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Chapter 421 Massage and bone setting

Chapter 421 Massage and bone setting
In the deep part of the palace, the Empress Dowager was wearing a dark red palace dress, sitting on a soft couch by the window, with a piece of rice paper in front of her, next to a brass censer with cigarettes curling up, she was absent-mindedly sketching the drizzle outside the window.

Hongyu sat sideways, helping to grind, looking at the fine and dense lines on the scroll, and after thinking for a while, exclaimed:

"Your Majesty, since she was a child, her ten fingers have never been touched by the spring water, she never expected to be able to draw the following lines so vividly..."

The Queen Mother recovered her mind and turned to look at Silly Hongyu:

"Is the following strip drawn by Bengong?"

Hongyu blinked her eyes and raised her hand to signal:

"The water is still bubbling, it can't be painting rain, hehe...uh..."

Just as Hongyu laughed a few times, she noticed that the Empress Dowager's eyes were slightly narrowed. She secretly thought that something was wrong, and she seemed to have guessed right, so she quickly got up:
"Is the empress dowager tired from sitting? I'm going to make a pot of tea..."

Then he ran away.

The empress dowager felt that this silly girl didn't win at all, because she had been by her side since she was a child, she didn't care about it, so she put down the brush, picked up the paper and observed it carefully, to see why it looked like a strip.

In the end, before he could see what was going on, his eyes suddenly went dark, and someone covered him with his hands.


The Queen Mother sat up a little straighter, with a hint of displeasure on her round and round cheeks:
"Hongyu, you're naughty again, aren't you?"

There was no response from behind, but there was a breath approaching, and then the cheek was tapped:

The empress dowager was caught off guard, and her shoulders trembled slightly in shock, but she immediately reacted, pulled down her big hand covering her eyes, and said in surprise:

"Night Terror? When did you come back?"

Ye Jingtang stood behind the Empress Dowager, seeing that the Empress Dowager recognized her, he let go of his hands and sat in front of him, smiling all over his eyes:

"I just came back, come here to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager."

The Empress Dowager heard that there was a disturbance outside the pass these days, so it can be said that she doesn't think about food and tea. Seeing her lover again, she must be full of surprises in her heart.

She originally wanted to say something warm, but immediately realized that Ye Jingtang was very presumptuous. He put his arms around her waist and slid up his buttocks.She looked dignified and patted on her hand:

"Is this how you greet me?"

"Ha ha……"

It had been a long time since the Night Terror Hall had seen the hand-warmer, and there was no one else in the room. Naturally, he put it away before it was too late. He hugged the Queen Mother to him, lowered his head to look at the scroll, and said with a soft smile:

"Why are you drawing this? Do you want to wait for me to come back and feed it to me?"

The Empress Dowager originally wanted to twist and dodge, but when she heard this, her eyes froze and her tone became fierce:
"Look carefully!"


Ye Jingtang's affectionate expression froze slightly. He looked carefully at the lines on the drawing paper. No matter how he looked at it, he was putting strips into the pot. After thinking about it, he said uncertainly:
"Could it be that you are painting Yunli and cooking noodles?"

The Queen Mother took a gentle breath, causing her loose skirt to bulge out in a semicircle visible to the naked eye, and pushed the hands behind her waist away:

"It's said in the books that lovers have a heart-to-heart connection. That's fine for you, hmph..."

Seeing that the Empress Dowager was unhappy, Ye Jingtang quickly laughed and said:

"Okay, okay, I know what the empress dowager is painting, just joking to brighten up the atmosphere..."

"Tell me, what did I draw?"

Ye Jingtang's mind turned sharply, and he quickly searched the surroundings, looking for things related to 'lines and water', but there was nothing in the house, and finally looked at the pavilion lake outside the window:


The empress dowager felt that she was not sure about the night terror, but she guessed it right, and her face eased:
"That's about the same. The drizzle is like silk, and the dripping water is like a lotus. As long as you are an expert, you can tell it at a glance. You will be in a high position in the future, and you can't just practice martial arts. You should learn more about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, otherwise you will be in trouble when you meet someone." In this situation, wouldn't it be a loss..."

