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Chapter 445 The Big Devil of Night

Chapter 445 The Big Devil of Night
Time turned into night in a blink of an eye.

On the observation floor of the prince's palace, the third prince Li Chong was admiring the night view of the city with a new telescope just sent by the Ministry of Industry.

Wang Jiwen sat next to him, playing with the tea set casually, and said with a little complacency:

"'Things can only be done in three' really makes sense. You see, it's done. I heard Fatty Zhang, who was watching chess, say that after Hua Qingzhi came out of the grove, the eyes of the guards were different, and even the maids who followed her were different. , all the time sticking in front of the guards..."

Although Li Chong had doubts about his cousin's ability to do things, he did indeed handle the matter well today, so he praised him:

"A fool will surely gain something after all his worries."

"Oh, that's a prize...huh?"

Li Chong turned around and sat down on the couch:

"It's just a joke. What are your cousin going to do next?"

For the sake of his cousin, Wang Jiwen didn't care about the momentary gaffe and thought about it a little:
"The most feared thing between men and women is that nothing happens. As long as you create enough opportunities, even if you fight every day, you can still have feelings in the end. After the hero saved the beauty today, Hua Qingzhi must have looked at the guard differently. , we must strike while the iron is hot. Hmm... Are there any wanted bandits in the Twelve Stations?"

Li Chong was a little speechless when he heard this:
"Cousin, are you going to continue to drive away tigers and devour wolves?"

"Otherwise? This method can not only bring Hua Qingzhi and the guards together, but also eliminate harm for the people. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone..."

Li Chong sighed: "My cousin's plan is indeed to kill two birds with one stone, but in order to search for suitable thieves, does my cousin know how much effort has to be wasted behind the scenes? Today alone, I have lost a lot of money, not counting the manpower and material resources below. I am just a prince, not a prince. I have used too many connections. If the courtiers notice me, I will do good things because I am ambitious and mean something, and do bad things because I will undermine my personal ethics and be unworthy of my position..."

Wang Jiwen knew that in order to find someone to use as cannon fodder, the legs of the people below him were almost broken. He thought for a while:

"What about another way? For example, drugging or something, so that the raw rice can be cooked?"

Li Chong shook his head and said: "The traces of drug administration are too obvious. The Hua family really needs to investigate. In the end, it happened to me. How can I have the face to see my father in the future..."

The two were discussing like this, but before they could reach a conclusion, footsteps and shouts suddenly came from downstairs.

"Your Highness!".

Li Chong frowned slightly, turned around, and saw the housekeeper running over quickly with his robe in hand, and bowed under the window:
"Your Highness, Prince Wang, please go to Duke Li's Mansion and have a look. Something happened over there..."

Wang Jiwen played this game by "treating his father as his son", so he knew that his father and Hua Junchen would quarrel, so he asked about this:
"Did my father scold Hua Junchen for not doing his job properly, and Hua Junchen scolded my father for being arty? Did the two of them get into a fight again?"

The butler nodded quickly: "Young Master Wang really knows what's going on. But this time, your father had the upper hand. He said a few words, which made Mr. Hua's face turn black with anger. He walked away from the table and killed two people as soon as he left the house... …”


When Wang Jiwen heard the last part, he almost spit out a mouthful of tea:
"Killed two people? What did my father say to make Hua Junchen so angry?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I scared your father a lot. Your Highness, hurry up and come to the rescue. Don't let anything happen..."

The third prince never expected that a banquet could lead to murder.

This is at the feet of the Emperor. Killing two people in the street is no small matter. There is a high probability that their heads will be beheaded. Moreover, Wang Jiwen’s father is his uncle. If Hua Junchen kills Hongyan and turns around and beheads his uncle as well, then that’s not right. Something big happened.

Li Chong didn't dare to be careless after hearing this. He quickly got up and ran downstairs, following the housekeeper to the Duke Li's Mansion on Bell Tower Street...
a little while ago.

The sun had just set over the mountain, and a carriage with a sign with the word 'Wan' on it slowly drove in from the west city gate and headed for the Wanbao Tower in the center of the city.

Ye Jingtang rode a horse and walked beside the carriage. Because the day was coming to an end, he had already begun to secretly think about what new tricks he should teach Aunt Fan at night.

