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Chapter 403 Teaching

Chapter 403 Teaching

The silver moon was in the sky, and the birds, who were full of food and drink, hopped and ran along the dark alley to Xiaonan Street.

Not far behind, men and women in black walked side by side. After seeing Hua Qingzhi, Dongfang Liren went back to eat. He was already a little drunk during the dinner. At this time, he folded his arms around his chest and said with cold eyes:

"What a 'Silently Going to the West Building Alone', this king asked you so many times, either you couldn't remember it, or you talked about him from left to right. When you met Miss Hua, your thoughts gushed like springs?"

Ye Jingtang put his arms around Benben's waist and said helplessly:
"Send it out of feeling, just say something casually, don't say it as an example."

Dongfang Liren twisted his shoulders: "Isn't it an example? When did you take it seriously? Last time in Honghe Town, you said you would just give her a hug. What happened?"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang let out a haha, bent over and picked up Benben:

"Oh, I know I was wrong. Your Highness is tired from walking? I will carry His Highness back..."

Dongfang Liren was so dizzy from drinking that he didn't struggle, he just pinched Ye Jingtang's face with his hands:
"You're so thick-skinned, you think this king is a little girl, and you can just coax me with a few sweet words?"

"You try kissing me again?!"

"You pervert..."


While the two were fighting like this, Dongfang Liren, who was overwhelmed with alcohol, closed his eyes and leaned on Ye Jingtang's shoulder before they reached the courtyard.

Seeing that Benben was sleepy, Ye Jingtang didn't bother her anymore, and carried her back to the pharmacy on Xiaonan Street.

The night was dark, and the market was quiet. There was only one guy on duty in the pharmacy, and the courtyard at the back was quiet.

Because Fan Qinghe wanted to look at the stove, he went back to the house first, and was sitting on the small bench in front of the medicine stove.

Although Fan Qinghe had secretly warned himself to quit drinking many times, but after eating together, it was inevitable that he would drink enough in the end. At this time, he propped his face on the side with his hands, and his eyes were slightly squinted, as if he was dozing off.

Ye Jingtang landed silently, turned his head and glanced, and went to the opposite wing first, put Benben on the bed, helped take off his shoes, took off the dagger, throwing knife, silver needle...

After unloading all the equipment, Ye Jingtang wanted to cover the quilt up, but when he saw the clumsy figure fluctuating, he couldn't help thinking about it, so he sat down next to him, opened the silver bellyband, and looked at the upside down A large group like a sea bowl.


Dongfang Liren was drunk, but not intoxicated. Sensing a strange movement, he raised his hand to cover the top of the group, and opened his eyes slightly. Although he was dizzy, he could still feel the aura of a cold queen.

"I just looked at it and didn't do anything."

With a smile in his eyes, Ye Jingtang pulled up the quilt and covered it, leaned over and tapped his red lips, then got up satisfied and went out to close the door.



Dongfang Liren half-closed his eyes, seeing that Ye Jingtang had really left, he felt a little empty in his heart, sighed softly, turned his body to face the inside, and closed his eyes.

In the alchemy room on the opposite side, Niao Niao saw Fan Qinghe dozing off, but he was very well-behaved, he didn't make trouble, just stood beside him and tilted his head to look at it.

Ye Jingtang came into the room and saw Fan Qinghe propping her cheeks with her hands, her head bit by bit, knowing that she had drunk too much, she didn't wake up without a sound, bent over beside her, with her left hand through the bend of her leg, and her right hand He held his back and hugged him gently.


After all, Fan Qinghe was not broken, it was just that he was dozing off with the strength of alcohol. He woke up when he was hugged horizontally. He opened his eyes and saw the handsome face close at hand, subconsciously covered his chest, and looked left and right:
"what are you doing?"

There was a bit of nervousness in the foggy tone.

Ye Jingtang looked as usual, and walked towards the opposite side with Fan Qinghe in his arms:
"There's nothing to do at night. I'll just watch the stove. You drank a lot just now. Go and rest first. We'll change shifts in the middle of the night."

Fan Qinghe felt a little dizzy in his head, and stood up a little, wanting to get off the ground and walk by himself:
"I'll go back to my room by myself, no need to hug..."

"It's just two steps away, and I don't do anything."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled, and while speaking, he came to the opposite side of the courtyard.

The courtyard is a temporary place to stay, although two rooms have been tidied up at the back, but they live far away, and Ye Jing Tang has to watch the stove, which is difficult to take care of at night, so Fan Qinghe hugged him tightly in the stupid room.

When Fan Qinghe saw the Queen falling asleep on the bed, she felt even more embarrassed:
"Why are you holding me here?"

"I'm right across the street. If you want to drink water or something at night, you can greet me at any time. Okay, go to sleep, don't talk so much."

Ye Jingtang put Fan Qinghe on the outside of the bed, helped take off her shoes, and then wanted to pull the quilt over to help her cover it.

But what people didn't expect was that Dongfang Liren, who was sleeping with his back to the outside, seemed to be woken up again. He turned his eyes to look at Ye Jingtang, and then looked at Fan Qinghe who was leaning next to him with a slightly drunk face, thinking Liao wanted to ask:
"Yejingtang, are you alright?"

