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Chapter 397

Chapter 397
The pure white horses are walking forward on the mirror reflecting the sea of ​​stars, and the blurred reflections of people and horses can also be seen under the ice surface, and there is a neat "crow" sound in the cold wind.

Behind the team, there were thirty elites of the White Owl Battalion in white robes. Because they were not familiar with the leader of the team, they didn't make a sound along the way.

At the front of the team was a tall horse with pure black hair, but snow-white hooves, and its shoulder height was higher than that of the horses behind.

Immediately sat a young man, dressed in a green robe commonly seen in the market, with a face of about thirty, with a pair of heroic sword eyebrows, his hair tied up with a belt, broad shoulders and a broad back, his back was quite muscular, and the whole person looked When you wake up, you should be full of vigor and vigor.

But the loneliness in the man's eyes made him look quite decadent, like a wild ghost wandering aimlessly.

The man is carrying a big halberd in his left hand. It has the shape of a green dragon halberd. The two-foot-long blade is wrapped around a golden dragon. The crescent-shaped curved blade is cold and deep. Dingjiang.

This halberd is the family weapon of the Xie family in Langzhou Prefecture in the east of the lake.

The Xie family has been in Beiliang for more than [-] years, so it can't be said that it has great power, but guarding the frontier for Beiliang from generation to generation, it can be regarded as hard work, and it is highly regarded by the court.

But the inheritance of the Jiangmen family will never be as good as those scholarly families who play with pens. As long as there is a war, there will be no deaths in the family, and if they die, the family will fall.

Ever since King Tianlang established his country, either the Northwest Wang Ting led the army to cross Tianlang Lake, or the North Liang led the army to counterattack. They went back and forth countless times, and once they attacked the Xie family, they lost a few people.

And when Xijiang was pacified 20 years ago, the Xie family fought from the beginning to the end. Although they had gained countless honors and meritorious deeds, only an old man in his eighties and a child who was only ten years old and could not go to the battlefield remained.

The old man of the Xie family was originally a diehard loyalist to Beiliang, and he did not hesitate to kill his entire family to defend every inch of territory under his feet; but when his son and grandson died cleanly, what he got in exchange was only a plaque of "full family loyalty" sent by Emperor Liang. Knowing something, he was disarmed and returned to the farmland. Before he died, he warned his only great-grandson that he should honestly play at home and lose his mind, and not to join the army again.

Xie Jianlan was brought up by her great-grandfather, and she didn't even meet her father a few times. She followed these instructions and became a rich young master with peace of mind.

But some people are destined to be extraordinary. If he does not strive for fame and fortune, fame and fortune will follow him.

The courtiers in Yanjing heard that the whole family of Xie's family had died for the country, and only one seedling was left. Finally, some people with righteous hearts couldn't bear it. They lobbied and advised Xie Jianlan to Yanjing.

Then the masters from all over the world and the famous scholars in the east of the lake, maybe they are sincere, or maybe they are looking for a good name, they all give him advice and help.

This was originally a good thing, but it is a pity that Xie Jianlan grew up amidst the flames of war and bad news. After seeing Yanjing's singing and dancing, she only had one sentence in her heart - the soldiers were half dead before the army, and the beauties were still singing and dancing under the tent.

Maybe it was stimulated, but Xie Jianlan's talent was revealed at this moment. She only started to study hard at the age of eleven or twelve, and she has already tied with all her peers in the government and the opposition. The only one who can be compared with him is Hua Ling, who has not yet entered the top ten masters.

And Xie Jianlan's personality is becoming more and more withdrawn and rebellious. She burned houses, beat officials, and even beat the prince. If it weren't for the outstanding achievements and talents of her father's generation, Emperor Liang wanted to raise a tiger to come out. He has already been beheaded more than a dozen times .

After Xie Jianlan was admonished by her great-grandfather, her loyalty had long been lost in her heart. If Emperor Liang really raised him, he could not be a fierce tiger capable of conquering wars, but a vicious beast full of resentment towards the prosperity.

But the world is always unpredictable. Just when his character and mind were about to grow, a person suddenly broke into his world where he had nothing.

It was a female catcher, because he beat people in the street, pestered him endlessly, and wanted to arrest him and put him in jail.

Xie Jianlan only likes to trample the strong under her feet, she is not interested in weak women at all, and has never paid attention to her, but that female catcher follows her wherever she goes, and talks to him about "law, chivalry, rules"...

