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Chapter 398

Chapter 398 Stealing Saint!
As Eunuch Cao held down Xie Jianlan, the stormy ice field fell silent.

Riding on a charcoal-red horse, Dongfang Liren frowned as he looked at the blood-soaked Wufu Beiliang. He felt that this was not a person at all, but a cornered beast. He didn't dare to approach her even if he held her down.


Ye Jingtang fought for a long time, obviously exhausted a lot, breathing like a cow, seeing that Eunuch Cao held down Xie Jianlan without any pressure, he let go of the gun barrel, and wiped the sweat from his face:

"Do you have to risk your life like this? I know that you are escorting Xuehuhua, but I don't know that you think you are protecting the longevity map..."

Speaking of this, Ye Jingtang looked down at the box, and really wondered if it contained the picture of the dragon call.

After all, half a catty of snow lake flowers counts as a sky pearl. Although it is a priceless treasure, the Tianlang kings in the past may not have Xie Jianlanmeng after eating the sky pearl.Xie Jianlan has such strength, for this, she is willing to risk her life, is this impure brain sick?
Xie Jianlan's head was pressed on the ice by Eunuch Cao, her eyes were still blood red, looking at the waist card bounced in the distance, as if she had never heard Ye Jingtang's words.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was also speechless, took two steps back and forth, bent over to pick up the box, and unwrapped it, wanting to see what treasure was inside, worthy of this person's defense, and would not let go.

As a result, after looking at it, hey, let alone, the inside is really not a **** snow lake flower!

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and slid open the jade box, just as he opened it, there was a "bang~" sound from the box, and a black mist sprayed out, spraying on the robe on his chest.


The world was instantly dead silent.

Dongfang Liren suddenly looked back, his pupils were visibly widened to the naked eye.

Eunuch Cao also raised his eyes, and wanted to stop it, but it was too late, so he let out a faint voice:


Even Xie Jianlan, who was pushed to the ground, turned her eyes back, and looked at Ye Jingtang from the corner of her eye.


Holding the box, Ye Jingtang could clearly see the veins on the back of his head, hands and forehead protruding. He took a few deep breaths, and then suppressed the thousands of foul words in his heart, turned his head and gritted his teeth and said:

"You risked your life just to give away a box of Prisoner Miasma?!"


Xie Jianlan was pressed on the ice, and let out a series of bloody laughter, her eyes showed no emotion, as if she was just amused by Ye Jingtang's behavior of being so secretive.


Ye Jingtang felt that this fellow was completely insane, he was not afraid of prison dragon miasma at all, at most he would faint for a while, immediately threw the box aside, looked at Eunuch Cao in a blink of an eye, and asked how to deal with it.

Eunuch Cao is the loyal housekeeper of the Dongfang Clan. He came here to help hold him down. He obviously wanted to stay and see if he could be recruited. After all, Xie Jianlan has the talent to become a saint. She is only 30 years old and can work for at least a year. In terms of income, it can be more profitable than half a catty of snow lake flowers.

But Eunuch Cao pressed the button for a while, and found that Xie Jianlan was useless, she seemed to be possessed by a demon, and taking it back might lead wolves into the house, and there was a bit of hesitation in his eyes.

The two men communicated with each other, and before discussing whether to kill the bird, the bird that ran to investigate, flew back from a distance, and issued a warning along the way:

Ye Jingtang thought he had found another team, turned his head to look back, but suddenly found a black spot at the end of the ice field, and there were no fewer than a hundred people by visual inspection.

More than a hundred people were mixed with dragons and snakes, all of them were martial arts from the north and the south with all kinds of weapons. They chased in the same direction in groups of three and four at a long distance from each other.

And the target of catching up is a woman who is half a mile away from everyone.

The woman was dressed in black and wrapped her face with a face scarf. Although her lightness skills were not as good as Lu Jieyun's, she was not far behind ordinary Wu Kui. She was carrying a box in her hand and galloped across the ice field, following the big bird who was leading the way.

