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Chapter 455 Are you spreading salt?

Chapter 455 Are you spreading salt?

As the night got darker, several muffled thunders sounded in the sky, and the rain in the forest became heavier.

The birds squatted on the canopy of the trees, carefully searching the surrounding mountains and forests to prevent anyone from touching them nearby.

Luo Ning had already walked around the manor under the guidance of Niao Niao. At this time, she and Yun Li, who was wearing night clothes, were standing behind the tree trunk, looking at the lights and shadows of swords in the garden below the mountain.

Because the rain was heavy and the manor was full of smoke and people were everywhere, it was impossible to see the battle situation clearly. Naturally, the mother and daughter were a little worried.

Zhe Yunli held up the long knife and frowned: "How about I go over to take care of you?"

Luo Ning pressed Yunli's shoulders and said softly:

"With your three-legged cat skills, you didn't hinder your cousin Jing and Master in the past. You just waited here honestly."

"I have practiced five pictures of the roaring dragon. Ordinary people can't do anything to me..."

"Didn't I also practice five cards? The last time I competed with your master, I still got knocked to the ground..."

"How can this be the same? Master, you are just practicing ten pictures. If you meet the master, you will still be beaten... ahem..."

Zhe Yunli noticed a chill coming from the back of his neck, and immediately shut up, pretending to be a good boy, and looked down the mountain in silence.

Seeing that the occasion was inappropriate, Luo Ning did not pick up Yunli. After waiting for a while, she heard a slight sound coming from the woods:
In the woods, Ye Jingtang was exploring the way in front with a saber hanging on his waist, while Xue Baijin was walking at the end to hold down the formation to prevent Gongsun Jin and others from catching up and attacking.

Fan Qinghe held the package in his hands to avoid getting wet from the rain. Because sneaking into the alchemy room was too exciting, his heart was still pounding, causing his cheeks to be a little red.

Qiu Tianhe came to trouble Wu Sheng. Although he didn't meet Zhongsun Jin at all, he still felt like he was out of danger. He wiped the rain on his face with his hands and said as he walked:

"The twelve servants of Yandu are truly worthy of their reputation. When my Tianhe sword met those three eunuchs, I was defeated to death. Why did they strike first... By the way, Boy Ye, why did you come to Yanjing too?"

Ye Jingtang paid careful attention to the surrounding movements, headed in the direction of Yunli, and responded:
"I came here a few days ago and have been hiding in the city. I was the one who let out the news about Bishui Forest. I didn't expect to attract you here..."



After just a few words, there was movement in the forest, and birds flapped their wings and flew over:


"Night Terror Hall, are you okay?"


When Ye Jingtang saw Ning'er coming out, he was naturally happy, but Yunli and Bingtuotuo were both in front of him, so he couldn't go up and pout, so he just said:

"We're fine, let's go."

Xue Baijin saw that Zhongsun Jin had indeed not caught up with him to seek death. When he came to Ning'er, he slowed down and looked at Ye Jingtang's legs.

The two of them had just been blinded by Hong Tian Lei. Ye Jingtang stepped in front of her with two swords to help block Zhong Sunjin's hidden weapon. Although his upper body was protected from splashing water, the length of the sword was destined to be unable to protect his feet. , the calf was rubbed several times with a concealed weapon, and it was obvious that the trouser legs were torn.

Seeing this, Xue Baijin asked: "Is the injury on your leg serious?"

Ye Jingtang was thick-skinned and didn’t actually pay much attention. Hearing this, he lowered his head and looked:
"It's just a skin injury. It's harmless. How are you?"

"What can I do? It's raining heavily, let's talk about it when we get back."

When Ye Jingtang saw Bing Tuo Tuo walking to the front, he didn't say anything more. He came to Qing He again and asked:

"Did you find anything useful?"

Fan Qinghe held the package in his arms to prevent it from getting wet by the rain. Hearing this, he was a little annoyed:

"This Zhongsun Jin is an old fox. There are only two boxes of Snow Lake Flowers in the alchemy room. He is probably refining one to get a portion of medicinal materials, specifically to prevent outsiders from looting. I haven't read the paper inside, but I definitely won't use it. The recipe for elixir is written above, so I can only go back and study it slowly..."

