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Chapter 400 Husband Pearl

Chapter 400 Husband Pearl


Zi, Zi...

If there seems to be no movement, it will echo in the room.

Dongfang Liren stood at the door with his arms crossed, leaned against the door and listened carefully, trying to figure out what was going on inside. After waiting for an unknown amount of time, something strange appeared in the room.

First, Ye Jingtang's breathing became a little heavier, and then Miss Fan said "Eh? Woo..." a few times, and then fell silent.

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, a little confused, and was about to open the door to have a look, when he heard rustling noises coming from inside, followed by hurried footsteps from far to near.

dong dong dong...

Dongfang Liren quickly stood up straight, and just as if nothing had happened, the door in front of him opened.


Fan Qinghe's face turned red and his clothes were a little messy. He opened the door and found Dongfang Liren standing at the door. He quickly covered his face with his sleeves and ran past him with his head buried.

"Miss Vatican?"

"I'm fine, I... I..."

Before he finished speaking, Fan Qinghe ran downstairs, and then there was the sound of fetching water by the well in the backyard of the inn.


Although Dongfang Liren didn't take the initiative to help push the watermelon, the color embryo in the room once tried holding the fat-headed dragon when she was lying down.

She guessed that Fan Qinghe had accidentally stained his chest, but she didn't touch it immediately, and quietly entered the room.

Although Fan Qinghe was ashamed of tossing around, but as a doctor, he was still very responsible. The bed was made neatly, and a thin quilt was covered over Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang's complexion still didn't return to normal, but compared to the surge of energy and blood just now, it was still much better. He closed his eyes and slept peacefully, with no signs of color.


Dongfang Liren Ruoyou Ruowu snorted, came to sit down, leaned over and squeezed Ye Jingtang's face:

"Hello? Wake up."

Ye Jingtang moved his eyelashes, then opened his eyes sleepily:

"Your Highness..."

Dongfang Liren looked back and saw Fan Qinghe running up with a bucket and went into the next room to wash up, so he whispered to his ear and asked in a low voice:
"Were you awake just now, or were you really asleep?"

Ye Jingtang didn't lose consciousness at all, it's just that his blood was rushing to his head, and he was a little dizzy.At this moment when asked stupidly, he thought about it:
"Dizzy, I can feel the outside world, but I can't open my eyelids, I'm half asleep, half awake, um... as if awake."

Isn't that just waking up...

Dongfang Liren knew this was the case. Seeing that Ye Jingtang spoke very softly, he grasped his wrist and checked carefully. It can be seen that a lot of Qi and blood have been suppressed, but his body is very weak. It should be because the body is detoxifying and recovering on its own, and the consumption is relatively large. .

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren didn't bother too much, and slightly lowered his head and nodded on his lips:
"Sleep peacefully, don't worry too much, we will take care of safety."

Ye Jingtang was indeed very tired, so he didn't speak any more at the moment, and closed his eyes again...
In the next room, Fan Qinghe was soaking in the bathtub, relying on the cold water to suppress distracting thoughts, rubbing his hands on grandma's face countless times.

But the traces left by Ye Jingtang seem to have penetrated into the bottom of my heart, no matter how much I wash it, I feel like I can't go back...

But if you say you can't think about it, it's not that bad, after all, you have been hugged and rubbed before, this time it's just that the contact part is different, should you act urgently...

He is ignorant, should he remember?If it comes up tomorrow...

While Fan Qinghe was thinking wildly, she felt that she couldn't be an aunt. Before she could figure out a countermeasure, there was a knock on the door:

dong dong~
Fan Qinghe shrank slightly, obviously worried that Ye Jingtang would run to find her after waking up, but fortunately, the voice of the Queen came from outside the door:

"Miss Vatican?"

"Oh, I'll be right out."

Fan Qinghe quickly got up from the bathtub, wiped himself clean, put on a new corset wrap dress, took a picture in front of the mirror, and opened the door after making sure that there was nothing wrong with his expression.

Dongfang Liren still had the high-cold demeanor of the queen, and he didn't open any pot to mention what happened just now, and walked into the room slowly:

"Yejingtang has already fallen asleep, his body is weak, and he probably won't be able to recover in a short time. Let's take turns to take care of it in these two days. Miss Fan is familiar with this area, tell me about the surrounding situation."

