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Chapter 399

Chapter 399


Dongfangli was riding a charcoal-red horse galloping, while Niaoniao was a scout chicken under the clouds, paying attention to the movements in a radius of tens of miles. silhouette.

Ye Jingtang sat behind him with two soft pillows leaning on his back. He was sitting upright at first, but when he walked, he felt like the world was spinning, his whole body began to be impetuous, and his face turned red and white at times.

Although the saddle is wide, it is obviously not designed for three adults. Fan Qinghe is a bit reluctant to sit on the back, so he can only stick tightly to Ye Jingtang's back, wrapping his hands around his sides, grabbing Dongfang Liren's belt, So as not to be bumped down.

As a doctor, Fan Qinghe naturally sensed that something was wrong with Ye Jingtang's breath. He put his chin on his shoulder as he walked forward, and looked at Ye Jingtang's cheek:

"Yejingtang, can you still hold on?"

"Huh...it's okay..."

Ye Jingtang is pregnant with the picture of bathing fire, and is a descendant of the Qinchi tribe. He has soaked in potions when he was young, and he is immune to the poison of the secret medicines of the same line, such as prisoner dragon's miasma and Tianlangzhu.

But immune toxicity does not mean that the body has no response. The medicine is so strong that after it penetrates into the skin, even if the body can metabolize it, it will take some time. At this time, it feels like drinking alcohol is about to break apart, and the sky is spinning, and the mood is restless. There are also some abnormalities in the body.

This was Dongfang Liren's deepest feeling. She sat in the front, and Ye Jingtang slowly put the weight on her back, obviously grateful for the panic in the back.

It's hard for Dongfang Liren to say it clearly, but when he heard Fan Qinghe's words, he turned around:

"Would you like to find a place to rest first?"

Fan Qinghe raised his eyes and looked around the ice field. There was no place to stay at all. After thinking for a while, he said:
"Go back to the shore first. There is a town near the Xihai Protectorate's Mansion. We will rest when we arrive."

Dongfang Liren felt that the distance was quite far away, but Ye Jingtang definitely couldn't do anything now. Dragons and snakes were mixed on Tianlang Lake. In case of encountering a strong enemy, she and Fan Qinghe could not protect them. The horse galloped towards the west bank of Tianlang Lake.

Seeing Ye Jingtang's uncomfortable look, Fan Qinghe tightened Dongfang Liren's grip and clamped Ye Jingtang:
"If you feel uncomfortable, just sleep for a while, don't hold on."

Dongfang Liren had been pointed at with a gun, and he couldn't hide from being pulled like this, so he could only suppress his emotions and ride his horse in suspense.

And Ye Jingtang was pinched from front to back, dizzy and couldn't help Benben adjust his posture. After swaying for a while, his body lost his strength and fell on Benben's back...
On the other side, the Protectorate of the West Sea.

As the capital of the former king, although the current population of Xihai Duhu Mansion is relatively small, the city is large in scale, with spacious roads and flat plains. At night, when thousands of houses are lit up, you can still feel the prosperous atmosphere of the royal court in the northwest.

The royal palace, which occupies a small half of the city, is located in the north. Because no one lives there, the entire northern city looks dark and densely lit. Only Zuoxian Wangfu, which is separated from the palace by a wall, and the surrounding area of ​​the prison on the opposite block .

The criminal prison is located in the center of the block, the city wall is three feet high, and the surrounding houses have been cleared out as early as 20 years ago, turning into a blank area around the surrounding area, with a width of up to [-] steps. It is the residential area of ​​Baixiaoying.

If ordinary people want to rob the prison, they have to first pass through the residential area of ​​Baixiaoying, and then cross the hundred-step open space to come to the outside of the prison wall. Not to mention whether it is possible to break in, the difficulty of approaching is enough to make [-]% of the world Jiu's martial artist dismissed the idea.

Recently, just to be on the safe side, heavy armored infantrymen were stationed outside the prison walls, armed with big guns and crossbows. , I dare not say that I can dodge the guards and touch it silently.

At this time, densely packed heavy armor soldiers stood on the city wall of the prison, almost forming a human wall on the prison.