Night Terror Hall covered the two girls:

"If there's anything I can do, go to sleep and call me anytime."

After all, Dongfang Liren knows the taste by taste. He had just drank some wine and was making out with each other on the way back. In fact, he wanted Ye Jingtang to stay for the night.

But Fan Qinghe, who hadn't entered the water, was in front of her, so it was really hard for her to open her mind.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang went out again after covering the quilt, Dongfang Liren's thoughts turned slightly, and after lying down for a while, he suddenly turned around and faced Fan Qinghe:
"There was an accident last night. In fact, I should have helped me, but I won't. Hmm...Miss Fan, do you want to teach me? This way, I won't be helpless in any situation next time."

Fan Qinghe actually didn't fall asleep, it's just that it's not easy to chat with the queen. Seeing that Dongfang Liren spoke first, she opened her eyes and said doubtfully:

"Teach what?"

Dongfangli raised his hand and poked at Fan Qinghe's sizeable group:

"That's it, Miss Fan did it yesterday."

? !
Fan Qinghe really didn't expect that the queen could make such a request, her face turned red and her expression was strange:
"Doesn't Your Highness have a picture, just follow it, how can I teach?"

Dongfang Liren can indeed learn by looking at the pictures, but her purpose is not to learn these, but to let Aunt Fan recognize the reality and get into the water earlier, lest she want to sleep with her boyfriend and feel embarrassed.

Seeing Fan Qinghe's shocked look, Dongfang Liren said seriously:

"Miss Fan has experienced it herself, and what she teaches is more detailed than a piece of paper. If Miss Fan finds it inconvenient, it's fine, but next time Ye Jingtang will be like that, Miss Fan will have to help herself, but I can't say In front of you, you don’t even know how to join hands.”

Fan Qinghe frowned slightly, thinking that this made some sense.

If Tianlangzhu can be practiced tomorrow, Yejingtang will have to take it immediately; the medicinal effect of Tianlangzhu is much stronger than that of prisoner dragon miasma. All have to be converted into blood essence, if you don't find a place to vent, I'm afraid you will be suffocated to death.

Now there is no one else around, if the queen is not good, she has already done it once, and then she will naturally have to go to the battle to solve it herself.

With Tianlangzhu's domineering medicinal properties, when the time comes when grandma wears it out, she may not be able to handle it...

Thinking of this, Fan Qinghe was a little hesitant, but after thinking about it, he frowned and said:
"Your Highness wants to learn, so let him teach you? I am a woman..."

Dongfang Liren shook his head quickly: "In private, this king dares to let a man teach me this?"


Fan Qinghe thought so too, the queen dared to take the initiative, fearing that Ye Jingtang would eat her up on the spot.She hesitated again and again, and finally raised her arms:

"Then try it, Your Highness, and I will teach you how to do it."

Seeing that Fan Qinghe used his arm as a villain, Dongfangli directly pressed his arm down:

"Miss Fan often said that illnesses should not be cured, and teaching this kind of thing is to prevent problems before they happen. How could Ye Jingtang not be present..."

? ?
Fan Qinghe was stunned for a moment, thinking that the Queen might have drank more than her, and said in disbelief:

"Your Highness, do you mean to teach the truth?"

"Naturally, I teach the truth. Can this king still learn the false ones?"

When Dongfang Liren said this, he stood up slightly and said to the outside:
"Yejingtang, come here."


Fan Qinghe suddenly panicked and wanted to stop it, but it was too late, so he could only whisper:
"This is not good, I... I am still a woman who has not left the cabinet..."

"It's not the same with this king. I don't want to be treated when I'm sick. Miss Fan has treated him once yesterday, and he's not fully recovered, so I'll treat his injuries. If this king learns it, Miss Fan will once and for all..."


Across the yard.

Ye Jingtang sat in front of the medicine stove, holding a cattail leaf fan, concentrating on playing cross chess with Niao Niao:

"You've already played outside the chess and cards, it doesn't count..."

Hearing the call from the opposite bedroom, he looked up, then asked Niao Niao to help watch the stove, got up and went to the opposite door:
"what happened?"

"You come in."


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, hesitated a little, pushed open the door and entered the room, looked up and saw Benben lying on the side, slightly propped up his upper body and looked at him, because he had a graceful figure and was only wearing a bellyband, looking at him under the light Rarely did she show a bit of charm.

And Miss Fan was lying on the outside, her face was flushed, her eyes were flickering, but she looked like a respected female doctor, pulling the quilt tightly.

Seeing that both of them were awake, Ye Jingtang asked at the door:
"Do you want some water? Shall I make some tea?"

Dongfang Liren's face was actually quite red, but it was covered by alcohol. She glanced at Fan Qinghe, and lay down on her side again:

"Miss Fan, you should talk to him."

? !
What can I say?

Everyone in Fan Qinghe was dumbfounded, thinking that the queen was more skinny than her master, how could she take the initiative to speak up about such a shameful thing?
But everyone has been called, and she will mention it even if she doesn't say it, the queen. If she firmly disagrees, if Yejingtang eats Tianlangzhu tomorrow, she will have to solve the big trouble.