In the car next to her, Hua Qingzhi was sitting by the window, with a small chessboard in front of her, reviewing the three games she had seen today; Luzhu, who had followed Hua Qingzhi all year round, was also very good at this, and was playing chess at the same time. Niaoniao, while serving as Hua Qingzhi’s consultant for discussion.

Ye Jingtang is not good at playing chess, so he didn’t bother him along the way. When he passed near Bell Tower Street, he asked outside the car window:

"Uncle Hua went to Bell Tower Street for a banquet today?"

Hua Qingzhi retracted her thoughts and glanced at the sky outside:
"I went to Duke Li's house. It should be over now. Duke Li is a drunkard. I don't know if he is drunk or not."

"Would you like to pick it up?"

As a rich young lady, Hua Qingzhi couldn't easily go to a wealthy family by herself, but it was okay to wait outside, so she said:

"Alright, let's go and have a look."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang nodded and turned the carriage into the east intersection.

Bell Tower Street is similar to Wende Bridge in Yun'an. They are places where princes and generals gather together. The residential density is not that high. After dark, the long white stone street is very quiet. Occasionally, you can see princes and princes riding in and out of carriages.

Last time Ye Jingtang came to Bell Tower Street to deliver paintings, he passed by the locations of various wealthy families, and without Hua Qingzhi's guidance, he arrived at Li Guogong's house.

Ye Jingtang stopped the carriage outside the mansion. You could see several luxurious carriages and horses parked on the side of the mansion, and servants were waiting outside.

And Li Guogong's concierge was obviously well-informed. When he saw the 'Wan' sign on the carriage, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him:
"Ouch! Miss Hua is here to welcome you, and the little one is welcome from afar..."

Hua Qingzhi lifted the car curtain and said softly:
"Without courtesy, I'm just passing by to take a look, so there's no need to alarm anyone in the house. Are Li Guogong and the others still drinking?"

The concierge said politely: "I've been drinking all afternoon, and it's probably over soon. Miss Hua is here to pick up Mr. Hua, right? Would you like me to come in and say hello?"

Hua Qingzhi was a daughter after all, so it was inappropriate to come here to arrest her father, so she said politely:

"Hua An, please go in and take a look first. If you want to drink for a while, we will go back first."

"it is good."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang handed over the horse to the servant of the Duke's Mansion and followed the housekeeper into the mansion. Not far away, he heard the not so cheerful voice coming from the main hall of the Duke's Mansion:

"It's a good thing to be humble and hide your humility, but don't go too far. Secretly killing a few fugitives is not a big deal. If you admit it, few people will care. Brother Hua is so secretive. Those who don't know will think that You have made great contributions and don’t seek fame in vain..."

"Believe it or not, I, Hua Junchen, have been honest and upright throughout my life. I will recognize it if it is there, and I will not covet this false reputation if it is not there. Do you think they are all the same as you? I obviously don't have a few taels of ink in my belly, but I still act like a celebrity all day long. I think your painting skills are not as good as mine..."

"Haha~ Mr. Wang has little talent and little knowledge. He is indeed not as good as Ling Qianjin, but compared with Brother Hua, he should be more than enough, right? Let's not mention the literature. Brother Hua is not as good as a dog. Let's talk about martial arts. Although Wang's martial arts are mediocre, , but I used to be a county magistrate, and at least I led the government servants to suppress the bandits. Since Brother Hua said that the suppression of bandits has nothing to do with you, then come and tell me, what have you done since you started practicing martial arts when you were three years old? What about taking action?"


Ye Jingtang followed the housekeeper to the main hall. He looked up and saw several long tables in the hall. Six or seven middle-aged people who were either rich or noble were sitting among them. They were all looking tipsy.

The person who spoke just now was a rather elegant middle-aged man. Hua Qingzhi said his name was Wang Chongning. His face was somewhat similar to Wang Jiwen. He was holding a wine glass, waiting for Hua Junchen's answer.

Hua Junchen was sitting opposite, looking quite unhappy. After a moment of silence, he hummed softly:
"Hudong Road has always been peaceful. I have never encountered bandits, so how can I have the chance to eliminate violence and make peace?"

"That's getting nowhere."

Wang Chongning spread his hands slightly: "No matter how bad Wang is, he has taken out a few paintings. Brother Hua is just not good at writing. He has a reputation for being a strong martial artist, but in the end he has never done anything serious. Who knows? You are serious about doing it, how many kilograms and taels do you have?"