And in the night wind, one could faintly hear the crowd shouting as they chased:


"It's the rules of the rivers and lakes, whoever sees it has a share, half a catty of snow lake flowers, you still want to eat it all by yourself!"

"Rogue Saint, you stole this old man's altar of white hair four years ago, but you still remember this account..."


The scene of the heroes of the rivers and lakes seizing the treasure can be called a huge momentum.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Ye Jingtang and Dongfang Liren opened their mouths in shock.

Even Xie Jianlan, who was going crazy on the ground, reacted at this time, and moved her gaze to that side.

Eunuch Cao narrowed his eyes and said:

"Duke Ye should rest first, let's take care of..."

"Need not!"

Ye Jingtang saw his fair-skinned and beautiful aunt being chased, how could he bear it in his heart, he didn't even care about the tightness in his chest and abdomen, he directly supported the horse, and walked towards the end of the ice field, his steps were as heavy as thunder.

dong dong...


The shattered ice surface was once again pulled out by a straight white line...


And the other side.

On the day Yejingtang set off, Fan Qinghe went to the post station with Sanniang and others to rush to the northwest. Although the horses were slower than Yejingtang, there was no need to stop when changing horses along the way. They galloped at a speed of thousands of miles, and the time was not much slower. , when Ye Jingtang arrived in Pingyi City, he had already rushed to Honghe Town.

Sanniang obeyed the arrangement and waited in Honghe Town to join Yejingtang, and hold a meeting at Xintangkou by the way, while Fan Qinghe heard that the snow lake flowers were blooming, so he could not sit still, so he left the customs on the grounds of investigating the situation, and then followed The rivers and lakes team that went out to win the treasure came to Tianlang Lake.

To Ye Jingtang, Shi Daoyu and others are just a little bit of trash, but in the north and south rivers and lakes, they are real giants in the rivers and lakes.

The ruthless people from the north and the south who came here to snatch the flowers from the snow lake, even if they knew that Shi Daoyu might be carrying the real thing, they would not dare to go up and hit the stone with an egg, let alone Xie Jianlan, who hadn't shown up in ten years.

Although there was no discussion beforehand, the wandering warriors of the northern and southern dynasties all set their sights on the teams led by the three leaders of the Baixiao Camp.

The three commanders of the White Owl Battalion are not weak, and the strongest can be ranked in the middle and upper reaches among the grandmasters; but at this time, the ruthless man who dared to enter Tianlang Lake to rob Zuo Xianwang is obviously even more outrageous, it can be said that he has disappeared for nearly a year All the monsters and ghosts came out.

More than 100 people encircled and suppressed more than 30 people on the ice lake, almost just a few meetings, they solved the Baixiao camp, and then began to hunt for treasure.

As the saying goes, there are no worthless men under a great reputation, and Fan Qinghe's name of "Sage Thieves" is not self-proclaimed. Although he is not good at frontal combat, he has extraordinary lightness skills and is good at using mechanism poisonous techniques.

She had been following in the dark, and when she was fighting for the box, a thick fog was blown upwind, and then she snatched the box in a chaotic manner, and by the time everyone found out, she had already run out for less than half a mile.

Fan Qinghe was able to chase the Pegasus for more than 200 miles in Wuzhou without a sound, and even the real Xuanji couldn't catch it. After half a mile, it was impossible for this group of Jianghu people to catch up.

But apart from this one, the other two teams couldn't handle it at all, so they could only chase after them desperately.

How could it be possible for Fan Qinghe to distribute the Xuehu flowers that he snatched with his ability to other people, and he drove all the way dully, but he never thought that he would find the birds rushing to help just after running for dozens of miles.

Knowing that Yejingtang was nearby, Fan Qinghe was ecstatic, and immediately ran over with Niao Niao.

After seeing a few figures on the shattered ice sheet, Fan Qinghe's aura suddenly rose, and his speed even slowed down a bit. He turned around and scolded:

"Don't blame the old lady for not warning you, and chase life and death at your own risk!"

More than a hundred heroes from the rivers and lakes in the rear also noticed the almost completely shattered ice field ahead, and they became a little vigilant.

