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Chapter 456 Kiss me!

Chapter 456 Kiss me!

The streets were full of officers and soldiers searching house to house, and there was no way to stay in an inn. After Ye Jingtang and others returned, they hid in several abandoned houses in remote lanes.

Qiu Tianhe didn't want to drag his brothers into trouble, so he didn't take Xuanyuan Tiangang with him in his action tonight. After escaping from the tiger's mouth, he went directly to the inn where Xuanyuan Tiangang stayed to report that he was safe.

At this time, in the overgrown courtyard, birds squatted under the eaves diligently, helping the nannies watch the door.

In the room with the doors and windows closed, a small candle was lit.

Fan Qinghe stood by the table, took out the various papers in his arms, and spread them flat on the table to dry to prevent the writing from being stained by rain.

Luo Ning and Zhe Yunli, who had been watching in the woods for a long time, and whose pants were also soaked by the heavy rain, were sitting next to the bed, taking off their night clothes and changing into clean clothes.

Zhe Yunli has been staying with Aunt Fan these days. They talk and laugh a lot on weekdays. When he was changing clothes, he found that the mistress had taken off her skirt, revealing her fair and flawless figure. She thought of something and tilted her head. He looked at Master Niang’s full moon, then looked at Aunt Fan’s waist, and muttered:

"It's true, I never noticed it before..."

Luo Ning looked at the small clothes tied around his neck and looked a little confused when he heard this:

"Didn't see anything?"

"Last time when I was watching the wind at Xixia Temple, Aunt Fan was lying on her stomach. I felt that my butt was so big. Aunt Fan said that the same thing happened to my wife. I really didn't pay attention before... Hiss~ It hurts..."

Before Zhe Yunli could finish a sentence, his ears were pinched, and he quickly bared his teeth and begged for mercy.

Luo Ning's face turned red. She first looked back at her perfectly curved figure. She wanted to argue that it was called 'plump and tall for fertility', but this was obviously inappropriate for Yunli, so she turned to look at Qing He. Angry eyes:
"Qinghe, what do you teach Yunli on weekdays?"

When Fan Qinghe heard Yun Li's sudden words, his expression was quite strange. He realized that Ning'er was scolding her and quickly explained:

"It's just a matter of family matters in private, and I didn't say it in front of outsiders. Besides, this is not what I taught her, it was what she said herself. She is not old enough to touch it..."

Luo Ning had played a group game with Qing He and knew that Qing He had a cowardly personality and was much shyer than her. He probably wouldn't be as arrogant as Shui'er. She then turned to look at Yun Li:
"If you don't study for a good day and think about all these things, if you become like your Aunt Shui'er in the future, I will ask your master to expel you from the school. Do you believe it?"

Zhe Yunli nodded quickly: "I understand my mistake. I will be more polite in the future."

Luo Ning then let go of her ears and put on her clothes again.

After Fan Qinghe laid out the paper, he also came over, untied his waist belt, and prepared to change out of his wet clothes, but before he could do anything, he heard from outside:

"Where's Aunt Fan?"


Upon discovering that Ye Jingtang was back, Luo Ning moved a little faster, and Fan Qinghe also quickly closed his clothes.

Zhe Yunli was cleaned up by his mistress, and now he didn't dare to stand in front of him. When he saw the night terror coming back, he quickly tied up his belt and walked outside:

"I'm going to see Master. Cousin Jing, don't come in yet. Master is changing clothes... eh?"

As soon as Zhe Yunli opened the door, he found Ye Jingtang standing at the door frame of the yard, holding the door frame with one hand and raising his right leg slightly; while Naughty Bird flew to him and tilted his head to look curiously.

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli thought that Ye Jingtang's legs had been broken by his master, so he quickly ran forward in the light rain and lowered his head to check:
"Cousin Jing, what's wrong with your legs?"

Ye Jingtang tried his best to look calm and calm, and raised his hand slightly:
"It's okay, I just took some of your master's unique golden sore medicine. By the way, have you used this medicine before?"

