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Chapter 446

Chapter 446


After the copper coin hit the ground and bounced twice, it lay on the bluestone floor tiles. The dark alley under the moonlight also became completely silent at this time, leaving only the young swordsman standing in the alley holding a sword and the two corpses that had fallen to the ground.

Hua Junchen stood there blankly. Before he could recover from the shock of recognizing Ye Dayan, Ye Jingtang had already flown forward and swung his sword like rain to kill his tyrannical opponent in an instant. , his eyes changed from stunned to shocked again!

Tick, tick...

Dark red blood spread on the blue bricks and fell into the ditch beside the wall along the gaps.

Ye Jingtang stood with the sword in his hand and felt it for a while. After realizing that there was no opponent around him, he flipped his wrist slightly, put the sword behind him, and turned to look at Uncle Hua who was not far away.

Hua Junchen maintained an expression of disbelief. It was only then that he suddenly came back to his senses. His whole body was slightly shaken and he took a step back:
"Hua...are you the Night Terror Hall?!"

Naturally, Ye Jingtang had no intention of silencing Uncle Hua. After dealing with the miscellaneous fish, he returned to his sunny and cheerful appearance. He came to the front and returned the sword to Hua Junchen:
"Because of the situation, I didn't deliberately hide it from my uncle. I hope my uncle will forgive me..."

Hua Junchen took the sword and felt his head was buzzing. However, he was secretly relieved when he saw that the big devil of the night had no intention of cleaning himself up.He thought for a while, then frowned and said:

"Are you here for Qingzhi?"


Ye Jingtang definitely didn't come to Beiliang for Hua Qingzhi, but Uncle Hua thought so. He couldn't explain that he was here to break into the palace. At the moment, he just said vaguely:
"It's a long story. I'll explain it slowly to my uncle later... Someone is coming."

While Ye Jing was talking openly, he suddenly heard the rapid sound of wind breaking in the distance. Someone must have heard the sound of swords here and ran over to check.

He immediately ran behind Hua Junchen, leaned against the wall, and looked panicked.

? !
Hua Junchen was in a state of confusion when he noticed the sound of breaking wind in the distance and was thinking about how to deal with it. Seeing Hua An's nephew's smooth movements, his eyes were startled and he turned back to the Night Terror Hall, presumably meaning - the dirty thing was indeed you!

Ye Jingtang knew that Uncle Hua had taken a lot of blame, and he felt quite ashamed. However, there were too many blames to bear, and there was no other way under the current situation. He could only apologize with his eyes.


The two people's eyes communicated for only a moment, and two breaking sounds appeared above the side wall.

Princes and generals gathered in Bell Tower Street, and each family had some number of guards. Lu Xingjun, the son-in-law of a wealthy family, and Xu Tianying, who had just been knighted, all lived here. When they heard the sudden and sharp sword cry, they were naturally alarmed.

At this time, Lu Xingjun and Xu Tianying were the first to arrive. They were both shocked when they saw the two people in the alley.

Hua Junchen was not slow to react, even though he knew that the evil nephew behind him was a powerful demon in the enemy country, and his cover-up might cause big trouble.

But there is a high probability that the big devil will become his son-in-law. As the legitimate son of a wealthy family, Hua Junchen still understands the survival rules of a family of "a century-old dynasty and a thousand-year-old family, hesitant to make a bet on both ends".

Although he had some opinions in his heart, Hua Junchen reacted very quickly on the surface. He flicked his wrist and made a sword sound of "sass", pointing at the two people on the wall.

"it's me!"

Lu Xingjun was startled when he saw Hua Junchen turning the edge of his sword. He quickly warned him, then he jumped down from a high place with his sword in hand and glanced left and right:

"what happened?"

At the same time, several more people showed their special abilities and emerged from the buildings, occupying the commanding heights in the surrounding areas and looking into the alley.They found sword marks everywhere around them, and their eyes were full of surprise.

Facing the inquiry, Hua Junchen wanted to make some nonsense, but this situation was really not easy to reconcile.

Fortunately, nephew Hua An, who was standing behind, was considerate. When he saw people gathered around him, he looked relieved and hurriedly came to the front:

"These two thieves are quite powerful. They suddenly appeared just now and almost killed me with a flying knife. Fortunately, Uncle Hua has extraordinary martial arts and blocked me..."


Seeing this, Hua Junchen wanted to bite the bullet and nod, but where did he come from with such great ability?
This motherfucker is Mu Yunsheng!

