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Chapter 419 Homecoming

Chapter 419 Homecoming

Time flies, and it is early spring in February.

The banks of the Qingjiang River are full of greenery, birds and butterflies are playing among the flowers, and even the fierce horses passing by on the road occasionally come to the blooming petals to smell the breath of spring.

At the junction of Liangzhou and Yazhou, caravans came and went on the official road. Two horses and a carriage stopped outside the stone pavilion engraved with "Yazhou Boundary". In the pavilion stood three men in different clothes. The chivalrous women of the rivers and lakes, and the fluffy big bird stood on the top of the pavilion overlooking the ferry market.

Near the Qingjiang ferry in the distance, Ye Jingtang got off the boat of the Black Flag Gang, holding a letter in his hand.

After resting for two days in Dongming Mountain, because the Snow Lake Flowers had not yet been handed over to the court, Ye Jingtang worked as a tool for one night, and then set out the next day, pretending to be an escort again, holding down a carriage of Snow Lake Flowers, turning back towards the pass.

Ye Jingtang's injury has not fully healed yet, and with a carload of snow lake flowers, he didn't dare to stop too much on the road, and he also took turns to stand guard on the rest, so naturally he didn't have the chance to do the same thing. When he returned to the customs, the four Relax a little, and return to Honghe Town first.

Ye Jingtang knew that Sanniang and Yunli had arrived in Honghe Town, but when they passed there, they heard from Uncle Song that after Sanniang learned about his affairs in Tianlang Lake, she thought that he went directly to Jingjie City in order to sell the stolen goods as soon as possible. , and after waiting for a day, we went to Yazhou.

There was indeed something important going on in the Night Terror Hall. After offering incense to his adoptive father, he did not stop and set off directly to Yazhou. He walked to the junction of the two states and received the latest information from the Black Flag Gang.

Ye Jingtang waited until he reached a sparsely populated place before he opened the letter and glanced at it.

The letter was written by Hu Yanjing, the boss of the Black Flag Gang, and it explained the recent events, such as the disbandment of the Baixiao Camp, the merger of the rest of the Ministry into the No.

Ye Jingtang still had to look for Mingshen Tu, and would definitely have to go to Yanjing in the future. Faced with this sudden news, he was quite surprised.

After thinking for a while, Ye Jingtang took out the fire folder and read the letter, so as not to accidentally lose it and expose the hidden stake, and then returned to the stone pavilion.

Dongfang Liren ran out with him this time. First he fought fiercely in Tianlang Lake, and then went to Xihai Duhu Mansion to rob prison. Although he didn't see Ye Jingtang beheading a martial sage with his own eyes, as the prince of the Great Wei Jinzhiyuye, he was able to participate with him. It is enough to be unforgettable for a lifetime.

At this time, Dongfang Liren was standing in the stone pavilion, looking back at the Northwest Frontier, feeling a little regretful, after all, her martial arts skills are too bad, and she might not be able to beat Xiao Yunli. Continue to participate, think about it and can't help complaining:

"Master, if you taught me moves back then, if you had been so careful in 'teaching by precept and example', I wouldn't still be the bottom little master by now..."

Immortal Xuanji stood in the pavilion with a sword in her hand, her white skirt fluttering in the wind, and from a distance she looked more like a cold and cold heroine than Ning'er.

Hearing Liren complain, she shrugged slightly:

"If you learn martial arts, you are as spiritual as learning postures, and now you are half-stepped, and you have fourteen hands, and you haven't learned it after learning for a year. What can you do as a teacher?"


Dongfang Liren took a deep breath, causing his fat head to bulge, but what the master said was true. My sister knew the truth, and she couldn't figure it out even if she taught it by hand. It's no wonder that the master didn't care. In order to save face, he added:

"Isn't it the same for my sister? I practiced my calligraphy and dyed a few tanks of water black. In the end, I wrote ghost symbols. I am much stupider than me..."