When Zhe Yunli heard this, he understood the whole story instantly, his eyes looked a little strange:
"I used it once when I was a child. It hurt so much that I cried for daddy. Then my master was scolded by my wife and I never used it again. Doesn't cousin Jing have a picture of bathing in fire? Why do you use this kind of ghost thing to treat injuries?"

Do you think I do?

Ye Jingtang felt that Bing Tuo Tuo might still have the element of revenge, so he had already used it, and it was not easy to say more, so he waved his hand and said:

"It's okay. Do you have a good memory? Your master is having a walk, so you can accompany him and take a look. I'll go inside and rest."

Zhe Yunli felt that Cousin Jing could not withstand the master's strong medicine, so he ran out without any delay.

After Ye Jingtang watched Yunli leave, he jumped on his feet and walked towards the main room. However, he never thought about the heartless bird. He thought his appearance was quite interesting. He also raised a paw and followed suit. The person next to me pretended to be lame, jumping and making a 'ji' sound.


Ye Jingtang was speechless, tilted his head and said:
"You go out too!"


Seeing this, Niaoniao turned around and skipped out the door lamely.

Ye Jingtang didn't know what to say, so he limped to the door, raised his hand and knocked:

dong dong~
"Ning'er? Qinghe?"

In the room, Luo Ning and Fan Qinghe noticed that Ye Jingtang had pushed Yun Li away, and their eyes changed, and they didn't want to open the door.

But the men had all arrived at the door, so it was no good to just ignore it. In the end, Ning'er, who was relatively strong-willed, got up and came to the door, opening it a little:

"Qinghe is changing clothes, you go to the next room to rest."

When Ye Jingtang saw the cold Ning'er, he didn't even go up. He held the door with his hand and said:

"My legs hurt a lot. Do you have any painkillers in Qinghe? Give me some..."

Luo Ning knew how overbearing the anti-drug Bai Jin was researching was. She used it once when she was traveling in the rivers and lakes. It gave her a big memory. She is still cautious now, and she can't wait to stay half a mile away from the enemy.

Realizing that Ye Jingtang was really in pain, Luo Ning finally relented and stepped forward to hold her arm:

"Qinghe, do you have any painkillers?"

Ye Jingtang was helped into the house, and Qinghe also walked over, pretending to be a female doctor, holding Ye Jingtang's wrist and checking:
"Are you pretending again? You were beaten so hard by King Zuo Xian that you couldn't stand up, and you didn't change your face. How can it hurt like this if you put some medicine on it?"

"Why am I pretending? It's not as simple as pain. It feels like soaking your feet in coarse salt and strong liquor. It hurts no matter what. Compared with this, the torture in Class [-] of Hei Ya is like children's play..."

Ye Jingtang sat on the bed, leaned into Ning'er's arms, and put his legs on Qing He's knees.

Luo Ning knew that this little thief would be dishonest when he entered the house, but after not seeing each other for a long time, she still missed him a little, so she didn't push her away. She raised her hand to hug Ye Jingtang, supported her back with her chest, and put her chin on her shoulder. Look up.

Fan Qinghe took off his boots, unzipped Ye Jingtang's trouser legs, and checked briefly. He found that the skin wound was well bandaged, but he did not remove it and change the dressing. Instead, he took out a silver needle from the wallet at the back of his waist and stabbed it in Night Terror Hall's knees:

"How is it? Does it still hurt?"

As soon as the silver needle pierced Ye Jingtang's right leg, he lost all feeling, and the burning pain naturally disappeared. He breathed a sigh of relief:

"I feel much better. After all these years of traveling around the world, this is the first time I've come across such a powerful drug..."

After saying that, Ye Jingtang raised his head and gave Leng Yan's cheek a light kiss, and then wanted to stand up and give Aunt Fan a bite.

But Fan Qinghe knew the man's temper very well, and when he saw that Ye Jingtang was about to cause chaos, he pulled out the silver needle directly.


Ye Jingtang, who had just stood up, took a deep breath again, leaned back and raised his hand slightly:
"Okay, okay, I won't move around, just lean on it and rest."

Luo Ning was caught off guard and was slapped on the face, and her eyes were quite annoyed. However, Qing He took over the discipline on her behalf. Naturally, she didn't pinch Ye Jingtang's back, she just frowned and said;

"Why don't you change your ways? Yunli and Bai Jin are both outside, do you still want to do whatever you want?"