Hua Junchen had never been in the martial arts world, and his life experience was all about competing with others, and there was really no actual combat. Faced with this ridicule that hit the point of pain, although he was annoyed, he really had nothing to say to refute.After holding it in for a long time, he noticed from the corner of his eye that Ye Jingtang was standing outside, and said in a deep voice:

"People who practice martial arts must follow rules and regulations in their actions and kill in certain ways. How can you kill people just to prove your martial arts skills? When the sword in Hua's box is unsheathed in the future, you will know that Hua is a heavyweight. My daughter is alone at home, and Hua It’s inconvenient to stay for a long time, so I’ll take my leave now.”

After that, he drank the remaining wine in the cup and bowed to Li Guogong.

Li Guogong has long been accustomed to the two of them fighting each other like this. Because there is a winner or loser, Wang Chongning is not a few people who are angry. At the moment, he doesn't take it too seriously. He gets up and starts to be polite and prepares to leave.

Wang Chongning was in a good mood because he accused Hua Junchen of being autistic. He even stood up and said goodbye:

"Then Wang will wait and see. Brother Hua, go well."


Hua Junchen stood up and walked away without even bothering to reply. After he quickly walked out of the door and was out of sight of the people in the hall, he turned to look at Ye Jingtang who was following him:

"How did you come?"

Ye Jingtang walked in front and looked back:
"Miss is worried about Uncle Hua, so she came here to take Uncle Hua home. This Minister Wang is really unforgiving..."

Although Hua Junchen wanted to kick Wang Chongning in the face, he still maintained his gentle and elegant demeanor on the surface:
"When I was young, I was handsome and skilled in martial arts. I was always ahead of Wang Chongning. He was just jealous. He didn't need to be exposed to such idle people."

Ye Jingtang felt that Hua Junchen was so angry that he probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, but if Uncle Hua didn't take it seriously, he naturally wouldn't hold on to it, so he said instead:

"Miss is right outside the door. When I went to the chess club today, I met three thieves..."

When Hua Junchen heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his drunkenness dissipated a little:

"Is everything okay with Qingzhi? Who is here?"

"Miss, it's all right. According to the official enquiry, the people who robbed the road were the 'Three Heroes of Mangshan'. They were bandits from Chong'adao. Their martial arts were poor. I kicked a kick of sand, and while rubbing my eyes, I punched three times and two My feet fell down..."

"Three heroes of Mangshan..."

Hua Junchen recalled carefully and found that he had never heard of this miscellaneous fish. Seeing that Ye Jingtang had been solved, he asked again:
"Did you find out who sent it?"

"According to the confessions of these three people, they heard the news from the Jianghu that the young lady found Xue Huhua for treatment, so they came here to try their luck, and no one instigated them..."

When Hua Junchen heard this, he suddenly showed a look of enlightenment:

"No wonder...I told you why you always meet bandits when you go out. It turns out that these thieves are here for the Snow Lake Flowers. The Five Monsters of Snake Peak last time must have come for this reason. They happened to be killed by the Qinglong Society who earned the silver reward. It’s blocked…”

While the two were talking like this, they quickly left the Duke's Mansion under the farewell of the servants, and the steward also moved the horses over.

Hua Junchen drank a lot today and felt a little dizzy. He did not get on his horse, but walked to the carriage parked on the street, wanting to go over and express condolences to his daughter who met a thief.

As a result, he had just walked halfway when Hua An, who was following him, slowed down.

Hua Junchen was slightly confused and looked back at Ye Jingtang:
"what happened?"

Ye Jingtang stood straight on the spot, his ears twitching slightly, listening to the sound of wind deep in the building complex, and he clearly felt two auras hidden in the darkness.

One thing is very clear, it should be a miscellaneous fish that has not entered the unity of heaven and man.

The other one is extremely difficult to capture and is definitely a top expert.

Ye Jingtang didn't know what kind of strongman was hiding in the secret, so he definitely didn't dare to be careless at this time. Seeing Hua Junchen turn around, he smiled and said:

"I feel a little urgent to pee. I'll go pee in the alley."


Hua Junchen shook his head and wanted to go to the carriage by himself, but he also drank a lot of wine. Hearing what Hua An said, he felt a little need to release.

At this time, he ran back to the Duke's Mansion to borrow the court room. He would inevitably bump into Wang Chongning, and it would be troublesome to be polite. After thinking about it, he turned and walked towards the dark alley, not forgetting to explain to his daughter who was looking at her from a distance:
"Walking around for dad to sober up, please wait a moment."