Ye Jingtang felt relieved and said with a smile:

"I'm a martial artist. I really don't know much about these things. I will definitely study more in the future. I heard from the palace lady that the empress has not thought about tea and food recently. Did you miss me?"

The empress dowager has indeed been like this recently, but in front of the man, she admitted how embarrassed she was, and just frowned and said:
"What does this palace miss you? Do you want to bully others when you come? You should care about Yuhu. She is worried about your safety these days. She can't sleep well and is sick."


Ye Jingtang frowned upon hearing the words, "Are you sick?"

The Queen Mother sighed softly: "Yuhu and I were taking a bath in the imperial concubine pool the day before yesterday. In the middle of bathing, I suddenly fainted. I was frightened at the time. I was about to call the doctor over, but Yuhu woke up again. , said nothing serious, fainted for no reason, how could it be nothing serious..."

Listening to these narrations, Ye Jingtang inevitably became worried, and turned his head to look in the direction of the emperor's bedroom:
"I'll take a look later."


After the empress dowager said a few words, she turned around slightly, leaned against Ye Jingtang's arms, and looked up and down:

"I heard from Yuhu that you were injured outside, where did you get injured?"

Ye Jingtang withdrew his gaze: "My body is stiff, just a little skin trauma, it's almost healed now, don't worry."

The Empress Dowager will be such a lover who cannot be spoken to outsiders for the rest of her life, how could she not be worried, she lifted her robe and saw the scar on her shoulder, bit her lower lip lightly, and wanted Ye Jingtang not to go out in the future, so she honestly served as a guard in the palace .

But Ye Jingtang is too capable and irreplaceable. If he is not allowed to go out, many things will come to a halt. This is obviously unrealistic.

The Queen Mother hesitated for a moment, then lowered her head and stopped talking.

Ye Jingtang sat cross-legged on the couch, hugged the Empress Dowager on his lap, looked at the sullen face:
"I know how to measure. Nothing will happen outside. Don't worry about it all day long. Just be happy and wait for me to come back."

The empress dowager sighed faintly: "What's the use of worrying in this palace? You should go out and go out. If I were really your wife, I would still be able to do something like my aunt and sister-in-law before my husband left. If something happens outside, the child can be brought up. But I am the queen mother, how can I help you give birth to the child? Even if you want to keep hope, you can't keep it..."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes:

"Your Majesty, do you want to give me a baby?"

The empress dowager blushed, but she still didn't shy away from being alone with each other, she frowned and said:
"I stay in the palace alone, and you don't come here often when you go out all year round. If you have a baby by your side, life will not be so miserable... You can't stay, why are you talking about this?"

Ye Jingtang is not very old, and he really has no plans to have a child. He used to use the secret methods of the world to prevent pregnancy, otherwise Ning'er would have become a mother.

Hearing that Hand Warmer wanted to give birth to him, he hugged him tightly:

"If you want to stay, there must be a way, but there is no need to be so anxious. Well... you can live the life of a young couple first, and then consider these things when you are ready. I am a Martial Saint now, and I will be busy with things in the future. Not much, after this time is completely busy, you should be able to relax..."

The empress dowager was rubbed through her clothes, her breathing was a little unsteady, she asked:
"Living as a married couple is to be offended by you every day?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "This hasn't even started yet, so it's not an offense."

The empress dowager thinks that this is already too much, and it hasn't even started yet, so it's really offensive...

The empress dowager reacted, her face flushed, and she said in a low voice:
"You...you still want to have sex with me?"

Ye Jingtang is quite frank about this issue:

"As a normal man, I definitely want to serve you, but it depends on your wishes. I'm not in a hurry."

