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Chapter 418 Scene 2

Chapter 418 The Second Scene

The bright moon is in the sky, behind the walled city.

In the room where Ye Jingtang stayed, the veiled cap of Master Xuanji was placed upside down on the table, with soft cushions inside, turning it into a temporary bird's nest.

Niao Niao lay in the bamboo hat with her head tilted. When she fell asleep, she turned over on her head, looked around, and then jumped to the window to search in the courtyard:

It's a pity that the three nannies and Tangtang were not there, and the yard was empty and there was no movement.

Niao Niao was dazed, and flew to the roof to search again. After a few glances, he found a group of four people walking back from the mountains behind.

Seeing this, Niao Niao wanted to send a few words to show her cuteness, but halfway through the flight, she realized that something was wrong.

On the mountain road behind the walled city, Dongfang Liren walked at the front with his head held high and his chest held high. His face was quite serious and he didn't speak. He seemed to have a sense of self-importance without anger.

Three steps behind her, Master Xuanji followed with a sword in her hand, her expression was as calm as ever, but her face was red, and when Dongfang Liren turned her head, she quickly lowered her head, the word 'guilty' was almost written all over her face superior.

And a few steps back, there are young couples walking together.

Fan Qinghe was holding a basket with wooden sticks and other miscellaneous things in it, while Ye Jingtang was holding a blanket, and there was no one to support him at this time. He wanted to speak several times, but he hesitated.

Seeing this scene, Niao Niao guessed that Tangtang had caused a catastrophe. Afraid of hating the house and the bird, Niao Niao resolutely landed on the roof and spread his wings to say hello from a long distance away:

When Dongfang Liren saw Niao Niao, the coldness in his expression subsided a bit, he took out snacks from his waist, put them on the wall for Niao Niao to eat by himself, and then went straight to the room:
"Yejingtang, come here."

Just now on the ridge, after the master and apprentice finished their whispering, Ye Jingtang realized that Benben ignored him, and Shui'er didn't speak, and it has been boring until now.

Seeing Benben telling him to come into the house, Ye Jingtang didn't waste any time. He handed the blanket to Qinghe and walked over quickly.

Fan Qinghe ate melons from the demon girl's mentor and apprentice, and seeing the demon girl's shameless appearance, she almost laughed silly in her heart, but she couldn't show it on the surface, and she was a little worried that Ye Jingtang would be beaten.

But for this kind of housework, as a doctor, she didn't dare to go in and be a peacemaker, so she entered the room silently and hid in the window to eavesdrop.

Seeing that Liren didn't mention her name, Master Xuanji was relieved, grabbed the bird and got into the house without a trace.

There was a bright moon in the courtyard, because there was no bonfire party in the walled city today, and the people of the Dongming tribe followed the rule of life of resting at sunset. Most of them had already rested, and the area around the courtyard seemed particularly quiet.

When Ye Jingtang walked into the room, he saw Benben took out the fire folder, lit the lampstand, and then sat down at the table without looking at him.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang went to the kitchen to fetch a pot of hot water, and sat down at the round table to make tea:

"Actually, when I was in Wuzhou..."

Dongfang Liren slightly raised his hand to stop his words, and hummed lightly:

"I don't want to hear what's going on in Wuzhou, I just know that you committed a crime knowingly, and you are ashamed of me."


"I know that Master must have taken the initiative first. Even if you are a pervert, you are not so bold. Since my sister has made the decision and rewarded Master to you as a side wife, I will not pursue it too much. But..."

Having said this, Dongfang Liren took the teacup handed to him, and squinted at Ye Jingtang:
"As a duke of the state, you may be able to become a king in the future. According to the etiquette, you should have several side concubines, otherwise the family property cannot be managed, and this king will not be jealous and won't let you take concubines. But you What kind of friends do you have outside, should I let this king know and give you the palm of your hand?"

Ye Jingtang picked up the teacup: "I'm not a philandering radish. Your Highness knows all the girls I like, and there are only a few around me, and there is no one else outside."

"This king knows quite a few women. You and Yuhu..."

Ye Jingtang sighed: "Your Highness is not clear about Yuhu's character? She always provokes me, how dare I provoke her..."