"I didn't mean that. It was just a kiss. We haven't seen each other for so long..."

Luo Ning didn't believe this at all, knowing in her heart that Ye Jingtang must be making a wrong idea, so she hummed softly:
"It's so chaotic outside right now. I don't have time for you to mess around. You have to focus on business. The local official only patrols every half an hour, so it's impossible to stay here. Where should we stay later?"

Fan Qinghe inserted the silver needle back again, thought about it and said:

"Why don't you go and live in Washington first? The Hua family has a great reputation and the government will not come to check easily. No one will care about two more maids. We will only stay for a few days anyway..."

Ye Jingtang knew that hiding in the Hua family was a good fit. With Uncle Hua's performance today, it would be difficult for the Beiliang court to become suspicious again; but he had made such a big mistake and even ran back to the Hua family, so he obviously meant to cause trouble for the Hua family. .

Ye Jingtang thought about this for a while and said:
"I'll go back and take a look later and discuss it with Miss Hua to see if it's convenient..."

On the other side, in the mansion behind Wanbao Building.

Hua Junchen and Ye Jingtang both left the Washington Mansion, and the house suddenly became deserted. There was still the sound of the guard concierge talking in the front house, while the back house fell into silence, with only a lantern swinging under the eaves.

In the boudoir where the young lady lives, the window is open, and outside is the drizzle of rain.

Luzhu dressed elegantly, standing at the small table, pouring the freshly prepared medicine; Hua Qingzhi was sitting in a wheelchair, facing the window and looking at the afterglow of the lights outside, and did not regain her consciousness for a long time.

Luzhu saw that Mr. Ye and Yunli had left and had not come back yet, and that there was a huge chaos in the city, so she guessed that Mr. Ye might have finished his work and had gone away, never to come back again.

Luzhu had just adapted to the days when Ye Jingtang was in front of her, so she was naturally a little disappointed. However, the young lady was obviously more melancholy than she was. After discovering that the young lady had not spoken for a long time, she came to him with a medicine bowl and comforted:

"Miss, don't think so much. For a person as powerful as Mr. Ye, no one in the world can stop him wherever he wants to go. He might come back after a while..."

Hua Qingzhi was sitting in a wheelchair. Although her expression was as usual, she could still feel a bit lonely in her eyes. When she heard the words, she came back to her senses, took the medicine bowl and held it in her hands:

"There is so much commotion outside. It would be very dangerous for him to come back. Even if he does come, he will probably bring tens of thousands of troops with him. I don't know how many people will die by then..."

Lu Zhu stood behind and helped to rub her shoulders: "Miss, you are worrying too much. Mr. Ye is such a good person. Even if he comes with soldiers and horses, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. When the two countries are unified, there will be no war in the world, miss." You should be happy..."

Hua Qingzhi felt that it was outrageous to say that she was in Daliang and her heart was in Wei. After taking a sip of the medicine, she turned around and said:

"Okay, you go and rest first. I'll fall asleep after I drink the medicine."

Lu Zhu sighed secretly, and did not disturb the young lady anymore. She turned around and walked to the door, closed the door, and quietly returned to her room.

Drizzle was falling outside the window, and as Luzhu left, the room became quieter.Hua Qingzhi took a few sips of the medicine. She used to find it difficult to swallow, but now she found that she felt nothing. After staring at Ye Yu for a while, she wheeled her wheelchair to the bookshelf, took out a scroll, and hung it on the bookshelf.

As the scroll unfolds, the back of the man in the painting appears in the candlelight.

Hua Qingzhi thought about every detail of these days, and suddenly felt that it was a wise move to paint a picture at Xixia Temple that day. Otherwise, she would not even have anything to recall the past, and she would probably feel even more empty.

Looking at the vivid back figure on the scroll, Hua Qingzhi felt a little better. After admiring it for a moment, her eyes moved slightly and she took out a small bottle from the storage compartment on the side of the wheelchair.