Although the empress dowager dared to kiss and touch her, she was still a bit timid about having sex. After all, she was a girl with a yellow flower, and she couldn't go back after breaking the precept, and if she was really pregnant by accident, she would live in Fushou Palace with a big belly. Will he still be alive after the news spread?

The empress dowager pursed her lips, and said hesitantly: "If you want, there is nothing I can't give you, that is... It's just that I can't explain it to the palace. How about I help you... ..."

Nightmare is a bit funny:
"I'm not in a hurry, I haven't thought about it, I'll talk about it later. Of course, if the empress wants to play the tricks in the book, I definitely have no reason to cooperate..."

"I come to serve you, but I have to say what I want? Why are you so thick-skinned? I said it last time, when I return to the capital, I will reward you well. This is not the capital, but Jingjie City..."

The two chatted like this, talking privately between men and women, when Ye Jingtang came in, he signaled Hongyu to rest with his eyes, and no one disturbed him halfway.

But Ye Jingtang's main purpose of going to the palace was to return to his life, and he couldn't stay for too long. After sitting for a while, footsteps came from outside the palace pavilion, which was reported by the maid:
"Ma'am, Prince Jing is here."

Upon hearing this, the Empress Dowager quickly closed the loose skirts, got up from Ye Jingtang's arms, and pushed her shoulders:

"Li Ren is here, get out quickly."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say much. After getting up and saying goodbye, he went out of the palace gate. Just when he came to the corridor outside the palace pavilion, he saw a big and stupid man with his head held high and a few court ladies walking towards this side.

When Ye Jingtang saw this, he wanted to say hello, but when he saw Clumsy who was in a good mood when he came, his eyes turned cold when he saw him, as if he really wanted to beat him...


Ye Jingtang paused and said in a daze:
"Your Highness?"

Dongfang Liren clenched his fists under his sleeves, walked up to Ye Jingtang, stepped on Ye Jingtang's toes, and said: "Sexy!" Into the hall.

stomping on...


Even if Ye Jingtang is a god, it is impossible for him to guess that Benben is responsible for letting Xue Baijin in, and he blames him, so he is quite confused.

Seeing that Benben went straight into the house, Ye Jingtang couldn't chase him in to ask why, because he was still worried about Yuhu's health, so he could only walk quickly to the emperor's bedroom with full of doubts...
The place where Yuhu lives is located in the center of the palace. The courtyard lake is surrounded by exotic flowers and trees, which are budding under the continuous spring rain, and the scenery is extremely elegant.

But Ye Jingtang heard from Huaiyan that Yuhu was unwell, and he didn't care to appreciate the beautiful scenery at this time, so he quickly walked through the corridor and followed the guidance of the maid to the outside of a large hall.

The main hall was the same as before, there were no maids inside or outside, and it seemed quiet and deserted.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't care too much about etiquette. When he walked to the door and found it closed, he raised his hand and knocked:
"Miss Yuhu?"

"here I am."

A slightly lazy and charming voice came from the hall, with a hint of weakness in her tone, which sounded like something was wrong with her body.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't dare to delay, raised his hand and pushed open the palace door, the result was:
"Yu...I'll go!"

Although the main hall looks quite solemn and solemn from the outside, the inside is not the living hall of the palace, but the Canyang Pool of the imperial city.As soon as Ye Jingtang opened the door, the translucent tulle screen came into view. On the left and right sides were tea tables, chess tables and other furniture, and behind the screen was a two-foot-square pool made of white jade. Hot spring water.

On the wall facing the door, there is a mural carved from jade, with a relief of a coiled dragon engraved on it, and a woman is leaning against the edge of the pool under the mural.

The woman was resting on the edge of the pool with her arms outstretched, and there was a tray beside her, which contained two small wines from the two lakes; It looks like a bathing suit, and underneath...

I didn’t dare to look at the Night Terror Hall below.

Ye Jingtang pushed open the door worriedly, and saw such an exciting scene, he was really stunned, after reacting, he quickly exited and closed the door, and looked left and right:

"Why are you taking a shower again?"

