting the enemy bravely is to serve the country. How can we be selfish. We are just the people of Beiliang. As long as we don't take the initiative to participate, he will naturally not raise the butcher's knife against the people; if he really intervenes, he will Thinking about it, I wouldn't let it go just because of a one-sided relationship..."

Hua Junchen still had lingering fears, and when he heard his daughter's words, he said again:

"Da Liang destroyed the Northwest Royal Court. As the orphan of King Tianlang, if he kills people from Daliang whenever he sees him, that's not something to be afraid of. No matter how powerful he is, he's just a Southern Dynasty eagle dog.

"And if he sees clearly, knows how to implement benevolent government, treat all the ministries of the West Sea and the people of Beiliang kindly, and only liquidate the imperial court, then he is following the 'kingly way' and preparing for the unification in the future.

"You just say that now, when someone met Wei's father on the battlefield, he left to give face to the Hua family, and then went to Beiliang, and went to Hudong Road to ask for his father's scriptures, should he defend his father or not?
"Even if you don't argue about being a father, you and the guards outside have seen the scene of Ye Jingtang killing chickens and monkeys, and then you will definitely say that Ye Jingtang killed people with restraint. It must be a generation of British lords who came to persuade my father..."

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes, and felt that her father was more flexible than he imagined, but this kind of matter related to the position of the family, she is not easy to talk about as a daughter, she just said:
"Father should discuss these things with grandpa. Where does my daughter know, she shouldn't talk about it here."

Hua Junchen was indeed overwhelmed by Ye Jingtang's horrific methods. At this moment, his heart was a little confused, and his words were inappropriate.

After being reminded by the girl, Hua Junchen realized that the wall has ears, so he stopped talking, only wanting to go to the Xihai Protectorate as soon as possible to escape.

Hua Qingzhi sat by the window, her gaze kept on the disappearing figure on the ice field.

After looking at it for a while, I suddenly found that there was a horse in the distance, and a tall chivalrous woman in black was sitting on it, looking at her with a telescope.


Although Hua Qingzhi couldn't see clearly, she still felt a little familiar with the domineering figure of the Queen, which was rare in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Hua Qingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to take a closer look to see if it was the Queen. The guards moving outside the carriage blocked their view, and when they looked back, the figure on the ice field could no longer be seen clearly...
Call ~
The night wind on the ice field was gentle, blowing the horse's black skirt.

Dongfang Liren has a long spear hanging on his side, like a heroic female ranger walking alone on the ice field, looking at the distant scene with binoculars.

Seeing Ye Jingtang's domineering appearance killing all directions, Dongfang Liren's eyes were already full of little stars, and he wished he could rush up and participate.

But Ye Jingtang understands her depth, and warned her not to make up her own way before going over, so she can only be obedient and wait here honestly.

Dongfang Liren was really surprised to see Yanjing Humeizi in the convoy in the distance, but on this occasion, he couldn't go over to say hello, he just observed the other party's reaction from a distance, to see if the other party was surprised by her lover .

stomping on...

Soon, Ye Jingtang came back from the ice field. Although Feng Qingyun had a handsome complexion and looked very imposing, but with the long spear on his shoulder, he looked a bit weird.

Ye Jingtang rolled up the rope net with the dragon firing gun just now, and then cut the rope, the big net that was rolled into a ball was naturally still wrapped around the spear point.

If it was just an ordinary rope net, it would fall off as soon as you roll it, but Shi Daoyu's rope net is made of silver silk soaked softly. It can't be torn off at all, and if you cut it hard with a sword, it will only peel off a layer of skin on the gun shaft, so you can only hold it like this.

At this time, Ye Jingtang was walking with a long gun on his shoulder, with a big white ball on the end of the gun, which looked like he was carrying an oversized lollipop.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren dismounted from his horse, and quickly came to him:
"Aren't you hurt?"

"It's nothing more than a bunch of miscellaneous fish in the rivers and lakes. At most, it's a warm-up, so you won't get hurt."

Ye Jingtang stuck the Dragon Singing Spear on the ice, and lowered his head to poke on Benben's lips as a reward for himself.

Seeing that his lover was so powerful, Dongfang Liren couldn't show his aura at this time. He stood up and let his mouth be poked, and turned his head slightly to look behind him, wanting to see if Hua Qingzhi was peeking, but unfortunately he couldn't see it.

Ye Jingtang kissed affectionately. Seeing that Benben was so well-behaved, he committed the old habit of pushing an inch again. He raised his arms around his waist, squeezed on the big sensual moon, and wanted to press it to the ground.


No matter how caring Dongfang Liren is, there is a limit. When he found out that this woman wanted the sky as a quilt and the earth as a bed, she raised her hand and pinched her waist, leaning back slightly:
"What do you want to do?"

Ye Jingtang quickly let go of his hand and said with a smile:

"Just after the fight, I was a little confused, and I didn't want to do anything, hehe... Then, this is the snow lake flower I just snatched. I checked it on the way. It's real, just half a catty."

Because Dongfang Liren was in a good mood, he didn't worry about it any more. He picked up the jade box to have a look, and hung it on the side of the horse again:
"Hua Qingzhi is in the convoy just now, why don't you catch up and say hello?"

