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Chapter 457 Disgusted!

Chapter 457 Disgusted!

The sound of rain fell heavily, and the sound of breathing in the room gradually became steady and long.

Ye Jingtang was waiting outside the window. According to his personal experience, without taking the initiative to remove the medicine, the dreamlike medicine would last for half an hour, and it would be impossible to tell if he woke up before that.

After waiting for a while, he saw that Uncle Hua had not come back today, and there were not many people in the house, so it was not a big problem to stay temporarily, so he asked the bird who was responsible for watching outside to go back and let him know first, and then he leaned against the window and looked out of his arms. The Ming Shen picture was taken out.

Although the Minglong pictures have the same shape, their contents are different. The dragon elephant picture is a turtle carrying three mountains, which has infinite meaning; while the Mingshen picture is a mythical beast lying on the ground. According to the Night Terror Hall, it should be the legendary ' Listening carefully means that the six senses are sharp and can perceive everything in the world.

The Ming Shen Picture is the most mysterious of the first six pictures. Its specific effect is to make people's minds particularly clear, which leads to clear eyes and ears, extraordinary reactions, particularly coordinated body control, etc.

Without this picture, he would be similar to Eunuch Cao. His physical fitness is abnormal, but his brain cannot keep up with his body at all. As a result, he is like a small horse pulling a cart. Either his movements are sluggish, or he is unable to stop due to excessive force and is directly compressed. The upper limit of combat power.

The same goes for Ye Jingtang. When he was fighting King Zuo Xian, he couldn't even see clearly when the sword went out. It was because his eyesight reaction and so on couldn't keep up with his physical rhythm.

Such a move is equivalent to using your own strength and leaving the rest to luck, and your opponent will not be able to react.

This kind of fighting method is no different from gambling on life. If you encounter a master who can react, you may not know how to die.

At this time, there is the Ming Shen Diagram. As long as you can learn it and use it like the Bathing in Fire Diagram, it will be regarded as perfect both internally and externally with no shortcomings.

After observing carefully for a moment, Ye Jingtang roughly memorized the context of the picture. Then he put away the Ming Shen picture, sat cross-legged under the eaves of the window, pinched the Ziwu Jue, and began to secretly practice the technique.

As the mind became more and more calm, the sound of rain hitting the flowers and plants around me became obviously clearer, and the chatter of the concierge and the guard could be faintly heard:
"The chaos is so big, I'm afraid I won't come back tonight. How about I go to the city and find out what's going on?"

"Want to go find Sister Yao again?"

"Oh, what I said is that the sky is about to fall. How can I have the heart to think about this..."


Ye Jingtang listened carefully with his ears slightly moved, and could even hear the slight movement of the concierge holding up the tea bowl and blowing air, but the distance did not increase much. It was obvious that he still had to practice slowly over time, and the range would gradually increase.

After sensing it for a moment, Ye Jingtang turned his attention to the house again.


Because there is only one window, the movement inside the room can be seen at a glance. You can even feel through the subtle friction of the fabric that Hua Qingzhi is not sleeping very deeply. She seems to be dreaming, and she is rubbing her legs... …


Ye Jingtang's expression was a little weird, but he understood in his heart. After all, dreams and illusions are a kind of entertainment, which can arouse desire and enhance imagination. Hua Qingzhi's thoughts were distorted just now, and they became even more distorted after falling asleep. Within reason.

Because it was inappropriate to listen to the room, Ye Jingtang did not pay attention to the situation in the room. After meditating and waiting for two quarters of an hour, he noticed movement on the wall on the side of the mansion. Four figures quietly jumped in and went directly to the place where Qing He was temporarily staying. yard.

Ye Jingtang knew that Bingtuotuo and the others were coming. Seeing Yunli looking over the wall, he slightly raised his hand to signal them to change clothes and rest first, and then continued to wait...
Unknowingly, an hour passed, and it was late at night. The rain outside the window was getting heavier, and another muffled thunder sounded:

On the embroidered bed, Hua Qingzhi lay flat on the pillow covered with a spring quilt. As the strength of the medicine faded, her expression gradually returned to her usual softness and elegance, with a slight blush still remaining on her face.

