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Chapter 447: Disappearing like a dream

Chapter 447: Disappearing like a dream

Hoof hoof hoof...

Several followers followed the carriage and drove along the long street to the Wanbao Tower in the city. They didn't say much along the way, but everyone had a bit of surprise and admiration in their eyes, and they glanced at the carriage from time to time.

In the carriage, Hua Qingzhi was sitting beside the chessboard, seemingly still studying the endgame, but her mind was not on the chessboard at all. She looked like a good girl who got into trouble and was caught by her father, biting her lower lip from time to time. The father sitting opposite him quickly turned his gaze back.

Luzhu was a little timid, so she hugged Niaoniao and ran outside the carriage to sit down.

Hua Junchen leaned against the carriage, still not recovering from the shock. Looking at his always well-behaved daughter not far away, he felt mixed emotions. He was heartbroken that a good cabbage had been snatched by a wild boar king, and he also felt that his daughter had been cheated. There is nothing left to do.

After all, he didn't have to know Ye Dayan, and it was impossible for Qingzhi not to know him. When he first arrived at Tianlang Lake, he had expressed his appreciation for Ye Jingtang in an ambiguous way.

Ye Jingtang is talented and has a high position. It is normal for him to be favored by the little girl's family. Although he has thought about the possibility of entanglement between the two in the future, he is just thinking. They are thousands of miles apart and live in two dynasties. How can they get together? Together.

But he never expected that the Night Demon, who had gained a great reputation in the Southern Dynasties, was actually a love interest. He ran all the way to the north regardless of the dangers, and even deigned to become a servant in Washington, regardless of his status.

No wonder Qingzhi carries Ye Jingtang with her wherever she goes these days. The two of them are secretly having a secret meeting behind his back, and they make him take the blame as a father...


Hua Junchen was in a state of confusion. As a father, he should have disciplined his daughter for having random boyfriends because of this incident.

But the daughter-in-law is a bit too powerful, with martial arts, looks, status, and background all-around perfect. The only thing that is slightly worse about her life experience is not that she was born badly, but that King Tianlang is gone. Otherwise, she would be a serious Wang Ting. Prince.

On this condition, he even felt a little superior when seducing his daughter. If he didn't praise his daughter for her ability, it would be good. What reason could he have to say that her daughter was not?
This is to blame, and it is also his fault as a father who fails to live up to expectations. If he were the Northern Liang Martial Saint, how could he be suppressed by his son-in-law...

The father and daughter sat in silence for a long time.

Hua Qingzhi guessed that her father should have discovered Mr. Ye's identity, but she didn't know what her father was thinking. She thought that her father was worried that the Hua family would be implicated in Ye Jingtang in the future, so she finally spoke softly:
"How about I tell Hua An and ask him not to come as an errand tomorrow, and draw a clear line between himself and the Hua family from now on..."

Draw a line?

When Hua Junchen heard this, he wanted to poke his daughter on the head twice and ask her what she was thinking.

After all, after he knew Ye Jingtang's identity, he asked his daughter to break up with her. Why shouldn't Ye Jingtang bear a grudge against him and the Hua family for this?
Not to mention how overbearing the Night Demon is, he is already a hero among the people, enough to influence the situation of the two dynasties. He will only become more powerful in the future. It is impossible to unify the north and the south and follow the old path of Wu Taizu.

Now such a big opportunity is in front of the Hua family. As long as the bet is right, the Hua family will prosper for another 300 years. If he chooses to draw a clear line and turn against him, his father will beat him half to death when he goes back.

Hua Junchen also knew that he had no control over this matter. He believed that the wisdom of future generations was the best choice at the moment, so he could only sigh softly:

"We're already at home, what's the point of letting people go out again? You're not young anymore. You have your own rules for these things. You don't need to interfere with your father."

When Hua Qingzhi saw that her father did not send Ye Jingtang away, she was naturally happy in her heart. She pursed her lips and smiled, and did not add anything more.

goo goo goo...

Soon, the carriage entered the alley on the side of Wanbao Building.

Ye Jingtang kept walking in front of the carriage. When he arrived at the door, he got off his horse and picked Hua Qingzhi off.

