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Chapter 425 Yunqi Longxiang

Chapter 425 Clouds rise and Longxiang (end of this volume)

Back in Jingjie City, most of the lights in the streets and alleys were turned off.

At the entrance of the palace, Ye Jingtang stood outside the palace gate, holding an oil-paper umbrella to cover Yuhu's head:
"It's too late. Go back and rest early. Don't stay up late if you're not feeling well."

The empress walked into the city gate, looked back at Ye Jingtang, looked up and down, then waved her hands and said:

"Okay, you should go back early. There are so many beautiful girls waiting alone in the empty boudoir, so you probably don't want to go in and sit there."

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu didn't dare to let him sit in the house, so he said this deliberately. He shook his head and smiled:
"Then I'll go first?"

The empress nodded slightly and stood watching.

Ye Jingtang thought about it and stepped forward, but he deceived the king again and nibbled on the red lips. Then, without waiting for Yuhu to fight back, he quickly ran towards the street under the rain curtain:

"Those who owe the debt first, come here next time, I will bring you a good poem to repay the debt, and then leave."

The empress narrowed her eyes slightly, looking very dangerous, but after watching Ye Jingtang disappear into the night, she still raised her hand and gently touched her red lips, then looked back at the majestic cage-like palace, and sighed secretly, Walked into it alone...


After struggling for most of the night, the family banquet was already over, and even the lights in the market near the carriage house had been turned off, with only a few hook bars still making vague noises.

Ye Jingtang held an umbrella and walked towards the landing place, thinking about the unique experience that happened tonight in his mind. When he was lost in thought, a sound came from the wall next to the alley:
"Guji Guji?"

Looking up, the big bird, who had eaten and drank enough, was squatting on the wall, with a small bamboo hat made by an unknown person on his round head, shaking his head with eyes full of treasures.

Ye Jingtang retracted his thoughts, took the bird over, picked up the small bamboo hat, looked at it, and asked:

"Who made it for you?"


Niao Niao controls the swing of the wings, and draws the curve of a gourd.

Ye Jingtang was startled because there were many gourd-shaped daughters-in-law at home. He was wondering who it was at first, but he immediately realized that Niaoniao was drawing a wine gourd.

He shook his head and smiled, then raised his finger to scratch the bird's belly, then placed it on the doorpost and entered the yard to take a look.

The clerks and shopkeepers of the horse and carriage shop were all on holiday, and there were no outsiders in the compound. All the people living there were girls.

Ye Jingtang looked around and saw that Ning'er was still awake, standing in the window of the room near the veranda, saw him and made a silent gesture, then quietly jumped out of the window and came to her:
"Yunli just fell asleep not long ago. Is Bai Jin okay?"

Seeing no one around, Ye Jingtang picked up Ning'er and walked towards the house behind:
"It's okay, it's just that something went wrong in the deduction of the Minglong Diagram. I helped protect the lower road and I'm back to the inn now."

When Luo Ning heard this, her worried eyebrows relaxed a little. She found that Ye Jingtang was holding her back, and her eyes showed a bit of coldness:
"Little thief, what are you doing?"

"Sleep, what else can you do..."

"I want to go back to visit Bai Jin, but I don't have time..."

"Oh, it's been a long time since we last had an intimate relationship. How about we hold each other and have a chat..."

Ye Jingtang coaxed the little daughter-in-law with words, not forgetting to pinch the moon and kiss her ears, and within a moment she ran to the back house.

Although Luo Ning looked cold on the outside, she almost wanted to kill the little thief in her heart. She only resisted verbally for a few times, and then pretended that she had no choice but to allow the bullying.

But just as she frowned, she remembered something and said in a low voice:
"Listen to Shui'er, the Queen... Why don't you go visit her first and ask her if she can make it? Lest she, who is in a high position, thinks that I am bullying my sister who has just entered the house, she will give me small shoes in the future... "

Ye Jingtang blinked: "Li Ren and the others didn't return to the palace?"

"You suddenly went out and haven't come back for so long. How can she relax and rest with the Queen Mother in the east residence. You go and take a look first. Sanniang and I are waiting for you in the house. You don't need to call Shui'er. She will be waiting for you. I will definitely run over by myself..."

Seeing Ning'er carefully arranging her sleeping arrangements, Ye Jingtang paused after thinking:

"We have to stay here for a few days. How about we go to the city to find an inn and have some secret fun like we did in the capital?"


When Luo Ning saw that Ye Jingtang wanted to spend time with her, her eyes moved, and she was obviously spoiled.