Fan Qinghe was sitting in the pavilion, with a red veil on her face, dressed as a Shazhou beauty, with gold ornaments in her bun, she looked coquettish and charming, but her eyes were a little strange, and she seemed to be muttering to herself— —The master and apprentice are really thick-skinned, they are ashamed to say...

A few days ago, Fan Qinghe was eye-opening when he was messing around in the walled city. He never thought that a woman could ride on a man's head and play wild. The man is not angry, and even the three of them can be stacked together.

Fan Qinghe didn't know how that ridiculous night came about, and he still hasn't recovered from it, and dared not intervene in these embarrassing things.Seeing Ye Jingtang come back, she got up and said:
"How about? Shall we take the water route or the dry route?"

Ye Jingtang laughed when he heard the words, but didn't tease Qing He, went outside the pavilion, caught Niao Niao and rubbed her:
"Everything in the pass is peaceful, nothing is going on. I just found a fast boat at the ferry, walked along the Qingjiang River, passed the Duanlongtai and turned into the Huanshan River, and without any accidents, I will be able to arrive at Jingjie City tomorrow night."

Immortal Xuanji walked out of the pavilion, holding the charcoal red horse:

"You are now at the bottom of the Martial Saint. Thank God if you don't meet you when you are away from home. What accidents can happen to you, let's go."

After Ye Jingtang ate Tianlangzhu, his energy channels were expanded by the medicine. As the injury gradually recovered, his body was indeed strengthened. At present, he has probably reached the level of Zuo Xianwang who does not take medicine. He can be regarded as a martial sage goalkeeper. The only ones who can deal with him are Lu Taiqing and Monk Shenchen, and even Bingtuotuo may not be able to win against him.

But the big tree attracts the wind, he killed King Zuo Xian, and he obviously has the background of unifying the western border, Beiliang can keep him alive, unless his brain is flooded.

Although the possibility of Beiliang Wusheng entering the pass to assassinate was very slim, Ye Jingtang was not negligent. He first moved the boat out of the ferry to the riverside, and then put the carriage on the deck.

The fast boat I found at the ferry was a small merchant ship for cargo. The front deck had a good space, and there was a warehouse below. The living building was at the rear, and there were only two small cabins for the boatmen to shelter from the wind and rain on the road.

The snow lake flowers snatched from Xihai Duhu Mansion have all been dried and packaged in the shade. They are also half a catty per box, and two boxes have been reserved for the Dongming Department. Currently, there are still thirty boxes, which is fifteen catties.

Although there were not many things that could be packed in a large wooden box, Ye Jingtang was very cautious about these things because they were too expensive, and put them directly beside the bed after they were carried on board.

Master Xuanji has been traveling all year round, whether it is sailing or driving, his skills are proficient. At this time, he pulled up the sail on the deck, while Qinghe pushed the boat away from the river bank with a long pole.

Dongfangli was born with golden branches and jade leaves since he was a child, without a maid in front of him, most of the time he could only be in charge of being pretty, and when he failed to help him, he could only stand on the bow of the boat with the same cute bird in his arms.

After the sails swelled into a semicircle and the ship started to move downstream, Nightmare came out of the cabin:
"The things are put away, you take a bath first, I will catch some fish, there is a small kitchen in the back, I will cook some food for you later."

Along the way, several people ate dry food, hurried on the road with heavy treasures, and did not stay in the hotel. The three daughters’ homes were indeed a bit uncomfortable, so they didn’t say much at the moment. Qing He brought a wooden barrel and ran to the ship building to fetch water. bath.

Most of the merchant ships are men. Even if they want to take a bath, they can just jump into the river to rinse off. There are no bathing equipment on the small merchant ship.

In broad daylight, it is impossible for the three women to jump into the river to take a wild bath. They just wash in the small room of the ship building, and the water can flow outside through the opening in the corner.

After the three women started working, Ye Jingtang came to the stern of the boat and let Niaoniao take the helm. If the boat went astray, he would give a warning. He took off his robe and plunged into the Spring River. While taking a bath, he swam with the boat, looking for Fish in the water.