Hua Junchen walked out of the carriage and looked at Ye Dayan, who was still a little pleasant to his eyes. He wanted to chat for a few words, but felt that nothing was appropriate. In the end, he just jumped out and walked to the door:
"Send Miss to your room to rest. Let's all go and have a rest."

After Ye Jingtang watched Uncle Hua go in, he moved the wheelchair down and placed it behind the threshold.

Hua Qingzhi was helped out of the carriage by Luzhu, and sat down in the wheelchair. After her father disappeared, she asked in a low voice:
"What happened in the alley today?"

Ye Jingtang asked Niaoniao to go back to Aunt Fan to beg for food, pushed Hua Qingzhi towards the back house and said:
"It's not a big deal. Two thieves suddenly appeared. Uncle Hua couldn't beat them, so I helped. The matter has been solved."

Hua Qingzhi was walking on the road just now, but she heard the rumors that were abuzz in the city. However, Ye Jingtang said that it was nothing serious, so it shouldn't be serious. She didn't ask any more questions, and just whispered:

"I feel like dad is overthinking. The way he looked at me just now, um..."

Green Pearl has been sticking to the back of Ye Jingtang's buttocks. Seeing this, he added in a low voice:
"Women do not stay in college."


Hua Qingzhi sat up a little straighter and wanted to say something like Lu Zhu said nonsense, but the look in her father's eyes seemed to mean that.

Ye Jingtang knew that Uncle Hua had misunderstood, and said:
"Just now in the alley, Uncle Hua asked me if I was here for the young lady. I couldn't explain my purpose, so I gave an ambiguous response..."


Hua Qingzhi turned around and looked at Mr. Ye behind her, her eyes slightly shy and anxious:
"I'm just telling you, Mr. Ye, how can you joke about this kind of thing..."

Ye Jingtang also knew that this was wrong and coaxed with a pleasant expression:
"It's only because of the situation. Don't worry, I will make this clear when I leave."

Hua Qingzhi was thinking about what her father had just said, and felt that her father had already acquiesced in this marriage. If this was delayed in the future, it would get darker and darker.

She wanted to run and explain it to her father now, but in this case, she could not explain the purpose of Ye Jingtang coming to Hua's house. After struggling again and again, she still made a resentful look:
"That's all. Anyway, Mr. Ye is very skilled in martial arts. I am a weak woman and can only be at your mercy. I can do whatever I say."


Faced with this tone of voice, Ye Jingtang didn't know how to respond. He was secretly brewing words when he saw Hua Ning, who had sent Prince Wang off early in the afternoon, walked out of the aisle.

Hua Ning had just heard the shocking news that the master had been crowned Grand Master. He knew that the master must have been wronged. He didn't dare to show up in front of the master just now. At this time, he took a box and quietly came to Hua Qingzhi:
"Miss, Mr. Wang wanted to send frozen Yanshuang at noon to express his gratitude. I declined on behalf of the young lady. As a result, just now Mr. Wang sent someone to send frozen Yanshuang. He said that he wanted to apologize for the incident at the banquet on behalf of Mr. Wang, and asked the young lady to convey it on his behalf. One sound."

When Hua Qingzhi was on the street, she heard that his father killed two people when he went out and Wang Shilang was so frightened that he hid under the table.

Seeing this scene, she guessed that Wang Jiwen was instructed by Wang Shilang to come to smooth things over. She sighed softly and took the things:
"You take a good painting and give it to Mr. Wang as a return gift. By the way, I want to convey that my father did not take the drunken jokes to heart and left the meeting early today. I hope Mr. Wang will not take it to heart."

Hua Ning nodded and accepted the order, turned around and ran to the study.

Lu Zhu followed behind, and after Hua Ning left, she lowered her head and looked at the box in the lady's hand:
"Is this the Dongyanshuang that Xijiang pays tribute to? Is it as good as the one we bought in Langxuan City last time?"

"They should all be the same, just with different boxes."

Hua Qingzhi opened the beautifully decorated wooden box, and it was seen that there was a painted porcelain box inside, with gold and jade inlaid on the surface. The box alone was probably worth a lot, and it looked like a tribute from the palace.After looking at it for a few times, she didn't open it, but handed it to Ye Jingtang:

"Last time I went to Langxuan City, I bought a box of frost cream and gave it to my aunts and sisters to kiss them. There is still a lot left and I can't use it all. You can give this to the one you love, it will definitely please you."