Xie Jianlan didn't like the rules and regulations set by those in power, but for some reason, she never drove the female arrester away. She listened to monks chanting scriptures all day long, and finally she could memorize Daliang Law.

Perhaps because of this influence, Xie Jianlan gradually became aware of right and wrong, right and wrong in her heart. When she was idle and bored, she even pretended to be the boss behind the scenes, helping the female catcher to catch the thief quickly.

If things go smoothly, he should eventually enter the Yamen as an errand, just like the female catcher, and become a loyal man full of family and country feelings.

But suddenly one day, he found out that the female catcher was not a simple one, she was the daughter of Huang Menlang, who was the emperor's confidant, and recorded every bit of his daily life.

At that moment, Xie Jianlan suddenly woke up and understood everything.

There is no true love in this world, it is nothing more than Emperor Liang's deliberate deliberation and persuasion, and put a rope around his neck.

The world view that was finally established collapsed, and Xie Jianlan could not return to the disapproval of her six relatives when she was young, so she left Yanjing alone, wanting to be a prodigal son wandering the rivers and lakes, keeping away from the right and wrong of the ruling and opposition parties.

But not long after, people from the National Teacher's Mansion found him, saying that the man was deliberately arranged by Emperor Liang, but the situation was true. The female catcher didn't want to follow her father's arrangement to persuade him to come back, and committed suicide by taking poison. The court hanged her life Let him go back and have a look.

Xie Jianlan thought she had let go of the past, but after hearing the news, her memory began to blur, she couldn't remember what happened next, and she didn't know how she got here today.

He took away the female catcher who had never opened her eyes again. He remembered that he had been to various parts of the West Sea, and he had also been to the Northern and Southern Dynasties. persuasion, but never got a medicine for regret.

Until the year before last, he met a snitch in the rivers and lakes, who told him a very unorthodox prescription.

He doesn't believe it, but what if he doesn't believe him?For this reason, this year, the snow lake blooms, so I still come to Tianlang Lake.

Hoof hoof hoof...

Xie Jianlan rode slowly on the horse, caressing a small bronze medal with her left hand.

The sign is round, with the name of the position engraved on the back, and the word "Catch" on the front. After many years of rubbing, the edge has turned into a mirror surface, and even the cold light on the Green Dragon Halberd can be reflected.

Xie Jianlan lowered her head to look at the waist card, with countless emotions suppressed in her heart all the year round, so that her eyes turned dull, looking a little muddled.

But that's just what it looks like.

When Zuo Xianwang met Xie Jianlan, he always persuaded him with kind words and discussed things.

Because Zuo Xianwang understands that a pinnacle martial artist with a hopeless heart and no hope is holding the only life-saving straw in his hand. If someone tries to take it away, it will ignite the anger that will burn the world!
But in this world, not everyone is aware of this matter, so it is not surprising that people who are more courageous than Zuo Xianwang come.

Hoof hoof hoof...

The 31-man horse team slowly moved forward on the ice field, and the escorted package was like a pile of sundries, randomly hung on the side of the horses.

Xie Jianlan was carrying the Azure Dragon Halberd, walking on the ice without haste, when she reached a certain place, she suddenly stopped.


The [-] elite members of the White Owl Battalion behind, because they knew Xie Jianlan's reputation for being hot-tempered, didn't dare to make a sound at this time, they just reined in their horses hastily and scanned the surroundings.

And with this look, everyone found a figure walking over directly in front of the horse team.

The figure is not very tall, dressed in a bright red robe, with a gauze hat, leaning on a stick of floating dust with his arms, like an eunuch, overall looks meticulous and somewhat old-fashioned.

Xie Jianlan carried the halberd, put the sign back into her arms, looked it up a bit, and said flatly:
"Is there no one in the Southern Dynasty, or do you want to use the knife of the Northern Dynasty to kill people? Why did you send your old man here?"

Eunuch Cao walked across the vast ice field alone, looking at the young man on the horse with his eyes as calm as stagnant water:
"It's all about death. Our family has no enmity or grudge with Xie Shaoxia. Today's meeting is nothing more than a confrontation between the two countries, and each is the master. Whatever Xie Shaoxia wants, the Southern Dynasty can also give it. If you can put down the box and turn each other into friendship, Xie Shaoxia will be happy." Without this danger, our old bones can live a few more days."

Xie Jianlan raised the Azure Dragon Halberd, held it obliquely at the side of the horse, and raised her cheek slightly:
"It's too late for you to get old. I've already negotiated a deal with King Zuo Xian, and you have to be faithful."

