wait a minute

Chapter 434 Uncle Hua, you

Chapter 434 Uncle Hua, you...

The Twelve Institutes of Yanjing can be regarded as a combination of secret guards and black yamen. The imperial authority has authorized the execution first and then the report. All officials are investigated and arrested in the green forest. It has a great deterrence both in the court and in the world. The handsome master inside passes by the door, even if All the important officials of the six ministries were worried, and they secretly reflected on whether they had displeased Emperor Liang because of entering the door with their right foot during the morning meeting.

But this unparalleled deterrence is limited to the official staff of the Twelve Institutes, and hired henchmen are not included in this list.

At night, on Shigu Street, under the big archway at the intersection.

A wooden small class room was built in an inconspicuous corner on the side of the archway. The windows were only two feet square. There was a sign hanging on the outside with the word "capture" written on it that had faded and was almost blurry.

The gray-haired Jia Shengzi, wearing the robe of a small government official, held a cattail leaf fan in his left hand and slowly wrote on his notepad:

"Cao Aning reported that the old lady of the Wang family in Clog Lane lost a flower hen..."

The small wooden house as big as a palm could not accommodate two people at all. Cao Aning, who was wearing an official robe, could only lean against the door, holding a teapot in his hand and slowly blowing the floating tea leaves.


Seeing Jia Shengzi writing the case record seriously, Cao Aning shook his head and said:
"What's the use of writing this? I used to be the commander of the secret guards. I have special personnel to deal with important murder cases. These street patrollings are sent here to solve the problem, and they won't even take a look."

Jia Shengzi shook his cattail leaf fan twice and warned in the tone of a visitor:

"The officialdom in Daliang is different from that in the Southern Dynasty. After the Holy Emperor took over, he straightened out the rules of the court and purified the discipline and laws. He listed twelve laws. The first one is 'Mingji', which means to clearly record everything you do every day. and submit it to superiors for review and sealing.

“If something happens, trace it back to the source. If the record shows it but the superior ignored it, the subordinate will not be held responsible. If the record does not show up, the subordinate will bear the blame.

"Don't think that losing a chicken is a trivial matter. If the King of Hell comes to kill you one night, he gets hungry while hiding near Clog Alley, steals a chicken and eats it, and commits a shocking crime afterwards, he will have to implicate the surrounding police officers and report the chicken The police officer who was stolen is considered to have discovered the abnormality in advance and is not guilty..."

Cao Aning picked up the teapot and took a sip:
"Then how do you know that King Yama stole a chicken while he was hiding? What if he didn't steal it?"

Jia Shengzi shook his fan: "There is no doubt that there is no guilt. The court can't prove that Night King of Hell did not steal the chicken. As long as the real murderer of stealing the chicken is not found and it is proved that the case of chicken theft has nothing to do with Night King of Hell, then it will admit you in advance." I found something strange but ignored it. I fulfilled my responsibility and was exempted from punishment according to the law..."

"Tons, tons, tons~~..."

Cao Aning drank a large vat of tea in one gulp. Seeing that Jia Shengzi was still chattering, he asked again:

"After all, I can be considered an entry-level master. My martial arts skills are not considered top-notch among the twelve schools, but they are still in the upper reaches. When I arrived in the capital, I just worked as a street patrol. My monthly salary was only five taels, and I couldn't afford to rent a good house. What do you think of the above? My father-in-law, don’t you know people well?”

When Jia Shengzi heard this, he shushed slightly, and then said:
"This is to appreciate us and give us opportunities. After the Holy Emperor succeeded to the throne, his favorite people were the officials who climbed up from the bottom. In the court, all the ministers who rose from local officials step by step had a higher status than those with aristocratic family backgrounds. , I don’t have a background. The Holy One will be your background.

"You have been so courteous to Eunuch Yin along the way. Eunuch Yin almost considers you his godson. He lets you patrol the streets here because he doesn't want you to die. He just put you here to gain qualifications..."

Cao Aning knew that she was highly appreciated by Eunuch Yin, so she thought about it and said:
"It would be fine if we all started from the grassroots level. Why should Xu Tianying be so favored? When he came up, he was given a small title, a big house and a bunch of maids. He went to the Imperial Prefecture to play chess in the morning and went to the Imperial Guard in the afternoon. As a coach, I can occasionally go to the prince's house for banquets. We all come out together, and I have to lead his horse and clear the way for him..."

Jia Shengzi shrugged slightly: "Don't take the running leader as the martial leader. No matter how hard he is to fight, ordinary masters can still deal with it casually. How can they be the same as us rotten fish and shrimps?"

