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Chapter 404 The meeting of the wind and clouds

Chapter 404 The meeting of the wind and clouds
The next day.

The sky was getting bright, and there was some noise in the market.

In the alchemy room, Niao Niao squatted on the small bench next to the stove, squinting his eyes to warm up the fire, and occasionally fanned the flames with his wings when he felt that the flames were dim.

In the opposite room, the slight movements that lasted until midnight had already quieted down.

Among the curtains, Fan Qinghe was lying on the outside, with the quilt covering his chin, revealing only his slender eyelashes and a high nose bridge. After hearing the subtle noise in the market, he frowned, and then slowly opened his eyes.

After drinking some wine yesterday, it was inevitable that I would have a headache when I woke up in the morning. Fan Qinghe looked around the room, trying to raise his hand to soften the eyebrows, but suddenly realized that something was wrong!
The back is warm, as if leaning against a man's arms...

Fan Qinghe's expression froze slightly, and her mind quickly came to her senses. She lifted the quilt slightly to check, and it could be seen that she was huddled between the man's arms. full of...


Fan Qinghe's pupils shrank slightly, and he didn't dare to move at first, quickly recalling the experience of last night:
The queen came up with a whim and pestered her to teach, but the queen was very stupid and always made mistakes, so she could only teach back and forth, because she was too greedy in the drinking game, and then she was a little dizzy. When she watched the queen practice, The eyelids are fighting and I fell asleep in front of me...

How can I fall asleep? !
Fan Qinghe felt that he was so big-hearted that he could fall asleep after doing this kind of thing. If he didn't leave after teaching, he would stay overnight.

Fan Qinghe felt it carefully, and found that apart from the hand on his conscience, there was no other abnormality in his body, and he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief...

It's all like this, how can I breathe a sigh of relief? !
Fan Qinghe's heart was in a mess, she didn't know what to say to herself, she looked back quietly, and she could see that Ye Jingtang kept the same appearance as yesterday, still lying behind as a tool man, the only difference was that her left arm was holding her, and her right hand was holding her. hugging the sleeping Queen...

Fan Qinghe bit her lower lip a little bit annoyed, but she didn't dare to wake people up. She carefully removed her hand on her chest, then got up, put on her shoes, pulled up her chest wrap to cover it up, and walked outside lightly. go.

Between the beds, Yejingtang originally had one in each hand, but the left side was suddenly empty, even if he slept soundly, he should have been awakened.

He opened his eyes and found that Miss Fan hugged her skirt and sneaked out of the door. He also came to his senses. He took a deep breath and turned his head to look inward. He could see that Big Benben was resting on his arm, with his back facing him. He was sleeping soundly, and he could clearly feel the gentle heartbeat through the soft warmth of his palm.

He didn't wake up when he saw this, he gently pulled his hands away, wrapped the quilt tightly, and then put on his robe.

The east is glowing with rays of light, and there is a slight sound of water splashing in the quiet courtyard.

Ye Jingtang stretched himself in the yard, saw Qinghe washing in the side room, he didn't go in to disturb him, and took a bucket of water by the well to wash himself.

Niao Niao in Dan's room was already a little sleepy at this time, and when he saw Ye Jingtang coming out, he quickly jumped up to him and kicked Ye Jingtang's boots with his claws:


Ye Jingtang raised his hand and rubbed Big Bird to comfort him:
"Thank you for your hard work. I'll take you to eat roasted hump when I wake up later."


When Niao Niao heard this, the annoyance of watching the stove all night disappeared on the spot. She rubbed her head against Ye Jing Tang, then fell asleep and almost fell into the pot.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled, took the bird to the alchemy room, put it in a basket to sleep, then sat down in front of the stove, and poked it a few times with the fire stick.

After a while, Fan Qinghe came out of the house with a water basin in his hand, and found Ye Jingtang sitting in the alchemy room, his footsteps paused slightly, his eyes obviously averted.

But everything was done, she looked down and didn't see her, she couldn't hide even if she wanted to, so after gritting her teeth to suppress her distracting thoughts, she poured out the water, and walked slowly into the room as if nothing had happened:

"I'll just take a look. If you're okay, go out to eat, and find out about the news in the city..."

While speaking, he walked to the medicine shelf, picked up a small scale and weighed the medicinal materials, and put on an appearance of 'I'm very busy'.

Ye Jingtang turned his head to look at the graceful back, thought for a while, got up and walked behind.

