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Chapter 422 Chatting under the Rain

Chapter 422 Chatting under the Rain
hooves, hoofs...

After coming out of the palace, it was already night, under the drizzle, the street seemed extraordinarily quiet, only the occasional sound of changing glasses could be heard between the restaurants on the street.

Ye Jingtang was riding on a big black horse, wearing a rainproof cloak and holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand. After glancing at the street, he walked to the West Market alone.

Because it was raining lightly, there were no pedestrians on the street. Ye Jingtang was thinking about Minglongtu along the way. When passing by a roast chicken shop, he stopped and asked the shopkeeper for a roast chicken. He planned to reward the busy bird after returning home. bird.

But just as he was holding an oil-paper umbrella and watching the old shopkeeper busy, footsteps suddenly sounded in the alley next to him.

Ye Jingtang turned his eyes, but saw a icy beauty in a white dress, holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand, coming out of the shadows, looking up at the afterglow of the lights in the distance, and said:
"Why did you come back?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were rather surprised. After looking around, he came to the front:

"how did you find me?"

"Yun Li came over just now and said that you are back, and she is waiting outside the palace gate."

Xue Baijin glanced back at the fragrant roast chicken:

"You still like to eat these?"

"I bought it for Niaoniao. We used to eat it together."

Ye Jingtang saw that standing on the street was inappropriate, so he motioned to the inside of the shop:
"Have you eaten yet? Why don't you have a meal together and talk about things by the way."

Seeing this, Xue Baijin didn't refuse, put away the oil-paper umbrella and leaned against the door, sat down in the empty shop, and asked:
"How is your injury?"

Ye Jingtang took the tea from the shopkeeper, sat down at the side of the square table, and turned up the tea bowl:
"It's all right now. I went to the palace just now to talk about what I said last time. There is no problem with the imperial court. I have brought the Dragon Crying Picture with me. I am going to find you later."

Xue Baijin took the teacup over: "The Snow Lake flower is in the backyard of the inn. You can pick it up later. Remember to take it back when you run out of the Evergreen Picture. If you don't keep your word, you know the consequences."

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "What are you talking about? When have I ever broken my word? By the way, you should be considered a martial saint now, so what are you going to do next? You don't want to go back to Nanxiao Mountain to expose the truth." Are you going to revolt?"

Xue Baijin blew the tea bowl: "With the size of Nanxiao Mountain, at most you can be a bandit who occupies the mountain as king, and an uprising will not work. If you want to succeed, the only chance is that you, the Dharma protector, are loyal and raise troops in the West Sea Help Dayan restore the country. If you are willing, I will make you the emperor, how about it?"

Ye Jingtang waved his hands and said: "Compassion is not in charge of soldiers, kindness is not in power, we are all from the rivers and lakes, even if given the throne, we may not be able to secure it, so don't make such jokes."

Xue Baijin snorted lightly: "I know you won't agree. If you want to be the emperor, you can just marry the empress once you have a soft meal. Why bother to let such a big circle go and take risks with me in Pingtianjiao."

"Sigh." Ye Jingtang shook his head, speechless.

Xue Baijin was just teasing casually, after thinking about it, he looked out the window:

"We agreed back then that we would avenge Ning'er. Logically speaking, we should go to Monk Shenchen, but Monk Shenchen is more powerful than King Zuo Xian. We are still not sure. We should go to the north next."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes when he heard this and asked:
"I'm also planning to go to the north to make trouble, why don't we go together?"

Xue Baijin shook her head without thinking about this proposal. The reason for her refusal was that apart from the men and women traveling together, nine out of ten couples became lovers in the end, and that she and Ye Jingtang were both too powerful, so working together would definitely be beneficial. But it doesn't help to improve martial arts.

"You are the Duke of Wei. If you walk with me, people in the Jianghu must think that I have been recruited. Moreover, there are only a few people who are more powerful than you and me. You act recklessly and always like to rush forward. , if you finish all the fights, who will I kill to establish my reputation? Let’s go our separate ways. If you encounter a catastrophe, just show the sign of 'Swallow Soul is Immortal'. This leader is looking at Ning'er's face , nor stand idly by."

Ye Jingtang felt that it would be difficult to call Bingtuotuo to an opponent he could not deal with, but he still nodded his head in thanks when the black silk thigh said that he would cover him.

