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Chapter 424 Bickering

Chapter 424 Bickering
The time gradually reached the second half of the night, and the rain continued unabated. The mountains above the canyon were completely silent. Even the three breaths that were originally undulating gradually became quieter as time went by.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the cracked stone, his arms still wrapped around Xue Baijin's arms. Because his body was hot, it was not cold to hold him, but as time went by, as his emotions gradually settled down, his body inevitably felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, I don’t wear much clothes because of the ice in my arms. The upper body is wrapped in white, and the bottom is a pair of thin pants, which are tightly bound and lying in my arms. The elastic buttocks are basically tightly attached to the abdomen. .

If that was all, it would be fine, but Yuhu was still sitting on Xue Baijin's waist, with his legs spread apart, which was probably the posture of the two of them matching each other.

This is a complete test of his determination, but he still has weaknesses and is not likely to be able to withstand it...

Because sitting for a long time was a bit boring, Yuhu moved his eyes to his face again. Seeing that he was pretending to be calm, he started to act up. His eyes pointed at the white semicircle above his chest:


Ye Jingtang could actually see it from the corner of his eye, but he was afraid of reacting too much and being beaten by Bing Tuo Tuo, so he still maintained a calm expression. Seeing that Yu Hu dared to tease him deliberately, he moved his eyes in front of Yu Hu , raised his eyebrows slightly, probably meaning - why don't you let me see it?

As a result, when this look passed, something happened on the spot.

Yuhu is not a thin-skinned girl. Seeing Ye Aiqing asking for a reward, she was not stingy at all. She immediately let go of her arms around her chest and performed a "big shoulder slippery", pulling the bright red dress from her left shoulder Opened, and turned into a half-undressed appearance, revealing the fiery red tulle bellyband, then raised her head and chest, directly propped up the bellyband, and shook it vaguely...


Although Ye Jingtang had been through the storm for a long time, he was suddenly rewarded by two thighs with black and white silk stockings, so he did not tense up, fearing that Bingtuotuo would notice and try to suppress the restless energy and blood, resulting in a series of muffled coughs.

The empress blushed when she saw Ye Jingtang, her eyes became more playful, and she wanted to pull up her skirt and show off her bow, but as soon as her ankles were exposed, she heard a scolding:
"Sister, what are you doing?"

Ye Jingtang was holding Bing Tuo Tuo and watching Yu Hu behave as a monster. He really didn't pay attention to the situation in his arms. Suddenly he heard a voice coming from his ear, and he suddenly came back to his senses in shock:

"Uh...then what..."

The empress didn't expect this stubborn donkey to wake up at once, and quickly pulled her skirt up over her shoulders, regaining her condescending aura:
"woke up?"

Xue Baijin's face had unknowingly returned to its original color. Because it was covered in rain and dew, it still looked watery, but his expression was as serious and cold as ever. He stared at the empress riding on his waist and wanted to turn over and sit up, but found that He was hugged very tightly, and he tilted his head and said:
"let go!"

"Oh...don't be impulsive..."

Ye Jingtang quickly let go of his hand and signaled not to mess around.

Xue Baijin's grudges were clear. Even if the two came uninvited, their purpose was not to harm her. Naturally, they did not take action at this time. Instead, they stood up and faced the empress face to face, with condescending eyes:

"Who asked you to ride on me?"

"What will happen if I ride?"

The two of them were about the same height when talking about it. When Xue Baijin turned over and sat up, the empress, who was originally sitting on her waist, slid directly back to ride on Ye Jingtang's legs; while Xue Baijin naturally remained sitting on her stomach unchanged.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to smooth things over, but when he was suddenly hit like this, his eyes suddenly changed. He looked at the curved moon on his belly and his tall back, raised his hand and opened his mouth.

Fortunately, Xue Baijin soon realized that it was not right to sit on the man's waist. He quickly stood up again, crossed his chest with one hand and pulled the chest up a little, and said disgustedly:

"Women don't wear pants when they go out, spit..."

The empress said casually: "I am better than you. I don't even wear a skirt when I go out."

Ye Jingtang quickly smoothed things over and said:
"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this for now. How is your health?"

After Xue Baijin pulled up her chest wrap, she wanted to speak, but she immediately discovered that the thin pants that were wetted by the rain were flesh-colored and stuck to her buttocks and legs in front and back. It was probably not much different from not wearing anything, so she quickly turned sideways, Come behind the boulder and pick up the white skirt:

"It's just a picture of a singing dragon. What can happen to me? If you hadn't come here, I would have finished the deduction half an hour ago."