Cao Aning couldn't deny this. He put down the big teapot, held the knife on his waist and said:
"Okay, let's go around for another round and then leave the office and go to Lao Xu's house for some food and drinks."

"Find a way to help Mrs. Wang get the chicken back. If you go out to do things, you have to have some merit, and you can't just hang around."

"I know, I'll buy one and give it away."

Cao Aning patted his robe and wanted to start patrolling the streets according to the route, but after walking a few steps, he suddenly found an old secret guard under his hand running quickly from the street with the hilt of his knife, and Yuanyuan hurriedly reported:
"Boss, it's not good, something happened over there on Suijin Street..."

When Cao Aning heard this, he was shocked.Suijin Street in Yanjing is a prosperous area where every inch of land is at a premium. Dignitaries and dignitaries gather together. If something goes wrong, tomorrow a courtier will be designated to consult the Twelve Institutes and quickly step forward:
"What happened? Someone is visiting a prostitute?"

"That's not true. It seems like someone is dead. Let's take someone over there to have a look..."

In the afternoon, Suijin Street is bustling with traffic, and well-dressed men and women can be seen everywhere. In the gorgeous pavilions on the street, there is feasting, feasting, and the singing of orioles. It seems that even the air is filled with a touch of luxury.

On the streets crowded with pedestrians, Ye Jingtang dressed as a normal guard and walked slowly along the street, admiring the street scene that was completely different from Yun'an.

Zhe Yunli, on the other hand, was dressed like a pretty little maid, with an exquisite crotch hairdo, and followed gracefully beside her. She looked like a maid from a wealthy family who had gone out for a private meeting with her escort. She glanced at the large shop next to her from time to time:
"Where is this Chunman Building? I haven't seen it after walking for so long..."

It was also his first time to come to Night Terror Hall. Naturally, he didn’t know the specific location. He only knew that it was in the center of Suijing Street. He glanced at it casually and said:
"It should be right in front. The target to be dealt with later is the Jianghu devil 'Skinned Scholar'. According to the intelligence, he looks very elegant and is in his 40s. He should be carrying a sword with him, and his alias is 'Deng Shuan'..." "

Zhe Yunli has been in the bookstore all year round, so naturally he has heard of the name of the Skinned Scholar, and whispered:

"The skinned scholar has a higher reputation than Zhao Dong, and the silver reward is 40 taels, right? Let's split it half and half, and each of us will get [-] taels. It still feels like we're losing money, and it's not even enough to hurt the medicine."

Ye Jingtang shook his head at this and said: "If you are a chivalrous person and don't seek fame and wealth, even if you don't have a penny, we have to take care of it. If you don't do it without money, then let these evil bandits roam free in the north. …”

Zhe Yunli was just talking and didn't want any reward. After thinking about it for a while, he whispered:
"Brother Jing, you secretly took me to a brothel. If my wife knew about it, she wouldn't beat you, right?"

"I'm not taking you in to drink wine or do errands. If you see or hear something later, remember not to be curious, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences..."

"Tch~ I'm not a little girl anymore..."


While the two were chatting, they quickly passed through the busy streets and arrived at the center of Sui Kam Street. The big signboard of 'Chun Man Lou' also came into view.

Zhe Yunli was still very curious about the brothel. He looked at it from a distance and looked at the sultry brothel girl looming in the window. He secretly said "Huh~". He wanted to joke with Ye Jingtang, but he immediately felt something was wrong and frowned. Xiang Chunman Building asked from a window on the third floor facing the street:
"That person...is Miss Hua's father?"


Ye Jingtang was observing the terrain near Chunman Building. After hearing this, he also followed his gaze to the third floor of Chunman Building. Sure enough, he found a gentle middle-aged man at the window. He was touching his chin with one hand behind his back. He looked like While he was preparing poems, although the distance was a bit far and he could only see his profile, he could definitely confirm that it was Uncle Hua.

What's even more terrifying is that Xiao Yunli greatly underestimated the strength of this cowardly uncle because he paid for Hua Junchen's three incorrect sentences two days ago.

No matter how little actual combat experience Hua Junchen has, his foundation of diligent study and practice since childhood cannot be faked, and his basic skills of seeing and listening are not bad. Yunli raised his eyes and frowned and stared at Hua Junchen, who was preparing a poem. He reacted and turned to look this way.

Then the six eyes met...


Ye Jingtang secretly thought something was wrong, and wanted to pretend he hadn't seen it, but when he saw Hua Junchen shrink back and dodge, and then paused quickly, he knew it was too late, so he whispered:

"Use your peripheral vision when looking at the target. Don't stare. You are so grown up that you can still make such a small mistake."