But no matter how they imagined it, it was impossible for them to think that the endless glacier would be smashed to pieces by two people. They only thought it was a dangerous place with undercurrents.

A white-haired old man who was chasing at the front, seeing the thief slowing down, said coldly:

"Back then you stole the old man's altar of night white hair, but now you divide the snow lake flower into the old man's half, and the past grievances will be wiped out..."

Before the words were finished, the white-haired old man suddenly realized that something was wrong, stopped his steps, and braked for a certain distance on the ice.


Other Jianghu people swarmed past him, but immediately realized the strangeness, stopped on the ice field one after another, and raised the handle of the knife in their hands.

rub rub rub...

The sound of sharp blades cutting through the ice sounded from the front, from far to near.

Everyone looked up, but saw a black line suddenly appearing in front of Beiliang Pirate Saint, who was flying in the distance, and almost the moment they saw it, they had already brushed shoulders with Pirate Saint, and then it was:
The black afterimage stomped on the ground, and the whole person jumped into the sky in an instant. Some people fell down in the air before they could react, holding more than ten long lances in both hands, and let out a loud cry that shook the ice field halfway:


boom -

More than a hundred people from the rivers and lakes saw a flash of the cold front, and the ice field ahead set off a huge wave!
The flat ice layer was completely torn apart, and the subglacial lake was blown into water mist, engulfed by air waves and rushing in, as if a mountain had suddenly fallen in front of it.


The average quality of the ruthless people who dare to come to snatch Xuehu flowers is indeed not low. When they found that the situation was wrong, many old Jianghus who were not young had already swooped out to the side.

And some of the younger ones, when they saw that the opponent was less than half a mile away, they still had doubts in their hearts. When the terrifying power rose to the sky, it was too late to avoid it. The shattered ice spread to the feet in an instant, and then there was an overwhelming air wave.


With such a long distance, Yu Jin is no longer enough to split the horse and man, but a half-step martial saint's head-on shot is not so easy to bear.

The dozen or so people who couldn't dodge were instantly engulfed by the air wave and flew backwards, and a mouthful of old blood was shocked in the air.

As for the people who flashed out, their cheeks were hurt by the strong wind mixed with ice particles, and their eyes were full of horror. They probably suspected that they had bumped into the Dragon Lord of Tianlang Lake.


After the air wave churned, a crack was torn on the ice sheet, splitting the chasing crowd into two.

After Ye Jingtang shot the gun, he stopped in place, pointing at the crowd in front of him with one hand in his hand, his eyes were like killing gods.

And the ice field was as quiet as death. More than a hundred people from the rivers and lakes couldn't even breathe. A few tattered warriors fell into the ice slag, clutching their chests and coughing:


And several Jianghu warriors who came from the Southern Dynasties may have seen big scenes in Junshantai and other places, and whispered:
"The Nightmare Hall?!"


Although the voice was small, it was like a thunderbolt, and there was a little confusion in the hundreds of warriors standing still.

Walking in the rivers and lakes now, people who have never heard of Ye Jingtang's name are the unlucky ones who have been accepted by the King of Hades before they figure out what's going on.

The rest of the people, even Wu Kui of the North and the South, would probably feel a tremor if they bumped into it.

After all, Ye Jingtang was known to be ruthless. Leaving the whole body was considered an outpouring of kindness. Most of the time, five people were killed, and the pieces could make up six or seven corpses. It was impossible to tell which was which.

Everyone saw that this black-robed gunman, who was more powerful than a god and Buddha, turned out to be the famous Ye Jingtang. They didn't dare to raise their knives, let alone meet those eyes, for fear of being the first to be called.

Ye Jingtang shot down, although the momentum was earth-shattering, but he obviously kept his hand.

After all, he came here to snatch Zuo Xianwang, not to help Zuo Xianwang clean up the thieves.

If this group of desperate braves were all slaughtered, there would be few people to rob Zuo Xianwang. He alone could block the entire Tianlang Lake to death.

