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Chapter 448: Uncle showed his disgrace!

Chapter 448: Uncle showed his disgrace!
It was late at night before we knew it. The lights in the house were all out and no one was walking around. Only the startled bird was left, squatting on Yunli's window sill and taking a peek. It seemed that he was observing Sister Ertong. Will you go crazy?

In the room opposite, there was a slight sound coming from Ruoyouruowu:

creak creak...

In the room with the small lamp on, there is a fragrance like orchid and honey.

Fan Qinghe had a blush on his cheeks. He leaned his arm on the wooden railing at the head of the bed, pressed his cheek against his forearm, bit his lower lip lightly, and his eyes were blurry.Her jet-black hair flowed down her neck, part of it draped over her white back, and behind her was the full moon.The originally large-scale tuan'er was suspended above the pillow, causing ripples as it moved.

Ye Jingtang was at the back, rehearsing his moves for a long time, with a few beads of sweat on his perfectly sculpted chest, but with a smile on his face the whole time, he lowered his head to admire the full moon.

After admiring it for a long time, Ye Jingtang breathed a sigh of relief, leaned over his back, held the weight with one hand, and asked with concern:

"Well...it's been a few days, and the landowner's fields can't be cultivated like this..."

Fan Qinghe was a little confused and didn't know what he was talking about. Ye Jingtang hugged her and lay down, so he lay down too, resting his arms on his head and not moving.

Ye Jingtang is a martial arts saint, and his physical strength is indeed a bit too strong. Although he is still a little unsatisfied, he still feels sorry for his wife. After holding him and resting for a while, he quietly got up, went outside to fetch water, and wiped the dirty Qinghe. Wipe yourself.

But just as he was carrying water into the house, he suddenly heard a voice coming from the front house:
"Who is it so early in the morning? Are you going to let me sleep?"

The voice sounded like it was the concierge in Washington. It was quite far away, so I couldn't hear it very clearly.

Ye Jingtang frowned, not sure what was going on, so he put down the basin and let Qing He wipe it by himself, preparing to go out to check.

As a result, this move directly pissed off my wife!
Fan Qinghe was wilting and couldn't move his fingers. How could he pay attention to the outside house? When he saw Ye Jingtang put down the water and towel and left, his eyes were very aggrieved:

"You were so attentive when you took it off, but now you have no patience? You..."

"no no……"

Ye Jingtang quickly turned around, wrung out the towel and wiped Qinghe's face:

"There's something going on outside. I'll go out and take a look. You lie down for a while. I'll be right back..."

Fan Qinghe was afraid that the night terror would come to an end later, so he took the towel and tilted his head to look at the wall:
"Don't come back. This is the last time. If you dare to use force next time, I will turn around and go back to Dongming Mountain..."

"Good good..."

Ye Jingtang comforted her softly, and after making sure Qinghe was not angry, he picked up his robe and quietly walked out.

After working most of the night, it was about three o'clock in the morning, and the entire Yanjing fell silent. Only the afterglow of lights could be seen in the distance.

On the way to the Night Terror Hall, I put on my robe and quickly came to the back room of the front house. I saw the concierge in clothes standing on the steps with a door open, looking around.

Ye Jingtang came to the door and asked:
"Uncle Wang, what's the matter?"

The concierge turned around, saw Ye Jingtang, and motioned to a brick in his hand:
"I don't know which kid just knocked on the door in the middle of the night. I came out and saw no one was there, so I put a ball on the ground..."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he knew it was the Qinglong Society who had sent the news. He went out and scanned the alley:
"It's probably some rogue who got drunk and caused trouble. Uncle Wang, please go to bed first while I patrol around."

Ye Jingtang's identity is a second-class guard who looks after the house and the courtyard. The concierge was naturally rude and turned back to the house to get a lantern and handed it to him:
"It's so late and you still haven't slept?"

"Oh, I can't sleep a little bit."

