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Chapter 435 Connectors

Chapter 435 Connectors
"Let let..."

"The Yamen is handling the case, please leave first..."

Suijin Street is full of romantic places, and the people who can come here for recreation are all the wealthy businessmen and dignitaries of the capital. The public security is much better than other streets. There may be private fights under the influence of alcohol, but murders rarely occur, and the Marquis's The retainer was killed while drinking wine with Takako in the capital. It was definitely a big event that could cause a sensation.

Not long after the body was discovered, all the rich and wealthy nobles who were having fun in Chunman Building ran out. Then people from the surrounding famous buildings also learned the news and ran to the door of Chunman Building to inquire about the situation.

Fortunately, Li Guangxian, Jingyang Hou and others were of high status, and they would not be concerned if anything happened in the brothel. They were afraid that outsiders would spread rumors and make outrageous rumors such as "taking turns to mount the horse, and the wind will blow", so they directly asked the guards to block them. Outside the door, people from the Yamen were waiting to come over and take over the aftermath.

Cao Aning arrived at the scene first with the helpers from the Twelve Stations, and found that the crowd outside Chunman Building was full of distinguished people, and he also expected that this case would be difficult.

In a place like this, he was a no-nonsense bitch, and it was hard for him to shout around and tell other people to get out. He talked politely along the way and finally managed to squeeze in front of the gate of Chunman Building.

If something like this happens in Chun Man Building, business will definitely be slow for a while. The owner is almost scolding his mother, but the guests in the building can't afford to offend him. At this time, he is apologizing to the disturbed patrons with a smile on his face.

Seeing people from the Twelve Schools coming, the boss quickly came to the front:

"Several of you please invite me. Eunuch Shen didn't come?"

The twelve eunuchs are led by twelve eunuchs, each of whom is in charge of a different job. Eunuch Shen, who ranks ninth, is responsible for detecting theft in Kyoto and is Cao Aning's current boss.

Cao Aning hung a sign on her waist and led the people to follow the owner in. Knowing that the owner of Chunmanlou was not a small person, he spoke very politely:
"Eunuch Shen should be on his way here. I'll come over first to check on the situation. Where is the deceased? Who is traveling with him?"

Chun Manlou's boss wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered:
"The deceased is in the corridor on the third floor. He is a retainer of Jingyanghou Mansion. He is accompanied by Jingyanghou, Master Li Guangxian, the instructor of the Forbidden Army, and the eldest son of Master Hua..."

Cao Aning was secretly frightened when she heard a list of people. After all, the status of these people in Yanjing was almost as high as that of Wang Chihu, the empress's eldest cousin. Things could not be handled well enough to alarm Emperor Liang.

He did not dare to neglect, and followed him upstairs with his robe. When he reached the stairs, he asked his followers to stand guard on the second floor and went to the third floor alone.

The girls on the third floor were all sent back to rest. There were seven or eight people standing in the corridor, most of them were escort stewards. At the head of them were two big men, Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun, who were conducting an autopsy. Marquis Jingyang was timid because of his mediocre martial arts skills. Not daring to look at the bleeding corpse, he comforted the frightened Hua Junchen in the room.

Cao Aning didn't dare to be arrogant when he saw such an exaggerated lineup. When he walked to the middle of the aisle, he saw two guards standing at the back of the seven or eight people. They were stepping forward to look inside, so he stepped forward and raised his hand to pat the next guard. Shoulder:

"Please let me... hiss——"

In the corridor on the third floor, a gasping sound suddenly came out.

Next to the corpse, Li Guangxian was squatting and unbuttoning the deceased's robe, checking for any other external injuries. The guard behind him was responsible for acting as a curtain to prevent others from being frightened when they saw the corpse.

Hearing the startled movement from behind, Li Guangxian naturally frowned, and turned back together with Lu Xingjun, only to see that the guards behind him had all moved aside, and they all looked back at the aisle.

In the middle of the aisle, a young-looking police officer was looking straight at the corpse, his eyes filled with shock, astonishment, confusion, and other emotions. His legs were obviously a little weak. If he hadn't been supported by nephew Hua An, he might have knelt down on the spot. Got off.


There was silence in the corridor.

Ye Jingtang used to touch Cao Aning's back, but suddenly Cao Aning touched his back and patted his shoulder. He was really shocked. If he hadn't reacted quickly and turned Cao Aning's head towards the corpse, he might have been exposed.

At this time, Cao Aning was frightened when he bumped into the Lord of Hell at night. Everyone looked confused. Ye Jingtang quickly smoothed things over, supported Cao Aning and said politely:

"Don't worry, Mr. Cha. Uncle Li has checked the body. Although the bleeding from the seven orifices seems tragic, it is not poisoned..."