Even though he was a little annoyed because of this, Ye Jingtang looked at everyone for a while, then moved away from the front and pointed at the ice, and said flatly:

"Are you still chasing?"


How dare everyone respond.

Fan Qinghe ran to the rivers and lakes to snatch the treasure, which is for those who can get it. He took the things and killed the people who didn't grab them with his backhand.
"Let me tell you again, I have never stolen anything, if you dare to pour dirty water on my head in the future, don't blame me for being rude!"

The people of Beiliang Jianghu don't believe this at all. After all, such a good lightness kung fu, even went to the forbidden area of ​​the sect, who would believe it if they didn't take anything?

But seeing that Beiliang Pirates became Ye Jingtang's concubine, no one would dare to mention this matter in the future.

The Jiang Hu people present are not stupid, the white-haired old man who was clamoring just now hastily cupped his hands and said:
"Hero Ye is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness. He is full of chivalry. Everyone in the north and south of the world knows it. If the girl is really a gangster, how can Hero Ye be with the girl.

"In the past, it seems that I treated a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. Please forgive me. After I go out, the old man must clarify this matter for the girl himself, so as not to tarnish the girl's name with gossip in the world."

One exaggeration, this flattery is indeed a bit level, and other people are also eager to echo it.

Seeing that this group of people knew each other well, Ye Jingtang gave up on trying to make an example of others, and said instead:

"Shi Daoyu and Xie Jianlan were in danger on the ice field. I was too late to help them and they were already in the enemy's hands. King Zuo Xian was afraid that the thieves would rob the prison, so he didn't dare to leave the city rashly. You should pay attention in the future. If you do evil in Tianlang Lake again, King Zuo Xian will not spare you."


As soon as this remark came out, more than a hundred Jianghu people were obviously shocked. They really didn't expect that with so many of them, they took down the weakest team, and even before they were completely bagged, the two strongest teams had already been defeated. Knocked out.

As for who killed it, there is no need to ask.

What Ye Jingtang said was nothing more than the fact that the two countries were still fighting in secret, and they were just saying something in public. Apart from himself, who else on Tianlang Lake could destroy the two teams? city?

Now that all the trump cards under Zuo Xianwang's hands have been wiped out, and Ye Jingtang is only defending Zuo Xianwang, it is much easier to grab Xuehuhua next. Sneaking into the Northwest Protectorate to steal, Zuo Xianwang reckons Didn't even care about them.

Many people from the northern and southern rivers and lakes also understood the meaning at this time, and immediately cupped their hands and said:
"Thank you Ye Daxia for reminding me, I will definitely abide by the law and act in a safe manner in the future."

After saying that, they scattered like birds and beasts, but after a while, they disappeared into the ice field and disappeared.

stomping on...

Fan Qinghe stood in front of him, and seeing the Jianghu people leave, he pulled down his scarf, revealing his bright cheeks with three-dimensional features, and handed the box to Ye Jingtang:
"Auntie, isn't it amazing? Are you injured? Why do you feel that your breath is not stable..."


Before he could finish speaking, there was an elastic and crisp sound on the ice field.

Before Fan Qinghe could react, a burning pain came from her buttocks. She was so startled that she jumped on the spot, quickly turned around and covered her back, and looked at Ye Jingtang's hand with a little shame and resentment in her eyes.

Ye Jingtang's expression was quite serious, and he asked like a daughter-in-law:

"Who made you come out alone?"

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was a little fierce, Fan Qinghe hid his shame and indignation again, frowned and said:

"I'm an old Jianghu, I know how to measure, and I'm not a stunned young man running around without permission... Don't you get the Snow Lake Flower? If you don't come, they won't be able to catch up. I knew I wouldn't come looking for you..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Fan Qinghe could run away, but still felt that it was dangerous, and warned:
"You are not allowed to make your own decisions in the future. If you have anything to discuss with me first. You can run away if you meet these people. What will you do if you meet Xie Jianlan?"

When Fan Qinghe heard this, he remembered something, raised his eyes and asked:

"Did you really kill Xie Jianlan?"