Zhe Yunli noticed that Hua Junchen turned his head and knew that he had made a mistake. His expression remained unchanged and he whispered:
"It's so far away, I thought he wouldn't notice...What should I do now?"

Ye Jingtang found that Uncle Hua's expression was also a little embarrassed, so he wanted to turn around and leave.

As a result, before they turned around, Hua Junchen, who probably thought they were going back to complain to the young lady, quickly waved to them to go over.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned around and walked away, which was obviously not in line with the character of a guard. At the moment, he could only bite the bullet and hurried outside Chunman Building.

When he got nearby, he saw Hua Junchen's carriage. Perhaps because he was afraid of being found by his daughter, he parked it in a side corner.

Hua Junchen stood at the window and watched the two people approaching. He knew that the little maid behind him was called Wu Niuniu, but his daughter gave her a nice name and changed it to 'Yunli'. At this time, his expression was calm but also a little embarrassed. Opening:
"Hua An, Yun Li, why are you here?"

Ye Jingtang couldn't say that he was here to do something. Faced with this problem, he could only make up:

"It's almost dark. The lady asked us to come out and call the master back..."

When Hua Junchen heard this, his eyelids twitched. After looking around, he jumped from the window and landed directly in front of the two of them. He pulled Ye Jingtang aside:

"Miss, do you know I'm here?"

Ye Jingtang is not stupid, he shook his head and said:

"Sister Lvzhu said that she might be having a banquet at a restaurant on Suijin Street, so she asked me to come over and look for it, and then I met... This is a normal human relationship, and I can't avoid it. I understand that, and I will tell you when I get back. The chess club found the master..."

Hua Junchen was deeply gratified to see Ye Jingtang being so clever, but it was obviously useless to be happy about this kind of thing. He touched his sleeves, took out a banknote, and gave it to the gentle Yun Li behind him:

"Yunli, go buy some jewelry and gouache for the lady, and buy some for yourself. Pick whatever you want, and it will be rewarded by the master."

When Zhe Yunli saw the banknote handed over by Hua Junchen, he knew it was hush money to keep her quiet.She blinked her eyes and bowed:

Then he took the banknote and ran to the powder shop not far away.

Seeing this, Hua Junchen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Ye Jingtang:

"Say hello to Yunli girl later and ask her to go home and not..."

"Understood, just say that I met the master at the chess club."

Hua Junchen nodded, then held Ye Jingtang's shoulders and walked in together:

"It's the same for social events in Vanity Fair. I can't help it. My friends have to come to the banquet. Hua Ning and the others are drinking up there. You can also go up and have a few drinks. I'll treat you as a reward for your hard work..."


When Ye Jingtang found out that Hua Junchen was drinking flower wine, it was enough to hide it and not report it. If they went in to drink together, Miss Hua would not bite him to death if she found out.He hesitated slightly:

"Well... how about I wait outside the door? I've never been to a place like this and I can't let go..."

"Oh, I'm just as relaxed as I said. I'll drink when I go up there, and I won't spend the night here. I'm a man with a family..."

Hua Junchen obviously wanted to drag Ye Jingtang into trouble and make him go back without being able to report truthfully. He pushed and pulled Ye Jingtang into Chunmanlou while talking.

Hua Junchen is the legitimate son of a noble family. Although he has no official title, he is still among the best among the young masters in the capital. In addition, he is rich and generous, and he is treated like the God of Wealth no matter where he is. He has just entered the door, and his charm is still there. He ran over to show his courtesy:
"Oh~ This young man is so handsome. I dare you to ask..."

Hua Junchen personally ran down to greet the guards. It was obviously unreasonable to say it, so he introduced:
"This is the son of a close friend of mine. He has recently come to work under me. You can just call him Mr. Hua."


The old madam knew that Ye Jingtang's body and appearance were unusual. Hearing that his surname was Hua, he didn't dare to neglect him, so he quickly led the way to the third floor.

The third floor is a private room, but it is better to say that it is an entire large flat floor. The entire third floor is just a suite, including a tea room, a hall, a bedroom, etc. There are windows on all sides, and you can almost have a bird's-eye view of the panoramic view outside the imperial city.

At this time, there were many people in the private room. Hua Ning and two guards were sitting in a small room on the side. There were other stewards and guards beside them, who should be the entourage of Hua Junchen's friend's family.

Normally, these people are just waiting outside, waiting for orders at any time, but Hua Junchen didn't know if he was afraid that Hua Ning would go back and make a fuss, so he was very nice to his followers and even brought him food and drinks.

