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Chapter 454

Chapter 454
The Golden Buddha is one foot high, with a lotus base below it. Although it is very large, people should come and go here from time to time, and it is not difficult to find a way to open it.

Fan Qinghe turned around slightly, and after roughly figuring out the structure of the entrance mechanism, he pointed to the floor:

"There are slide rails below, with boulders as counterweights. You can only turn the winch to open it from the inside. You can't open it from the outside. You can only exchange passwords with the people inside."


Ye Jingtang naturally had a headache after hearing this. Seeing the taciturn Bing Tuotuo changing his tricks and talking nonsense, he could hardly hold on any longer. At the moment, he could only take a step back and confirm the direction of the slide rail with Qing He. , raise your hands and take a deep breath:

As the air flowed into the chest and abdomen, Ye Jingtang's robes bulged visible to the naked eye. His right foot slid back to support his body, and his palms rushed out with overwhelming force!

boom -

Just listen to a deafening explosion!

Both palms landed on the gold-plated lotus seat. The stone base immediately erupted into dust mist, and two palm prints appeared. There was also a "click" sound from below, which was the sound of a metal lock smashing into the wall.


There was a harsh friction sound in the temple, and the giant golden Buddha, which was two people tall, immediately moved sideways to the left side of the hall until it hit the end of the slide rail, and a downward staircase also appeared under the feet.

With just a quick glance, Ye Jingtang saw a large-scale medicine shop below. The ceiling was supported by eight giant pillars, surrounded by mountains of drawers of medicinal materials, and in the center was a burning copper furnace. There were more than a dozen Qianjimen pharmacists walking around, and they all stopped when they heard the explosion.

Ye Jingtang slapped away the golden Buddha that blocked the entrance. Almost at the same time, there was a loud explosion outside the manor. Without any delay, he flew in from the entrance, and in mid-air, he was buckled down from the stone base. of gravel.


Amidst the sound of breaking wind, which was as dense as a rainstorm, more than a dozen gravels were scattered to every corner of the pharmacy. Before they could react, more than a dozen pharmacists were hit in the back and chest almost at the same time, and immediately fell backward to the ground.

After the night terror hall spilled the hidden weapon, he didn't stop at all. He grabbed the ladder with one hand and jumped out of the upper entrance again.

Qing He, who was in the rear, landed directly in the alchemy room, searching urgently for clues about the elixir.

Originally, the two of them cooperated well, but when Ye Jingtang jumped out and blocked the entrance, and cooperated with Xue Baijin to stop the Beiliang master, Fan Qinghe had a great chance of succeeding in the medicine.

But Zhongsun Jin's arrangement was far more complicated than they imagined.

Boom boom boom...

The moment Ye Jingtang forced the golden Buddha to open, the anti-theft mechanism was triggered. After jumping out of the entrance, black stone walls had fallen from the four doors and windows of the majestic Buddhist hall, turning the Buddhist hall into an airtight death prison.


When Ye Jingtang saw this, he immediately drew his knife and slashed at the stone wall of the window in an attempt to forcefully break it open. However, an unexpectedly powerful knife fell on the stone wall, making a "boom--" explosion and a dazzling sound. Sparks and the entire hall shook.

Ye Jingtang looked closely and saw a half-foot-long gap in the stone wall. The fireworks outside could be seen, but the stone wall was not polished from natural stone. The texture was similar to the black vine bricks in the black prison dungeon. The secret method It is fired and extremely strong, and it is actually wrapped in black steel as thick as a baby's forearm.

The special steel is not indestructible, but it is extremely tough. Two of them were cut off with one strike, revealing the black steel mesh inside the wall.

Ye Jingtang didn't know the bone-shrinking technique, so he obviously couldn't get out through the two-finger-wide gap. He was afraid that the ice would delay Zhongsun Jin's accident, so he immediately flew up again and slashed towards the roof with his sword again.

boom -

With one strike of the knife, all the utensils in the Buddhist hall were shattered by the strong wind, and the broken tiles flew away, revealing waist-thick black steel beams and layers of woven iron frames.