Even if he admits it, the experts present will see the traces and reveal the truth on the spot!

Lu Xingjun saw that Hua Junchen looked restless and his heart was beating very fast, as if he had not recovered from the stress reaction. He did not ask any more questions and asked Hua An's nephew to take good care of him. Then he came to the body and inspected the wounds and sword marks on the wall.

Seeing this, Hua Junchen felt anxious and thought quickly about how to smooth things over.

But what he didn't expect was that no one present noticed anything strange.

Xu Tianying also fell into the alley at this time. He thought it was Ye Dayan Wang's move, and wanted to help cover it. However, after looking around, he felt that it did not seem to be Ye Dayan Wang's handiwork, and his eyes gradually became clear. Out of surprise:

"This Youfeng sword wielder is really beautiful. No wonder he can win without getting any blood... Especially these swords, they stick to the dogma in their attacks, but they change their moves in time to avert danger. Their reaction is really good..."

As an expert in swordsmanship, Lu Xingjun could naturally see the heat of the sword marks and explained softly:

"Junchen has practiced the Youfeng Sword for many years and his swordsmanship is superb. However, he rarely fights with others. In actual combat, he meets a veteran. It is not surprising that this happens..."

"I see……"

After Hua Junchen heard the conversation, he was inevitably confused and quietly walked up to take a look.

As a result, he was shocked to find that the sword marks on the wall, from the position, angle, strength and other details, were exactly the same as his swordsmanship. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have dared to say this. It wasn't him.

? ?
Hua Junchen looked at the familiar sword mark with disbelief in his eyes. He glanced at the Night Terror Hall from the corner of his eye, obviously not understanding the reason.

When Ye Jingtang first arrived in Washington, he saw Hua Junchen performing the Youfengjian. The Youfengjian, like the Jiugong Step, is a move that relies on skill and mental skills to win. It does not rely much on the depth of skill. He just followed Hua Junchen's instructions. The purpose of the template is to make it difficult for Master Xiang Han to find any flaws when he comes to inspect it in person. These people present will definitely not be able to find the problem.

Seeing Uncle Hua looking over again, it was difficult for him to explain. He just looked at the wall and praised:
"This swordsmanship is indeed exquisite. I didn't even see it clearly just now..."

Didn't you see clearly? !
Hua Junchen didn't know what to say. After all, he could see it clearly. The flying bee sword just now had never been so graceful after half a lifetime of practice.

At the same time, after checking the sword marks, Lu Xingjun felt that the marks left by another soft sword seemed a bit familiar, so he squatted down to see the identity of the deceased.

As a result, the mask was pulled away, and a familiar old face appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The guests and guards from all the families gathered around. When they lowered their heads and looked down, one person said uncertainly:

"Mu Yunsheng?"

"It seems true, why is he still alive?"


"No, why was he still alive just now?"


When everyone saw that the corpse was the Lord of Shuofeng City who had dominated the north many years ago, there was a sudden noise.

Lu Xingjun, who had been in the world since he was young, was naturally familiar with Mu Yunsheng's name. It was obviously a bit unbelievable to see this great master who was famous in the past die in front of his eyes. After carefully confirming that it was correct, he raised his head and looked at Hua Junchen:
"You killed it?"


How dare Hua Junchen admit it, but there were only two people at the crime scene. He didn't kill them. Could it be that his future son-in-law did it?
Although Hua Junchen was extremely tangled in his heart, all the witnesses and material evidence were there, so he only had to give a confession. In the end, he gritted his teeth and said vaguely:

"I didn't know he was Mu Yunsheng just now. He is probably old and his swordsmanship is average..."


Many of the guards and guests present showed admiration in their eyes when they heard Hua Junchen's admission.

Lu Xingjun, as an old friend who played with him back then, had mixed feelings in his eyes. He stood up and said, "Are you just so so? Mu Yunsheng was the great master in the past. With this battle, you will be ranked as the great master from now on, and there will be no one in the world." Who dares to say no? Come on, let’s have a fight..."

How could Hua Junchen deserve this title? If someone discovered the truth, he was afraid that his reputation would be ruined. He immediately wanted to continue to explain vaguely, but the warriors around him didn't listen at all.

Everyone had just been chattering for a moment when the sound of a large group of footsteps came from the entrance of the alley again.

Ye Jingtang looked back and saw a lot of people running over. Hua Qingzhi was in a wheelchair being pushed by Luzhu, followed by Li Guogong, Wang Chongning and others.