Fan Qinghe closed the door, and seeing that Dongfang Liren didn't mention her grandma's matter, she naturally relaxed a bit, and regained the calm demeanor that a female doctor should have, and sat down beside the tea table:

"King Zuo Xian can't take care of himself now, ordinary soldiers come to patrol, but we can't do anything about it, it's okay to rest in the town.

"However, the matter of Xuehuhua is imminent. As soon as Ye Jingtang recovered, he ran to Xihai Governor's Mansion to trouble King Zuoxian. The chances of winning are not guaranteed."

Dongfang Liren naturally knew how powerful King Zuo Xian was. Although he was at the bottom of the martial arts sages, he was still at the bottom of the list.

What's more, Ye Jingtang still has half of his feet outside the door, theoretically weaker than Zuo Xianwang.

Dongfang Liren thought about it a little: "Lv Taiqing is staring at Beiliang Guoshi. If he can't come now, Master and Eunuch Cao are here, it won't be able to reverse the situation. Right now, we can only startle the hall at night. If we can't get it in this trip, then It's going to be difficult after that..."

Fan Qinghe raised his hand to pour the tea, thought for a while, and suddenly looked at the two boxes on the table:

"When I was in Wuzhou before, Zhang Jinglin, a medicine lunatic from Beiliang, gave me the pill of Tianlangzhu. Although other medicinal materials are also expensive, they can still be found in various parts of the West Sea. No one can get half a catty of Xuehu flowers. come out.

"Tianlangzhu can temper the body and expand the Qi meridian. Ye Jingtang has already eaten it, and the muscles and bones will not change, but the expansion of the Qi meridian will still take effect after all; although it is a bit wasteful, you can use half a catty of Snow Lake flowers that you snatched. Going to change Zuo Xianwang's warehouse, overall, it's still... still a bit of a loss..."

As Fan Qinghe spoke, he also hesitated.

After all, the sky-defying feature of Tianlangzhu lies in the fact that it can transform a person with ordinary bones, and there is almost no bottleneck before entering the unity of nature and man. As long as the follow-up training can keep up, one Tianlangzhu is about equal to a top fighter.

The expansion of Qi meridians is only a side effect of Tianlangzhu, and it is even dispensable. After all, kung fu can be obtained through hard work and hard work.

Eating Tianlangzhu to increase one's power is no less than using dragon scale stone to cast a knife handle. It is indeed effective, but no matter how you think about it, it is an act of recklessness.

Dongfang Liren heard this, understood Fan Qinghe's meaning, and secretly considered it in his heart.

Xuehu flowers are limited, even if the harvest is exaggerated this year, they get a hundred catties and distribute them to the northern and southern dynasties and the Western Seas. In addition, they will be managed for 60 years. It is also a treasure that is hard to find. It was enough to make her flesh ache.

However, Zhang Jinglin, a drug lunatic, has created 'Xuehu Powder'. Although the drug is not as effective as Xuehuhuabaiyi, and the healing time is quite long, the dark injury of Qi veins is not a terminal illness after all. will be much smaller.

Moreover, if Ye Jingtang can really increase its skill in a short period of time and successfully enter the threshold of Martial Saints, there will be no risk in dealing with King Zuo Xian. For Wei, it is obviously desirable.

For this reason, Dongfang Liren pondered for a while and asked:
"Since you don't need to temper the scriptures and exercise your body, can you change the recipe and use less snow lake flowers?"

Fan Qinghe shook his head at this and said: "The reason why Tianlangzhu can increase the skill by the way is because it makes people 'break and then stand', first rely on strong medicine to tear the Qi veins, and then rely on the magical effect of Xuehuhua to protect the meridians and continue the meridians to recover." , so back and forth, the Qi veins are expanded and tamped.

"The prescription is reproduced from Zhang Jinglin's research for many years. The dosage of the medicinal materials is strictly controlled. Either add or subtract all the medicinal materials. If only part of the medicinal materials are reduced, the balance will be disrupted. Either it will not work, or it will become a strong poison."

Dongfang Liren frowned slightly: "It means that if you reduce the amount, you will become 'Daliang Pearl', and if you increase the amount, you will become 'Fulang Pearl', but the proportion of medicinal materials cannot be changed?"