King Zuo Xian was dressed in golden armor, standing on the turret with his hands behind his back, looking at the lights of the city, his eyes were deep and no emotion could be seen, but from his back, he could still feel a little sad.

Behind King Zuo Xian stood a middle-aged man in official robes, named Xing Shouchun, a retainer of King Zuo Xian, frowning and reporting:

"There was news from the Southern Dynasty that the empress wanted to patrol the border, and the guard of honor had left Yun'an to go north by boat; the Lord of the Town, Wang Yin, secretly summoned the generals abroad to return to Jingjie City; more than ten military workshops in Yazhou, Yunzhoubei, etc., started A large amount of timber was felled, and the fireworks were not extinguished day and night; the Qingjiang River was controlled, and the port gave way to water transport ships..."

There were a lot of messy news, but in summary, only one news was revealed-the Southern Dynasty mobilized the whole army and was preparing for war.

This news seems to be Nanchao's play, to put pressure on Beiliang, so that they don't want to monopolize Xuehu flowers.

But Zuo Xianwang, as the prince, was one of the Four Sages of the Northern Liang Dynasty. He guarded the western border for the emperor, and he knew the situation of the world very well.

The Northern and Southern dynasties have recuperated for nearly 20 years. The military reserves have basically recovered, and the warehouses have been filled with supplies. It can be said that they have been raised to the point where they have sharp weapons and murderous intentions. It will be a matter of time before war starts again.

In the past, there was a dispute over the imperial lineage in the Southern Dynasties. Beiliang controlled the various tribes in the West Sea, and Beiliang was obviously in the upper hand.

But now that King Wu was destroyed, King Yan cut off his wings in order to protect himself, and the only remaining king, Liang Miao, had no motive to rebel at all. The internal stability of the Southern Dynasty had stabilized, and he already had the confidence to start a war.

And the orphans of the Northwest Royal Court have now gone to the Southern Dynasty; the tribes of the West Sea respect the strong and recognize their blood, and Ye Jingtang happens to have both.

As long as Ye Jingtang is willing to carry the banner of 'Tianlang King' again, with the support of the Southern Dynasty, it may be able to raise the Tianlang Iron Cavalry, which is regarded as a nightmare by the two dynasties, in a few months.

And the situation of the two dynasties naturally reversed and turned upside down.
Now that the empress suddenly put on the posture of a royal conquest, how could Zuo Xianwang dare to bet that the empress of the Southern Dynasty was only for those snow lake flowers?

His entire army was on guard without leaving any gaps, and the Empress might just be patrolling around normally to apply pressure.

And if he misjudged it and thought that the Empress was just scaring people from fighting, then the Empress saw that there was a breakthrough in the northwest, and the time to enter the Northern Expedition would come soon?

In this situation, King Zuo Xian couldn't sleep at night, and he only hoped that the three teams he sent out would be able to send Xuehuhua back to Hudong Road safely.

As long as Xuehuhua is successfully sent away, the intention of the Nanchao Empress will be clear at a glance. Even if he really wants to fight, he only needs to concentrate on preventing Nanchao from entering the pass.

And if you can't send it away...


King Zuo Xian looked at the lights all over the city and was deducing the current situation when a hurried sound suddenly pierced the night.

King Zuo Xian's heart trembled when he heard this voice, but his expression was still majestic and cold. He lowered his head to look at the scouts rushing to the prison, and said in a deep voice:

The scouts who came from flying horses were sweating profusely, but their faces were pale. When they came to the city wall, they got off their horses, knelt on one knee and clasped their fists:
"My lord, there is an urgent message from Tianlang Lake. The entire army led by Shi Daoyu was wiped out, only the corpses were found; Xie Jianlan died at the hands of Ye Jingtang, and the rest escaped but lost Xuehuhua; the three commanders Killed by Jianghu thieves..."

Xing Shouchun, who was next to him, was furious when he heard the words, and reprimanded:

"The three teams went out, how could they all die outside? Why didn't you report the news in advance?"

The scout's face turned pale and he said: "It seems that they started attacking continuously in a short period of time. It took only a quarter of an hour before and after, and it was too late to find out... In addition, there are still several waves of thieves who have approached within a hundred miles of the capital, and only now have the scouts left the city After investigation, they were stopped and searched all over before they were released..."