Cao Aning is famous for his quick brain, otherwise he would not be alive today. After hearing Ye Jingtang's words, he recovered from the fright, stood up straight with his legs to support his body, and said with some embarrassment:
"I was shocked. My orifices were bleeding. I thought I was poisoned by some unknown poison..."

Cao Aning originally wanted to say a few words vaguely, but then stood honestly behind Ye Daya King of Hell and watched as a passerby. He didn't want to say anything halfway when he noticed Ye Daya King of Hell touching his nose.

Although Cao Aning has not had much contact with Night Terror Hall, he also knows that Night Terror Hall stands like a judge and sits like the king of hell. The main thing is that the Night Terror Hall is immovable and has no small habits such as touching the nose, scratching the head, or picking up the crotch.

Seeing this abnormal movement, Cao Aning immediately understood the meaning - Ye Dayanwang was reminding him that he killed the person!
Since he has something to do with the King of Hell, Ye Da, I am giving him a signal now, naturally asking him to find a way to wash the floor, suppress this matter, and not make too much noise.


Cao Aning did not dare to disobey the order. His brain was still overloaded with pig brains, and his expression suddenly turned solemn. He frowned and looked at the corpse carefully, then walked over and squatted down:
"This person...should not be simple."


As soon as this statement came out, it really attracted everyone's attention.

Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun had doubts in their eyes, squatting in front of them and asking:
"how you said that?"

Cao Aning's reasoning is actually very simple - how can it be so simple if the Lord of Hell can secretly deal with it?

Although Cao Aning was clear in her heart, she couldn't explain it this way. At the moment, she could only look serious and carefully examine the injuries on the body, trying to find a breakthrough.

To be honest, except for the bleeding from the seven orifices of the deceased, no external injuries could be seen on the body. The complete body made Cao Aning wonder if it was the King of Hell who killed Ye Da. If so, this is probably the most peaceful death among Ye Da Yama's men. It seems that It's like not dying.

The King of Hell didn't give any hint, and Cao Aning didn't know how to make this situation go away. He was about to make it up, but suddenly his eyes moved, he picked up the right hand of the corpse and looked at it, then opened his arm and looked at the ribs, and touched a The scars are not clearly visible over time.

Li Guangxian saw this and asked:

"Is there any explanation for this old injury?"

Cao Aning is the adopted son of Eunuch Cao. He has seen as many martial arts moves as Dongfang Liren. More importantly, he and Ye Jingtang are from the same department. Even the positions in charge are not much different. As long as they are ten He remembered the wanted criminals from years ago better than the Nightmare Hall.

After observing for a moment, Cao Aning frowned and said:

"Why does this man look like the Skinned Scholar, a wanted criminal from the Southern Dynasty?"

When the skinned scholar committed the murder and skinning of officials, he was not yet a master. There must be few people in the north who had heard of it. Li Guangxian did not pay attention to this, but asked:
"how do you know?"

Cao Aning pointed out the marks on the corpse: "The index finger and middle finger have thick bones, and the other three fingers are normal. The fingering skills should be practiced rather than claw skills.

"The scar under the ribs was not caused by a sword, but by a hook and claw. The person who did it seems to be Yin Gou Ma Mian from the Southern Dynasty. Yin Gou Ma Mian rarely misses when he strikes. There are ruthless gangsters in the yamen who fail to capture them. Record.

"This person is good at martial arts and has old injuries that match the characteristics. In addition, his age and appearance are similar to the records of the Skinned Scholar. I am [-]% sure that it is him."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he felt that Cao Aning had something to live for so long, and there was a bit of approval in his eyes.

Li Guangxian and others, faced with such a detailed and accurate statement, felt a sudden realization in their hearts, but their eyes were still blank and even a little suspicious:
"Your Excellency knows such details...could it be a hidden stake placed by the Southern Dynasty in Yanjing?"


Cao Aning was stunned and quickly waved his hand:

"There are so many senior martial arts masters and craftsmen from the Southern Dynasty here, how dare they come here to die.

"My dear Cao Aning, I studied under the tutelage of Eunuch Cao from the Southern Dynasty. He was exiled in the Jianghu because of rescuing the deposed emperor. He later assassinated the empress and instigated King Wu and King Yan to rebel. It was difficult for him to gain a foothold in the Southern Dynasty, so he defected to the north. I was responsible for these extremely vicious criminals ten years ago. I know it’s normal.”

Li Guangxian and Lu Xingjun were really shocked when they heard this incredibly exaggerated resume.

