wait a minute

Chapter 405

Chapter 405
As the sun sets, the sky gradually turns dark.

In the small courtyard of the pharmacy, Dongfang Liren was dressed in a black outfit, holding a dragon gun in his hand, holding his head high and holding the rack of the Overlord gun.

Ye Jingtang stood behind, with his right hand supporting his big and stupid waist, and his left hand lifted his arm up a bit:

"It's been half a year, why can't you stand still?"

"How can I stand still if you move your hands and feet?"

"People who practice martial arts should have a mind like stagnant water. I can't stabilize my mind when I touch His Highness. If I encounter a strong enemy in the future, I have to panic before making a move? Come on, stand up straight..."

"You touch again?!"


After eating the hump meat, Niao Niao still hasn't recovered from her satisfaction, squatting on the reclining chair next to her, swaying, and whimpering for some reason.

In a house with closed doors and windows, the sound of splashing water can be heard.

Since it was the first time for Fan Qinghe to refine Tianlangzhu, no matter how indifferent he was, he was inevitably nervous. First, he burned incense and bathed seriously, and then took out the incense, facing the north to worship the gods, full of ritual.

After Fan Qinghe finished the preparatory work, Ye Jingtang let go of his stupidity, took out the brocade-wrapped jade box from the room, came to the alchemy room, and looked at the medicine stove that was already emitting a little mist:

"Just pour the snow lake flowers in now?"

"That's what the prescription says, but..."

Fan Qinghe took the jade box over, opened the lid, looked at a box full of dried white petals, and hesitated:

"This is half a catty of Snow Lake Flower. Generally speaking, three coins of Snow Lake Flower can be used as medicine to restore a martial artist with damaged energy channels. This can save dozens of people. Is it really used like this?"

Dongfang Liren stood beside him, pressing the bird who wanted to take a bite:

"Afterwards, I found Ye Chibu's recipe for soaking babies in medicinal baths. The Tianlangzhu has to be used by your son and daughter. How can you do it if you don't know how to do it? You can just do it with confidence."


Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes, but he didn't expect this.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, and came to the medicine furnace:

"Your Highness said the same thing. If you don't dare to do it, why don't I do it? The fryer is mine."

Fan Qinghe was indeed afraid of frying furnaces, but he was even more worried about Ye Jingtang's craftsmanship, so he came to him immediately and pushed Ye Jingtang away with his shoulders:

"You don't know medicine, how can you help? Just stand by and wait."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't get in the way, and retreated to Benben, watching carefully.

Call ~
Fan Qinghe uncovered the kiln, and in the medicine furnace that had been boiled for a day, there was a burst of white water mist, and the brown medicine liquid inside could be seen.

The lid of the medicine stove is also specially made, with a golden needle hanging on it to congeal beads.

Fan Qinghe observed carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the color and taste of the liquid medicine, he slowly poured the Xuehu flowers in the jade box into the medicine stove.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Liren subconsciously took half a step back, as if he wanted to hide behind his boyfriend so that the stove wouldn't blow up.

Ye Jingtang was a little amused, and explained: "Frying furnace is a term for alchemy, this thing can't be fried, at most it won't respond when it's poured in..."


Fan Qinghe put so many snow lake flowers into the pot, and was in a state of tense heartstrings. Afraid that Ye Jingtang would not follow suit, he hissed softly, then stirred the medicinal materials with a spoon, and covered the lid.

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes:
"This is the end?"

When Ye Jingtang was in Wushan before, he had seen Zhang Jinglin practice pearls, and he had some experience, so he said:

"It's over, wait for about a quarter of an hour, and the beads will be condensed."

"Then you eat the Tianlang Pearl?"

"You don't need to eat it, just break it up and let the liquid stick on the skin, it will be absorbed by the body by itself..."

Ye Jingtang and Benben couldn't explain more than a few words, but their ears moved suddenly, and they looked outside at the market in a blink of an eye.

Fan Qinghe had been paying attention to the medicine furnace intently. Seeing this scene, he also took a look at Beicheng:
"Is there any movement in the north?"