The empress sat on Ye Jingtang's lap and did not get up. Instead, she leaned back and put one hand on Ye Jingtang's leg in a lazy posture:

"It's just a picture of a roaring dragon. The tone is quite crazy. I didn't know who it was just now. The eyes are blood red and they are possessed, and neither of them can hold it down..."

Ye Jingtang leaned on the ground and sat up a little, and also said:

"Yeah, he looked a little scary just now."

Xue Baijin was not distracted just now, he was just deducing the context of the Minglong Diagram completely and did not dare to be distracted.At this time, she was fine. She did not embarrass herself in front of the empress. She spoke naturally and confidently:

"I was multitasking, and even though I was being restrained by the two of you, I still completed the deduction of the Singing Dragon Picture. If no one disturbed me, would it be easy for me?"

The empress did not refute these words.After all, she had personally performed the Singing Dragon Picture back then. Not only did she have to devote herself to concentration, she also needed her master to protect her.

However, Xue Baijin was able to push through the Singing Dragon Picture without making any major mistakes after being so disturbed. He was indeed considered to be extremely talented.

However, the empress did not approve, but reminded:
"Those who drown are those who know how to swim. Many talented people in history have failed because of their pride. This time I can only say that you are lucky. If you continue to be like a stubborn donkey, you will not be able to go far in the world. "

Ye Jingtang actually feels that Bing Tuo Tuo is not a stubborn donkey, but just inherited from his ancestors. As long as there is a chance, he will not be embarrassed in front of Yu Hu.

If he had come alone just now, he would not have run away at first. He would have obeyed after just a few words of advice.

However, these were all hindsight, and Ye Jingtang did not say anything. He just picked up the Minglong Picture and handed it to Xue Baijin:
"First see how much is wrong, and then you can know the problem by comparing it. Don't be careless."

Xue Baijin was fine now. Even if the deduction was successful, he would naturally have no scruples comparing it to the real picture. He immediately put his skirt on his body and walked over to take the Minglong Picture. But when he raised his hand, his brows furrowed:
"Do you have an old injury?"

Ye Jingtang turned his head and looked over his left shoulder. He could see faint traces of blood on his black robe. He shrugged helplessly and said:
"You're so energetic, it's strange that the wound didn't burst. It's okay. You don't have to worry about it."

Xue Baijin could hear what Ye Jingtang had just said to persuade her, but it was just inconvenient for her to respond.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang had opened the wounds on both shoulders in order to prevent her from having an accident, and was still exposed to the rain for so long, I felt a little ashamed. After catching the Singing Dragon Picture, he motioned to the bottom of the boulder:
"You go over and sit down, and I'll bandage it for you."

The empress sat up and helped Ye Jingtang up:
"You were stubborn and injured a man, and you just want to bandage it up?"

Xue Baijin was not very friendly towards the empress. He frowned and said:

"I regard him as a friend, and I have given him my wife. We know our relationship is far and near. You just treat him as a slave, thinking that by fanning the flames and saying a few words, he will be grateful to you?"

Ye Jingtang heard that the two of them were arguing about who he was targeting, and he was afraid that the blame would turn on him in the end and a mixed doubles match would occur, so he quickly raised his hand:
"Okay, don't talk here in the rain. I'll bandage it, Miss Xue will look at the pictures, Yuhu, you should also take a rest, and don't make the same old habit again. Alas, I still want to have a reunion dinner at home today, so I won't go back after this trouble. Its daybreak……"

The empress helped Ye Jingtang walk to the foot of the boulder and hummed softly:

"It's her fault. She didn't come to invite her to dinner. She ran around on her own initiative. As a result, you didn't even get to have a reunion dinner..."

"You can't say that, it's just an accident..."

"Haha~ You still care about her feelings, are you afraid that she will feel guilty?"



Xue Baijin was sitting in front of him, feeling a little uneasy because of the two people's words. He wanted to push the empress away.

But Ye Jingtang was in the middle to smooth things over, and she couldn't help but keep Ye Jingtang's face any longer, so she still kept a cold expression and said nothing, and pulled back Ye Jingtang's collar to see the injury.

Ye Jingtang has basically recovered from his internal injuries. A little skin injury is nothing. He raised his hand and declined politely:
"I can do it myself. You look at the picture first. Even the gods can't guess what flaws will appear in the Dragon Calling Picture. What if I get stronger later and go crazy and beat me to death..."