After all, any of the above four items would be regarded as a figure if placed in Beiliang. If you can gather all four ruthless people who are not dead, the Imperial Master will be given a seat to take a look at him.

After just hearing this, the two of them understood that this junior officer was from the Twelve Schools and was sent to the grassroots level to be gilded. He would definitely rise higher and higher in the future and could not afford to offend him. They stood up and saluted:
"Let me tell you, Lord Cao looks only a few years older than Nephew Hua'an. Why is he so sharp-sighted? He turns out to be Cao Qiansui's disciple. It's disrespectful and disrespectful... Nephew Hua'an, you have to learn from this." It’s called young and promising.”

Ye Jingtang felt quite strange, and immediately bowed his hands:
"I didn't expect Master Cao to be so powerful. I'm disrespectful."

Cao Aning was saluted by the King of Hell, and she felt that she was afraid that her life would be shortened, but she had no choice but to accept it, so she could only wave her hand modestly.

In the room separated by the wall, Marquis Jingyang and Hua Junchen were both listening. At this time, Marquis Jingyang came out and asked with a frown:
"Deng Shuan is a fugitive? What has he done?"

Most of the Jianghu people who could not survive in the Southern Dynasties would choose to settle in the North. As long as their identities were cleared, they would naturally not be wanted by the government.

But the fact that he is not wanted by the government does not mean that everything will be fine. A rebel like Cao Aning who came to Beiliang for political asylum will naturally be treated as a distinguished guest, but a ruthless gangster who robbed his house has no value to the court.

And as the saying goes, "A dog can't change its habit of eating shit." Most of the Jianghu people who committed crimes in the Southern Dynasties would not wash their hands of others in the North, and most of them would continue to work in their old profession.

For this reason, the gangsters who were wanted in the Southern Dynasties were still bandits in Beiliang. Without significant meritorious service, they could not be exempted from guilt and given the status of good citizens.

The most taboo thing for a wealthy family to recruit customers is to recruit this kind of person. His identity seems to be clean, but one day something goes wrong, a series of cases are discovered, and he gets into trouble.

Cao Aning heard the inquiry and knew that Marquis Jingyang was afraid of being implicated by his retainers, so he responded:

"This man set up a bandit camp in Tuzhou to collect tolls. He was later eliminated by the government. In revenge, he killed the local magistrate and skinned him and hung him outside the government office. His methods were very ruthless and cruel.

"There are Qinglonghui's writings on the window. He must have offended someone in Beiliang and went to the Marquis's house to seek refuge. The enemy did not dare to offend the Marquis, so he paid someone from the Qinglonghui to assassinate him..."

Marquis Jingyang's face turned dark when he heard this - after all, this was his retainer. If he really committed a crime at night and hid in his house to seek shelter during the day, he would become a harborer.

If a serious case such as conspiracy or collaboration with the enemy and treason is discovered, he may be imprisoned. He immediately said:

"I am not familiar with this person. He is a martial artist who was introduced by someone. Seeing that he has good martial arts skills, I asked him to be a guard. Mr. Cao went back and told Eunuch Shen that this person must be investigated strictly and the truth must be brought to light, but it is best Don't make too much fanfare, this time it's true that I don't know who the person is, and if I expose it to the Lord's table, this..." Cao Aning said quickly: "I understand, the Marquis was also deceived, and several seniors present can testify..."

Several people present had some energy in the court. Since the person who died might be a wanted criminal from the Southern Dynasties, it was not a big deal. They all began to discuss how to suppress this matter as low-key as possible.

Soon, officers from the brigade of the [-]th Institute also ran over and explained the whole story. The [-]th Institute understood the whole story and began to seal off the Chunman Building and carefully examine the scene for clues.

The few people drinking flower wine obviously had no intention of gathering somewhere else, so they all said goodbye and went home.

As the first witness, Ye Jingtang saw Hua Junchen slap the deceased, so he naturally did not leave immediately. Hua Junchen stayed here specifically to cooperate with the investigation of the Twelve Stations to avoid the government's investigation. In the end, the mystery of the Qinglong Society was revealed. The name of assassin was pinned on his head.

Ye Jingtang naturally had no objection to this. After putting Hua Junchen on the carriage, he went to the backyard where the corpse was placed to watch the autopsy. After waiting for a while without him doing anything else, he ran to the royal room at the back and found himself in the cubicle. Release water.

Soon after, Cao Aning, who was responsible for checking for clues, also came to Gong's room, stood in the cubicle next to him, and whispered:

"Why are you here, sir? You almost scared me to death just now..."

"I'm just going to the Imperial City to pick up some things. Do you have any connections?"