Ye Jingtang was born in Liangzhou, a drought-stricken city. His water skills can't be considered superb, but his martial arts skills can't stand up. He was like a white strip in the waves jumping in the water for a while, and then he caught a three-foot-long big river fish, leaped out of the water, and fell into the water. At the stern, I began to kill the fish and scrape the scales under the worshiping eyes of the birds.

rub rub~
While Ye Jingtang was busy working, some words suddenly came from the room behind where the sound of water splashing was heard:
"Witch, why do you look like a little girl who hasn't grown up? Li Ren and I both... Did you shave yourself?"

"Master has been like this since he was a child, and my sister is also like this. I used to think that I was different from others, but after taking a bath with the Queen Mother, I realized that they were different from others..."

"Hmm~ Does it look good?"

"Cut~ What's so interesting about this..."

"Why don't I draw something for Master later? Plum blossoms and peonies, it will definitely look good when decorated on it..."

"What kind of flowers to draw, just write her two words, 'hard, hard' or something..."



The words of fighting and rowdy came to the ears, although the voice was deliberately suppressed to speak very softly, but the strength of Ye Jingtang's martial arts, how could it not be heard.

Ye Jingtang was still thinking about the follow-up situation, after listening to a few words, he became distracted, put down the knife and washed his hands, let Niao Niao scrape the fish scales by himself, quietly got up and entered the ship building.

"Chi Chi Chi?"

Ye Jingtang walked slowly outside the small room, slightly opened the door and glanced around.

The room was not very big. At this time, the three girls were standing in it, pouring clear water from the wooden barrels on each other, and helping each other to scrub. The moon was all in sight, and they didn't know where to look first.

As soon as Ye Jing Tang opened the door, the three slapstick girls noticed something and turned their heads at the same time.

Fan Qinghe quickly stopped talking, and hid the demon girl behind her back as a shield; Dongfang Liren blushed and hugged her chest quickly:
"Seqian, who let you in?!"

But Master Xuanji is as usual, looking back and saying:
"Why, want to wash together?"

Ye Jingtang definitely wants to wash together, but the room is too small to stand up. He just said:

"I just washed it. I just came here to see if there is any order. Do you want towels? I'll bring them in for you?"

Dongfang Liren didn't dare to let Ye Jingtang come in, but after running for so many days, the color embryo's body was probably too suffocated, anyway, he didn't need to run around by boat, so he immediately pushed the master out:

"Master has finished washing, you can help her wipe."

Master Xuanji was very self-aware, but he didn't dare to be the first to fight against the damage. He twisted his waist smoothly and pushed Qing He out of the back.


Fan Qinghe was caught off guard, and before he could react, he was pushed out of the room and bumped into the man's arms.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to catch the watery Qinghe, fearing that she would catch a cold, he held the moon with his hands and hugged her, and walked into the cabin next door:

"Come on, let me wipe it for you."

"Eh? What are you doing in broad daylight..."

Fan Qinghe was stunned, how could she believe the nonsense that the man wiped her body, and wriggled and struggled with red faces:

"I'm a doctor, you said you wouldn't mess around, and you didn't keep your promises, right? Do you believe me or not? I'm going back to Dongming Mountain now..." Ye Jingtang carried Qinghe into the room, and fetched a towel to help wipe his body:

"How can I break my promise and do nothing, just wipe it off for you, stand still..."

"What haven't you done yet? I'll do it myself, don't... oh~ Where did you wipe it?..."

"Ha ha……"

While the four of them were fighting like this, the light boat went down the water and quickly disappeared at the end of the river...

Hundreds of miles away, Jingjie City.

As the capital of northern Xinjiang, Jingjie City is outside Tianmen Gorge. It has been an important military town in all dynasties, and the imperial court hoarded a large number of main forces here.

As the portal of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there were quite a lot of caravans during the Taiping period. Therefore, the city was huge in scale, and it was only a circle smaller than Yun'an.