Yejingtang didn't hear any unusual noises, but the soles of their feet could pass through the slight vibration of the ground, and felt that there was a large group of people running to the north more than ten miles away.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned around and opened the door, flew down on the roof, looked towards the north, and saw that outside the palace, which was a section higher than the entire city building, there were a large number of cavalry in silver and white iron armor, heading towards the east city. The door moved, and there were no less than 2000 people visually, and the Minghuangwang flag was held high at the front.

Dongfang Liren followed him and took out the binoculars to take a look:
"It's the army under King Zuoxian's command, and the direction is going to Tianlang Lake..."

Ye Jingtang was not sure about the situation, so he came to the outskirts of the medicine workshop and looked down at the market below.

There was an army mobilization in the northern city, and the residents in the city naturally responded, but after a while, there were discussions in the noisy market:

"What's going on in the palace?"

"It seems that a team of scouts went out of the city just now, but they were beheaded by Jianghu thieves and thrown outside the city gate. The barracks are about to mutiny. The prince has just left the city with a gun..."

"This is simply deceiving..."


When Dongfang Liren heard these words, his eyes were also startled, and he turned his head and said:

"Is this group of Jianghu people going crazy? They dare to do this kind of thing. Do you really think Zuo Xianwang is a pawn, and dare not slaughter the entire Tianlang Lake?"

Ye Jingtang frowned, thinking of the statement made by the butler of the palace, he felt that the matter was not so simple:
"Except for me, no one in Western Xinjiang dares to throw the scout's head at the gate of King Zuoxian. It may be that they are using the name of suppressing bandits to cover up people's eyes and ears, and they want to run to the east of the lake. I will go to the prison to see the situation."

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, thousands of war horses filed out from the capital and galloped towards the endless ice field outside the city.

At the front of the team is a fierce horse covered in armor, which looks like a dragon running on the ground.

Zuoxian King Li Qie covered his face with a golden armour, sat on horseback and held a lance more than ten feet long in his hand. His white hair was fluttering in the wind. Feel that monstrous murderous aura that is enough to burn the sky and boil the sea!
Although murderous, King Zuo Xian was able to rule Western Xinjiang for 20 years. Obviously, he was not a reckless man who would ignore it in a fit of anger. At this time, there was no change in expression under the mask, but he just scanned the field back and forth, paying attention to all troubles and grasses.

The retainer Xing Shouchun walked behind Zuo Xianwang, and at this time he also put on his armor, and whispered as he walked forward:
"All the snow lake flowers will be handed over to the loyal people, and they will be mixed with the team. The imperial court has sent people to meet them. As long as they can reach the east of the lake and hand over the snow lake flowers to the imperial envoys, this matter has nothing to do with us. They can't be lost." It's the imperial court's business..."

King Zuo Xian made a decisive decision, using the prison as a bait to attract the attention of gangsters in the rivers and lakes, and led a team to send Xuehuhua to the east of the lake, which was considered a dangerous move. .

But at this time, when he really left the city and saw the calm Tianlang Lake, he realized that the situation was not so dangerous.

After all, he personally held the formation and led two thousand elites to fly towards the east of the lake. As soon as he showed his head, the mob outside the city rushed away, and there was not even a ghost in sight for a hundred miles; and the whole western Xinjiang dared to touch him now Yes, Ye Jingtang is the only one who has done his best.

Zuo Xianwang knew that Ye Jingtang was extremely talented, and after half a year, he might already be on par with him.

But even so, when Ye Jingtang came, at most he would fight him head-to-head, and the two thousand soldiers behind him scattered, what could Ye Jingtang do to stop him?

The only risk at present is that Ye Jingtang is blinded by the hatred of extermination of the clan, and even Xuehuhua is not wanted, and he chases him to death.

But it's still possible for him to lose to Ye Jingtang. If they catch each other and fight each other, how could it be impossible for him to run away.

After thinking about it for a while, Zuo Xianwang gradually let go of his mind, and turned to worry about the situation in the city.

After a few days, [-]% to [-]% of the snow lake flowers had been dried and packaged. In the afternoon, they received a secret report sent by the court to respond. King Zuo Xian did not dare to delay any longer, so he left the city overnight, and [-]% of the snow lake flowers remained in the prison. .

It will take three to five days for all these snow lake flowers to dry in the shade, so they cannot be packaged in advance, but if someone rushes to pack a few pockets, and then flees quickly to find a place to spread them out to cool, it is not impossible to take them away, at most they will spoil some of them.

