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Chapter 417 The Hangover

Chapter 417 The Hangover
I went up the mountain at noon, and after playing and playing, it was afternoon before I knew it, and the sun moved to the westernmost edge of the sky.

On the lawn on the ridge, Ye Jingtang was sitting with his knees propped up on one hand, his face was a little more alcoholic, he was picking peanuts slowly, before he threw them into his mouth, he was snatched by the dazed water next to him and drank the wine.

Shui'er had a good capacity for alcohol, but the apprentice was in front of him, no matter what he got, he chose to drink, and now he is a little bit over the top, his face turned red, his eyes were blurred, and he did not forget to continue to draw the lottery.

Qing He has a relatively thin skin, at first she was acceptable to touch and kiss her, but halfway through the game, Shui'er felt that the back and forth was just the same, and it was boring to play, so she added a few sticks to make a lottery.

For example, lift up the skirt to look at the legs, cats and cats stretch their waists, and even hug their heads to help wash their faces.

How could Qinghe dare to play these games in public, basically she chose to drink forfeit when it was her turn to draw lots, and she was more relaxed after drinking half a pot of wine, even if she had a boo with Ye Jingtang, she could accept it, and she was fainting at this time Huhu looked at Shui'er, lest she cheat.

But Benben is not good at drinking, he really can't let go of playing such a flower, he mostly drinks, and now he is dizzy, resting on the master's lap, raising his hand to pick up the fallen wooden stick:
"I see what I got...stand upside down and count to ten? Why is there such a ghost..."

Master Xuanji kept drinking from the beginning to the end. He really drank a lot. He was afraid that if he drank any more, he would mess around in front of his apprentice later. Is it just handstand, watch it." Then he plunged his palms to support the ground, and directly stood on his head firmly on the spot.

This sign is intended to test the balance after drinking. Under normal circumstances, if you drink too much, you will definitely be unstable if you stand on your head.

The real Xuanji is basically quite solid, even if he is drunk, the simple trick of standing on his head is still correct, and his body is straight and motionless.

But the body can't move, the skirt can't!

Immortal Xuanji just stood upside down, and the snow-colored skirt embroidered with plum petals fell down to cover her cheeks like a waterfall. Under the warm sunshine, two straight long legs appeared, as well as a white bowknot. Even the outline of a white tiger was faintly visible... …

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Liren originally wanted to say: "Why aren't you wearing pants?", but immediately came to his senses, quickly pulled up his skirt, and looked at the opposite Ye Jingtang who was also stunned:

"The Nightmare Hall!"


Ye Jingtang hastily raised his hand and turned his head, signaling not to look at it.And Qing He next to him sneered.

Master Xuanji realized the problem after she stood on her head, and quickly got down again, covered her skirt, picked up the wine glass and said:
"Forget it, I accept the punishment."

Dongfang Liren held down the wine glass: "I let this pervert look at it, why do I still drink wine... The one who is out of the house, why doesn't he even wear pants, at least he is an elder..."

Xuanji's face was burning hot, but it was covered by alcohol, and she couldn't see the difference. After drinking the penalty wine, she fell on the blanket:

"Okay, let's take a break first, and then we'll have an accident."

Dongfang Liren had indeed drank a lot, so he didn't say much at this time. He lay down in front of his master, exhaled lightly, and then closed his eyes looking at the flowing clouds in the sky.

Ye Jingtang also drank a lot, so it was okay to go back at this time, so he lay down next to Shui'er and patted his side.

Fan Qinghe was still a little shy, but she dared to sleep openly next to Yejingtang when she saw a witch, she had nothing to be afraid of, she leaned on Yejingtang's shoulder, was hugged by the man's arm, and held her...


Fan Qinghe still wanted to pretend to be a doctor, but he was drunk and afraid of the two jokes next to him, so he pretended he didn't notice anything and let the man hug him.

Call ~
It was a long spring day, and the gentle breeze on the ridge was blowing the weeds that had just sprouted. The four people who were still playing around just now lay on the blanket staggeringly, and soon fell asleep.

But after being quiet for a while, probably because he was not sleeping well, Dongfang Liren rolled to the side and touched the blanket with his hand.

In his sleep, Ye Jingtang noticed something, spread his arms out, and used his arms as pillows for the two of them.

As for Master Xuanji, who was caught in the middle, it might be a little hot, so she unknowingly unbuttoned her clothes, turned over, and put her legs on Ye Jingtang's waist...
At the same time, Tianlang Lake.