? !
Fan Qinghe heard the footsteps from far to near, his shoulders shrank slightly, his unsmiling expression turned into nervousness, he quickly turned around, and picked up a knife for cutting herbs from the side:

"You... what are you doing here?"

Ye Jingtang looked as usual, took out the knife, threw it aside, and looked down at his helpless face:
"What can I do? Just chat..."


Fan Qinghe found that his waist was being hugged, his eyes panicked, and he gently pushed his chest:
"I've already told you that I'm a doctor, and I teach Prince Jing to help you when I'm sick. How can you push your boundaries like this..."

Ye Jingtang supported his waist with both hands, lifted Fan Qinghetuo's feet off the ground, and sat on the table behind.

He let go of his hands, supported the desk, surrounded Fan Qinghe, and looked at each other:

"The innocence of my daughter's family is greater than the sky. I took so much advantage by mistake at first. If you don't want to take it to heart, I can't take the initiative to mention it. But now it's like this, I can't just pretend that nothing happened. If If you really do things in a hurry, Miss Fan will probably have a knot in her heart, thinking that I am not responsible..."

"Who cares about knots? I don't think you're irresponsible, get out of the way!"

Fan Qinghe wanted to jump down and run outside, but was blocked by Ye Jingtang and couldn't get away.

Ye Jingtang didn't force his way, but stopped Fan Qinghe, thought for a while and said:
"There is an alliance of five clans among the various tribes in the West Sea. If there were no incidents of the past, according to the rules, Miss Vatican should be a princess, right?"

"What princess? If the Northwest Royal Court is still there, I'll be your aunt! You..."

Before he finished speaking, Fan Qinghe's face turned red, thinking that this was a bit outrageous.

Ye Jingtang blinked: "If you like, I'll call you Auntie..."

"Shut up!"

Fan Qinghe's character is actually quite aggressive, but he just couldn't show it in front of Ye Jingtang. At this time, he was forced to rush, and he didn't care about that much. He took out two needles from the back of his waist:
"The Northwest Royal Court is gone. We are just some friendly strangers. Will you let me go? If you don't let me go, I will go back to Dongming Mountain and won't help you!"

Ye Jingtang didn't hide, but asked back: "Does that mean I won't go back to Dongming Mountain after I let you go, and keep helping me?"


Fan Qinghe blinked her eyes, and felt that these words seemed to be a trick, she thought for a while:

"I'm Zhu Zong from the Department of Winter and Darkness, how could I not go back, there is always a banquet in the world... Eh?!"

Before the words finished, Fan Qinghe saw the handsome young man in front of him, and leaned forward. It seemed that he wanted to make raw rice and cook it. She panicked, and quickly pressed Ye Jingtang's forehead:
"You are not allowed to move! I... I am not saying that we have to disband, I am the patriarch of the Dongming tribe, and my purpose is to rebuild the northwest royal court, so that the tribe will no longer be bullied by Beiliang.

"You are a descendant of the Qinchi tribe. If you can bear the burden of your ancestors and protect the Dongming tribe, I will naturally abide by the covenant of your ancestors. Hmm...Even if I don't want to be a princess, for the sake of the tribe, I can't ignore the overall situation, right..."

Ye Jingtang nodded thoughtfully: "It means that as long as I block Beiliang, Miss Fan will marry me as a young daughter-in-law?"


Fan Qinghe really meant that, so naturally she couldn't shake her head, she thought about it for a while:

"That's what I said, but the current situation is uncertain, so I don't know what to do in the future. Now the various ministries in the West Sea are still suppressed by King Zuo Xian and dare not make mistakes. At least you have to have higher prestige than King Zuo Xian, so I... just... "

Although Fan Qinghe was quite submissive, but her character was still a wild girl, she couldn't continue, so she jumped down forcibly and pushed Ye Jing out of the hall:
"Anyway, we're just helping each other now. I'm a benevolent doctor. I don't want you to have an accident, so I will help you at all costs. You can't repay your kindness with revenge."


Ye Jingtang was just making a few jokes, and after being touched by Fan Qinghe twice, he didn't deliberately tease him anymore, and stepped aside.

Fan Qinghe quickly got out from the side, flushed and ran to the stove, opened the cover and checked:
"You go out and buy something to eat. I can't calm down standing here. Don't blame me if the oven blows up."

Ye Jingtang was indeed a bit hungry, so he walked out the door immediately:

"What to eat?"


