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Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Branches on the moon.

The noise of the market was still going on, but the courtyard was quiet.

After all, Dongfang Liren had never been in contact with medicine, and there were not many places where he could strike. Because he couldn't help, he was standing in the yard at this time, holding a dragon firing gun, slowly practicing his marksmanship.

Niao Niao swayed on the reclining chair next to her, and from time to time she made a feigned "chi~", praising the fat-headed dragon for playing really well.

Because of the need to maintain a constant temperature, the doors and windows in Dan’s room were closed, the stove was lit with a dim yellow light, and the smoke was exhausted from the flue on the roof.

Ye Jingtang was sitting on a small bench, holding a cattail fan in his hand, carefully watching the changes in the flames in the stove, because he looked quite stern when he was expressionless, and with his broad shoulders and broad back, the profile looked like a serious person. An expert in refining elixir.

After Fan Qinghe ground all kinds of medicinal materials and added them to the medicine stove one by one according to the prescription, he sat down next to Yejingtang, cupped his cheeks with both hands and said:
"Okay, let's simmer on low heat for twelve hours now, and when the fire is up, add the snow lake flower into it, and it will be able to condense the beads. The order of the dosage of the medicine is exactly the same, and it will definitely not explode..."

Although the words are relaxed, a little tension can still be seen on the three-dimensional and moving facial features.

Ye Jingtang pulled a small bench and sat closer, and said with a smile:
"There are no mistakes in the process. Even if it fails, there is something wrong with Zhang Jinglin's prescription. Just wait for the results after the medicine is ready. Don't be nervous."

"I'm not nervous."

Fan Qinghe turned his head to look, and pretended to be a dignified female doctor, holding Ye Jingtang's wrist to signal his pulse:
"How are you? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"Everything else is okay, but I feel a little weak and have no strength."

Fan Qinghe took the pulse carefully and found no major problems. After thinking about it, he said:
"Are you hungry?"

Ye Jingtang smiled and said, "I must be hungry after squatting here for a long time, why don't you just watch and I'll get something to eat?"

Fan Qinghe looked at the stove, then got up and said:
"It's fine now, I'll just ask the uncle from the medicine shop to watch the fire, let's go out and have a meal. I told the bird to grill the fish in the afternoon, if I don't take it to eat, I will definitely ignore me in the future..."


Niao Niao's hearing is obviously very good. After catching the key words, she grunted outside and ran towards the door.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much, tidied up a bit, and went to the market outside with the two girls.

Dongshi is a trade market that connects east and west. It is quite large in scale and most of the population is concentrated in this area, because there is a need for banquets when discussing business. The nearby Biantiao Food Street has restaurants, brothels, gambling houses and other places for people to entertain.

The grilled fish shop that Fan Qinghe mentioned is not an ordinary street stall, but a large restaurant. On the facade facing the street, there is a signboard of "Tianlang Yiyun". People generally call it Tianyun Tower.

Because Xihai Protectorate Mansion has a large area and few people, the land price is quite cheap. The restaurant is not just a building, but also has a large elegant courtyard behind it, where guests can roast sheep in the open air when they have dinner in the room, which is also a kind of Northwest. feature.

Ye Jingtang followed Fan Qinghe to the Tianyun Building in the middle of the downtown area, where he could see many merchants coming and going from south to north entertaining guests, the street was almost full of carriages, and the sound of pushing cups and changing cups could be heard everywhere:

"Come and drink..."

"Brother Wang is good at drinking..."


Fan Qinghe had been here before, but he knew the way very well. After greeting the buddy, he came to a yard behind.

The yard is decorated with fireworks, with a large oven in the middle and charcoal piled next to it. It seems that guests can grill it by themselves; while the room is quite elegant, with tables, chairs, tea couches and so on.

Although Ye Jingtang wanted to try roasting lamb himself, but there were only three of them, it was obviously too troublesome to spend half a day roasting a lamb, so he just ordered a few special dishes.

The three sat down in the room, and after waiting for a while, the steward of the restaurant asked the waiter to bring in a large copper plate. Inside was a big fish full of fragrance, which was three feet long by visual inspection, and some side dishes.

After the dishes were put down, the manager of the restaurant smiled and asked:
"What wine do the three guest officers want to drink?"

Ye Jingtang pressed Niao Niao, who could no longer hold back, and before he could speak, Dongfang Liren who was sitting next to him asked:
"Do you have white hair at night?"