Hua Qingzhi naturally didn't know what the old man and the young man wanted to do, so she didn't ask any more questions at the moment.

Ye Jingtang saw Uncle Hua going to pee with him, but he didn't say anything and walked into the side alley with him.

Call ~
The frosty moonlight shines on the walls of Qingshi Alley, and there is no debris on the ground except for some fallen leaves.

The two steps went deeper. He also felt carefully along the way to the Night Terror Hall. He clearly noticed that the person hiding in the dark was always there. After determining the approximate location of the two people, he raised his hand to signal when he turned the corner of the alley:
"Uncle Hua, please go ahead. I'll keep an eye on you." "Oh, you are so considerate."

When Hua Junchen came to the corner and unbuttoned his belt, he did not forget to sigh:
"If I really had a son like you, I would have pissed Wang Chongning to death today..."

Ye Jingtang chuckled and didn't reply. When he came to the corner, he tried to repeat his old trick and secretly killed the lurking person when it was convenient for Uncle Hua.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked out of the corner, the two auras hidden in the dark approached silently, and soon came to the wall more than ten feet away, and then:

There was a sharp sound as the wind broke.

Ye Jingtang looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a flying knife coming towards him, aiming directly at the center of his eyebrows, obviously intending to silence his guard.

When Ye Jingtang saw this scene, he knew that these two people were not coming for him. After all, if they knew his identity, they would not be able to shoot Wu Sheng with a flying knife, so he acted like a noob who had no time to react.


At this time, a clear sword sound sounded in the alley.

Hua Junchen unzipped his trousers in a daze. Before he could take out his penis, he heard the sound of rushing wind. Although he lacked actual combat experience, his reaction was still worthy of a mid-level master. The sword on his waist was instantly unsheathed, and his figure Moved almost sideways outside the corner.

A little spark exploded in the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The flying knife, which was three feet away from the Night Terror Hall, was instantly split into two by the sword and bounced to the opposite wall.

It was only at this moment that Ye Jingtang acted as if he was caught off guard. He quickly took two steps back and looked to the left and right:

Hua Junchen's drunken face turned cold almost instantly. He pointed his sword diagonally at the ground and turned towards the direction of the flying knife:
"Where is the sacred place?"

Call ~
A figure jumped out from behind the wall and landed in the alley a few feet away. He was wearing a bamboo hat and a black scarf to cover his face. He was holding a long knife in his hand. It looked like he was a beginner master at most.

Hua Junchen felt that the thief was not as powerful as him, and he was secretly relieved. However, the next moment, his pupils shrank.

I saw a figure walking out from behind the swordsman in a bamboo hat without any warning. From a distance, he looked like one person, but suddenly his clones turned into two.

Hua Junchen didn't believe in the art of clones in the world, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't understand how the man in black appeared behind the swordsman in the hat.

The movement and movement made it impossible for him to catch his whereabouts at all, and he knew without even thinking that he was a hero who had entered the realm of unity between heaven and earth.

Five of the Wu Kui from Beiliang had been killed by the Night Demon, and there were not many left. Hua Junchen's heart sank, and he asked in surprise:

"Your Excellency, is Yin Shicheng?"

Mu Yunsheng didn't dare to let the news of his "return to the world" leak out. He definitely couldn't reveal his identity until he silenced him. After revealing his identity, he stood there with his hands behind his back without any words.

Ke Yu, who was holding a knife in front, lowered his voice and said:
"Xia Hua, don't be nervous. I don't have any ill intentions in waiting here. I just want to inquire about something."

When Hua Junchen saw these two people appearing, he killed Hua An. He didn't think that these two people would be easy to talk to. He felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, but his expression was quite calm:
"Hua An, you go down first, I'll talk to these two friends."


Ye Jingtang was standing behind him. He was originally acting when he heard Uncle Hua asking him to leave first. He understood that Uncle Hua knew he was outmatched and was afraid that he would die in the hands of these two people later, so he asked him to leave first.

Although there was no danger in the Night Terror Hall, he was still a little moved in his heart. Just when he was about to say something, he didn't expect the other person to speak first:

"Whether you can leave or not is not up to you, Hero Hua. Hero Hua will tell you everything you know, and I won't hurt you at all. If you are lucky, I won't be the one to throw the next flying knife."

Hua Junchen held the sword, hesitated for a moment, and asked:
"What news do you want?"