Fan Qinghe struggled for a long time, knowing that he was destined to die, and finally put on the appearance of a goddess doctor, sat up slowly, and said in a tepid way:

"Yejingtang, Tianlangzhu is a strong medicine. If you take it, you will definitely have excess energy and nowhere to vent. As a doctor, I can't just ignore it, so I teach Prince Jing the way to alleviate it. In the future, if you If you have a problem, just ask Prince Jing to help you, um...the doctor is benevolent, I'm just discussing the matter, don't think about it..."


Ye Jingtang really didn't expect to hear this kind of surprise when entering the room. Since Aunt Fan said so, he naturally couldn't refuse, nodded calmly, and walked up to him:
"Really? Miss Vatican means..."

Dongfang Liren was domineering, sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, and signaled with his eyes:

"Miss Vatican taught me, it has nothing to do with you, just be a tool man. You come here and lie down, don't talk, and don't look around."


At this time, Ye Jingtang didn't care about masculinity any more, he obeyed and lay down on the outside of the bed, not looking sideways, only thinking that he was a vegetable.

Dongfang Liren looked at Fan Qinghe beside him again:
"Miss Vatican, teach me."

Fan Qinghe's face turned red, feeling that Ye Jingtang was a little heartless, so he didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was lying in front of him, it was too late for Fan Qinghe to retreat, he hesitated for a while, but with the courage of his drink, he lifted the quilt and moved a little towards the middle, wanted to reach out, but retracted again.

Dongfang Liren had already slept and slept. Naturally, he was much calmer at this time. He only wore a silver bellyband, moved a little in front of Fan Qinghe, pulled away Ye Jingtang's belt, and asked for advice:
"How to do it?"

"that is……"

When Fan Qinghe saw something, his eyes widened a bit, his cheeks parted a bit, and after thinking about it for a while, he took out the Jade Dragon Ointment from his waist, wiped it on his palm, and then...


Ye Jingtang originally wanted to move like a mountain, but it was a bit difficult. He glanced at the magnificent scenery beside him, and before he could make a move, Aunt Fan slapped his leg:

"You must not move!"


Ye Jingtang quickly restrained his expression and lay down without moving.

Dongfang Liren observed the method of applying the medicine, his face was actually red, but seeing that Fan Qinghe was more embarrassed than her, he stabilized his momentum and asked:

"and then?"

Fan Qinghe moved a little to the side, and described to the silver fat-headed dragon:
"Your Highness, are you here to try?"

"My king won't, Miss Fan first demonstrates how I did it last night."


Fan Qinghe was full of helplessness. Seeing that the Queen had already taken off, she was less stressed after all. She secretly gritted her teeth and unbuttoned her skirt, revealing her black chest. After thinking about it, she covered Ye Jingtang's face with a pillow.

Ye Jingtang's eyes went dark, and he couldn't really see the scenery around him, but from the corner of his eye, he could still see his slender waist and the big moon. As Qing He leaned over, he could see the expression of biting his lower lip... …

Dongfang Liren was watching from the side, and found that Fan Qinghe still wanted to be accurate, so he naturally felt that it was impossible, so he raised his hand and lightly hooked it, and the black cloth was pulled down...

dong dong~


Fanqing Heguang noticed that Ye Jingtang was caught off guard, and hurriedly hugged his chest, looking at the messy Queen, a little annoyed.

In order to treat everyone equally, Dongfang Li put his hands behind his back and took off his little clothes:

"It's more convenient, Miss Fan, let's continue, I will watch carefully."


Fan Qinghe glanced at the place where Dongfang Liren was full of weight, feeling weird in his heart. After taking a deep breath to suppress distracting thoughts, he still hugged and possessed himself...

Ye Jing looked at it carefully from the corner of his eye, although it was indeed a bit difficult to restrain, but he was afraid of scaring Qing He away, so he remained as still as a mountain, quietly comprehending.

Fanqing Heben had already drank some wine, and was already dizzy at this time, and he couldn't even breathe.After dawdling a few times, she sat up:
"Your Highness, try it, that's it, it's very simple."

Dongfang Liren watched intently, but he was not stage-frightened. He pretended to be studying hard, moved to the front and bent down, and tried a few times.

Although Fan Qinghe felt ashamed, he was really dedicated to his work. When he found that the queen was not distracted, he pressed Dongfang Liren's shoulder with his right hand, and helped Ye Jingtang adjust its position with his left hand:

"Press down a little more, and hold on."

"Is this a little tired?"

"I'm really tired. My waist was sore yesterday. In fact, he should be able to sit more easily..."

"Then let him sit?"

"No, no, no. You are not allowed to move! I... I will teach you again, it should be that the movements are not right..."


Ye Jingtang was lying on the pillow, watching the two of them toss back and forth, half the night passed before he knew it...


It’s really Kawen, I wrote this chapter twice, I will ask for a day off tomorrow, and sort out the follow-up plot or2
(End of this chapter)

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