"Young man is young and energetic. It's normal for him to have trouble sleeping at night. I heard from Hua Ying and the others that there is a small alley two blocks east from the alley. It's quite cheap. If you really can't sleep, just go shopping and come back early. But, I’ll keep it a secret for you…”

Ye Jingtang took the lantern, shook his head and chuckled:

"I'm not good at it."

"Haha, young people are like this. They are thin-skinned. Anyway, I have shown you the way. Come back soon."


Ye Jingtang stood outside the door and waited for the concierge to close the door before shaking his head and smiling, holding a lantern and leaving alone, heading to Suijin Street where brothels were crowded.

It was already getting late, and even the romantic places like Suijin Street were getting off work one after another. From time to time, you could see drunken drinkers on the street, or rich people who walked with a little swaying legs.

Night Terror Hall turned into a back alley at the street corner, followed the alley filled with strange sounds, and came to the back of Chunman Building.

A murder occurred two days before Chun Man Building, which obviously affected the business. It has not been open for the past two days, and the front and rear of the high-rise building are completely dark.

As soon as Ye Jingtang arrived nearby, he noticed a familiar aura. Seeing this, he jumped into the wall and raised his hand to tap:
dong dong~
In the alley, the contact person, Old Liu, was pacing back and forth. When he heard the sound, he quickly turned around and bowed his hands towards the wall:
"Your Excellency is here? I really didn't expect that my little Blue Dragon Society could actually make the Grand Master condescend to be an assassin..."

Seeing that Old Man Liu was a little excited, Ye Jingtang interrupted the conversation:
"I'm not Hua Junchen. Didn't I tell you to contact me and place bricks outside the Rabbit Shop in the Imperial College?"


When Lao Liu heard that the other party still refused to admit it, he was speechless:
"I put a brick outside the Rabbit Shop in the afternoon, but in the middle of the night, you didn't show up. So I had no choice but to have someone put a brick at the door of Washington DC. The result was, hey, guess what? These two people It'll be here in a quarter of an hour..."


When Ye Jingtang heard Lao Liu's strange tone, his eyes looked slightly embarrassed.He just took a look at Hua Qingzhi every day when he was taking her to school. This afternoon, he forgot to go and take a look since there was no class. It was indeed an oversight on his part. He immediately explained:
"It was an accident this time, um... let's talk about business. Mr. Liu is looking for me, but have you arranged the way into the palace?"

Although Old Liu confirmed the identity of his assassin, due to the rules of the assassin's profession, he still did not say more and instead said:

"It has been arranged. In the past two days, several groups of people have bought the news about Bishui Forest. The gang also sent a message - the day after tomorrow, March [-]th, Grain Rain. According to the usual practice, the current emperor will go to Yugeng Mountain to fast for a day. When we offer sacrifices to the God of Agriculture, most of the masters in the capital will accompany them to serve as the emperor's guards, so the protection of the Bishui Forest will naturally be a little weaker than usual..."

Ye Jingtang nodded thoughtfully: "You mean, let those people do it the day after tomorrow?"

Old Liu nodded: "The Holy Emperor will not return until the next day, and the night after tomorrow is the best opportunity to take action. As long as there is any movement in the Bishui Forest, there will definitely be a fireworks message, and the experts from the Imperial City will be summoned to come to the rescue; after you see the message, Go to Changyang Gate immediately..."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, his eyes were stunned:
"You let the people who bought the information be targets to attract firepower for me?"

Old Liu quickly shook his head: "We, the Qinglong Club, always talk about credibility, how could we do such a thing? They sneaked into the Bishui Forest and snatched the elixir from Zhongsun Jin. With or without you, they would make a big fuss. We, the Qinglong Club By arranging your things together, their difficulty will not become greater, and your risks will be much smaller. This is not called burning bridges, but "adapting measures to local conditions."

Ye Jingtang thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was the same, and he cupped his hands and said:

"Mr. Gaoming."

