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Chapter 401

Chapter 401
Before I knew it, it was afternoon.

In the inn room, Ye Jingtang was covered with a thin quilt. After a night of recuperation, his complexion had basically returned to normal, but he could still feel a little tired between his brows.

Niao Niao also went back to the house to rest after whistle for a while in the early morning, and slept with Ye Jingtang; at this time, he woke up from hunger, poked his head from the pillow, and poked his head against Ye Jingtang's face.


Ye Jingtang woke up slowly, only to feel that his limbs were filled with lead, and his body was hollowed out, as if he had been tortured by his wife for seven days and seven nights.

But other than that, there is nothing wrong with other aspects of the body. Seventy to eighty percent of the toxicity of the prisoner dragon miasma has been eliminated. The remaining point is probably due to excessive physical energy consumption. The frequency of the bathing fire map is automatically reduced. , should be fully restored.

After a while, Ye Jingtang opened his eyes, and saw a big round white head, looking at him tiltedly:
"Guji Guji?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and rubbed Niao Niao's head, then sat up on the bed and looked around.

The room was clean, and the sound of breathing evenly after a deep sleep could be heard in the next room, and in the lobby of the inn downstairs, there were some chattering chatter of people from the rivers and lakes:
"The water in this river and lake is really deeper than I imagined. Xie Jianlan, Shi Daoyu, and the three commanders of Bai Xiaoying, which one is not a person who can shake his feet and tremble three times in the rivers and lakes? In just half a night, he was eaten clean..."

"The main reason is that the King Yeyan in the Southern Dynasty was too domineering. When the heroes of the other family walked the rivers and lakes, it was a dragon walking in the wild; when King Yeyan came out, it was a real dragon that had to be coiled..."

"I heard that Pirate Saint also came to Tianlang Lake, and became Ye Jingtang's concubine..."

"Thieves have always been courageous, and they only choose the rich and powerful families. I guess it was when they went to the Southern Dynasty, they bumped into the iron king of Ye Yan. The female snitch was caught by such a hero, if she didn't realize it, how could she survive... ..."

"Be more conscious... By the way, does anyone know the process? I'm curious about how Ye Yan Wang caught Thief Saint..."

"I don't even want to talk about you. Are you curious about catching thieves? If you want to hear dirty jokes, go to the Yaozi Lane opposite..."


Ye Jingtang put on his robes, and was quite interested in hearing these chats. He came outside the room and looked around from the second floor. He could see that there were four or five tables of Jianghu people sitting in the lobby, and three of them were eating quietly. He showed his face in the treasure hunt yesterday.

And Fan Qinghe, who had changed back to exotic attire, was wearing a red and yellow gauze skirt, and stood at the corner of the stairs, embracing the watermelon, and was also looking down; I think it's dark.

Ye Jingtang recalled the incident yesterday when Aunt Fan knelt in front of her and helped her wipe the gun with the big moon up, and there was a little turmoil in her heart. She came to the back lightly and whispered in her ear:
"What are you looking at?"


Fan Qinghe, who was secretly scolding these gangsters for their nonsense, suddenly heard a clear voice next to his ear, he shrank slightly in shock, quickly let go of his arms and turned around, just in time to see Ye Jingtang's chin, and hurried to Back out half step:
"You...how did you wake up? I'm here on guard..."

While speaking, his eyes obviously dodged, and he subconsciously raised his hand, trying to block the neckline.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang secretly shook his head in his heart.Last night, Aunt Fan helped to push the watermelon. It was pretty good at first, but after pushing to a certain critical point, because she had never experienced it before, she was in a daze at the time, and could only close her eyes and tilt her head.

Ye Jingtang couldn't close his eyes anymore at that time, seeing that Miss Fan didn't dare to move, he took the initiative to straighten his back a few times, then stained his chest and neck, and finally asked the girl to wipe it off by herself.

Looking back at this moment, Ye Jingtang was really embarrassed. Seeing her eyes dodge, he also took care of her emotions, and talked nonsense without opening his mouth. He turned around and said:

"Just woke up, is there anything to eat? I feel very hungry."

Fan Qinghe saw that Ye Jingtang looked normal and did not mention the embarrassing experience of last night, so he relaxed a little bit, took a step ahead, and came to Dongfang Liren's resting room, picked up a food box lightly, and walked away come out:

"This is the chicken soup you made just now. It's still hot. You can eat it quickly."

Ye Jingtang glanced at the door and saw that Benben was still resting, so he didn't bother him. After washing up for a while, he went to the next room, sat down on the table, opened the food box, and saw that there was a bowl of soup inside. , a plate of sauced beef, and two big white steamed buns.