Xue Baijin then gave up bandaging, picked up the Minglong Picture, and looked at it carefully.

The empress opened Ye Jingtang's robe, took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood, and then took out the wound medicine from his waist. She found that the small roll of gauze she was carrying was wet, so she looked at Xue Baijin opposite:

"Hey, tear off a section of your skirt."

The clothes of Ye Jingtang and the Empress were soaked, but Xue Baijin's skirt was placed under the boulder, and most of it was still dry. If she wanted to bandage it, she would have to use her skirt.

Seeing this, Xue Baijin didn't say much. He raised his hand and tore off the lower half of the skirt, turning the long skirt into a short skirt above the knees. He placed the snow-white fabric in Ye Jingtang's arms.

Yuhu tore the fabric into long strips that were easy to bandage, and glanced at Xue Baijin's calf:

"I still wear long trousers in this weather, like a ten-year-old woman, isn't it too hot?"

Ye Jingtang clearly felt the corners of Bing Tuo Tuo's eyes twitching, and he raised his hand and said:

"Walking around in the rivers and lakes? It's easier to wear trousers and ride a horse..."

The empress was bandaging the wound on her shoulder. Seeing that Ye Jingtang had been trying to smooth things over for Meng Hulu opposite her, her eyes became a little unhappy:

"You're just talking to her, right?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, and thought to himself: I want to face you, so the two of you are going to join forces to make fun of Duan Hulu?I'm so anxious, she doesn't dare to beat you, and she doesn't dare to beat me?

But it was hard to say this. When Ye Jingtang saw Yu Hu, he felt a little biased. After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't think of a suitable word, so he just moved forward.

The lips met, and the warm touch was fleeting.

The rain curtain suddenly became silent.

Xue Baijin, who was looking at the picture carefully, moved his eyes, then turned his back slightly to the two of them calmly, with obvious embarrassment in his eyes, as if he was muttering to himself—shame or not, spit...

The empress was obviously stunned for a moment, looking down at Ye Jingtang condescendingly, and only recovered after a while, licking her red lips lightly, a red cloud appeared on her face, she seemed to want to say: "You are so brave!"

However, Xue Baijin still looked embarrassed in front of her, saying, "I shouldn't be here." She suppressed her distracting thoughts, thought about it, and moved closer.

Nourishing ~

Ye Jingtang suddenly came and clicked. He just wanted to stop Yuhu's mouth and stop her from being jealous. By the way, the little deer bumped into each other for a while. He had no intention of provoking Bingtuotuo. He really didn't expect Yuhu to be so courageous. It's just about being a guest.

Bing Tuo Tuo was sitting in front of him. It was a bit inappropriate for him to hold the girl and nibble on her. He wanted to raise his hand to politely refuse. However, Yu Hu was quite domineering. He held his chin with his right hand and kissed her. He also tilted his head slightly and pried open his mouth in a slightly jerky manner. I have read a lot of miscellaneous books.Faced with such a provocation, Ye Jingtang was a little unable to resist. He raised his hands slightly to signal to stop making trouble, but he still cooperated honestly.

The two of them had been given artificial respiration for only a moment. Xue Baijin, who was next to him, had already clenched his fists, with veins bulging on the back of his hands. He turned around and said coldly:
"Can you bandage it? If not, just go aside and don't delay his injury."

What the empress wanted was Xue Baijin. She gritted her teeth and was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak. She let go of her lips, glanced at Xue Baijin, and then held Ye Jingtang's cheek and said, "Boom~":
"What does it have to do with you if we are intimate? Are you jealous?"


Seeing that this could not stop the two of them from fighting each other, Ye Jingtang had no choice but to pull Yuhu back and sit beside him, and calmly tried to break up the fight again:
"Let's make out later and let's talk about business first. How about it? How wrong were you?"

After Xue Baijin glared at the confident empress for a few times, he suppressed his anger and returned the picture of Bathing in Fire to Ye Jingtang:

"It's not much wrong, and it's not necessarily wrong. Just like what you said, there are some methods that should be more suitable for you, but I'm not sure if there are any hidden dangers, so I can only practice according to the pictures.

"As for the fact that no one has ever successfully deduced it, I guess the problem lies in this. In the absence of the Singing Dragon Diagram, warriors deduced on their own and inferred the next step based on their own perceptions. Those with high talent can always deduce how many numbers they can deduce. The path that is more suitable for one's own body leads to a deviation in the direction, but the person is unable to complete the path. The result is that the farther he goes, the greater the error becomes, until he reaches a dead end, but he does not know where he went wrong.