Li Guogong raised his eyes and saw the blood stains on the corpse on the ground. He paused and asked:
"what happened?"

"Junchen just met the snowfield thief Kou Muyunsheng here. He has already solved it. Don't worry, Mr. Li Guo..."

"Really...Shilang Wang, you just said Junchen...eh? Where is Wang Chongning?"



Seeing that there were too many people coming to the Night Jing Hall, Hua Qingzhi was still a little worried and said again:

"Uncle Hua just fought with someone, and the extent of his injury is not yet clear. I will send Uncle Hua back to the carriage to rest first. Please also protect the scene and ask the official to come over and explain a few words..."

"Okay, you can send Junchen down to rest first, and then leave this place to me..."


Hua Junchen was so praised by the crowd that he felt numb. Seeing this, he put away his sword, walked through the crowd and ran away with his daughter...
At the same time, on a high building on the edge of East City.

Wearing a brocade robe, Xue Baijin hung two iron maces on his waist. He covered his face with jade armor and looked far into the depths of the buildings where the princes gathered.

Although it was quite far away and it was nighttime, we could vaguely see people emerging from various mansions and jumping into the alley where the conflict had just occurred. Soon after, the official also ran over.

Luo Ning was dressed in Tsing Yi and squatted carefully behind the roof. Seeing Bai Jin being so careless, she frowned and said:
"This is Yanjing. Master Xiang Han and Zhongsun Jin may be in the dark. What if you are found standing there so arrogantly?"

Xue Baijin's tone was calm: "Martial Saint doesn't use his eyes when looking for someone. If he suppresses his breath, he won't attract attention when he walks by. If he doesn't suppress his breath, you still can't hide under the press."

Luo Ning didn't dare to stand on the roof so arrogantly in Beiliang Capital anyway. Seeing that Bai Jin didn't listen to the advice, she didn't say more and asked instead:
"What happened over there?"

"There are two people fighting against each other. From what I heard, their martial arts skills are quite good, but they are not sure of their identity."

Xue Baijin carefully observed the situation on the Bell Tower Street side. Before he could figure out the reason, footsteps could be heard from below the tall building.

tata tao~
Seeing this, Xue Baijin withdrew his gaze and landed lightly on his toes in the backyard of the inn on the side of the tall building.

In the back alley outside the inn, Qiu Tianhe dressed up as an ordinary Jianghu person. After looking around to make sure no one was following him, he entered the backyard and saw Xue Baijin and Luo Ning falling in the courtyard. He said:

"I just went to meet with the contact person of the Qinglong Society. They did get the exact information about the imitation Tianlang Pearl, but the asking price is a bit harsh. It's totally a big deal..."

"How much?"

"3 million taels."

"Thirty thousand?"

Luo Ning stood next to Xue Baijin and became a little annoyed when she heard this.

After all, 3 taels of silver is not a small amount. If you go to Fan Jiuniang's shop to buy clothes, you can buy more than 300 sets. It's not like asking the Qinglong Society to help get the elixir, but just asking for information. Isn't this an exorbitant price?She frowned and said:
"The bandits in Liangzhou are not that dark, so they can't bargain?"

Qiu Tianhe shook his head: "There must be a lot of people in the world asking for the exclusive information of the Qinglong Society, and they are not weak in strength. They will definitely kill the price. In fact, I think we don't necessarily have to buy information from the Qinglong Society."

As the leader of Pingtian Cult, Xue Baijin's family is not thin, but no matter how much money he has, he has to use it wisely. It is impossible to spend such unjust money on slaughtering a fat sheep. Seeing this, he asked:

"how you said that?"

"I made some inquiries today. According to rumors in the market, Hua Junchen, who has become famous recently, seems to be secretly related to the Qinglong Association. To be able to sneak into the forbidden areas of the imperial court, first of all, one must have high martial arts skills, and secondly, one must have a high status and be able to roughly understand these secrets. Hua Junchen Both are consistent..."

Xue Baijin understood what Qiu Tianhe meant, which was to go directly to Hua Junchen and ask for information through coercion and inducement.She thought for a while and said:

"The Beiliang court is not stupid. It is impossible for them not to hear the rumors in the world. If Hua Junchen is really doing it secretly, even if it is not confirmed, he should be detained for review..."

Qiu Tianhe shook his head and said: "Hua Junchen has a special status. He is the eldest son of a big family in Hudong Province. He will not arrest people without evidence. I guess the Beiliang court is secretly investigating. If the Beiliang court finds evidence first and arrests people, Come on, if we think about it again, we won’t have a chance to ask... How about I go find Hua Junchen to find out more?"