Seeing that Fan Qinghe's eyes were wrong, Ye Jingtang stopped admonishing his daughter-in-law and walked back together, signaling to the figure in the depths of the ice field:
"Not yet, but soon, do you know him?"

Fan Qinghe raised his eyes and saw Eunuch Cao holding down a bloody man, so he frowned:
"I met once. The year before last, I wandered around the rivers and lakes of Beiliang. In order to find the records of Tianlangzhu, I ran to Huangxing Valley where the Medical Sacred of Beiliang was located.

"At that time, I saw a room inside, in which lay a skinny girl with a hanging rope tied to the beam, and a young man was hanging on it.

"I'm a doctor anyway. When I saw someone hanged myself, I had to check it out. As soon as I got to the door, I found that the young man who had hanged himself opened his eyes..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this bizarre story, his eyes were a little puzzled:
"Hanging is Xie Jianlan?"

"I didn't know at the time, I just thought it was a family member of the patient who had nowhere to seek medical treatment and was about to commit suicide. After some inquiries, I found out that he was Xie Jianlan, who was famous in the world ten years ago, and that girl was his wife. She was poisoned. I searched all over All the genius doctors couldn't be saved at all, so they wanted to commit suicide and die together..."

Fan Qinghe recounted how Xie Jianlan was manipulated by Emperor Liang back then, and then the female police officer committed suicide by disobeying orders, her eyes were stained with embarrassment.

Ye Jingtang carried Ma Qiang on his shoulders, and after listening carefully, he frowned and said:
"Then you gave me a prescription to save people?"

Fan Qinghe shook his head and sighed: "Wang Miracle Physician and Beiliang Medical Sage are sure that people who cannot be saved, I can't cure them well. The girl is taking the 'scattered soul dove', a strange poison that appeared thousands of years ago. You can't even enter the reincarnation, and you won't have the next life. Some people would rather be tortured than eat this thing. I checked the pulse at that time, and the girl was hanged at any cost. Although her body was alive, her soul had already dispersed ..."

"The soul is gone?"

"Well... Anyway, they are the living dead, and the ones lying on the bed are just uncooled corpses."

Fan Qinghe sighed softly: "If I had said it straight at the time, Xie Jianlan would definitely have committed suicide, so I told him that there is an ancient prescription from various tribes in the West Sea, using flowers from the thousand-year-old snow lake flower, white lotus at the end of the northern wilderness, fairy The fruit core of Yudao, mixed with a medicine, can call back the soul and bring people back to life..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he stopped in his tracks:
"Deliberately say these things that are impossible to find in a lifetime, so that he has a goal of living?"

Fan Qinghe shook his head: "This is indeed a prescription handed down from the Liang Dynasty. It is said that it can bring the dead back to life and live forever; but I guess the wizard who left this prescription is also prevaricating the first emperor, who spent his life I can't find any medicinal ingredients, so naturally I can't say that the level of wizards is not good..."

After hearing this, Ye Jingtang finally understood why Xie Jianlan was so crazy.

No one knows where the end of the northern wilderness is, and the same is true for Xianyu Island. The simplest of the three things is actually the snow lake flower that countless people in the rivers and lakes can't get it in their entire lives.

Xie Jianlan knew from the bottom of her heart that her daughter-in-law was dead, but she was unwilling to accept it. Even though she knew that the prescription was not true, she still ran to pursue it.

Fighting with him regardless of the cost may not be for gaining anything, but knowing in his heart that what he is chasing is destined to be empty, and a hurdle cannot be overcome, so he wants to die on the road of fighting for it before the truth is revealed and completely despaired.

Ye Jingtang was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"So, the bathing fire map is useless?"

"Huohuotu can be reborn with broken limbs, and the brain can be regenerated if it is broken. At most, all memories can be lost. Naturally, it can be saved, but the premise is that the person is awake; the last time the queen mother was poisoned, as you saw, her soul has already disappeared. How do you teach the bathing fire map to a corpse when it is dead?"