"Sir, don't be ridiculous. I patrol the streets every day and have never been near the palace. How can I bring people into the imperial city? Well... By the way, the Queen Mother and the eldest princess of the current dynasty, it is said..."

"I know this, no need to say it."

"Oh? Your Excellency, your eyes and ears are really savvy, and you even know this kind of gossip. If your Excellency can't do it, then there is no other way. There are four father-in-laws on duty in the imperial city at all times, and they have all practiced the Ming Shen Diao. You can definitely touch it..."

Ye Jingtang knew that it was very difficult to grab the Screaming Dragon Picture, so he did not give Cao Aning any more trouble, and instead asked:

"I heard that the Imperial Preceptor's Office is refining elixirs. Do you have any information?"

"Eunuch Yin mentioned it to me and he knows something. It is said that Beiliang has been studying Tianlang Pearl for a long time. There has been great progress in the past few years, but there are not enough Snow Lake Flowers to start. This time the Snow Lake Flower comes back , the national master went to Xianyin Peak for retreat, and it is said that he was refining elixirs there."

Cao Aning said this, paused for a moment, and then said:
"But I think there's something fishy about this."


Ye Jingtang was slightly surprised when he heard this:

"how you said that?"

Cao Aning said: "Xianyin Peak is similar to Minglongtan in the Wei Dynasty. It is a place where outstanding people and places have achieved enlightenment. It is indeed possible to practice there, but there are problems with alchemy.

"I have assisted King Wu to practice the 'Daliang Pearl' before, so I have experience. Beiliang's move this time is quite big. Even if only half of the snow lake flowers are used, it will cost at least ten kilograms. All kinds of ingredients will inevitably pile up into mountains, plus the stove, charcoal , helpers, living quarters, as well as the site where animals and living people are used to test the properties of medicines. The amount of work is so large that it cannot be deployed on the top of the mountain. The water alone cannot support it.

"In the past, King Wu made medicine in a deep mountain and old forest in order to hide it. He also asked an expert to read Feng Shui. But when he started to practice it, he found that it was very difficult. In order to transport the medicinal materials back and forth, the palace spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and the transportation was inconvenient. Zhang Jinglin needed something at the last moment, so he had to run away and break his legs. He would be delayed for several days.

"These things are pitfalls that King Wu has stepped on before. The counselors of Beiliang are better than King Wu. They should not have thought of these problems. Therefore, refining elixirs on a lonely peak that is inaccessible sounds very mysterious, like an outsider. It’s human nature, but I don’t think it’s feasible…”

Ye Jingtang felt that Cao Aning did have something and asked:

"Where do you think the best place to make medicine is?"

Cao Aning thought for a while and said: "Qianjimen was recently in Bishui Forest in the eastern suburbs, helping the old queen build a garden to celebrate her birthday, which was quite large.

"Bishui Forest is close to the river, so there is no shortage of water; it is surrounded by royal gardens, and there is no one to disturb it; it is only a few dozen miles away from the capital, so it is convenient to travel. No matter what is missing, you can find it in the city at any time; you can also use the transport of stone and wood In the name of transporting medicinal materials, it is a cover-up. From my point of view, it is more practical to refine medicine in Bishui Forest than to go to Xianyin Peak where there is nothing to do, but you have to verify this yourself. "

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, feeling that this statement was indeed reasonable:
"Why is Master Xiang Han going to Immortal Hidden Peak at this time?"

Cao Aning thought for a while: "At best, Master Xiang Han is using himself as bait, waiting for those who have heard the news and become disloyal to come and cause damage; at worst, there is a patent medicine, and Master Xiang Han is already there. I still ate it, and now I’m really in retreat.”


When Ye Jingtang heard the last sentence, he was secretly shocked. After all, Master Xiang Han and Lu Taiqing were indistinguishable, and they were already among the top three figures in the world.

Just taking an elixir, if the "Fulang Pearl" without side effects really comes true, he can even touch the knees of Fengguan City, become the strongest martial artist among the immortals, and directly look down on the martial saints of the north and south.

Ye Jingtang was silent for a moment and asked:
"How long will this retreat take?"

Cao Aning shrugged slightly: "I don't know. Anyway, sir, you'd better pay attention. It's best if Master Xiang Han fails in seclusion and dies. If he comes out of the mountain successfully, sir, I'm afraid it's more difficult for him. Moreover, sir, you have to deal with Zhongsun Jin as soon as possible. If Master Xiang Han can If you eat, Zhongsun Jin can eat it.”