"You don't need to be so polite. I, Qinglonghui, only accept money. Once you pay, I will get things done without you having to say anything."

While Old Liu was talking, he took out a map from the bookcase and threw it over the wall:
"When you arrive, enter the palace from Changyang Gate and follow the route on the map; this line is the route that the Queen Mother secretly summoned to enter the palace that night. All the open and secret sentries have been cleared by the Queen Mother, so it is absolutely unimpeded... …”


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was stunned again:

"When Emperor Liang went out to worship heaven, the Queen Mother took the opportunity to summon him to stay overnight in the palace?"

"You haven't heard of such rumors?"

"Uh... I've heard about it, but I didn't expect the old Queen Mother to be so tolerant... Are you going to let me go in through this way?"

Old Liu frowned and said, "Otherwise? Is it possible that he really secretly bribed the twelve servants and the imperial army? Is this something that can be done with 3 taels of silver?"

At first, Ye Jingtang really thought that the Qinglong Society had great supernatural powers, that it could turn its hands to make clouds and rain, and use some shocking tricks. However, they did not expect that the arranged infiltration method was so simple and unpretentious.He thought for a while and said:

"Are you sure this will work?"

Lao Liu responded: "How do you think the glass lamp became an unsolved case when it was lost? It's not that the Twelve Stations couldn't find it, but they didn't dare to continue the investigation, so they could only kill a few eunuchs to settle the matter.

"As long as you don't act foolishly, you will have no problem entering the palace. But when you get to the Mingle Palace where the emperor lives, you have to rely on your own ability. If you don't make any noise, you can still go back the way you came. If you make any noise, you have to Kill yourself.

"We, the Qinglong Association, can also send people outside to assist you, but the price is 30 taels of silver, which is not a penny less. The Hua family has been a family for hundreds of years. In order to wipe your ass, you should not be unable to take this little silver... "

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he felt that Qinglong Club could really make money, and it was much more profitable than Honghua Tower, but it was hard to say that they were evil-hearted.He thought for a while and said:

"I have my own sense of discretion, so I shouldn't need your help."

"It's okay. Your Excellency has really caused a big trouble, so you will need us. We will arrange the connections first. If you don't need it, you are very capable. If you do, you should know the rules. I won't say much."

Ye Jingtang had no objection to this. After a few words of communication, he asked again:
"Who is buying the news? How dare you go even if you know Zhongsun Jin is in charge?"

Lao Liu said to this: "The rules of the world do not reveal the employer's information. But at present, it seems that we should be a little sure. There are forces in Northwest, Tiannan, and Beihuang asking for prices, and there are many capable people.

"Mu Yunsheng actually asked, but unfortunately he couldn't afford the money. As a former overlord, he couldn't lose face to bargain, so he turned around and left. The gang originally wanted to wait for him to come to the door for the second time and give him a personal price, but in the end He turns around and becomes a stepping stone for you, alas..."

After Ye Jingtang heard this, he felt a little regretful about killing Mu Yunsheng. After all, with Mu Yunsheng's ability, running to Bishui and Mr. Lin said it could be of some use.

But death is like a lamp going out, so there is no point in thinking about this. He took the map and looked at it, then handed it over through the wall:
"Then I will take my leave first."

"Take care along the way."

Before I knew it, the sky was bright.

Because the Imperial College had a regular holiday today and there were no classes, Hua Qingzhi got up a little later than usual. She didn't put on her clothes until the sun came over the mountains. She sat in the spring courtyard, holding a medicine bowl and sipping medicine. .

Although the medicine prepared by Xuehu Huahua Plant has amazing curative effects, it is also extremely bitter. Even if Hua Qingzhi is not squeamish, she still has to take a sip with a spoonful of honey.

After taking many sips, the medicine bowl finally bottomed out. Hua Qingzhi put it down and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, while looking to the side:
"Luzhu, is there a mouse in the house? I seemed to hear a 'creeping~' sound in the middle of the night last night, but it disappeared after a while..."