The steward's expression froze, and he smiled and said:
"It's a blessing for the high officials of the imperial court to be given a cup of Yebaitou. Where can you find a whole jar in the market. For the 'Immortal Kneeling' in the Southern Dynasty, the master bought a few jars from Shazhou. The customer ordered a pot, if a few want it, I will discuss it with the owner, it is this price, it must be higher than that of Nanchao..."

"Bring an altar here."

"Okay, sir."

The steward quickly turned around and went out the door.

When Fan Qinghe heard that he was going to drink wine like 'Strong Girl's Sorrow' again, he was afraid that he would mess up after drinking, and he would go to help Ye Jingtang push the stick at night, so he naturally became nervous in his heart, and said softly:
"I still have to refine medicine, I dare not drink too much..."

Ye Jingtang knew what Fan Qinghe was worried about. He wanted to take advantage, so he could do it clearly. There was no need to kiss Aunt Fan after getting drunk. He smiled and said:
"It's just a couple of drinks. My family won't persuade them to drink when they eat. Come and eat the vegetables. This fish smells really good."

Dongfang Liren sat on the right hand side of Ye Jingtang, waited for the waiter to bring the wine, poured a glass for Ye Jingtang and Fan Qinghe, the three of them toasted and drank it all, and then began to eat.

Fan Qinghe did something embarrassing last night, she was too embarrassed to talk during the dinner, and just ate with her head down.

And Dongfang Liren was embarrassed to reveal that he had been bullied by villains when Fan Qinghe was not in the water, and he also maintained the look of a majestic queen.

Ye Jingtang was sitting between the two girls. Seeing the scene was a bit funny, he helped to pick up the food, and chatted with irrelevant gossip to keep the scene from getting too cold. He just chatted a few words, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked outside yard.

Dongfang Liren was feeding the birds and eating fish, when he saw this, he turned his head and looked:
"what happened?"


Ye Jingtang raised a finger and listened carefully. Through the night wind, he could hear some conversations coming from a yard not far away:
"...It's not that Li doesn't help. Brother Hua also knows about Xuehu flowers. Not to mention the live plants, even if two leaves are lost, the prince has to file them into the warehouse, keep them properly, and wait for the court to dispose of them..."

"Didn't there be wild plants recently? These haven't been recorded in the book yet. How many plants have been harvested is not a matter of the prince's words..."

"Hey, that's not right. The prince has always been upright, so why would he use the wild plant for private use just because it hasn't been recorded in the register..."


Fan Qinghe frowned slightly when he heard Ruoyouruowu's words, and leaned closer and said:
"From the tone of your voice, it seems to be Li Xian, the steward of Zuo Xianwang's mansion. In the past, the Dongming Department paid tribute to Zuo Xianwang's mansion, and he made things difficult for him a few times..."

Dongfang Liren knew that 'Brother Hua' should be the middle-aged man he bumped into at Tianlang Lake last night, he frowned and said:

"Hua Qingzhi is there too? Being able to contact the butler of Zuo Xianwang is not like the lady of an ordinary merchant's house..."

As the saying goes, the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door, the housekeeper of the palace, is indeed not something ordinary merchants can climb high.

Ye Jingtang didn't care about these things, just curious about what was being discussed over there, so he stood up silently and went to the yard to listen carefully...
At the back of Tianyun Building, there is a large courtyard that can accommodate more than 20 people to eat together.

The oven in the courtyard was burning with fire, and there was a lamb on it, which had been roasted golden brown and dripping with oil. There were a few tables on the surrounding terrace, where the guards from Washington and some private guards from Prince Zuoxian's residence sat.

In the next room, the doors and windows are open, and there are all kinds of delicacies on the table, and there is an old musician playing the erhu beside him.

Li Xian, the chief steward of Prince Zuoxian's mansion, was sitting on the main seat, after several glasses of wine, his face was already slightly drunk.

Hua Junchen sat beside him, pouring wine non-stop, and took a brocade box from his attendant, sighing softly:
"It's cold in the northwest, and brother Li is a literati. He works in the palace all year round, so he has to pay attention to his health. These two old ginseng..."

Seeing that Hua Junchen was about to give a gift, Li Xian slightly raised his hand to ask:

"It's really not that Li doesn't help. Now that the female emperor of the Southern Dynasty is patrolling the border, and there are wolves on Tianlang Lake, the palace is very busy. If Li can come here, it means that the prince respects the old master and doesn't want to neglect Brother Hua.