Before the words fell, there was a loud bang on the city wall.

King Zuo Xian shattered the battlements with his palm, the veins on his forehead popped out, his uncontrollable energy made his white hair flutter.

Xing Shouchun was startled, and hastily cupped his hands and said:
"My lord, don't be angry. These gangsters are so bold that they dare to stir up trouble at the lord's feet. I will send troops to the lake to wipe them out..."


King Zuo Xian breathed like an angry beast, but after taking a few deep breaths, he didn't nod.

After all, the current situation is clear at a glance.

Countless gangsters gathered in Tianlang Lake, among them was a night terror squatting, Xie Jianlan was planted, and the Martial Saint would die almost as soon as he left the city.

Zuo Xianwang is not afraid of Ye Jingtang, but the enemy is dark and we are clear. If he dares to go out of the city, Ye Jingtang will definitely turn around and gather a gang of thieves to come to the prison to rob. When he returns, the palace may be given to him Burned.

As for sending troops to Tianlang Lake to suppress the bandits, let alone the bandits who dare to come to Tianlang Lake to make waves at this time must be masters of the rivers and lakes. Hundreds of heavy armored cavalry may not dare to charge forward, but they are a ball of fire , Scattered is full of stars, running around, turning back and killing a few when you find time, what do the brigades use to encircle and suppress?
King Zuoxian crushed the bricks and stones in his palm into powder, and after some consideration, he asked:

"How long will it take for all the snow lake flowers in the prison to dry in the shade?"

"In the past three to four days, [-]% can be dried in the shade, and the rest can be picked late, and it may take longer."

"A cavalry army of two thousand, three days later, I will follow the king out of the city to clear up the thieves. These few days, the troops will stay on the defensive, and only send a small group of people to transport snow lake flowers and wet plants to cover people's eyes and ears..."

As soon as Xing Shouchun heard this, he knew that Zuo Xianwang was planning to carry out the transport by himself. He wanted to dissuade him, but he immediately realized Zuo Xianwang's decisiveness.

Currently in a stalemate, if they really stick to their positions, King Zuo Xian will be trapped to death when the army of the Southern Dynasty overwhelms the border.

But now that the Southern Dynasty is gathering troops and horses to go north, even if they really fight, it is impossible to hit Tianlang Lake in three to five days.

Now after getting the news, Zuo Xianwang made a decisive decision to personally suppress the battle, and sent most of the snow lake flowers to Hudong Road. They came and went for a maximum of two or three days, and they had time to come back to preside over the overall situation. As long as they succeeded, they would break out of the deadlock.

But King Zuoxian deliberately gave some mosquito meat to the Jianghu people, and then went out of the city to suppress the bandits in a frantic look. Ye Jingtang and other Jianghu thieves got the news, and they might come to rob the prison.

As long as the Jianghu thieves come, the road to Hudong Road will be unimpeded, and when Ye Jingtang and the others come to realize, King Zuo Xian has already arrived.

Thinking of this, Xing Shouchun felt a little admiration in his heart, cupped his hands and said:

"Follow your orders. But if His Highness encounters Ye Jingtang and other thieves after leaving the city..."

King Zuo Xian's eyes were filled with anger, and he said coldly:
"Isn't it better to meet?"

"Uh... that's right, Ye Jingtang is a serious problem for my confidant, if the prince can get rid of it with his own hands, Xijiang will have no power to rebel..."

Unknowingly, it was early morning, and the east had already turned white. The bird, which had been flying all night, was also a little sleepy at this time, and landed on the horse's neck.

Although Niao Niao was not heavy, the charcoal red horse ran for a day and a night with amazing endurance, and felt a little bit pressed by the last straw, and his pace slowed down.

Dongfang Liren was in a hurry to find a place for Ye Jingtang to rest, and he didn't pay attention at first, but when he found that his sister's horse had run like this, he was afraid that he would die if he really ran away, so he stopped the horse immediately, turned over and fell to the ground.

Fan Qinghe sat at the back, saw that the horse was carrying three people, and couldn't carry it any longer, and fell to the ground, helping Ye Jingtang down.

Ye Jingtang was already asleep, but there was a change in the outside world, and he was awakened again. His body was staggering, and he stood still with his shoulders on Aunt Fan. He looked at the wilderness in a blink of an eye, and asked:

"Where is this..."