Inside the imperial concubine's pool, the empress had a smile on her lips:

"The body is not very comfortable, the hot spring is soaking in the cold, you have to say something before entering the door, why are you so reckless?"

Ye Jingtang really didn't expect Yuhu to be taking a bath. After all, Benben had just been here and it didn't look like he had played in the water.

But the time is so short, it's possible that Benben didn't go into the water, Ye Jingtang knew he was abrupt, and he didn't argue, so he took out a face towel, covered his eyes first, and then opened the door to enter the hall:
"Why are you feeling unwell?"

The empress was actually wearing clothes, but there were fewer clothes. When Ye Jingtang came in with her eyes covered, she picked up water and sprinkled it in front of her:

"I don't know, it's just dizziness and fatigue, just like autumn in previous years. I guess there is something wrong with the Mingshen map and Changqing map. These two maps can't be found for the time being. You don't have to be too impatient, they won't be able to get out for the time being." event."

How could Ye Jingtang not be in a hurry, now that Wei and Chen Bing are at the border, the battle may start tomorrow, if Yuhu falls at this time, Da Wei will have no leader, and he can't let Benben take charge of the situation.

Ye Jingtang judged the route based on the subtle movements in the hall, walked around the screen and came to the back of Yuhu, squatted down and held his right wrist to check carefully:
"I have a plan for Changqing Tu. Zuo Xianwang was fought with the help of the leader of Pingtian. I was seriously injured afterwards. She went to chase Xuehuhua, and she should get back a lot. I made a deal with her. She took Xuehuhua and Xuehuhua together. The Changqing map was sent to her, and the imperial court taught her the Dragon Calling Picture. As long as the imperial court agreed, the Changqing map could be brought.

"As for the map of Mingshen... two thousand cavalry scattered into the ice field, and the Pingtian leader alone could not recover all of them. Most of them must have been sent to Hudong Road. There is only one copy of Xuehu flowers. If we can hold them all in our hands, Beiliang No matter how angry you can only beg us, the future negotiations between the two countries can be regarded as an important bargaining chip.

"When I recover from my injuries, I will go out to Yanjing and find a way to get back all the Mingshentu and Xuehuhua. If I can't get them back, I will set them on fire and leave none of them to Beiliang..."

The empress originally wanted to tease Ye Jingtang, but when she heard these words of concern and anxiety, her heart turned into sighs of relief, she turned sideways, raised her fingers and hooked the black scarf off her eyes.


Ye Jingtang suddenly saw the light, and saw the fair-skinned beauty so close at hand, he quickly turned his head:
"I'm talking about business, what kind of demon are you?"

The empress leaned against the edge of the pool, raised her hand to pour wine:

"I'm wearing clothes, and I don't show anything."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was as shocked as Ning'er:

"You call this clothes?"

The empress looked down at the red dress on her body, and the oblique skirt below her waist:
"Isn't it?"


Ye Jingtang was silent for a while, and had nothing to say, so he found a futon and sat down next to him and continued to ask:
"what do you think?"

The empress picked up a glass of wine and handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"You went outside the customs and were seriously injured. You just came back, and before you had time to reward you, you were asked to venture deep into the enemy's belly. If the news spread, who would dare to serve the court?"

Ye Jingtang took the wine glass, shook his head and said:
"Beiliang destroyed the Northwest Royal Court. Although I have been in Honghe Town since I can remember, the revenge of genocide must still be avenged. Snow Lake Flowers will never be given to Beiliang. And I also want the Ming Shen Diagram. This matter is what I want to go to Okay, I'm just helping you treat your old illness by the way, you don't need to think about rewards."

The empress knew that Ye Jingtang would say that, but how could she accept it with sincerity and peace of mind, she thought about it, and motioned to Chizi:
"Do you want to come down and take some bubbles too? There are a lot of elixir in it, which is good for your body's recovery."

It is an extremely favored honor for a minister to take a bath and chat with the emperor, but it is different if the emperor is a woman. This is not an unspoken rule for subordinates.