Inside the small bottle was 'Dream Like Huan Powder'. After she heard about this medicine from Wang Jiwen, she was very interested in it, but she couldn't ask Ye Jingtang for the frozen face cream that was sent out, so she gave it to her in private. Hua Ning went and bought a bottle secretly.

Hua Qingzhi originally wanted to try this medicine secretly to see what Ye Jingtang would look like in her eyes, but unfortunately, Ye Jingtang left before she could.

I don’t know if it will work if used on portraits...

Hua Qingzhi looked around and saw that Luzhu was not there and there were no outsiders in the yard, so she opened the small medicine bottle, put it to her nose and smelled it according to Hua Ning's words.

As the strange floral fragrance spread to the tip of her nose, Hua Qingzhi felt relaxed and happy, and even her chaotic mind became a little calmer.

Hua Qingzhi stared at the back of the portrait and felt it carefully. Not to mention the result, but after a while, she found that the painting had changed. The spring scenery originally outlined with plain brushes began to show colorful colors.

The person in the painting, holding a folding fan and standing with his hands behind his back, his robe began to flutter in the wind, and he turned his head, revealing his unparalleled beauty and unforgettable face.


Hua Qingzhi's eyes showed a brilliance. She moved closer and raised her hand to touch. However, she unexpectedly found that Young Master Ye in the painting had actually walked out and was slightly possessed in front of her. With a smile, she moved towards her. He touched her cheek and looked like he was about to kiss her...

! !
Hua Qingzhi was stunned and quickly shrank back: "Mr. Ye, you...".

The handsome young master in front of her had no intention of shutting up. Her legs were not conducive and it was difficult to hide, so she could only close her eyes nervously.

As a result, after waiting for a while, the expected electric shock-like feeling did not come from my cheeks.


Hua Qingzhi looked a little dazed, opened one eye and looked around, only to find Mr. Ye standing in front of her, looking at her with a teasing smile.


Hua Qingzhi was speechless and took a breath, her eyes a little annoyed:

"Mr. Ye, what do you mean?"

As a result, the incomparably handsome Ye Gongzi in front of him smiled, then lowered his head and came closer.


Hua Qingzhi felt that she was serious this time, her heart trembled, and she quickly closed her eyes again.

The result was the same as last time, I still didn't feel anything.


Hua Qingzhi opened her eyes again, a little annoyed:

"If you want to kiss me, then kiss me. If you don't want to, just stay in the painting. If you tease people again, I will set you on fire. Do you believe it?"

Mr. Ye in front of him seemed to feel threatened. Seeing this, his expression became a little more straightened, and he lowered his head and came closer.

Hua Qingzhi was originally very nervous, but after being teased twice, she became completely disbelieving. She frowned and stared at the approaching face.

But as the distance between the two parties got closer and closer, it seemed that the man's breath was blowing on her face. She finally panicked and closed her eyes gently. The result...

Still haven’t kissed!
"You bastard!"

Hua Qingzhi was teased again, even though she had a gentle temper, she also lost her temper at this time.

She slid her wheelchair and wanted to take the initiative, but the handsome young man in front of her was quite cunning. He floated around the room and teased her with petals and butterflies. Occasionally, he even showed the magic of disappearing out of thin air and appeared behind her. She was running around the house in a wheelchair, feeling increasingly annoyed...

goo goo goo...
There was thunder in the sky, and as the night got darker, the rain became heavier and heavier.

Ye Jingtang changed into a servant's robe, wore a raincoat and flew through the streets. After arriving in Washington, he did not alert the concierge or guards, and went directly to the back house by familiar routes.

The lights were turned off in the courtyard of the back house, but Luzhu could be seen leaning against the window alone, looking up to the south, with a little loss between his brows, as if he was missing someone.

In the room where Hua Qingzhi lived, there was the sound of a turning wheel, but no words were spoken.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang first came to Hua Qingzhi's room and looked in from the window. She could see Hua Qingzhi in a nightgown, sitting alone in a wheelchair, walking around the room, looking around, and I don’t know what he is doing, but he looks quite angry.

And on the bookshelf not far away, there is a painting, which is a picture of his back during an outing outside the city.


Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was a little confused. He quietly jumped into the room from the window, raised his hand and knocked on the window:
dong dong~
Hua Qingzhi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, turned around immediately after hearing this. After finding him standing at the window, instead of showing any surprise or surprise, she actually showed a bit of anger and quickly slid her wheelchair over.

Ye Jingtang was naturally confused when he saw this:
"Miss Hua, you..."

Hua Qingzhi didn't hesitate. She kept her angry look and quickly came to him. When the distance was close enough, before the other party disappeared again, she directly grabbed her wrist and said angrily:
"I finally caught you, why didn't you run away?"


Facing the aggressive Hua Qingzhi, Ye Jingtang felt a little confused:
"I...I didn't want to run away. I just went to do business today..."

After being teased for a long time, Hua Qingzhi had no intention of listening to such nonsense. She straightened her back and raised her cheeks, and ordered very forcefully:

"kiss Me!"


Ye Jingtang was shocked when he heard this!He wanted to refuse this outrageous request, but he was afraid that the angry Hua Qingzhi would bite him to death, so he could only say awkwardly:
"This is not good, we..."

Seeing that Hua Qingzhi had caught this guy, she still dared to push him away. She was not polite at the moment and forcefully pulled Ye Jingtang in front of her, and then stood up slightly:

The slight sound of red lips touching cheeks resounded in the room.


Ye Jingtang was kissed on the cheek, his eyes were stunned, and he froze on the spot, unable to speak.

Hua Qingzhi succeeded in kissing the man's cheek and felt much better, but as the indescribable touch came, her face turned a little red.

Perhaps because she felt that this dream-like touch was particularly real, she thought about it and straightened her face upright, and gave it a couple more honest licks, then lightly licked her red lips, waved her hand and said:
"Okay, you go back, I'm going to bed."


Ye Jingtang really didn't expect that Hua Qingzhi had such a domineering side. He thought about it and walked up to him and pulled the wheelchair:
"Miss Hua, what's wrong with you?"

Hua Qingzhi found the person in the painting quite annoying, so she turned around:

"Not kissed enough?"

"Uh...not really..."

Hua Qingzhi didn't hesitate, raised her green jade finger and pointed at the bookshelf hanging the scroll:
"When you've kissed me enough, go back! If you don't obey me again, do you believe I'll draw a queen and come out to beat you?"


Ye Jingtang was confused. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized something and asked:
"Miss Hua, did you take Ru Meng Shu Huan San?"

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes and said confidently:
"Yeah, otherwise how could I see you?"

Ye Jingtang was speechless, spread his hands and said:

"I'm a real person! Look carefully."

The strength of Hua Qing Zhi Yao obviously hadn't passed. After a closer look, he found that Ye Jingtang was a little more handsome. He seemed to be glowing, and his clothes had changed into the young master's robe he wore when he first met in the capital.She frowned and said:
"You still dare to lie? You are a real person, how can your clothes change?"

Ye Jingtang looked down, his expression a little broken:
"You see that I have changed, but I see that I have not changed! Wake up, I am real, not a fake."

Hua Qingzhi kissed her, so she definitely didn't believe anything she said. She ignored her and turned back to the bed:

"If you don't leave, then I'll go to sleep. If you are still here when I wake up, I will treat you as real."

Ye Jingtang is not Qinghe, nor can he interpret dreams and illusions. With no choice, he can only say:

"Then you go to sleep first and wait until you wake up. I'll watch the door for you... eh?"

Ye Jingtang didn't even say anything about it when he noticed that Hua Qingzhi opened the ties of her nightgown very proudly, revealing her fair shoulders. He was shocked. He didn't dare to stare, so he quickly jumped out of the window and closed the window. .

Hua Qingzhi turned around and found that Ye Jingtang had disappeared again, and snorted softly:
"You still dare to say that you are not a dummy, then you are gone."

"I'm outside! You go to sleep first and talk about it when you wake up."


Hua Qingzhi didn't listen to these explanations. She stood up in the wheelchair, fell on the pillow, and closed her eyes with satisfaction...
I haven’t finished writing it until now at 2 o’clock in the morning. Kavinka is in pain or[-].

(End of this chapter)

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