Eunuch Cao walked thirty feet away from the horse team, stood still with his arms around Fuchen, and sighed softly:

"Then our family can only use the old to bully the young today, and try Xie Shaoxia's green dragon halberd. I hope that Xie Shaoxia will retire for ten years, and his martial arts will improve. If it is still at the level of previous years, it will not be able to shake our family. This is not broken gold."

After the words fell, the ice field fell silent.

Everyone in the Baixiao camp saw that the great inner door gods guarding the imperial city from the Southern Dynasty had come, and their eyes were obviously more dignified.

After all, the four pictures of Minglong have been practiced for a period of six years. Just listening to them can make people's scalp tingle, let alone hitting them.

A small commander walking behind Xie Jianlan, who had not communicated with Xie Jianlan about the countermeasures against the enemy, asked in a low voice:
"Xie Daxia, how should we deal with it?"

Xie Jianlan took off the box on the side of the horse, hung it behind her waist, then leaped forward and landed in front of the horse, holding the halberd on her shoulder:

"You go first."


Seeing that Xie Jianlan was about to single out according to the rules of the world, everyone in the Baixiao camp felt a little hesitant, but it was better to be able to walk than to be sent to test the depth, so they obeyed immediately and hurriedly drove their horses around to the east from the side.

Eunuch Cao hugged Fuchen, a flash of approval flashed in his eyes:
"Xie Shaoxia is quite chivalrous."

Xie Jianlan carried the halberd straight on her back, waited until the horse team had gone far, and then said:

"I am a martial artist, not a reckless man. I have heard that Cao Gong is invincible in defending the city, and no one in the world can shake him. Xie is a little curious. If Cao Gong has no city gate behind him, how accomplished is he?"


Eunuch Cao frowned when he heard the words, and then took half a step forward.

boom -

At this moment, a thunderclap resounded on the ice field.

Xie Jianlan's feet exerted strength, and instantly shattered the ice under her feet, and her figure turned into a blue lightning, rushing to the front right with the momentum of thunder.

"Cunning boy."

Eunuch Cao uttered a foul language slowly, but his reaction was not slow at all. He galloped to the left and stopped Xie Jianlan in his way.

Although Eunuch Cao didn't have enough battery life, but with the strength of a dragon elephant, his short-distance explosive power was still astonishing, and he stepped on a semicircular dent on the ice sheet almost instantly.

boom -

But it is a pity that in the past, Eunuch Cao only used to defend the city. When the Dragon Breaking Stone fell, he stood outside and stabbed the thieves to confront him in front of the door.

And now it's different.

Seeing Eunuch Cao's explosive power, Xie Jianlan had no intention of confronting him head-on, so she immediately changed lanes and galloped in a straight line to the distance to increase the distance.


The sound of cracks on the ice field was earth-shattering, and in just an instant, two cracks that were half a mile long were pulled out on the ice.

Xie Jianlan didn't turn her head back, she ran wildly with the green dragon halberd in her hand, as soon as Eunuch Cao got closer, she would turn at a right angle and turn to the other side.

Eunuch Cao is firmly in the rear, but the chaser retains the first-mover advantage. The chaser can only follow the turn after seeing the turn. If the gap has not reached the level of crushing strength, otherwise, chasing the thirty-foot distance for a day is impossible. catch up.


The two of them chased after each other for a moment, and zigzag cracks appeared on the ice surface. Everyone in the Baixiao camp who had gone away saw this scene, and they knew that Xie Jianlan could not have missed it in astonishment.

After all, Eunuch Cao is strong on the outside and weak on the inside. He has practiced the three pictures of muscles, bones and skin for a year.

Last year, Eunuch Cao fought Chou Tianhe outside the dungeon. It wasn't that he couldn't dodge the dozen or so knives, but he would rather be slashed than waste his energy parrying moves that couldn't break the defense.

At this time, Xie Jianlan didn't fight at all, just went all out to catch the cat and the mouse. If he was defending the imperial city, Eunuch Cao could just stand by and watch coldly in front of the emperor, but on the ice field, he ran away without chasing anyone. How long would he be able to chase after him?
Boom boom boom...

But in the blink of an eye, the two chased for seven or eight miles on the endless ice field.

As long as it is a normal Wukui, it is not a problem to go all out for a hundred miles. Xie Jianlan has just finished warming up.

