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Chapter 411 The Road

Chapter 411 The Road

Two fast horses jumped onto the shore of the lake, and chased towards Dongming Mountain in the northwest. Because the three horses were fast, before the news came back, the Xihai Governor's Mansion did not react much, and was still searching for the three robbers under martial law.

Xue Baijin took the lead, because of his reticent personality, he didn't say anything along the way, but occasionally looked back at the accompanying wife and the wild man who was hugged by the wife.

Not far behind, the charcoal-red horse trotted along.

Luo Ning was sitting on the horseback, holding Ye Jingtang on her chest, and had already stitched and bandaged several wounds, fearing that the weather would freeze the thief, she also brought a change of clothes from the side of the horse, and wrapped Ye Jingtang up, Then hold it in your arms and keep warm.

Ye Jingtang rested on horseback for a long time, and his breath completely calmed down. After the intense exercise, the feeling of fatigue flooded into his mind. He should have slept for a while; , causing the body to be unable to calm down, leaning on the soft little watermelon on the back, and holding the soft jade hand at the waist, something abnormal appeared in the half-dream and half-awake state.

Luo Ning held Ye Jingtang's hand with her arms around her waist, naturally paying attention to his body all the time. She was looking at the road seriously, but as she walked, she found that the thief's breath in her arms was not right. After thinking about it, she followed his abdominal muscles , quietly touched down a little...


Although Luo Ning has been together for a long time, she is still very thin-skinned. When she touched the instrument of torture that bullied the heroine, her peach blossom eyes widened obviously. It looks like she feels comfortable holding it.


Luo Ning glanced at Bai Jin not far away, her eyes showed nervousness and shame, she didn't dare to speak loudly, she just frowned in Ye Jingtang's ear and said:
"Little thief!"


Ye Jingtang was in a daze, and he woke up after being shouted, and found himself holding Ning'er's hand and messing around, his eyes were a little ashamed:
"When I came here, I ate Tianlangzhu, the medicine was quite powerful, and it didn't dissipate completely..."

Luo Ning saw that Ye Jingtang's expression was friendly and somewhat apologetic, but she held her hand tightly, and she became more and more ashamed and annoyed, she whispered:
"Let go, I'll call Bai Jin again..."

Xue Baijin, who was walking ahead on horseback, had good perception. Hearing the whispers behind him, he turned around and said in doubt:
"what happened?"

Luo Ning said to complain to her ex, but in fact she had the nerve to speak, she covered each other's hands with her robe, and said as usual:

"It's nothing, he took the medicine, and his breath is not stable, so hurry up."


Seeing this, Xue Baijin didn't say much, instead speeding up the horse.

Luo Ning was sure that Bai Jin hadn't noticed anything unusual, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Ye Jingtang's cheeky reluctance to let go, she probably hoped that he would feel better, but in the end she didn't resist, but looked away, pretending to be disgusted .

Ye Jingtang was fully awakened by such a discount, turned his head to look at the cold Ning'er, and chatted about homework:

"Yunli is in Honghe Town, did you go to see it when you came?"

"I see, I'm helping San Niang to recruit gang members in the town, setting up a table in front of me, and standing behind are two thugs, who look like a gangster lady, I must not copy books well these days..."

Seeing Ning'er's virtuous wife and loving mother, Ye Jingtang couldn't restrain himself, leaned closer and kissed her red lips, but the ice lump in front of her immediately turned around:

"Yejingtang, if your injuries are not serious, you can ride back by yourself."

Ye Jingtang hurriedly sat up straight, but Ning'er squeezed it hard by the embarrassing Ning'er, took a deep breath, and raised her hand slightly:

"I'll be honest, let's hurry up."

Seeing Ning'er's flustered look, Xue Baijin guessed that the two of them were secretly making out, and it felt really weird for her to stand in front of her, so she speeded up the horse and put some distance away.

The three of them traveled like this, and soon they traveled more than [-] li on the wasteland.

Fan Qinghe returned to Dongming Mountain with his people, because with several carriages, the speed must not be as fast as Ye Jingtang's horses, and he has not yet left the West Sea Protectorate.

Luo Ning put her arms around Ye Jingtang, touching each other, and not long after, there was the sound of flapping wings in the sky.

clap clap ~
Then a lump of fluffy fat ball fell from the air, squatted on Xue Baijin's shoulder, tilted his head to look at it:


Although Xue Baijin was neither far nor close to Ye Jingtang, he still liked the lovely Xue Ying, and raised his hand to touch his head.