Husband beads?
Fan Qinghe thought this statement was quite interesting, and said:
"Tianlangzhu is already the limit that ordinary people can bear when they have warmed up their bodies since childhood. After practicing the Dragon Calling Picture, they may be able to withstand stronger medicinal properties, but it is not guaranteed. Hmm...do you want me to refine one?" try?"

Fan Qinghe is a maiden from the western borders, refining medicine and cultivating Gu is her job, and she is very interested. Now that she has medicinal materials in her hands and needs them urgently, she is really moved.

Dongfang Liren turned his head to look at the next room, and asked:
"Miss Fan is sure? These two boxes of Snow Lake Flowers were snatched by Miss Fan and Ye Jingtang risking their lives."

Fan Qinghe patted his chest and said: "It's not difficult to make medicine, but it's rare to have prescriptions and medicinal materials. I have prescriptions and no shortage of medicinal materials. If I can fry two furnaces in a row, I will pay myself to Ye Jingtang."

Dongfangli felt that this was not much different from not paying, but seeing that Fan Qinghe was so confident, she still nodded and said:

"Anyway, it was snatched. Since Miss Fan is sure, let's try it. If it really works, it will be safer to do things next. Start practicing now?"

"We have to go to Xihai Protectorate to refine the medicine. There are people from the Ministry of Winter and Darkness there, and the medicine refining furnace can be found... But we have to wait for Ye Jingtang to wake up before we go. We need to discuss it with him first, so that he won't scold me again. Make up your own mind..."

"This king is his boss. If I nod on these matters, he has to nod. That's all right, Miss Vatican, let's rest first, we will change shifts at noon..."


In the early morning, a convoy driving from the direction of Tianlang Lake, after being inspected by the army, drove into the east gate of the Xihai Protectorate's Mansion.

The thirty or so guards who accompanied him did not dare to breathe a sigh of relief until this moment, feeling as if they had climbed back from the gate of hell.

In the carriage, Hua Junchen, who didn't dare to close his eyes all night, opened the window and ordered:

"Hua Ning, you go to Prince Zuo Xian's mansion to inform. King Zuo Xian is probably not in the mood to see guests at the moment, so it's fine if you can invite the butler out..."

"Yes, I'm going right now..."


In the carriage behind, Hua Qingzhi, who was dressed as a scholarly lady, raised the curtain and looked at the street scene of the former Northwest King's Capital.

Luzhu leaned in front of the lady, looked at the wide street outside together, and sighed:
"I thought Western Xinjiang was a poor place, but now it seems that there are still prosperous areas. It's not uncommon for such a big city to produce a powerful literati..."

Hua Qingzhi deeply sympathized and said softly:
"The beacon fire shines on Xijing, and I feel uneasy. Yazhang resigned from the phoenix tower, and iron cavalry circled the dragon city... If Wang Tingguo hadn't been destroyed 20 years ago, this place should be no worse than Yanjing and Yun'an. It’s a pity that it’s an empty city.”


Lvzhu helped the lady tighten the shawl to avoid freezing, and then looked towards the north palace:

"Speaking of which, if the Northwest Royal Court is not destroyed, is Young Master Ye the crown prince or monarch, living there?"

Hua Qingzhi looked at the magnificent Northwest Palace, and sighed softly:
"Before Jiazi, the imperial court made a surprise attack on the land of Longxing in the Qinchi tribe, causing chaos in the western border. King Tianlang retreated into the interior of the western border and did not live here. Even if the country was not destroyed, Mr. Ye should still be on horseback Born, living with his parents in no fixed place.

"But the status must be there. The Northwest Royal Court follows the ancient etiquette and calls the crown prince a son. It should be called 'Gongzitang' or something..."

Luzhu nodded thoughtfully, pondered for a moment, and then said curiously:

"With Mr. Ye's talent and skills, he must be the king of Zhongxing, who can become a generation of heroes; if the court can't beat them, we can negotiate peace with each other and get married at that time, does the lady have a chance?"

Hua Qingzhi was a little funny when she heard this, raised her hand and flicked on Luzhu's forehead:

"What does the relationship between the two dynasties have to do with my Hua family? If you want to marry, you are also marrying a princess from the northern and southern dynasties. Queen Yunanna may be sent to this foreign country by the southern dynasties. You can't be a princess, you can only be a princess." Concubine..."

Luzhu was a little puzzled: "The Queen of the Southern Dynasty can't be a princess? Who is the princess?"