After some exchanges in Ye Jingtang, he felt that the situation was more urgent than imagined. After thinking for a while, he said:
"I know, let's continue to inquire. I will try to find a way to visit Bishui Forest in the near future."

Seeing this, Cao Aning turned around and walked out, thought for a while and said:

"Master Ye, can we change the place next time?"

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to say that this place was professional, but then he remembered that Cao Aning was a eunuch, and it was really not appropriate to have sex in the men's room, so he apologized:
"It's just for convenience, I will pay attention next time. When the world is at peace, the court will not forget your contribution. If you have any needs then, just ask, and I will go and ask the court for rewards."

Cao Aning didn't say much and after looking around for a few times, he returned to Chunman Building.

Ye Jingtang came out a moment later and first went to the pool in front of the well to wash his hands.

Just halfway through washing, Ye Jingtang's ears suddenly moved, and he heard a breath moving in the back alley, which was very hidden.

If the target customer is dead, there is no way that the Qinglong Society will not respond.

The meeting point of the Night Terror Hall was in the back alley, so I didn’t bother to go there anymore. After a little exploration, I quickly jumped up and silently arrived behind another wall not far away.

In the dark alley behind, a man in black wearing a bamboo hat was walking slowly with a similar small book box on his back. Hearing the strange movement behind the wall, he immediately stopped and put his hands on his waist.

Ye Jingtang said calmly across the wall:
"Your Excellency, you are Hall Master Liu of Yanjing?"

The man in black outside the wall looked like an old man. Hearing the voice, he lowered his guard and responded hoarsely:

"Just like everyone else, just call me Lao Liu. Your Excellency is very quick in doing things. He solved the target before even meeting the contact person."

Ye Jingtang responded casually: "I was about to come to meet him. I found Deng Shuan in the building, so I killed him. The mark of the Qinglong Society was engraved on the wall."

Old Liu had already received the news. At this time, he took off the book box, took out a small bag containing banknotes, and threw it over the courtyard wall:

"The remuneration and the bounty for a good start are all here. Do you want to be cool for a while, or continue to take jobs?"

In the assassin business, there may not be a tomorrow after today. It is all about drinking today and getting drunk the next. Normally, if you do a business, you will eat, drink, and gamble until all the money is spent.

But Ye Jingtang obviously couldn't do it, so he threw the small bag back:

"I want the precious sword in the palace, but I'm short of silver. This can be considered as a deposit for the Blue Dragon Society."

Old Liu nodded and took back the reward he just sent out:

"There are also gaps in the twelve shifts on duty. As long as the emperor comes out of the palace, there will be only two grand dukes on duty in the palace, and the defense will be looser than usual. As long as you give enough money, the Qinglong Society can help you get in, but if you can If you can't succeed, it depends on your own abilities."

Ye Jingtang knew that Qinglonghui only recognized money, and what he gave was not enough, so he asked again:
"Are there any similar errands in Yanjing? It's best if everyone is nearby."

Old Liu shook his head and said: "Grandmaster is not a big cabbage, there are fewer fugitives in the Southern Dynasties, how could they all be in Yanjing, and come in groups to kill you.

"But if you want to make money, I, the Qinglong Guild, can't keep you from getting a job.

"A group of people have recently come over from the Tianmen Road. They are good at poison and hidden weapons. They once killed the disciples of Juntian Mansion. They were offered a heavy reward by the Yin Shicheng. There are five people in total, 1000 taels each. You can help them deal with it, and Qinglong will give it to them in advance. You give me the reward, and then go ask Juntian Mansion for the reward."

Ye Jingtang asked: "What is the background of these five people?"

"Looking at your behavior, you are a young and vigorous knight-errant who upholds justice. These five people are criminals wanted by the government. You can go to the Yamen to check the case records."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang nodded and asked:
"Do you have any definite information?"

Old Liu carried the book box and walked back:

"There are many masters in Yanjing. If there is accurate information, can you get this Silver Reward Wheel? At present, we only know that a group of five people came from Tianmen Road. They should be active in the capital recently. The purpose may be to find medicinal materials for refining strange poisons. , you have to find your own way to find out the rest. Remember to leave the name of the Blue Dragon Society when it is done, otherwise Juntian Mansion will not recognize it."

Ye Jingtang didn't expect that he would have to be a killer to take over the job, and he would have to act as a detective to find someone. However, the intelligence network he had established so far was quite large, covering black, white and gray. It shouldn't be difficult to find him. He didn't say anything at the moment and left quietly. wall...


Thank you [Moonlight Bald Zai] [Book Friends 20190123011343902] for the reward!

Thank you all for your monthly rewards and support for or2!

(End of this chapter)

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