Ye Jingtang has already obtained the Ming Shen Diagram without any injuries. Being able to come over and get two extra boxes of Snow Lake Flowers is considered an unexpected fortune. He said:
"Don't worry, let's go back and repair it first. If we make a fuss like this, as long as Zhongsun Jin is not sure that we have left, he will never dare to leave the Bishui Forest. If it is not possible, he can just fight back."

Because they had not yet left the Bishui Forest area, something might go wrong at any time. The group of six people did not say much. After a few brief exchanges, they disappeared into the depths of the mountain forest and sped towards the capital...
On the other side, there is clear water and forest.

From the time the Night Terror Hall knocked away the Golden Buddha to the end of the fight, it only took a moment.

Originally, the dozen or so gangsters wanted to take advantage of the Pingtian leader to take the lead in the charge. They followed behind to fish in troubled waters. When they found out that the leader had escaped, they naturally did not dare to stay behind and help deal with Zhongsun Jin. They dispersed almost at the same time. escape.

Due to the short duration of the fight, and the fact that Hua Junchen and others took advantage of the situation, although the scene seemed to be a passionate fight, in fact, not even a few people were killed, and some medicinal materials were lost.

As the gangsters fled, Hua Junchen raised his knife and Li Guangxian chased him to the edge of the wall until a voice came from behind:
"Don't chase the poor bandit, come back."

Only then did Hua Junchen show his unwillingness, snorted coldly at the heavy night rain, put away his knife and headed back to the Buddhist hall, saying with concern along the way:

"Brother Li, are you not injured?"

Li Guangxian was a commander of the Imperial Army, with a salary of one hundred taels of silver per month, and he was also captured as a young man. How could he really risk his life and follow Hua Junchen just now?Hua Junchen was unscathed, so he was naturally fine. At this time, he wiped the sweat from his head:
"It doesn't matter. These thieves are really brave. If Brother Hua hadn't given the sword to Mr. Zhongsun and kept the weapons from his hands, we would have had to keep a few of them today..."


Hua Junchen also saw that Li Guangxian was fishing for money like him, so he didn't say anything more and quickly returned to the front of the Buddhist hall.

The originally majestic and solemn Buddhist hall was damaged by the rampage of the Night Terror Hall. A large part of the roof collapsed, exposing the steel frame; and there was also a hole in the side window.

At this time, the disciples of Qianji Sect were carrying the fainted fellow disciple out of the alchemy room for treatment; while the three eunuchs were on guard around the Buddhist hall.

Zhongsun Jin was wearing a gray robe and carrying a sword. He stood in the messy alchemy room, carefully checking whether the alchemy furnace was damaged. His expression was still calm and calm, and there was not much out of color.

Hua Junchen came to the entrance of the alchemy room, looked down at the messy scene below, and frowned:
"Mr. Zhongsun, what's the situation? The elixir was stolen by thieves from the Southern Dynasty?"

"It's just a few medicinal materials lost. The loss is not big."

After Zhongsun Jin made sure that the alchemy furnace was not affected, he jumped out of the alchemy room with a tap of his toes, landed in front of the golden Buddha, and returned the sword to Hua Junchen:
"Nephew Hua Xian is indeed one of the best among men. It's a pity that he has never set foot in the world before and lacks some experience. As long as he has more experience in the future, it will be possible to catch up with me."

Zhong Sunjin's words were obviously a bit flattering, but they were not entirely polite.

There was chaos just now, and even the three eunuchs didn't understand the situation. Hua Junchen knew how to throw the weapons to him when he encountered the enemy. His eyesight and reaction were far beyond ordinary people's.

As for the follow-up performance of Mi Zongbu, in which no one was injured and no blood was stained on his clothes after the beating, although Zhong Sunjin saw it, he did not think this was wrong.

After all, he was still showing off his skills from far away.

Even though he knew that two martial saints were coming to kill him with the purpose of robbing him of the valuable treasure, he still ran up to him for a bloody fight, was seriously injured, and lost the enemy. Isn't that mentally ill?
If Bishui Forest was not his territory and he found Ye Jingtang and Xue Baijin attacking each other, he would have turned around and ran away without even looking back.

At this time, all the masters of the imperial court were saved, and there were no major casualties. The key items such as the elixir recipe were all there, and only one medicinal material was lost. Compared with the lineup sent by the Southern Dynasty, this was considered a near miss. This Zhongsun Jin really has no anger or anger.

When Hua Junchen was so praised by Zhongsun Jin, he felt a little embarrassed and took the sword respectfully:

"Thank you, sir. Well... what should we do now? Should we go after him, or should he wait here for the Imperial Master to come over?"