And Luo Ning, who was at the back, noticed that Niao Niao was coming, so she quickly withdrew her hand and asked as if nothing had happened:
"Where is the Queen?"


Niao Niao tilted her head and pointed, then flew out to lead the way.

Xue Baijin didn't have a good relationship with the Empress, and because of her special status, she naturally didn't want to see the Empress' sister, so she galloped forward, and stopped the horse when she saw the convoy traveling on the wasteland:

"Ning'er, are you going to stay with me, or go with him?"

Luo Ning hadn't seen each other for so long, so she must be taking care of Ye Jingtang.

But there are Fan Qinghe and the Queen in the convoy, and Bai Jin is walking in the rivers and lakes, and she is the only one by her side. If she ran away with the man, she would be so lonely on the road. After hesitating for a while, she opened her mouth and said:

"What did I do in the past, come with you."

Seeing this, Xue Baijin naturally wouldn't persuade his wife and Ye Jingtang to leave, instead he turned his horse and came to him:

"The two thousand cavalry troops dispersed in a hurry. Without the commander, they will definitely go separately. I don't know how much I can get back. After I get the things, I will go directly to Jingjie City. You must go back and return to the empress. When the time comes, bring the picture of Minglong, and I will give you the snow lake flower."

Yejingtang has finished its work in Xijiang. After the snow lake flower is dried and packaged, it will go to Jingjie City to meet up. It doesn't take two days. At the moment, it just reminds:
"Be careful all the way, I'll come over as soon as possible after the snow lake flowers dry in the shade."

"Be careful, too. If you are injured, rest well and don't mess around."

After Luo Ning pointedly warned, she flew up, landed behind Bai Jin, and hugged her waist:
"Let's go."



Ye Jingtang showed a smile, raised his hand and waved slightly, and watched the white horse gallop away towards the way it came, before lightly resting on the horse's belly, and walked towards the motorcade that had stopped.
hooves, hoofs...

The sound of horseshoes came from far to near, and more than a dozen Dongming tribesmen in the convoy had stopped, looking back and waiting on the wasteland.

Fan Qinghe and Dongfang Liren were sitting in a carriage, originally looking back at the three of them by the window.

Finding that Ye Jingtang was not coming fast, and his body was still not very stable, Fan Qinghe realized the problem, quickly got out of the carriage, and trotted to him:
"Yejingtang, are you injured?"

Ye Jingtang was seriously injured. Although he could maintain his expression lightly, he was top-heavy when he moved. He wanted to turn over and get off the horse gracefully, but as soon as he lifted his legs, he staggered.


Fan Qinghe reacted very quickly, opened his arms and stepped forward, using his chest as a buffer to catch Ye Jingtang, Dongfang Liren also ran over seeing this.

Ye Jingtang landed firmly on the ground, slightly embarrassed and patted on the robe:
"The injury is not serious, let's talk about it in the carriage."

Dongfang Liren ran up to him, didn't dare to delay, and quickly helped Ye Jingtang back into the carriage.

After Fan Qinghe boarded the carriage, he let the convoy continue to set off, and then took the medicine box from his side to help Ye Jingtang check carefully.

Dongfang Liren supported Ye Jingtang and said distressedly:
"I told you not to fight hard, and come back if the situation is wrong. Why are you still doing this..."

Ye Jingtang leaned against the carriage, seeing that the two were very nervous, he smiled and said:

"It's not that I haven't fought hard. King Zuoxian is gone. I still have healthy limbs and can ride a horse. It can be said that I returned without injury."

Fan Qinghe had just untied his robe, and was taken aback when he heard this, and raised his head in disbelief:

"King Zuo Xian is dead?!"

Ye Jingtang nodded and said: "At first he couldn't catch up, but as soon as he ran away, he bumped into Master Pingtian head-on, and then disappeared.

"This move can be regarded as avenging part of the Qin Chi Department, but killing the prince of Beiliang is not a trivial matter, and the next step may be more troublesome..."

As long as Fan Qinghe could remember, King Zuo Xian was the emperor of various tribes in the West Sea. He had thought about rebuilding the royal court countless times to get rid of Beiliang's control, but under King Zuo Xian's absolute dominance, there was no hope at all.

Now that he suddenly heard that King Zuoxian had died, Fan Qinghe naturally felt a little in his heart, but after reacting, he felt that the situation was not good.

After all, King Zuo Xian's dominance comes from the national power of Beiliang and the frontier army behind him, not King Zuo Xian alone.