The two chatted for only a few words before the shopkeeper brought out the fragrant roast chicken.

Ye Jingtang picked up his chopsticks, removed a large chicken leg from the roast chicken sprinkled with green onion and chili noodles, and handed it to Bing Tuo Tuo:
"Come on, have a chicken leg."

Xue Baijin has been traveling around the world for so many years, and this is the first time he has sat at the same table with a man to eat alone.

In the past with Ning'er, she would move her chopsticks generously and gnaw on the pig's trotters, but Ning'er wouldn't say anything; but sitting in front of Ye Jingtang, eating like this is obviously unseemly.

Facing the big chicken drumstick handed over by Ye Jingtang, Xue Baijin definitely couldn't take it with his hands. It was even weirder to hold it with chopsticks and gnaw it. Thinking about it, he made an unearthly look:
"You go ahead and eat. I'm not very hungry. Just take a few sips of tea."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't force it into his mouth, and asked the shopkeeper for two cold dishes and a jug of wine for her to eat together.

Faced with Ye Jingtang's gracious invitation, Xue Baijin finally picked up his chopsticks and had a few drinks with each other. After eating, they got up together and went to the inn in the downtown area.

In order for Ye Jingtang to come back, Xue Baijin could find out immediately that he lived not far from the palace, just one street away, and the street was mostly shops selling jewelry and brothels, and there were a lot of pedestrians at night.

Ye Jingtang led the big black horse and walked together with Xue Baijin. Before reaching the entrance of the inn, he heard a conversation coming from a shop:
"The girl is elegant and elegant. The person you want to give it to should be a great talent, right? Look at this hairpin. It is simple, elegant, luxurious and restrained. It is most suitable for young scholars..."

"He is highly skilled in martial arts, and he doesn't wear hairpins much..."

"Oh~ She is also good at both civil and military skills. This girl is so lucky. Look at this belt buckle. It is a Yunlong ball hand-carved by everyone in Yazhou. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also strong. It can be used in elegant halls, and occasionally it will not break when you use your fists and kicks. The belt made a fool of itself…”

"This is really beautiful... Ping'er, what do you think?"


When Ye Jingtang heard Xiao Yunli's voice, he stopped in his tracks and looked at the Bing Tuo Tuo beside him.

When Xue Baijin saw his apprentice choosing a gift for a man, he felt like he had been taken over by others, a little cabbage that was hard to raise.

But Yunli is not small anymore. Personal relationship problems, my wife has a headache, and Xue Baijin doesn't want to intervene, but just walks towards the inn without squinting:
"Just ahead, I took the Snow Lake flower and sent it back early. As long as the thing is in your hands, I have nothing to do with any problems. You don't want to give up the price that should be given."

"It's natural..."

Ye Jingtang didn't stop when he saw this, and followed him to the backyard of the inn, and soon saw the small carriage covered by an oilcloth.

Xue Baijin came to the carriage with an umbrella, and untied the tarpaulin, revealing the jade box underneath:

"That's all. Do you want to inspect the goods?"

Ye Jingtang didn't think Bing Tuotuo would stuff dozens of boxes of mud to fool him, so he touched it from his bosom and took out the picture of bathing in fire:
"Actually, I can learn the other three pictures for you, but you don't want to work for Wei, and I can't restrict you if you learn too much. It's not easy to explain to the court. If you want to learn in the future, you can contact me at any time. Just say it.”

Xue Baijin naturally wanted to learn, but he also knew that the imperial court did not dare to raise tigers as a threat, so he did not embarrass Ye Jingtang. After taking out the painting of bathing fire and looking at it, he raised his hand and prepared to take the painting of evergreen.

But when Xue Baijin moved his hand, he remembered something again, and looked at Ye Jingtang who was staring intently:

"You turn around first."


Ye Jingtang was puzzled for a moment before he realized it and turned around quickly.

Xue Baijin turned away, put her hands into her white skirt and groped around, took out the evergreen picture from the chest-wrapping compartment, and handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"The Empress is so talented, it shouldn't take long to learn it. Remember to bring it back tomorrow morning, or I will take the map of the bathing fire."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to take the golden blueprint, and his fingertips could clearly feel the warm body temperature, and maybe even the smell of milk.

However, if he dared to smell it, he would definitely be pushed to the ground and hammered. At that moment, he still looked as normal and took the reins of the carriage into his arms, saying:
"Then I'll go first?"