There were many people sitting in the palace-like main hall in the middle.

The person sitting in the middle seat is a somewhat fat middle-aged man. He is wearing a brocade robe and is quite noble. He looks like a pampered and wealthy man. There is also a Confucian scholar in his forties who is also quite kind-hearted.

On the left side, there are two middle-aged people with strong martial arts. One of them is strong and bold, and the other is a bit elegant. He is holding a folding fan in his hand. Counting the singers and musicians, there are about ten people in total. Number person.

Ye Jingtang followed Hua Junchen into the private room. Seeing that there was no unobstructed meeting, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He originally wanted to go to Hua Ning and take a few bites to settle the matter, but no matter how hard he tried to hide it, his bones were still too well-proportioned. At first glance, you can tell it doesn't look like a soft-footed shrimp.

As soon as he walked into the room, the strong man sitting on the left side raised his eyes and looked at it:

"This young man is in good shape and is also a martial arts practitioner?"

When Hua Junchen saw this, he smiled as before and introduced:

"This is the son of a friend of mine. He used to be in the martial arts world. He has recently worked under me. He has been practicing the Breaking Edge Knife for several years. Brother Li is very good at the 'Fengchen Knife'. We happened to meet him today. If I don't give you some advice, I'm afraid it will be a mistake." It doesn’t make sense.”

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his heart moved and he cupped his hands and said:
"Your Excellency, you are the sword-crazy Li Guangxian, the hero?"

The strong man was stunned when he heard this and sat up straighter:

"My dear nephew, have you ever heard of Mr. Li?"

When Ye Jingtang enters Beiliang this time, the low-level fish may not have heard of it, but the slightly famous masters, as long as they are not anonymous, will definitely know about it.

This Li Guangxian is not ordinary. Although the chief swordsman of the Yanjing Forbidden Army is not as good as the swordsman Xi Tianshang, in the entire Beiliang, his swordsmanship can be ranked among the top five, and he can be regarded as an elite.

Ye Jingtang held up his hands with a bit of excitement: "How could I not have heard of the title of Chief Instructor of Yanjing's Hundred Thousand Forbidden Army? I have been practicing swordsmanship since I was a child. It can be said that I grew up hearing the name of Hero Li. I never expected that I could be here today." See it with your own eyes.”

When Li Guangxian was so praised in front of his friends, he must have smiled happily and acted like an elder, raising his hand to indicate:

"Come, come, take a seat, we are all family members, there is no need to be so polite. This is 'Sword Gentleman' Lu Xingjun, don't say you haven't heard of it..."

Ye Jingtang has done research on the experts in Yanjing. As long as they are not smelly fish and rotten shrimps, they all know their treasures. Seeing this, he stood up and bowed:
"How could I not know the reputation of the Yanjing Buddha Foil Sword? It is said that Lu Jianxian fought against Zen Master Shenchen from Shazhou back then. I wonder if this news is true?"

Lu Xingjun smiled and returned the greeting: "I was given a few words of advice by the old monk Shen Chen. If we were to fight, I would be almost ten years old now. How could I sit here and drink. The person next to me is a retainer of Jingyang Hou Mansion. Deng Shuan, Deng Daxia, is usually a low-key person. You must have never heard of him, but his Qinggong and swordsmanship are both outstanding..."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he took a breath and tried his best to suppress his emotions so that his face didn't show any weirdness.

He looked at the elegant target customer next to him, and on the surface, he greeted him quickly:

"Greetings to Senior Deng. Could it be that this uncle is the Marquis of Jingyang?"

Marquis Jingyang is a man who has made great achievements in the Eight Classics of Zheng'er. He has also loved to practice martial arts since he was a child, but his wide and fat appearance means that he is not very good at practice. However, he and Hua Junchen studied together when they were young, and they are considered best friends, so it doesn't matter at this time. She raised her hand and said:

"You're welcome. We're all family members. Just call me Uncle Han. Come and sit down. All of you here are warriors. We should make friends with martial arts. You're new here and your uncles don't know what's going on. Why don't you show your skills and let them know how to make friends? Give me some pointers?”

Hua Junchen actually wanted to try out the Night Terror Hall, but his daughter would not let him go. Now that he had the chance, he naturally agreed with a smile:

"Hua An, here are all masters who are rarely seen in ordinary times. It is not easy to find an opportunity to ask for advice. Come and show your skills to your uncles. They are all from my own family and no one will laugh at them."