As the muffled thunder sounded from above the roof, Hua Qingzhi's eyelashes trembled slightly, then she opened her eyes slightly sleepily, and turned to look at the quiet room.

Seeing the picture scroll still hanging on the bookshelf, she couldn't help but sigh softly.

Alas, it is still a dream after all...

I took medicine to see Mr. Ye. Why did he kiss me? Could it be that Mr. Ye was interested in me...

No, this is what I imagined in my dreams. It must be because I think Mr. Ye is interested in me...

Although Hua Qingzhi's demeanor and behavior look more mature, she is still about the same age as Yun Li, so it is reasonable to think about these messy things.

After lying alone for a while, after her mind regained consciousness, Hua Qingzhi gently lifted the quilt and sat up, holding the wall with her hands, and came to the bookshelf to look at the scrolls outlined in ink and wash.

Recalling the moment when her lips touched the man's cheek, Hua Qingzhi's cheeks turned red involuntarily. Perhaps out of curiosity, she picked up the scroll and touched the arms and side of the man's face.

It's a pity that no matter how realistic the scroll is, it is still a cold, dead thing, without the immersive touch that I just felt.

Hua Qingzhi's eyes flashed with disappointment, then she turned around and came to the window, holding up the window to look at the night rain outside and calm down for a moment.

But as the window opened, she found a bamboo hat hanging outside the window sill, and looking down, there seemed to be someone sitting there.

? !
Hua Qingzhi couldn't use her legs anymore. When she suddenly saw this scene, she staggered with fright and almost sat on the ground. She held on to the window sill with her hands to support her body.

She looked out in fear, only to see a handsome young man in black sitting under the window sill. He was sitting on the ground like a Taoist priest. His expression was neither happy nor angry, and he seemed to be in meditation.

There is also a light red lip mark on the left cheek, which is obviously the color she often uses...


Hua Qingzhi was confused, blinked her eyes hard, then raised her hand and pinched her arm:

"This medicine is really strong, and it hasn't even worn off yet..."

Outside the window, Ye Jingtang heard that Hua Qingzhi had woken up. As the window opened, he slowly calmed down and turned his head to look at Hua Qingzhi with incredible eyes:

"woke up?"

boom -

A muffled thunder sounded in the sky again, and it also hit Hua Qingzhi's heart.

Hua Qingzhi's body stiffened slightly. She looked at Mr. Ye who was very close at hand. Her face turned red to the naked eye, but her eyes still looked unbelieving. She asked:

"Why haven't you disappeared yet?"

Ye Jingtang felt helpless, stood up and faced Hua Qingzhi, pinched his face and pulled:

"I told you that I am a real person. I didn't leave today. I just came back after finishing my work. I also brought two friends with me. I want to stay here temporarily for two days. I don't know if it's convenient..."

Hua Qingzhi stared blankly at Ye Jingtang. She could no longer hear the words behind her. She just looked at the lip prints on Junlang's cheeks, and the scene that just happened flashed through her mind...

Could it be that everything just now was true...

What have I done...

No, it was obviously because he wanted to kiss me or not, so I...

Whether he wants to kiss him or not, I can't go up to him and kiss him. How could I do such a shameful thing...

Hua Qingzhi's mind turned over and over in an instant. Finally, she felt that this must be a dream and could not be real. She closed her eyes and fell back, hoping to continue sleeping and escape from this embarrassing situation.

While Ye Jingtang was talking, he found that Hua Qingzhi rolled her eyes and fainted. Naturally, she was startled and jumped into the window, holding her arm:
"what happened to you?"


Hua Qingzhi felt the real touch on her arm and wished she could just die. She closed her eyes without opening them and just waved her hands and said:

"Don't worry about it. I'm a little tired and want to go to bed. Just go back to your room and rest..."

Ye Jingtang noticed that Hua Qingzhi's whole body was tense, and knew that she must be thin-skinned and too embarrassed to see others. She did not continue the execution at that moment, and helped Hua Qingzhi to the bed, comforting her with a pleasant expression:
"I just took the wrong medicine. It's just like being drunk. Your words and actions are out of control. Don't take it to heart..."