The commander-in-chief of Yazhou in the past was Wang Yin, Duke of Zhen, the uncle of the empress, and father of Wang Chihu, who was in charge of all military and political power in Yazhou.

However, after the empress came to Yazhou, these rights were naturally returned to her niece. Wang Yin personally put on armor and went to Tianmenxia to supervise the army, while the empress stayed in the palace in the city and began to busy herself with various affairs of patrolling the army.

After the beginning of spring, the situation in the Northern and Southern Dynasties became elusive. Not only was the Northern Liang unable to figure out whether the Empress would fight, but even the Southern Frontier Army was unclear. At this time, all orders were carried out in accordance with the state of combat readiness. Patrol and inspect Beiliang's secret work and so on.

Because of the strict management, just after nightfall, the majestic city located between the mountains, there are few people on the streets, only a large group of soldiers and horses patrolling along the street, while the palaces in the city are brightly lit, and many Yazhou can be seen Officials came in and out, reporting on border affairs.

In a market in the west of the city, because it is in a busy area, there are many people on the street. In teahouses and restaurants, idlers can be seen gathering together everywhere, whispering secretly:

"King Zuoxian died at the hands of Ye Guogong. How can Beiliang swallow such a big matter? I guess there will definitely be a fight..."

"Ye Guogong is the orphan of King Tianlang. He killed King Zuoxian to avenge his family. It is reasonable for Beiliang to go to clean up Xijiang. If he beat us Great Wei, he might be a little bit lost and crazy..."


In an inn in the market, an inconspicuous small carriage was parked in the backyard, covered with an oilcloth, it looked like it was just a cart of sundries.

On the second floor of the inn, Xue Baijin stood at the window in a brocade robe, looking at the palace in the distance, and listening to the words of the idlers around.

In the room, Luo Ning was sitting cross-legged on the bed, seemingly meditating and practicing, but she was holding the piece of 'Longtan Tourmaline' in her hand, silently thinking about the little thief who had just met before making out.

After a moment of silence, a spring thunder suddenly sounded above the sky.

Luo Ning opened her eyes, walked behind Bai Jin and looked outside:
"It's raining, is it okay to park the carriage outside?"

The carriage in the backyard was filled with snow lake flowers that Xue Baijin snatched back later.

Although two thousand cavalry scattered into the ice field, it was not easy to chase after them, but there were many wolves who couldn't stand the north and south rivers and lakes.

Those Jianghu people who did not dare to provoke King Zuo Xian found out that Ye Jingtang was involved in the main force, and they became courageous at that time. They began to chase and block Tianlang Lake, and snatched many Xuexue Lake flowers.

But Xue Baijin took black and white, not only robbing Zuo Xianwang's soldiers and horses, but also participating in the rivers and lakes to win treasures, forcibly snatching back more than [-] boxes in one night.

Although the amount wasn't too much, she managed to snatch back about ten catties by herself, which is already quite impressive. Originally, she wanted to chase them all the way to Hudong Road, without leaving even a single hair to Beiliang.

But this move is too risky, if he runs into Master Xiang Han and others, he will have to confess on the spot. In the end, he followed Ning'er's advice and returned to Jingjie City.

Seeing that Ning'er was worried, Xue Baijin said:

"It's just a batch of medicinal materials, sealed in jade boxes and covered with oilcloth. What could go wrong? Even if something does go wrong and we lose some, it's because Ye Jingtang came back too late. No wonder we didn't keep it safe."

Luo Ning knew that these snow lake flowers would not fall into the hands of Ping Tianjiao, but she couldn't help but care about the little thief's life, so she ran down to check the carriage carefully.

Although Xue Baijin talked casually, he never leaked water in his work, and it was impossible to check for problems. He didn't help Ning'er right now, and continued to listen to the words on the street.

But Ning'er hadn't finished checking below, a voice from the side of the street reached the ears of the two of them through the continuous spring rain:

"Miss, Sanniang said don't run around at night and you sneak out, what if you meet bad guys? Let's go back to sleep..."