Ye Jingtang's attention has always been on Deng Shuan next to Jingyang Hou, but Deng Shuan can sit here simply because Jingyang Hou brought a retainer as a consultant to prevent his friends from talking about martial arts, seniority, Li Guangxian and others that he would not understand. It was obviously different. He only laughed with her during the dinner and did not interrupt easily at all.

Just by looking at his appearance, Ye Jingtang couldn't tell whether he was a wanted criminal in the Southern Dynasty, and he couldn't kill people just because of the Qinglong Society's words. When he heard Hua Junchen's words, he felt moved in his heart, but he didn't refuse, and said modestly:
"I used to travel around the world and practice everything. I was considered a handyman. Last year at Anxi Mansion, I met an expert who taught him swordsmanship, but I still haven't figured it out yet. There are exactly three seniors sitting here. We are all swordsmen, so I will show off my humiliation, and I hope you seniors can give me some advice."

Lu Xingjun is the son-in-law of the prince of the capital. He comes from a well-known family. His swordsmanship is much better than that of Hua Junchen. Hearing this, he raised his sword and said:
"Show it out."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, took the sword from Lu Xingjun's hand with both hands, then quickly drew the sword and held it in a sword flower, thrust forward a little lower, and made a very rough 'phoenix nod' gesture.

As soon as this move came out, Hua Junchen and other warriors were obviously a little confused, but Deng Shuan, who was sitting next to Marquis Jingyang, was shocked all over. The wine glass in his hand shook, but he immediately covered it up.

Lu Xingjun frowned and thought for a while, then looked at the other people:
"This move seems to be the sword technique of Danfeng Villa in the Southern Dynasties. However, the owner of the village is said to have been killed by his enemies more than ten years ago. Could it be that his descendants have come out again?" Deng Shuan looked obviously troubled at this time, and carefully After looking at Ye Jingtang's face, he asked seemingly casually:
"How old is the person who taught you swordsmanship?"

Ye Jingtang pretended to think about it and said with a smile:
"He's in his early fifties. I don't know his exact name. I just gave him some advice and left."

Deng Shuan rubbed his fingers gently, nodded, and said with a smile:

"I guess he's an old immortal who travels around the world. He knows everything. I've never heard of him."

Ye Jingtang knew that the 'Skinned Scholar' had killed the head of Danfeng Villa back then. Seeing the strange look on his face, he confirmed Deng Shuan's identity, said nothing more, and turned to ask for advice on swordsmanship.

Not many people in Northern Liang knew the swordsmanship of the Southern Dynasty. When Hua Junchen saw that Lu Xingjun couldn't explain it, he smoothed things over and said:

"The sword at Danfeng Villa is too unpopular. The only people in Yanjing who know it well are the Imperial Master and the old Immortal Zhongsun. I will visit the Imperial Master's Mansion in the next few days and I will take you to ask for advice."


When Ye Jingtang heard that he was going to see the king, he felt pressured. Just as he was thinking about how to respond, Marquis Jingyang said:

"The Imperial Master is in seclusion recently, so I'm afraid I won't be able to see him. Elder Immortal Zhongsun does have time. Let's go visit him together then."

Hua Junchen was stunned: "Retreat? Is the Imperial Master really preparing to cultivate immortality?"

Li Guangxian waved his hand and said: "Didn't a batch of snow lake flowers come here a few days ago? I guess they are refining elixirs. There was something wrong with the elixirs I practiced before, so I asked for one, but it caused niece Qingzhi's legs to fall down. I have always felt sorry for myself. This time I heard that it is a good thing, even more powerful than the Tianlang Pearl from Xijiang. If I eat it, I am [-]% sure that I will enter the realm of unity between heaven and man, and I will have no worries..."

When Ye Jingtang heard these secrets, he immediately felt that it was right to go to Beijing with Qingzhi. This news was impossible to find out elsewhere. He was about to ask a few questions, but Lu Xingjun next to him said curiously:

"Martial arts practice relies on steady and steady action. If you take shortcuts and take shortcuts, you will definitely pay a price. Is there really such a magical medicine in the world that has no hidden dangers?"

Li Guangxian opened his mouth. He originally wanted to say a few more words, but this matter must be confidential. He didn't know much, let alone leak it casually, so he said:
"Although miraculous medicines are hard to find, there are always some in the world, and the Tianlang Pearl from the West Sea is one of them. If not, the Northwest Royal Court would not have three generations of Tianlang Kings, old, middle and young, all ranking among the best among the great masters."

Hua Junchen has been stuck in the current realm for a long time. He has always dreamed of becoming the Beiliang Sword Master, but unfortunately it is unlikely in this life. He thought for a while and asked:
"Brother Li, when the elixir is finally ready, can you get one for me?"