Xue Baijin was anxious to learn how to learn about the bathing in flames, so he turned around and went upstairs without being too polite:

"Remember to send Yunli back, I won't go for dinner tonight."

The Night Jing Hall was probably where Sanniang had prepared a reception banquet and asked Yunli to invite people there. It was reasonable for Bingtuotuo to be embarrassed to go there.

After watching Bing Tuo Tuo go upstairs, he pulled a cart of Snow Lake Flowers and did not dare to delay. He quickly drove out of the backyard and prepared to send it to the palace for storage.

But as soon as he came to the street, he saw two girls walking together.

Xiao Yunli walked in front, wearing a beautiful peach red skirt, carrying a small cyan umbrella on her shoulders, holding a wooden box in her hand to look at carefully, and was saying:

"This shop is so dark. You dare to ask for 80 taels of silver for a belt buckle. Is it okay to bully this girl? I have walked more streets than she has walked..."

Ping'er followed behind and looked at it carefully: "Miss's swordsmanship is really good. She was stunned by the bargaining. However, 30 taels of silver is not cheap. Where's Miss's half-year pocket money... eh?"

While talking, Ping'er noticed something was wrong from the corner of her eye, and quickly pushed the young lady who appreciated the gift.

Zhe Yunli was engrossed in admiring the white jade waist buckle, but when Ping'er pushed it, she realized that there were two carriages parked outside the inn, and the driver next to him was a young man in black robe, holding an umbrella in his hand, looking at her with a smile.

"Surprised cousin?"

Zheyunli's smile froze, and he quickly buckled the wooden box and hid it behind his waist.

But soon, Zhe Yunli's expression changed again, revealing a hint of resentment. He turned 45 degrees, looked away, and snorted.


Ye Jingtang wanted to say hello, but when he saw Xiao Yunli get up weakly, he was also stunned for a while, first looked up to the second floor of the inn, and then came to the front with the carriage:

"Your master is upstairs, speak normally..."

Zheyunli glanced upstairs from the corner of her eye and found that there seemed to be a shadow in the window on the second floor. Standing at the window and listening, she said nothing, turned and walked to the far side of the street. After walking far away, she said:
"Ping'er, you go back first, I have something to talk to Brother Jingtang."

Ping'er got goosebumps when she heard Rou Rou's weak tone, but she couldn't control the young lady and ran to the inn immediately.

Ye Jingtang walked in front, looking at Yun Li's right hand:
"Is this for me?"

Zheyunli hid the wooden box in her sleeve, feeling a little embarrassed, but said:
"There are so many younger sisters in the family, Brother Jingtang doesn't care much about my share, he's just pretending to be affectionate."


Ye Jingtang's goosebumps also rose, and he moved closer:

"Okay, okay, your master is everywhere, what will you do if he pops up all of a sudden?" Zhe Yunli looked back to make sure that his master was not there, then he snorted lightly and looked away:
"In the past, Brother Jingtang thought I was rough and asked me to be gentle. I learned it for a few months, but now that I am gentle, Brother Jingtang despises me again. Let me see, Brother Jingtang just doesn't like me. It was wrong, so why wishful thinking..."

Ye Jingtang was speechless in his heart, shaking his head and laughing:
"Why don't you like it? I'm just afraid that your master will beat me to death. Just now your master told me to take you home. I don't know what it means..."


Zheyunli originally wanted to continue to complain quietly, but when he heard this, his expression was slightly taken aback, and he turned his head:

"Master asked you to send me home?"

Seeing that Yun Li stopped acting as a demon, Ye Jingtang felt relieved and said with a smile:
"I'm just afraid that something might happen if you run around again alone, so don't think too much about it."

How could Zhe Yunli not think too much about it, Master and Mistress seem to have the intention of marrying her out, and it is not clear that this is specifically for Brother Jing to send her off?
Zhe Yunli blinked his eyes and asked:

"I walk around the streets all day long, and my martial arts skills are not bad. What could happen? Master asked you to give it away, so you really do it?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "I didn't plan to send it off, I wanted to take the carriage to the palace, but I bumped into you when I went out. Why don't you go back first, and I'll come back after I'm done?"


Zhe Yunli's eyes were strange, he felt that Ye Jingtang was a bit blunt, and he didn't want to send the girl home, so he didn't know how to put it mildly.