Yejingtang fought in Tianlang Lake all night, came back to sleep and has not eaten until now, and was pushed by Aunt Fan halfway. He was really hungry, so he didn't say much at the moment, took a sip of chicken soup, and then took Pick up white flour steamed buns.

Fan Qinghe sat down next to him, helped Ye Jingtang arrange the dishes, picked up a chopsticks of beef, and put it into the small dish that Niao Niao ate.

Ye Jingtang couldn't find a suitable topic to talk about, and felt awkward to be silent, so he looked at the big steamed bun in his hand, and asked casually:
"This steamed bun is really big, where did you buy it?"

The steamed buns are so big...

Fan Qinghe was already quite sensitive. Hearing this, he looked at the two big white and round steamed buns, and then looked at Ye Jingtang with an expression as usual, his cheeks slowly turned red for some reason, and then raised his hand in the night sky. Jing Tang hammered on the shoulder:

"What do you mean? I saw you fainted last night. I was afraid that your body would be suffocated, and the queen would not be able to help me, so I had no choice but to..."

Ye Jingtang was beaten, feeling quite innocent, he picked up the steamed bun and gnawed a big mouthful:

"I just think it's big enough, so I asked casually, this steamed bun is not half the size of yours, how could it be associated with it... Sigh!"

When Fan Qinghe heard the last sentence, his suspicious eyes suddenly turned into anger, and he raised his hand to pinch Ye Jingtang's waist:
"You...you're still talking nonsense? You really think I'm easy to bully, don't you? Do you believe that I'm going back to Dongming Mountain right now?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly: "Okay, let me say that I'm outspoken, don't mention these things, let's get down to business."

Fan Qinghe felt that Ye Jingtang treated her like a daughter-in-law, but she had nothing to do with Ye Jingtang. After staring at Ye Jingtang for a while, she let go of her hand and sat across the table, talking about business:

"Yesterday, I discussed with Prince Jing about refining a celestial pearl so that you can increase your skill..."

After Ye Jingtang listened to Fan Qinghe's narration, he also thought about it.

He knows his own strength very well. After being tempered by Yuxu Mountain, his martial arts attainments are in place, but his skill is indeed a bit short, and there is a gap between him and a serious martial artist.

It's not that he can't fight the weak against the strong, but there are still Benben and Qinghe who need protection. If they can go further, the risk will naturally be much smaller.

But with Xuehuhua in hand, going to stud to make a big fortune with a small amount, there must still be risks.

It's good that he really refined the Tianlangzhu, even if he didn't get the Xuehuhua, he still has the physique of a martial artist, and he won't make any money or lose money.

And if the two boxes of Snow Lake Flowers were dropped, but not a single celestial pearl came out, and he failed to take Zuo Xianwang back to the pot, then this trip would be a waste of time.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, and asked:

"How sure is Miss Fan of refining Tianlangzhu?"

When Fan Qinghe mentioned refining medicine, he was confident at the time:

"Although there is no such thing as absolutely no need to fry the furnace in refining medicine, I have been researching it for almost a year after I got the recipe, and I am very sure of the finished medicine. Not to mention two furnaces, even if I lose one furnace, I will... um... ..."

Ye Jingtang felt that Miss Vatican wanted to say, "Even if it blows up the furnace once, he will be healed again." Although the bet was quite tempting, he still said softly:
"The business of refining medicine costs more money than casting pots, just a single Xuehu powder almost burnt King Wu into poverty, how could it be so easy.

"Don't push yourself too hard, just treat it with a normal mind. Anyway, it is the medicinal material that the two of us snatched. Even if the two furnaces are blown up, we have nothing to lose. You have also increased the experience. The snow lake flower is gone. It's a big deal. Just go grab it."

The reason for saying this is because Ye Jingtang is not ignorant.

For weapons made in places like Xiaoshan Fort, it is normal to pay 100% to [-], that is, you have to give the swordsmith double parts of materials, and use one part for consumption, so that the swordsmith will accept the order and only give one part of the materials. If so, no one in the world can guarantee [-]% success.

As for the aspects involved in refining medicine, it is many times more than casting weapons, and the ratio of heat and heat, etc. requires experience accumulation. For a big recipe like Tianlangzhu, it is normal to waste several furnaces in a row at the beginning of refining. Doesn't it bully the honest girl to require that the Fan Qinghe Lijun order must be successful?

Fan Qinghe is really confident but also knows the difficulty. Seeing that Ye Jingtang doesn't feel sorry for the medicinal materials at all, and even comforts her, he is inevitably a little moved.

After all, no matter how rich and powerful a husband-in-law is, he would not dare to dote on his prodigal daughter-in-law so much. If she really wastes Xuehuhua, she will never be able to talk to Ye Jingtang again in her life, and she will have no complaints about what she does. no regrets promise...