Luzhu stood in front of him to serve, his eyes looked a little strange when he heard this:
"Really? I'm relatively asleep. How about I ask Hua An later?"

After thinking about it, Hua Qingzhi rolled her wheelchair to the corridor outside the courtyard and shouted softly:

"Hua An?"

"Hey, here we come!"

In the yard not far away, Ye Jingtang had just woken up and was memorizing the route map of the palace. When he heard the sound, he quickly put away his things, got up and walked to the corridor outside:
"Miss, have you ordered?"

"It's nothing. I just heard some noise yesterday. There seemed to be mice in the house. Did you hear it?"

"Uh..." Ye Jingtang came from behind to help push the wheelchair. Hearing these words, he naturally understood what the movement was and explained vaguely:

"Niaoniao doesn't sleep at night and is probably causing trouble on the roof. You'll get used to it."

Hua Qingzhi just ignored it and didn't care about it. Since she had nothing to do in the morning, she wanted Ye Jingtang to push her to the Wanbao Building outside to look at the account books and so on. As a result, just halfway through, she found her father. In the yard, came:

"Hey-! Hey-!"

Hua Qingzhi was slightly startled, then turned around and saw that there were a lot of stone locks, weapon racks and other debris in her father's large courtyard.

But my father, who had always been elegant in the past, rarely changed into a short fighting uniform, with wristbands and leggings on his hands and feet. He stood in the middle of the crosswalk with a stone load on his shoulders.

The stone burden used for normal strength training is no larger than a washbasin and weighs about 180 kilograms.

The one that dad is practicing now is obviously specially made. The wooden pole in the middle has been replaced by an iron rod. The left and right counterweights are similar to those of a millstone, and there are two pieces on the left and right. Not to mention the weight, Hua Qingzhi estimates that she can’t even lift the middle one. I can't even pick up the iron pole.

At this time, my father was walking with his feet on horseback, holding a stone pole on his back shoulders with both hands, and was practicing squats. The veins on his originally handsome face were bulging, and beads of sweat were rolling down like soybeans.

Hua Qingzhi has grown up, and this is the first time she has discovered that her father is so powerful, so she quickly said:
"Dad, don't move your waist, put it down quickly."

Hua Junchen got up early to practice martial arts, and found his daughter and his new son-in-law emerging from the door. Not only did they not put down the stone load, they also put away their constipated and painful expressions, trying to appear relaxed.

However, if a martial artist can lift a heavy weight with ease when practicing martial arts, it means that he is far from reaching the limit of his strength. Once he reaches the limit, he cannot be light and calm.

When Hua Junchen forcibly relaxed his facial muscles, the result was like a landslide, and his whole body was directly pressed down. He was about to give his daughter a happy birthday.

Fortunately, Ye Jingtang reacted quickly. When he saw this scene, he knew something was going to happen. He flashed into the yard, grabbed the stone pole with his left hand, and moved it away from his shoulder. At the same time, he held Uncle Hua's arm with his right hand:

"Be careful! Uncle, your waist isn't flashing, is it?"


Hua Junchen stood up quickly with a light shoulder. He wanted to say it was okay, but in the blink of an eye he saw the stone burden held by Ye Jingtang with one hand, and his eyes almost popped out:

Hua Qingzhi was originally nervous, but when she saw Mr. Ye catching it so easily, as if he was holding a double-headed marshmallow, her eyes turned blank, and she even suspected that her father was just putting on a show.

Ye Jingtang noticed Uncle Hua's startled look in his eyes, which probably hurt his self-esteem. He quickly let go of his left hand and pretended to rub his arm, pretending to be in pain:

"This stone burden is really heavy."


The stone load fell to the ground with a muffled sound, and even Hua Qingzhi, who was sitting outside the door, felt her butt shake. This showed that the weight was genuine and obviously not fake.