Eunuch Cao didn't show any signs of fatigue, but he had a heavy responsibility to spend all his energy on chasing people. Seeing that Xie Jianlan was shameless and didn't touch him at all, it was meaningless to chase him like this, and he stopped now. In his mind, he wanted to turn to deal with Shi Daoyu and the three commanders who he could catch up with.

But at this moment, at the end of the ice field, an eagle howl suddenly sounded:

Hoof, hoof, hoof, hoof...

Then the sound of horseshoes was like torrential rain.

Xie Jianlan, who was galloping ahead, frowned when she saw this, but when she looked up, she saw a charcoal red horse rushing towards the end of the plain.

The horse sprinted with all its strength, the speed was appalling, and the horse's legs were almost invisible, as if a charcoal red line shot from the end of the plain.

Eunuch Cao has served in the palace for many years, and obviously knows the love of the eldest princess's heart. Seeing this, he immediately moved to the west, blocking Xie Jianlan's escape route to the Xihai Protectorate.

But Xie Jianlan was under the enemy's back, her eyes finally revealed the ferocity of her youth, her speed did not decrease, and the crescent blade of the green dragon halberd beside her pierced the cold wind, and there was a sharp buzzing sound:
Hoof hoof hoof...

Ye Jingtang galloped on his horse, saw the other party's terrifying momentum from a distance, and felt something was wrong in his heart, and shouted angrily:
"Protect Your Highness!"

After saying that, Ye Jingtang dragged his long lance, flew to land in front of the fierce horse, and exerted strength with his feet again.


The ice surface in front collapsed instantly under the heavy step, and a semicircular pit appeared.

And Ye Jingtang, who was dressed in a black robe, also flew into the air with a ten-foot-long horse spear in his hand, and then let out a roar of thunder, which resounded throughout the field:


Xie Jianlan was holding the halberd, running wildly like a blue dragon on the ice, a little over a mile away, and saw Ye Jingtang soaring into the sky, almost coincident with the silver moon in the sky, amidst the roar of thunder, the horse lance held in both hands, It collapsed into a half-moon arc, fell in the air, and slashed directly on the ice in front of it.


Under one stroke, it is like a god-man opening the sky!
The ice surface in front of it was torn instantly, and the surging mist and splashing ice slag, like a white dragon suddenly rising from the frozen lake, instantly blocked the entire field of vision.

Seeing this scene, Xie Jianlan knew who was coming, her eyes did not flinch, instead, all the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart for many years turned into resentment and madness, and the green dragon halberd circled behind her while running wildly, holding the tail end with both hands, Facing the pressing white dragon, he slashed down with all his strength:

Amidst the roar of landslides, the ice surface in front was torn apart instantly, and the vast energy wrapped in water mist collided with the unstoppable white dragon on the ice field.


The energy exploded, forming a shocking ring of fog on the ice surface, the ice field where the two of them were located was completely cracked, and everyone in the Baixiao camp who had run far away was blown up by the wind pressure .

Dongfang Liren in the rear, holding the dragon firing gun, rushed towards Eunuch Cao. Although she had been prepared in her heart, the overwhelming air wave broke out not far away, but she was so shocked that her face turned pale, and she regretted running out after her. .

Seeing this scene, Eunuch Cao also felt a sense of loss in his eyes that "time is not forgiving, and a new generation replaces the old", he even gave up the idea of ​​helping, and galloped to the vicinity of Prince Jing at full speed, acting as an immovable mountain. goalkeeper.


The water vapor on the ice sheet soared into the sky, blocking all vision, and as the torrential raindrops fell in the air, the ice surface where the two of them were was completely covered by water mist.

After Xie Jianlan passed her halberd, she galloped non-stop and wanted to rush through the fog barrier, but she never thought that just after she had galloped a few feet away, there was a sudden sound from the pouring water:
The two-foot spear pierced the water curtain, and the water droplets were shattered into mist when they hit it.
Before Xie Jianlan could see the figure, the green dragon halberd in his hand had already swept out from the waist.


Ye Jingtang has a ghostly figure and is as fast as a thunderbolt. With the help of rain and fog to cover his shot, he shot directly at the chest and abdomen. He never thought that this young man who was only ten years older than him could still react.

Both sides were holding horses and long soldiers. He drew his sword with his left hand to block the slashing crescent blade. As soon as the spear pierced the opponent's flesh, a terrifying force came from the blade, causing the back of the blade to hit his waist directly.

Ye Jingtang held the Chilong Saber upside down to block, and faced Xie Jianlan's full-strength slash with both hands that was shot in the chest, he was obviously at a disadvantage in terms of power, and the big pole of the Azure Dragon Halberd seemed to be made of fine iron, so it was probably physical. No less than eighty catties.