Ye Jingtang shook his head at this and said: "I have already troubled you so much, how can I have the nerve to take your things again."

Seeing this, Luzhu cleverly took the porcelain box and stuffed it into Ye Jingtang's arms:
"The lady is giving it to you. Just take it. No need to be polite. I will send the lady back to her room first."

Saying that, without waiting for Ye Jingtang to respond, he pushed the wheelchair and ran away.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang felt a little helpless. He took out the porcelain box and looked at it. Because it was not an expensive item and he was not too polite. After watching Hua Qingzhi leave, he returned to the small courtyard.

Fan Qinghe and Zhe Yunli, who did not go out today, probably went shopping together, have now returned to the house.

Ye Jingtang returned to the side house alone. When he walked to the door of Qinghe, he could see that the door was open and the steps were covered with warm yellow lights.

Niaoniao, who came back first, was jumping around on the verandah with a little stuffed tiger in his mouth. When he saw him, he started shaking his head, obviously showing off.

In the room, there were two female voices:

"We agreed to take me with us next time, and it turned out great. Mu Yunsheng is such a powerful old monster, but I didn't even look at his appearance..."

"Today was an accident, and it's not like I didn't take you with me on purpose. If I hadn't heard the news today, I would have thought Mu Yunsheng would have died long ago..."

"Is this a bit too big for me?"

"It's not big. You are growing. Now you are looser. You will be full in two months..."

"Why do I only have chest but not height? I feel like it's a hindrance to my martial arts practice..."

"Oh, I don't know how blessed I am when I am surrounded by blessings. Look at your Aunt Shui'er. She is as beautiful as a country. Her chest is almost the same as that of a little girl like yours. I want to pinch... cough..."

"What's the catch?"

"Uh... I can't even clamp a sword."

"What's Aunt Lu doing with the sword on her chest? A new move?"


When Ye Jingtang heard this strange conversation, all the serious things in his mind disappeared. After rubbing Niao Niiao's head, he slowly walked to the door and looked inside.

In the room, the slender Xiao Yunli and the plump Qing He were sitting side by side on the bed. There were some colorful fabrics placed between them, which were obviously clothes they had just bought today.

At this time, Zhe Yunli was holding the skirt of his clothes with both hands and lowering his head to think about it. He was obviously thinking about the move of holding a sword in his chest.

But Qinghe accidentally let it slip, and his eyes were a little embarrassed. In order to cover up the lie, he demonstrated in person, stuffing a small medicine bottle into his collar, clamping it, and puffing up his chest:
"It's not necessary to hold the sword. If a woman's skirt is slim and it's difficult to carry small items, she can put money, rouge, gouache, etc. on her chest; but it has to be relatively large. Your Aunt Shui'er will never learn how to do it in her life. …”

This was the first time Zhe Yunli had heard of this method of hiding things. He immediately opened Aunt Fan's collar and looked at it:
"Eh~ This bellyband is so naughty..."


"I'll try it too..."


Ye Jingtang saw that Yunli was about to open his collar like a cat and a tiger, and he didn't dare to peek anymore, so he coughed twice quickly:
"Cough cough..."

The two girls in the room were startled when they heard the sound.

Zhe Yunli hurriedly stuffed the small clothes under the quilt and sat upright:

"Cousin Jing, are you back?"

Ye Jingtang entered the house through the door, pretending not to hear anything, and said with a smile:
"Yeah, did you go shopping today?"

Zhe Yunli nodded. She wanted to get up and ask about Mu Yunsheng's situation, but she looked up and saw the shiny box in Ye Jingtang's hand. Her eyes lit up and she walked over to look at it:

"what is this?"

Night Terror Hall took out the box:
"Miss Hua gave it to me as a gift from someone else. It is said to be a tribute from the Beiliang Palace, but there is only one box..."

Fan Qinghe thought that Ye Jingtang had brought her rouge and gouache when he came back to coax her to sleep. He was secretly annoyed at how he could bring it out in front of Yun Li. When he heard this, he suddenly became bored and responded:

"The frosting cream is a medicine made by Dong Mingbu. It can protect your skin and preserve your appearance. I know how to prepare it myself. Give it to Yunli. She probably hasn't used it before."