Dongfang Liren thinks about it too. Although Ye Jingtang is capable, it is still a bit difficult to put his sister in a disadvantaged position. When two people get along, it should be the sister who takes the initiative to hook up with her brother-in-law.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Liren asked again:
"Then Hua Qingzhi?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head resolutely: "I have seen her almost as many times as His Highness, so what does it matter if I can't fight her?"

Dongfang Liren was afraid of her sister when she was at home, and she was a little afraid of Hua Qingzhi in terms of talent and learning. The other girls had extra chopsticks, so there was nothing to ask. Seeing this, she stopped asking the bottom line and said instead:

"You are the person brought out by this king. If you have some naughty words, you should tell me. You can love beauty, but you have to know how to measure it. This king has a broad mind, and the relationship with the master is also a teacher and a friend. You don't have to go into this matter, but other people don't have to. For example, Miss Ning'er doesn't know about you and Yun Li, right?"

"Huh?" Ye Jingtang just blew on the hot tea, and was taken aback when he heard the words:
"What's the matter between Yunli and me?"

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and wanted to say that Ye Jingtang dared to hide it from her, but seeing Ye Jingtang's innocent eyes, it didn't seem like a fake, so he said in disbelief:

"You and Yunli have known each other for a year, and you haven't treated her..."

Ye Jingtang sat up a little straighter: "Yunli was only fifteen last year, and she is Ning'er's apprentice, how could I act recklessly..."


When Dongfangli heard this, he was unhappy, and patted the table with his palm:

"I'm not a master's apprentice? You have harmed our master and apprentice, but you are so particular about Yun Li. What do you mean?"


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, then spread his hands slightly:
"Does this need to be leveled with a bowl of water?"

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and felt that this was indeed a bit unreasonable, but if the bowl of water was not leveled, wouldn't it be just the three of them messing around, being laughed at by Pingtian, teacher and apprentice?

Dongfang Liren thought about it for a while, and his eyes turned cold:
"Why not? The Pingtian Sect is a traitor. Only when I have a relationship with you can I ask the court for amnesty. How can the court grant mercy to someone who has nothing to do with you? You..."


Ye Jingtang raised his hand and stopped his stupid words:
"Is this a trivial matter? It is related to a woman's lifelong relationship. If I want to make His Highness happy, I will harm Yunli. I'm afraid His Highness will look down on me from the bottom of my heart. Don't talk about it."

Although Dongfang Liren was a little reluctant, he also felt that this proposal was indeed a bit excessive. After thinking about it, he waved his hand slightly and said:
"Okay, let's not make an example. You go out, the king is going to bed."

Ye Jingtang was afraid that Benben would be sullen, so he bent over and hugged Benben horizontally, looking at the bright and charming cheeks:
"I slept all day during the day. I just came back to sleep. I will take good care of His Highness. Is it okay as compensation?"


Dongfang Liren's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand and hammered on his shoulder:

"You have a beautiful idea, but you made a mistake and want to ruin this king..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Jingtang took a deep breath.

Only then did Dongfang Li remember that Ye Jingtang's shoulders were all injured, and he didn't dare to struggle anymore, so he rubbed it with his hands:
"Don't toss around if you're injured, I won't take the initiative to ride... 啐..."

"Hehe...it's okay, it's just a small injury."

Ye Jingtang hugged Benben, came to the bed and put it down, then leaned over cheekily to gag.

Dongfang Liren stayed alone in the empty boudoir last night, and today he was touched when he was drinking again. His mind was still in a mess. He really wanted to find something to do to forget his troubles. , and then the heavy body was on top of him.


After kissing each other for a while, Dongfang Liren's eyes gradually became blurred, and the skirts of his clothes fell apart, but before he could fully enter the state, he suddenly heard two sounds at the door:
dong dong~
Dongfang Liren was stunned, and quickly pushed Ye Jingtang away, stood up and straightened the messy clothes:

"Your Highness, what do you mean?"

Fan Qinghe's slightly unhappy voice came from outside.

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Aunt Fan's side was on fire, and was about to get up to fetch water, but was stopped by Benben.