The dignified princes and kings guarding the western border were assassinated, and the Northern Liang court could sit idly by, so don't want to think about the western border in the future, and will definitely retaliate in the future.

Ye Jingtang is both the orphan of Tianlang King and the Duke of the Southern Dynasty.

Beiliang's retaliation against the Southern Dynasty for this was too involved, and he might even shoot himself in the foot.

And by taking this opportunity to kill the elders of the five major tribes, the western border can be completely recovered, and all the tribes in the west sea can be completely brought under the rule of Beiliang.

From the point of view of those in power, even if Ye Jingtang believed himself to be an assassin sent by the Empress, Emperor Liang would probably admit to being the orphan of Tianlang King, and thus confirm the rebellion of various ministries in the West Sea and gain the name of being a teacher.

Thinking of this, Fan Qinghe panicked and asked:

"Did anyone see you killing King Zuo Xian? You are a descendant of Wang Ting. If Emperor Liang knew about this, he would definitely send troops to encircle and suppress all the ministries..."

Ye Jingtang knew that if King Zuo Xian was killed, the consequences would be more serious, so he said:

"I didn't reveal my identity, but no one in Tianlang Lake knows it's me. I can only go back and ask the Holy Master for instructions to see how to deal with it later."

Dongfang Liren is the Prince of Wei, and he has been the regent of the country for a few months. He is very clear about the situation. Seeing that Fan Qinghe was a little panicked, he comforted him:
"If we don't withdraw our troops from the border, King Zuo Xian's family will die, Emperor Liang will not use troops against Xihai, he will only draw in various ministries to fight for soldiers, food, grass and horses, and if he wants to settle accounts, he will only settle accounts after autumn.

"King Zuoxian was killed, which is regarded as giving Emperor Liang the name of being a teacher. If he dared to fight, he should take this opportunity to go south instead of liquidating the various ministries in the West Sea."

Hearing this, Ye Jingtang frowned and said:

"It means that I started the war between the Northern and Southern Dynasties again, and the reason is still on the Northern Liang side?"

Dongfang Liren thought about it: "Beiliang really sent troops for this, it is indeed reasonable. But the premise is that you dare to fight, you just killed King Zuo Xian, you have avenged the royal court, take this opportunity to secretly recruit various ministries, and put forward Rebuild the posture of the royal court, before the Tianlang Lake thaws, the Emperor Liang will definitely not dare to use his troops indiscriminately, and he may be attacked on both sides."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, and asked again:

"What about after Lang Lake thawed that day?"

Fan Qinghe was clear about this, and responded:

"There are no large ships on the west side of Tianlang Lake, and the soldiers are only good at fighting with horses. They are soft-legged shrimps when they board the boats. As long as Tianlang Lake thaws, the West Sea and other ministries will not be able to threaten the east of the lake, and the Beiliang Navy can enter at any time. The inner abdomen of Xijiang even goes south along the river..."

Dongfang Liren thought about it for a while, and felt that it was a good opportunity to send troops, so he turned his head and said:
"Why don't you take this opportunity to raise the banner of King Tianlang? As long as the various ministries in the West Sea gather up [-] to [-] Tianlang cavalry, and our Great Wei will launch a northern expedition at the same time, it will not be easy for Beiliang to defend..."

Fan Qinghe, as the King of Dongming, has been planning a great plan to restore the country these years. Although he really hopes that Ye Jingtang will re-ascend the throne, he still shakes his head and said:
"It sounds like this, but Beiliang Guoshi and Liangdi are not stupid. In the past 20 years, all the horse farms and armor workshops have been confiscated, and the soldiers of all ministries can only wear leather armor and ride inferior horses. Not to mention food and grass, they are barely hungry. The amount of undead people cannot save a single penny, and there cannot be too many soldiers to fight in a short time..."

Dongfang Liren nodded slightly, feeling that the situation was indeed not that simple, so he nodded and said:

"Then now we can only pretend that Ye Jingtang is contacting various ministries, trying to restore the country, put pressure on Emperor Liang, and make him not act rashly, and leave the rest to the Holy Master to deal with... that's all..."

While Fan Qinghe was listening, he had already taken off his outer robe. Seeing that his chest was covered with bruises and his shoulders were covered with wounds, he was quite worried, so he pulled down his trousers again to see if there were any injuries on his legs.

Dongfang Liren was talking, and originally wanted to turn his gaze elsewhere, but soon found that the villain had a reaction, and his sword was on the verge of breaking out.