Ye Jingtang really didn't expect Beiliang to use such solid materials. A dilapidated Buddhist hall was built into a steel-concrete structure.


Seeing the roar of the fight coming from outside, Ye Jingtang didn't dare to delay, and immediately flew back to the window, and with a loud shout, he delivered an iron blow.

boom -

The stone wall that had been slashed immediately bulged outwards and became a semicircle, but it still did not fall off the wall.


Under the strong impact, countless pieces of wood and rubble fell from above. Fan Qinghe, who was underground, was shaken to the point of being unable to stand, and he said urgently:
"Be gentle, don't collapse the alchemy room of the house."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang, after breaking some gaps, grabbed the iron net in the wall with both hands, and used force to tear it apart on both sides.

Ka Ka Ka ~
Although the fine steel frame embedded in the wall is extremely tough, its ability to resist deformation is obviously average. Under the brute force expansion, the cracks immediately expanded to both sides, exposing the manor outside...

The continuous night rain fell on the clear water forest, and the flames caused by the thunderous thunder gradually extinguished, but the smoke increased instead of decreasing, slowly turning the entire garden into a state of clouds and fog.

Three imperial eunuchs, including Eunuch Xu, as well as masters such as Hua Junchen and Li Guangxian, stood on the buildings in the manor, frowning and looking carefully at the figure in a bamboo hat standing alone outside the wall.

Zhongsun Jin stood on the wall with his hands behind his back and spoke calmly:
"As long as my wife arrives in Yanjing, she will be conferred a third-grade imperial edict. She likes the charm of the water town, and it is nothing more than rebuilding a house. We can discuss these details later..."

Xue Baijin stood alone in the smoke, already a little confused. After all, she was always upright. She had traveled all over the world and talked as much nonsense as she did today. It all started from titles, official positions, sects, and how the wife settled down. , and if we continue the conversation, I'm afraid we will have to talk about where our son and daughter go to school, and which gentleman we should hire.

Xue Baijin really couldn't make it up, but in order to cover up the protector, he had to make it up, so he could only bite the bullet and wanted to continue talking nonsense, but before he could think of what to talk about, there was an explosion from inside the manor:

Bishui Forest was so dead that only two words were left, but the sudden explosion was like a thunder, stopping everyone's breathing for a moment!
Zhong Sunjin's expression did not change at all, but the moment he heard the movement in the alchemy room, he had already risen from the ground and fled towards the back.

At almost the same moment, the sound of breaking wind also came from ahead.

Xue Baijin stepped heavily on the ground, and rose into the air. Two cold iron maces fell into his hands, and they were smashed in the air at the people in front of him. He even complained in his heart - couldn't you have beaten them earlier?It's made me talk nonsense for so long...

boom -

The two maces fell and brought up strong cross winds. The billowing smoke outside the manor was instantly torn into a huge gap, and the white wall more than ten feet high was also torn apart.

Hua Junchen was still standing nearby, but when he saw this, his face turned pale. He raised his hand and threw the sword to Zhongsun Jin, who was bare-handed. He acted as if he was handing the weapon to his senior at any risk, and his body naturally moved towards him. After all, he was using his bare hands to escape, so he couldn't be allowed to rush forward.

The moment Zhongsun Jin took action in Pingtian Sect, he realized that the opponent had entered the holy realm and was not far behind him in strength.

Facing an opponent of the same level, Zhong Sunjin naturally would not be so strong that he would accept the attack with his bare hands. He wanted to take a roundabout way to get the weapon, but found that Hua Junchen was so smart and didn't just stand stupidly like the other gooses, so he just threw the sword away. He came over, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.


The moment Zhong Sunjin caught the sword, his momentum changed completely. Different from Xue Baijin's rainbow momentum, his figure turned into a shadow in the air, carrying a sword light through the rain curtain, making almost no sound, but he arrived again in the blink of an eye. Nearby.