Zhongsun Jin shook his head: "The imperial master has already used the elixir. This medicine also allows a person to be reborn in a way that destroys and then establishes. It won't be able to survive in a short time; but as long as I don't die, the Southern Dynasty can't get anything. It's very difficult to go out now." You may be ambushed by the thieves from the Southern Dynasty, so just wait here. If Ye Jingtang dares to kill the carbine, just let him come..."

Seeing that the imperial master would not come out, Hua Junchen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a little sad.

After all, Ye Jingtang has leaked his identity and will be traced and suppressed by the imperial court. He will definitely return to the Southern Dynasty immediately. It will be difficult for him to see his unmarried son-in-law again... I don't know if Qingzhi has been taken away... …

Thinking about this, Hua Junchen was a little worried. He was afraid that his daughter would be abducted by the Night Terror Hall and would never be seen again. He was also afraid that his daughter would not be taken away by the Night Terror Hall and would lose her soul.

But Hua Junchen really couldn't express these feelings. He just turned his head and looked at Ye Yu outside the Buddhist hall, and sighed secretly...
The night is getting darker.

Following the chaos in Bishui Forest, a storm quickly arose in Yanjing City. War drums sounded from the Bell and Drum Towers, and the neighborhoods in the city quickly entered a curfew state. Only patrolling soldiers and horses were left on the streets, and it was difficult to see any common people.

On a small street in the west of the city, all the inns and restaurants have closed their doors. Two teams of officials can be seen going from house to house to inspect the houses. Some voices can be faintly heard between the houses:

"What's going on? Did Nanchao come over?"

"I heard that there was trouble in the garden built for the old Queen Mother, and many gangsters came to kill them..."

"Isn't Bishui Forest not repaired yet? Why are the thieves running there?"

"I don't know. It's probably because His Majesty was on patrol today. These people wanted to assassinate them and found the wrong place..."


In the dim alley behind the small street, Night Terror Hall, who had just turned back, looked towards the street in the shadows, paying attention to the movements of the searching officers and soldiers.

Xue Baijin, who had been walking in front of him along the way, was standing beside him at this time, having fun with Ye Jingtang. During this period, he looked at Ye Jingtang's side face and inevitably recalled some things in his mind.

Last time in Jingjie City, something went wrong because she was blindly thinking about the bathing in fire diagram. She was afraid that she would lose control and ran to the Tianmen Gorge.

As a result, Ye Jingtang and the Empress came to find her in the middle of the night. The Empress sat on her and kept taunting her, while Ye Jingtang held her and comforted her for an hour. She was inevitably touched by the concern that came from the bottom of his heart.

Although Xue Baijin felt a little embarrassed after being held naked and watched for a long time, and didn't want to see the Nightmare Hall, it was finally a reunion at this time.Xue Baijin wanted to say thank you privately, but felt it was too boring, so she said:

"I'll just keep watch. You go back and bandage your legs first."

Ye Jingtang has been practicing Bathing in Fire for a while, and now he can’t feel the skin injuries on his legs. Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo caring about him, he smiled and said:
"Don't worry, let's wait until the limelight passes. By the way, how did you meet Qiu Daxia?"

"He and Xuanyuan Tiangang were traveling in the north. They heard about the elixir and headed towards Yanjing. They happened to meet him at the Drum Tower."

Xue Baijin was a straightforward person, but he was not very good at chatting. He said a few words casually, and when he saw that Ye Jingtang had no intention of going back to rest, he gestured to the pile of debris next to him:
"You sit down."


Ye Jingtang was a little confused when he saw this, but he still followed the instructions and sat down on the pile of debris:
"what happened?"

Xue Baijin didn't say much. He pushed the bamboo hat behind his back and squatted beside him with his cloak on, pulling up the legs of Ye Jingtang's trousers.

Although Ye Jingtang has golden scales and jade bones, the hidden weapon Zhongsun Jin dropped was obviously not an ordinary flying knife. It grazed his calf. Although it did not hurt any muscles or bones, it wiped out three blood grooves on the side of the calf. At this time, it had already moved on its own. Stop bleeding.

Ye Jingtang was surprised when he saw Bing Tuo Tuo preparing to bandage her, but he still declined:

"It's not an injury. There's nothing to bandage. I can just do it myself."