Hua Junchen has lived half his life, and this is the first time he has seen such a perverted brute force. Even if he knew that he was in front of him, he was still full of surprise and suspicion.

However, even if his skills are not as good as others, he is still an elder, and he may still be the father-in-law in the future. How can he lose face in front of young people? He pretended to be calm and clapped his hands:
"Yes, you are very strong. I have nothing to do in the morning, just practice. You can continue to relax with Qingzhi."

Ye Jingtang felt that Uncle Hua was under too much pressure because of the title of 'Sword Master' yesterday, so he secretly practiced hard at home to avoid being too embarrassed if his secret was exposed later.

This is obviously a good thing. Hua Junchen is already a mid-level master, and his talent is not bad. He knows his shame and has the courage to practice hard. It is not impossible to be lucky and reach the top in a short time. However, there is obviously something wrong with this training method.

Ye Jingtang felt ashamed for letting Uncle Hua take the blame, so he immediately said:

"Below the master, training can still widen the gap, but above the master, such training has no effect; Eunuch Cao of the Southern Dynasties was much stronger than King Zuo Xian, but in a real fight, King Zuo Xian would only need to rely on his support. Big, Eunuch Cao will never touch the corner of his clothes for the rest of his life. The key lies in practicing Qi, or the attainment of luck..."

Hua Junchen found out that Ye Jingtang was giving advice. As an elder, he should be dissatisfied.

But how many martial artists in this world can be guided by the Martial Saint?

Ordinary people should be able to benefit from a single sentence of advice for half a lifetime, let alone such a detailed explanation.

Hua Junchen opened his mouth, intending to say something to protect his father-in-law's face, but in the end he listened attentively.

"To put it bluntly, the grandmaster is at the level of a beginner in martial arts. The two meridians of Ren and Du are opened, and the chest and abdomen can form the Zhoutian on its own. Therefore, the martial arts has undergone a qualitative change and can crush ordinary martial arts; but it is still a person who knows it but does not know why. To reach the realm, you can only follow the martial arts moves passed down by your predecessors.

"The mid-level masters have learned some tricks and know how to make temporary adjustments and choose the most suitable luck vein to make their moves more effective with half the effort; but they are limited to the original path and do not dare to go beyond it.

"As for the Grand Master, he has mastered a martial art. He can use it however he wants. He can use his arms and fingers at his fingertips. When he encounters an enemy, he will naturally have divine help. By the end of the practice, he will be one with nature and man, and he can also call a human sword. Oneness.”

Hua Junchen stood with his hands behind his back and thought secretly for a moment, frowned and said:

"You mean I haven't mastered it yet?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Uncle Hua had not mastered his skills at all, it was completely annoying, but he couldn't explain it clearly, so he broke off a branch and stood in front of him:

"I'm here to practice as a target for Uncle Hua. Uncle Hua can draw the sword with confidence. After a few more strikes, he will naturally realize the problem."

Hua Junchen was really flattered when he saw that the notorious Night Demon deigned to teach him tricks.

After all, even if you are placed at the bottom of the martial arts world, only the direct disciples can enjoy the privilege of the master's own recruitment and guidance. The other disciples have to fight with their senior brothers.

As for the father-son relationship that is not master-disciple, it goes without saying. The two words of advice are the great favor of "a master with one word".

The upright Martial Saint, who was known for his Night Terrors, treated his uncle so favorably regardless of his status. It would be no exaggeration to say that he regarded him as his own son...


When Hua Junchen thought of this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he still felt warm in his heart. He even felt that his daughter was really powerful. If his daughter hadn't kidnapped such a powerful Lord of Hell, how could he enjoy such treatment as a prodigy in the world.

Although he had a lot of ideas, Hua Junchen was not slow in his movements. He immediately took up his stance, holding the sword hilt and preparing to attack.