Ke Yu said: "It is said that Hero Hua went to the forbidden area of ​​​​the court a few days ago and found out the exact information about the 'elixir'. Can you let me know easily?"

Hua Junchen was stunned and said inexplicably:
"Where did you hear this? If I had sneaked into the forbidden area of ​​the imperial court, would it be your turn to come to me? I would have been arrested by the Twelve Stations..."

call out--

Before he finished speaking, the sound of breaking wind came from the alley again.

This time the power was much stronger than before. Hua Junchen didn't even see the opponent's move clearly. A copper coin was already in front of him. He quickly raised his sword to block, but the tyrannical energy contained in the copper coin forcefully bent the sword's blade. Hit on the chest.


Hua Junchen's figure was immediately knocked back, and he slid back until he was supported by Ye Jingtang before he could stand still. His eyes were stunned as he looked at the mysterious strong man who remained silent behind him.

After Ke Yu waited for his master to take action, he said in a slightly cold voice:
"Xia Hua, it's best to tell the truth. If you make false claims, the court will care about your identity as the legitimate son of an aristocratic family, but the Jianghu people will not."

Hua Junchen was really stunned by this appalling skill, his heartbeat was beating like a drum, and his face showed a bit of helpless annoyance:
"I really don't know that you are looking for the wrong thing..."

call out--

As soon as the words were spoken, there was another explosion in Qingshi Alley, and this time the flying copper coins were aimed at the right chest.

When Mu Yunsheng retired from the world, he had already entered the realm of harmony between man and nature. He had been cultivating in seclusion for many years. Although he was a bit old, he could still crush a mid-level master like Hua Junchen who had no actual combat experience.

This time Hua Junchen didn't even have time to raise his sword to block, so he could only forcefully turn sideways to avoid the vital point. He already felt a little bit like ashes.

But just when the fast-moving copper coin was about to hit his right arm, he heard a soft "pop~" sound.

Hua Junchen looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a hand reaching out from his side, his fingers moving forward and accurately clamping on the copper coin.

The copper coin, which was as fast as thunder, stopped almost as soon as it touched the finger, without causing any aftermath. The tyrannical energy contained in it seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant!


As the copper coins stagnated, the alley instantly turned into dead silence.

Mu Yunsheng's pupils shrank, and his original casual posture changed into a posture of responding to the enemy with his hands hanging down, ready to attack; Ke Yu took half a step back, frowning.

Hua Junchen was obviously a little confused and thought someone was helping him, but when he looked back along his arm, he saw nephew Hua An standing next to him, holding copper coins in his hand.

Nephew Hua'an's expression was as peaceful as ever, but his eyes were no longer as honest and kind-hearted as they had been a few days ago. Although they were not fierce, they revealed a sharp edge that was visible to the naked eye, just like the Nine Nether Yama sitting in the Hall of the King of Hell, looking down. The look in the eyes of these two brats who dared to be so presumptuous was enough to shock three souls and seven souls in a person!

! !
Hua Junchen stood frozen on the spot. At this moment, he suddenly recalled why he felt that this figure was so familiar even before he saw 'Zhao Si' on the first day.

This look, this aura, isn't this the living king of hell?...

Mu Yunsheng obviously didn't understand what the hell he had bumped into, but when he saw that the other party could catch the copper coins easily, he felt like he was facing a formidable enemy and took the lead to ask;
"Who is your Excellency?"

Ye Jingtang took the Qingfeng Sword from Hua Junchen and walked up to him:
"Are you Mu Yunsheng, the old city lord of Shuofeng City?"

When Mu Yunsheng saw the other person, he could tell his true identity at a glance. His heart skipped a beat. He took a step back and a soft sword popped out from his waist:

Ye Jingtang pointed his sword at the ground with one hand and walked forward slowly:
"When people get old, they should retire honestly and make way for newcomers. Why bother when they come out to show their age and end up risking their lives?"

Plop, plop...

Mu Yunsheng may have felt this absolute pressure for the first time in his whole life. His inner lake, which had been as silent as stagnant water for a long time, was in turmoil and could not be stabilized at all.He retreated slowly, his eyes slowly showing shock;
"Are you a Night Terror Hall?"

Ke Yu had his master behind him and was not afraid at first. When he heard the name, his body trembled obviously and he said in disbelief:

"Night Demon?"


