wait a minute

Chapter 410

Chapter 410

As the storm subsided, the entire Tianlang Lake seemed to freeze instantly.

A few miles away, more than a dozen personal guards chased after him, their faces were pale and stared at the golden armor that had not moved, and then they scrambled and ran towards the direction of Xihai Duhufu.

On the other side of the messy ice surface, four old dark guards who followed jumped into the bone-chillingly cold lake water, fished out the red-robed figure floating in the water, pushed it onto the ice surface, and called urgently:

"Cao Gong? Cao Gong?"

Eunuch Cao, who was dressed in tattered clothes, had dizzy old eyes, but after his subordinates slapped his face a few times, he suddenly turned upside down, making the four old guards tremble with fright.

"Huh...what are you panicking, our family has practiced Changqingtu for a year, and it's not an old man with half of his foot buried in the ground. It's not so easy to die from internal injuries..."

"Cao Gong, look over there."

Eunuch Cao tidied up his messy hair first, and after hearing the guidance from his subordinates, he was supported to stand up and looked at the ice surface several miles away.

Three small dots the size of rice grains stood at the end of the field of vision. After a moment of silence, the figure in white walked up to the man sitting on the ground, but the man in the golden armor next to him was completely silent, without any movement.

"Huh... I was really beaten to death..."

Eunuch Cao and King Zuo Xian are considered to be of the same age. They have both experienced the chaos of the Three Kingdoms and witnessed the destruction of the Northwest Kingdom. It can be said that they have heard each other's names for a lifetime.

Seeing that the other party took a step first, even if he was on the opposite side, Eunuch Cao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After all, Lu Jieyun, Xuanyuan Chao, Liu Qiansheng, Sun Wuji, etc., who were heroic and young heroes who were either righteous or martial arts, have all left the stage today.

Even the Martial Saint standing on the top mountain will end from today.

A new generation has replaced an old one. He, an old man who retired ten years ago, is really a bit strange standing in this new arena.

Although he is still as tyrannical as before and can live for many more years, but in today's arena, there is no place for him, and even the imperial court doesn't seem to need him that much anymore.

After staring at the ice field for a long time, Eunuch Cao’s panting gradually calmed down, and he returned to his usual meticulousness. After sighing softly, he turned around and said:

"Let's go, go chase Snow Lake Flowers, if we don't die after this battle, our family should retire and return home, alas..."

"Cao Gong was born in the palace, where can he go when he retires? From the point of view of his subordinates, it is better to return to the palace to be the general manager, to start well and end well."

"Born between heaven and earth, naturally return to heaven and earth. I stayed in the palace for sixty years, and I often listened to the magnificence of the mountains and rivers in the north and south, but I have never set foot in half a step. There are still a few years left, so I should go out for a walk..."


Between the words, a group of five people found a few unowned wild horses, stepped on the horseshoe marks along the cavalry, and continued to chase into the distance.

And the other side.

After looking back at the people in the distance, Xue Baijin hung the maces behind his waist, took off his lower visor, revealed his cold but flushed cheeks from exercise, walked slowly to Ye Jingtang, and stretched out his right hand:
"Have you had enough rest?"

Ye Jingtang was sitting on the ice, with the cold wind blowing on his cheeks, to be honest, his mind was stunned, his heart was beating like thunder, almost blocking his hearing.

He didn't slow down until Bing Tuotuo came to his side to speak, took hold of white jade hands, and pulled his body up.

But just now, it erupted uncontrollably, all the muscles in his body were strained, not to mention both shoulders were severely injured, and his chest and abdomen were also severely injured.

He didn't feel it when he was fighting, but now that he calmed down, even his toes were soft, just when he pulled himself up suddenly, he staggered forward, and he was about to wash his face with milk.

! !
Xue Baijin also consumed a lot, and his arm hurt from the smash, but he was not seriously injured after all.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang got up and leaned against her chest, her eyes turned cold, she quickly turned around, and instead put Ye Jingtang's arm around her, holding her waist with one hand, she said in disgust:

"You are still a martial artist? He can't last long after taking the medicine. With a normal brain, he should know that he should fight steadily and slowly. He knows that he can't fight, but he insists on going head-to-head. No one in the world can touch it?"

Yejingtang rested on Bingtuotuo's shoulders, their cheeks were very close to each other, and it was the first time that she noticed that her eyelashes were very long, and it was actually quite feminine upon closer inspection.

But Bing Tuo Tuo can really beat him, Ye Jing Tang is not easy to mess around, looking forward, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead:
"I just want to see how fierce that 'Ni Scale Orb' is, and it seems like it is nothing more than that now."

"However, you are still beaten like this?"