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his eyes showed a bit of helplessness:
"If you do this again, I will stand outside the door and talk to you."

"Haha~ This threat is quite scary."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang could not come down, Yuhu got up and stepped onto the edge of the pool.

Ye Jingtang was originally sitting on the futon, and Yu Hu stood up together. On the left side, only the gold ring fastened the connected red oblique skirt, which appeared in front of his eyes. From the surface, there must be no bowknot pants under the oblique skirt.

Ye Jingtang's breath condensed, and he quickly stood up:
"Are you wearing no pants?"

The empress was dripping with water, she walked slowly and sat down beside the tea table, with her left leg resting on her right leg, she shrugged slightly:

"What pants do I wear in the shower?"


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, held back for a while, nodded and said:

"Makes sense!"

Then he walked to the other side of the tea table and sat down straight:
"Your body is important, don't be joking. Let's settle the matter of Changqingtu first, what do you think of the request of the leader of Pingtian?"

The empress swayed her white toes slightly:

"What if the court refuses to agree?"

Ye Jingtang spread out his left hand: "If you don't agree, I will go talk to the leader of Hepingtian and ask her to relax the conditions. We will run back and forth until both parties agree. The palms and backs of my hands are full of flesh, and I can't just ignore them. What can I do?"

The empress blinked her eyes, facing these words, it would be a lie to say that she was not moved.She smiled and said:
"I don't care if you do things. I have the sign of 'As if I'm here'. No matter what happens in the future, if you agree, the Wei court will agree. You don't need to come back and ask me what I mean."

Although this was an understatement, it was basically equivalent to a direct delegation of power. When the prime minister heard this sentence, he would probably burst into tears of gratitude on the spot, and then he would give in after a while.

But Ye Jingtang is a pure Jiang Hu person, he really didn't feel much about these words, he just said:
"That's a promise. When I go back later, I will go to see the Pingtian leader and bring back the Evergreen Picture. You will return it after you finish studying."

The empress was stunned: "Xue Baijin is in the city?"

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was afraid that the two would run out to fight again, so he said seriously:
"Leave this matter to me, so you don't have to ask. If you make up your own mind and mess around, I'll go back to Honghe Town. It's useless for you to come here and beg me."

Ye Jingtang was definitely the first person in the world who dared to speak so forcefully with the Empress.

But the empress was really a little timid when she heard this. She smiled and poured wine for Ye Jingtang:

"Okay, I'm a woman, don't talk too much and meddle in men's affairs, okay? Let's put aside the matter of Minglongtu, this time you snatched the snow lake flowers back, and you have made an indelible achievement. The Holy One hasn't said anything yet. , the courtiers have already started asking for rewards for you, and want to seal you as the Great Pillar Kingdom..."

"What is Dazhuguo?"

"Dazhuguo is not a thing, it is a false title, meaning the right-hand man of the emperor. There are only two in the entire Wei Dynasty, one is Qin Xiangru, the Duke of Jiang State, and Wang Yin, the Duke of Zhenguo. They are basically on the same level as the prince."

Ye Jingtang waved his hand and said, "I don't use these things, the imperial court rewards them whatever they want."

The empress sighed softly: "If you are interested, this matter is easy to handle, but if you are not interested, and you only give you these, the sage will not chill your heart. What do you want, just say it, how much?" It’s okay to go too far.”

Ye Jingtang wanted to decline politely, but when he remembered what the empress dowager said, he hesitated a bit, and turned his head to look in the direction of the empress dowager's bedroom.

In fact, the empress knew it all along, she didn't point it out. Seeing Ye Jingtang's movements, she said:

"The empress dowager has a special status. Now the situation in the two countries is unclear. If the empress dowager is abolished and she returns to her hometown to remarry, the southeast will be in chaos. I will deal with this matter first, and I don't care about it in private, but I will not make it public until it settles down."