Hua Qingzhi didn't dare to listen to Ye Jingtang's words. After her legs touched the bed, she lay directly on it, pulled up the quilt and covered her face, and said in a soft voice:

"I'm asleep, you go out first..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly. After helping to pull the quilt, he wanted to go out. Unexpectedly, just as he turned around, Hua Qingzhi hurriedly lifted the quilt:

"You...you wipe your face first, Rouge..."


Ye Jingtang raised his hand and touched his face, and wiped the place where he had just kissed with his sleeve, then quietly jumped out of the house and closed the window.

After Hua Qingzhi watched the night terror hall go out, she buried her face in the quilt and her heart beat like a drum. She tossed and turned, wanting to wake up from the nightmare, but this was obviously not a dream.

Because she was so ashamed, Hua Qingzhi even wanted to run away from home secretly and hide out for a while.

But as the saying goes, "When your legs are used, you will lose them." She obviously did not have this condition. She had inconvenient legs and feet, so she was so angry that she kicked the quilt a few times with her feet and said as if nothing happened:
"I lost someone..."
It was raining continuously outside the window, and the house was completely quiet.

Ye Jingtang stood outside the window. After making sure that Hua Qingzhi was not ashamed enough to hide her face and throw herself into the lake, she sighed softly and turned back to the side yard.

Because it was too late, Qinghe and Ning'er both took a rest and slept together, while Bingtuotuo lived in Yunli House.

At this time, Yunli had already fallen asleep, while Xue Baijin was still wearing a brocade robe, standing under the eaves, using a dry towel to wipe the feathers of the birds who didn't sleep at night.

The bird stood on the arm, its head was rubbed little by little, and it whispered "coo-coo-chichi". It seemed that it was saying - it rains constantly every day, and I am worried about killing the mountain bird...

Ye Jingtang climbed over the wall and landed in the corridor. Xue Baijin turned his head, revealing his rather cold fox eyes. He glanced at him and then continued to look at Ye Yu:
"You have so many confidantes. You have a place to stay wherever you go."

Ye Jingtang came to the front, shook his head and smiled: "It's just a friend I met in Yun'an before. It's too late, why don't you rest?"

"It's not peaceful in the city right now. Someone might come and kill you at any time. I can't sleep. You go and accompany Ning'er first. I'll be here for a walk and we'll change shifts during the day."

"..." Ye Jingtang really wanted to accompany his wife, but turning around and leaving would be like a pervert, so he still came forward:
"You should learn this to avoid things going wrong next time."

Xue Baijin turned his head when he heard the words. His eyes were originally dull, but when he saw the golden paper, his eyes turned into surprise. He threw away the bird he was enjoying and took the picture of the singing dragon to look at it:
"Ming Shen Tu? Where did you get it?"

Ye Jingtang looked slightly satisfied: "I just went to the palace to steal it, and it took a lot of effort to get it."


Xue Baijin knew how difficult it was to go to the palace to steal the dragon picture, so he retreated to the second best idea of ​​​​Bishui Lin.Seeing that Ye Jingtang succeeded without saying a word, and showed it to her as if he were taking a cabbage, Xue Baijin was a little surprised. He thought about it and frowned:
"Such a unique and valuable treasure will lead to death if anyone knows that it is in your hands. You just show it to me?"

Ye Jingtang said calmly: "If you look at it, there will be no missing pieces of meat. Why can't you? Besides, we are not out of danger yet, and we won't let you learn some good things. If you meet Xiang Han's master, Zhong Sun Jin, and join forces, you What should I do if I can’t defeat you with just this little bit of background?”

Xue Baijin thought about it too, but still felt that this gift was too heavy.

After all, she has always been strong and never felt that she was weaker than the men in the world. She got the picture of Bathing in Fire in exchange for the evergreen picture and a cart of snowy lake flowers, so she didn't need to owe any favors at all.

As for this Ming Shen Picture, she didn't give anything to her. If she was like Ning'er, hugging a man's thigh and rubbing against the Minglong Picture, she owed such a big favor, and I'm afraid it would be difficult to repay it in the future...