"In my opinion, those who can deduce the Dragon Calling Picture completely correctly by themselves already have the background and the understanding of the world to create the Dragon Calling Picture; while those who don't have this background, no matter how they learn it, they will 'know what it is but don't know why it is' ', self-deduction will inevitably go wrong, and there will probably not be one person in thousands of years who can be completely right by luck..."

Ye Jingtang has deduced it himself and is deeply touched by this statement, but he does not agree with the last sentence:
"I feel absolutely angry. I was right. The Minglong pictures were all written wrong. I feel like I..."

"Don't feel it!"

Before Xue Baijin could speak, the empress raised her finger first with a serious look:

"Before things go wrong, all peak warriors feel that they can do it, including me. But as time goes by, you will understand that the heaven-defying method that can make people immortal is by no means that simple. When problems arise, you will not have time to regret it."

Ye Jingtang smiled and said: "Of course I understand this, so I think I am right, and I am practicing according to the Singing Dragon Diagram honestly. I will not take that kind of destructive path unless it is absolutely necessary."

Xue Baijin pondered for a while:
"You have already practiced five Singing Dragon Pictures, and you only need one Ming Shen Picture to complete it. No one in this world can force you to deduce the last three pictures, unless you have half your feet in the ground and want to live forever."

The empress said to this: "There are nine pictures of Minglong. The last three have been lost for a long time. Have you seen Fengguan City? Could it be in his hands?"

Xue Baijin shook his head and said: "Fengguan City is a pure martial artist. If he is not pulled down by us, he may become the person who created the Dragon Calling Picture in the future. It is suspected that he has hidden the Dragon Calling Picture privately, pressing down on the ceiling of the entire rivers and lakes, so as not to be later If people catch up, they underestimate Fengguan City.

"This is just like Ye Jingtang. Are you afraid that others will develop faster sword skills and surpass you, so that the swordsmanship will be sealed and you will not be allowed to follow this path again?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said: "The Xuanyuan Dynasty couldn't do such a derogatory thing, so how could I do it? I was afraid of being caught up by newcomers, so I could only row against the current and keep moving forward; I used the method of cutting off the river to stop it. A newcomer is not worthy of being called a martial artist, so how can he reach the top of the mountain..."

"That's right..."


The three of them chatted for a while, and Ye Jingtang's shoulder was bandaged.

Xue Baijin was sitting in front of him, feeling that he was really in the way, so he looked at the afterglow of the city in the distance:

"I'll be leaving tomorrow. Yun Li said outside the door in the evening that she wanted to go out with you to explore the rivers and lakes. I didn't respond at the time. Now that I think about it, Yun Li is not young. If you don't mind the trouble, you can take her out to explore. "

When the empress heard this, she asked, "Aren't you afraid of your apprentice and getting along with him?"


Xue Baijin actually felt that Yunli and Ye Jingtang were a good match. If Ning'er hadn't arrived first, she would have matched them long ago.Facing the empress' question, she stood up and patted her skirt:
"Marriage is destiny. When the apprentice leaves the mountain, he has to walk his own way. The master can't control it, so there is no point in worrying about it. See you again."

Ye Jingtang wanted to get up and say goodbye, but Yuhu held him back, so he waved his hand and said:
"Be careful along the way. See you in Beiliang."

Xue Baijin paused, turned around, and revealed his cold and charming cheeks:

"If you see me again, you must be in trouble, and I'm here to rescue you. So it's better for us not to meet each other, each going his own way, and no one is holding the other back."

Ye Jingtang thought it was possible for him to rescue Xue Baijin, but Bing Tuotuo was afraid that he would not be convinced after saying this, so he still smiled and bowed his hands in a quaint salute.

Xue Baijin glanced at Ye Jingtang, and actually wanted to say thank you. After all, Ye Jingtang didn't even eat the reunion dinner, so it was a fact that he came to care about her safety in the middle of the night.

But the empress was in front of her, saying that these private words were inappropriate, and finally she jumped from the mountain. After a few ups and downs, she turned into a white rainbow and flew towards Jingjie City through the dim rain curtain.


As one person left, the mountains became increasingly quiet.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the stone and watched. It wasn't until Xue Baijin's figure disappeared that he turned back and looked at Yu Hu beside him:

"Let's go back too."