"Well, at that time, your feet were off the ground and you had nowhere to move, and you didn't have a weapon in your hand. If you shot a hole in your body, Ning'er would have to scold me for not taking good care of you, so I blocked it."

Xue Baijin's eyesight is not bad, and he knew that Ye Jingtang's bumping out from under the ice to confront her, and going up to block the gun, were all covering for her.

If not, how could she have come to personally help Ye Jingtang.

However, Xue Baijin was still displeased and said:
"Do you think that the leader of this sect is made of paper, and it will be broken when you touch it?"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "That's not true. I have a picture of bathing in fire next to me. I was injured. After a few days of rest, I can be alive and kicking. The main thing is to be stabbed. Let's say rest for half a year. If I can block it, I will naturally block it... ..."

Xue Baijin has practiced Changqingtu for many years, but the effect of Changqingtu is to keep the body youthful and prosperous. Even at the age of 60, she is as pink as Yunli.

Although the effect is huge in the long run, fighting in battle does not have much sense of presence, at most during the recovery period, because the prime of life recovers quickly.

Xue Baijin originally wanted to say a few words about Ye Jingtang, but before he could speak, footsteps sounded from the side.

stomping on...

In order to avoid dragging her feet, Luo Ning just retreated a mile away. Seeing Bai Jin help Ye Jingtang up, she flew to the side with her long sword in her hand. She frowned and looked at King Zuoxian who was still standing still:
"Worthy of being a Martial Saint of Beiliang, his combat power is truly astonishing. If he hadn't met us, no one in the entire western border would have been able to keep him..."

Xue Baijin heard the phrase 'we' and felt that Ning'er meant 'the three of us are really good'.

However, closing his eyes and moving his position is also an assist. Xue Baijin didn't hit Madam, but said:
"What are you doing in a daze? Come quickly and help him up."

Luo Ning quickly retracted the sword and put it back into its sheath, came to Ye Jingtang's side, took his arm, and looked at the injury on Ye Jingtang's body with it.

With Ning'er in his arms, Ye Jingtang was about to relax a lot, his body weight was all on his slender body, and while Bing Tuo Tuo was not paying attention, he secretly slapped her face.

Luo Ning was caught by her husband, her eyes were a little annoyed, but seeing that Ye Jingtang was covered in blood, she was still pressed down by her heartache, took out the wound medicine from her waist, and began to bandage:
"Be honest, don't move!"

"it is good……"


Xue Baijin, who had Ning'er treating her wounds and was also very tired, naturally did not come to help. After glancing around, she flew up and came to the scattered horses on the ice field. Going back to the front and inserting it behind Zuo Xianwang, he pulled out the Dragon Singing Spear.

Luo Ning bandaged Ye Jingtang. Seeing this, she was a little puzzled, and looked at Bai Jin suspiciously:

"what are you doing?"

Xue Baijin held the dragon firing gun and called the white horse in the distance:

"The north and the south have fought for thousands of years, all for the sake of peace in their own world. There is only victory and defeat. There is no good or evil. As an opponent, life and death fights must not be soft, but after killing the enemy, you still have to give the dignity that should be given."

Having said that, Xue Baijin looked at Ye Jingtang:
"Northern Liang destroyed a country in Western Xinjiang, and Great Wei also destroyed a country called Dayan. If I rise up one day, if you dare to stop me, I will make you more respectable."

Luo Ning was immediately unhappy when she heard the fierce words, but she couldn't turn her elbows too far, so she frowned and said:

"He is the protector of Pingtian Sect. What are you fighting with? He tried to block the gun for you with a serious injury just now, and you forgot it so quickly?"

"I'm just giving an example. No one wants that kind of scene to happen, but when it does happen, there's nothing we can do about it..."


Ye Jingtang was resting, but when he heard the two quarreling, he sighed softly from the bottom of his heart.

After all, there is essentially no difference between Beiliang's destruction of the Northwest Royal Court and Great Wei's destruction of Dayan.

The Xue family is full of loyalty and loyalty, guarding Nanguan for Dayan to this day.

As a descendant, Xue Baijin, like him, has never seen the battlefield of life and death in the past. He grew up in the peaceful years, so he naturally didn't have much idea of ​​national hatred.

But he was born with the blood feud of his parents, so it's not like he can let it go easily after saying a word.

Ye Jingtang had never been in contact with Beiliang or even the royal court. As far back as he could remember, his father was Pei Yuanfeng, the head of the bodyguard bureau, so he couldn't feel much resentment and hatred towards Beiliang in his heart.

But after learning about the past of Qin Chi's efforts to exterminate the clan to send him to escape, this responsibility fell on his shoulders, and he could no longer treat himself as an outsider.