After Fan Qinghe was sure that Ye Jingtang was going out, he quickly ran over to close the door, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief...
It has been two days since the first battle at Tianlang Lake, Shi Daoyu and other main forces were all defeated, and Ye Jingtang also temporarily withdrew. There was no earth-shattering storm on the lake, but it did not calm down.

Although he didn't get the big head, in order to deceive people, Zuo Xianwang showed the appearance of "the dragon is stuck in the shoal and has nothing to do". He arranged a small number of people to carry a small amount of snow lake flowers like ants moving house, and tried to escort them to the east of the lake.

Few of these teams could arrive, and most of them were ransacked by wolves within a few tens of miles out of the city, and had to throw away their goods to save their lives; and the Jianghu people got their hands, and it was not so easy to get out of Tianlang Lake. From morning to night, you can see the fighting and scrambling of people from the north and the south.

At dusk, on the ice field on the east side of Tianlang Lake, several rivers and lakes were chasing on the endless ice. The old man at the front was holding a cloth bag, and behind him were the northern and southern warriors with various weapons. They could be heard from a distance. shout:
"Whoever sees it has a share, you are so old and want to eat it all by yourself?"

"It's just two fucking dollars for Xuehuhua, how do you divide it among so many people? You settle the people behind, and we'll be [-]/[-]..."


And at the end of the skyline, a big white horse stood facing the wind, with two long cold iron maces hanging on the side of the horse, exuding a little metallic luster in the sun.

The leader of Pingtian, wearing a jade armor, stood with his hands behind his back on the ice, looking into the distance, with a natural voice that was three points cold, and said softly:

"Wu Er Er from Shishizhai in Beiliang, isn't he calling himself 'The Immortal of Wine' and only interested in good wine? How did he come to Tianlang Lake and grab the snow lake flowers?"

Not far behind, a tall slender woman dressed in green clothes and wearing a bamboo hat has no interest in the disputes in the rivers and lakes, but just looks down at the fish under the ice:
"I heard from Shui'er that in the past, this person robbed the birthday card sent by King You Xian, and stole several altars of Yebaitou; now the chased one is running away with his head in his arms, could it be that he was secretly injured?"

"Shenfa is better than yours, the master is still worthy of being a master, it doesn't seem like there is a secret injury."


Luo Ning's expression was condensed, and she turned her head, wanting to refute Bai Jin's outspoken words, but when she looked carefully, she found that the old man running around was indeed better than her, so she snorted again:

"Then what do you think he is doing by grabbing Snow Lake Flowers?"

"Maybe I want to make wine with Xuehu flowers. This kind of wine Mengzi is the same as the real Xuanji. It's not unusual to do any weird things..."

Xue Baijin, as the overlord of the secular world in the Southern Dynasties, came to Tianlang Lake for the purpose of single-handedly defeating the Zuo Xianwang, so that it is logical to claim the title of Martial Saint.

Although she is also interested in Xuehu flowers, but this kind of thing that the emperors of the two countries are bound to get, as the leader of the rebels, if she takes too much, she will burn herself, and if she takes too little, she will not have the motivation to make a move. After chatting for a while, she thought He and Luo Ning continued to set off.

But before Xue Baijin got on his horse, he found that a group of people who had chased him in the distance stopped at the end of the ice field, and then there were several explosions under the clear sky:
bang bang—

At the end of the ice field, there was a little dust and mist, and then the figures scattered and fled desperately to the surrounding area.

Luo Ning couldn't see clearly, so she took out her binoculars and looked over there, only to see a horse team coming at the end of the ice field.

There are more than ten people in the horse team, all wearing standard robes, it looks like the three people in the government are wearing green robes and gauze hats. After wounding two Jianghu people, they did not pursue but looked at over her side.

Although the distance was far away, Luo Ning still felt a little eerie. She frowned, put down the binoculars, and asked:
"These three people look unusual, who are they?"

Xue Baijin kept looking there, and after a little consideration, he responded:

"It seems to be the 'Twelve Attendants of Yandu', the eunuch next to Emperor Liang, who is responsible for guarding the emperor just like Cao Qiansui. He never left the imperial city in the past. Why did he come to Tianlang Lake..."

After all, Luo Ning's Jianghu experience is not as rich as that of Xue Baijin's. Hearing this, she was puzzled and said:
"Are these people very powerful?"