Ye Jingtang stepped forward with his sword in hand. Seeing that they both knew each other, there was no need to talk nonsense anymore. He raised his hand slightly and the copper coin caught in his left hand was ejected.


The copper coins printed with "Daliang Tongbao" rose into the sky while spinning.

Ke Lu's heart was in her throat. When she saw this scene, she subconsciously raised her eyes and chased the flying copper coins. The next moment she saw:

After the roar of the dragon and the sound of the sword, there was the muffled sound of the sword entering the flesh!

Ye Jingtang didn't see how to exert his strength, and his body had turned into a black phantom. With a three-foot sword, he instantly arrived in front of the two of them. A sword passed through Ke Lu's throat, and the blade was directed towards Mu Yunsheng's face!

Although Mu Yunsheng was older, his strength had not declined too much. Facing the sudden attack from the east and west, he slid back like a flying swallow and kicked his apprentice on the back.


Amid the explosion, Ke Lu didn't even look back, her head left her neck and her body bumped forward.

Ye Jingtang flew past the headless body, his clothes not stained with any blood, and the next moment he caught up with Mu Yunsheng.

咻咻 咻 ~
Mu Yunsheng held a three-foot soft sword in his hand. He pulled his body back and simultaneously raised the sword to stab.

I never thought that this famous master of swords and spears in the Southern Dynasty was not bad at all in his swordsmanship. A green-edged sword flashed as fast as a butterfly, and it also concealed murderous intent like a stinging bee. The sword was approaching the fatal point!
Mu Yunsheng recognized that this was the 'Wandering Bee Sword'. Although it was not very powerful and relied entirely on skill to suppress people. He could not experience the absolute hard power of the Martial Saint. However, he could not keep up with the rhythm at all, and the scene in front of him turned into a sky. Sword shadow.

ding ding ding ding...

The sword wind in Qingshi Alley is as dense as heavy rain!

The two swords kept touching like a dragonfly, but in an instant, there were several fine sword marks on the walls on both sides, the green bricks and even Mu Yunsheng's robe.

In order to hide their identity, Ye Jingtang must suppress their strength, otherwise, if they fight against such an old Wu Kui who has long been out of touch with the contemporary world, he will be wiped out by the Dragon Qi Sword.

And Mu Yunsheng obviously also realized that the big devil was setting up the crime scene that night, and he didn't use all his strength at all. Knowing that he had no chance of winning, he gritted his teeth and looked like he was fighting for his life. Suddenly his eyes were stunned and he looked towards the pavilion behind him. .

When Ye Jingtang was fighting in Yanjing, he must be afraid that the two old monsters Xiang Hanshi and Zhongsun Jin would suddenly appear. Seeing this, he knew there might be a trick, so he looked back to be on the safe side.

The result was no surprise: the distant pavilion was empty.

call out--

At this time, a shrill and piercing sound of swords erupted in the alley!
When Mu Yunsheng saw that the Night Demon had been fooled, his eyes showed ecstasy. He did not choose to take the opportunity to escape. After all, he could not outrun the Martial Saint no matter how hard he tried. Instead, he seized the opportunity for Ye Jingtang to turn around. With all his strength, he pierced Ye Jingtang's neck with his sword.

But it's a pity that Ye Jingtang can't see Master Xiang Han behind him, but that doesn't mean he can't see Mu Yunsheng behind him!

When Ye Jingtang saw that there was no ruthless character emerging from behind, he did not turn his head back to the front. Instead, he flipped his wrist lightly and raised his sword while tilting his head lightly.


Mu Yunsheng stabbed Ye Jingtang's neck with his sword, and he felt bad. Just when he was about to stop and retreat, he heard a muffled sound of "Puff——".

The three-foot green sword appeared out of nowhere, pointed at the throat from bottom to top, poured into the flesh and blood without any hindrance, and then pierced through the back of the head, revealing the three-inch blood-stained sword tip!

Mu Yunsheng's movements stopped abruptly, his eyes were full of disbelief, and his eyes quickly became bloodshot and turned dark red.

Ye Jingtang finished with a sword blow, not even bothering to look back to check the situation of the battle. He drew his sword and made a sword flower, sprinkling the blood on the sword.

ding ding ding...

The exchange between the two was just between the sparks of calcium carbide. The copper coin that was initially bounced into the air did not flip over until it landed on the ground. It bounced a few times on the green bricks and made a crisp sound...

(End of this chapter)

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