Although it is very difficult to break in, and it is even more difficult to find a place to dry in the Xihai Protectorate Mansion after grabbing it, and it is even more difficult to not be discovered, but it is possible after all.

After flying for a while, Zuo Xianwang looked back at the majestic city that had gradually disappeared from the horizon:
"Order the punishment prison and let them try their best to guard the punishment prison. If there is a mistake, they will dig three feet to search the surrounding area, and don't let the thieves find a place to dry."

Xing Shouchun still took orders at the moment, and turned around to order the accompanying soldiers...
As soon as it got dark, drums sounded in the city, and a curfew began.

The traffickers and pawns on the street quickly returned to the houses, and the brigade of soldiers and horses also began to walk through the streets and alleys. The whole city fell silent, only the crisp sound of armored horseshoes remained.

stomping on...

In the criminal prison near Zuo Xianwang's mansion, the elites of the Bai Xiaoying camp each armed with weapons, strictly guarded the inside and outside, and there were countless warriors walking around the outer buildings to act as bright and dark sentries, making the defense of the entire prison as solid as gold.

But with such strict protection, it only deters ordinary bandits. For the top masters in the Jianghu, the Zuo Xianwang is here, and the prison is a forbidden place where gods and ghosts cannot enter.

And Zuo Xianwang is not here, then this place is an ordinary prison, the number of people is just the difference of the difficulty of entering.

Not long after the news of Zuo Xianwang's departure from the city spread, dragons and snakes mixed up around the prison, and occasionally people could even be seen on the premises.

The masters of the Baixiao Battalion in charge of guarding did not dare to chase after fear of being transferred from the mountain. They just defended the perimeter of the city wall and guarded against the violent attacks of Jianghu thieves.

And two miles away from the prison, above a closed cloth house, Ye Jingtang was wearing a black robe and a bamboo hat, lying on the back of the roof, observing the situation of the prison with binoculars.

Dongfang Liren also came up to him, lying side by side with Ye Jingtang, and said in a low voice:

"What's going on over there?"

Nightmare puts down the binoculars:

"The defense is too tight, it doesn't look like a bluff, there must be snow lake flowers stored inside."

"It means that Zuo Xian Wang really left his hometown and went out to suppress the bandits?"

"It's also unlikely. I guess Zuo Xianwang took some of them away. The rest that haven't been dried in the shade are left here as bait."

Dongfang Liren nodded thoughtfully, thought for a while and asked:

"Then what should we do now? Go after Zuo Xianwang?"

Ye Jingtang looked around and said softly:
"There are many masters lurking around, if I go to deal with Zuo Xianwang, it will be like making a wedding dress for others, and handing over all the snow lake flowers here.

"You can't even lose sesame seeds and watermelons. I'll go in first and snatch the Xuehuhua from the prison, send you out of the city to get rid of the pursuers, and then go after Zuo Xianwang. He has two thousand cavalrymen and he can't run too fast."

Seeing Ye Jingtang, Dongfang Liren wanted everything, but he hesitated in his heart:
"You are very sure about robbing the prison, but it is too risky to chase Zuo Xianwang. If there are more people left in the prison, we can rob it and stop..."

"Depending on the situation, if I can't beat Zuo Xianwang, I will naturally run away, and I have to fight for everything..."

The two were lying on the roof, and while they were discussing, there was the sound of flapping wings behind them.

Ye Jingtang looked back and saw Niao Niao flying over quietly, followed by a black shadow.

Fan Qinghe also noticed the abnormal movement just now, but he couldn't escape after refining the medicine, so he followed Niao Niao and landed on the roof of the cloth village. Pure gold box:

Ye Jingtang turned his head to look, although Fan Qinghe covered his face and his eyes with slender eyelashes seemed calm, but in the depths of his eyes, he could clearly see a bit of embarrassment, as if he was saying—hehe, auntie is amazing Bar?Praise me, praise me...

Ye Jingtang's eyes showed surprise, and he took the box over:

"Miss Fan is so powerful, can she do it in one go?"

Fan Qinghe saw that it was true just now, but in fact, he jumped up and beat his grandma excitedly, wishing to hug Ye Jingtang and kiss the Queen.