"Yu Huo Tu heals injuries and consumes energy. If you can use medicine, it is better to use medicine. I have always repaid kindness and revenge. Last time in Jingjie City, you helped me protect the road and I bandaged it for you. It is a thank you. ."

Xue Baijin wore white jade armor on his face, and his expression couldn't be seen, but just by listening to the voice, he could imagine the appearance of Bing Tuo Tuo. His words were devoid of any emotion. After checking the scars, he took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood, and then took it out from his waist. Medicine bottle.

Seeing this gentle and virtuous appearance, Ye Jingtang also remembered the scene last time when he held Bing Tuo Tuo and lowered his head to see the white hemisphere.

Realizing that his mind was a little wandering, Ye Jingtang quickly put away his distracting thoughts and raised his eyes to look at Ye Yu:

"Walking around in the world, it's our duty to look after each other...hiss--what a fool..."

Halfway through his clear and easy-going words, Ye Jingtang felt an indescribable burning pain coming from his legs. He jerked his body and raised his hand to open and close his fingers, trying to pull his legs away.

Xue Baijin grabbed Ye Jingtang's ankle and poured medicinal powder on the wound. His hand was very strong and he couldn't let Ye Jingtang pull away.Seeing Ye Jingtang's twitching appearance, she said in disgust:
"Don't move. If you can't bear this little pain, what kind of man are you?"

Ye Jingtang didn't feel this was a little painful. Seeing Bing Tuo Tuo not letting go, he gritted his teeth and said:
"Did you take the wrong bottle? Are you spreading salt?"

Xue Baijin has always been rigorous in his work, how could he make such a stupid mistake and continue to sprinkle the powder:

"This is the medicine I prepared myself. It hurts a little, but the effect is very good..."


Ye Jingtang took a breath and felt that no one is perfect. It was really no joke. With this medical skill that can kill patients to death once and for all, you have the nerve to prepare medicine?
Ye Jingtang didn't know what to say to this stupid Tuo Tuo, so he tried his best to calmly say:
"Have you ever used this medicine yourself?"

"Of course I have."

"You're using it for me after you've used it? Why don't you buy it from the drug store on-site, which can stop bleeding and relieve pain..."

Xue Baijin explained this confidently:
"If a martial artist wants to go far, he must first learn to protect himself. Only by being cautious enough to never ignore minor injuries can he be truly foolproof.

"A martial artist can withstand skin abrasions like this, so he won't take it seriously, let alone reflect on and remember lessons. I use this wound medicine just to make myself feel better every time I get injured. It is unforgettable, even if it is an ordinary scratch, I will never want to suffer it a second time..."

Ye Jingtang thinks this statement makes sense, but it is still difficult to understand:

"Then just wipe it for yourself, why don't you wipe it for me..."

"Don't move!"

Xue Baijin was quite fierce. He carefully sprinkled the medicinal powder and warned:

"I'm not injured, so why do I need to give myself medicine? You are too violent and reckless, and you risk your life with injuries at every turn. If you really meet a strong man, you will probably capsize in the gutter. You have to be careful in the future..."

"Okay, okay, I'll pay attention in the future, that's it..."

Ye Jingtang really can't afford to offend Bing Tuo Tuo, and just wants to go back to the gentle and caring Aunt Fan as soon as possible.

But Xue Baijin showed no mercy at all. After pouring the medicine seriously, he tore off his robe and helped Ye Jingtang bandage his calf, then stood up and clapped his hands:

"How does it feel?"

Ye Jingtang felt that his legs were no longer his. This psychological shadow was definitely unforgettable. He stood up with support on the wall and walked into the alley with his feet:

"It's okay, then you watch the wind first, I'll go back and take a rest."

Xue Baijin saw that Ye Jingtang was willing to go back to the house to rest. He was satisfied and watched Ye Jingtang go away. The corners of his mouth under the mask twitched unnoticeably. He waited for his back to disappear in the alley before continuing to observe the movements on the street...


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone~
The last detailed outline was about Bishui Forest. It was supposed to be a climax in Bishui Forest, and then we would take things back to Jingjie City and start the next volume.

But I couldn't hold back the climax, so I could only write one more plot, which caused me to have serious glitches. I haven't smoothed it out yet, so I was writing a bit slowly...

 Thank you [Born to Love Discussion] [Hey Steven], the leader of the boss, for the reward!

  Thank you [Six Six Crazy] for the rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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