The empress had no intention of leaving, and her casual demeanor just now turned into a condescending majesty:
"Who asked you to kiss me just now?"


Ye Jingtang blinked: "I couldn't help it for a moment, just a kiss. Didn't you kiss me back in the end..."

The empress was not a soft and soft doormat. She stood up slightly and sat directly on Ye Jingtang's lap, facing each other. She lightly scratched Ye Jingtang's cheek with her fingers. Sister Yu said in a calm and unhurried voice:
"I know you are interested in me. But there is no reason for the women in the palace to marry the same husband. You can only choose one of the concubines and the princesses. Otherwise, even if the Holy Spirit approves, you will not be able to silence the world.

"Only if you monopolize power and no one in the north or south dares to say no to you, can you do whatever you want and show your ambitions. Not to mention the few women in the palace, even if you get all the empress dowagers and queens of Beiliang back and make them side chambers, If you humiliate me every night, the history books will also say that you treated the Beiliang royal family well and did not kill the palace people rashly, do you understand?"

Ye Jingtang knew what Yuhu meant and said with a little helplessness:
"I'm not a lustful ghost, why would I go and rob someone from Beiliang Palace? Okay, I understand, let's go back."

The empress nodded slightly, looked at Ye Jingtang's handsome face, thought for a while and said:

"If you offend wantonly, you should pay back twice as much. If you exchange one for one, how can you scare the little thief Xiao?"

"Huh?" Ye Jingtang was a little confused.

Yuhu didn't say anything at the moment. Based on the idea that if you hit me once, I will hit you twice, he started to humiliate his brother-in-law with his face in his hands.

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, felt that something was wrong, and pressed Yuhu's lips:

"Isn't that right? Double the offer or two kisses. You just kissed me three times..."

Before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked.

No one disturbed her this time, the empress was quite devoted, she sucked her lips seriously, feeling the touch of her lips and teeth, so as not to slap her lips for the first time in her life, but did not leave much image.

Ye Jingtang had nothing to do with Yuhu, and his eyes were a little helpless. He couldn't refuse, so he put his hand on his waist, slid it in front of him, and held Fat Longlong in his hand.

pinch pinch.

The empress was very clear about rewards and punishments. Seeing that Ye Jingtang took the initiative again, she loosened her red lips, raised her hand and pinched Ye Jingtang's chest, and said seriously:
"Next time, just go back and burn incense and bathe, and wait for the sedan chair to enter the palace. It's not that easy to be a palace servant. Not only do you have to serve the concubine, but there are also three thousand palace ladies. You'd better weigh it yourself..."

Three thousand maids...

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he didn't know how to respond. He raised his hand slightly:
"I understand. I won't do this again. Let's go back."

The empress nodded slightly, stood up and picked up the oil-paper umbrella from the boulder. She raised her eyes and looked at the faintly visible mountains and rivers in the north. She thought for a while and said:

"It is said that the literary scene in Hudong Province is not much worse than that in Jiangzhou. When you get there, don't forget to copy a few good poems and come back to me. The better the poems, the greater the reward."

Ye Jingtang came to the front, took the oil-paper umbrella and held it on Yuhu's head, looking at the boundless wilderness, raising his hand as if he was preparing a poem, and finally put it down again, and said with a smile:
"It's really dark."


The empress rolled her eyes slightly and walked down the mountain looking a little bored:

"Have you been drained dry by Li Ren?"

"No, I'm not a poet, how could I just open my mouth... Oh, by the way: If you don't see me, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, and rushes to the sea never to return. If you don't see me, the mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, and the morning is like blue silk at dusk. Chengxue..."

The empress's eyes lit up, her steps slowed down a bit, and she took the arm of Ye Jingtang holding the umbrella:

"Where is the Yellow River?"

"A river in the Xihai tribe is yellow all year round due to soil erosion."


"Don't ask any more questions, just listen carefully... um... it's over, I forgot about it later... eh?"


The two people rose and fell together. As soon as they jumped into the canyon, the teased woman began to torture her to extract a confession.

As a result, the two people fell directly into the rolling river water, causing splashes. Then the two voices gradually moved away with the rolling river water, until they were hidden deep in the rain curtain:
"Speak or not?"

"It's too long, I really forgot..."

"I shouldn't have started if I forgot you!...Tell me~ Do you want benefits? Uh-huh?"

"This is not a matter of kissing or not..."

"Oh~ Oh yes, I remembered..."


(End of this chapter)

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