Ye Jingtang took the Dragon Spear and tried to remove the sticky net on it:

"Just now I just looked over and scared the convoy to the ground. Now I have to scare them to death. It seems that they are going to Xihai Governor's Mansion. I will go anyway. Let's talk about it when I have a chance..."

When Dongfangli heard this, he twisted Ye Jingtang's back again:
"Do you really want to see Miss Hua?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, looked back at Dabenben, thought for a while and said:

"It's just normal communication. If His Highness is jealous, I won't go."

? ?
Dongfang Liren frowned, straightened his fat head, and showed the broad mind that a queen should have:

"Will this king be jealous? If you are really capable of bringing her home, it will be easy for this king to deal with her..."

Ye Jingtang felt that Benben was a little jealous of Hua Qingzhi, he didn't care much about Miss Hua, and he didn't talk nonsense about this topic at the moment, so he took out the dagger from the back of Benben's waist, and began to untangle the net.

Dongfang Liren stood beside him with one hand behind his back and looked at it. After a few glances, he frowned and said:
"Can't you cut it with a sword?"

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he paused slightly, and pulled out the sword from the back of his waist:
"This sword is really mysterious. I feel that if it is so ruined, it will be useless."

Dongfang Liren squatted down next to him, took the dark gold sword and inspected it, but saw that the original flawless blade was slightly darker than the previous few days, just like the metal lost its luster:

"This... what's going on?"

When Ye Jingtang killed Long Zhengqing last time, Shui'er discovered that the sword had a special texture and seemed to be corroded by blood, but he was not sure.

Just now he tried the sword with Shi Daoyu, and he found something strange again, so he can be sure that there is indeed a problem with this unparalleled sword that overflows the world.He responded:
"The craftsmanship of this sword is very strange. I don't know if it will be corroded by blood, or if it is poured into energy to perform moves, it will damage the sword body. Anyway, the durability is very low. If it is used indiscriminately, it may turn into black iron pieces after a few times."

"Ah?" Dongfang Liren liked this magical weapon very much. Hearing this, he frowned and said, "Can it be repaired? It can't be a one-time weapon, right?"

Ye Jingtang thought for a while: "If you know the forging method, maybe you can repair it, but Linghu Guanzhi is dead, and I don't know how to restore it to its luster, so I can only carry it on my body as a life-saving talisman. use."

Dongfang Liren nodded, feeling that it was a pity, but after thinking about it, he still put on the air of a master:
"The strength of a warrior does not depend on the sharp weapon of the magic weapon, but on his own martial arts attainments. If the weapon is too strong, it will suppress his own potential. This sword has flaws, so don't put your life and death on it, just keep it as a spare .After returning to Yun'an, I will find some famous casting masters to study it, and I will talk about it after I think it through."

Ye Jingtang has always followed the path of opening and closing, even if it is connected inside and outside, he prefers to use swords and guns, and he doesn't have a strong need for the sword itself, so he nodded immediately and continued to peel off the rope net.

Dongfang Liren hung the sword back on Ye Jingtang's waist, stood up and held the spear to help.

Ye Jingtang worked for a while, and found that the net was very sticky, and it was difficult to peel it off perfectly without damaging the gun barrel. After thinking about it, he took out the scythe and scythe, and tried to heat it to make the glue lose its stickiness.

This method is indeed possible, but the disadvantage is that there is no firewood on the ice sheet, the temperature is extremely low, the speed is extremely slow, and the fire pockets are not enough.

Ye Jingtang was busy for a while, before peeling off the bonded silk screen, the sound of flapping wings suddenly sounded in the night sky:

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang stopped his movements and looked up, but saw the bird flew back from afar, did not land, turned around twice in the sky, and then galloped towards the north again.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren was puzzled and said:
"what happened?"

Ye Jingtang frowned: "There is danger. It is estimated that Eunuch Cao is robbing other teams. There is a fight, hurry over."

After Ye Jingtang finished speaking, he got on his horse and pulled up Big Benben.

Dongfang Liren discussed with Li Xiang and arranged for Eunuch Cao to come to Tianlang Lake. Today Zuo Xianwang sent the dried snow lake flowers to the east of the lake. It is not surprising that Eunuch Cao did it at this time.

If Eunuch Cao meets the leader of the Bai Xiao camp, Dongfang Liren won't be too worried. Even if he can't beat him, he can escape safely.

But if he accidentally ran into Xie Jianlan, then Eunuch Cao would definitely die for the country.

Dongfangli grew up in the palace, and many of his martial arts were taught by Eunuch Cao. He knew that he wanted to die and let him come here because Jingtang couldn't come back on the eve of the previous year. Someone had to rush to Tianlang Lake in advance to avoid He came late and was wiped clean by Beiliang.

And now that Ye Jingtang has arrived in time, she naturally can't let an old man who has been loyal to the Dongfang Clan for 60 years die for nothing, so she holds the dragon gun and sits behind Ye Jingtang and hugs her waist:
"How far is it?"

"It should be thirty or forty miles away, drive—"

Hoof hoof hoof...

The charcoal red horse immediately raised its front hooves and galloped towards the end of the ice field, chasing after the bird that had already flown to the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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