Almost at the moment of contacting the enemy, Ye Jingtang's body was swept away and slid to the side, and Leng Feng pulled out a bloody gash on Xie Jianlan's chest.


Xie Jianlan was born in a military family, and her personality has become quite extreme due to the influence of the environment. When encountering a strong enemy, she can be called a madman. She has a cut on her chest and blood, but she completely ignores it. Directly piercing Ye Jingtang's chest and abdomen.


Ye Jingtang slid sideways on the ice, and before he could stop, he had already retracted his saber, and picked up the horse spear with both hands, collapsing on the stabbed green dragon halberd.

But what surprised him was that Xie Jianlan looked the same as the red-eyed madman Wu, but her skills were thick and thin, not rough at all.

The moment the lance hit the green dragon halberd, Xie Jianlan twisted the green dragon halberd, locked the main lance with the front end of the crescent blade, and exerted force to the side to bend it instantly, and then the green dragon halberd slid along the gun shaft, cutting directly towards both hands.

The strength of Ye Jingtang's dragon and elephant was completely outmatched by the wrestling opponent, but compared to the strength of both sides, the extremely elastic pole is not much different from noodles at this time. His force is also to make the pole bend more, not Lift the Azure Dragon Halberd.

Seeing that the crescent blade was slashing towards his hands, Ye Jingtang did not pull back, but directly retracted his strength and pressed forward.


A cold light flashed on the ice field.

The onlookers, Eunuch Cao, didn't see the details clearly, Ye Jingtang had already entered Xie Jianlan's waist with a single knife.

Although Xie Jianlan's fighting power was amazing, her body explosiveness was obviously inferior. Although she realized Ye Jingtang's change of move, she also pressed down on the iron rod to respond, but she was a little bit slower.


A string of sparks exploded from the bottom of the fine iron rod, and the blade slashed across the iron rod, and before Xie Jianlan pulled back and flew back, another bloody gash was drawn on the side of her waist.


When Xie Jianlan's green dragon halberd swiped back, Ye Jingtang's blade touched his body and retreated, his left hand retracted the blade neatly, his right hand grabbed the horse spear that hadn't yet flown out, and with his backhand he hit Huanglong lying down.

boom -

Xie Jianlan swept across with her halberd, and accurately slashed at the approaching horse, but this time it was difficult to hold back the momentum that exploded with all her strength.

Although the horse was knocked sideways and split from the right side of the body, the sudden burst of energy from the feedback of the huge force still caused all the ice under his feet to shatter, and the body was engulfed by the air wave and flew directly to the rear. The jade box behind her waist also fell.

Ye Jingtang took a shot and found that Xuehuhua's box had fallen, fearing that it would be blown up in the air, so he forcibly pulled back and did not make a straight stab, but flew forward to try to grab the box.

But what people didn't expect was that Xie Jianlan, who met for the first time, was more like a dead soldier than the people in Baixiaoying.

Seeing the box fly out, Xie Jianlan, who was just beaten into the wind, directly threw the green dragon halberd while flying backwards, stabbing Ye Jingtang's chest and abdomen.

As a normal person, Ye Jingtang really didn't understand Xie Jianlan's brain circuit. Seeing a powerful flying halberd strike, he immediately withdrew his hand and raised the gun to shatter the green dragon halberd.

And Xie Jianlan also took advantage of this gap, and exploded with all her strength when she landed, turning back and grabbing the box in an instant.


There was a muffled sound of a weapon piercing through the body!

What Ye Jingtang couldn't figure out was what Xie Jianlan could do now that he got the box.

But in a life-and-death fight, he would not hesitate in his movements. The moment Xie Jianlan grabbed the box, Ma Qian had already stabbed forward, directly piercing Xie Jianlan's chest and abdomen, and came out from behind.

But Xie Jianlan obviously didn't die, she shifted her body slightly to avoid the vital point, and the moment the lance passed through her body, she raised and lowered her arms and staggered towards the lance in front of her chest:


As an old weapon, the daily lance is not as luxurious as the Dragon Spear. It is made of wood using ancient methods. Although it is tough, it also has limitations.

And even if it's a dragon gun or an iron rod, it's impossible to be intact when facing the peak Wukui with all its strength and bombarding it with such a scissors angle.