"But there is nothing Li can do about Xuehu flowers and plants. Every time the prince is in urgent need, he has to write to the court..."

Hua Junchen sighed and said, "Brother Li also knows about the daughter's situation, no matter how difficult this matter is, I, as a father, have to find a way..."

"Hey, Miss Hua's situation, Li can see it well, if there is a way, he will not help, but Xuehuhua is in the hands of the prince, and Li is a housekeeper, how can he dispose of it without authorization..."


Hua Qingzhi was sitting in a wheelchair. She was at the big stove in the courtyard, watching the chef roast the lamb.

Hearing these words, Hua Qingzhi's eyes flashed with helplessness, and she turned her head and said:
"Luzhu, there is a lot of fireworks here, push me out for a walk."

Luzhu felt that the lamb was roasted and it smelled so good, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to go now.

But the young lady wanted to relax, and she was afraid that it would be impossible for her to be greedy, so she still pushed and walked out of the courtyard.

Outside the courtyard is the corridor, the full moon casts silver light from the sky, it is very quiet.

goo goo goo...

Sitting in a wheelchair, Hua Qingzhi walked past the fence of the yard, came to the corner where the moon could be seen, and looked up at the starry sky.

Lu Zhu lay on the back of the wheelchair and muttered in a low voice:

"A poor butler, he really regards himself as a character. If the master didn't ask Zuo Xianwang for something, he wouldn't be polite to him. Miss, don't worry, even if it is not convenient for Zuo Xianwang's residence, the master can collect all the medicinal materials in private."

Hua Qingzhi was not in a hurry to find Qi Huazhu. After all, Doctor Wang said that it would be fine to use some medicinal materials on the market, but it would take three to five years to recover.

Seeing Lu Zhu's comforting words, Hua Qingzhi shook her head and said softly:

"The wild plants of Xuehu flowers are nothing more than a trivial matter of nodding. If grandpa is still in court, how can Prince Zuoxian's mansion refuse for a while, and if they can't give ten plants, they will give one or two for maintenance.

"Now the tone is so harsh, and Wang Fa is put in front of the words, it's just because my Hua family has been away from the court for many years, and my face is not as good as it used to be."

Luzhu sighed softly: "If you want me to say, the old grand master should not have taken the initiative to tell the old man to return to his hometown."

Hua Qingzhi shook her head at this. As the granddaughter of the Hua family, she knew very well what was going on in the family.

Back then when her grandfather was in power, it was the first emperor, there was a tacit understanding between the monarch and his ministers, so naturally the position was high and powerful.

But once the emperor and the courtiers, as the first emperor was critically ill, the relationship between her grandfather and the prince became "the emperor's young ministers are strong", but the prince is not a weak monarch who can handle it at will.

If her grandfather hadn't taken the initiative to tell his old man to return to his hometown back then, how could he have left the Hua family safe and sound until today with the means of the current Holy Majesty.

Her father wanted her to marry the crown prince and the eldest son because Emperor Liang was unpredictable. He was afraid that one day the old grand master would go west. No.

It's not easy to talk about these things publicly, and Hua Qingzhi didn't talk to Lu Zhu about it, she just looked at the moon in the sky and thought about it secretly.

But before thinking about it for a long time, a voice suddenly sounded gradually from the corner of the wall:
"Wuyan went up to the west building alone, the moon was like a hook, the lonely sycamore deep courtyard lock... hiss~..."

The voice was originally clear and magnetic, but it was not obtrusive when it sounded from the ear. It sounded like a talented young man full of knowledge.

But before he finished reading a line of the poem, he suddenly gasped again, which seemed to be caused by pain.

? !
Hua Qingzhi and Lu Zhu turned their heads together, obviously taken aback.

After reacting, Luzhu's eyes showed a bit of surprise, and she pushed the lady back to the corner.

Hua Qingzhi, on the other hand, was full of surprises, and looked back at the courtyard, obviously afraid of being discovered and causing a big mess.

But in the blink of an eye, the wheelchair was pushed by Luzhu and turned the corner, and saw the other side of the aisle fork.

And the two figures appeared under the moonlight.

The handsome young man in a black robe held his saber with his arms around his chest, leaning against the wall, his posture looked chic and chivalrous, he should have looked at the moon and recited a poem just now, but now he has become serious.