Dongfang Liren looked a little embarrassed, pretending to be calm and said:

"Well... just to make out with Ye Jingtang, if Miss Fan minds, forget it, let him go to your room."

Outside the door, Fan Qinghe gritted her teeth, but the move was not because she was jealous, but because she discovered that the queen was going to spend the night with Ye Jingtang!
She thought that the relationship between Her Majesty the Queen and Ye Jingtang hadn't reached a certain level, and she couldn't help Ye Jingtang solve its problems, so she gritted her teeth and endured the humiliation and pushed the stick. Last night, she even lost the most important thing in her life.

It turned out that today, the Queen got into bed directly!
What does this mean?
Did you deliberately fool her before, telling her to get on the thief ship?

The master first harmed her for more than half a year, and now the apprentice came to harm her again. Isn't this bullying the honest girl?
Fan Qinghe really wanted to say a few words against the queen, but the queen is different from the witch, she is the emperor's own sister, she can't afford to offend her, so she suppressed her anger secretly and responded:

"No need. Your Highness has a high position and authority. I am a barbarian from the Northwest, so I don't dare to mind. Please rest well..."

Dongfang Liren knew that he had screwed Aunt Fan so badly that he was a little timid because of the situation. Seeing that she was about to leave, he apologized again:
"Hey, what did this king have with him just now, and he couldn't let go of it a few days ago. He really treated the girl badly. Or... By the way, he has a shoulder injury. Just now, this king smashed it, as if he touched the wound. Let the girl come in and check him out."

Fan Qinghe paused, although she was a little aggrieved, but she did hear the Queen hit her man just now, hesitated a little, and turned back and opened the door.

Seeing that Fan Qinghe walked in neither happy nor angry, Dongfang Liren got up to greet him personally, and dragged Aunt Fan to the bed and sat down:

"We are all a family from now on. Dongmingbu is your home, which is also my king's home. I won't mention those past things. Come, have a cup of tea..."

Fan Qinghe already had a relationship with Ye Jingtang. Although he was pushed into the car, it was a bit of a disadvantage, but it was generally not an unthinkable thing.

Seeing that the queen was so polite to help her pour tea, she couldn't be emotional anymore, her face recovered a bit, and she pulled the clothes off Yejingtang's shoulders:

"Where is the injury? Does it still hurt?"

Ye Jingtang was sitting between the two daughters-in-law, and to be honest, he didn't dare to make a fuss, so he said kindly at this moment:

"Just touched it lightly, it's okay, don't worry."

Fan Qinghe checked it, and after confirming that there was no problem, he held the pulse on his wrist and asked:
"You also need to recuperate today, right? I helped you yesterday, and it's time to change shifts today. Your Highness, why don't you continue."

Dongfang Liren deceived Aunt Fan, and now she still monopolizes the man. She felt embarrassed in her heart and humbly said:

"How about you do it? You just..."

Fan Qinghe knew that the queen was courteous, but as a doctor, how could she go to battle in person when her wife could help?
Fan Qinghe was about to decline, but suddenly his heart moved. He thought of someone and said:

"Your Highness is probably tired, why don't you let your master come over? She didn't do anything on this trip, she went to Dongming Mountain to eat and drink, and even made His Highness angry, she should do this kind of thing..."

Dongfang Liren really wanted to deal with his master. When he heard this, he hit it off immediately, turned around and walked to the window:

"Ji?" came the response from the bird in the opposite room.

Then the door opened, and Xuanji, who was dressed in white like snow, came out and said doubtfully:
"what happened?"

Fan Qinghe turned his head and said, "Come here! Help Ye Jingtang recuperate."


Master Xuanji was slightly taken aback, probably because he didn't expect such a good thing to happen, and hesitated a little.

Seeing that the two of them didn't seem to be lying, she shut Niao Niao in the house, walked slowly to the door, and glanced inside:

"Are you two sure you want me to come?"

Dongfang Liren grabbed Master Xuanji's wrist and dragged her down to the bed:
"Master, since you have entered the door by yourself, don't blame me for being disrespectful. It's not convenient for Miss Fan. I'm not that close to Yejingtang. This kind of body conditioning can only be done by you at present, and you can't shirk it." ..."