Xue Baijin had some unclear contact with Ye Jingtang, and was afraid that there would be misunderstandings with these gifts, so he handed the Minglong Picture back:

"I do not want."


Ye Jingtang was quite surprised to see this: "Why not? Do you still want to deduce it yourself? If something goes wrong again, I may not have time to save you..."

Xue Baijin put the Minglong Picture into Ye Jingtang's hands:

"I am a rebel of the Pingtian Sect, and I am at odds with the empress. If you give me this, I will not be recruited."

Ye Jingtang slightly spread his hands and said: "I have two things to do, and I am not just a member of the imperial court. I am not giving you this so that you can be recruited, but because I am worried that if you encounter an enemy next time, we will not be able to deal with it even if we work together. Don't be so stubborn. We must put the overall situation first, come and take a look.”

Xue Baijin really couldn't refute this reason, so he thought about it and asked again:
"If the empress knew, you would secretly show this to me, wouldn't she be angry?"

Ye Jingtang said helplessly: "At present, it is urgent to obey the authority in order to escape danger. It will be good if we can successfully steal it. How can the imperial court care about it so much?"

Xue Baijin saw that Ye Jingtang had no worries and could not refuse, so he stopped talking and took over the Minglong Picture to examine it carefully. After a while, he returned it to Ye Jingtang:
"Thanks. I will return the favor to you later."

"Let's come to Yanjing to make trouble together. If we don't take out the good things, there will be a problem. We won't pay back anything."

Ye Jingtang put away the Singing Dragon Picture and tilted his head to indicate:
"You go back to the house to think about it and digest it, and let the birds keep watch all night. I'll keep an eye on it too."

Xue Baijin wanted to go back, but she felt that it was too unreasonable to just turn around and leave after taking advantage of it. After thinking about it, she lowered her head and looked at Ye Jingtang's right leg.


Ye Jingtang was shocked when he saw this look in his eyes, and quickly hid his right leg behind his back:
"No! My injury has healed. You can go back to your room and rest."

Xue Baijin wanted to change Ye Jingtang's dressing. Seeing that he was being polite, he stopped insisting and turned around and said:

"Go and do your work, call me anytime if you need anything."

Ye Jingtang kept smiling and nodded, and after watching Bing Tuo Tuo enter the house, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When there was no sound in the room, Ye Jingtang stood under the eaves for a while. After guessing that Bingtuotuo had fallen into trance, he let Niaoniao continue to watch and quietly came to the opposite room.

Opposite is the room where Qinghe lives. It is not big and only has a plank bed. After the two women came back, they changed their clothes and lay on the pillows. They seemed to be breathing calmly and fell asleep, but in this situation, how could they sleep? With.

Ye Jingtang quietly opened the door, and just as he entered the room, there was movement on the bed.

Fan Qinghe, who was sleeping on the back, fluttered his eyelashes and pretended not to wake up; while Luo Ning turned her head, pulled the spring quilt up a little, frowned and said:

"What are you doing here? You don't have a house?"

Ye Jingtang bolted the door, came to him quietly, and said with a smile:
"Long time no see, I just came over to take a look. Go inside and get some sleep..."

Luo Ning's eyes were displeased and she pressed Ye Jingtang's hand that was lifting the quilt:

"It's such a big place, how can three people sleep there? Be honest, Yunli and Bai Jin are both sleeping opposite..."

Fan Qinghe felt that Ning'er should not be able to stop him, so he opened his eyes and sat up:

"How about I go out? It's been a while since we last met. Let's get together."

Luo Ning was so kind-hearted that she had no nerve to push Qing He out to eat alone, so she held Qing He back with her hands:

"Why are you going out? You let him go out."


Fan Qinghe was speechless when he heard this, and thought to himself: If I have this ability, why would he put his knee on his shoulder and give me medicine every day?
Seeing that the two of them had no intention of refusing, Ye Jingtang hugged Ning'er and leaned against Qing He, then got into the quilt himself:

"Okay, go to sleep, I'll just be gentle."