Seeing this, Ye Jingtang said nothing, and quickly returned to the horse.

Dongfang Liren hurried over, first nodded to Aunt Fanfang Fan, and then said with concern:

"Yejingtang, you were poisoned just now, are you alright?"


Only then did Fan Qinghe realize that Ye Jingtang's aura was wrong, so he quickly grasped his wrist to check, and then his face became tense.

Ye Jingtang slightly raised his hand and comforted him, "I have the picture of bathing in fire next to me, I'm fine, I just need to rest for a day or two."

As he spoke, he squatted down next to Eunuch Cao, and looked at Xie Jianlan who was still being held down:

"Do you know that prescription may not work?"

Seeing Fan Qinghe, Xie Jianlan's eyes became clearer, and she uttered a sentence in her throat:
"A person cannot be resurrected after death, if you want to kill, kill it, you have lived enough."

Ye Jingtang thought for a while and said: "The saying that people cannot be resurrected after death is only for mortals. If there are longevity techniques such as the Dragon Calling Picture in the world, there must be a longevity method; Can heal people.

"If I were you, since I searched for nothing in the secular world, I should use all my energy to delve into the avenue of heaven and earth. When I understand why the painting of bathing fire can give birth to bones and flesh, and why the painting of longevity can live forever, it is not easy to save someone?
"Even if you still can't save your life when the time comes, you can jump out of reincarnation after practicing the method of longevity. You can leave this world like Wu Taizu and go to a farther place to search. As long as your heart is not dead, you can always find a way. No matter how difficult the process is, It’s better than running around with random targets and running around doing nothing, and thinking you did your best.”

Xie Jianlan was pressed to the ground and heard Ye Jingtang's words, her eyes moved slightly.

Ye Jingtang stood up, wiped the sweat off his face:

"But I am me, and you are you. If I don't have the heart, it's useless to say more. My daughter-in-law is soft-hearted and can't bear a girl who is so strong that she dares to eat the 'scattered soul dove'. Yes, I will go much higher than you in the future, and if I really find a cure, I will tell the Beiliang Medical Sage to see if I can save you. As for you, you have some martial arts skills, but that's all, I don't care about life or death."

After Ye Jingtang finished speaking, he hung the lance on the horse's side, turned over and got on the horse.

Dongfang Liren mounted his horse after him, and added after turning around:
"Eunuch Cao, give him a few words of persuasion, and if you don't persuade him, send him a ride, so as not to let the tiger go back to the mountain."

Eunuch Cao has always been pure in his work. If it is beneficial to Dongfang, he will stay, and if it is harmful, he will be killed. Anyone may feel compassion. He will not. Hearing the second princess's order, he just nodded slowly.

Fan Qinghe is a girl with soft breasts. After seeing the girl's appearance, she always felt that the two of them were hard-working people.But Ye Jingtang's phrase 'my daughter-in-law is soft-hearted' is obviously referring to her, and she has already reached this point, it is meaningless for her to say more, she just sits behind Ye Jingtang and hugs her waist.

Ye Jingtang was indeed a little dizzy, sandwiched between two big girls, his eyes were still clear, before he left, he looked back at Eunuch Cao:
"The three teams are all gone, and Zuo Xianwang should not be able to find any manpower for the time being. But just to be on the safe side, please ask Mr. Cao to patrol the ice field these days, and make sure all the teams sending snow lake flowers are blocked in the city and cannot get out. , when I turn back, let’s go to Yang Zuo Xianwang’s old lair together.”

Eunuch Cao looked at Ye Jingtang, and felt a sense of disparity in his heart, "It's already the New Year's Eve, and he, the old man of the previous dynasty, still regards himself as a character", so he sighed softly:
"Our family can feel at ease when you have Duke Ye in Wei. Take care all the way."


Dongfang Liren sat in front, holding the reins lightly on the horse's belly, and the charcoal red horse galloped into the distance.

The birds hovering in the sky also landed on the horse's back after seeing this, three people and one bird quickly disappeared at the end of the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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