As the temperature rises in the beginning of spring, Tianlang Lake has already been driven by warming up, but it will take another month for the surface of Qianli Lake to completely thaw.

Hua Qingzhi came to Xijiang to search for medicinal materials. Although the process went smoothly, the Zuoxian King encountered an accident and the situation immediately became chaotic. If he didn't leave as soon as possible, he might be trapped in the city when the Southern Dynasty came.

For this reason, seeing that the city had not yet been closed, Hua Junchen hurriedly left the Xihai Protectorate Mansion with his daughter and guards, and headed towards the east of the lake, fearing that something might go wrong on the road, he even followed the imperial team.

The setting sun was slanting to the west, and on the vast and boundless ice field, a long convoy was slowly moving forward; two eunuchs led the team in front, and a group of official servants in brocade clothes behind.

The following officials were not from the six yamen, but from the guard organization of Emperor Liang. Yanjing officials are generally called "Twelve Offices", which are in charge of the Twelve Commanders. The organizational structure is equivalent to the combination of the black yamen and the dark guards The body belongs to the ears, eyes and mouth of the emperor.

And behind the several officials are the masters of the rivers and lakes recruited from the Zuo Xianwang's subordinates, including Cao Aning and others.

Although when they came to pick them up, the officials of the twelfth institute spoke arrogantly, saying between the lines that they would reward these people with a bite of food, whether they would love to come or not, but in fact it was not the case.

Against Ye Jingtang several times in a row, Yanjing has sent away all the masters who can be pulled out. Even the strong men captured from the prince's house are all dead. The martial arts of Hudong Road are not stupid. Waiting to die, how can someone with a little ability be rare for this imperial ration.

For this reason, the No. [-] Academy is currently facing a serious shortage of experts. In order to get some manpower back in Xijiang, Eunuch Yin went to the Zuoxian Palace to complain for the court and ask for a roster.

The new Zuo Xianwang is currently in a state of desperation, and he has no intention of taking care of the crap left by his father. The new king wanted to show Emperor Liang when he ascended the throne, so he gave it with a big hand. Let's go back to Beijing together.

Although to Ye Jingtang, this group of people are mere fish, but their value in the Jianghu is definitely not low, let alone Cao Aning, Jia Shengzi and other strange people in the Jianghu with their own magical powers, they are only half-steps like Xu Tianying. It was enough for Emperor Liang to remember his name as a good move.

For this reason, Eunuch Yin and the others are in a good mood, and they have been teaching the newcomers on the road how to behave in the world when they arrive in Yanjing.

Cao Aning was originally an eunuch in the palace, he knew the rules of the court too well, and he was also clever. After chatting all the way, he was almost called Yin Gonggong and righteous father, and he was really appreciated by the two chief eunuchs.

And at the end of the team, followed the rich merchants or descendants of aristocratic families from the east of the lake who turned back with the officials.

Taishi Hua had a great reputation because he had served in the court for many years, and he was walking in the middle of the team. Hua Junchen was sitting in the carriage at this time, writing a letter with a pen.

Sitting by the car window, Hua Qingzhi looked back at Xijiang from time to time, looking hesitant, as if she wanted to see Mr. Ye and the Queen one last time, but was afraid that Ye Jingtang would catch up and kill everyone here again. clean.

After looking back for a long time without any results, Hua Qingzhi withdrew her eyes, lowered the curtain, and turned to look at the letter paper on the small table:
"Junchen the dog..."


Hua Junchen, who was immersed in writing, immediately raised his head when he heard what his daughter said, and patted the small table.

Hua Qingzhi's expression froze, and she quickly nodded apologetically:

"It's my daughter being rude. I just read a letter from my father. What is my father writing?"

Naturally, Hua Junchen didn't bother with his daughter, picked up the letter paper:
"To be a man, you have to be loyal. Chen Yanying is so lucky that he survived Ye Jingtang. Naturally, he has to do this job of recommending you. This is a letter written in the tone of your grandfather. Check to see if there are any omissions. If there is no problem, I will hand it over to Eunuch Yin later, and ask him to help take it to Yanjing to clear the way."

Hua Qingzhi took the letter paper and looked it over, it can be seen that it wrote about the experience of being in the Xihai Protectorate, omitting the matter of looking for Xuehu flowers and plants, only talking about looking for medicinal materials, and was suddenly killed by the remnants of Wang Ting.