But she couldn't bear this kind intention, no matter how heart-warming it was. After all, the Night Terror Hall was just like a bull spirit. He could kill her, so he ran out alone after overestimating his ability. Afterwards, he would cry and cry after being drilled, and it would be hard to complain. , that is not asking for trouble.

For this reason, Luo Ning was a little entangled in her heart for a moment, then she assumed the attitude of a lady and lectured:
"As a man, I want a bowl of water to be balanced. I am not a jealous woman. If I don't take care of the newlyweds, what will happen to the family in the future? Put me down and I will go to Sanniang's room by myself. "

Seeing that Ning'er didn't dare to challenge him, Ye Jingtang didn't force her. He placed her in the aisle, lowered his head and tapped her lips.

Luo Ning was reluctant as always, but she still let Ye Jing's cousin finish the kiss, and then pushed his shoulders to let him go quickly, and ran to Sanniang's room alone.

The Empress Dowager and Prince Jing spent the night here, and the place they lived in was naturally elegant. Not only was Hongyu in the side room, but Xiuhe was also arranged to come over and help serve. However, they had already rested at this time, and the room was quiet.

Ye Jingtang came outside the main house of the east house and listened under the eaves. He found Huaiyan sleeping inside, so he quietly opened the door and peeked in from the bead curtain of the outer room.

In the back room, there was a lamp on the dressing table. The candle was bottomed out but not extinguished.

On the other side of the bed, the plump Queen Mother was still awake. She was lying on the pillow with her back to the outside. She was holding a book in her hand and was concentrating on reading it by candlelight. From the perspective of the Night Terror Hall, she could vaguely see - —I saw the empress dowager, kneeling on the jade couch, the full moon facing the wonderful woman behind her...


Ye Jingtang caught the Queen Mother reading a miscellaneous book, her eyes naturally changed, she thought about it for a while, quietly walked to the canopy bed, leaned over the Queen Mother's shoulder, and looked at it carefully.

The Queen Mother was seeing the key point of the plot, her face turned red, and the light suddenly dimmed. She thought the candle had gone out again, so she wanted to turn around and change the candle, but when she turned around, she saw the handsome face of a man, in a Directly above and a short distance away.


Seeing the Queen Mother trembling with fear and wanting to scream, Ye Jingtang quickly covered her red lips and whispered comfort:
"It's me! It's me……"

The empress dowager was taken aback for a moment, first surprised, then anxious, pulled her hand away, pushed Ye Jingtang's shoulder, and said in a low voice:

"You are so presumptuous! You... were sleeping next door to Li Ren. What should you do if you were discovered? Get out quickly..."

Ye Jingtang saw that the Queen Mother seemed to be afraid of being discovered by her daughter about her secret love affair. There was something funny in her eyes. She pulled out the miscellaneous books and put them on the dressing table, and whispered:
"Don't read like this, it's bad for your eyes."

The empress dowager has practiced the painting of bathing in fire, and she is not afraid of hurting her eyes at all, but how can she have the heart to say these things at this time, she just said:

"I know. Get out quickly... there are so many girls in the house, they have to come to bully me..."

Ye Jingtang originally just came in to care, but when he saw that the Queen Mother would not let him bully him, he was really unhappy. He immediately lay down on his side and leaned in front of him, hugging the Queen Mother:

"If the thief doesn't leave Kong, your Majesty must be willing to let me go, right?"


When the Queen Mother saw Ye Jingtang crawling under the covers, she was immediately frightened. She shrank her hands in front of her chest and did not dare to push anymore. Instead, she said softly:

"You... You should make an agreement first, don't push yourself too far, just take the benefits and leave."

Ye Jingtang nodded, and then slightly raised his chin as a signal.

The Queen Mother wanted to kiss her, but she felt that Ye Jingtang had a huge appetite. She was afraid that she would not be able to send him away. After a moment of confusion, she decided to untie the skirt of the dark red nightgown and unbutton the fabric embroidered with colorful phoenixes. He took Ye Jingtang's hand and placed it on Tuantuan before gagging.

When Ye Jingtang saw the Queen Mother being so well-behaved, her heart felt a little floating. Her palms were pressed against the soft skin. After hugging him for a while, the Queen Mother raised her red cheeks and pushed him out again:

"Are you satisfied?"

Ye Jingtang must be satisfied. He wanted to get up and leave, but he remembered the topic on the wine table today, so he asked in a low voice:
"Today Ning'er asked who is the hairless girl, you..."