But at this time, Fan Qinghe suppressed his excitement, pretended to be confident, and hummed softly:

"Are you still worried about my accomplishments? If you don't have a certain degree of certainty, how can you dare to say that you have to pay for Xuehuhua by frying the furnace?"

Dongfang Liren saw Fan Qinghe burning incense and worshiping Buddha in the afternoon, but she didn't feel that Fan Qinghe was sure of everything, but she succeeded once and didn't waste medicinal materials.
"Miss Fan's medical knowledge is truly unfathomable. When Miracle Doctor Wang retires behind the scenes, the title of the number one miraculous doctor in the Great Wei Dynasty must belong to Miss Fan."

Fan Qinghe regards the study of medicine as a hobby, and it must be helpful to her words, with a crooked smile on her face, and she even lay down beside Ye Jingtang:

"You have seen Tianlangzhu before, open it to see if there is any problem."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang put aside the matter of the prison, opened the gold box, and saw that there was a warm white bead inside, because it was just out of the oven, it could still feel a little warm.

"The Tianlangzhu looks the same as that made by Zhang Jinglin, so it should be fine."

"If there is a problem, there will be no way to condense the bead. It must be exactly the same."

Fan Qinghe took the binoculars and looked at the prison:
"What should I do now, do you use it now, or wait until the matter is over?"

Ye Jingtang used Tianlang beads, so he might be more irritable, and he really wanted to find someone to do it, regardless of men and women, the strikes were relatively heavy.

But if he doesn't use it, his skills may not be able to compete with Zuo Xianwang, and it will be difficult to pursue him. For this reason, he still said:

"I've already practiced, so I must use it in advance. But this medicine has a strong aftereffect, and my body is very dry after using it. If the medicine does not lose its strength after taking it, I'm afraid I have to ask you to help me... um..."


Fan Qinghe's expression froze, and he leaned back slightly to cover his chest, with a little shame in his eyes:
"Didn't you teach her yesterday? Why did you bring me along?"

Dongfang Liren said bluntly: "If the medicine is too strong, how can this king stand alone?"

Ye Jingtang was just joking, and raised his hand to smooth things over and said:

"It's just a plan in advance, and it's not necessary. In case Zuo Xianwang and I are exhausted and the medicine wears off, we may have to lie down for half a month and ask you to help feed us."

Dongfang Liren didn't like to hear these unlucky things, so he said seriously:
"Okay, let's stop talking about this, what should we do now?"

"The snow lake flowers inside should not be completely dried in the shade. If you snatch them out, you have to find a place to put them, otherwise they may be stuffy..."

"Leave this to me and you can grab it and get rid of the pursuers. I will work with the people in the city to find a way to bring Xuehuhua back to Dongming Mountain. I am afraid that you will have to go alone to chase Zuo Xianwang. Prince Jing and I will follow." It will only drag you down..."

"Okay, I know how to measure. If there is any difficulty, I will immediately turn back and join you. Niao Niao is responsible for sending messages back and forth."


On the other side, the White Owl Camp resident.

tata tao~
The footsteps made by the soldiers walked lightly, sometimes echoing outside the window, and the dim light illuminated the gorgeous gift box on the tea table.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Hua Qingzhi looked out the window at the heavily guarded city wall of the prison, with a look of boredom in his eyes, while behind him came his father's tireless polite voice:

"Hey, General Chen is now the head of the prison. It's just a matter of helping me out..."

Next to the tea table in the back, Hua Junchen was sitting on a chair, and opposite him was a man in his fifties, with broad shoulders and a broad back and beard. His appearance was rather rough.

Although the position of the seventh-rank military officer is quite low, Chen Yanying is not a small fish. He was a general in Hudong Road 20 years ago.

If the battle is successfully completed, when Beiliang annexes the western border, Chen Yanying will have no problem in being named a real powerful lord by virtue of his achievements in opening up the territory and expanding the territory.

However, due to his dereliction of duty during the war, he made a serious mistake. In the middle of the battle, Chen Yanying was dismissed by the national division who was the coach at the time, and he was ordered to be beheaded by military law to show the public.

Fortunately, King Zuoxian saw that he was good at martial arts and made a lot of military achievements, so he came forward to protect him and recruited him under his command.

Because of the high authority of the national teacher, Zuo Xianwang didn't want to reuse him afterwards, so he could only serve as a small military officer in Xijiang, which lasted for 20 years.