And Chen Yanying, General Chen, possessed the undeserved courage of all men, occupied the enemy outside the prison, set up the Liuhe formation handed down by Liang Taizu, and personally fought three hundred rounds with the remnants of the king's court, although the defeat was glorious...


Hua Qingzhi looked at the paper full of nonsense, with a rather weird expression, and put the letter back:
"Father, if Chen Yanying can fight Ye Jingtang for [-] rounds, how can the national teacher get Mr. Xiang to do it? There is also a Liuhe formation to resist heavy cavalry, which requires cavalry, crossbowmen, heavy armored spearmen, swords and shields With the cooperation of soldiers, Chen Yanying is a small garrison, where did he get such great military power?"

Although Hua Junchen was born in a family, he was a martial artist since he was a child, and he didn't learn anything about literature and martial arts. His military accumulation was obtained when he was bragging with Yanjing dudes. Seeing what his daughter said, he blinked his eyes and made a look of relief. :

"It seems that you are doing well at the Imperial College. My father thought you couldn't see these flaws. My father is just a test. If it were you, how would you write this letter?"

Hua Qingzhi felt a little helpless, took over the pen and began to help his father write the letter.

Seeing this, Hua Junchen didn't make an ax at the door of the class, turned around and looked at the ice field outside, thought for a while and said:

"Qing Zhi, how much communication do you have with the Great Hades that night in Yun'an? Last time in the prison, my father felt that you were quite familiar with each other."

Hua Qingzhi responded as usual:
"When my daughter first arrived in Yun'an, she met Ye Jingtang at Doctor Wang's place, and wrote a good poem that I had never heard before. She said she got it from Northwest Wangting. I was curious, so I asked Hua Ning to go to Baima Academy, I brought some history books over here, but Ye Jingtang searched them at night, luckily I met, otherwise I would have to be locked up in prison for a few days..."

Hua Junchen nodded thoughtfully: "So that's how it is... Throwing away a few books, as Ye Jingtang, how could he check it himself? Could it be that he has taken a fancy to you since you entered Beijing, and is deliberately looking for opportunities near?"

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes and gestured to her legs:
"Women like the queen of the Southern Dynasty who are so powerful and beautiful all have to pay their respects. Why did Mr. Ye fall in love with me at first sight when I am a cripple? Dad, don't think too much about it."

Hua Junchen rubbed his chin and said, "Father, think twice before you act. After you go back, your legs will be able to heal in half a year at most, and your grandfather will definitely arrange a marriage by then. It doesn't matter if you have nothing to do with Ye Jingtang, if it does, Ye Jing Tang knows that the Hua family promised you to someone else, that is the hatred of taking their wife, maybe they will close the door with a knife in a few days..."


When Hua Qingzhi heard this, her eyes moved.

She and Ye Jingtang naturally have a clear relationship, but to be honest, the family has no worries about letting her in.

And if it was revealed that Mr. Ye was interested in her, father would definitely hesitate when he saw Mr. Ye's murder without blinking an eye, and she would naturally not have to be troubled by the blind date.

Thinking of this, Hua Qingzhi's eyes showed three points of hesitation. After thinking for a while, he took out a little jasper turtle from the box beside him:

"My daughter doesn't know what Young Master Ye means, but before he left Yun'an, he gave me a special gift."

When Hua Junchen heard this, his mind froze for a moment. He took the Biyu little turtle and looked at it for a moment, then said in doubt:

"If you're interested in a girl, most of them will give you a hairpin, but this is the first time I've seen you give me a turtle... What do you mean?"

Hua Qingzhi knew that it was meaningless, it was a symbol of longevity, and it would be difficult to misinterpret it into marriage with allusions, so she took out a dagger from the box:
"And this one, 'Qinghe' given by the Queen, belonged to Gu Yan, a talented girl from the Southern Dynasty. Daddy has heard of it, right?"

Naturally, Hua Junchen had heard about the allusion of the number one love in the Northern and Southern Dynasties and saw the dagger, and he was sure in his heart that his daughter was taken by Ye Jingtang. Thinking of that story, his eyes felt a little sad:
"Because of the war between the two countries, Gu Yan waited for the person he liked and waited until he was 50 years old to get married. If you also waited for more than [-] years for this, you would die of love for your father and your mother..."

Lu Zhu had been sitting beside her, and now she answered the conversation:
"Master, don't worry, if Mr. Ye is really interested in Miss, he will wait 30 years like a nerd, maybe he will hit Hudong Dao next year..."