Xue Baijin lowered his maces to clear a gap in front of him. Just as he closed his maces, the ghostly shadow was already close to him. He then flew forward and galloped, sweeping his left mace at the same time.

But what she didn't expect was that an old demon like Zhong Sunjin, who had been dominating for many years, was indeed much more domineering than King Zuo Xian in controlling the energy.

She swept out her mace. Although it touched the Qingfeng sword, without any force, the sword blade turned into a three-foot snake. It circled the mace three times at an angle that was difficult for ordinary martial artists to understand. The tip of the sword Pointed directly to the left wrist.

This sword was not powerful at all, but it was extremely tricky. Before he could react, his wrist was cut and his tendon was stretched, and his left hand basically lost its fighting ability.

Xue Bai Jinrao had expected Zhong Sunjin, and was shocked into a cold sweat when he saw this scene, but his reaction was not slow. He did not choose to loosen his weapon and be disarmed, but flipped his wrist to block with the end of the mace handle.

There was an explosion of gold and iron clashing in the air.

Seeing that Xue Baijin had not been disarmed, Zhongsun Jin's eyes showed surprise. He held the sword in one hand and pulled it back. The long sword was wrapped around the mace and was pulled to the side. When the sword tip straightened, it was already pointed at Xue Baijin's throat.

ding ding ding-

Sparks flew in the air, and the two of them executed several moves in the blink of an eye.

Because Zhongsun Jin is all clever, no matter how strong the explosion is, he can't use it, and the movement it brings is not very big.

At the rear, even if Eunuch Xu and others could see clearly, they could not keep up with the pace of the two martial saints. When they found that they could not intervene, they immediately turned around and rushed towards the thunderous Buddhist temple.

Hua Junchen threw away his sword and was jumping left and right to perform the Lost Steps. However, after just two jumps, he heard from the side:

"Take the knife!"

Looking out of the corner of his eye, he saw Li Guangxian, his old friend for many years, standing nearby as if facing a formidable enemy, and threw the sword on his waist directly to him.

Facing a strong enemy from the Martial Saint, each other's life is like a piece of grass. Those with weapons may not survive, but those without weapons will definitely die.Under such circumstances, you can still throw life-saving weapons to your unarmed brothers. What kind of loyalty is this?

But Hua Junchen doesn’t want it at all at this time!

It’s understandable that he’s a coward when he’s unarmed, but if he doesn’t charge forward even though he’s armed, doesn’t that mean he’s too scared to move forward and fight?

Hua Junchen saw Guangxian throwing the knife over, and his eyes were filled with mixed emotions. However, he couldn't kick the knife back at this time, so he could only catch it. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that there were still figures moving around the manor, and he quickly said:
"Be careful, this person has reinforcements, go and stop him!"

As he said that, he quickly ran to the side and chased after the fish in the rivers and lakes who were trying to fish in troubled waters.

Li Guangxian saw the formation of leader Pingtian and knew that if he went over, he would die. He immediately followed Junchen and ran to the side.

ding ding ding-

But in an instant, swords and swords were everywhere in the clear water forest.

In the center of the manor, Ye Jingtang relied on brute strength to pull up, but in an instant it broke through the wall, rushed out of the crack, and landed outside the Buddhist hall in the rain.

"Bold thief..."

"Spread out! Let him go!"

Eunuch Xu and two other great eunuchs, together with more than a dozen masters, had already rushed forward. When they discovered that the man in black outside the Buddhist hall had broken open the wall with his bare hands, he knew that they could not deal with them.

At this time, the order was given to disperse to make way for the thieves. The purpose was naturally not to fight head-on, but to focus on the elixirs to avoid mistakes in the pharmacy where a large amount of Snow Lake Flowers were stored.

Ye Jingtang saw Bing Tuotuo dueling with Zhongsun Jin and was at a disadvantage. He wanted to get rid of the fish blocking the way and rush to help.