Xue Baijin thought about it for a while and felt that this statement was not unreasonable. During the discussion, there was another noise in the alley.

Qiu Tianhe stopped talking and looked back, only to see Gangzi turning over from outside the wall and saying anxiously after landing:
"There seems to be something big going on in the city. I was just shopping with my girl, and I found a lot of warriors running to Bell Tower Street. After asking, I learned that someone had just fought in that area. Mu Yunsheng, the former overlord of the snowfield, was killed by Hua Junchen. Under the sword..."


As soon as these words came out, not only Qiu Tianhe was stunned for a moment, but also Xue Baijin and Luo Ning looked surprised.

After all, although Mu Yunsheng has retired from the world for many years, most people who have been around in the world will have an impression of it; Mu Yunsheng is the old city lord of Shuofeng City, and his status in the world is similar to that of Liu Qiansheng, but the difference is that Liu Qiansheng was defeated, and Mu Yunsheng In mint condition.

Wu Kui retired from the world and did not suffer any hidden injuries. The longer the time goes by, the more inestimable his strength becomes. For example, the old swordsman Sun Wuji reached the threshold of martial arts without saying a word. If it were not for his old age and failing health, Xue Baijindu You have to be scared.

Even if Mu Yunsheng does not have such a high level of understanding, his condition continues to decline as he grows older. As long as he is not injured secretly, he is still a serious old martial artist, with experience and achievements that crush the master.

Even in the dungeon, Liu Qiansheng could guide Qiu Tianhe, the top master, as a junior. No matter how weak Mu Yunsheng was, how could he be so weak?

Qiu Tianhe suddenly heard the news and was a little unbelievable:
"you sure?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang didn't believe it either. After all, if this matter was true, then Hua Junchen might be able to have a back-and-forth fight with him.He responded:
"It's not certain yet, but it's been rumored everywhere, so it can't be true. Mu Yunsheng was the previous Shuofeng City Lord. If this is true, then Hua Junchen's background is a bit unfathomable..."

Xue Baijin listened to the movement and felt that the fight between the two people should not be that outrageous. However, swordsmanship relies on skills, and the movement of fighting is not big at all. The distance was too far and she couldn't tell for sure. After thinking for a while, she said:

"The minimum limit is at least a top grandmaster, otherwise I won't be able to kill Mu Yunsheng. The upper limit is probably on par with Hua Ling. Senior Qiu, you better not ask for information. For a warrior with such an unpredictable background, I might have exposed his identity if he made too much noise. .”

When Qiu Tianhe heard that Mu Yunsheng was dead, he didn't dare to run up to see him off. He said with a little embarrassment:
"I was just talking. Mu Yunsheng died suddenly in the hands of Hua Junchen. He probably had the same intention as us, wanting to save 3 taels of silver and his life. Well...Gangzi, you take it Do you have any money?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang spread his hands slightly: "I am just a fish seller. I can get 30 taels. Where do you want me to find 3 taels?"

Qiu Tianhe thought about it, and then thought about it: "The Qinglong Society is to help assassins, and it is not clean. If you can find the person behind the scenes, Bai Jin, you can threaten..."

"If Qinglonghui dares to do this, they will think in advance that they may be robbed by Wu Kui and Martial Saint. This move will definitely not work."

"Sigh." Seeing this, Qiu Tianhe could only say: "Then I will discuss it with the people from the Qinglong Club to see if I can lower the price. By the way, where is Ye Boy? Beiliang Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are more masters than we expected , if he is not involved in this matter, we may not be sure of success if we get the information..."

Luo Ning and Xue Baijin left Jingjie City early. Although they knew that Night Terror Hall would come to the north, they were not sure when they would come.

Xue Baijin had an accident during his last practice. He was held by Ye Jingtang and looked at the Northern Hemisphere for a long time. In fact, he was a little embarrassed to meet Ye Jingtang. He just said:

"As long as Master Xiang Han and Zhongsun Jin don't run into each other, I will be sure to succeed."

Qiu Tianhe didn't say much when he saw this. After communicating for a few words, he left the inn with Xuanyuan Tiangang...


I've been suffering from insomnia these past few days, my state has fluctuated, and my coding is a bit slow or2!

 Thank you to the bosses of [Driving the Sea Purple Golden Liang] and [Liu Liu Crazy] for the [-] reward!

(End of this chapter)

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