"Great King Dongming. The Dongming Department and the Qinchi Department have been married for generations. If the country is not destroyed, Young Master Ye must marry Zhu Zong from the Dongming Department..."

"I remember Great King Dongming, so it counts as the same lifetime as Princess Tianlang, right? If it's really a marriage, wouldn't it mean that he will raise his nephew as a husband..."

"The emperor's house, as long as the family is right, how can I pay attention to these..."

The two gossiped like this, and before they knew it, they came to the vicinity of the Xijiang Chamber of Commerce in the east of the city.

The Xijiang Chamber of Commerce is an organization established by wealthy merchants from all over Beiliang in the Xihai Duhufu to facilitate trade and communication with each other. The connectors of various ministries in the West Sea are also resident here, which can be regarded as a large-scale trade market.

Although Hua Qingzhi is the granddaughter of Mrs. Hua, with a prominent background, she always calls herself Miss Wanbaolou; Wanbaolou has a big business, has contacts with various tribes in the West Sea, and has some business here. In their own shop.

As the news of Tianlang Lake spread to Xihai Duhu Mansion, there was an uproar in the city. Although the three religions and nine schools dared not discuss it publicly, they were secretly rumored that Zuo Xianwang lost his troops and lost his generals, and the situation was worrisome. Pedestrians can be heard whispering.

Hua Qingzhi was sitting in a carriage, listening to the conversations of passers-by along the way, and soon stopped outside the two-story pavilion with the signboard of "Wanbao Building". Father Hua Junchen came over and said:

"Go to the black market for my father to inquire about the way, you just stay in the shop and don't run around. Although the city is safer, it has not been peaceful in the past few days..."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Hua Qingzhi responded helplessly:
"I have trouble walking, and I can't run even if I want to. Don't worry, dad."

"Hey, don't keep mentioning this, wait here to find all the flowers and plants, and you will be able to run around in a few months. Go in, don't suffer from the wind and cold..."

After Hua Junchen told his daughter, he brought a few followers and joined the crowd in the market.

After Hua Qingzhi watched her off, she was pushed up the steps by Luzhu, and then entered the spacious shop. The shopkeeper inside quickly greeted her:

"Miss is here. Are you okay on the way? The room has been arranged. Miss, please..."

It was the first time for Hua Qingzhi to look around the store, and felt a little deserted.However, what Wanbaolou sells are KitKat items, so it is normal that the business is not good in this impoverished place in Xijiang.

Hua Qingzhi was pushed to the rear residence, thought for a while and suddenly asked:

"I heard that during the Wanbuji last time, a sundial made by Qianjimen was sold in the store?"

The old shopkeeper touched his beard when he heard the words, and recalled a little:

"It's true. The steward Xiao Wang set up a stall in Langxuan City to sell it. He ran into a rich and powerful customer and asked for 100 taels. He didn't pay back the price and took it directly..."

"Ten taels?"

When Hua Qingzhi heard this, his expression froze slightly, and then he became serious:

"That sundial is priced at five taels. My business in Wanbao Building is based on sincerity. How could it be so exorbitant to extort customers..."

"Oh, miss, I misunderstood. Of course I know the rules at home, but doing business in Xijiang, the shipping fee is a lot. Yanjing sells things for five taels of silver, and they go through all kinds of dangers to send them to Langxuan City. If they still sell five taels, Wouldn't it be a loss-making business. Since the high-ranking customers can pay for money, they know it well..."

Hua Qingzhi naturally knew this truth, but it wasn't a big deal. Turning it up twenty times was still too dark-hearted. She didn't even know it.

Luzhu didn't know the story behind the sundial, but after hearing what the shopkeeper said, she asked:

"The frosting cream produced by various tribes in the West Sea is very expensive in Yanjing. Is it cheaper here?"

"That's natural. Items that are only used by rich and noble families are all huge profits. They are shipped from the Ministry of Winter and Ming, and then sent to Yanjing's shop layer by layer. It is normal for the price to be increased by dozens of times. If so, I’ll go buy a few boxes and come back later, Xiaonan Street is full of medicine vendors, so there are…”

"How can I run out of boxes, I'll just go and buy two boxes for Miss later..."



Call a name to harvest luck:
Recommend a seedling, "The Villain?Not even a dog, you can take a look if you are interested~
(End of this chapter)

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