Hua Qingzhi and Lvzhu stood at the door and stepped back a little when they saw this. When they saw Ye Jingtang holding a small branch, Hua Qingzhi's eyes were a little worried:

"Dad, be careful, the sword has no eyes, don't hurt Hua An."


As soon as this statement came out, it can be said that two people were stunned at the same time.

Ye Jingtang turned to look at Miss Hua, her eyes were a little complicated, and she probably meant - in your mind, am I such a bad person?
Hua Junchen, on the other hand, hesitated to speak, and secretly complained in his heart - you really think highly of your father. If I can accidentally hurt him, then [-]% of it is because he is making his father-in-law happy, and [-]% of it is to make you feel sorry for him!
The distracting thoughts flashed by. Hua Junchen held the sword in his right hand, quickly suppressed his breath, and turned into a motionless color. He really looked like a swordsman.

Ye Jingtang put one hand behind his back, pointed the small branch diagonally at the ground, and waited with a calm expression:

"Uncle please."

"In this case, uncle will show his disgrace!"


A crisp sword cry sounded in the courtyard, and then a sudden wind blew up.

Hua Junchen's body flashed, and the three-foot green sword left the scabbard, slid his feet away, and almost slid sideways to the right side of the Night Terror Hall. He leaned down and struck the sword directly under his ribs.


Because he knew he couldn't be killed, he didn't hold back at all with this sword. He opened and closed it in a gorgeous and unrestrained way. He also made a sword finger gesture with his left hand. Just looking at the posture, he was full of swordsmanship and pleasing to the eye.

But it is a pity that the sword is a killing weapon. Only by crushing the opponent with strength can one be qualified to show off during the fight.

Even when Ye Jingtang attacked King Zuo Xian, he was in a state of embarrassment and focused on self-preservation. How could he dare to put the word "handsome" in the first place.

When Ye Jingtang saw Uncle Hua practicing his sword for the first time, he saw the problem. There were too many meaningless cool moves. At this time, the teaching was simple and straightforward. He drew the branch of his right hand to the side and downwards.

There was a crisp sound in the courtyard.

Hua Junchen, who was sliding out his sword with both feet, was directly hit by a tree branch on the ankle. His right foot immediately moved forward, and then his lower body became unstable. He did a standard straight horse and rode straight on the ground.



Outside the courtyard, Fan Qinghe and Yunli, who heard the commotion, ran to the door to watch the show. Even the birds were awakened and jumped on the fence.

When she discovered that Hua Junchen was performing a one-character horse version of the Immortal Guidance, Yunli couldn't hold back and started laughing:

Hua Qingzhi also widened her eyes. Although she expected that her father would not be able to defeat him, she did not expect that her father would be such a bad guy and would not be able to catch a single move.

Hua Junchen lost an adult with one strike of his sword, and then he realized that this unscrupulous son-in-law was being polite, but he was really merciless in his hands.

If you add another sentence: "Why are your legs so wide apart because you want to walk around on the battlefield? If I swipe your crotch with this sword, you will be a bitch for the rest of your life!", that would be a serious master training a fool's apprentice.

Hearing the laughter of the maid behind him, Hua Junchen blushed, but that's how martial arts is, if you don't fight, you won't be able to remember.After a moment of silence, he strengthened his legs, stood up in a more decent posture, and returned to where he was:
"Good work, come on, keep going."


It was the same movement again, but this time it was Hua Junchen shaking his red finger.

"Good swordsmanship, come again!"



On a quiet spring day, four girls and a bird gathered around the door and looked curiously, shouting "Hiss-eh~..." from time to time.

An old man and a young man were demonstrating sword skills in the courtyard. The master had one hand behind his back, and the traitor was jumping around in pain.

If it weren't for the age difference between the two parties, it would be a heartwarming scene of "a master is kind and a disciple is filial"...

 Call me by name: I recommend a book called "You Become an Immortal Just by Playing Games, Right?" If you are interested, you can read it ~


(End of this chapter)

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