Hua Junchen was speechless, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was possible. After thinking about it for a long time, he still sighed:
"The war between the two countries is not a trivial matter. Once you stand in the wrong team, the lives of hundreds of people in the Hua family may not be as good as grass on the side of the road. You are not too young. You should have your own ideas about marriage. There are not many after being a father. Say, you can arrange it yourself..."

Seeing that her father was fooled, Hua Qingzhi naturally stopped talking nonsense, put away the presents, and wrote a letter of recommendation with peace of mind...
Unknowingly, the sun set on the top of the mountain, and the moon rose from the sky again, adding a bit of chill to the ridge.

Yejingtang's body is covered with warm and fragrant nephrite, and he didn't feel the drop in temperature. He slept very comfortably, holding two soft balls in his hands, because Ye Youmeng's blood surged up, and he felt a little uncomfortable holding back. Rubbing back and forth on the pregnant woman.

On the side, Dongfang Liren was sleeping soundly on his shoulders. Because of his low martial arts skills, he couldn't avoid the cold and heat. As the night wind blew his back, his body shrank slightly, and then he slowly woke up. Starry sky and moonlight appeared in his eyes.


After the hangover, Dongfang Liren was a little dizzy, and he forgot where he was at the moment. Before he recovered, his eyes froze for a moment, and then slowly revealed shock!

Looking through the moonlight, the skirt on her body has been parted, revealing the silver fat-headed dragon bellyband, Ye Jingtang's left hand is around her, and the hand is placed in the bellyband around the shoulder.

And Aunt Fan on the opposite side was similar, the red and yellow veil skirt was still intact, but the collar was a little looser, and Ye Jingtang was wearing the same posture, with her hands in her arms.

If that's the case, then it's normal and nothing more than embarrassing.

But what shocked Dongfang Liren was that the glamorous and charming Lord Shizun ran onto Ye Jingtang at some point, and the white skirt was basically untied, hanging around his waist, and he was only wearing a hollow white tulle coat , pressed tightly against the man's chest, with his cheek against his shoulder, sleeping soundly...


In shock, Dongfang Liren turned over and quickly closed her skirt. With panic in her eyes, she quickly recalled what she had just done...

Drink flower wine with Master, and play those shameful tricks...

The more he played, the bigger he got, and then he got drunk, and the master stood on his head, but the skirt slipped off and he disappeared...

Then I fell asleep!how come……

Dongfang Liren was trying to remember whether he had done anything drunk and sexual after falling asleep, and the three lying down also made movements.

Benben screamed, and Ye Jingtang woke up with a start. He wanted to turn over to check, but found that there was still water lying on his body, his expression froze again, and he froze on the spot, not daring to move rashly.

Fan Qinghe shrank his neck slightly, opened his eyes and looked blankly, and then looked at Daoist Shui'er, who was lying on his son-in-law in half-undressed clothes:


Master Xuanji also woke up naturally, and she was still looking idle, trying to sit up slowly.

But when she got up a little bit, she found that her whole body was chilly, her eyes changed slightly, she quickly lay back on her stomach, and looked up angrily at Ye Jingtang who was close at hand:

"Little thief, what did you do to me?"


Everyone in Ye Jingtang was stunned. They took their hands out of Qinghe's arms and raised them slightly:
"I don't know, isn't it drinking, why..."

Xuanji's face turned red, and she didn't dare to look at Liren's face under the embarrassment. She got up and covered her chest with one hand and ran out, trying to escape.


Ye Jingtang stood up and tried to stop him, but was frozen in place by Benben's stare.

Dongfang Liren was stunned, but seeing Master wanting to run away in shame and indignation, he got up and followed, grabbing Master's wrist:

"Master, what are you doing?"

Daoist Xuanji didn't dare to stop, and dragged Liren to run outside:

"I... I'm going back to Yuxu Mountain, you don't have to be a teacher, just go clean up the Yejing Hall..."

Dongfang Liren felt that Yejingtang should be cleaned up, but before that, the matter had to be made clear.

She trotted along with Master, and asked:

"He's drunk, so it's not uncommon for him to do such absurd things. Master is so good at drinking, why is he drunk?"

Master Xuanji didn't dare to stop until he ran far away, and turned around innocently:

"After suffering such a big loss for the teacher, you still protect him and blame me for not drinking?"


Dongfang Liren didn't mean that, but felt that even if the master was drunk, he would not be able to take the initiative to climb on the man.