Originally, Chen Yanying was in charge of the city defense, and the prison should be guarded by Bai Xiao, but all three commanders died, and King Zuo Xian didn't have many masters to use, so he was brought in to act as the magic needle of the prison.

General Chen Yanying was born and practiced martial arts since he was a child. He was considered a mighty general back then. On the battlefield in Western Xinjiang, he took several shots from King Tianlang without being killed. After being relegated to idle jobs for the past 20 years, he has nothing to do every day except practicing martial arts. , Martial arts are definitely not low.

Moreover, there is no such thing as a one-on-one battle among the members of the army. There are [-] soldiers under his command, as well as defense facilities such as city walls and crossbows. Anyone who comes is [-] to one, and the possibility of guarding the prison is not low.

For this reason, even if the situation outside was in crisis, Chen Yanying didn't have much sense of urgency. At this time, holding a teacup, he discussed with Hua Junchen slowly about the flower plant:
"Snow Lake flowers and plants are forbidden items. If you want to use them, you need to report to the prince, and you can only use them with the permission of the prince. Moreover, Steward Li also said hello and asked Bai Xiaoying to strictly investigate the reselling of wild plants. Mr. Hua found me here, to be honest, Chen is really difficult..."

Hua Junchen ran over to find someone again, because he was collecting snow lake flowers in the black market in the city, and found that he had been greeted by Zuo Xianwang's mansion. No one dared to sell this thing in the market, regardless of the underworld.

Hua Junchen knew that the housekeeper Li Xian had too much appetite, so he secretly cheated, and if he went to the palace to pay a visit, he might be hated by the slaughter, so he skipped the palace and went directly to the current prison guard.

Seeing that Chen Yanying said it was difficult, not impossible, Hua Junchen was secretly happy, and moved closer:
"General Chen is an open-minded person, and Hua doesn't beat around the bush when he speaks. General Chen knows better than Hua how many thieves are watching outside the prison. There will be trouble tonight. As the saying goes, thieves don't leave empty space. It's normal to throw a few snow lake flowers in the prison, and the prince can't investigate it afterwards.

"The responsibility for the mistakes back then was not on General Chen. It was just that General Chen happened to run into him when the national division wanted to kill someone to rectify military discipline. It seems that Hua is really inferior.

"Although Hua has not entered the officialdom, my father and the current Taiwei are Jinshi on the same list, and we still have letters to each other. I just need to go back and talk to my father and ask for a transfer order. After so many years, the court will not come here. If we pursue it further, even if we can't be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister, the reinstatement of the official is still guaranteed..."

Chen Yanying is willing to chat with Hua Junchen because he has been idle for 20 years, and the court probably forgot about him. If he doesn't seek connections and talk to the court, he will become an old man.

Hearing Hua Junchen throw out this condition, Chen Yanying was obviously a little moved, thought for a while and said:
"My lord didn't want Chen to be reinstated, because I didn't want to talk about old things with the National Teacher's Office. If it was a war, the court would do something special and re-enable Chen..."

Hua Junchen waved his hand slightly and said: "The current relationship between the two countries is harmonious. If there is no war in the Xuehuhua incident this time, there may not be a war in the next ten years. How many decades can General Chen wait?

"Now is a great opportunity. As long as General Chen is convenient, Hua can write a letter to General Chen to complain. As long as the national teacher does not hold on to the past, with General Chen's achievements in the past, maybe the Holy Majesty will make up for the past rewards." , Feng Hou can't say for sure..."

"Hey, merit is merit or demerit is demerit, and the competent official has been reinstated, and Chen has already burned incense, so how dare you mention the matter of being a Marquis..."

After Chen Yanying babbled for a while, he was obviously moved by Hua Junchen's persuasion. After all, the Hua family did have this connection.He got up with a sigh and said:

"Old Master Hua's reputation spreads far and wide, so I think he won't lie to me, a martial artist..."

"General Chen, don't worry, if Washington doesn't even have this kind of faith, how can it have the reputation it has today? Besides, General Chen is a generation who can fight well. Even if there is no such thing as Xuehuhua, my father wrote a letter for General Chen Complaining about grievances is also a matter of duty..."