However, no matter how resentful she was, it meant that there was a misunderstanding. At the moment, she behaved naturally and threw the small box to the Night Terror Hall:

"Just go back together when we meet, and talk about whether to give it away or not. You just came back today, and Aunt Pei prepared a new robe for you, and my wife also made a pair of shoes for you. If I didn't prepare it, you must think I don't understand the world, so Ping'er and I came here to buy something for you. Open it and take a look. If you don't like it, you can still exchange it."

Ye Jing laughed lightly when he heard the words: "How could you not like it? This time I came back from outside the customs in a hurry, and I didn't prepare any gifts. How about I quietly give you a couple of snow lake flowers and take them back to make beauty cream? I heard Qing He said , Xuehuhua can be used in this way, but it is too extravagant and no one is willing to..."

Zhe Yunli has been practicing Changqingtu since he was a child. His skin is so tender that no woman would not envy it. It needs special maintenance. He said:

"What do I want Snow Lake Flowers for? If Cousin Jing really has the heart, he should take me with me next time I go out. I am sixteen or seventeen, and I haven't been in the rivers and lakes yet. If you wait another two years, you will kill all the masters of the rivers and lakes." After the fight is over, who am I going to deal with? I can't come and beat you then, can I?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Yun Li was very capable, and he used to handle cases together in the capital, and his brain was more clever than him.He considered it a little bit:

"Next time I go out, I might go to Beiliang to deal with Wu Sheng. It's not that I don't want to take him out to see the world, but..."

Zhe Yunli was a little dissatisfied and said: "No matter what, I can fight better than the Queen, right? I used to go to the rivers and lakes with my wife, and I was the one who came to investigate, and I had to protect my wife. If you can take my wife and the Queen out, why can't you?" Take me? Or is Brother Jing really disgusted in his heart, thinking that my sister will only hinder me? If that's the case, I'd better go back to Nanxiao Mountain..."

Zhe Yunli's tone of voice switched seamlessly between words, and after he finished speaking, he turned into a miserable and resentful look.

Ye Jingtang shook his head. It was really difficult to resist, so he could only say:

"I'm about the same age as you, so it's hard for me to make the decision. You have to ask my master and my wife about this. They agree that I can take it with me naturally when I go out."

"That's it."

Hearing this, Zhe Yunli became energetic and ran back holding an umbrella.

Ye Jingtang turned around: "Where are you going?"

"Go and talk to Master, if you don't agree, I will cry, make trouble and hang myself..."

tata tao~
In one sentence, Zhe Yunli disappeared.

Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly, shook his head and sighed, then pulled the carriage and returned to the palace, letting She Long and others keep it safe.

After finishing it, Ye Jingtang originally wanted to go to Yuhu and ask her to quickly learn the Evergreen Picture.

But when he ran to the palace this time, he found that Yuhu was really not there. He couldn't even find him in the bathroom. When he came to the Queen Mother's bedroom, he found that Benben and the Queen Mother were also missing.

When Ye Jingtang saw this scene, he knew where the three of them had gone. He quickly returned to the West City without stopping.
Honghualou is mainly engaged in the shipping business. It has halls in the twelve states of the Wei Dynasty. Yazhou Hall is not large in scale, but there are also ship shops and carriage shops in Jingjie City.

After Pei Xiangjun came from Liangzhou, he lived in the car and horse shop in Xishi, because the situation at the border was not right recently, there were fewer business travelers entering and leaving the customs, and the car and horse shop didn't have much business, so he gave the staff a holiday, and the compound was also closed. No outsiders.

This was the first time Ye Jingtang came to Jingjie City. He knew where Sanniang lived, but he didn't know the road. He rode to the West Market and inquired about it before he found the location of the horse and carriage stall. When he walked outside the wall, he I heard the voices of warblers and swallows inside:
"That Xie Jianlan was intercepted by Eunuch Cao on the ice field. Instead of surrendering, he even wanted to escape. Fortunately, I and Ye Jingtang arrived in time and blocked the way..."

"Li Ren, you are not good at martial arts, you can fall off Minglong Lake while holding this palace, are you not afraid of strong enemies?"

"His Royal Highness is considered a master in martial arts, but there is a slight gap between him and Jingtang. How can he take it seriously if he meets a second-rate martial artist like Xie Jianlan with Jingtang..."