Li Guangxian thought for a while and said: "Nowadays, half of the leading figures in the Jianghu have been killed by the Night Demon of the Southern Dynasties. Second-tier masters like us, as long as the court can trust them, will probably help.

"At that time, I will try it first. If there is no problem, I will ask for one from Brother Hua, so as not to make the same mistakes as before. This year's snow lake flower harvest is said to be excellent. If I can rely on a panacea to create a NO.20 Grandmaster... …”

Lu Xingjun directly waved his hand and said: "It's useless. The Night Demon has already become a saint. Only the Martial Saint can suppress him. One step makes a huge difference. No matter how many great masters there are, people will not take them seriously. It's a pity that Hua Ling is dead. , Xie Jianlan is missing, otherwise with this thing, maybe two martial saints can be defeated to compete with the big devil of the night."

Marquis Jingyang heard that the Night Demon Lord, although he was a playboy, had a bit of worry on his face, and said softly:
"Don't let the Southern Dynasty steal this kind of good thing. If the Night Demon gets one, we may have to seize the Southern Dynasty royal flag at home..."

This was a bit too much, so a few people quickly interrupted with smiles, and then changed the topic and started drinking and talking about romance.

Hua Junchen probably wanted to prove to Ye Jingtang that he was really here to socialize and did nothing else. For the next hour, he just sat there calmly, chatting and toasting, without even looking at the girl.

In front of Uncle Hua in the Ye Jingtang Hall, it was even more difficult to take a random look, so he just drank with his head down during the dinner.

Obviously sitting in the hook bar, the old and the young are competing against each other. The scene is really strange.

After drinking for an hour, they had no intention of leaving. However, Hua Junchen was a little bloated after drinking a lot of wine, so he got up and went downstairs.

As a nephew, Ye Jingtang definitely couldn't just watch, so he helped Hua Junchen downstairs very considerately.

It was rare for Hua Junchen to go out to be cool. He did drink a bit too much today and was all drunk. Being supported by Ye Jingtang to walk, he was still quite emotional. When he went downstairs, he took advantage of the drunkenness and murmured:

"When I got married and gave birth to Qingzhi, I wanted to train her to be a chivalrous girl, just like Xuanji in the Southern Dynasty, cold and arrogant, unrivaled in elegance, and skilled in martial arts. Unexpectedly, I ended up harming Qingzhi in the end... "

Ye Jingtang actually felt that Hua Junchen felt very sorry for his daughter. He dragged his friends to find connections to get fake Tianlang beads, hoping that his daughter would win at the starting line. How could a father not blame himself for the situation that happened later?He said:
"Uncle Hua was also doing it for the good of the young lady back then, but it was just that fate backfired. Now that the medicine has been found, all these things have passed..."

Hua Junchen shook his head and continued: "Oh~ I am the eldest son in the family. Qingzhi's grandmother has been urging me to have another son to pass on the incense, but I haven't raised a daughter well. How can I have the nerve to have another one? I didn't think so before , but now that I think about it, it is really good to have a good son-in-law, tall, handsome, and well-spoken. Not only does it give him face when he is taken out, but just helping to save people and hold up the wine will save them a lot of trouble. Look at how many of them are envious. Li Guangxian looks like he wants to speak. I will accept you as my disciple..."

Judging from Ye Jingtang's physique, he is a good candidate for practicing swordsmanship. Li Guangxian just looked at him more times than the girls around him and said with a smile:
"Uncle Hua is still young, and Miss's leg is almost healed now. I just want another one."

"Having a baby is a gamble on luck. No one knows what virtue is until they grow up. It's good to be as smart and smart as you. If you give birth to someone who doesn't live up to expectations like me, you will make your father angry to death..."

"Uncle Hua is joking. If your martial arts skills are not up to par, then everyone in the world will be useless."

Hua Junchen raised his hand and nodded: "That's what I like about you. You can talk. It would be great if your martial arts skills were higher. What was the sword technique you hit today? I thought about it for a long time and couldn't understand it..."

"Oh, I will definitely practice seriously in the future."


While the two were chatting, they soon arrived at the respectful room in Chunman Building.

Because the venue is quite luxurious, the environment of the guest room is not bad, it is clean and has separate compartments.

After Ye Jingtang watched Hua Junchen go in, he did not follow him. Instead, he stood in the yard outside Gong's house and waited, but it was not Hua Junchen who was waiting.

There was constant laughter in the tall building, but there was silence in the small courtyard behind.