Pinger?Xue Baijin was slightly taken aback when he heard the sound, then turned to look in the direction of the street.

And Luo Ning, who was holding an umbrella to check the carriage, also raised her head, with a little surprise and displeasure in her eyes, and then she was about to go out to discipline Yun Li, who was wandering in the street at night.

But before Luo Ning took two steps, she suddenly heard a soft and soft voice of resentment, coming from the spring rain:
"The sound of rain dripping breaks the dream and wakes up, and the shadow of flowers shakes the moon and half of the courtyard. The red plum blossoms and the fragrance is the same as before, staying alone by the cold window to miss the old friend...

"Brother Jing's safety is uncertain now, how can I sleep? Alas~ If I had known that I would be so frightened, I should have followed my brother Jing in Jiangzhou, and it is better to be by my side than to suffer the sorrow of spring and autumn here..."


Luo Ning's steps paused slightly, with an incredible look in her eyes. Her voice sounded like that of Xiao Yunli, but could the tone and refined words of this young girl come from her Yunli?
Not to mention Luo Ning, even Xue Baijin tilted his head slightly and was stunned.

Luo Ning was full of doubts, thinking about flying up, landed on the street wall, and looked at the street with Bai Jin.

As a result, he looked up and saw two girls walking together in the dimly lit market.

Pinger followed behind in a gentle manner, holding an umbrella in her hand, trying to persuade the young lady to go back.

In front is a frail and scholarly young lady, wearing a white top and a peach red fairy skirt, with well-combed hair, her hands folded on her waist, and she moves slightly in lotus steps. Happy but not happy, the touch of spring resentment between Qingli's brows makes one feel pity just by looking at it.


Luo Ning was stunned, and she didn't dare to confirm who the girl was. She didn't confirm that she was their apprentice until she saw the lady under the umbrella, who kept looking at the storytelling shops and barbecue stalls on the street!
Although it feels a bit pretentious, but Yunli is indeed more pleasing to the eye than the wild girl before, but what she said is not right.

Luo Ning thought about flying up, landed in front of the two, and said:



Zheyunli, who was looking for supper, suddenly heard the voice of his wife, and his whole body trembled in fright, and his scholarly temperament was broken on the spot. He regained his usual eccentricity, stood upright quickly, and looked overjoyed when he turned around:

"Eh? Mistress, why are you here?"

Luo Ning came forward with an umbrella and looked at Yunli showing her original shape, not knowing what to say.She frowned and asked:

"What did you just say?"


When Zhe Yunli heard this, she knew that the mother-in-law had heard the coquettish words just now, her expression froze slightly, and she explained in embarrassment:

"I was just worried about Brother Jing's safety, so I babbled a few words, don't take it seriously, Mistress..."

"What about that poem?"

"I read it out casually after copying and memorizing it all day long. This means that I have done well in my homework recently, right Ping'er?"


Luo Ning blinked her eyes, and felt that it was the same. The weirdness in her heart disappeared by three points, and she didn't pursue Yun Li anymore, and said instead:

"Yes, I know how to recite poems, but my daughter's family still can't say some things casually, what should I do if they are misunderstood?"

"Hee hee~ I'm just talking nonsense in private, mistress, don't get me wrong."

"Hmph... Sanniang is here too? Where is she?"

"Auntie Pei is at the West Market. I've been here for several days. This is the first time I've gone out for a stroll. I didn't expect to be bumped into by my wife right after I went out. Would you like to go and have a look?"

Luo Ning didn't believe that this was the first time Yunli ran around, because she had nothing to do with Bai Jin, so she said immediately:
"Your master is on the second floor. Go up and have a look. I'll go to Sanniang's place to hang out."

Zheyunli felt relieved, nodded quickly and ran into the inn.

But Luo Ning looked at Yun Li, who was already a big girl, and her heart was a little complicated. After watching the two of them go in, she sighed secretly, and ran to the West Market to tie the door...

(End of this chapter)

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