The same is obviously true of Xue Baijin, who may not have any hatred for the Wei court, but how can she be worthy of her parents who have devoted themselves to the country when she submits to the court?
Ye Jingtang leaned on Ning'er, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"The chaos of the Three Kingdoms has continued from ancient times to the present, and every family has a blood feud for thousands of years. If there is no hero who can rule the world, this kind of retribution will only be endless.

"I only hope that the Three Kingdoms dispute can end in the hands of our generation. In the future, the court will be the court, and the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes will be the daughters of the rivers and lakes. The younger generations will not harbor hatred between the country and the family, and travel north and south. It will be much easier than it is now."

Xue Baijin actually understood righteousness, that's why she blatantly raised the banner of rebellion. She turned over and jumped on the white horse, thought for a while and said:
"No matter who can rule the world, I will never mention the restoration of Dayan again. But I can't give the empress a saddle, even if I don't want Nanxiao Mountain and become a mountain ranger, I can't bow to her once in my life."

Ye Jingtang knew that Bingtuotuo had hated Yuhu because of his clothes being torn. This problem was more troublesome, and he couldn't solve it for the time being, so he whistled and called the charcoal red horse wandering on the ice field:
"Let's talk about these things later. Xuehuhua is hidden in the cavalry team, and we have to chase after him, otherwise King Zuo Xian's goal will be achieved. He will distract the opponent and send Xuehuhua away successfully."

Luo Ning helped Ye Jingtang get on the horse, flew up and sat behind her, frowning and said:
"You are so injured and still go after them. What can you do if you catch up? Go back to recuperate first, and Xuehu Huabeiliang can't eat all of them. If it's a big deal, I'll go grab it later."

Ye Jingtang knew that even if the Snow Lake flowers were taken away, they would not be able to digest them in a short time, but the next time they really wanted to grab them, they would go to the Yanjing treasury, which was a hundred times more difficult than Tianlang Lake.To this he:

"As long as you find the team, Xuehuhua will be able to win. If you can grab a little more now, you will save trouble in the future..."

Xue Baijin stood in front of him on horseback, thinking for a while:

"The cavalry ran to the east of the lake, at least tomorrow morning. I'll send you back to a safe place to repair, and then go search with Ning'er. But then you have to bring the bathing fire map, let's barter."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was hesitant to speak, he thought for a while and said:
"It's still possible to give the map of the fire bath to the leader, but it's definitely not possible to take it away. The leader only needs the map of the fire bath? Don't you want anything else?"

Since Xue Baijin practiced martial arts, he wanted to climb to the top of the world by himself like Wu Taizu, and never regarded the picture of Minglong as a necessity.

But today, after fighting with Wu Sheng to the death, seeing Wu Sheng's terrifying outburst, and Ye Jingtang's absolute calmness without fear of serious injury, she felt that the bathing fire map can be used forever, but she can't do without it. There is no need to worry about the future, and the fault tolerance rate is too high.

Naturally, Xue Baijin also wanted the other pieces, but the Empress would definitely not give them any more, so she wanted the most important one.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang refused, Xue Baijin took a half step back after thinking about it:
"Just learning is fine. In exchange, I can also lend the Evergreen Picture to the empress, and you have to get it back for me afterwards."

Ye Jingtang felt that this exchange should not be a big problem, so he nodded:
"Okay, let's go first, let's talk when we go back."

Xue Baijin didn't say any more, and took the lead in heading towards the Xihai Duhu Mansion.

Luo Ning walked around Ye Jingtang with her chin on her shoulders and rode along with her.

hooves, hoofs...

Soon, the two horses disappeared on the messy ice field, leaving only the golden armor behind.

King Zuo Xian, who had lost his breath for a long time, stood with his back against the spear, his blood-stained white hair fluttering in the wind, until now, his eyes were still wide open, staring at the sky and the earth.

There is Yanjing, the National Teacher's Mansion, everything that Rongma pursued all his life, and never fell down because of losing his fighting spirit until his death...
The fifteenth day of the first lunar month has passed, and although the West Sea Ice Sheet has not yet thawed, the southern world has unconsciously become a bit more springy.

More than a dozen treasure ships sailed along the Qingjiang waterway through the green mountains and rivers of Yazhou. The ships were full of elite imperial troops dressed in unicorn armor. She Long, Shang Jianli and others also changed into official robes of Ouchi guards. , patrolling back and forth on several ships.

The treasure ship in the middle is three stories high, and the overall lights are brightly lit. You can see several brightly dressed court ladies walking through the corridors, and you can faintly hear Shengge music.

On the large terrace at the top of the ship building, there is a tea table with painted screens, and Hongyu sits obediently beside the tea table, making tea, and in the large room behind, there are small words:
"Yuhu, are you really ready to fight?"