In the shadow on the side of Gong's room, Deng Shuan moved forward almost silently, approaching the young figure facing away from him under the eaves. The five fingers on his right hand were like hooks, and his stern eyes clearly contained a bit of murderous intent.

As a ruthless gangster in the Southern Dynasties, Deng Shuan knew the rules of the Southern Dynasties very well. The unique skill of 'Phoenix Nodding' would only be passed down to his disciples, and there was no way of giving advice to outsiders at will.

And since this 'Hua'an' knows this swordsmanship, he must have something to do with an old feud.

After Deng Shuan committed the murder of an official, he lived incognito in the north for more than ten years before he climbed up from the bottom and became a retainer of a prince.

Marquis Jingyang just wanted to have a skilled concierge to show off his appearance. He would be well-paid and would not have to lick blood with his knife. He could eat, drink and have fun all day long. It could be said that it was a coveted job. But what the prince's family disliked the most was that the concierge was not clean at all. , causing trouble at home.

He had also offended people in the northern arena. The last time he was assassinated by the Qinglong Society, he did not dare to tell the Marquis's house about the matter, lest the Marquis would be displeased.But now, if this kid's affairs in the Southern Dynasties are exposed, the status he has worked so hard for will disappear on the spot, and he will have no choice but to flee and become a wanderer again.

Although he was not sure what the relationship between this son and his enemy was, since he met him, he would definitely strike first. Deng Shuan had been making secret preparations just now. After Hua Junchen left the banquet, he made an excuse to go out to sober up and followed him secretly.

Hua Junchen has just arrived in the capital. Today, he was drunk a lot by several people in turn. His reaction must be slow now. What he is good at is assassination. With his martial arts, he can't react at all. After killing him, he quickly goes back and waits. Hua Junchen came out and found something strange. He was already sitting in the room. They had just met, so it was impossible to suspect him.

Thinking of this, Deng Shuan made a neat move without any hesitation. When he was still three steps away, he silently raised his right hand and clasped it directly at the back of the unsuspecting young man's neck.

Outside the palace, there was an inaudible muffled sound.

A big hand was clasped on the neck, and he lifted his body directly with one hand until his feet were off the ground. His face quickly turned red, but he couldn't make any sound.

But the one being mentioned was obviously not the young man with his back turned.

Ye Jingtang put his right hand behind his back and grabbed Deng Shuan's neck with only his left hand, as if he was carrying a pheasant. His eyes were like a cold-faced Shura, looking calmly at his rapidly red face:
"Senior Deng, what are you doing?"


Deng Shuan's eyes quickly filled with bloodshot eyes. His eyes were not frightened and anxious, but filled with confusion that penetrated into his bones. He obviously didn't understand why he was the one arresting the person one moment ago, and why the next moment he was grabbed by the neck and lifted into the air.

He wanted to kick his feet forward to escape, but before he could raise his breath, a huge force came from his neck, making his head black. His limbs were directly stripped of their strength and hung vertically on his hands, unable to breathe at all.

And at this time, on the wall of the backyard, an energetic little maid poked her head out, her face covered with a black scarf, only a pair of eyes exposed. She looked at the two people in the yard, her eyes were a little anxious, and her meaning was obviously—— Let me do it, I finally found someone to die for!
Ye Jingtang also wanted Yunli to come, but Deng Shuan's martial arts skills were better than Zhao Dong's. Yunli would have to fight for a long time, and the movement would be loud. He already had evidence of being present. When investigating afterwards, it was difficult to clear away the suspicion, so he could only wave his hand slightly. He signaled that Yunli would come next time, then looked at Deng Shuan, took out the Hei Ya's sign from his arms, and showed it to Deng Shuan.

? !
Deng Shuan's face turned purple. He moved his fingers slightly to resist, but couldn't move at all. His eyes were still stunned and confused. He obviously didn't understand why there were people from the black government in Yanjing, and their martial arts were so appalling.

In Gong's room, although Hua Junchen was a little dizzy after drinking, he obviously still felt something was wrong and asked inside:

"Hua An, is there anyone outside?"

"A rat ran over and scared me."

"Hey, you're a grown man, and you're still afraid of mice. You need to practice your courage..."


Ye Jingtang held Deng Shuan's neck with one hand, and was worried that Hua Junchen would find it difficult to explain. After completing the process, he put his palm against Deng Shuan's door, stared into his eyes, and exerted a little force.

It was also an inaudible sound.

Deng Shuan's body trembled slightly, and his widened eyes quickly turned dark red, like a Shura ghost, and his energy disappeared in an instant.