The Queen Mother's eyes were a little annoyed, maybe because she was afraid that Ye Jingtang would misunderstand that she was just like the little girl in the film, so she secretly gritted her teeth, held her big hand, put it under her belly through the fabric of her nightgown, and whispered:
"Satisfied now?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, and he was embarrassed to think about pushing too far. After feeling the outline for a while, he stood up and covered himself with the thin quilt:

"Don't lie down and read under the covers. You should sleep well when it's time to sleep. I'm leaving first."

The Queen Mother secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly pulled down the curtain to cover it tightly.

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, blew out the candlestick, and then quietly walked out of the room and came to the next room.

The room next door was already dark, and on the canopy bed, Benben had already gone to bed. Perhaps he was worried about his long absence, so he did not take off his robe. He was still wearing the fat-headed dragon python suit, lying on his side on the pillow, with the spring quilt draped around his waist. For a while, her eyelashes moved slightly, making her look like she was still dreaming.

Ye Jingtang came closer and took a look, then leaned over slightly and wanted to pick up Princess Benben.

Dongfang Liren noticed that his body was light in his sleep, so he woke up with a start. He frowned and looked at it. He realized that it was a night terror, so he raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows:
"Why did you come back? How many days has it been?"

"It's late at night. Would you like to sleep with me, Your Highness?"

Dongfang Liren had just woken up, and his mind was still a little confused, but after hearing these words, he completely woke up and his eyes were slightly cold:
"Ye Jingtang, you are so presumptuous, aren't you? If you want to sleep with me, I'm going to take advantage of you, so there's no reason for you to come to the house and hug me..."

Seeing that Benben had no intention of refusing, Ye Jingtang quietly left the door and went to the back of the house:

"As soon as the injury heals, I have to go to Beiliang. It will take a month at the fastest to go back and forth. This time, it will be difficult to take His Highness with me to take good care of it. It is true that we have to part for a few days. I am also reluctant to part with Your Highness, so I am a little presumptuous ..."

Dongfang Liren really wanted to go to Beiliang, but he also knew that she had basically no experience in the martial arts world. It was okay to follow the soldiers and horses, but following the Night Terror Hall would really not help, so she secretly sighed in her heart.

However, Dongfang Li was very satisfied in his heart because he could go to Tianlang Lake for a swim. He said:
"I am not in a hurry. I will have plenty of time to go and have fun after the Northern Expedition is completed. You must pay attention to safety when you go out on this trip. Although there are some hidden piles in Beiliang, they are not visible and cannot bring you much help... "

"Of course I know that."

"Also, Hua Qingzhi is in Yanjing..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he said helplessly:
"I went there to do important things, not to fall in love with her."

Dongfang Liren felt that if Ye Jingtang arrived in Yanjing and couldn't find a way out, he would definitely rely on Hua Qingzhi's connections in the court.

However, Ye Jingtang had her own opinions on these matters. As her immediate boss, she was not very good at micro-managing the rear areas, so she didn't say much. She just leaned into her arms and said:

"I don't understand your perverted temperament yet."


After a few words, the two of them arrived outside the lit room at the back.

Ye Jingtang entered through the door and found Ning'er and Sanniang sitting on both sides of the tea couch.

Ning'er still looked cool and unconventional, making tea slowly.

And Sanniang must have just been woken up. She was wearing a goose-yellow nightdress, sitting elegantly on the couch, playing with various torture instruments in front of her...


When he found the Night Terror Hall carrying the Queen in his arms, Pei Xiangjun's face turned red. He quickly closed the box containing the torture instruments and hid it behind his waist. He put on a dignified and intellectual look: "Your Highness, are you here too?"

Dongfang Liren entered the house and found Sanniang and Ning'er. He was also stunned for a moment and quickly jumped out of Ye Jingtang's arms. He resumed his domineering posture with his head held high and looked around as if inspecting the sentiments of the people:
"Where are Master and Miss Fan?"

"They are resting in the house. How about I call them..."

"No need, I will invite Master to come over and let's... um... drink tea and chat together."

Dongfang Liren didn't know Sanniang and Ning'er very well, and it was too embarrassing for Master not to be together, so he went out by himself and ran to Xuanji's room.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to go there together, but was threatened by stupid eyes, so he had no choice but to enter the room and said with a smile:
"I'm going to change my clothes. I just got wet in the rain and my robe is a little damp."

Pei Xiangjun's face turned a little red. He stood up and helped Ye Jingtang undress:
"I'm going to take it off later, what else should I change into?"

Luo Ning found out that the Queen had really been invited over, and she knew what was going to happen later. She was afraid that she would be too embarrassed to talk about it, so she felt a little uneasy at this time:
"It's just a bigger bed, you...how about I go back to the inn."