Her expression froze slightly, her serious and calm cheeks turned red, her words stopped abruptly, and she turned her head to look angrily at Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang was also frowning and discussing. He wasn't thinking wildly at first, but being surrounded by two beauties and pulling down his pants, his body became a little disobedient.

It was found that the expressions of the two girls froze at the same time, their eyes were strange, and Ye Jingtang also showed embarrassment on his face:
"Uh... just now, after taking the Tianlangzhu, the energy is gone, but the effect of tempering the tendons and strengthening the bones is still there, and something is wrong with my body. You don't need to worry about me, I'll just calm down."

Fan Qinghe didn't want to push the stick anymore, he hesitated for a while, raised his eyes and asked:
"Are you sure it's okay? I don't care if it's okay."

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, originally wanted to nod calmly, but he hesitated when he reached the point of his mouth, so it became:
"Let's say no, there is actually something wrong, but it doesn't affect much..."


Fan Qinghe was speechless, even if he hadn't entered the door, he understood what the man meant, sat up a little, and looked at the queen:

"I have to go out to take care of Xuehuhua at any time, and I have to tell them to turn over. I really don't have time to help. Your Highness should have learned it? He is injured so badly, I can't trouble you for long..."

Dongfang Liren doesn't know much about medicine, and there are several carts of snow lake flowers in the back, and Fan Qinghe really needs to take care of them at any time. It's really hard to shirk this matter at the moment.She thought about it:
"Should we come here instead? I'll help him recuperate first on the way, and when we get to Dongming Mountain, if he doesn't recover, I'll come back for you?"

Fan Qinghe felt that with Ye Jingtang's physical condition, he would definitely recover after Dongming Mountain, fearing that the Queen would retreat, so he nodded decisively:
"Okay, wait until Dongming Mountain to see the situation. Your Highness is busy first, I will go out to see the situation of Snow Lake Flower."

Saying that, Fan Qinghe quickly packed up his things and left the carriage, leaving a bottle of Yulong Paste sensible before leaving.

Dongfang Liren waited for Fan Qinghe to get off the car, and closed the doors and windows. Before he turned around and said nothing, Ye Jingtang pulled his arm and leaned against his chest. She raised her eyes and said angrily:

"Seqian, did you do it on purpose? You pretend to have something to do when you're fine, to trick a woman into sympathy..."

Ye Jingtang put his arms around Dabenben and said with a smile:

"It's indeed a bit dry, but it's within the tolerance range. If His Highness is not in the mood, I'll just hug her and sleep for a while. We'll talk about it when we get to Dongming Mountain."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang wanted it very much, and pretending to be magnanimous, Dongfang Liren snorted softly, hesitated for a while, and unbuttoned the front of his shirt, revealing a shiny silver fat-headed dragon, and pulled the fabric a little , slightly stand up:
"Do you think this king doesn't know your temperament? Two days ago, I asked Miss Fan to help me recuperate. I wished I could pounce on you and eat a few bites. You also pretended to be calm, thinking that others would not be able to see it... woo~"

Dongfang Liren didn't say a word before he was bitten.

She raised her hand and knocked on Ye Jingtang's head, then carefully looked around, and after making sure that Fan Qinghe had pushed away the people around her, she turned over and rode on her waist, held her cheeks and pressed her lips together, and then said everything, Start looking for a place yourself.

creak creak...

The carriage was speeding forward on the wasteland, heading for the rolling mountains in the northwest, while the birds were watching the wind and grass around them from high above.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the carriage, and wanted to support Benben to teach him, but his shoulders were injured and he couldn't move, so he leaned against him like a master, looked at the flushed and fierce Benben, leaned over and Open your mouth.

Outside the carriage, Fan Qinghe sat sideways on Tan Honglie and immediately helped to watch. After dismissing him, he might be a little curious and wanted to come to the carriage to see if the queen was doing right.

As a result, as soon as she approached, the window of the carriage was lifted a little, revealing Dongfang Liren's reddish cheeks:

"Doctor Fan, if you are bored, how about we change shifts?"

"Uh... how can I be bored, I just look around casually, hehe..."

Fan Qinghe retreated in a hurry and followed behind obediently, his mind was full of wild thoughts and he couldn't suppress it. Finally, he took a flute from the convoy and played the vast and remote West Sea ditty:

"Beep, beep..."


On the other side, Honghe Town.

It was almost before dawn, and countless Jianghu people who gathered at the border, ready to go to the wilderness to pan for gold, got up early and headed for Heishiguan, which was hundreds of miles away.