Seeing this, Ye Jingtang got off his horse outside the courtyard wall, entered the carriage house through the gate, raised his eyes and saw a group of girls sitting in the hall.

The empress dowager was dressed in a dark red dress, dressed as a wealthy lady, and she was sitting under the middle hall, her eyes full of curiosity, listening to Benben's story about Tianlang Lake and his party.

Da Benben went out to meet the big world, and he was in a good mood at the moment. He sat beside the tea table on the right and talked softly; while San Niang sat next to him, helping to pour tea while smoothing things over.

On the opposite side of the hall, Yuhu in red was leaning back on a chair with a leisurely demeanor, listening carefully with a teacup in his hand, and seemed to be very interested; Qinghe sat in front of Yuhu, a little shy, just bowed his head and drank tea silently .

Due to her status, Ning'er couldn't sit with the three royal sisters, so she ran to the veranda on the side of the courtyard, sat on the side of the beauties, and put her arms on the fence to watch the rain, as cold as the otherworldly tranquility heroine.

Shui'er was sitting in front of her, holding a wine gourd in her hand, resting her chin on Ning'er's shoulder and whispering in her ear. Judging from her playful demeanor, she should be talking naughty things to Ning'er.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang entered the yard, the two people who were talking privately reacted.

Shui'er sat up straight, leaned on the beauty's back and poured herself a drink, as if nothing had happened.

Ning'er stood up and looked at the hall first, then walked into the rain curtain and came to the front. She raised her hand to open her collar and looked at her chest muscles:
"How is your injury?"

Ye Jingtang looked at Ning'er's lukewarm and concerned eyes, and felt warm in his heart. He put his umbrella up on his head to avoid the rain, and raised his arms to hug her:

"It's all right now. I met Master Xue just now, and everything was settled. She was busy learning the painting of bathing fire, but she didn't come to eat, so I didn't invite..."

Luo Ning knew that Bai Jin was embarrassed to come over, so she was not surprised. She was afraid that people in the hall would see her, so she quietly moved her hands behind her waist:

"Why didn't Yunli come back?"

Ye Jingtang glanced around and saw that Ping'er and Xiuhe were arranging dishes in the restaurant, and Niao Niao was begging nearby, and there was no trace of Yun Li. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Yunli wanted to follow me out to explore the world, but I said I couldn't make the decision and asked her to ask you and Master Xue, so she went and was probably having a hard time with Master Xue."

When Luo Ning heard this, her eyes were slightly hesitant.

Yun Li was born in the Jianghu, no matter how much she looks like a scholarly lady, she is still a Jianghu woman in essence.

However, once the children of Jianghu have learned martial arts, they cannot stay under the wings of their master forever. Sooner or later, they will have to go out into the world and follow their own path in the world of martial arts.

Bai Jin is the master, and following him means leading his apprentice away, not counting Yunli's own experience.And she followed Yunli, which didn't have much of a role in taking care of him, and it didn't make much sense.

Ye Jingtang and Yunli are similar in age and have enough strength. It is the best choice to go out together to go out together.


Luo Ning was a little worried about the kind of situation she least wanted to see, but the marriage was destined, and she couldn't help it if it happened, Shui'er dared to be with her apprentice without shame, she...


Luo Ning didn't know what messed up she was thinking, so she quickly brushed aside her distracting thoughts and responded:

"Yunli is already a big girl, so I can't control it. You can take her out for a walk to see the world if it suits you. If it's not suitable, tell her clearly. She knows how to measure it."

"it is good……"

The two of them could only whisper a few words before there was movement in the hall.

Sanniang stood up, looked at Ning'er and Jingtang Whispering in front of the public, looked at her strangely, and said:

"Ning'er, what are you doing? Hurry up and let Jing Tang in."


Luo Ning quickly stood up straight, glared and hugged her little thief, and then quickly ran to the restaurant to help tidy up.

Ye Jingtang smiled, and after greeting the hall, he looked at Shui'er who was still sitting next to the beauty:

"Go, let's go in. What were you talking about just now?"

Master Xuanji stood up and said casually:

"Adults, children don't ask nonsense."


Ye Jingtang was speechless, thinking that Shui'er hadn't done anything dirty for a few days, but he didn't want to talk dirty at this time, so he just followed into the hall full of wives...


By the way, roll your name and harvest luck:

Recommend a book "I just want to make money after rebirth", the author Xiaoju Chuzhan, if you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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