"Ziyun Mountain is more than 80 miles away from Xihai Duhufu. There is a small town two miles ahead, and Dongming Mountain is just ahead..."

Fan Qinghe supported Ye Jingtang, and while he was talking, he suddenly found that Ye Jingtang had lost his strength and was pressing on her shoulder.

She could bear the dead body, but Ye Jingtang's hand on his shoulders slumped from the other side, and just landed on the watermelon.

Let's say it's intentional, the movement is natural, it's completely unbearable and fell asleep.

But let's say it was unintentional. After putting it on, the big hand shook it obviously, pinching her neck slightly, and her words stopped.

Dongfang Liren comforted the hard-working Niao Niao, and when he turned his head, he saw Ye Jingtang's frivolous aunt's actions, annoyance flashed in his eyes, and he turned and came to him:

"It's time like this, are you still flirting with women?"


Ye Jingtang's face turned red and white alternately, and he opened his eyes slightly, looking a little dazed.

Fan Qinghe hurriedly said: "He was dizzy, it wasn't intentional, and I'm not an outsider, it's okay, help him go to town quickly."

Dongfang Liren didn't think it was wrong to pinch Aunt Fan, but felt that she shouldn't be hurt and still think about it. Seeing that the villain seemed to pinch her subconsciously, she didn't say much, and helped lift the other arm. Lead the horse and go forward.

Although Xijiang is vast and sparsely populated, the Protectorate of the West Sea was once the capital of the royal court, and it is impossible to go out of the city to barren mountains and wild mountains. Although the population is not dense, there are still many large and small towns.

Recently, the West Sea is under martial law. Those who went to Tianlang Lake to rob are brave and dare not enter the city rashly. Most of them settle in these places, which can be called a mixed bag of dragons and snakes.

Fan Qinghe was very familiar with this area, fearing that his whereabouts would be discovered, he sneaked into the town before dawn, found a well-known inn, put the horse in, and then helped Ye Jingtang, and came together In the hotel room.

After Dongfang Liren entered the room, he leaned against the bed with Ye Jingtang on his back, and put the exhausted Niao Niao out of the window, gave him some food, and asked him to help keep watch.

Fan Qinghe lit a candle and sat down beside the bed, first touched Ye Jingtang's forehead, then held his wrist to signal his pulse:
"The prisoner's miasma is too strong. Although it can't hurt him, it won't be so fast if it is suppressed. It may take a day to rest..."

Dongfang Liren closed the doors and windows and came to the side to look around. He found that Ye Jingtang was sweating on his forehead and his lips were dry, so he fetched a water bag, held the back of Ye Jingtang's head with his arms, and fed him water.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang's body was hot, as if he was cooked, Dongfang Liren asked with a frown;

"Do you want to help him take off his clothes?"

Fan Qinghe didn't say much, took off the waist knife and saber, put them on the dressing table, and then unbuttoned his robe, revealing his perfectly muscular chest and abdomen.

Originally, Ye Jingtang was wearing a winter robe, although there was something strange, but Fan Qinghe didn't bother to pay attention.

Now that the robe was untied, only a pair of black thin trousers were left on Ye Jingtang's body, and she realized in a blink of an eye...


Fan Qinghe saw the villain's high-spirited look, his eyes became embarrassed and he quickly lowered his head, as if he hadn't seen anything, he continued to pull out his robe.

Dongfang Liren hugged Ye Jingtang to feed the water, and naturally saw it. He wanted to pretend that he hadn't noticed it like Fan Qinghe, but he was worried in the bottom of his heart, and asked:
"Miss Fan, he...is he all right?"


Fan Qinghe's movements froze slightly, his heart was speechless, and he thought to himself - how do I know?I have never been hit by a prisoner dragon miasma...

However, as a doctor, Fan Qinghe couldn't ask three questions, so he responded softly:

"Hmm...Although the energy and blood are too strong, he is in good health and can bear it. It should be unreliable after a while."

Wait a minute?
Although Dongfang Liren is not good at medical skills, it is not that she has never seen the tears of a chivalrous woman. She frowned and said:

"According to medical records, if you are hyperactive for a long time... for a long time, your limbs will be damaged. He has been like this all the way, it seems like it's midnight..."