Fan Qinghe has long wanted to toss the demon girl for revenge, and at this time also urged:

"Yes, hurry up, don't dawdle."

Master Xuanji looked at the fierce appearance of the two, although he hadn't recovered from the embarrassment in the afternoon, he still felt funny in his heart.

There was a playfulness in her eyes, and she sat down by the bed slowly:
"Why am I evading, I didn't want to argue with you, but I didn't expect you two to know how to humbly let me, a senior, that's all right, I appreciate the kindness, you go out."


Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and felt that such a 'punishment' of Master, with Master's temperament, was probably something he couldn't wish for, and felt a little wrong for a while.

But Fan Qinghe would not be so cheap to the enchantress. She sat next to her and said coldly:

"Don't be too happy. You can treat him now, and we will wait by the side, so as not to be inconvenient when you need to take medicine, drink water, etc..."

Seeing that the two silly girls were going to embarrass her by watching, Master Xuanji laughed directly:

"Heh~ Double Happiness is here, and you even serve me tea and water..."

While speaking, she raised her finger and tapped Ye Jingtang's forehead, and pushed the man to lie down. Then she took off her embroidered shoes, turned around enchantingly, and rode on her waist.


Dongfang Liren stood in front, looking at the master's charming appearance, his eyes widened and his face turned red.

Fan Qinghe was also a little dazed, she didn't expect the witch to let go so much, and dare to burn like this in front of her apprentice.She gritted her teeth and said:
"You have the ability to continue!"

Immortal Xuanji was already continuing, she slowly opened the belt around her waist, causing the snow-colored dress to slide down, revealing the hollowed-out white gown, she thought for a while and said:

"It's not boring for you to just watch from the sidelines. I also suspect that the big bully the small, or should we continue to play wine and make orders?"

Ye Jingtang was lying down and pretended to be dead, but when he heard this, his eyes moved, and he said with a smile:

"this is okay……"

"Shut up and lie down."


Master Xuanji gave Ye Jingtang a cold look, and then looked at the two who had obviously lost their momentum:


Dongfang Liren didn't know how to respond, he raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, already thinking of expelling the glamorous master in front of him as an apprentice.

And Fan Qinghe couldn't stand the demon girl a little bit, she couldn't bear it now and ran away, fearing that she wouldn't be able to hold down the witch again in the future, so she immediately put on her momentum and said:

"Okay, but there are conditions. You should accept the punishment today. We are just accompanying you, so we can drink if we get a lottery. You must do so. You cannot choose fine wine."

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly:

"No problem, anyway, you don't have a lot of alcohol, so if you can't drink, you still have to do it, come on."

Dongfangli didn't want to get involved at first, but he really wanted to teach this rebellious teacher a lesson, so he didn't say much at the moment, went out to get a lottery and gave some to Aunt Fan.

Fan Qinghe had a chance to take revenge, so he was full of energy, so he immediately picked up the wooden stick and prepared to carve something very outrageous.

But Fan Qinghe just entered the door yesterday, and the most embarrassing thing he knew was probably the place where Bo should not have kissed. After carving it with a knife, he entered the blank area of ​​knowledge, a little enlightened.

Master Xuanji knew that Hehe was not as experienced as Ning'er Sanniang, and she couldn't hold back any bad water, her eyes showed confidence, but soon, her expression froze slightly again.

I saw the most sensible and precious apprentice, after getting the wooden stick, he could be said to write like a god, and directly engraved all kinds of martial arts - flying fairy outside the sky, fairy guiding the way, Yangguan triple fold, back door...

? ?
Master Xuanji's eyes were dazed, and he quickly pressed down the stupid man who was writing quickly:
"Li Ren, where did you learn this nonsense?"

Seeing the master, Dongfang Liren finally gave up, and his eyes showed three points of arrogance:
"The Heroic Lady's Tears! I know dozens of methods. I was quite curious about them before. Master, I will try them one by one later so that I can learn how to draw them."