However, Eunuch Xu and others recognized him and did not block the way, so they dispersed and gave him to the general in turn.

After all, Qinghe is looking for medicine in the pharmacy. If he goes to deal with Zhongsun Jin, Qinghe will be in danger. And chasing these people is obviously a little too busy. At the moment, he can only urge:


In the basement, Fan Qinghe was already searching at full speed. As long as there was paper with words, he picked it up and stuffed it into his arms. He found that the box containing the snow lake flowers was also carried, but the elixir that had been refined was not found. At that moment, All I can say is:
"Wait a moment, it will be ready soon..."

Fortunately, the teammates of Ye Jingtang are not stupid either. Qiu Tianhe knew that he was here, and he also came close to him at this time, but there were also a lot of gangsters with him.

Ye Jingtang knew Qiu Tianhe's level, so it was okay to guard the door for the time being. When he found traces of Qiu Tianhe, he rushed out with his knife:

"Hold the door."

boom -

As soon as the words were spoken, Night Terror Hall turned to full speed, almost in the blink of an eye, it rushed through the gap left by Eunuch Xu and others and arrived at the outside of the manor.

Zhongsun Jin is a real martial arts saint. He may not be able to beat Lu Taiqing until now, but there is not much pressure to deal with a newcomer like Xue Baijin who has just climbed up.

Originally, Zhongsun Jin was approaching the Buddhist hall with ease, wanting to hold the alchemy room while blocking the thieves. When he heard the sound of breaking wind coming from behind, he frowned, and after forcing Xue Baijin back with a sword, he moved back Flying in the air.


Ye Jingtang was galloping like a ghost with one sword. Before he could get close, he found Zhongsun Jin spinning around in mid-air and flying his sleeves, releasing two black clouds. His figure was instantly obscured, and he could no longer capture his breath.

? !
Ye Jingtang knew that Zhongsun Jin was not only good at martial arts, but also Qimen Dunjia, so he suddenly lost sight of the opponent and did not dare to rush into the black mist.

Xue Baijin was originally chasing and stalling, but when he discovered that Zhongsun Jin had used a trick, he did not dare to underestimate it. He lowered his body and rushed through the building complex from the ground, landing in front of the Night Terror Hall, and said in a deep voice:

"What about people?"

"It must be inside the fog. It can't disappear into thin air."

Ye Jingtang and Bing Tuo Tuo were watching each other's backs. Just as they finished speaking, they heard the black fog suddenly surge. Two black figures rushed out of the fog wearing black cloaks and rushed straight towards the two of them.

? !
Ye Jingtang found that his opponent had turned into two, and could not feel any aura except Po Feng Sheng. Suspense flashed in his heart, and he and Bai Jin immediately rushed out to meet the enemy.


However, in the flash of the sword, Ye Jingtang had already crossed a distance of more than ten feet. He held the knife in his left hand and slashed at the figure's chest and abdomen. As soon as he rushed nearby, his eyes suddenly changed:
"Watch out..."

boom -

The moment the words were spoken, two loud bangs came from the outside of the black mist!

Xue Baijin strode like flying, holding both maces and sweeping towards the figure rushing towards him with a sword. As soon as he rushed forward, he found that there were several thin threads pulling the figure behind him. He felt something was wrong, but it was too late. Out of strong light and flames.

Fortunately, Xue Baijin didn't push up and didn't leave his feet off the ground. Sensing something bad, he stepped hard and pulled his body back. However, he did not avoid the dazzling bright light. He instantly lost his forward vision and his ears were buzzing. Buzzing.

The same is true for Ye Jingtang, but he doesn't know the location of his opponent, but he knows the location of Bing Tuo Tuo.

At the moment when the thunder exploded, Ye Jingtang had already flashed to the front of Xue Baijin. The sword Chihu inserted in his waist was also halfway out of its sheath, and he waved the two swords like a full moon.