Fan Qinghe didn't know what he was thinking, after a moment of silence, he didn't say anything to damage morale, just said:

"If there are prescriptions and medicinal materials, if I can fry two furnaces, I won't be worthy of working in this industry in the future. Don't worry."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled, picked up a chopsticks of sauced beef, and handed it to Fan Qinghe's mouth:
"This sauced beef tastes good, you have a taste."


Although Fan Qinghe felt that Ye Jingtang's behavior was a bit sloppy, but he had just been pampered and drew a clear line, so he really couldn't save face, so he lightly opened his red lips, caught the beef slices, and chewed slowly.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was satisfied, and continued to eat with Ganfanniao...
In a blink of an eye, the sun sets in the west.

After Ye Jingtang finished his meal, he changed into Jianghu attire, and together with the two girls, came to the Northwest King's Capital located on the west bank of Tianlang Lake.

Dongfang Liren only changed shifts with Fan Qinghe at noon, and was just woken up. He didn't get enough sleep and was not in a good state of mind. He was still leaning against Ye Jingtang's arms to catch up on sleep.

Fan Qinghe sat behind her back just like yesterday, holding Dongfang Liren's belt with both hands; yesterday, Dongfang Liren was pointed at by a gun and was unwilling to lean back, but today the situation is obviously reversed, and she is embarrassed to move forward posted.

But the saddle is only so big, no matter how cramped Fan Qinghe is, it is impossible for Fan Qinghe to get off the ground and run along with him. At the moment, he is suppressing his mixed thoughts, sticking the ball on his generous back, and dawdling with the bumps and bumps of the horse, recalling some unpleasant things in his mind. too easy to describe...

After Ye Jingtang ate and drank enough, although his body hadn't fully recovered, his expression didn't look too different. On the way, he was pinched in the stomach and back, and basically his attention was always on Qing He's lump and clumsy waist.

After driving the horses to the majestic city by Tianlang Lake, Ye Jingtang brushed away his distracting thoughts and looked at the flag fluttering above the city:
"I didn't expect there to be such a big city in the wasteland. It doesn't look smaller than Yun'an."

Fan Qinghe was busy thinking wildly, and didn't say anything on the road. At this time, he looked at the former capital of the Northwest Royal Court:

"It was built after the ancient city of Langxuan. It is not as big as Yun'an, but it is also the third largest city in the whole world. I heard from the old people in the clan that when King Tianlang first founded the country, there were 90 million people living here. Xihai Most of the middle and high-level people in the various ministries have moved here, but it’s a pity that after the war, everyone went back to their hometown, and now most of the people living here are from Beiliang.”

Dongfang Liren also woke up after the horses stopped, and looked up slightly:
"This city is well built, but it's a bit sparsely populated. It's a pity... Fat Concubine, this is your hometown, how do you feel?"


Niao Niao is very active after waking up. At this time, he is flying in mid-air to look into the city to see if there are roasted humps with Northwest characteristics.

Hearing Dongfang Liren's words, Niao Niao suddenly became unhappy, landed on his shoulders, and flapped his wings a few times.

clap clap~
Ye Jingtang didn't grow up here, so he naturally laughed at his hometown's statement, got off his horse two or three miles away from the city wall, and looked for an opportunity to enter the city.

The Xihai Dufu Mansion is under martial law, and the common people and merchants are only allowed to enter but not to leave. The interrogation is extremely strict, but after all, the gatekeepers are soldiers, not Zuo Xianwang himself.

Ye Jingtang and Dongfang Liren found a secluded place and entered the city easily while the city wall guards were patrolling.

Fan Qinghe wore a red and yellow gauze skirt, rode a charcoal red horse, and entered the city directly with a card from the Dongming Department.

Although the charcoal red horses are very eye-catching, there are many famous horses in the Wuma Department, and they didn't carry anything immediately. The Dongming Department is one of the four major departments in the West Sea. Don't dare to ask seriously.

After entering the city, the three met on the street and headed towards Dongcheng together.

Ye Jingtang led the horse, turned his head to look at the palace at the end of his field of vision, and asked:
"Where does Zuo Xianwang live?"

Dongfang Liren went deep into the enemy's belly, and he was inevitably a little nervous, but his boyfriend still maintained his demeanor in front of him, and responded:

"King Zuo Xian is a vassal king, how could he presume to live in the palace of the Northwest Royal Court, the palace should be nearby. Where are we going?"

Fan Qinghe led the way and responded:
"Go to Xiaonan Street. The Ministry of Winter and Darkness has a bit of business there. The medicine furnace is ready-made. We have collected the necessary medicinal materials tonight. If there is no accident, the medicine will be refined tomorrow and the day after tomorrow..."