Chen Yanying raised his hand slightly, and instead of talking about these polite words, he led Hua Junchen out of the squad room of Baixiaoying, and came outside the prison.

The prison has been under martial law, and no one is allowed to enter or leave, but Chen Yanying is obviously not among them. When he came to the small door on the side of the prison, he asked his cronies to open the door and brought Hua Qingzhi and his daughter into it.

Hua Qingzhi was naturally moved when she saw that her father was begging for help everywhere, and he had really settled Xuehuhua's matter.

But when she thought about being alive and kicking in a few months, the family would have to arrange a blind date and marry a certain prince, her eyes were a little complicated, she was pushed by Luzhu through the dark corridor, looked around, and didn't know what she was thinking.

Luzhu entered the gloomy prison, she was obviously a little frightened, she walked behind with her neck shrunk, looked at the dark cell, and said in a low voice:

"Miss, don't be afraid, I'll go out later..."



Chen Yanying walked in front, heard the whispered chatter behind, turned around and said with a smile:
"Don't look at the bad environment here. Now it can be said that it is the safest place in the world. There are 2000 people outside, and there is Chen sitting in the town. How can a lonely ghost dare to be presumptuous? Let's go out and talk about..."

Hua Qingzhi is just a girl, so it's not easy to answer. Hua Junchen, who was walking in front, might be in a good mood, so he patted the saber on his waist and said:

"General Chen made it easy for the little girl. If there is a thief coming at this time, there is no need for General Chen to do it. A sword from Hua is enough..."

Speaking of this, Hua Junchen thought of that one again, and his arrogant words became a little weaker.

It's not that Chen Yanying doesn't hear things outside the window, he naturally understands who Hua Junchen is thinking of, and said without fear:

"To be honest, Mr. Chen has seen Ye Jingtang before, but his arms and legs are not as mysterious as the rumors in Jianghu."


When Hua Junchen heard this, his eyes were really surprised.

He looked at Chen Yanying carefully, obviously wondering how Chen Yanying came back alive after seeing the King of Hades.

Chen Yanying didn't explain too much, and soon came to a cell deep in the prison.

There were seven or eight flower pots neatly placed in the cell, and some withered flower seedlings were placed on the desk next to them.

Chen Yanying opened the door and gestured to the dead branches placed on the desk:
"People in the Jianghu don't understand medicine, they find flower plants outside, uproot them and send them to receive rewards, and they die as soon as they are unearthed.

"Although we can't keep them alive, these things have been recorded, and they should be sent to Yanjing for preservation. It's not a trivial matter to lose them for no reason.

"For this reason, we have to wait for some thieves to stir up trouble and break into the prison before Mr. Hua can be taken away. Now we can choose the appearance first."

Hua Junchen wanted his daughter to practice martial arts back then, and almost killed her for the rest of her life, so there was no trace of guilt in his heart.

At this time, seeing the good medicine in front of him, Hua Junchen was obviously agitated, looked back and forth a few times, then turned to look at his daughter:

"Did Doctor Wang tell you what kind of flower plant you want?"

Hua Qingzhi only heard from Dr. Wang that she wanted to dig live plants to use as medicine. These snow lake flowers that had just been unearthed and hadn't completely withered obviously counted. She came to the front in a wheelchair and looked at them:

"It should be fine, just pick ten small ones."

Chen Yanying was quite proud, and said:

"Since I promised to help, Chen won't pick and search. These things are all thrown on the heads of the thieves, and you can take whatever you choose. But forget about the flower pots. Normally, no one would think of moving these things. Walk."

Seeing this, Hua Junchen took the brocade from Luzhu, looked for the ones that seemed to be relatively old, and wrapped them up one by one.

But before the ten snow lake flowers were packed, Chen Yanying looked outside in a blink of an eye, and there were some noises in the night:

"There are thieves breaking through..."

clang clang-

Hua Junchen frowned, immediately took off the saber at his waist and held it in his hand, and looked at Chen Yanying.

Chen Yanying looked normal, turned and walked outside:
"The thief is here now, Mr. Hua first look for it, and I will come as soon as I go."



Roll your name and harvest luck:

Recommend a book "Haunted by ghosts and monsters, if you can live until you die, you will be considered a victory!" ", if you are interested, you can take a look~

(End of this chapter)

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