When Zhe Yunli saw this, he was naturally rude. He took the box inlaid with gold and jade in his hand and looked at it. He also lightly bumped Ye Jingtang with his shoulder:
"Thank you, cousin Jing."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, because it was getting late and there were still bad things to do, so he said:

"It's too late, go to bed early. Aunt Fan and I talked about something and went to bed."

After all, Zhe Yunli is a young girl who is very interested in rouge and gouache. She quickly ran out:

"Don't you need me to help you fall asleep?"

"No, I'll go to bed later..."

Before he finished speaking, he ran into the room opposite.

When Ye Jingtang saw this scene, he hesitated to speak. After all, he couldn't harm Aunt Fan unless he made Yunli fall asleep.

Fan Qinghe, on the other hand, secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have to worry about being beaten, and he sat up a little straighter:

"What do you want to talk about? Tell me."

Ye Jingtang closed the door angrily and came to sit down:

"I just fought hard with Mu Yunsheng for hundreds of moves, and my arms are a little tired..."

Fan Qinghe frowned slightly: "Don't talk nonsense, you still have hundreds of moves, and the fight with King Zuo Xian didn't last that long. Yunli is not asleep, I won't pay attention to you whatever you say, go back to the house and sleep."

I have been busy at Night Terror Hall for a while. I came back late at night and I couldn’t sleep. I looked around:

"Where is the blood-stasis removing ointment? I can just apply it myself."

Fan Qinghe raised his hand to touch the leather armor on the back of his waist. It turned out that the place where the bottle of blood-removing ointment was placed was empty, so he stretched his hand to the collar, but immediately paused, his eyes a little embarrassed.Ye Jingtang blinked and looked at the bulging Tuan'er:
"Why are you stuck here?"

When Fan Qinghe saw that Ye Jingtang wanted to take it by herself, she quickly raised her hand to block it, but failed to block it. Then her big hand slipped into the lapel of her clothes. She didn't dare to make any movement, so she could only say in shame:
"Night Terror Hall, you are getting more and more excessive, aren't you?!"

Ye Jingtang acted serious: "I'm just looking for medicine, why is it hidden so deep? Is this...?"


Fan Qinghe shivered when the pill was pinched, and angrily hit Ye Jingtang on the shoulder:

"Why are you so thick-skinned? Don't mess around. I'll let you kiss me, okay?"

Ye Jingtang was fooling around with his wife, and he was naturally thick-skinned. He nodded gently and pushed onto the bed:

"Where are you kissing?"


Seeing Ye Jingtang's chaos, Fan Qinghe had no choice but to turn around and hold Ye Jingtang's face in his hands, gagging himself.

Ye Jingtang's eyebrows and eyes were all smiles, and he stopped acting recklessly at the moment, letting Qing He hold his face in his hands to catch his breath.

After all, Fan Qinghe was already here. After holding his husband in his arms for a while, and then being touched and pinched, he could feel it. He was afraid that he would lose his mind later and do something embarrassing in front of Yunli, so he ordered it. He raised his head and pushed the Night Terror Hall out:

"Okay, sleep well and I won't come out with you next time."

"Ha ha……"

Although Ye Jingtang still has more to say, Yunli really can't use it until she's asleep, and she's not bothering Aunt Fan at the moment...

At the same time, in the opposite room.

Zhe Yunli was also a maid, and lived in the same room as Fan Qinghe, but there were many more small items in it, which were all bought from the street in the past few days, such as fans, masks, small ornaments, etc.

After returning from Aunt Fan's room, Zhe Yunli sat down in front of the table with a bronze mirror in front of her and a delicate porcelain box in her hand. She dipped her fingertips into white cream and applied it gently on her face while humming softly. minor key:


The frozen facial cream in the box has a strange floral fragrance. It smells very good, feels cool to the touch, and is very comfortable to apply on the face.

Zhe Yunli felt it carefully, nodded slightly, and said to himself, "This thing is really good..." when he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Looking down, he saw that the apple-sized skirt was slowly swelling.

The clothes were untied at some point, revealing a Grand Canyon similar to that of Aunt Fan...

? ?
Zhe Yunli was stunned and raised his hand to touch it. As a result, the skirt of his clothes returned to its original state, neat and indistinguishable.