Ye Jingtang is a master of martial arts, and he can't be beaten by this martial lunatic who doesn't care about the cost, because the daily lance is an inherited weapon, and there is no substitute for it when it is worn out. He doesn't even need a chance to make up the knife at the moment, so he pulls it with all his strength. Back to Ma Qiang.

Xie Jianlan obviously recognized Zhu Riqiang, and bet that Ye Jingtang didn't dare to damage the weapon. The moment Ye Jingtang quickly withdrew the weapon, his body flew backwards, and unexpectedly caught up with the collapsed Azure Dragon Halberd.

Not to mention Ye Jingtang, even Eunuch Cao was amazed by this scene. After all, there are very few people in the world who can steal food from Ye Jingtang and distance themselves from each other.

But no matter how fierce Xie Jianlan's character is, no matter how strong her martial arts skills are, she is not a fairy.

Two hits in a row plus a lance blow to the chest was already a serious injury, and Ye Jingtang's clothes were not stained with blood, if he could make a comeback, unless Ye Jingtang was overwhelmed by this desperado's posture.

From the time Ye Jingtang first came out of the rivers and lakes to the present, he doesn't seem like a coward. Seeing the other party flying out, he followed him like a shadow.

Knowing that she was invincible, Xie Jianlan had already given up her intention of forcibly attacking her. She grabbed the Qinglong Halberd and ran wildly while looking at the Xihai Governor's Mansion.

But Ye Jingtang is not Eunuch Cao, even if he can't catch up, it is enough to chase Xie Jianlan to death who is bleeding like a fountain, not to mention that Ye Jingtang ranks first in the martial arts world, so it is impossible not to catch up.

The two rushed forward for only a few tens of feet, and Ye Jingtang came to the back again, thrust out a spear and stabbed Xie Jianlan in the back.

Although Xie Jianlan was seriously injured, she still had the strength to escape. As long as she threw the box far away, Ye Jingtang would definitely pick it up.

Ye Jingtang's trip was only to reduce the combat power of Zuo Xianwang's subordinates, Xie Jianlan was seriously injured and unable to contribute. As long as Xie Jianlan is willing to throw the box, he will most likely not pursue a desperate desperate man.

Ye Jingtang chased after him, and even made preparations to catch the box to avoid breaking it, after all, Xie Jianlan had no chance of winning.

But Xie Jianlan in front of her is indeed a lunatic, she seems to value the half catty of snow lake flowers of King Zuo Xian more than her life.

Seeing a shot from Ye Jingtang, Xie Jianlan stopped instantly, slid forward on the ice, and at the same time swung the Azure Dragon Halberd with both hands, sweeping backward with all her strength:

This move is also a move that only attacks but not defends, a life-for-life move.

Something inexplicable flashed in Ye Jingtang's eyes, he quickly retracted his gun to block, and was swept to the side by a huge force, but that was all.

Ye Jingtang slid out only three to five feet, then stabilized his body, turned back with both feet, blinked his eyes, and punched Xie Jianlan's shoulder, which was obviously already powerless.

Xie Jianlan still wanted to raise the green dragon halberd to fight back, but Ye Jingtang exerted force and pressed down on the halberd forcefully. At the same time, he let out a loud roar, cursing out his doubts:
"What do you want to do with only half a catty of snow lake flowers? Zuo Xianwang is your father?!"


Xie Jianlan's right shoulder was pierced by a horse, and her whole body was pressed on the ice, making a round hole, and the bronze medal in her arms flew out because of the torn sleeve robe, making a series of 'ding ding' sounds

Xie Jianlan was almost insane, and let out a hoarse roar, ignoring the sharp edge on her shoulder, and forcibly stepped on the ice brick, trying to bounce to the side.

As long as he kicked out this time, the entire right half of his body would have to be torn off by Li Feng.

In Ye Jingtang's eyes, this scene must have thought that the other party committed suicide on purpose, so as not to be tricked by him into obtaining important information, so he forcibly pushed the lunatic down in the pit.

Eunuch Cao, who was nearby, also jumped up and held Xie Jianlan down, cursing hoarsely:
"Our family has lived for a lifetime, and this is the first time we have seen such a freak as you, please calm down for our family!"

Eunuch Cao has practiced the Dragon Elephant Tutorial, and his brute force is even more terrifying than Ye Jingtang. He just grabbed his shoulder and pressed Xie Jianlan directly into the ice, no matter how difficult it is to move...

 This is today's update. I stayed up all night, and I am going to slowly reverse my schedule. I originally planned to send it at night, but it is unnecessary. There is no or2 at night.
(End of this chapter)

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