Ding Ding Ding ~
As expected by Night Terror Hall, before his vision and ears could recover, a rainstorm of hidden weapons had already flown in front of him. Even though the water splashed by his two knives could not penetrate, several stabbing pains still came from his legs.

Xue Baijin recovered very quickly, and his vision became clear again in just an instant. He raised his hand to pull the Night Terror Hall away, kicked the landscape stone next to him, and hit the direction where the silk threads were connected just now.

boom -

Beneath the black mist was Zhongsun Jin's usual office. Under the bombardment of stones, the roof was torn apart on the spot.

Zhongsun Jin flashed out of the black mist, with an extra bookbox behind him and two swords.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang and Xue Baijin were charging at them again, Zhong Sunjin had no intention of fighting in close combat. He immediately pulled back and pulled out black mist in mid-air.

Night Terror Hall would not suffer losses in the same place twice. Seeing the black mist rise again, he immediately flew to grab the bamboo frame outside the palace, pulled out the bamboo pole with one hand, and there was a yellow dragon in the air.


The strong wind carried the night rain and instantly tore open the black fog ahead.

Xue Baijin, on the other hand, raised his mace and flew forward to try to attack without any instructions. As a result, he just saw Zhongsun Jin's figure, and before he could get closer, the auspicious beast stone sculptures on the left and right spat out more than ten black beads from their mouths and attacked every part of the body. at.


Xue Baijin waved his mace to sweep away the incoming black beads, and smoke suddenly erupted all over his body, and then a long black-edged sword came closer with a sharp whistle.

Ye Jingtang swept out with a shot, and his body was already stomping behind him. He heard the sound of the sword and identified its position. He swept his sword towards the source of the sound. Unexpectedly, he found that there was no one behind the sword hilt, but it was connected by thin threads. He pulled it back without success.

Xue Baijin really felt like a tiger eating the sky and having no place to eat when dealing with this kind of evil patriarch. He didn't want to fight against it, so he asked:
"How to deal with it?"

Ye Jingtang only had two knives with him. Fighting on the home turf of a strange man like Zhong Sunjin, it would be very difficult to solve the problem if he couldn't solve it with one knife. If the delay continued, he might suffer a big loss if Master Xiang Han arrived.

Even if Qinghe didn't find the elixir recipe, he at least found the Snow Lake Flower used to refine the medicine. This trip was not in vain, and he rushed directly to the Buddhist hall:


Zhongsun Jin was in the dark mist and had already confirmed who the two thieves were through his skills. He occupies a good location in the Bishui Forest and could pull the two of them away for a while, but it was impossible to keep the two of them. He didn’t even chase him, he just said loudly:

"I have the elixir and elixir with me, are you two sure you don't want to take it?"

Xue Baijin responded directly: "We are waiting outside. If you have the ability, don't step out of the Bishui Forest for the rest of your life!"

Ye Jingtang didn't say anything nonsense, and arrived near the Buddhist hall in a few strides.

At this time, there was already a melee outside the temple. Qiu Tianhe was on the defensive at the door, while countless Beiliang masters were fighting against the thieves who were trying to fish in troubled waters.Seeing two people leaving the battlefield and running towards this side, the warriors who were fighting in the melee scattered around on the spot.

Fan Qinghe knew that time was tight and did not dare to delay at all. At this time, he rushed out of the underground alchemy room with a package in his hand containing the collected things. When he saw Ye Jingtang approaching, he flew out and followed him. Fleeing towards the mountains behind, I disappeared in the blink of an eye...
roll call:
I recommend a book called "Your Highness Please Kill the Demon". If you are interested, you can read it~
This chapter is to make up for the one that was delayed in the exam a few days ago. I don’t know why in the past few days, but I haven’t been enthusiastic about writing it. I can’t write the climax scene or2...

 Also, Aguan is updated at 0 o'clock. I'll finish it in advance and update it in advance. I will make corrections in the next book and fix the time or2
(End of this chapter)

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