After Ye Jingtang confirmed that Deng Shuan was dead, he signaled Yunli to leave first, and he quickly flew up to the third floor of the restaurant. He leaned Deng Shuan against the corridor window to blow the wind, and he did not forget to carve the sentence next to it - Qing Feng With one finger, the clouds and smoke fell, and the Thousand Poison Techniques cut off the golden dragon.

After leaving the handwriting, Ye Jingtang quietly came down again, returned to the original place, and continued to stand watching the wind.


After a while, Hua Junchen, who was drunk, came out of the palace and washed his face by the well. He didn't notice anything strange outside and asked:
"Hua An, you drank so much, is it inconvenient for you to drink?"

Ye Jingtang looked as usual and said with a smile:
"I'm okay."

"Well, young people are just different."

Hua Junchen took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, then walked upstairs together. Listening to the strange noises in the building, he suddenly asked:
"Hua An, aren't you still a young child?"


Ye Jingtang was not easy to answer this question, so he said vaguely:
"Well...it doesn't count."


Hua Junchen was a little curious about this kind of thing and asked:

"Is it because when you were traveling in the world because you were handsome, you were harmed by those evil-minded sisters in the world?"

"more or less."

"Ha ha……"

When Hua Junchen heard this, he was quite yearning:

"I wanted to marry a knight-errant in the world back then, but unfortunately my family didn't agree. I was afraid of delaying my search. Otherwise, with my appearance, swordsmanship, and confidante, I wouldn't be able to fill the world with confidants..."

The two chatted for a few words before returning to the third floor.

Hua Junchen wanted to go in and continue drinking, but out of the corner of his eye he saw the guest brought by Marquis Jingyang leaning against the window at the end of the corridor to enjoy the breeze. He looked drunk and motionless.

Seeing this, Hua Junchen ignored him and went straight into the house. Then he came to the front and raised his hand to pat his shoulder:

"Brother Deng's drinking capacity..."

With one palm strike, Deng Shuan's mouth, nose, and ears spurted out a stream of blood, and his body turned into boneless flesh. He slipped down and lay down in the corridor.

There was sudden silence on the third floor.

Hua Junchen stood frozen on the spot, his whole body was so drunk that he woke up with fright, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at his hands.

Ye Jingtang followed behind. When he saw this, he naturally gasped and took two steps back:
"Uncle Hua, you...why are you so harsh?!"


When Hua Junchen heard Ye Jingtang's incredible voice, he realized and quickly took two steps back:

"I didn't do anything! I just slapped him without any force at all. Hua An, you have to testify for me..."

The sudden noise naturally caused commotion in the house.

Li Guangxian and others were all masters. They immediately ran out of the room when they realized something was wrong. When they saw the corpse in the corridor, they all gasped in shock.

The reason why I gasped was not because I saw Deng Yuan dead. After all, he was just a high-level guard with some martial arts skills, not really a character, but because they were sitting in the room, separated by a wall, and they didn't notice anything strange before the incident!
Li Guangxian quickly ran over and pulled the helpless Hua Junchen away and asked:

"what happened?"

Ye Jingtang turned pale and said:

"I don't know. Uncle Hua came up and saw Senior Deng sobering up, so he came over and slapped him..."

Hua Junchen quickly explained: "Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense! I just tapped it lightly without using any force at all, and he died suddenly on the spot..."

As he spoke, he wanted to pat Li Guangxian on the shoulder to demonstrate.

Li Guangxian trembled in shock and quickly stepped away. He first checked Hua Junchen's hand to see if there was any strange poison in the world. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he squatted down and inspected the body:
"The clothes are not torn, but the heart is broken. It seems that the heart is directly shattered by internal force. This is the work of a master..."

Hua Junchen was confused. After all, if Deng Shuan stood still and let him hit him, he really had the strength, and he was the only one who had touched Deng Shuan just now.He was about to explain when he suddenly saw a line of words engraved on the window:

"Qingfeng pointed at Yunyanluo...is this the hand of Qinglong?"

Lu Xingjun glanced at the handwriting and frowned:

"Hurry up and call the officials over. Nephew Hua Xian, please send Junchen back to his room to calm down first. This matter should have nothing to do with him..."

"What do you mean it should have nothing to do with it? It has nothing to do with me in the first place, so I just patted my shoulder casually. Hua An, you just saw it with your own eyes. Don't talk nonsense later..."




Thank you to the three leaders of [ZXzx] [Scarlet Sayuri] [Come, Come, Rush] for the reward!

I'm so excited, I'll update it soon to celebrate or2!

(End of this chapter)

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