Zhe Yunli was confused, shook his head, raised his hand and pinched himself to make sure if he was dreaming. The result was that the touch was very real, and it was obviously not a dream.

Zhe Yunli frowned slightly. He seemed to have been distracted and had hallucinations. However, he raised his eyes and looked at the bronze mirror in front of him again, and was stunned again.

I saw the spirited beauty in the mirror, who seemed to have grown up a bit and turned into someone in her early twenties. Her cheeks were very pure and charming, and she was as worthy of being a stunning beauty as a mistress.

Zhe Yunli stood up, only to find that she had grown taller. She was almost the same as her master, the Queen. She had long legs, a thin waist, and a big chest. Her skirt would change into a fat-headed dragon python suit, the white skirt of her master, and occasionally the Turned into all kinds of shameless little clothes that I saw in Jiangzhou...


Before I knew it, the night was getting darker.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the bed, slowly brushing away distracting thoughts and seriously thinking about the next arrangements.

The purpose of this trip is to get the Ming Shen Diagram, and it is also very important to get the news about the elixir on the way. I must get one or both of them.

However, there has been no news from the Qinglong Club for two or three days. The Bishui Forest team has just alerted the enemy, and it is difficult to pay attention to them again. Speaking of which, there are really no plans for the time being.

Thinking about it like this, because there is really nothing to do and no sleepiness, my thoughts slowly drifted to the team battle in Jingjie City...

But just when he was seriously recalling the talents of his wives, an unusual sound suddenly came from the yard next door.





Ye Jingtang heard the sounds of birds scurrying all over the ground and Yunli's innocent laughter. He felt confused and turned his head. He opened the door and went to the courtyard wall to look around.

As a result, I saw birds hiding around the verandah in the quiet moonlit courtyard, their eyes filled with fear.

And Xiao Yunli, who was wearing a maid's skirt, was like King Zhou looking for a beauty. He raised his hand to touch the air and muttered with bright eyes:
"Why are you so big? Don't run away. Let me touch you..."

? ?
When Ye Jingtang saw this scene, they thought Yun Li was sleepwalking, so they didn't dare to wake up. They quickly jumped over the wall and came to check.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he landed in front of him, Yunli turned to look at him with bright eyes, and then her fair cheeks instantly turned red, and she quickly covered her eyes:
"Cousin Jing, why aren't you wearing clothes~!"


This statement startled Ye Jingtang, who thought he had come out naked in a hurry, so he quickly raised his hand to cover his vitals, but when he lowered his head, he looked down - maybe he was wearing clothes for the convenience of humiliating his aunt in the middle of the night...

Ye Jingtang was puzzled and stepped forward and said:
"Yunli, why are you..."

"Yeah~ don't come over..."

Zhe Yunli stood in the garden where a hundred flowers bloomed. The bird that was as big as a carriage had disappeared, replaced by the unparalleled handsome Jing Cousin.

Cousin Jing's whole body is glowing, and you can clearly see his strong chest muscles, perfect abdominal muscles, and the majestic figure below his waist... Mr. Jiao?
Zhe Yunli covered his eyes with his hands and peeked through his fingers, discovering that Cousin Jing was showing off his perfect figure, but under his crotch was Mr. Jade Horn, whom he had seen in Beijing.

Her eyes turned puzzled, and she walked forward again, raising her hand to touch:

"Cousin Jing, why do you have this thing hanging on your waist..."


Ye Jingtang was observing Yunli's expression when he was suddenly grabbed from the crotch. He jumped up in shock and quickly grabbed Xiao Yunli's thief hand:
"Yunli! Wake up, did you eat poisonous mushrooms?"


Zhe Yunli looked down, then raised his hand to grab it:
"It turns out it's a mushroom hanging. It's so big. Let me touch it..."


Ye Jingtang finally knew why the birds were so scared that they were running around on the ground. He quickly grabbed Yunli's hands and asked for help:
"Qinghe! Come here quickly..."

Fan Qinghe couldn't sleep and had already gotten up after hearing the noise. But she knew that Ye Jingtang was going to run into the house at night, so she had changed into sexy clothes in advance and had just changed back.

At this time, Fan Qinghe opened the door and saw Yunli wandering in Ye Jingtang's arms with a shy face. He knew Chinese medicine just by looking at his expression. He quickly came to him and held Yunli's wrist:
"what did you eat?"