Ye Jingtang's expression froze, and his aura of calm and prestige just now weakened a lot, and he whispered:
"You know what?"

"Hmph~ The empress dowager is as pure as a piece of white paper. How can she hide her thoughts? How can I not see it when I get along day and night?"

The empress said this, and looked at Ye Jingtang again:
"But in this way, when you snatch the Dragon Calling Picture from Yanjing, what reward should I ask you for? You should look down on the maids in the palace, and there are no other people."

Ye Jingtang felt quite ashamed, shook his head and said:
"I have never asked for any rewards. These are all deserved. If you insist on rewards, I will not be able to resist..."

The empress smiled lightly, and said nothing more, instead she lay down on the soft couch, showing her snowy back, and took out a small bottle from the box next to her

"This is the medicine sent by the Tai Hospital. It can invigorate the blood and qi. Can you do massage? You can push it for me."

Ye Jingtang caught the small medicine bottle and looked down at Yuhu in the swimsuit:

"How about I call the doctor over here?"

"The doctor's technique is too light, and it's uncomfortable to press. You are a man, so use stronger force. Come on."


Ye Jingtang hesitated for a while, but still nodded, sat down next to Yuhu, rolled up his sleeves, poured the essential oil into his palm, and rubbed his hands and feet neatly:
"By the way, I used to practice martial arts with the bodyguards in the bodyguard agency, and I was very good at it when I often massaged each other to relax the neck bones. Come on, put your arms back flat, and lie down..."

The Empress thought that Ye Jingtang would be embarrassed to restrain her hands and feet, but when she saw this appearance, she was slightly taken aback, feeling that the situation was wrong, but she still obeyed her orders and lay down on her stomach.

clap clap~
After Ye Jingtang touched the essential oil, he quickly patted it on his fair back, and after relaxing the muscles, he pressed his thumb on the left and right sides of the abacus bone, and stroked it along the way!

The sudden pain came, and the empress immediately raised her upper body. She no longer looked as calm as before, and her Qingguocheng's face was twisted a bit:
"It hurts...you..."

"It just hurts! If you don't feel it when you press it, it means you are in a vegetative state. Your body is too skinny, so you have to be strong, otherwise it won't be effective. Just bear with it!"

As Ye Jingtang said, he pinched the fragrant shoulder again, pressed his thumb on the muscle of the back shoulder, and pressed hard:

"Relax, don't tense..."

The empress's red lips parted slightly, and she almost didn't come up in one breath, she waved her hand lightly, and waited for Ye Jingtang to recover before she spoke:
"Okay, okay, go and call the doctor girl, you have been fighting for so long, you should go home early and rest."

Ye Jingtang frowned and said: "How can you massage and set your bones if you are afraid of pain? Treat it as a concubine who can't do it? I was forced by my adoptive father to cry for my father and mother, but I survived the same and felt very comfortable afterwards. Come on, breathe in ..."

The empress can resist severe pain in fights, but she is currently in a relaxed environment, and Ye Jingtang's hands are so strong, how can this kind of sourness be able to withstand, the willow eyebrows that were pressed lightly frowned and tried to beg for mercy, but in the end she just used her feet Kicking on Ye Jingtang's waist, pushing him away:
"Okay, okay, you go out..."

Yuhu was originally only wearing a slant skirt, but the red slant skirt was lifted up by the man lying on his side and raised his legs high, and the tiger's head with nothing painted on it appeared generously in his eyes.

Ye Jingtang originally had no evil intentions and wanted to give Yu Hu a good bone-setting massage, but when he saw a crescent moon from the corner of his eye, his breath suddenly became confused. He coughed lightly and turned his head to look away:
"That's okay. Let the doctor girl press it hard. If it doesn't work, call Fairy Lu. Also, remember to put on your pants. I've reminded you so many times."

Yu Hu didn't say anything, just watched Ye Jingtang go out, and after the palace door was closed again, he raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, wanting to complain, but he didn't know where to start complaining...

(End of this chapter)

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