Fan Qinghe naturally knew that being abnormally excited for a long time would lead to organ necrosis, and he was a little uncertain when he heard this, so he turned his head and looked:
"What should I do?"

Dongfang Liren sat up a little straighter and looked at Aunt Fan:
"You are a doctor, what should I do if you ask me?"


Fan Qinghe thought so too, pursed his lips, looked at the majestic and exquisite figure of the queen, and hesitated to speak.


Dongfang Liren was not stupid, so he naturally understood what Fan Qinghe was thinking.

How dare she do such a shameful thing in front of Fan Qinghe.

Furthermore, if this kind of thing needs to be done by the king himself, why do we need these extra chopsticks at home?
Dongfang Liren's heart was very strange, and he put on a serious look:

"There is no cure for illness, Miss Vatican, don't say you can't help it."


Fan Qinghe wanted to say "I'm his aunt", but they all embraced and kissed, and grandma had seen her before, so these hypocritical queens obviously didn't believe it.

The queen is not a witch, no matter how aggressive she is, it is impossible for her to ask the queen of Wei to do something.

Seeing Dongfangli's urging, Fan Qinghe bit the bullet and said in a low voice:

"I... I am also a woman who has not left the cabinet, how can I help him?"

Dongfang Liren was quite surprised to hear that King Dongming was still guarding his body like a jade.

That being the case, then she couldn't make a move, after all, she was dragged into the water, if she volunteered to go up, wouldn't it be a pity for Auntie Fangfang to stand on the shore and watch her laugh.

Dongfang Liren hesitated for a while, got up and went to the side of the bag to rummage through, and found two blank sheets of paper, on which were the refined version of the tears of a heroine that she had secretly drawn these days.

Dongfang Liren acted like a queen, and handed the paper to Fan Qinghe:
"Then, you just follow this."

Fan Qinghe pretended to be calm and looked at the paper, but saw a picture on it - holding a watermelon with both hands and pushing it.


Fan Qinghe secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the scene that made people blush!
After all, the queen didn't ask her to do it for real, she just asked her grandma to help...

She took a few glances and said uncertainly:

"Your Highness, are you sure this is enough?"

It's hard for Dongfang Liren to say that he's from here, so he acted like he didn't understand:
"It's written in the book, so it should be ok, try it."

Said and watched intently.

Although Fan Qinghe is a doctor, but this kind of thing can not be avoided by doctors, but also by family members.

She raised her hand to touch the lace of the skirt, and then looked at the curious baby-like queen:
"Then what..."

Seeing that Miss Fan couldn't let go, Dongfang Liren gave up his mind to watch and study, and put down the curtain:

"I'll wait at the door, and Miss Vatican will call out when she's done."

stomping on...

The curtains were lowered, and there was only a man and a woman left in the bed. The dim yellow light of the candlelight shone in, and they could clearly see each other's hot cheeks.

What is it...

Fan Qinghe really regrets running out all at once now, even if he didn't drag the dead demon girl, he should have dragged Sanniang, right?

Now it's just the Queen and her, and there is no one who can stand behind her...

Fan Qinghe didn't know what he was thinking about, his face was as red as blood, after holding back for a long time, he still mustered up the courage to suppress distracting thoughts, and quietly unbuttoned his clothes.

Fan Qinghe was wearing a black nocturnal suit, which was very slim. After the skirt was unbuttoned, the shoulders and chest were exposed in the candlelight. Tuan'er's plump waist was gripped tightly, and the impact was astonishing.

Fan Qinghe folded his arms around his chest, not daring to look at Ye Jingtang, but he still murmured in his heart: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's not true, he touched it just now, what's the big deal, saving a life is worth it Level seven... so big..."


Fan Qinghe didn't know what he saw, his eyes widened a little bit, he bit his lower lip and turned his head away, picked up the paper and looked at the moves carefully, then knelt on the quilt and tried to draw.

There was no sound in the room, and Dongfang Liren, who was eavesdropping outside the door, also remained silent.

Ye Jingtang was not in a coma, but dizzy and dizzy with qi and blood, and fell into a state of false sleep. He could vaguely hear words, but he had no energy to respond at all.