Seeing that Ning'er was retreating, Sanniang was naturally unhappy and hummed softly:

"Haven't you been lying in bed all the time? You were scared when you saw the queen? There is no size in the bed, just use your ability to clean up the water..."

Luo Ning thought about it and felt that it would be degrading to escape before the battle. She was holding her tea cup and thinking silently about how she could maintain her position as the number one woman in the Night Terror Hall.

As a result, before the tea was served, she found that Sanniang had taken off Ye Jingtang's robe.

In order to be light, Ye Jingtang didn't wear much, so he took off his robe and exposed his chest and arms. At this time, by the candlelight, it could be seen that there were white bandages on both shoulders.

Sanniang's eyes tightened when she saw this, she frowned and asked:
"Were you injured again just now?"

Luo Ning sat up straighter, stood up, came to the Night Terror Hall, looked at it carefully, and touched the white cloth:

"Where... did you get this?"

When Ye Jingtang saw the suspicion in Ning'er's eyes, he knew that she was thinking wrong and quickly explained:

"Didn't Master Xue practiced wrongly just now? I stopped her and accidentally ruptured the wound. She tore off the skirt and bandaged it for me. Don't get me wrong."

Luo Ning didn't want to misunderstand, but all the beautiful women she had seen ended up running into the house to play in a group. How could she not be worried that Bai Jin would follow the trend and become a husband and wife to serve the same husband.She thought for a while and said:

"Bai Jin has a straightforward personality and doesn't know how to beat around the bush. You'd better not offend her. If she offends her, no one in the world can hold her back."

"Of course I know this, and I didn't provoke her..."

While the three of them were talking, there were footsteps outside.

Dongfang Liren walked in the front, his eyes a little strange, but he still maintained a calm and imperial demeanor. After walking into the room, he coughed lightly and sat down beside the tea couch.

Behind him, the real person Xuanji, dressed in white as snow, held several wine jars in his right hand, and pulled Qinghe hard with his left hand, persuading as he walked:

"We're just drinking and chatting together, nothing else. Why are you being cowardly?"

Fan Qinghe was wearing a gauze nightgown. He had obviously been pulled up from the bed by Shui'er, and his fair calves could be seen as he walked.

At this time, her face turned red and she was almost pulled forward. She covered her chest with one hand and said:
"I told you I'm a doctor, why are you dragging me along when you're drinking? I won't go..."

"Let's go, let's go..."

"I do not!"

When he got to the door and saw Ye Jingtang with his upper body bare coming out, Fan Qinghe's neck shrank slightly, his lips were murmuring, not knowing what to say.

Ye Jingtang took good care of Qinghe's mood, came to him and gestured with his arm:

"I just went out and cracked the wound. Miss Fan helped me re-bandage it. It's really troublesome to wake you up so late at night."

Fan Qinghe knew that there was a witch, and she would not be able to escape today. Seeing the night terror falling down the slope, she secretly gritted her teeth and gave up the struggle, lowered her head and said:

"I...I will check your injuries, please be careful."

"That's not right."

Master Xuanji pushed Qinghe into the room. He had strong control over the situation. He placed the wine jar on the small table and ordered:
"Ning'er, go get the blanket and let's play the drinking game. Sanniang, do you have any snacks to go with the wine? It's boring to drink dry..."

Luo Ning knew that Shui'er was so arrogant, and when it came to the truth, she showed her true colors and didn't confront her. She got up and fetched Sanniang's yoga blanket and spread it on the floor.

Sanniang brought melons, fruits, dried meat and other snacks, and invited the sisters to sit in the room:
"Your Highness, Miss Fan, come and sit down. The room is not big, so I'll make do with it..."

With his master taking the lead, Dongfang Liren naturally felt much less stressed. He closed the doors and windows first, then sat upright on the blanket, without speaking, and just watched Fan Qinghe treat Ye Jingtang's shoulder injury.

Soon, six people sat around in the brightly lit room. Sanniang helped pour the wine, while Shui'er took out the lottery tube and said enthusiastically:
"Who will come first?"

Luo Ning thought she was playing the kind of game that was played at the wine table today, so she deliberately sat down at Shui'er's house. At this time, she was very brave and took the lottery tube directly:
"Let me first, um...huh?"

Luo Ning was about to draw lots when she found that dozens of wooden lots were written with disgusting things, including almost all the moves of the Heroic Lady Tears, and there were even some self-created moves...


Luo Ning's cold expression froze, and she turned to look at Shui'er:

"What nonsense did you write?"