How could Luo Ning not understand this little thief's temperament? Don't even think about driving him away if he wants to. She didn't speak at that moment. She closed her eyes and turned her cheek to the inside. She said that even if you get me, you won't get my heart. posture.

When Fan Qinghe saw that Ning'er was not cooperating, it was hard for her as an aunt to take the initiative, so she held the quilt, closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping, and ignored the night terror.

When Ye Jingtang saw that the two of them had acquiesced, he was no longer polite. He got under the quilt and pushed the light clothes under his neck. The four balls were licked from left to right.


Luo Ning'e frowned lightly and arched her instep slightly. She hadn't done anything like that for a long time. Suddenly, she couldn't bear to be so direct. But she was afraid that Qinghe would notice something strange and couldn't say anything. She just bit her lower lip and endured it.

But Fan Qinghe was still thin-skinned, afraid that Ning'er would hear her reaction, so he lay beside him with his eyes closed tightly, his face turned red and he even held his breath.

Ye Jingtang found it quite interesting to face two shy wives who were uncooperative. He poked his head between the two of them and tapped their lips one by one:

"It's a family law, whoever speaks out first gets the first comment, lest you say I'm partial."

Luo Ning fluttered her eyelashes. She wanted to respond but was afraid that Ye Jingtang would say that she had spoken first, so she clenched her small fist and hit her chest. Fan Qinghe, on the other hand, did not dare to rush forward and pressed his lips tightly together to hold back. Awaiting punishment.

Ye Jingtang saw that the two of them had acquiesced again, and nodded slightly. The rain and dew were soaked in the rain and dew, and his hands were not honest, and he slowly moved around...


Facts have proved that even if Ning'er has the most experience, she still can't change the fact that her fighting ability is low. She can bully Shui'er, but she was quickly defeated against Qing He. She raised her neck and let out a soft cry.

Fan Qinghe felt relieved and quickly pushed Ye Jingtang out, and also turned sideways and shrank inward to free up the battlefield for Ning'er.

When Ye Jingtang saw Ning'er's expression of shame, anger and annoyance, she almost laughed in her heart, but she didn't dare to smile, so she leaned into her ear with a fair face:

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat."

"Little thief! Can you try talking again?"


Ye Jingtang nodded seriously to indicate that he was not talking, and then lowered his head to hold his red lips in his mouth. His left hand did not forget to comfort Qing He who wanted to watch the show...

At the same time, in the opposite room.

In order to facilitate his work, Xue Baijin did not change his clothes after entering the house. He just sat cross-legged on the bed and carefully practiced the Ming Shen Diagram he had just received.

Not to mention the results, this thing is really overbearing!

As soon as she started practicing, her six-consciousness perception changed significantly. She could clearly hear the sound of every raindrop breaking outside, as well as the muddy sound of Ning'er being moved in and out...

? !
Xue Baijin suddenly heard a strange noise, and his fair cheeks quickly turned blood red. The good impression he had on Ye Jingtang after receiving the gift was gone. He wanted to hit this pervert with his mace.

Ning'er feels so uncomfortable, she still doesn't know the severity...

Xue Baijin didn't want to hear all this nonsense. When he noticed something was wrong, he quickly stopped and turned his attention to the distance. As a result, he unexpectedly discovered that they were not the only ones who were awake in the house.

The scholarly lady who lives further away is not asleep either. She is rolling back and forth on the bed, not knowing what she is doing...

The birds seemed to have gone to the backyard, staring at the chicken coop and making cooing noises, which made the big rooster tremble with fear...


Behind Xue Baijin, Zhe Yunli had fallen asleep. She didn't know whether she was disturbed by the thunderstorm or something else. She woke up half way through and looked around blankly:

dong dong~
Before he finished speaking, Xue Baijin raised his hand and tapped his apprentice's chest twice.

There was an inexplicable look in Zhe Yunli's eyes, and then he closed his eyes and lay back...

 Call me by name: I recommend the book "The Invincible Prince Consort: Starting from Marrying the Demented Princess". If you are interested, you can read it~


(End of this chapter)

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