Master Xuanji only talks about being powerful, but her actual fighting ability is not as good as that of Ning'er. She can kill any one of them. How dare she play such a big game? She held down Li Ren's hand:

"It's okay to do things that are normal. If there are some things that are too much, don't do them. Qinghe has just walked in after all..."

"I'm fine!"

Fan Qinghe saw that the queen was so knowledgeable and talented that she had restrained the witch, so she immediately came to the front and restrained the witch:
"You don't have to worry about me. It's your choice. Now it's too late to regret it. Just wait for the draw."

Dongfang Liren has been curious about the moves of Chivalrous Women's Tears for a long time, and his movements are quite nimble. He quickly carved more than a dozen wooden sticks, put them in the stick tube, and handed them to Master Xuanji:

"Come on, let's get started."


Immortal Xuanji couldn't resist these two, so she could only do it on her own right now, she shook slowly a few times, and a wooden stick fell on the quilt.

Fan Qinghe quickly picked it up and looked at it:

"Shuangjiao offering peaches... what does this mean?"

Master Xuanji was taken aback for a moment, and said with relief:
"You even carved this? This simple Qinghe, come here, and I will teach you."


Fan Qinghe was inexplicable, and before she had time to ask, she was forcibly pulled down by the witch, and her belt was torn off. She said angrily:

"I said I drink, what are you pulling me for?"

"Cooperate, 'Shuangjiao' has two people, how can I come alone?"

"No, there are two more?"



Sitting in front of Dongfang Liren, he felt that this game was indeed a bit big, but he couldn't bear his curiosity. After thinking about it, he raised his hand and put down the curtain, took off his shoes and shrank on the head of the bed, pretending to wait and see calmly.

It was inconvenient for Ye Jingtang to lie down, so he quietly got up, leaned against Benben, and said in a low voice:
"Should I draw lots?"

"You are not allowed to move or speak, just treat yourself like a piece of wood."


Ye Jingtang nodded and accepted the order, watching calmly.

Soon, Qinghe, whose face was flushed, turned into a clean appearance, being held down by Shui'er and kneeling in front of her, with her back facing the enemy, showing a perfect peach with rounded curves.

Because Qinghe's talent is good, and she has laid the foundation since she was a child. From the back, she looks as white and clean as suet nephrite, and only from the front can she see some soft hair.

And Shui'er Youhehe let go, knelt down in front of him, and had a clear view of the white tiger.

Ye Jingtang reflected the two big moons, and he was very intelligent, and he was a little bit over the top at this time, he raised his hand and touched one by one, but was immediately hit by Benben on the back of his hand.

Benben's face turned red, and he tilted his head and didn't dare to look carefully. As a result, after Shui'er finished posing, he quickly got up from work and handed the lottery to her:

"Li Ren, it's your turn."


Dongfang Liren was obviously a little timid, but Qinghe and Shizun had already taken the lead, so she was not too embarrassed, so she picked it up and shook it twice, and found that the content on the stick was not difficult, and she didn't choose to drink, but Do as the Romans do, and start playing together.

Fan Qinghe had just arrived, and he couldn't bear this kind of battle at all. He just accompanied the lottery drawing cowardly, and all he could think about was - can this be done?Is this okay?What the hell is this...

After two rounds of each other, Fan Qinghe couldn't resist it just by looking at it, and wanted to retreat, but she soon discovered that the witch who had been able to control the field just now was really weak, and she was sweating after just three or two moves. , the reaction was obviously much greater than that of her and the Queen.

Discovering the demon girl's weakness, Fan Qinghe immediately became energetic and did not retreat any further. Seeing that the demon girl's movements were not in place, he even held his waist to help push down, and said sarcastically:

"Continue to 'huh'? Why don't you bark? Are you comfortable?"

"What is this... woo..."

"Cut~ Keep talking hard, I'll see how long you can last..."


Whispers continued in the room, and the night grew darker and darker, until there was only a light in the small courtyard left in the walled city.

And the flowers placed in the snow lake in the back mountain were also gradually turned into medicines after several days of drying in the shade. The clan elders who were in charge sealed them into boxes, and the Tianlang Lake and his party had come to an end at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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