Xue Baijin shook his head: "That's it. It is said that these people are dead men trained by the Northern Liang Dynasty with secret medicine. In my hands, it can at most play the role of delaying a few tricks."

Seeing that Luo Ning was not very strong, she asked:
"We seem to be being targeted, should we go?"

Xue Baijin didn't have any enmity with the Beiliang court. Seeing that the other party was just observing from a distance, she didn't have the leisure to say "what are you looking at?", so she got on the horse and said:

"It's none of your business, let's go. Didn't Yejingtang rob Tianlang Lake? No matter how long you searched for it, you can't find it."

Luo Ning got on the horse, sat behind her, and looked around the endless ice field:
"Tianlang Lake is so big, how could it be possible to meet us just by chance? If you look for us again, if Niao Niao sees us, he will definitely come and lead the way."

Because of Jiangzhou's experience, Xue Baijin didn't really want to see Ye Jingtang very much, but Madam missed the wild man, and she couldn't stop her as a husband-in-law, so she didn't say any more at the moment, and after a light "drive~", Then continue to go deep into the ice field...

at dusk.

As the sky was getting darker, the lights in the East City were slowly turned on, and a barbecue restaurant near Xiaonan Street was full of customers coming and going from north to south.

In the private room on the second floor of the restaurant, a large plate of hump meat was put on the table. Niao Niao squatted on the table, squinting like a Chinese New Year, and let the two sisters feed the meal.

And Ye Jingtang, who was dressed in a black robe, stood with his hands behind his back at the window, listening to the chatter of traffickers and pawns:
"It's really bold. I heard that the seven teams sent by the palace today were all robbed on Tianlang Lake, and one was even robbed three or five miles outside the city. What's the difference between this and shitting on the prince's head... ..."

"My lord is notorious for his violent temper. If the gangsters are so presumptuous, why don't you go and punish them?"

"Hey, isn't this guarding Xuehuhua? Ye Jingtang has not been arrested, and the prince can't leave his post without authorization..."

"I heard that at noon today, the lord was furious and was about to leave the city with a gun in his hand. Mr. Xing and the others knelt on the ground to persuade him to go back..."


After Fan Qinghe calmed down for a whole day, he had suppressed his messy thoughts at this time, sat on the table and listened for a while, and said:

"This group of Jianghu people are so presumptuous, aren't they afraid of really angering Zuo Xianwang? Three or five miles outside the city, Zuo Xianwang passed by in the blink of an eye..."

Dongfang Liren sat in front of him and served Niao Niao some food, and responded:
"King Zuo Xian doesn't know where we are at all. He can go outside the city in the blink of an eye, and Yejingtang can enter the prison in the blink of an eye. Not to mention three or five miles outside the city, even if someone is making trouble in the city, King Zuo Xian won't It will definitely show up."

Ye Jingtang went back to the table and sat down, picked up the jug and poured wine for the two girls:
"Yesterday, I stopped the steward of King Zuo Xian's mansion, and learned that King Zuo Xian had packed his house and seemed to be going out. If King Zuo Xian really burned out of the city in anger these two days, then there will be an explanation for this matter... "

Dongfang Liren frowned and said, "Will the housekeeper report this matter to Zuo Xianwang?"

Fan Qinghe scratched Niao Niao's stomach, heard the words and shook his head and said:
"King Zuo Xian is not such a fool. Cao Aning and the others were left in Pingyi City, and they were not allowed to turn back, just to prevent someone from being rebellious outside, and came back to act as an eyeliner; the housekeeper was blocked by unknown thieves, and returned unscathed Wangfu, you don't need to think about it to know that the secret has been leaked, and Li Xian is not stupid, so how dare you take the initiative to report it."

Dongfang Liren thought about it, and turned to say:

"King Zuo Xian didn't move for too long. The Holy Majesty will be in Jingjie City. When the time comes, he will lead the army to the Northern Expedition. If King Zuo Xian wants to leave, he won't be able to leave. If he wants to leave the city, he will make some moves in the next few days. .How long will it take for the Tianlang Pearl to be refined?"

Seeing that Niao Niao was already full, Fan Qinghe got up and said:

"Snow lake flowers can fall tonight, as long as the beads are formed. The fire is coming, let's go back."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much. After getting up and paying the bill, he returned to the pharmacy with the two girls...


There are indeed not many opponents, and the length of the book should be about the same as the first two books.

(End of this chapter)

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