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly: "I didn't write this, it was made by Li Ren, you have to scold her."


Dongfang Liren's eyes were slightly embarrassed, and he stared at Qinghe's hand, as if he didn't hear anything.

Seeing Ning'er's face turn red, Pei Xiangjun became curious and came closer to take a look. As a result, his eyes were opened and he said uncertainly:

"Can you still play like this?"

Luo Ning handed the lottery tube to Sanniang:

"You go first, you are the host."


Pei Xiangjun was naturally displeased when she heard this. Based on what was written on it, if she acted like a fool and got someone who went too far, she would be embarrassed on the spot.

Pei Xiangjun wanted to push the lottery tube back, but Ning'er definitely didn't dare to accept it. The two of them were digging holes for each other, which was not in line with the current situation. After thinking about it, he looked at Master Xuanji who was watching the fire from the other side:

"Shui'er, you have to warm up the scene first, right? Otherwise, how can we have fun if everyone can't let go?"

Master Xuanji was watching Ning'er's joke. Seeing Sanniang turning her finger on her, she said indifferently:

"You mean I draw the lot first?"

Sanniang is not stupid. She knows that Shui'er has low combat power but a good drinking capacity. She will definitely choose the penalty drink at first. She shook her head and said:
"It's a warm-up, just a show for us to see, so that we can relax. You used to carve a 'safe entry and exit' sign for Ning'er, but Ning'er never used it, why don't you put it on yourself and let us open our eyes? ?”

When Luo Ning heard this, she felt that Sanniang was indeed a lady, so she nodded in agreement and said:

"That's right, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. You made it with your own hands. You should try it first before you speak."

Fan Qinghe was busy healing his wounds, but when he saw Sanniang Ning'er joining forces to deal with the demon girl, he became more energetic. Although he didn't understand what the criminal law was, he still cooperated and said:
"That's right, come and try it first, don't just do it."

Needless to say, Dongfang Liren, who had been curious for a long time, also said:

"Master, just give it a try. It's not difficult for me to read what's written in the book."


Master Xuanji, who had always been calm and calm, was surrounded by four people as soon as he entered the door. He was a little confused and blinked:
"Why are you ganging up on me? If you dislike me, I'll just go out..."

Seeing Shui'er trying to run away, Luo Ning wouldn't be happy, so she directly held Shui'er down. Sanniang also moved over to help take off her skirt:
"You can't afford it, can you?"

When Fan Qinghe saw the demon girl capsize, he even put the bandage aside, and ran forward to hold her shoulders:

"Why are you running? Where's the courage to bully others before?"

Dongfang Liren was very filial and did not attack the master, but just watched curiously.

When Ye Jingtang saw a few people starting to fight, he naturally didn't sit around and act like a fool, so he came over and said:
"I told you not to make too many enemies, but now you see..."

Master Xuanji was surrounded and suppressed. No matter how good his mind was, he was a little panicked at this time. His face turned red and he said:

"Ye Jingtang, you bullied me too, right? Believe it or not... ugh"

Before she finished speaking, Ning'er covered her mouth.

Sanniang unbuttoned her white skirt, found the pattern of peony flowers, and raised her eyebrows:

"Yo~ She's dressed up very nicely. She came well prepared, but why are you so coy?"

Dongfang Liren found his masterpiece, moved a little closer, and interjected:

"This king painted this with the nectar prepared by the Vatican girl. The Vatican girl said it was sweet."

Fan Qinghe helped with this just to deal with the demon girl. At this time, he said very directly:

"Night Terror Hall, why don't you try it?"

"haha, really……"


Xuanji's peach blossom eyes widened a little, this time she was completely tossed and coaxed, she wanted to turn her head and beg for mercy and call her sister, but Ning'er covered her and was speechless, before struggling twice, Liu Mei lightly locked her feet and arched her back , made a muffled sound:

There is a drizzle outside the window, the doors and windows of the brightly lit house are closed, and laughter and laughter can be heard from time to time. The flowers in the courtyard also bloom silently in the wind and rain, giving the first touch of color to this year's early spring...
The dragon rises from Liangchuan and the momentum is unstoppable, and the wind and clouds meet into Tianlang.

From then on, the mountains and rivers returned to the king's spirit, and they headed towards Guanshan alone to determine the western frontier.

Volume [-]: Clouds rise and dragons fly (End)

Volume Nine: Fish Swimming in a Boiling Cauldron.Stay tuned…

 I recommend a book called "A Wife Who Likes to Play Tricks is Abominable", which covers dog food, love, and daily life. If you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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