Ye Jingtang frowned when he realized that someone was controlling his vitals. He opened his eyes in a daze, and looked down, only to see a beauty in a black dress who was scrambling cautiously as if she was catching a snake. There is a lot of shame, anger and tension hidden in the eyes.Because the facial features are very three-dimensional, the cheeks showed alternating bright and colorful reflections under the lights, which aggravated the bright and gorgeous temperament a little bit.

? ?
Ye Jingtang's eyes were a little dazed, his lips moved, and his parched throat hadn't spoken yet when he saw Miss Fan showing the determination of "long pain is worse than short pain" and wanted to pull off the chest wrap.He subconsciously stopped talking, and opened his eyes a little bit, but immediately realized that Miss Fan was cowardly, and instead wanted to use it from under the coercion, what to do...


Ye Jingtang couldn't tell if he was dreaming at first, but after the strange touch came, he was still a little awake, and realized that what he saw in front of him was real, and he murmured in his throat:


Fan Qinghe was already worried, and almost died of fright when he heard the voice, so he sat up straight quickly, and assumed the appearance of a respected female doctor. After thinking about it, he folded his arms around his chest, and said incoherently:

"I...then what..."


Ye Jingtang wanted to say a few words, but his throat was burning like a knife, so he couldn't speak loudly, so he pointed his fingers slightly, motioning for Qinghe to come over.

Fan Qinghe was caught by Ye Jingtang, she wanted to die, she was thinking about how to explain it secretly, seeing that Ye Jingtang had something to say, she still pretended to be calm, and moved closer to her, with her ears facing Ye Jingtang:
"What did you say?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the cheek that was close at hand, and said in a low voice:
"You... what are you doing?"


Fan Qinghe obviously didn't understand the meaning, and turned to look at Ye Jingtang, very dazed.

Ye Jingtang had a sore throat and was inconvenient to speak, so he raised his hand, touched Fan Qinghe's waist, took out a bottle of Yulong ointment from the small medicine clip containing various bottles and jars, and put it in her hand.

Fan Qinghe held the small porcelain bottle, his eyes were a little at a loss, he was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the meaning, his eyes suddenly became annoyed, and he said seriously:

"What do you mean? I saw that you were overwhelmed with qi and blood and felt uncomfortable, so I made this decision to help you. You are already awake, and you don't want to find a way to suppress it yourself, but you still have to teach me how to help?"

When Ye Jingtang heard this, there was a hint of apology in his eyes, and he said softly:
"It's like this when you wake up, I thought you were willing to come... I can bear it, it's okay, don't embarrass yourself..."

As Ye Jingtang was talking, he closed his eyes and remained silent, as if he had passed out.

"Eh? Wake up..."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang fell asleep again, Fan Qinghe raised his hand to pat his cheek, and pinched him again. Seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't respond, his heart collapsed.

She wanted to get up and let it go, but it was hard to explain to the Queen.

Go ahead, what if he wakes up and remembers it?
dong dong——

"Miss Fan, what's the matter?"

"Oh it's all right……"

Fan Qinghe was urged by the queen, recovered his senses, and after looking at Ye Jingtang for a few times, finally gritted his teeth secretly, sat back softly, opened the Yulong ointment, wiped it on a little, and then tried it.

Nourishing ~
It turned out to be much slippery and almost hit my chin.


Fan Qinghe bit her lower lip tightly, her face flushed like blood, she was so embarrassed that she felt as if she was holding a soldering iron in her arms.

After getting used to it, Fan Qinghe found that it was nothing, it was easier than being bullied, and the tension in his heart disappeared.

However, after a short period of treatment, Fan Qinghe didn't know if he was stunned, and Ruo Ruowu snorted, then quickly closed his lips, and looked outside the curtain, obviously afraid that the Queen might hear it...

 This chapter was published in the morning and has been reviewed.It may be later tomorrow, and I can’t hold back the codewords at night, so try to find a way to send the codewords during the day in the afternoon.

  Thank you [Sakura Walnut] for the [-] rewards, [Jiahai Zijinliang] for the [-] rewards, and [Sakura Wild Jiuli Meng] [Six Six Crazy] for the ten thousand rewards!

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(End of this chapter)

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