"As an emperor, if you don't want to fight or dare to fight, you are a sign of subjugation; only an emperor who is refusing to give up an inch, is extremely belligerent, but is willing to listen to the dissuasion of his courtiers can shock the world and protect the balance of the country..."

"Hey, it's been a long time since there has been peace for over ten years. I don't know how many people will die in this war..."

There was a bronze mirror in the room, and the empress dowager, who was dressed in dark red palace makeup, took out a belt, belly wrap and other things from the tray, and tied them on the empress.

The empress stood upright in front of the bronze mirror, her original gorgeous red dress was replaced by a dark golden unicorn armor.

Because of his tall and well-proportioned figure, he exudes a sense of heroism from the inside to the outside. If it weren't for the smooth and long hair hanging on his back, his back would look like an incomparably handsome young general.

The empress dowager was born in the general family, so she naturally knew how to wear armor, she frowned and said slowly:
"Even if you want to fight, there is no reason for the king to personally fight. What's the use of wearing armor. As an emperor, you should stay in the city wearing a dragon robe and command the entire army behind the scenes..."

Although the empress was cynical, she obviously didn't float to the point of personally going into battle to kill the enemy. This set of armor was actually a gift given to her by her father when she was very talented in martial arts when she was a child. I cried with envy.

After she ascended the throne, she stayed in the palace all year round, and she had to wear a dragon robe according to the etiquette when she went on tour. This armor has been left in the bathroom to eat ashes.

Now it's time to arrive at Jingjie City, the Great Wei established the country with martial arts, and she patrolling the frontier army naturally wears armor best, so I took it out and tried it out.

At this time, the empress spread her arms, looked at the heroic female general in the mirror, and felt a little bit:

"Is it a little small?"

The empress dowager found out when she was helping to put it on, and raised her hand to knock twice on the hard breastplate:

"This is built according to your previous body shape. You were only as big as you were back then, and now you are even bigger than me. Can you hold back in your clothes? Just ask the craftsman to change the size..."

The empress raised her eyebrows slightly, thinking that the words were quite interesting, but then there was a three-point exclamation in her eyes, she seemed to be wearing the clothes of previous years, and felt that times had changed and things were different.

The two were chatting, when there was a noise from the next room, and then Xuanji walked in with a sense of immortality:
"Huaiyan, are you calling me?"

"I didn't call you, just take a rest."

The empress wanted to repeat the empress dowager's analogy, but when she turned around, she saw Xuanji dressed in a snow-colored plum blossom dress, with a veiled hat on her head, and a sword and wine gourd hanging around her waist, dressed as a chivalrous woman.She said unexpectedly:
"Master is ready to go out?"

Immortal Xuanji served as a guard after parting from Yejingtang in Jiangzhou, took the Queen Mother back to the capital, and caught up with the empress' official ship.

Xuanji's personal affair was broken by the queen mother and Yuhu, so she had no face to stay in front of the two of them, and spent the past few days hiding in the house, meditating and drinking.

Seeing that they are about to arrive at Jingjie City, there is no need to worry about safety, and Ye Jingtang and the others are in the northwest again. Naturally, Master Xuanji couldn't sit still. Seeing Yuhu's question, she pretended to be a respected teacher and said with a smile:

"The situation in Tianlang Lake is still unclear. Yejingtang and the others may be in danger. Now that they are almost at Jingjie City, there is no need for escorts. Let me go and have a look."

The Empress and the Queen Mother knew Master Xuanji too well, and when they heard this, they knew that Master Xuanji wanted to find a boyfriend.

The empress dowager almost wanted to die at night, and wanted Shui'er to take her with her, but she knew the depth of Tianlang Lake, so she didn't dare to mention it.

The empress was really worried about Li Ren and Ye Jingtang who were away from home, so she said after a little deliberation:

"Be careful on the way, if you get the snow lake flowers, let them return to Jingjie City as soon as possible."

Master Xuanji secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them did not stop him, smiled and nodded, then turned around and went out the door, disappearing with a whoosh.

The empress dowager bit her lower lip lightly, envious of Shui'er, who came and went freely, but dared not say it out loud, her eyes finally showed a bit of resentment, she straightened her armor behind her back, and asked softly:

"When will Li Ren come back? I haven't seen her for a few months. I miss her a little bit."

The Empress untied her stuffy armor:

"It's only during this period of time when the snow lake flowers bloom, and the matter will be over in two days at the latest. I also miss Liren quite a bit."


The queen mother felt that Yuhu was thinking about Ye Jingtang just like her, but she couldn't explain it clearly, so she just nodded...
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(End of this chapter)

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