When Niao Niao arrived at a new place, the first thing she did was to find a restaurant. Now she squatted on Fan Qinghe's shoulder and looked around.

Fan Qinghe naturally understood what Niao Niao meant, and turned around and said:

"Where is there a gourmet street, not only roasted camels, but also Tianlang Lake's specialty big fish, the largest can be as tall as a person, roasted freshly, and then sprinkled with green onion, ginger and garlic..."


Niao Niao listened intently.

Ye Jingtang knew that Niao Niao must be impatient to eat fish, but it was obviously inappropriate to go to a restaurant after having just finished eating, so he could only wait until the evening.

Three people and one bird walked forward like this, and soon came to Xiaonan Street between the markets.

It's not completely dark yet, there are many people in the market, wild ginseng and tiger bones can be seen everywhere on the roadside, the price is much cheaper than that in Yun'an, Ye Jingtang wants to buy a few to go back to drink with wine.

Both the Dongming tribe and the Xuanhao tribe are famous for their medicinal materials. The territory here is quite large, and the clan elders of the Dongming tribe are in charge.

As the patriarch, Fan Qinghe, although he doesn't stay at home all the year round, still has prestige obviously. After entering the big pharmacy, two people came out to welcome him. One of the old men, Ye Jingtang also met at the banquet in Langxuan City once.

Because their identities are more sensitive now, and for safety reasons, Ye Jingtang and Dongfang Liren didn't show their faces. They didn't come to the yard behind the pharmacy until Fan Qinghe negotiated and arranged the residence together.

Ye Jingtang put down his horses and weapons in the large courtyard, and Fan Qinghe impatiently led him to the room on the west side.

The room can be understood as a "dan room" tentatively. There is a stove in the middle, and there are medicine jars, rollers and other utensils around it, which are very complete.

After Fan Qinghe entered the room with a basket of medicinal materials, he introduced:
"I have dispensed medicine here before. The equipment is ready-made, and most of the medicinal materials are also available. The only missing items can be found in the market in half an hour at most, and the construction can start later..."

While speaking, Fan Qinghe took out various medicinal materials from the basket and began to grind and prepare.

Because it is not clear when the next battle will be, the current time is really tight.

Ye Jingtang was not idle either, volunteered to follow Qing He's instructions, and started to light a fire to heat up the stove.

Dongfang Liren has been in a high position all year round. Although he has come into contact with many genius doctors, he has never been in contact with refining medicine. Especially the witches in Xijiang are still shrouded in a kind of mystery when refining medicine and raising Gu. Naturally, they are also very interested at this time. Fan Qinghe held hands next to him, helping to make medicine and so on.

Niao Niao, on the other hand, was gluttonous as always, squatting beside her and staring eagerly at it, sometimes making a "cheep~" and asking if I could have a bite.

The three of them were busy working like this for a while, and the sky gradually darkened. Ye Jingtang, who was watching the fire in Yaolu, suddenly turned his eyes to look outside.

Fan Qinghe was carefully handling the strange poison 'Burning Guma', seeing this scene from the corner of his eye, and also looked at the afterglow of the lights outside, and asked:

"what happened?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, got up and went to the door, and listened carefully, he could hear a conversation coming from the hall of the pharmacy in front:

"Ten boxes of frosting cream, plus some herbs, old ginseng from Dongming Mountain, are there any old ones here?"

"In our Dongming Department, there is no old ginseng who is not old enough. How old is the girl?"

"60 years is enough, you need to be in good condition..."


Dongfang Liren put down the pestle, came to him, used the technique of listening to the wind, listened for a moment, and frowned slightly:

"This voice is a bit familiar, as if I've heard it somewhere..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "It's Hua Qingzhi's maid, Luzhu. His Highness has seen her in Longyin Tower before. It's the scholarly maid pushing the wheelchair behind."

When Dongfang Liren heard this, he immediately remembered.

Because I met at Tianlang Lake yesterday, and Hua Qingzhi was in the city, it was not surprising that Dongfang Liren met here, just by accident.She turned around:

"Miss Vatican, is there any property of Wanbaolou near here?"

Every time Fan Qinghe goes to Hudong Road, this is the place he must pass through, and he is very familiar with the surrounding area, so he said:

"The gold and silver street in front is full of jewelry business. There is a shop in Wanbaolou. What's the matter? Anyone know?"

"There is indeed an acquaintance."

Dongfang Liren looked at Ye Jingtang in a blink of an eye:
"Want to go see?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and returned to the stove to continue watching the fire:

"It's not Yun'an. I ran over there to show my head. What should I do if the news leaks out? Let's get down to business first."

Dongfang Liren wanted to see Hua Qingzhi, but she definitely didn't dare to run around alone. After thinking about it, she closed the door and continued to toss the medicinal materials...

(End of this chapter)

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