After Song Chiyue spent more time preparing, the new hall of Honghualou has basically been established and named "Xihai Hall". The east wind of Huhua even made her famous.

When people from the rivers and lakes open a branch hall, the first thing to do is to let the local people from the rivers and lakes know that someone is here, so that someone will come to do business.

Usually, when opening a hall, it is necessary to destroy a few small gangs to stand up, or hold a hero banquet, and invite famous people from the surrounding rivers and lakes to have a meal, but now it is much simpler.

Now that the flowering period has come to an end, Jianghu people who have found good things outside urgently need a safe place to convert the things into bank notes and put them in their pockets. State roads may be more difficult than starting a prairie fire.

There was a need in the Jianghu, and Song Chi followed the trend, and designated the town as a safe zone in the name of Honghualou. People in the Jianghu could trade and settle in it without paying money, and thugs would arrive immediately if they dared to cause trouble.

Although Honghualou has declined in the past, it has already been included in the ranks of the top-tier wealthy families only by the words "Young Master Ye Jingtang".

As soon as the famous heads went out to gather at the border to hunt for treasure, people from the rivers and lakes flocked here, even people from the eighteen villages in Hongshan and the Liangzhou caravan came here to use it as a negotiating venue.

Pei Xiangjun arrived only two days ago, and he was worried about how to publicize it so that Xihaitang could do it.

Seeing tens of thousands of Jianghu people, because of the name of "Yejingtang", regard Honghe Town as an absolute no-martial zone, and even the horse bandits come in and talk honestly under the pressure of their voices. However, growing up so big, it is the first time to experience the feeling of the Honghualou dominating the world in the past.

At this time, before dawn, Pei Xiangjun got up early, put on a black robe and a bamboo hat, and covered his face with a black scarf, dressed as a red god of wealth, and was going to the town to see if there was anything worth buying .

And Zheyunli, who came running after him, got up earlier than Pei Xiangjun, changed into a chivalrous woman's attire, carried a long knife about the same height, and urged outside:

"Aunt Pei, hurry up, the town is noisy, it seems that something happened."

In front of Pei Xiangjun, Zheyunli didn't look like a scholarly lady at all. After wandering around the town for a few days, she almost merged with the Liangzhou hero. straw.

Seeing this, Pei Xiangjun was quite helpless. After coming out of the house, he took off the knife and let Yun Li hold it in his hand:
"Little girl, what is it like to carry a knife like this? Your teacher's wife came back and saw, but she won't say anything about you, so she will teach me..."

"I know, Aunt Pei~"

Zhe Yunli giggled, and went out of the Glacier Escort with Pei Xiangjun, wanting to see if anyone was causing trouble, so she pretended to be the lady of Honghualou, and punched and kicked to settle it.

But with the background of Yejingtang, there are really not many people who dare to make trouble on the site of Honghualou.

Pei Xiangjun took Yunli to the crowded street, and just walked not far away, he heard a group of Jianghu people talking around:

"It's really dead. I saw it with my own eyes. King Zuoxian was swept away by a yellow dragon lying on the road by Ye Dayan Wang, and he was swept away for seven or eight miles. He fell to the ground twice and then disappeared..."

"Still plopping twice, you treat the Four Sages of Beiliang as ordinary fish in the rivers and lakes..."

"What I saw with my own eyes is probably fake, but something must have happened to Zuo Xianwang. Now there is a lot of chaos in Pingyi City, and many people are running to the Duhu Mansion. It seems that Lu Jieyun's apprentices are all there. in……"

"Xu Tianying? Isn't he a new runner-up? Why did he go to Beiliang?"

"Otherwise, why would you call him Run Kui..."


When Zheyunli heard this, his eyes showed surprise:

"Cousin Jing killed King Zuo Xian?"

Pei Xiangjun didn't expect Jingtang to make such a big deal, he felt that the situation was more complicated, and it was not easy to talk about it in the street, so he thought for a while and said:

"Let someone go out and ask first. If that's the case, Jing Tang should be back soon..."

Zhe Yunli held the knife and thought for a while, frowning:

"One of the four sages of Beiliang is gone... Don't worry, Brother Jing will take care of all the masters before I leave the rivers and lakes. In that case, wouldn't I have to be crushed by Brother Jing for the rest of my life..."


Pei Xiangjun blinked, and didn't know where he was going. He glanced at Yunli's increasingly delicate figure, coughed lightly, and walked quickly to Uncle Song's place...

(End of this chapter)

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