Ye Jingtang was pressed down, and his posture didn't change much from when he fell asleep. It didn't look like he took the initiative to hug the master...

Dongfang Liren's eyes flickered, and he thought about a lot of things in an instant, and he became more and more suspicious when he looked at Master's eyes.

And the real Xuanji could have accompanied him as a humiliated master, but after all, he was guilty, and under the gaze of stupid eyes, his aura gradually weakened, his face became more and more red, and he began to look away.

Dongfang Liren is not stupid. Seeing that Master's expression was wrong, he looked back and his eyes became serious:

"Master, are you also interested in Yejingtang?"


Seeing Li Ren's point of view, Master Xuanji wanted to deny it, but she stretched out her head with a knife, and withdrew her head with a knife. Now that she still hides it, only big things will happen. After struggling for a moment, she still confessed:

"It's not interesting either. Last year I was looking for a picture of Minglong for Yuhu, and I was chasing the demon girl, but I got an aphrodisiac. Isn't Ye Jingtang chasing King Wu, and happened to save me. I didn't know his identity at the time, and then... ...It's Qing He's fault for this matter, it's because she drugged her indiscriminately to make this happen..."

When Dongfang Liren heard the words, his eyes became more and more shocked:

"Is it good for you to be admitted in Wuzhou?"

Master Xuanji nods if there is no evidence:

"I later found out that he was your favorite. I wanted to keep this matter in my stomach and pretend it never happened, but I can't forget the skin-to-skin relationship... Don't blame him, it's because the teacher couldn't bear the heart, The one who took the initiative to get close to him, still won't let him tell you..."


When Dongfang Liren heard this, his eyes were very complicated, and he felt that he should be shocked and unbelievable, or mixed with grief and indignation.

But it may be that Master's outrageous image has already been deeply rooted in people's hearts. She was surprised to find that Master did such absurd things, but she was not surprised at all in her heart.

Dongfang Liren wanted to reprimand her, but she was such a master, so she couldn't sternly reprimand and scold him away.After thinking about it for a while, still with complicated eyes, he tried his best to calmly say:

"Master, you are the emperor of the dynasty and the successor of Yuxu Mountain. How can you violate this great precept? I have a big heart and can understand that you have been lonely on the mountain for many years, but what about others? Are you expelled from the school? My sister knows that she can't hang you up and beat you?"

Immortal Xuanji hooked the hair beside her ears, and said in a low voice:
"Yuhu knows about this..."


Dongfang Liren was stunned for a moment, his eyes were full of disbelief, after thinking about it, he moved closer and said in a low voice:

"Sister knows? How did she deal with you?"

Master Xuanji blinked his eyes:
"I didn't get rid of me either, because Ye Jingtang has repeatedly made outstanding achievements, and even rewarded him with me..."


"Hey, the emperor's house, there are aunts and nephews who are married, and Ye Jingtang and I have no relatives or reasons. Zun helps share her worries, and will help her manage the harem in the future..."


When Dongfang Liren heard this, he suddenly woke up a little bit, and realized that it was not a matter of the master's recklessness, but a problem of his sister coming from behind.

Although they are sisters, everything can be divided in half, but there must be a priority in everything.

Even if the master came in, it was just an extra pair of chopsticks at home, and he had to listen to her in the future, so he couldn't overwhelm her.

But the elder sister is different, if the master does not support her, she will become the pair of chopsticks that are more in the family...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Liren felt the pressure, thought about it, frowned and said:
"Master, if you really enter the door in the future, where are you going to stand?"

The real person Xuanji glanced at Liren: "I, as a master, can't stop Yuhu from doing what he wants to do. It doesn't make much difference whether you want to or not. You have been sensible since you were young, and you are not as overbearing as Yuhu. You are also considerate as a teacher and as a teacher. The teacher will naturally face you."


Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and wanted to say a few more words, but for the sake of Master's understanding, he decided to forget it after thinking about it, turned around and said:
"Oh... that's fine, let's talk about it when we go back. Does Miss Fan know about this?"

"She dug a hole for me with her own hands, so I know it naturally. Don't worry, in the future, if she is disobedient, I will help you cure her..."

Dongfang Liren rubbed the space between his brows, feeling that the situation was indeed a little messy, so he didn't say anything else, and hurried back to the camp...
Thank you [Zaiyuan Lemon] boss for the reward!

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(End of this chapter)

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