Zhe Yunli turned her head when she heard the sound, only to see Aunt Fan wearing a shameless little dress that even her grandma could see, and standing in front of Cousin Jing with her head held high. She was so shocked that she quickly pulled out her hand to block him:
"Aunt Fan, why did you come out dressed like this?"

Fan Qinghe was suddenly pinched, and his hand was quite strong. His whole body was filled with excitement. He quickly pressed down Yunli's little hand and took out the silver needle from the back of his waist:

"She was on LSD, hold her down."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang quickly hugged Yunli with his arms and asked Qinghe to help him get acupuncture to regain consciousness.

Zhe Yunli was hugged by Cousin Jing, and Aunt Fan came over to her in a coquettish manner. Her face turned red and she said nervously:

"Aunt Fan, what are you doing? He is your nephew... Cousin Jing, don't be like this..."

A needle pricked his neck, and the stinging and cooling sensation instantly poured into his mind, dispelling all illusions in front of him.

Zhe Yunli, who was extremely shy and anxious, suddenly regained consciousness. Her chattering words stopped abruptly. She looked at Aunt Fan with a strange expression in front of her and the frightened Niaoniao. Her eyes gradually turned into embarrassment:

"Uh...what am I doing? Why am I here?"

Ye Jingtang held Yunli in his arms. Seeing that her tone returned to normal, he asked:
"What did you eat?"

Zhe Yunli remembered the embarrassing look just now and looked around with red face:

"I didn't eat anything. It must have been Chinese medicine just now..."

Fan Qinghe knew the medicine just by smelling it, frowned and said:

"This is like a dream. You can see whatever you think about. What nonsense were you thinking about just now?"


Zhe Yunli's eyes were full of innocence: "I have taken Chinese medicine, how do I know what I am thinking..."

Ye Jingtang interjected: "Maybe it was prepared by someone else. The medicine is unstable. No wonder Yunli. Think about it carefully, where did you get the medicine?"

Zhe Yunli didn't dare to think back to those messy things just now, and after thinking about it for a while:
"I just used the frosting cream, nothing else..."

"Long Yanshuang?"

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe quickly came to the room, picked up the porcelain box on the table, smelled it, and then said:
"Sure enough, someone drugged this."

Ye Jingtang frowned when he heard this. He had just taken it from Hua Qingzhi. The only one who could put medicine in it was Wang Jiwen who gave it as a gift.

But what would the wise man do with this thing?

It neither kills nor causes any trouble, it is completely a flirting thing between men and women...

Zhe Yunli checked carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with his body, but when he was held by his cousin Jing, he twisted slightly:
"This looks like some idler's prank, but it's actually nothing. Cousin Jing, please let me down."


Ye Jingtang quickly let go of Yunli, shook his head and said:

"I'll go find out tomorrow why there is such an idle person. Go to sleep first, I'll kill you later."

Zhe Yunli had just made a big joke, and now he felt a little embarrassed to see others. He nodded quickly and ran into the house.

Ye Jingtang followed him into the house, tapped Yun Li twice on the back, and then closed the door.

Seeing that Qinghe was still holding the porcelain box and looking at it in the moonlight, he slowly stepped forward and asked:
"How's it going? Any other questions?"

Fan Qinghe checked for a long time and found no other problems. It should be the handiwork of an elder of the clan, and it was passed down to the prince and noble son of Yanjing.When she saw Ye Jingtang coming over, she said casually:
"You won't know until you try it yourself."

Ye Jingtang was not afraid of medicine anyway, so he dipped his fingers in the box and then wiped it on his face. After waiting for only a moment, he found that his eyes began to be strange and strange. The birds that were hiding behind the pillars and observing secretly began to turn into colorful colors and walk around the ground. chicken.

As for Qing He in front of her, her skirt began to blur gradually, revealing her perfect curves like a gourd...

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly:
"It feels almost the same as last time."

"That's okay, I'll untie it for you...Eh? You put me down, and I'll untie it for you..."

"Go to the house to solve the same problem..."

"You... woo woo..."



roll call:
I recommend a book called "Back to Modern Times, Her Majesty the Queen and I Are Both Laid-off", a new book called Seedlings. If you are interested, you can read it~
(End of this chapter)

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