And the heroic heroine with a proud figure, standing next to the black-robed young man, her eyes slightly squinted looking a bit fierce, her hands were still on the black-robed young man's waist, and she let go when the two of them turned around, "huh~" said.

"Master Ye, Your Highness Prince Jing, you guys..."

Hua Qingzhi's cheeks were full of surprises. She wanted to stand up and salute, but felt that the occasion was not right, so she looked back, then at the two of them, and asked with her eyes——how dare you come here?
Ye Jingtang was standing here just now, listening to the chatter in the courtyard, he was so excited that he wanted to pretend, but when he was interrupted by the stupid, he felt a little embarrassed, and said softly:

"The occasion was wrong yesterday. I didn't say hello to Miss Hua. I didn't expect to meet here again. I heard Miss Hua chatting just now. Did you come here to find medicinal materials?"

Hua Qingzhi saw Ye Jingtang chop dozens of people yesterday with her own eyes, but now she was in front of her, but she didn't feel the slightest bit of evil spirit, no matter her tone or demeanor, she was as sunny and easy-going as she was in Yun'an, the contrast was so great that she They all wondered if the black-clothed Hades who frightened the entire convoy yesterday was the handsome young man in front of him.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's words, Hua Qingzhi responded softly:

"When I was in Yun'an, Dr. Wang prescribed a prescription. Using the flowers of Xuehuhua can give immediate results, but it can also be fully recovered with ordinary medicinal materials. It just takes a long time. The matter of medicinal materials is not urgent."


Dongfang Liren stood beside him, took a few glances, and asked:
"Are you the granddaughter of Mrs. Hua Beiliang?"

Hua Qingzhi estimated that both of them could see it, and didn't hide it:
"That's true. The last time I went to Yun'an, I didn't want to attract too much attention. I didn't deliberately hide it."

Seeing Hua Qingzhi's admission, Dongfang Liren nodded thoughtfully.

Although the Hua family in Hudong Road is not currently in the Northern Liang Dynasty, they have accumulated for hundreds of years and have a great reputation in Hudong Road. They can be regarded as the leaders of the aristocratic family.

Although the Hua family has nothing to do with Great Wei for the time being, Dongfangli people know about their sister's ambitions. If one day they break into Hudong Dao, they must find a few famous people in the north to welcome their emperor, His Majesty, to Yan. Jing is not.

As long as a big family like the Hua family is willing to take the lead and set an example, the small families and even literati below will definitely surrender by taking advantage of the donkey downhill, and will encounter much less resistance.

After confirming Hua Qingzhi's identity for this reason, Dongfang Liren naturally wanted to win her over, and said:

"This king still has a game of chess with you, so it can be regarded as a kind of friendship. Since King Zuoxian can't give it to you, this king will give it to you, how much do you want?"

Hua Qingzhi is very smart. Hearing this, she shook her head helplessly:

"The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. I regard Prince Jing and Young Master Ye as friends, not because of their identities, nor do I want them to treat me differently because of the Hua family.

"Ordinary medicinal materials are also useful. I'm not in a hurry. My family is afraid of delaying too long and missing the age of marriage. If Your Highness really helps me find them now, I'm afraid I should be even more worried."

Seeing that Hua Qingzhi was not in urgent need, Ye Jingtang nodded slightly and said instead:

"It may not be peaceful in the city these days. Ms. Hua and your father, it's better not to wander around. I am inconvenient, and it is really not suitable for me to stay for a long time, so I will take my leave first. I will see you again in the future. I didn't say goodbye last time in the capital, and now I am making up for it." up."


Hua Qingzhi was obviously a little hesitant when she saw the two of them leave after a few words, but this is the Xihai Governor's Mansion, and the two of them ran in without knowing how much risk they took, so they really shouldn't delay here.Seeing Ye Jingtang turn around with the Queen, she thought for a while and asked:

"Young Master, you haven't finished reading that poem just now, have you? What's behind it?"

Dongfang Liren paused slightly, looking at Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang had just been cleaned up by Benben, if he continued, he might not be able to get into bed in the future, so he turned around and smiled:
"I forgot to make an excuse. If there is a chance to meet in the future, I will tell Miss Hua."

When Hua Qingzhi heard this statement, even though her heart was itchy, she was not in a hurry, and nodded slightly:
"See you in the future."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand and waved it, then turned around the corner and disappeared.

Lvzhu stood behind her, and she didn't dare to speak all the time, so she bowed her head and said:
"Just leave like this?"

"Otherwise? When the two countries confront each other, if they can show up to say hello, they already regard me as a friend. I only hope that the world will be peaceful in the future, and we can meet again."

"There must be. Ye Gongzi is so powerful, even if there is a war, I guess he will be the one who broke into the lake, and when the time comes... ouch~"

Hua Qingzhi raised her hand and tapped on the head of the unrestrained Lvzhu, and after looking back, she returned to the yard in a wheelchair...
The drinking party in Tianyun Building is over, and the night is getting dark.

Hua Junchen failed to get Xuehuhua, and looked a little depressed. After seeing off Li Xian, he took his daughter and guards and returned to the store not far away.

And Li Xian, with a slightly drunk face, brought four guards to the carriage parked on the side of the street, and casually threw the box containing the old wild ginseng into the hands of his followers:

"I just took two old ginseng to make some connections, and I wanted to exchange ten snow lake flowers. I was really used to the pampered place in Hudong Road. I thought I was arrogant and forgot whose place it was. If it weren't for the seniority of Master Hua, I don't even bother to see him..."

The guard caught the box and said respectfully: "Indeed, Wanbaolou has tens of millions of gold and silver. This is a bit shabby. What should we do next?"

"Hua Junchen can't get it from the palace, so he will definitely accept it in private. He will greet the people below and investigate strictly. When he really can't find a way, he will naturally come again..."

While Li Xian was speaking, he boarded the carriage. Just as he bent over to enter the carriage, he suddenly found a shadow in the dimly lit carriage.


Before Li Xian squinted to see clearly, he found a piercing cold streak on his neck.


Li Xian instantly sobered up from drunkenness. He was obviously a smart man to be a housekeeper in the palace. With the knife already on his neck, he shouted to the guards outside that it was too late. After a short silence, he entered the carriage and ordered:
"Retire first, I'll take a break to sober up."

The four guards outside did not hear any abnormal aura in the carriage, so they naturally retreated under orders.

Li Xian was held by a knife and sat down on the side of the carriage. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the person sitting in the carriage. He was a Jianghu man wearing a bamboo hat.

"This strong man, Mr. Li is just a housekeeper. He has some money, but he puts it in the palace and doesn't have much on him. If a strong man asks for money..."

Ye Jingtang did not look up, took out a stack of bank notes from his arms, and placed them beside Li Si:

"I came here for Xuehuhua, and I will tell you frankly that these are all yours. If you want to hide it, I can also ask in another way."

While talking, Ye Jingtang took out another small bottle, flipped off the lid, and poured the red powder in it onto the knife.

Western Xinjiang already produces medicinal materials. As the steward of the palace, Li Xian may not be familiar with other things, but he has indeed seen too many rare medicinal materials. He just smelled a slightly pungent smell, and he could tell it was 'burning bones' ', his complexion turned pale immediately, and he slightly raised his hand:

"Strong man, Li is just a housekeeper. Xuehuhua is placed in Xing prison, and the prince will take care of it personally. I can't get in touch..."

"Last night, a master robbed the escort team at Tianlang Lake, how did Zuo Xianwang react?"

"I haven't seen the prince these days, so I don't know...wait a minute!"

Just as Li Xian said a few words, he saw the swordsman next to him tilt the blade slightly, and the powder slid down. He quickly raised his hand, not even daring to breathe:
"Li Mou really doesn't know how the prince will react, but this morning the prison sent someone to order to feed the horses and tidy up the clothes. It seems that the prince is going to go out. I really don't know the rest."

go out...

Ye Jingtang didn't think Zuo Xianwang would dare to leave the prison at this critical moment.

If the team was robbed and they went out of the city in a panic to chase him down, King Zuo Xian should have gone out last night.

If you don't leave, you should stay guarded in the prison. This is unexpected news that you have ordered the palace to prepare in advance.

"Do you know when to leave?"

"I don't know, I'm just in charge of the internal affairs of the palace..."


Ye Jingtang questioned carefully for a while, and confirmed that the butler was not lying. In order to prevent the disappearance of the butler, which aroused the alarm of Prince Zuo Xian, he did not kill anyone and pushed the bank note over, put away the knife, and left the carriage without a sound...


The past two days have been a little stuck, and the writing is a bit slow or2
Thank you [Empty Fish_From Mars] for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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